
Cluster Area: Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security

|Career Pathway: |Students must successfully pass the following three courses in order to sit for the End-of-Pathway Assessment:|

|Law Enforcement Services / Public Safety |43.45000 Introduction to Law Public Safety Corrections and Security |

|Communications |43.45100 Criminal Justice Essentials |

| |43.46200 Public Safety Communications |

|Credentialing Exam: |Emergency Management Institute: “Community Preparedness:  Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone” |

| |Assessment |

| | |

| |Independent Study Course: IS: 909 |

|Testing Agency: |Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) |

| |Link: |

|Exam Blueprint: |To view the competencies that will be tested on this exam, go to the following link to see the Program Leader |

| |and Facilitator Guides: |

| | |

|Exam Cost: |Free |

|Duration of Exam: |Exam is timed once students log into “Take Final Exam” – may allow up to 60 minutes |

|Number of Questions: |10 questions |

|Exam Cut-Score: |75% |

|Test Ordering Information: |The “Community Preparedness:  Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone” Assessment is a FEMA Independent |

| |Study Program assessment which can be accessed at: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Once at this site, go to right menu under “Take Final Exam” and download “Final Exam Questions.” Students |

| |should complete answers before clicking on “Take Final Exam.” Once in “Take Final Exam” student should |

| |complete requested application data, then transfer answers from the written test onto the electronic answer |

| |sheet and submit test data. Students who successfully complete the exam will receive their certificates at the|

| |email address provided in the application data. |

| | |

| |Notice: Independent Study Exams now require a FEMA Student Identification (SID) Number. If you do not yet have|

| |a SID, register for one today: . Please do not contact the Independent Study |

| |program office as they are unable to provide assistance with these requests. |

|Proctoring Guidelines: |Students are expected to work individually to complete exam, and should be proctored when taking the final |

| |exam. |

|Testing Format: |On-line |

|Required Computer Software | |

|Specifications: | |

|Test Availability: |Year-round availability |

|Testing Agency Contact: |FEMA Independent Study Program |

| |Telephone Number: (301) 447-1200 |

| |Fax Number: (301) 447-1201 |

| |Email: independent.study@ |

|GaDOE Contact for Credentialing: |Name: Mamie Hanson |

| |Telephone Number: 470-728-6052 |

| |Email: mhanson@doe.k12.ga.us |

|GaDOE Contact for Curriculum Area: |Name: Sandra Martin |

| |Telephone Number: 404-606-2348 |

| |Email: sandra.martin@doe.k12.ga.us |




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