Positive adjectives beginning with r


Positive adjectives beginning with r

What are some adjectives that start with r. What is a positive adjective that starts with r. What is a nice word that starts with r. Positive adjectives beginning with r to describe a person. What is a positive word that starts with r.

Racy having characteristic quality or taste; vigorous; Vivace.rad excellent; Marvelous. Great emanating emanating love, joy, happiness or health; emitting light or heat; Bright.rapid very fast or rapid; Advancing with speed or hurry. Full joy or diluting ratio; ecstatic; Raving. Road exercise or having the ability to reason; healthy; Logically honey.Razorsharp extremely sharp; Quick-witted or very intelligent. Liberty, when he starts making the root, is a rapid growth plant. George Washington Tweet This reachable accessible; Able to be easily reached or approached. Regarding ready, available, probable or about to do something; Avolving.Real effective and true; They occur or actually or fact; genuine; authentic; without falsitage or claim. Realistic relating to realism or realists; Aware of things as they are really .reableable capable of existing, realized or reached. Reasonable; logical; right; Just; satisfying. Relieve anxiety and restoration of trust; causing comfort.receptive available or ready to receive favorably. Exquisite. generously elegant; exotic.recipient receptive; Reception.Recipocal receipt or interchange; reciprocal. Renecognitive capable or recognized or easily perceived. Notable recognized; honored; Generally approved. Conthewayable worthy of praise or to recommend; capable or suitable to be recommended. Recovery concerning; tending to recovery (especially for health or strength); Regenerative.Red-carpet characterized by hospitality or special treatment; Vip.refined purified; polished; delicate; cultured; accurate; Having or showing a good taste or feelings. During deeply thoughtful reflection; Capable or creating or producing reflections. Refreshing reinvigando someone or serve to refresh. brilliant; shining; splendid.regal splendid; Magnificent; of or relevant to a red; Royal.Regnant prevailing; widespread; ruler. normal, usual or customary; also, symmetrical or ordered; constant; correct; business suit; Nice.rejuvenescent becoming or becomes rejuvenated; Rejuvenante.Relalaxed Easy-Going; without tension, anxiety and strain .Relating have a connection or significant with the question at hand; current; relevant. Reliable reliable; Dependency or dependency worthy. Executed or experimenting relief; reassured. Demerbreakable notice or consideration; extraordinary; conspicuous; Exceptional. Forgive permanent; Remitting; Abandare. Celebrated, famous, famous or famous. Honorable acuteuto; respected; commendable; kept in estimated .resiling characterized by the ability to readily recover from bad luck, depression, adverse and the like; rebound; Elastic. RESULT; determined; unshakable; satisfied; Certainly explained; replied; determined; business. Unmistakable study; emphatic; famous; Have a rich sound. Resourceful having the ability to find intelligent and fast ways to overcome the difficulties; effective and imaginative.reptivable worthy of respect or high estimate; satisfying; decent; Great in quantities, quantity, extension or graduate.resptful, showing or full of respect. Gorgeous. brilliant; dazzling; Colorful and polished. Manager able to be employed or trusted; be a source; Responsive. Responsive response; Responding; Responding; Showing emotion. Quiet terminal; repairman; quiet, calm; relaxed.Restorative relating to the restoration; Have power or tending to restore or give new life and vigor.retentive having power, quality or capacity to maintain; Good to remember facts and impressions easily.Realing making it known; showing; Disclacing. It would result in profoundly honored or admired. Oreverent by showing or feeling respect, reverence or the tending to impart to give force or new life a.revolutionary causing or involving a dramatic or complete change; Fresh, extraordinarily good and surprising. Redirectable worthy of reward or or allowing or constituting a reward; Giving satisfaction or pleasure. We had a rewarding relationship, belly and i. Sherwin B. Nuland Tweet This ecstatic breakdift; Enthusiast; delightful. Rich characterized by abundance, fullness, fertilization or great quality; of great value; productive; strong; intense; sumptuous; Magnificent in accordance with reason, truth or fact; correct; More desirable; favorable or convenient; in good physical or mental health; appropriate, correct or appropriate; straight; Direct. Virtuous and morally righteous siltual; Morally justified. Green or right; Upright; Good; Just; legally valid.rissible causing or arousing laughter; Playful; ridiculous. No legacy is as rich as honest. William Shakespeare Tweet This robust full of strength and health; robust; vigorous; sound.rollicking in a funny and lively exuberant way. Expressive ornamita or love or love; imaginative or visionary.Rooted firmly positioned or implanted; anchor.rosy blooming; redness; optimistic; Allegro.Round whole; complete; great; considerable; plump; Smooth (lacking sharp angles); Outspoken.Rounded balanced; Complete.Rousing exciting; stunning; lively; vigorous. Robust robust; strong; well built. Predominant; Incandescent, shining or sparkling control control (especially with red light). Have a remarkable and radiant day! PS. Also check the positive verbs starting with the R? ? and positive names starting with R. A list that contains more than thirty positive words that begin with the letter R (and still growing) .RadianceRadiantRestRaptureRapturousRationalRestfulReturnRecommendRecommendationRealRelaxRelaxationRespectRespectfulReformReliefReliableRightRobustRewardReincarnationRockRevealResponsibleResponsibilityRomanceRomanticRichRelevantResultsReleaseRefreshRefreshingReputationReflection You'll IA will discuss with you the adjectives beginning with R in this article. There are many adjectives from r in English that can form a huge list. Follow this list and learn, easily will increase your vocabulary. The adjectives that start with r are used to describe a noun or pronoun telling one of these qualities, what kind? Which? How many? For example, the radical reform, the day of the rains, the real danger, the regular customer, reasonable price, etc. We can see by using descriptive words beginning with r before the names, the messages transmitted are much more specific. Now look at the list of 610 adjectives that start with R. adjectives that begin with R ? ? ? "Full List (610 words) If you are looking for adjectives from r, then come to the right place. We have 710 adjectives typically down to you. The adjectives starting with R A with definitions and examples if you want to know more details about adjectives starting with R, check the definitions and examples below. Definition: Related to rabbis (= Jewish religious