
Reading Think about the last book you read. Write or tell someone about it? Make sure you are clear about what happened. If you had to rate it out of 10 what would you give it and why?Numeracy and Mathematics - HalvingFind thing which you can halve e.g. a slice of bread, a piece of Play Doh. Cut the item in half. Try to make both parts the same size.Challenge: Can you cut your item into 4 equal parts? What is your strategy?Health and WellbeingCreate a Happiness-Helper. Put a selection of your favourite things into a box to help you feel better when you are upset. Photos of loved ones, toys or games can all help us start to feel a little better.Tools for Writing - Vocabulary and SpellingUse the words your teacher has given you. Make a choice about how to learn your words this week. Why did you choose this method? Did it work or did you try something else instead?Numeracy and Mathematics - InstructionsGet two toys or teddies. Put one teddy on the floor. Follow the instructions for where to put the other teddy:Put it behind the first teddyPut it in front of the first teddyPut it on top of the first teddyPut it under the first teddyPut it to the left of the first teddyPut it to the right of the first teddySTEMMake a box road. Find a box and flatten it, draw a road using a marker. Add blocks, trucks or any toys you have to build a city. How many boxes can you link together? Does your city have skyscrapers too?Grammar – AdjectivesInvestigate adjectives. The sheet provided gives you a grid of adjectives (describing words). If you don’t have a die to play the game then you can rip up bits of paper and put numbers on them and choose 2 at random or just pick the words you like.Numeracy and Mathematics - Bake Off!Follow the simple recipe (on the following pages) to make Chocolate Rice Krispie Cakes. Weigh out the ingredients and share the mixture equally to fill all the cases.Expressive ArtsFingerprint art. Get paint on your hands and create some original art. Think flowers, patterns or let your imagination loose! Writing – Creating TextFree writing – write a story about anything you like. Give it a beginning, a middle and an end. Make sure you use some interesting words. You could use the Amazing Adjectives Grid to help you.Numeracy and Mathematics - TimetableMake a timetable for your day. You can draw it or write it. Can you describe your day to someone else using the words “first”, “before”, “after”, “then” etc.?Challenge: Can you make a timetable for someone in your family? Listen to them describe their day then make a timetable for them.Social StudiesLink to your Listening and Talking task by watching this video by Kid President: an adult to tell you about important speeches or talks they have seen or heard.Listening and TalkingPrepare to talk about a subject of your choosing. Plan what you want to say and any props you might use. Think about how you will use your voice and where you will look. Maybe you could film/record your talk.Puzzle – I SpyThe I Spy sheet has lots of things to find. Choose one item and try to find all the pictures of that item. Challenge: Can you pick an item to find? Race someone in your family to find all pictures of that item before they can. Religious and Moral EducationLearn about the Five Ks of Sikhism here: draw the 5 Ks on a piece of paper and show someone at home what each of them are and why they are important to Sikhs.6youngswiftslowshortrapidold5shortweakmightymassivehugeenormous4angry annoyedworriedconfusedenviousfrightened3bravecalmcheerfuleagerenergeticexcited2bright cleardrabfilthyhorriblemisty1adorableadventurousaggressiveannoyingbeautifulcaring123456Amazing Adjectives Grid GameRoll the die to get a column and then again to get a row. The word you have is an adjective. An adjective describes something. Use it in a sentence.Eg If you rolled a 2 then a 4 your word would be annoyed.Chocolate Rice Krispie Cake RecipeIngredients Method150g chocolate, broken up 1. Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl with the butter and golden syrup and 100g butter gently melt in 10-second bursts in the microwave, or melt it over a pan of4 tbsp (tablespoons) golden syrup simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Stir until smooth.100g rice pops 2. Take the chocolate off the heat and stir in the rice pops, coating them gently with the chocolate until they are all completely covered. 3. Divide the mixture between nine cupcake or 12 fairy cake paper cases. Leave to set. If you want them to set faster, put in the fridge for 1 hr.1410335-87630000 ................

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