JESUS IS A-Z - Creative Sunday School Ideas

[Pages:8]JESUS IS A-Z

Review Questions

(Use the alphabet poster boards as props/reminders during the review.)

? What is the name that is above every other name? (Jesus!) ? What does the name "Jesus" mean? (Savior: "the LORD [Jehovah] saves") ? What does Jesus save people from? (their sins)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "A"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Advocate, Almighty, Alpha and Omega, Amen, Anchor, and Author and Finisher of Our Faith; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What is an advocate? (a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; attorney/lawyer) ? What does almighty mean? (having all might [power]) ? What does "Alpha" mean? (it's the first letter of the Greek alphabet, like our English letter "A") ? What does "Omega" mean? (it's the last letter of the Greek alphabet, like our English letter "Z") ? What does "amen" mean? ("it is so" / "so be it" / "truth"; used to express agreement) ? How is Jesus our Anchor? (He keeps our lives from floating off course; He holds us in the right place) ? How is Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith? (our faith begins and ends with Jesus; He is the only

one who can save us)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "B"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Beginning and End, Beloved, Branch, and Bread of Life; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? Everything in the Bible from Beginning to End points to whom? (Jesus) ? What does beloved mean? (greatly loved; dear to the heart) ? Jesus is a Branch on whose family tree? (King David's, as prophesied in the Old Testament) ? How is Jesus the Bread of Life? (He feeds our souls--the part of us that will live forever; He is needed

by every person on earth)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "C"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Carpenter, Captain of Salvation, Chief Cornerstone, Christ, Compassionate, Counselor, and Creator; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? When Jesus began to teach and do miracles, people in His hometown were astonished because they thought He was just a carpenter. What does a carpenter do? (makes things out of wood)

? All things were created by and for Whom? (Jesus) ? How is Jesus the Captain of our Salvation? (He is in charge of our salvation; He is the One who

suffered and died to save us; He is our chief, leader, and pilot; we follow His orders so that we can be saved) ? What is a cornerstone? (a stone that connects two walls) ? Jesus is the Chief (most important) Cornerstone. What does He connect? (all of us who are part of the church) ? What is a counselor? (someone who gives advice and tries to help others make good decisions) ? What does it mean to be compassionate? (feel sympathy and sorrow for another who is suffering, with a strong desire to relieve the suffering) ? What does Christ mean? (Messiah; anointed one [set apart as holy] of God, prophesied about in the Old Testament)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "D"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Dayspring, Deliverer, and Door; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does "dayspring" mean? (dawn, daybreak, source of light) ? What is a deliverer? (one who rescues, saves, or sets free) ? What is the purpose of a door? (to let things in/out; to keep things in/out) ? Jesus said anybody who doesn't go through the door but climbs up some other way is a what? (thief

and robber) ? Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy our lives, but why does Jesus come? (that we might have

life--more abundantly [in great amount, plentifully, richly supplied]) ? How many doors did Noah's ark have? (one) ? Jesus is the ONE way for us to be saved from our sins. We must go through Him. How do we do this?

(we repent [ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins]; we are baptized in Jesus' name; Jesus fills us with His Holy Spirit)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "E"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Emmanuel, Ensign, Eternal, and Everlasting Father; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does "Emmanuel" mean? (God with us [as prophesied by Isaiah about a special baby to be born--Jesus])

? What is an ensign? (a flag, such as a army or navy banner, which indicates country or allegiance) ? What is God's ensign or banner over me? (love--Jesus is love) ? Where does a circle begin or end? (we can't tell; there is no beginning or end) ? What does "Eternal" mean? (without beginning or end, lasting forever) ? What does everlasting mean? (lasting forever; it's a synonym for eternal) ? What is a father? (a man who protects and provides for others)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "F"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Faithful, First and Last, Firstborn from the Dead, Foundation, and Friend; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does "Faithful" mean? (true to one's promises, trusted, believed) ? What are some things Jesus has promised us? (He will never leave us; He will forgive our sins; He will

give us the Holy Ghost; He will come again; etc.) ? What does "Firstborn from the Dead" mean? (first to rise from the dead [and live forever after]) ? Fill in the blanks: Jesus is _________ and Omega. (Alpha)