leaders) Example: Rabbinic scholars memorize vast straps of the Torah. Definition: The display of earthy humor; Bawdy example: she interspersed information about fabric and style with a little Rabelaisian humor. Definition: (of an animal) affected by anger example: the mother was bitten by a rabid dog. Definition: Being or similar to a raceme Example: racemous cystices do not show calcification, explanatory, or improvement. Definition: happening between people of different races example: she had a vision of a lively society in racial harmony. Definition: Coming from and having the belief that those who belong to other races are not good, intelligent, moral, etc. as people belonging to your same breed example: they were the victims of a vicious racist attack. Definition: noisy, noisy or noisy example: the social democrats managed a very mineral rackety taxi service, partly because their organization was simple bourgeois improvisation. Definition: a bit indecent; suggestive; Risqu? ? Esly: The actress admits that he found challenging to film the scales scenes. Definition: (a person esp) uncultivated or degraded in appearance Example: the two great women of my life, which emerge from the gorge of this embellished, the man with the eyes wide. Definition: (of lines, bars, light beams, etc.) from a common central point; Arranged as the rays of a circle example: the marble plans inlaid states with brass radial. Definition: obviously very happy, or very nice example: he gave a radiant smile when he heard the news of him. Definition: Believe or expressing the belief that there should be no great or extreme changes Social or political example: these people have very radical opinions. Definition: having or producing the energy that comes from the breaking of atoms Example: uranium is a radioactive material. Definition: Related to radiology Example: In general, radiological studies on echinococcosi showed a floating increase trend from 1975 to 2015. Definition: Denota or related to music produced by electronic example: Cold bright hard spring day, and ladols sing Their endless melody, with his usual demanding radio effects. Definition: Not having followed usual social standards of behavior or appearance, especially in a negligent and interesting way example: it has a certain elegance Raffish. Definition: (of a room or ceiling) that exhibited example beams: dried figs hung from bass, exposed beams. Definition: (of clothes) torn and not in good condition Example: the children wore dirty, ragged clothes. Definition: Tremendous Example: it had been a raging success in Spain. Definition: (in particular of a building or a garment) waterproof rainforest: I was grateful when Fred offered a heavy and rain jacket jacket. Definition: It rains a lot Example: they walked along the walk on a rainy night. Definition: more intense or strong than usual; Top example: a neighbor heard voices from the raised flat women? ?. Definition: increasing in quantity or example value: the land here around Isna t quite good for the collection of crops. Definition: Having or the display of a fiery, getting rid of or slightly quality or the opportunity not recommendable Example: he had a getting rug, casual look. Definition: gradually decreasing example Example: the solo part dampens in a passing down. Definition: too long and confused example: it is a wandering structure now occupied by National. Definition: full of energy and difficult to check out Example: driving a long distance with four rambunctious children is not exactly fun. Definition: with branches; Branched Example: the rocky oak was covered with moss, with thick peat covers the Tree? ? s many branches. Definition: Definition: Or for example an uncontrollable example: Duane and the four children's rapids of Duane and Karla exceed their problems with drugs and irresponsible lovers and take their acts into more worldly phases. Definition: (of something bad) rapidly deteriorating and uncontrolled example example: he said he had encountered rampant prejudices in his attempts to get a job. Definition: evil or disordered and probably to break or easily drop example: there are an old shed at the bottom of the garden. Definition: to have the bad smell or flavor of fat or stale oils; Example spoiled: when you take the cap, you can smell Rancid olive oil. Definition: having or show a feeling of hatred and continues the anger of something in the previous example: the couple crossed a raric divorce. Definition: happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to an example of an example: we asked for a random sample of people what they thought. Definition: relating to experimental research in which subjects are selected for particular treatments by chance example: the randomized study will comparate the results of the students in different types of school. Definition: to have a rude and aggressive example example: the villain is a Randy man. Definition: (especially something bad) complete or extreme example: it was the stupidity grade to drive so quickly on an icy road. Definition: Be the officer of the highest degree present in a particular period of time: General Steinberger was responsible for the rank present at the meeting. Definition: aggressively greedy or grasping example: the hundy rapacious of him built as the fangs of him began their descent. Definition: Fast or sudden example: the 90s were a period of rapid change. Definition: giving complete attention or showing the completion of involvement or (of attention) complete example: children looked with rapt attention. Definition: (bird feet) adapted for the causing of the prey Examples: the creature would hit wild were his paws paids not wrapped around the body of Tucker. Definition: characterized by, feeling or express a great pleasure or an example of enthusiasm: it was welcomed with applause rapuri. Definition: Unusually good or remarkable example: play with rare sensitivity. Definition: Without any of the problems of the order of ordinary life: it moves in rarefied circles. Definition: Used to describe people or behaviors that disapprove, but still as the example: it was short with a baked smile. Definition: regardless or imprudent, without thinking for what could happen or the result of example: this was a rapid decision ? ? ?,? "You didn't think of the costs involved. Definition: Audio and unpleasant; Example of a grid: His voice Cracked, Rasping tells the story. Definition: Example of Rauco or Hard-Audio: both men sang a deep and raspy tone. Definition: Related to rastafarism Example: It is a rastafariano poet with a burning interest for issues related to rights Civilians. Definition: based on or in accordance with the reason or example of logic: I am sure there is a perfectly rational explanation. Definition: similar or characteristic of an example of a rat: with any luck, it will be transformed into a noose that Shake around her neck of ratri. Definition: clothes and objects were