Loudoun County Public Schools

5467350000SPANISH IPACING GUIDE 2016-2017SEMESTER ONEFirst Quarter: “Building Blocks” topics should be reviewed on an ongoing basisSuggested reading exercises for this quarter: Las aventuras de Miguelito, capítulos 1 & 2AP Theme: Personal and Public Identities – Language and IdentityUNIT I- Building BlocksGreetings – use and respond to greetings, introductions, and farewellsSpanish Speaking Countries- Understand what countries speak Spanish and NationalitiesEmotions and feelings – express emotions and current state Interrogative words – recognize and respond to interrogative wordsCommands – use and respond to classroom commandsClassroom items- Use classroom items to respond to commandsAlphabet- letters and sounds / comparisons to English alphabetUseful phrases- frequently used expressions and phrases for the classroom Verbs – Estar, hacer, tener (as it relates to Greetings, feelings, emotions)AP Theme: Global Challenges – Environmental IssuesUNIT II- Calendar, Weather, Numbers, TimeCalendar and weather – identify, tell the date, and discuss weather and calendar (days, months, seasons, holidays, cultural comparisons)Numbers – 0-1000Time – tell time using digital and analog clocksVerbs-Estar, hacer (as related to weather)AP Theme: Contemporary life – Leisure and SportsUNIT III- Likes and DislikesActivities and sports – express likes/dislikes related to extracurricular activities and sportsPastimes and hobbies – identify and discuss which hobbies or pastimes students prefer. Review and practice likes and dislikes.Express agreement or disagreement - también/ tampoco Compare sports and hobbies – que te gusta más / ni, niVerbs – gustar, action verbsIdentify –ar, -er, -ir infinitivesPREFERIR- Used in contextAP Theme: Personal and Public Identities – Language and IdentityUNIT IV- ALL ABOUT MESubject pronouns – recognize and use subject pronounsHuman Body – identify body parts (introduction of definite and indefinite articles)Adjectives – describe personality traits and physical characteristicsDefinite and indefinite articles – introduce definite and indefinite articlesPersonal Pronouns- singular and plural pronounsConnections- personality traits to likes and dislikes to create statements (Me gustan los deportes. Yo soy atlético)Verbs – Ser, tenerleft86995Suggested Semester PBL-Project title: “Todo sobre mi”Grade 7-12Project Idea: Students act as teachers who are doing a read aloud to a kindergarten or early education class to expose the young students to basic Spanish structures as they share about themselves.Driving Question: How I can share about myself in Spanish to create relationships with others?Content: Greetings, Farewells, feelings, numbers, likes and dislikes, all about me structures, verbs and grammar and syntax structures.Major Products: Books and recordingsMaking it Public: Sharing with a kindergarten or early childhood class.Project Summary: The students are going to create relationships and share their personal identity with someone that does or doesn’t speak the language.Students will role play and create skits in preparation to author a book about themselves and videotape each they read share out their book, in order to use structures and share their personal identities. Using knowledge from the first nine weeks, students participate in the target language in various activities and use the vocabulary presented in the first quarter. As an authentic Project Based Learning activity, students share their all about me books with kindergarteners or early education children, by recording themselves and reading their books out loud as if they were presenting to a small group of children in a nearby school. These videos will be collected by the teacher and sent out along with the books to a kindergarten or early childhood teacher to share with his/her students as they study the topic of all about me in the classroom.00Suggested Semester PBL-Project title: “Todo sobre mi”Grade 7-12Project Idea: Students act as teachers who are doing a read aloud to a kindergarten or early education class to expose the young students to basic Spanish structures as they share about themselves.Driving Question: How I can share about myself in Spanish to create relationships with others?Content: Greetings, Farewells, feelings, numbers, likes and dislikes, all about me structures, verbs and grammar and syntax structures.Major Products: Books and recordingsMaking it Public: Sharing with a kindergarten or early childhood class.Project Summary: The students are going to create relationships and share their personal identity with someone that does or doesn’t speak the language.Students will role play and create skits in preparation to author a book about themselves and videotape each they read share out their book, in order to use structures and share their personal identities. Using knowledge from the first nine weeks, students participate in the target language in various activities and use the vocabulary presented in the first quarter. As an authentic Project Based Learning activity, students share their all about me books with kindergarteners or early education children, by recording themselves and reading their books out loud as if they were presenting to a small group of children in a nearby school. These videos will be collected by the teacher and sent out along with the books to a kindergarten or early childhood teacher to share with his/her students as they study the topic of all about me in the classroom.________________________________________________________________________________________________Second Quarter: Suggested reading exercises for this quarter: Las aventuras de Miguelito, capítulos 3, 4, 5, 8AP Theme: Contemporary life – EducationUnit V- The School?Classroom objects and items- identify classroom items and describe their location (prepositions of location) ?Possessive adjectives- express ownership using possessive adjectives.? Singular vs. Plural nouns?Prepositions of location- Describe where things are? Introduce “Hay”? Subjects / Classes- identify subjects, describe class schedule and discuss various schedules?Ordinal numbers introduce and practice ordinal numbers to talk about your schedule? Tell time- To talk about classes and schedules?Conjugations of regular –ar verbs?Comparisons – Compare schedules, classes and teachers using comparative structures (más que, mejor que)?Verbs – Estar+ prepositionsHay (used in context)AP Theme: Global Challenges – Nutrition and Food SafetyUnit VI- FoodFood – identify food items (breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverages, desserts, fruits, vegetables) discuss what they eat for breakfast, lunch and dinnerdescribe food and talk about likes and dislikes (Me gusta vs. Me encanta)talk about proper nutrition and how food tastes (saludable, dulce, picante etc…)comparisons (?Qué te gusta más?)Discuss