
French I study guide for fall semester test 2019Final schedule = 1,3,5 on Thursday, December 19th or 2,4,6 on Friday, December 20th Sections:Speaking – Thursday December 12thTopic: Talk about self and a friend (opposite gender): physical descriptions, age, likes and dislikes of class and reasons why. (all information for you and your friend)Requirements: Talk for one minute, comprehensible, on topic, no major errorsVerbs – during final schedule Know all the subject pronouns, be able to conjugate any regular –er verbs, être, and avoir (will see this week)This is a writing part (no word bank, multiple choice or matching)Vocabulary and grammar – during final scheduleTopics: greetings and politeness, articles, classroom objects, school subjects, adjective agreement, questions, negation, calendar, numbers 0-60 (orally), and any culture or related information to the above mentioned topics.This will be multiple choice, matching, or T/FReading comprehension – during final scheduleReading passage in French with T/F questionsOn a separate sheet of paper (this is for a grade and we will go over it) write the following information:Hello, goodbye, thanks, please, nice to meet you, mister, missus, miss5 description adjectives with masculine and feminine formsall 9 subject pronouns398716563500Due Friday, December 13th00Due Friday, December 13thConjugation of parler, manger, être and avoir (in all 6 forms)All 8 articles and when you use each one10 classroom objects10 school subjects and 4 adjectives to describe themThe question wordsone negative sentencebe able to say the numbers 0-20, 25, 30, 31, 40, 50, 60the 7 days of the week and the words: day, week, and weekendthe 12 months and the word monthAny French cultureFrench I – answers (not all answers are here just reminders)Hello, BonjourSalutBonsoirBon après-midigoodbye, salutau revoirtchaothanks = merciplease =s’il te pla?t / s’il vous pla?tnice to meet you, enchanté(e)mister, missus, missmonsieur, madame, mademoiselle5 description adjectives with masculine and feminine formsGrand / grandePetit / petiteBrun / bruneBlond / blondeRoux / rousseParesseux / paresseuseSympa (sympatique)TimideMéchant / méchantePatient / patienteIntéressant / intéressanteEnnuyeux / ennuyeuse all 9 subject pronounsjenoustuvousililselleellesonConjugation of parler, manger, être and avoir (in all 6 forms)-er (like parler)être = to beJe parle nous parlonsTu parlesvous parlezIl/elle parleils/elles parlent-gerJe mangenous mangeonsTu mangesvous mangezIl/elle mangeils/elles mangentJe suisnous sommesTu esvous êtesIl/elle estils/elles sontAvoir = to haveJ’ainous avonsTu asvous avezIl/elle a ils/elles ontAll 7 articles and when you use each oneLe(masc), la(fem), l’(vowel), les(plural)= the (specific) in front of a nounUn(masc), une(fem), des(plural) = a, some (general) in front of a noun10 classroom objectsUn livreUn crayonLe cahierUne tableUne chaiseUn styloDu papier – une feuille de papierUn tableauUne poubelleUn fluoUne gommeUne règleUn classeurUne horlogeUne agrafeuseUne perforatriceUn dictionnaireUn pupitreUn sac à dosUne carteUn bureauUn ordinateurUn portable10 school subjects and 4 adjectives to describe themL’histoireLa géographieLa géométrieLes mathsL’anglaisLe latinLe fran?aisL’espagnolL’informatiqueLa gestionLe droitL’artL’architectureLa chimieLa biologieLes sciencesLa physiqueIntéressant (e)Ennuyeux / ennuyeuseFacileDifficileSympaHorribleUtileinutileQuestion wordsQui - whoQuand - whenComment - howPourquoi - whyparce que - becauseQue - whatQuel - whichA quelle heure – at what timeOù - whereCombien – how many / how much4 ways to write a question? and intonationEst-ce que (in front of the statement)Tag questions at the end – n’est-ce pas?, d’accord?, non?Inversion – invert verb and subject pronounHyphenateIf il, elle, on and the verb ends in a vowel, then add “t” betweenIf a subject noun or name, the keep in the front and hyphen the verb with the appropriate subject pronounone negative sentencene …. pas sandwich (ne in front and pas after the verb) the numbers 0-20, 25, 30, 31, 40, 50, 60zéroundeuxtroisquatrecinqsixsepthuitneufdixonzedouzetreizequatorzequinzeseizedix-septdix-huitdix-neufvingtvingt et unvingt-deuxvingt-troistrentetrente et untrente-deuxquarantecinquantesoixantethe 7 days of the week and the words: day, week, and weekendlundiaujourd’hui - todaymardidemain - tomorrowmercredijeudivendredisamedidimancheun jourune semaineun week-endthe 12 months and the word monthjanvierfévriermarsavrilmaijuinjuilletao?tseptembrele printempsoctobrel’éténovembredécembrele moisl’automnel’hiverAny French cultureLa bise – cheek kiss (if not, then one firm hand shake)St Nicholas – treats in shoes, Réveillon = Christmas Eve family feastL’école – bac = exit exam, 20/20 scores, terminal = last year ................

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