torn or in bad condition, especially because they are old example: I looked at it up and down, taking the And you don't give up, the missing button on his shirt, rat cuffs on his jeans. Definition: noisy and unpleasant example: I heard the Rauco call of the crows. Definition: (of a fierce wild animal) Extremely hungry and hunting for the prey example: yes each other as cording wolves. Definition: Extremely hungry Example: growing guys have growing appetites. Definition: Used to emphasize a particular example of quality: she has never been a delirious beauty. Definition: Very nice example: she was a romantic view in her wedding dress. Definition: (food) uncrimpted example: find out how to eat raw food helps to balance your body and e digestion. Definition: to have an example of a physical Bony Snop: he started as a young hard-faced and raw. Definition: able to be reached; Example accessible or obtainable: 5% savings of your salary should be a reachable goal. Definition: opposite to political or social change or new example ideas: reactionary forces in the sector are preventing its progress towards greater efficiency. Definition: able to react chemically with a lot of different substances Example: ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas. Definition: easy and pleasant to read example: it is an excellent and highly legible account of the army today. Definition: Fast with answers, beats, solutions, etc. Example: he had a reply ready for each question. Definition: Existing in fact and not an example imaginary: there is a very real threat that will lose your work. Definition: Having or show a sensitive and practical idea of what can be reached or for example expected: I thought we had a realistic possibility of winning. Definition: (of wealth) money that can be easily obtained by selling something example: in many cases this achievable wealth is not realized during the life of the home owner. Definition: Used to refer to profits or loss when actions, investments, etc. They are sold, as opposed to an increase or reduction of their value without selling their example: the results included net investment losses of $ 38.8 million in the last quarter. Definition: Press release, shown, presented, etc. At the same time as events actually take place example: the military needs intelligence in real time. Definition: Restores life or conscience; Revive Example: The players themselves are still as resuscitated corpses when they pass through their reaction animations in replays. Definition: On the back of something example: there is a sticker on the rear window. Definition: rear example further: there was a decent quantity of space in the back seat. Definition: what is appropriate or right; Moderate example: they had a reasonable time to respond. Definition: use of an example of judgment: offered motivated answers to our questions. Definition: Feeling less worried about something, usually because you have received help or advice. Example: I feel much more reassured when I was for a health check. Definition: Serve or destined to remove the doubt or the themes of someone example: Gina gave her a reassuring smile. Definition: Unpleasant and unattractive example: mathematics seems a refractive subject for literature. Definition: a person who does not like rules or authority and demonstrates himself in a different way from most people in the example of society: the rebel troops have launched a coordinated attack on government soldiers. Definition: having a strong sensation of disagreement with people in authority, an organization or a government, esp. Showing these feelings through the example of strength: he was a young rebel. Definition: born again; Have new life, spirit, etc.; Regenerating example: the captain led with the example and is the face of a reborn team. Definition: Reluctant to do what is asked or ordered to do, even if it's a reasonable example: the tenants sent their recalcitrant landlord to finish repairs to their building. Definition: (of a man's hair) ceasing to grow to the temples and above the example of the forehead: the red hair of him were deployed from the front. Definition: Wearing or starting from a short time period example: you followed recent political events? Definition: (of a female animal) ready for sample companion: only Male dominant would have accessed the receptive female. Definition: Relative or denoting movement away from the example of the observer: astronomers measure the reconciliation speed of an object by observing its red shift. Definition: relative to a period, usually at least six months, of low economic activity, when investments lose value, business failure and people lose their work example: they can manage the problems of Growth or even a context of recession. Definition: (of a gene) produces a particular feature only if a person has two of these genes, one by each parent example: sickle cell anemia is transmitted through a recessive gene. Definition: able to be recharged when it used all its electricity example: we try to buy reusable, reparable and rechargeable products. Definition: (of something) that is sophisticated or associated with people who love the things that are unusual and a very high quality example: only extra virgin olive oil will be on the adjustable boards. Definition: Operational for both, ESP. Equally or to a similar example of a degree: they share a truly mutual relationship. Definition: Do something dangerous and don't worry about the risks and possible results. Example: it was found guilty of reckless driving. Definition: avoiding the company of other people; Lonely example: led a lonely life. Definition: able to be recognized or identified by previous meetings or example knowledge: there was no recognizable photograph of him. Definition: (someone or something) generally accepted that that person or what has a particular position or example: Professor Jones is an authority recognized in Egypt. Definition: Relative or denotes an organism, cell or genetic material formed by recombination Example: the DNA of these recombinant viruses revealed signs of instability. Definition: (of a subject or knowledge) little known; Astruse Example: The book is full of recondite information. Definition: Related to the reconstruction of something after that it was damaged or destroyed example: he suffered a broken nose and requested reconstructive surgery. Definition: Used to describe the quantity of oil, coal, etc. which can be taken from a particular example: Prudhoe contains 12 billion recoverable barrels. Definition: Connected with ways to enjoy yourself when you do not work Example: Sport fishing is allowed on the river. Definition: Involving topics among the people who are accusing each other Example: there was a wave of statements by recriminatory rivals. Definition: relative to the right example: in rectal administration, a drug is inserted in the rear passage, or the rectum. Definition: having the shape of