Magnifier Features

Magnifier Features

| | |

|[pic] Magnifier Toolbar | |

|[pic] |Magnification Power: ZoomText provides a full range of magnification levels up to 16x. New fractional powers (1.25, 1.5 and 1.75) | |

| |provide fine control for users needing minimal magnification. | |

|[pic] |Zoom Window Type: ZoomText provides eight zoom window types: Full, Overlay, Lens, Line and four Docked positions. Each of these | |

| |windows offers a unique way of viewing what is on the screen. At any time, you can switch zoom window types to accommodate a | |

| |different task or application environment. | |

|[pic] |Zoom Window Adjust: ZoomText's windows can be sized and/or moved to occupy a different portion of the screen. To size a window, drag| |

| |any handle. To move a window, drag inside the window frame. | |

|[pic] |Zoom Window Freeze: The Freeze window allows you to monitor information at one location while you simultaneously view and edit | |

| |information in other locations. The Freeze window sits on top of the Full zoom window while the Full zoom window continues to scroll | |

| |and display all areas of the screen. | |

|[pic] |Color Enhancements: Color enhancements improve screen clarity for easier viewing and reduced eyestrain. The color enhancements |

| |options consist of a variety of filtering effects that allow you to adjust screen colors, brightness, and contrast. You can choose |

| |from preset color schemes or configure your own custom color enhancements. |

|[pic] |Pointer Enhancements: Pointer enhancements make it easy to locate and follow the mouse pointer. You can choose from a variety of | |

| |preset pointer enhancement schemes or configure your own custom pointer enhancements. | |

|[pic] |Cursor Enhancements: Cursor enhancements make it easier to locate and follow the text cursor. You can choose from a variety of | |

| |preset cursor enhancement schemes or configure your own custom cursor enhancements. | |

|[pic] |Desktop Finder: Desktop Finder helps you find and launch programs on the desktop, system tray and quick launch bar. In addition, the| |

| |Desktop Finder also helps you find and open items in the Control Panel, Programs menu and My Documents folder. | |

|[pic] |Web Finder: Web Finder helps you find links and controls in any webpage. Web Finder 'Actions' allow you to execute a selected link, | |

| |scroll to a link or control, or begin reading (using AppReader) at the location of a link or control. | |

|ScreenReader Features | |

|[pic] Reader Toolbar | |

|[pic] |Speech: Turns speech output on and off. | |

|[pic] |Rate: Controls how fast ZoomText speaks - in words per minute. | |

|[pic] |Typing Echo: Typing echo provides immediate feedback of the keys and words that you type. Each key or word that you type is | |

| |automatically spoken. You can choose to have all keys spoken or only selected groups of keys. | |

|[pic] |Mouse Echo: Mouse echo automatically reads text that you point to. Single words or complete lines of text can be spoken instantly or | |

| |after hovering briefly. | |

|[pic] |Verbosity: Select a verbosity level. Verbosity allows you to adjust the amount of information spoken when a program item receives | |

| |focus. Settings are specified in the Verbosity dialog box. | |

|[pic] |AppReader: The new AppReader provides continuous reading of documents, web pages and email, within the parent application programs. You| |

| |can automatically read through the entire document or manually navigate by word, line, or sentence. (Shortcut: Alt+Shift+A) | |

|[pic] |DocReader: Launches DocReader to read text from the last active application. DocReader provides continuous reading of documents, web | |

| |pages and email, in a special environment where text is reformatted for easier viewing. (Shortcut: Alt+Shift+D) | |

|[pic] |SpeakIt: The SpeakIt tool allows you to read selected areas of the screen by clicking or dragging with the mouse. Any text that is | |

| |visible on the screen can be spoken, even if it's outside the active program. | |


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