Jesus is the _____________ and the End. (Beginning) Jesus is the __________ and the Last. (First) ? What is a foundation? (the base on which a building stands) ? What kind of foundation is Jesus? (stone, tried [tested], precious [valuable], sure [firm, safe]) ? What happened to the house built on the sand? (it fell, and great was the fall of it) ? What happened to the house built on the rock? (it didn't fall) ? What is a friend? (a person you know well and like; the opposite of an enemy) ? How did Jesus say a person shows the greatest love? (by laying down His life for his friends)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "G"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Good Shepherd, Great God, and God Manifested in the Flesh; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What are some things the Good Shepherd does for His sheep? (He leads them to good places [doesn't drive them]; He calls them by name, and they follow Him because they know His voice; He gives His life for them)

? Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Who are His sheep? (we are, if we know Him, listen to His voice, and follow Him)

? What does "great" mean? (wonderful, large, important) ? How many Gods (capital "G") are there? (one God) ? God is a Spirit. Does a spirit have flesh, blood, and bones? (no)

Jesus A-Z Review Questions

?Annette R. Evans ? All rights reserved. creative-sunday-school-

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? Can you see a spirit? (no) ? What does "God Manifested in the Flesh" mean? (God appeared in a human body) ? Jesus is both God and man. What are some things Jesus did that show He is a man? (He was born;

He grew, He was tempted; He got hungry, thirsty, and tired; He prayed; He died; etc.) ? Jesus is both God and man. What are some things Jesus did that show He is God? (He knew all

things; He did not sin; He healed people; He calmed storms; He forgave sins; He raised His own body from the dead, etc.)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "H"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Head, Healer, Helper, High Priest, Holy One, and Hope; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does a head do? (controls a body) ? What is Jesus the Head of? (His body, the church [Ephesians 1:22-23]) ? What does a helper do? (helps, assists, aids) ? How does Jesus help people? (discuss personal examples and Bible examples such as: He forgave a

woman others wanted to stone; He healed many people; He helped Peter find money to pay his taxes [in a fish's mouth]; He raised a widow's only son; He calmed storms, etc., etc., etc.) ? In the Old Testament, what was a high priest's job? (to offer sacrifices for the sins of the people; only the high priest could go into the Holiest of Holies and stand before the Mercy Seat [which was on the Ark of the Covenant]) ? What did Jesus, our High Priest, offer as a sacrifice for the sins of all people? (Himself) ? Jesus was tempted in all points, like we are, but He didn't give in to temptation. He didn't what? (sin) ? What does holy mean? (pure, clean) ? What is hope? (believing that things will turn out for the best; looking forward to things with confidence)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "I"? (keep asking until students have remembered: I AM, Image of the Invisible God, and Immanuel; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does "I AM" mean? (I exist or live; self-existent One [I exist alone, by Myself]) ? How long has God existed? (forever, eternally) ? Remember God is a Spirit. Can we see a Spirit? (no) ? What are some things that are invisible but that we know exist? (air, electricity, gravity, wind, radio

waves, magnetism, odors/smells, bacteria [invisible without a microscope], etc.) ? Who is the Image of the Invisible God? (Jesus!) ? What does Immanuel with an "I" mean? (God with us [the same as Emmanuel with an "E"])


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letters "J" or "K"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Judge, Just One, King of the Jews, and King of Kings & Lord of Lords; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does a judge do? (hears arguments and decides cases in a court of law and also sentences those found guilty)

? What does a judge use to guide his decisions? (the law) ? Where is God's law found? (in the Bible) ? Can any of us keep God's Law perfectly? (not without Jesus' help) ? What book do we want to make sure our names are listed in? (the Book of Life) ? What does "just" mean? (fair) ? What is a Jew? (a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the word is a shortened form of

