Instructions for applying an Electronic Signature for the first time

To create an electronic signature with only Adobe Reader on your computer you must start with a document like Form A from our Website. Clicking the signature block will start the process. If all you need is to add the “Reason” to your signature click here.

When you see a PDF that has a signature block, even if you do not have Adobe Pro you can sign the document so long as you at least have Adobe Reader

Click on the signature box


When you click on it the Sign Document pop-up window will appear.

If you already have a digital signature on the computer you are using it will show up as the default in Sign As.


If you don’t you will see New ID in that area. If you see one but it isn’t yours you can create a new one by clicking as shown below.


Check the last option, A New Digital ID and click next


Check the first option since it is free and supported by most security software applications. Then click Next.


Type in all of your information. Include the email though not shown below. Leave the check box unchecked and don’t change the key or Use then click next.


The system will allow you to place the file that holds your electronic signature information anywhere on your computer or on a shared drive. You can change the location and name if you wish by clicking browse. Do enter a password but make it something you will remember easily for a long time since you may not need the e-signature that often.


Click on the appearance drop-down menu to create a new appearance for your signature.


Always be sure you type in a reason for the signature, some stock options are available using the drop-down menu.

Always check “lock the document after signing” if there is only one signature block on the form but not if someone else has to sign after you do. Lock it if you are the last signatory

If you don’t see Reason click here

Ensure you enter a title that reflects how you use the signature or you can use your name. You can upload a graphic of your handwritten signature using a jpg or gif.

Ensure the check boxes are checked. The red arrows show the required fields. And click OK.


Now you can sign the document ensure all the red arrows below are entered. This is all you will see in the future when you click on a signature block on a PDF requiring your signature on this computer.


The FDA has described in the past that it will accept an

Adobe Acrobat digital signature, scanned signatures, and what they call Flattened Digital Signatures. To qualify as a Flattened Digital Signature it has to have the Printed Name of the signer, the date and time when the signature was executed and the reason for the signature. Reasons you may want to use include:

I am the author of this document.

I am approving this document (you can also add “for Dr Jones” or “for the Department of…”, etc.).

I agree with statements made in this document.

I accept the terms and conditions in this document.


To Show Reason when signing.

Click Edit, Preferences


Click Security


Click advanced preferences


Click the Creation tab


Ensure Show Reason and Show location are checked


Then click ok and ok


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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