
Selected References

Constitution Writing and Conflict Resolution

This bibliography provides an introduction to the expansive literature on constitution writing.

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Newspapers, Newsletters, and Yearbooks

AAP Newsfeed.

Africa Confidential

Africa News Service

Africa Research Bulletin

Africa Contemporary Record

Africa South of the Sahara

Associated Press (wire service as archived on Lexis-Nexis)

Agence France Presse (wire service as archived on Lexis-Nexis)

Baltic News Service

British Broadcasting Corporation (wire service as archived on Lexis-Nexis)

Constitutions of the Countries of the World

CTK National Newswire

Dawn (Karachi)

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

East European Constitutional Review

The Economist

Facts on File World News Digest

Financial Times, London

Foreign Broadcast Information Service

The Guardian, London (wire service as archived on Lexis-Nexis)

Independent (London)

Indian Ocean Newsletter (accessed through Lexis-Nexis)

Inter Press Service


Keesing’s Record of World Events. (Various years used).

Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record.

Latin America Data Base

The New York Times

Pacific Islands Monthly

Pacific Islands Report

The Times of London

United Press International (wire service as archived on Lexis-Nexis)

The Washington Post

West Africa

Xinhua General Overseas News Service

Xinhua News Agency


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