"Judah," the name of one of Jacob's sons) ? Herod considered himself the King of the Jews, so what did he do when the wise men told him about

a newborn king? (he had all the baby boys, two years old and under, who were in and around Bethlehem, put to death)

Jesus A-Z Review Questions

?Annette R. Evans ? All rights reserved. creative-sunday-school-

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? What do you call a king who rules over other kings? (the King of kings) ? Who is the King over all other Kings and the Lord over all other lords? (Jesus!)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "L"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Lamb of God, Last Adam, Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Life, Lord of All, The Lord our Righteousness, and Love; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

Part 1

? What were lambs often used for in the Old Testament? (sacrifices to God for sin) ? Why did innocent animals have to die for people's sin? ("without the shedding of blood there is no

forgiveness" Hebrews 9:22, NIV) ? How is Jesus the Lamb of God? (He was innocent of sin, but He was sacrificed for our sins, and He

didn't resist; He willingly laid down His life) ? What did Adam do to bring death into the world? (he disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of the Tree

of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) ? Who is the only man who never sinned? (Jesus Christ) ? Who is the only man who overcame death--by rising from the dead? (Jesus Christ) ? Why is Jesus called the Last Adam? (only He can reverse the problems started by the first Adam's

sin) ? What does light do for us? (gets rid of darkness, helps us see better, shows us the way, helps us to be

unafraid, helps things grow, etc.) ? How is Jesus the Light of the World? (He gets rid of the darkness in our hearts, helps us see the sin in

our lives, shows us the way to Heaven, helps us to be unafraid, helps us grow, etc.) ? How is Jesus like a Lion? (he is powerful, defeats enemies, is kingly, can be scary [to evildoers], etc.) ? What is the tribe of Judah? (the tribe named after Jacob's [Israel's] fourth son; King David and Jesus

Christ were both of the tribe of Judah)

Part 2

? Jesus said He is the life, and He came that we might have life more abundantly. What does "abundantly" mean? (above the ordinary measure; more than usual)

? What is a "lord"? (a person who has authority or power over others; master, ruler) ? Will there ever be a time in your life when you won't have a principal, president, boss, etc., telling

you what to do? (no; even adults have bosses) ? Every "lord" in our lives has a Lord over him or her too. Fill in the blank: Jesus is Lord of ____! (All;

lords) ? Jesus is THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. What does righteousness mean? (the quality of being

righteous or right [good, proper, without sin]) ? Can we be righteous (good, proper) on our own? (no; we need Jesus' righteousness; He is the only

sinless, right, good One; He makes us right with Himself)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "M"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Man of Sorrows, Master, Mediator, Merciful, Messiah, and Mighty God; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

Part 1

? What does sorrow mean? (sadness, grief) ? What are some times when Jesus was sad? (when Lazarus died, when He wept over Jerusalem,

when He prayed in Gethsemane before He was crucified) ? What is a master? (a person with authority over others: a boss, owner, director, controller, ruler, etc.) ? How many Gods are there? (one) ? What is a mediator? (a go-between; someone who brings people together, puts things right) ? What separates us from God? (sin; He is holy [without any sin]) ? Who bridges that big "sin gap" so that we can get to God? (the Man Christ Jesus) ? What are some things Jesus did that show He is a man? (He was born; He grew, He was tempted; He

got hungry, thirsty, and tired; He prayed; He died; etc.)

Jesus A-Z Review Questions

?Annette R. Evans ? All rights reserved. creative-sunday-school-

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? What are some things Jesus did that show He is God? (He knew all things; He did not sin; He healed people; He calmed storms; He forgave sins; He raised His own body from the dead, etc.)

Part 2

? What does Messiah mean? (Anointed One [chosen, set apart]; Christ) ? The Jewish people waited and waited for the Messiah, but very few recognized Him when He came.