preferences (PREFERIR)Time – tell time of day: en la ma?ana, en la tarde, en la nocheSEMESTER TWOThird Quarter: Suggested reading exercises for this quarter: Las aventuras de Miguelito, capítulo 7AP Theme: Global Challenges – Nutrition and Food SafetyUnit VII- RestaurantOrder food at a restaurant and express wants and needs.Identify place settings on the table.Identify people and places in the restaurantFamily- with whom do you go to the restaurantFavorite- Describe your favorite restaurant and/ or your family’s favorite restaurant (Mi restaurante favorito es de comida italiana.)Me gustaria Verbs – regular –er and –ir verb conjugationsregular verbs – beber, comer, compartir, deber, mantenerstem-changing verbs – pedir, querer, preferirplural of verb gustarverb necesitar, pagar“Hay”AP Theme: Contemporary life – Professions, Leisure and SportsUnit VIII- CommunityCommunity- Identify community locations and discuss places you go and what you will do there.Tell day and time- When do you go to do certain activities (day, time, time of day)Professions- identify professions and workplaces in your community. Discuss professions in relation to places in the community.Para + infinitive- talk about places you go and what you do there. Verb/verb phrases – irir + a + infinitiveir + a + nounPoder + infinitiveEstar AP Theme: Families and Communities – Family StructuresUnit IX- FamilyName and Identify: Identify and name family membersRecycle possessive adjectives to describe family relationships (mi madre, tu hermano, etc.)Descriptions- Describe physical features, and personality traits Re-use previously learned vocab- Tell ages, names, likes, dislikes of family membersComparisons words –más, menos, menor que, mayor que?Verbs – regular and irregular verbs (tener / ser)Fourth Quarter: Suggested reading exercises for this quarter: Las aventuras de Miguelito, capítulos 6, 9, 10AP Theme: Contemporary life – Celebrations and HolidaysUnit X- Celebrations- ? Name and Identify- Identify and discuss family celebrations.? Descriptions- Describe what people do to prepare for a party. ? Comparisons- Talk about decorations and activities at a party. ? Recycle Vocab- Recycle family members, possessive adjectives, verb TENER.AP Theme: Contemporary life – Housing and ShelterUnit XI- House and ChoresHouse – Identify and name objects in a room,Identify and name various rooms in the house, describe different rooms in a house and household objects Colors- Describe items and rooms using colorsPrepositions- Use prepositions of location to describe a room and the location of the items in the room.Chores – household chores vocabularyregular and irregular affirmative ‘tú’ commandsPresent progressive – Tell what people are currently parisons Compare houses from Spanish speaking countries vs. the USCompare chores - Use mejor que, peor que, etc. (Examples: Mi dormitorio es mejor que el dormitorio de mi hermano. Lavar los platos es peor que hacer la cama.)Affirmative tú commandsVerb – tener que + infinitiveReadings- teachers can select from the following list of suggested titlesLas aventuras de Miguelito, Fabiola CanaleCarl no quiere ir a México, Karen RowanEl primer trabajo de Roberto, Laura StadePobre Ana, Blaine Ray00Suggested Semester PBL-Project title: “La casa de mis sue?os”Grade 7-12Project Idea: Students act as architects and designers to create a dream home. The class, as customers, will decide which the best design is. Driving Question: How can I design a dream home for my fellow students?Content: Greetings, Farewells, feelings, numbers, items in the house, rooms of the house, community, family, celebrations and family activities, comparisons, verbs and grammar and syntax structures.Major Products: Students will choose between making a video, Power point, blueprint, book or trifold poster.Making it Public: Sharing with their classmates and/or school community.Project Summary: The students are going to create a dream home.Students will role play as architects and designers to create a dream home. Using knowledge acquired up this point, students participate in the target language in various activities and use the vocabulary presented to apply as they try to persuade others in the class of their design of their dream home. As an authentic Project Based Learning activity, students share their dream home with classmates and/or school community, by recording or presenting live their final product. These designs will be compared and evaluated by the others and voted on at the end.Suggestions: Have a Spanish speaking builder come to the class during the creative process and/or during the presentations to evaluate the designs or to advise on creating their designs.00Suggested Semester PBL-Project title: “La casa de mis sue?os”Grade 7-12Project Idea: Students act as architects and designers to create a dream home. The class, as customers, will decide which the best design is. Driving Question: How can I design a dream home for my fellow students?Content: Greetings, Farewells, feelings, numbers, items in the house, rooms of the house, community, family, celebrations and family activities, comparisons, verbs and grammar and syntax structures.Major Products: Students will choose between making a video, Power point, blueprint, book or trifold poster.Making it Public: Sharing with their classmates and/or school community.Project Summary: The students are going to create a dream home.Students will role play as architects and designers to create a dream home. Using knowledge acquired up this point, students participate in the target language in various activities and use the vocabulary presented to apply as they try to persuade others in the class of their design of their dream home. As an authentic Project Based Learning activity, students share their dream home with classmates and/or school community, by recording or presenting live their final product. These designs will be compared and evaluated by the others and voted on at the end.Suggestions: Have a Spanish speaking builder come to the class during the creative process and/or during the presentations to evaluate the designs or to advise on creating their designs.Repaso -Review for Final Exam**Throughout the year it is suggested to include various cultural anecdotes, perspectives and additional vocabulary related to the themes listed above.SPANISH IPlease also see….PACING GUIDE CALENDAR:2016-2017The calendar is an example for your instruction. Each school, each teacher and each class is different so please do not feel you have to strictly follow this – it is provided for your use as needed. Sustained inquiry PBL experiences should be included where and when appropriate based on your school-based direction. A calendar for the CPA and Benchmark assessment windows will be on the Spanish Curriculum page. ................

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