a rectangle example: the picture consists of four rectangular color blocks. Definition: In, moving in, or characterized by a straight line or example lines: this does not mean that I love rectilinear agendas as a way of life. Definition: Lying or supported in the back so I am almost lying Example: I found it sitting in a position reclined on the shore. Definition: (of something) helps you to recover health and strength, after a disease or injury example: humans have great recovery capacity. Definition: Example are repeated closer: The patient has a two-month history of recurrent pancreatitis episodes. Definition: It happens many times, or happens again example: the father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in the novels of him. Definition: O relating to a recursion example: In an answer, indicates that the message is the answer to a recursive query. Definition: A Rear curve Example: An example of the Cotypes has a right and an edge of the recurved blade. Definition: curves back or inward example: large predators with serrated, curved teeth like megalosaurus chased forests. Definition: able to be recycled Example: recyclable material is sold to wholesalers and organic composting material and then sold on the market. Definition: the color of the fresh example of blood: you guide a red sports car. Definition: (of a British universities), founded at the end of 19 or at the beginning of 20 Century and with the construction of bricks, unlike the largest universities built in stone example: a teacher of a minor story in a red brick university. Definition: Have a shade of red; slightly red example: the leaves become becoming Brown. Definition: (of shares, bonds, etc.) able to be exchanged for cash in a particular example: an increasing number of listed companies are issuing redeemable actions. Definition: (especially in Christianity) save someone from evil, from suffering, etc. Example: The book tells a redemptive story of a woman who triumphs on adversity. Definition: of a person whose hair is between red and brown in the color example of color: he was a tilting man with a rubbing habit of rowing. Definition: (of a person) formidable, especially as an example of the opponent: it was a doubt discussed. Definition: less than before or less than usual example: now we have a greatly reduced deficit. Definition: Used to describe a way to analyze problems and things dividing them in an example of simpler parts: this encourages the reductional explanations of fascist ideology. Definition: or characterized by reduction or reductionism Example: reductive elimination of the resulting the catalyst. Definition: unnecessary or more than a necessary example: the revenue levels generated by the redundant property auction was very encouraging. Definition: similar to a cane, ie, straight, straight, and thin or slim example: its large yellow flowers with pink veins emerge from cane leaves and waves above them. Definition: (someone's voice) Unpleasant example: the great man had a very close candidate voice. Definition: which falls; Specification., Indicated inward, as an angle example: however, the fallen phenomena are found only for one of the two systems. Definition: (of a container) can be filled again when the liquid was used inside: the runners are encouraged to transport rechargeable water bottles. Definition: Pure made by removing the unwanted material example: regional exports include refined oil and copper. Definition: think carefully and quietly example: after hearing the news sat in a silent and reflective silence. Definition: (of an action) performed without conscious thoughts as an automatic response to an example of a stimulus: sneezing is a reflected action. Definition: bent backwards or downwards, as an example of leaf: each flower has an important dark cone-shaped center and long and delicately reflected petals. Definition: Try to improve a system or a law by changing it Example: they are pressing in advance with their reformist agenda. Definition: of or concern for example of refraction: Sporozoiti have a body of oblong refracters and a nucleus. Definition: cause, caused by, or connected with the direction of light or sound sound or separation when traveling through water, glass, etc. Example: the light is composed of rays with different refractive properties. Definition: Pleasantly different and interesting example: it is a refreshing change to see a losing team that shakes hands and smiling again after a game. Definition: Shining, Radiant; incandescent; Sectioning example: this time he turned and smiled serenely through the front seats and gave him the reduced force of his real beauty. Definition: (a sum of money) can be returned to the person who paid, for example because they need, he or she needs to change their example of her plans: change includes a refundable security deposit. Definition: made to appear new again with work as painting, repair and cleanliness example: the company offers renovated machines with limited guarantees. Definition: Very special and suitable for a king or queen example: he made a royal entrance. Definition: Connected with a particular example of regiment: its connected connections withheld Former colleagues reggental. Definition: Extremely controlled example: they conduct a very reggented life. Definition: Relative or coming from a particular part of an example of a country: the three competition nations for regional hegemony. Definition: Registered on an official example list: Only registered voters can be selected for the selection of the jury. Definition: Have most of the present time or in a a Time Example: Failure to meet the psychological needs of the child developing can be a reigning cause of personality disorders. Definition: return to a state or a way of behaving than the previous and less advanced or worse example: the supervision is necessary to overcome the natural regressive trend to become complacent. Definition: regret feeling or showing example: Mr. Griffin gave a smile of regret. Definition: Provoke or worthy of sadness or disappointment Example: the omission of the name of a sponsor ? s on the program was a deplevered error. Definition: It happens or do something often example: professional athletes make regular apparitions on TV. Definition: Used to describe the official clothes or equipment used by people in a particular type of work Example: All flight attendants are adjusted uniform wear. Definition: relative to the activity to check if a company is working based on the official laws or laws example: the operation is subject to regulatory approval. Definition: Being the most recent winner of a Example Competition: Shea S the sample charged to Wimbledon. Definition: not given approval or an acceptance example: how the structural dimension of solidarity had not been strengthened, it is not surprising that the third hypothesis also had to be rejected. Definition: Connected Example: We discussed