

Chapter 11

Multiple Choices:

1. Social marketing places a focus on

a. Tangible products

b. Intangible products

c. The community

d. Each individual

2. Jane has thought about joining an exercise program but she will wait to see what happens when her friend joins. Jane is

a. A laggard

b. An early adopter

c. An innovator

d. A late majority

3. Which of the following adjectives would not be used to describe an innovator?

a. Risky

b. Independent

c. Daring

d. Shy

4. Whish of the following adjectives would not be used to describe an innovator?

a. Laggards

b. Early adopters

c. Innovators

d. Late majority

5. Feeling good about yourself is an example of

a. A punishment

b. A tangible product

c. A intangible product

d. An incentive

6. Which of the following is one way to increase motivation?

a. Contracts

b. Making people pay to join

c. Punishment

d. Take away privileges

7. An example of external advertising is

a. Mass media

b. Paycheck stuffers

c. Table tents

d. Posters

8. For the purposes of program planning, the people that make up the market are the

a. Innovators

b. Stakeholders

c. Priority population

d. Laggards

9. A variable of demographic segmentation is

a. Gender

b. State/region

c. Social class

d. Attitudes

10. The four “P’s” of marketing are

a. Product, price, place, principle

b. Principle, place, product, promotion

c. Promotion, product, price, place

d. Place, promotion, price, prestige


11. A goal of audience segmentation would include identifying segments that will target distribution and communication strategies.

a. True

b. False

12. A term synonymous with audience segmentation is market segmentation.

a. True

b. False

13. The diffusion theory provides explanation for the diffusion or movement of a new innovation through a population

a. True

b. False

14. Dividing the population based upon certain characteristics is a process called internal advertising.

a. True

b. False

15. Direct contact is an example of internal advertising.

a. True

b. False

16. Marketing is the planned attempt to influence the characteristics is a process called internal advertising.

a. True

b. False

17. Often in health promotion programs, canned programs are purchases or borrowed because they were previously successful in other locations.

a. True

b. False

18. Certain planning skills, such as marketing, social psychology and population dynamics often distinguish successful programs from failed programs

a. True

b. False

19. An example of an intangible success is increasing sales 3-5%

a. True

b. False


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