Why? (they were looking for a King to set them free from the Romans, but Jesus came to set them free from their sins) ? Who are some people who did recognize Jesus as the Messiah? (the wisemen, the shepherds, the disciples, the woman at the well, etc.) ? What does "mighty" mean? (having superior [above all others] power or strength) ? What did Jesus do to the people who were killing Him and dividing up His clothes? (forgave them) ? What does merciful mean? (not giving someone what they deserve) ? We are all sinners. Because of this, we all deserve what? (death) ? But because Jesus is merciful, what do we get instead? (life)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letters "N" or "O"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Nazarene, Offspring of David, and Only Wise God; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? In what city was Jesus born? (Bethlehem) ? In what city did Jesus grow up? (Nazareth) ? Why was Jesus called a Nazarene? (He was from Nazareth) ? Why couldn't Jesus do many miracles in His hometown, Nazareth? (because they had no faith;

because of their unbelief) ? What does "Offspring of David" mean? (child or descendant of King David) ? How many Gods (capital G) are there? (one) ? Who is the "only wise God our Saviour"? (Jesus) ? What does "only" mean? (alone, without others) ? What does "wise" mean? (knowing what is true or right; naturally clever and skillful, as opposed to

needing to be taught) ? How many knees are going to bow at the name of Jesus? (every, all) ? How many tongues are going to confess that Jesus is Lord? (every, all)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letters "P" and "Q"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Passover, Peace, Power of God, Potentate, Prince, Prophet, Propitiation and Quickening Spirit; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

Part 1

? What was the first Passover? (the final [10th] plague on Egypt when the firstborn son in every house that didn't have blood on the doorposts died [Pharaoh then let the Israelites leave Egypt])

? How do the Israelites (Jews) still celebrate Passover? (they eat a meal of unleavened [flat] bread, roasted lamb or goat, and bitter herbs; they also get rid of all the yeast in their houses)

? Jesus became our Passover when He died for our sins. He said His body is like what part of the Passover meal? (the bread)

? Jesus said His blood is like what part of the Passover meal? (the cup [wine]) ? Instead of putting blood on our doorposts, we apply Jesus' blood to our lives. How do we do this? (by

repenting, being baptized in Jesus' name, receiving the Holy Spirit, and living a holy life by the power of the blood) ? How is Jesus our Peace? (one way is that He breaks down the walls that divide people of difference countries or races: "For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us" Eph. 2:14) ? Fill in the blanks (with the same word). Jesus has all ________ in heaven and earth! He is the _________ of God to both Jews and Greeks! ? What is a Potentate? (someone with great power, such as a king)

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Part 2

? Besides meaning a ruler (or someone who will one day be king) what does "Prince" mean? (source) ? What are two things Jesus is the Prince, or source, of? (Life and Peace) ? Whom do the Jews consider to be their greatest prophet? (Moses) ? Moses said another Prophet was coming that he wanted the Israelites (Jews) to listen to and obey.

Who is that Prophet? (Jesus) ? The Law was given through Moses. What is given through Jesus Christ? (grace and truth) ? What does "Propitiation" mean? (atonement, which literally means "at-one-ment") ? God wants us to be "at one" with Him, but what separates us from Him? (sin) ? In the Old Testament, propitiation happened on the Day of Atonement when the High Priest went

behind the curtain into the Most Holy Place and did what to atone for his sins and the sins of the entire nation? (sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat) ? How is Jesus our Propitiation? (He shed His blood on the cross to make atonement for our sins) ? What does "quickening" mean? (to give life) ? Fill in the blank: We were dead in our sins, but Jesus, our Quickening Spirit, gave us _______.