unemployment and related issues. Definition: As for how two or more people are related to example: there was no relational link between the killer and his victim. Definition: be judged or measured in comparison with something else: we evaluated the relative advantages driving there or go by train. Definition: subject to the special or the general theory of relativity Example: relativistic quantum mechanics gives nature its stability. Definition: (of a situation or place) Comfortable and informal example: It is a very welcoming bar with a nice relaxed atmosphere. Definition: something is pleasant or helps to relax. Example: we come here once a year waiting for a quiet and relaxing vacation. Definition: someone who is determined to do something and refuses to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel example: he was the most relentless enemy I've ever known. Definition: Connected with what is happening or under discussion Example: For more information, please refer to the flyer in question. Definition: (on someone or something) you can trust or believed, because he, her, or works or behave good in the example: what is the most reliable method of contraception? Definition: having a strong faith in a god or example: the book is essentially an exhortion to religious tolerance. Definition: Not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it Example: she convinced her cliff husband to take a trip to Florida with her. Definition: Continuing to exist or be left after other parts or things have been used or removed Example: Bernstein? ? s remaining lesson will be held on January 22nd. Definition: unusual or special and therefore surprising and noteworthy example: Nelson Mandela was a truly remarkable man. Definition: destined to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation example: the bill requires the owners to undertake repair work on crumbling buildings. Definition: (of a look or a smile) shows that you are remembering something of the past, usually with pleasure Example: a slow, smile speed reminiscent of his face. Definition: (of a fever or symptoms of a disease) characterized by reduced periods. Example: The most common symptoms were remitting fever, epigastric tenderness, and Definition: (of an area, home or village) away at a distance example: they live in a remote corner of Scotland, miles from the nearest store. Definition: able to be removed Example: This jacket has a detachable neck. Definition: providing payment for the example work: this policy preserves the possibility of Work for workers with disabilities. Definition: Used to describe the things concerning or related to the example of the kidneys: the blood enters the kidneys through renal artery. Definition: which can be modified and made better or in example repair: a person can suffer a cerebral hemorrhage repairable by a slight impact on the head. Definition: Able to be carried out again: such a rapid healing process leads to a repeatable trigger mechanism. Definition: still happening and again example: he repeated absences from work this year. Definition: to move away or keep away; come back; Reject the example of insects: the rental marks to reject the dust moved endlessly on them as the oil shine on the water. Definition: Characterized or marked by repeat especially repeating with yourself Example: it was bored by repetitive work. Definition: or characterized by a repetition example: workers lacked incentives and drive to perform repetitive infinite activities. Definition: able to be replaced example: the replaceable batteries are expensive, so rechargeable will be used instead of the old. Definition: able to be replicated Example: We lack tiny things, replicable: cooking together, eat together or even sitting together, having stupid conversations. Definition: formally mentioned by someone in authority, for example the police example: the number of reported crimes is increased. Definition: worthy to be reproduced Example: An officer of the team said: ?, ? ?It was a reprehensible act that has had a negative effect on honor and on the honor of the national team. Definition: show these as they are normally seen example: the flexibility of representation of the hypothesis approach requires that the complexity of the representation is controlled. Definition: (of a legislative assembly or deliberative body) composed of people choices to act and speak on behalf of a broader group example: there was no representative body to fight for crickets until 1968. Definition: (of A government) that limits people ... freedom and controls them using the example of strength: just as the repressive regime discouraged the protest of the labor, so this protest tended to cause further repression. Definition: Expressing an example of disapproval or disappointed example: she gave him a reproach. Definition: able to be shown, made or made again Example: the method produces statistically reliable and reproducible results. Definition: (of processes or organs) interested in reproducing the example of living things: the card itself, above, is a replica of female reproductive organs. Definition: Used to describe a person or a kind of unpleasant and rude unpleasant behavior: he shot a cold and rectilian look over me. Definition: based on the conviction that countries should have a president rather than a king of the king or a queen: there is a strong republican movement in the country. Definition: extremely disgusting; Unacceptable example: our tax system encourages morally repugnant behavior. Definition: (of a force) pushing away what is around it example: the repugnant force inside the core is enormous. Definition: Have a good reputation and able to be an example of trust: I secured my property with a consolidated and estimated company. Definition: he said he was the real situation even if this is not known to be sure and it may probably be an example: they used it because of his ability reputed in dealing with printing. Definition: necessary according to the rules or for a given example: we hope to be able to increase the sum of money. Definition: made necessary by particular circumstances or adjustments Example: the application will not be processed until the request is not paid. Definition: feeling or characterized by an example of resentment: it is removed in Swiss and resentful silence. Definition: Slow to reveal emotion or opinions Example: Even if I am a pretty reserved person, I like to meet people. Definition: Used to refer to someone who has a a ABILITY O QUALITY IN A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION EXAMPLE: TONY is the resident clown of society. Definition: relative to where you live or have lived example: you have to satisfy residential qualifications to get a work permit. Definition: remaining after most of something has gone for example: the scanner checks the travel documents for residual traces of explosives. Definition: Residual example: there will be a