
Lesson PlanLesson NamePersonalitiesLesson ObjectiveTo learn some new vocabulary to describe people’s personalities, as prompted by the question “What is he/she like?”Lesson Duration50 minutesDateAgeLevel21.3.11-25.3.11High School / Middle SchoolShould be comprehensible for all but the lowest students.ResourcesVideo Excerpt from The Secret Garden, Episode 3 (32:32 – 36:00)Example text of favourite character piece.Items RequiredWriting PaperDictionariesStageTime (Mins)StepsGreeting & Getting Interest.9Say hello to students.While setting up computer, ask students to think of a friend or the person next to them. When finished, take a few answers from individual students. Group the answers into physical description and personality. You may need to provide a few personality answers such as rude, mean etc.Ask the class to define the difference between the two groups. Hopefully the students will get to Physical/Mental, Boy/Mind or Appearance/Personality.Brainstorming18Now put students into 5 or 6 groups. Teacher to choose groups to spread out abilities.Tell them they will watch a video, and while they are doing it they need to think about the mental characteristics of the characters.Groups have 2 minutes to come up with 5 adjectives to describe either. The adjectives must be unique. Encourage use of dictionaries and phone translators. The object here is to produce some vocabulary.Now groups have to stand up. Go around taking an adjective from one group at a time. Write them up on the board. Only when the group has given all of its adjectives can it sit down. If another group uses the same one, they have to think of a new one while standing.Photograph the board.Writing15Ask the groups to choose their favourite personality from the characters, and three reasons why from the board.Show the demonstration piece of writing. Read through it sentence by sentence. Highlight the structure of the piece, and the “also” and “finally”.Set the groups to write their own piece explaining why they like one character or the other. The best explanation will win the candy.Speaking & Vote8Each group chooses a spokesman to read their piece of writing to the rest of the class.After each student has read, the groups vote for a winner. You cannot vote for yourself. Each teacher also has a vote.The winner is the group with most votes, and they win the candy.Collect writing from each team.EvaluationSuccessesThe kids really enjoyed working with the material.The higher classes produced some really excellent material, and we got some good new language out if it.Led to people talking to me outside the lesson.Showed up one or two students who don’t speak much as very proficient (1st grade).The material really works at getting the students motivated.Finally managed to plan a lesson that runs more or less to time.FailuresVoting system didn’t work at all, and not that much attention was paid.Possibly a little bit of vocabulary overload, trying to introduce too much at one time.ImprovementsGroup similar adjectives to help understanding.Possibly remove some of the easier adjectives generated and force students to focus on harder ones in their writing.Some kind of comprehension activity from the speeches.General CommentsSet strict times, especially for the vocab discovery stage.It’s possible to make the brainstorm a two-parter for good students, half from their own knowledge and half discovery.Would work very well for sorting out word class .Patterns and participular adjectives. May have had some effect for better students. ................

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