MGMT. 3312B - #26628Employee and Compensation Benefits LabSpring, 2019Time:Tuesday – 3:00 PM – 4:20 PMRoom:COBA 310Instructor:Art Diaz, MBAOffice Hrs:2:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Monday and Wednesday, COBA: 231Office:915-747-7729Email: Required Text: NoneRequired Materials:1. Earphones to use in lab in order to listen to online videos and/or other materials.2. Access card to do exercises in Excel and Access through Simnet. (Cost is $135.00 payable by credit card at time of registration for the material). Course Design:This course is part of a two-course sequence in our human capital management academy certificate program. Successful completion of this course along with the other course, Mgmt. 3312A, will earn students the required 3 laboratory credit hours in that program. The course will be conducted in a computer laboratory. Students will log on to computers in the laboratory and complete the designated exercises. Exercises will be posted on Blackboard and/or Simnet. After the completion of each exercise, student learning will be assessed based on answers to online quizzes, written exercises (e.g., memos, projects) or other documentation that will be uploaded to Blackboard and/or Simnet. The assign textbook (if any) will be used as a reference guide for students.Course Description:This course will require students to engage with computer software systems that are related to Human Capital Management (HCM) on topics related to employee compensation and benefits. Laboratory exercises will include the manipulation and analysis of HCM related data such as: employee pay rates, pay deductions, employee pay classifications, organizational pay structure, compensation analytics, benefits enrollment, health insurance, retirement plans, and related topics. The assigned textbook (if any) will be used for reference for the students to familiarize themselves with the topics in the laboratory exercises.Course Overview:This laboratory course is designed to supplement the standard course that provides an introduction to employee compensation and benefits. Employers recognize that a critical source of competitive advantage comes from having an effective system for obtaining, mobilizing, and managing the data related to an organization’s human assets. This course will enhance student skills in using human resource information systems that will enable basic and advanced management and analysis of this type of data as it relates to employee compensation and benefits.Learning Objectives:Upon completion of this course, students should:Be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of different HCM systems related to employee compensation and benefits.Be able to manage data related to employee compensation and benefits in an HCM system.Be able to manage the design of compensation and benefits plans using an HCM system.Perform analytics related to compensation and benefit plans that will produce useful information for employers.Course Procedures and Requirements:Students must attend scheduled laboratory settings, log into computers, and perform the assignments for each week. In addition, students are reminded to save their work either on flash drives or their student account on UTEP’s My Space because the memory content of the computers in the labs are erased frequently.Course Grading:The grades for this course will be based on the percentage of successful completion of the laboratory exercises such as lessons, quizzes, projects, quizzes, and exams. Class Policy for Electronic Devices: All electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, camera containing devices, etc.) should be completely turned off in class and should not be in the hands of students at any point during class, (Unless an E-book for class is being used.). Professor reserves the right to temporarily confiscate electronic devices owned by students when electronic devices are either not switched off or are found in the hands of students. All students are expected to comply. Students will be penalized for noncompliance. No Texting allowed.Attendance and PunctualityAttendance is valued in this class, just as it is in the workplace. Being absent or late to class sends a negative message to the instructor just like it does to an employer, manager, customer or your banker. You cannot make contributions to class discussions when you are not present. Please keep in mind that missing 1 class is equivalent to 2.5 days of work.Class attendance is required and expected. Exam material will be partially based on lectures; therefore you are responsible for any material covered in class. Please arrive on time and take your seat quickly and quietly. Arriving late hinders all students and is considered disruptive to everyone in the class. ***Very Important: As Per University Policy: “When in the judgement of the instructor, a student has been absent to such a degree as to impair his or her status relative to credit for the course, the instructor can drop the student from the class with a W before the course drop deadline or with a grade of F after the course drop deadline.”The instructor reserves the right to raise or lower student’s grade based on the quality and quantity of the student’s participation. Academic Dishonesty“Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part in another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing grades on the work in question, to failing grades in the course, to suspension or dismissal, among others.”“It is a violation of copyright laws to copy any portion of the textbook.”Statement on DisabilityIf you feel you may have a disability that requires accommodations, contact the Center for Accommodations and Support Office at 915-747-5148; go to the Union Building East, Room 106, or email: CLASS SCHEDULE / TOPIC DISCUSSIONWEEKDAYDATESUBJECTTOPIC1TuesdayJan 22Intro / Syllabus OverviewGo over everything expected for course completion. Enroll in Simnet program and overview.Access Chapter 1 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam.2TuesdayJan 29Access Chapter 1 (cont.)3TuesdayFeb 5Access Chapter 2 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam. 4TuesdayFeb 12Access Chapter 3 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam.5TuesdayFeb 19Access Chapter 4 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam.6TuesdayFeb 26Access Chapter 5 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam.7TuesdayMar 5Access Chapter 6 workbook, projects, lesson, and exam.8TuesdayMar 12Sign up with ADPADP Vantage HCM – IntroductionADP Online toolsADP Vantage HCM – Payroll Engine – Standard Output ReportsADP General Ledger - Processing9TuesdayMar 19Spring Break10TuesdayMar 26ADP Payroll FundamentalsADP Compensation Planning for Managers11TuesdayApr 2ADP Talent Management Overview ADP Performance Management OverviewADP Succession Management Overview12TuesdayApr 9ADP Performance Management Enhanced User Experience for Employees and ManagersADP Succession Management – Support Guide for Managers (self-study)ADP Talent Management Jobs and Competencies Administration13TuesdayApr 16ADP Vantage HCM – Security OverviewADP Vantage HCM – Human Resources Activity Demonstration14TuesdayApr 23ADP Vantage HCM – Configuration Tools OverviewADP Vantage – Using the Configuration Reports Tool15TuesdayApr 30ADP Payroll Engine – Quarter and Year End Output ReportsADP Recruiting Management – Master Tables, Req. Position, Req. Location, and Event LocationADP Recruiting Management – Evergreen RequisitionsADP Recruiting Management – Tax Credits Integration16TuesdayMay 7ADP Vantage HCM – Managing Accruals ADP Vantage HCM – Time System Administrator: Managing Time Profiles ADP Vantage HCM – Time System Administrator – Managing Time Workflow Notifications17TuesdayMay 14 Final Exam Week: ................

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