residual body to perform services. Definition: able to be happy, successful, etc. After something difficult or bad it happened Example Example: It's a resilient girl ? ? ?,? "She is not unhappy for a long time. Definition: Connected with or produce resin (= a thick and sticky substance produced by some trees ) Example: The ground was covered by pine-resinous needles. Definition: similar, containing or coated with resin example: wild mushrooms are one thing detached from the cultivated point of view, with more restricted flavors and a great variety of textures. Definition: of or containing example of electrical resistance: a shunt is a resistive device used to generate a small signal voltage to display the current on a moving ammeter. Definition: determined in the character, in the action or in the example of ideas: the Their resolute opposition to new working methods was difficult to overcome. Definition: (of a room, musical instrument or cable body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, in particular Median Te example of synchronous vibration: the sound of these instruments, reproduced in the resonant room, is unforgettable. Definition: unmistakable; Emphatic example: the evening was a resounding success. Definition: specialized in troubleshooting and making decisions on their own example: it is a very enterprising manager. Definition: (of a quantity or quality) quite large or good enough to be an acceptable example: it earns a reputable salary. Definition: admired by many people for your quality or for example: Aberdeen and Glasgow Universities are internationally respected institutions. Definition: feeling or show deference and respect for example: they sit in respectful silence. Definition: belonging or relative separately to each of two or more people or things example: they chatted on their respective childhood. Definition: relative to the extraction of breathing: smoking can cause respiratory diseases. Definition: Attractive and impressive to be richly colored or sumptuous example: the peacock is a very flashy bird with shining plumage in more shades of blues and vegetables. Definition: having a good judgment and the ability to act properly and make decisions on its own example: we want to be a responsible citizen. Definition: React Quick and positive example: We need to develop more quick and reactive systems to address online messages. Definition: Used to describe something that produces a feeling of being calm and relaxed Example: I love the resting sound of the wind between the trees. Definition: Reluctant or unable to remain firm or to be calm and calm, because you are a worried or bored example: he spent a restless night, throwing and returning. Definition: makes you feel better or more energetic if you feel tired or bad example: it is a great believer in the restorative power of long walks. Definition: (color, decoration, etc.) not excessively flashy or adorned; Sober example: drawings, with their sober colors, give a feeling of peace and contemplation. Definition: Example limited to an extent, number, flow rate or action: Western scientists only had limited access to the site. Definition: Limit the freedom of someone or prevent something from the growing example: college is unable to expand due to restrictive planning laws. Definition: They occur or produced as a result of something example: if you push something, the resulting force will be for that thing to move forward in the same direction. Definition: New increase, or becoming popular again Example: many people were critical in recovery militarism in the country. country. (of an action) that is harmful to someone who has done something to harm Example: he urged people not to resort to violence. Definition: able to remember things very well Example: Luke had an incredible retentive memory. Definition: Characterized by a subtle network or an example of a net structure: the lungs showed a yellowish surface with a reticular pattern. Definition: relative to the retina example: the disease can cause retinal damage and vision loss. Definition: having left the work of one and ceased to work for example: it is a retired airline pilot. Definition: Used to refer to someone who intends to leave their work and usually stop working permanently because of the example of age: the game ended in disappointment for the withdrawal captain. Definition: which can be pulled back or in example: the house has a swimming pool with a retractable roof. Definition: Related to, or destined to be, deserved and serious example of punishment: American has become the objectives of the pay attacks. Definition: which can be found and made available to be used; This can be recovered Example: records must be maintained in an easily manageable and recoverable format. Definition: similar to styles, fashions, etc. From the recent past period: there is such a mania for retro furniture now that there are shops specializing in different eras. Definition: (of a law or other agreements) having effect from time before the law or agreement has been approved example: I get an increase in retroactive salary. Definition: return to elderly and worst conditions, methods, ideas, etc. Example: he said he would be a retrograde step to remove the benefits of individual parents. Definition: which can or must be sent, taken, date, or put back from where it came from the example: there is a returnable deposit ? 100 on the accommodation of the students. Definition: able to be used more than once for example: I always carry a reusable shopping bag. Definition: Show more than usual example: the DAPANS clothing code reveals clothing. Definition: Do something known or showing something that had previously been a secret example: it was a revealing moment when I realized that there were other people watching the show. Definition: reverberant; Rehearse; Resonant example: the result is a slice of taking history with all kinds of reverberry echoes today. Definition: having the nature of the reverberation Example: digs human interiority in a reverberative public space. Definition: showing great respect and example of admiration: a reverent silence fell on the crowd. Definition: caused by or full of respect and example of admiration: the ancient book opened with the reverential care. Definition: Opposite to what has just happened, or to what is the usual or the expected example: repeat the steps in reverse order to turn off the system. Definition: able to be transformed from the other side of Round example: this can be a useful property to make reversible molecular switches. Definition: Reversible definition is of, relative to, constituting or involving in particular an example of a legal return: he gave 92% of his own property to his daughter and nephew as a reversible property. Definition: having been reconsidered and modified example: the revised approach will deal with many of the highlighted problems. Definition: Restored; Example of an active new: today the miraculously revitalized valley is loaded with boats and jammed with people who said. Positive adjectives starting with R to describe a person if such adjectives starting with R to describe a person as ? ? ?,? ? "Respective", ? ? ?,? ? "Reamuit? ?,?, etc. 1. Rollince: Delicious; Entractions Synonyms: splendid, beautiful, beautiful, fascinating example: it seemed fascinating. 