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "R"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Rabbi, Redeemer, Resurrection, Righteous, Rock, Root of David, and Ruler; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

Part 1

? What does Rabbi mean? (Teacher [Master Teacher]) ? When Jesus taught He often told stories about natural things which explain spiritual truths . What do

we call these stories? (parables) ? What do we call money that is paid to set someone free? (ransom) ? What do we call the person who pays the ransom? (a redeemer) ? We are all hostages of what? (sin) ? How did Jesus pay our ransom? (He shed His blood and died on the cross--in our place, for our sins) ? What does "resurrection" mean? (rising from the dead) ? When they crucified Jesus, did He stay dead? (no! He is the Resurrection!) ? What does it mean to be righteous? (go the RIGHT way, do the RIGHT thing, be without sin) ? Who is the only person who never sinned? (Jesus) ? Jesus is Righteous. Can we be righteous without Him? (no)

Part 2

? Jesus said the foolish man builds his house on what? (the sand) ? Jesus said the wise man builds his house on what? (a rock) ? How do we build our lives on Jesus, the Rock? (we listen to Jesus' words and do them) ? Where do find Jesus' words? (in the Bible) ? How did the thirsty Israelites get water from the rock in the Wilderness? (the first time, Moses hit the

rock with his rod; the second time he was supposed to just speak to it, but in frustration he hit the rock again and because of this, He was not allowed to enter the Promised Land) ? Why was Moses was only supposed to hit the rock once? (the rock was a type of Christ: Jesus was only beaten and crucified once) ? Whom is Jesus the root of? (David) ? How can Jesus be both the Branch and the Root of David's family tree? (as a man, Jesus is the Branch--the great, great, great (etc.)-grandson of David; as God, He is the Root [or source] of David's life) ? What are the main purposes of a plant's roots? (absorbing water and minerals from the ground, storing food, anchoring the plant to the ground) ? Fill in the blank: To absorb God's Word, store it up in your life, and grow into the strong, stable person He wants you to be, you need Jesus, the _______ of David. (Root) ? What is a ruler? (a person who rules; a king) ? Jesus--Ruler, King of the Jews--was born in Bethlehem, just like His great, great, great, great (etc.)grandfather who? (King David)

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? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "S"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Savior, Salvation, Servant, Stone the Builders Rejected, Sun of Righteousness, Star [Bright & Morning, Daystar], Son of David, Son of Man and Son of God; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

Part 1

? When Jesus was born, the angel announced to the shepherds that in the city of David (Bethlehem) a Savior had been born. What is a Savior? (a person who saves, rescues, or delivers)

? What did Jesus come to save people from? (their sins) ? What does "salvation" mean? (the act of saving, rescuing, delivering, or protecting from harm) ? Fill in the blank. A Savior does Salvation, kind of like...

o A creator does ___________. (creation) o A surgeon does ___________. (surgery) o A protector does __________. (protection) ? How did Jesus "do" salvation for us? (He died on the cross, shedding His blood in the place of ours, so that we can be forgiven of our sins) ? What is a servant? (a person who serves [works for, waits upon] others) ? Fill in the blank: Since Jesus, who is God manifested in the flesh, is a Servant, how much more should we be ______________. (servants) ? Why do rocks or stones make good building materials? (they are strong, long-lasting, protective, weather resistant, etc.) ? How do we build our lives on Jesus, the Rock? (we listen to Jesus' words and do them) ? What is a chief cornerstone? (the main stone that connects two walls at the base [foundation] of a building) ? Fill in the blank: When the Jewish leaders didn't believe Jesus, He became the _________ the Builders Rejected. (Stone) ? Fill in the blank: If I have a rock and choose not to build something with it but instead toss it aside, I may trip and ________ over it. (fall)

Part 2

? What does the sun do for us? (it provides light and heat, without which nothing [plants, animals, humans] on Earth could live)

? How is Jesus like the sun? (without Him, nothing can live; He is the Light of the World, etc.) ? Jesus is the Sun (S-U-N) of Righteousness. What does "righteousness" mean? (the quality of being

righteous or right [good, doing the right thing, without sin]) ? What kind of Star is Jesus? (the Bright and Morning Star; Daystar) ? Fill in the blank: When you see the Daystar or Morning Star, you know it is almost _________. (day,

morning) ? Fill in the blank: In Matthew 21:15, the children in the temple were shouting out, "Hosanna to the Son

of _______"? (David) ? In this case, "son" means what? (descendant; Jesus is David's great, great, great, great (etc.)-

grandSON) ? Jesus is the Son of Man (a descendant of Adam and Eve). What are some things Jesus did that show

