
Adjectives - Comparative, Superlative, PointingYour task: Read the description about the Daintree Rainforest. Once you have read this, complete the following tasks over the 2 pages in your book or edit this document and record your responses. If you are recording these in your book, make sure you record the question number with your responses.What are adjectives and how can they be used effectively?Adjectives give more information about nouns. Adjectives describe qualities such as number, shape, colour or size. Sometimes a group of words can be replaced by more ‘precise adjectives’1. Circle/Write the adjectives in the description of the Daintree Rainforest.2. Replace each underlined word with a more precise adjectives from the description above. A really big range of animals live in the Daintree Rainforest The Daintree Rainforest is a really thick rainforestSome tall very old trees in the Daintree Rainforest are over 3000 years old There are rules to protect the extremely valuable plants and animals that live there-143795-239414003. Record the comparative and superlative adjectives in the description of the Daintree Rainforest.4. Complete the table by writing the two forms of comparing adjectives – comparative and superlative – for each of these adjectves. **Use the examples above as a guide** Challenge: Can you think of more any more when looking the two forms of comparing adjectives ?Positive/AdjectiveComparativeSuperlativeRareOldTallThickHotLargeWhat are pointing adjectives?Pointing adjectives point out the noun that follows.For example: this classroom, these pencils, that whiteboard, those students5. Circle/Write the pointing adjectives in the description of the Daintree Rainforest. Underline/record the nouns they point out.6. Circle/Write the most suitable pointing adjective, then complete the sentence.(This/These) ______________ animal is endangered.(This/These) _______________ tree kangaroo is very shy.(This/These) _______________ rare plants need protecting. ................

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