2. Definition Racy: having a distinctly lively quality, funny and witty quality synonym: juicy, suggestive, lively example: His Racy stories can be rather shocking. 3. Rich definition: to have a great amount of money or goods; rich Wealthy, opulent, prosperous example: the building is a rich man's own property. 4. Estatic definition: characterized by, feeling, or to express great pleasure, or the enthusiasm Synonyms: ecstatic, joyful, enthusiastic example: it was in a state of ecstatic excitement, as he had not known for a long time. 5. Definition of list: arranged in or which constitute a constant or a defined model, in particular with the same space between individual cases Synonyms: systematic, well ordered, tidy example: she was having fun, but Wasna T something you would like to do on Regular base. 6. Definition of renunciatory: provoke or allowed synonyms: tolerance, compassion, indulgent example: the participants had to be in a damaged state of their disease process and have no disturbance other than MS that could influence their mobility. 7. Renowned definition: known or spoken by many people; Famous synonyms: famous, esteemed, well-known example: she is renowned for her patience. 8. Definition Respect: considered by the company to be good, correct, or correct synonyms: reputation, worthy, admirable example: it seems he? ? s a respectable person, who loves to keep for s?. 9. Responsible definition: having the obligation to do something, or have control over or care of someone, as part of the job One? ? s, or the role Synonyms: Responsible for the, manager, Example Answer: I'm doing responsible for the Cooking. 10. Noteworthy definition: worthy of attention; It hits synonyms: phenomenal, stunning, surprising, exceptional example: he was an extraordinary man. 11. Definition of Regal: of similar, or in form for a monarch, especially in being magnificent, or dignified synonyms: impressive, dignified, magnificent example: he seemed more regal. 12. Rosy Definition: Colorful like a pink or red rose, generally as an indication of moor, or of synonymous happiness: pink rose, incandescent, radiant. Example: the little girl girl with rosy cheeks. 13. Definition of resources: having the ability to find quick and intelligent ways to overcome the synonymous difficulties: creative, witty, talented, able example: It is a very enterprising and courageous person. 14. Radiant definition: by sending light; Shining, or incandescent lively synonyms: illuminated, bright, glowing example: look that radiant to her marriage. 15. Reliable definition: always good in terms of quality or performance; Able to be trusted Synonyms: well founded, reliable, authentic example: he is not very reliable. Positive adjectives starting with R to describe an event if you are learning new words to increase your English ability, so you can't miss the following descriptive words that start with R. 1. Rapid definition: it happens in a short period of time or for a great price Synonyms: Quick, Quick, Quick, Express Example: The growth of the two cities was rapid since 1900. 2. Realistic definition: having or showing a reasonable and practice idea that can be reached, or expected Synonyms: practical, logical, given, a feasible example: the fight in the film seems very realistic. 3. Recreational definition: Relative or that denotes activity carried out for fun when one is not working synonyms: leisure activities, Relax Example: recreational excursions for the family and friends are abundant. 4. Revolutionary definition: involving or causing a complete or dramatic change Synonyms: sweeping, absolute, strict example: revolutionary waves overwhelmed all over Europe. Positive adjectives starting with R to describe a place if you have been stuck in your writing and could be blocked to find the right words to move forward, check under adjectives that start with the letter R. Maybe they can trigger some new ideas. 1. Ramshackle definition: (in particular of one or vehicle) in a state of severe Dishrepair Synonyms: docked, shaky, unstable example: they stayed in a grungy cabin on the beach. 2. Responsive definition: React rapidly and positively synonymous: receptive, flexible, awake example: the company is highly high To the application changes. 3. Definition reachable: able to be achieved; Or contacted Synonyms: accessible example, convenient: the farm can only be reached by car. 4. Radical definition: relative to the most important parts of something or someone; Full or extreme synonyms: profoundness, revolutionary, whole example: we must make some radical changes to our operating procedures in the laboratory. 5. Definition of the reedio: Full of or edges with synonyms: Shril, piping, reed-like-like, thin example: he was swimming in the Reedy River. 6. Spacious definition: having a lot of rooms synonymous: roomy, considerable, great example: the job itself is a large spacious building, built by a master architect. 7. Definition of Rousing: Exciting; Synonyms Synonyms: inspiring, stimulating, excitement example: you have a fairly large yard to host a sudden kickball game. 8. Definition of refreshing: serve to refresh or reinvigorate someone synonyms: stimulating, restoration, freshness example: refreshing Breez Sea provides a pleasant climate even in high season. 9. Robust definition: strong and healthy; Vigorous synonyms: strong example, powerful and robust: the company is taking a more robust approach to the management. Positive adjectives starting with R to describe emotions, personality and feelings to cheer up your speech and make it more emotional, it is advisable to include some adjectives with the letter R below. 1. Receptive definition: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and synonyms: example inivable, open-lundes, plent plent: she says that people are very accommodation to this idea. 2. Definition of Raffish: unconventional and slightly destroyed, especially in an attractive way synonymous: Rakish, flashy, casual, as an example: it reminded him of it as a kind of ragolinable public schoolboy and a complete, but very addictive wastrel. 3. Definition of Reverent: feeling or showing profound and solemn respect Synonyms: Example respectful, Reverential, Dutic: The woman was reverent in her speech of her and was attentive to show respect when she spoke with her husband. 4. Definition of Rubicund: (in particular of someone's face) with a reddish complexion Synonyms: ruby, turned out to blush: his sparkling eyes, his face of Rubicund, and his generosity of Rubicella did it for me Personificing of similarity. 