He is a man? (He was born; He grew, He was tempted; He got hungry, thirsty, and tired; He prayed; He died; etc.) ? Jesus is the Son of God (God manifested in the flesh). What are some things Jesus did that show He is God? (He knew all things; He did not sin; He healed people; He calmed storms; He forgave sins; He raised His own body from the dead, etc.)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "T," "U," or "V"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Teacher, Truth, Unchanging, Victorious, and Vine; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? Rabbi is the Hebrew word for what? (teacher) ? Jesus didn't teach in a classroom. In fact, one of His most famous classes is called the Sermon on the

what? (Mount [mountain])

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? Name some famous teachings of Jesus that are included in the Sermon on the Mount. (the Beatitudes, love your enemies, the Lord's Prayer, the Golden Rule, etc.)

? Jesus is the Truth. He cannot what? (lie) ? What "U" word means "the same--yesterday, today, and forever"? (unchanging) ? Fill in the blank. Jesus will never change from:

o From Almighty to __________ (powerless) o From Compassionate to ________ (cruel) o From Good Shepherd to _________ shepherd (bad) ? What does "Victorious" mean? (winning, successful, triumphant) ? What are two things Jesus is victorious over? (sin and death) ? Jesus describes Himself as the Vine. What are we (in relation to Him)? (the branches) ? We must abide in (remain attached to) Jesus if we want to live. Why does a branch die if it is detached from the vine? (it can no longer get the water and nutrients it needs to live) ? What good is a branch that has been pulled off the vine? (Jesus said men gather these branches and burn them for firewood) ? How do we stay attached to Jesus? (talk to Him [pray], read His Word [the Bible], study His word [at home and at church], praise Him, etc.)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with the letter "W"? (keep asking until students have remembered: Way, Witness, Wonderful, Word, and Wisdom of God; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? Jesus has gone away to do what? (prepare a place [Heaven] for us) ? Jesus is the Way to Heaven. How do we follow the Way? (we obey Jesus' words; we follow His

example of death [repentance], burial [baptism in Jesus' name], and resurrection [receiving the Holy Spirit]) ? What is a witness? (one who sees, hears, or knows something personally) ? Fill in the blank: Jesus always tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. He is the Faithful and ___________ Witness. (True) ? What does "wonderful" mean? (amazing, awesome, causing wonder) ? God spoke the world into existence; He is the Word. Can you see words that are spoken? (no) ? Jesus is the Word made flesh. What is flesh? (human body; skin) ? Can you see a human body? (yes) ? People couldn't see the Word until who came? (Jesus) ? Jesus is the Wisdom of God. What is the opposite of wisdom? (foolishness) ? Why would people think it's foolish that God would come in the flesh and die for our sins? (they expect God to act as a king but not as a servant; they don't believe God cares about people; etc.)


? What are some of Jesus' adjectives or titles that begin with "eX," "Y," or "Z"? (keep asking until students have remembered: eXalted, eXample, Yea, and Zealous; use the following questions to discuss what the adjectives and titles mean)

? What does "exalted" mean? (raised, elevated, lifted up) ? Fill in the blank: One day every knee will _______ to Jesus and every tongue will confess He is Lord.

(bow) ? We exalt Jesus by praising Him. What is something great Jesus has done for you, or for someone

else? ? We are to follow Jesus' eXample. How did Jesus act when He was treated unfairly (falsly accused,

beaten, crucified)? (He didn't fight back; He forgave) ? Since Jesus is our eXample, when we don't know what to do in a certain situation, what question

can we can ask ourselves? (What would Jesus do?) ? What does "yea" mean? (yes) ? Is Jesus your Deliverer, Friend, Healer, and Savior? (YES! He is the ultimate yea/yes) ? What does "zeal" mean? (great warmth of feeling, intense love, eager desire) ? When someone has zeal for something, we say he is zealous. What was Jesus so Zealous for that He made a

whip, chased animals, scattered money, and overturned tables? (the Temple/His Father's House)

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