5. Definition of Rakish: having or view a dashed quality, slightly broken, or appearing synonymous: sports example, elegant, fashionable: John's Rakish's personality leads him to believe that it is good to have many girlfriends simultaneously. 6. Relaxed definition: without tension and anxiety Synonyms: Example Comfortable and not embossed: it appeared relaxed and safe before the game. 7. Implacable definition: oppressively constant; Synonyms incessant: continuous example, anthropent, persistent, inflexible: he had a relentless determination to finish this project. 8. Refined definition: with unwanted impurity or elements that have been removed by synonymous processing: purified, clarified example, filtered, clear: it has very refined ways. Negative adjectives starting with R to describe a person there is no real way to build a robust vocabulary. You just have to devote time and effort to maintain learning. Keep idea and starts from the adjective words that start with R. 1. Ruthless definition: having or not show pity or compassion for the other synonyms: Example of ruthless, cruel and heartless: it could be ruthless, but it was not habitually cruel. 2. Definition Rude: Actively rude, or malicious synonyms: example ill-educated, rude, acute and unpleasant: she had been rude with her head. 3. Deficulous definition: Chain of danger or consequences of one-year shares; Rash or synonyms Synonyms: Example inattentive, reckless, inattentive: you don't have to be so reckless. 4. Definition Deligata: express pain or regret, especially in a constrained or humorous way Synonyms: consumption, actentato, painful and sad example: he gave a strong smile. 5. Raspy. Raspy. Synonyms Rauki or harsh synonyms: dry, husky, often example: he spoke in a raspous and indistinct voice. 6. Recalcitrant definition: having a stubbornly non-cooperative attitude towards the authority or discipline Synonyms: non-cooperative example, intentional, opposite, defiant: towards the great horde has been respectful that recalutant. 7. Rebel definition: show the desire to resist synonyms of authority, control or convention: disobedient, uncontrollable, Bolsherie Example: has polished back of a rebellious hair lock. 8. Reluctant definition: reluctant and hesitant; Synonyms does not disenche: resistant, basheful, shy, reserved example: it was reluctant to engage for additional costs. 9. Sharp razor definition: extremely sharp synonyms: very sharp example: he had an acute razor mind. 10. Definition Rambunctura: difficult to control or handle, wildly pupils Synonyms: unrestrained, irrepressible, lost example: a branched child has always been put in trouble. 11. Transvented definition: suffering from exhaustion or stress; Wearing old torn clothes Synonyms: School, divided, consumed example: he seemed a little lacer, a small shady under his eyes. Negative adjectives starting with R to describe an event to revive your piece of writing, use some radiant adjectives as describing the words starting with R below. 1. Definition of rampant: (especially something unwelcome) flourishing, or spreading to empty synonyms: unchecked, epidemic, extractories of control: the cholera was rampant in the district. 2. Definition of revolt: causing intense disgust; Synonyms disgusting: sickly, disgust, give an example of sick disease: there was a smell that lingered in the air in the seminar. 3. Definition Rauco: doing a constituent a noisy noisy irrepressant and noisy synonyms: Darish, Sharp, Rasping, Forest Voics Example: A Raucus street party becomes dangerous sometimes. 4. Deflorable definition: (of conduct or event) giving rise to the synonyms of the regret: unwanted example, unlucky, painful, two-dimensional: the loss of this number of jobs is regrettable. 5. Rotary definition: marked by, or involving the publicity Synonyms: Example Rowdy, unruly, ungovernable: weddings, the elderly party guests were unmanageable after having too much to drink. Negative adjectives starting with R to describe a place in this section, we go through some adjectives starting with R to describe a place. How many of them are familiar and can you add anything else? 1. Rock Definition: Full of rock, or rocks Synonyms: Stony, Bumpy, Craggy, Hard Example: A rocky crape over the village. 2. Definition of gear: Defayal suffering Synonyms: spoiled, decomposed, putrid, contaminated example: wood was quite rotten from this moment. 3. Ruin definition: (of a building or place) reduced to a state of decay, collapse or disintegration Synonyms: decrepit, compartment, example of decay: the entire supermarket was ruined in a great fire. 4. Definition Rambuncending: uncontrollable exuberant; Synonyms Synonyms: unbridled example, resounding, unruly, unruly: the classroom was a disaster after an afternoon full of kindergartens. Negative adjectives that start with R to describe emotions, personality and feelings to update you from a beginner to an advanced English expert, master this list of adjectives starting with R will be very useful. 1. Repellent Definition: able to reject a particular thing; Waterproof to a particular substance Synonyms: waterproof and resistant example: the candle has a repellent effect on insects. 2. Definition of reproach: express synonyms of disappointment or disappointment Synonyms: disappointed, of of failure, example of contempt: she gave him a reproach look. 3. RESENTED DEFINITION: Sensation or express bitterness or indignation in being treated Synonyms unjustly: duration example, indignant, irritated, hostile: he was angry and resentful of their intrusion. 4. Definition of breathing: (of a person) person) To remain still, silent or submissive, especially due to boredom, or unsatisfactory synonyms: restless, sharp, restless, an example of discomfort: the consultants are becoming a bit of rest of their negotiations. 5. Remorse definition: filled with remorse; Synonyms Synonyms: recolved, contrite, guilty example: the defendant was remorse for what he had done. 6. RATTY DEFINITION: bad and irritable temperate, messy, or in bad conditions Synonyms: annoyed, tennis, angry example: it was a bit ratizzato with me this morning. 7. Rebel definition: engaged in opposition or armed resistance to a consolidated government, or ruler Synonyms: definitive example, disobedient, without law: I should not blame my rebel moods on other people. Final thoughts on adjectives that start with R Thanks to read the adjectives starting with the letter R. I hope you find and learned some new words from it. R is a very important letter in English and widely used in daily conversation and formal publications. Without it, I wouldn't have finished writing this article. So he continues to read and learn the adjectives that start with R we prepared for you, you will soon hear the progress you did in English. PS. See also positive words that start with R, names starting with R and verbs starting with R. R.

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