STRATEGIC PLANJULY 2015 – JUNE 2020FY18Archway Station Strategic PlanExecutive SummaryThe development of this strategic plan began on September 17, 2014 when the outgoing Executive Director and the new in-coming Executive Director met with the Board of Directors to discuss the transition in leadership and the past and current status of the agency. Potential ideas about the future of the agency were discussed. The new Executive Director was tasked with the job of getting re-acquainted with the agency and working with agency leadership to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, and the state of the mental health community to determine a direction for Archway Station. Over the course of the next nine months, evaluation of significant key data and conversations with staff, service users, and community partners occurred. Ultimately, several key themes emerged for development. First was the desire to seek an accreditation status that would elevate the professionalism of the organization. The agency leadership had chosen CARF over The Joint Commission back in 2013 because the values of CARF were more aligned with the mission and vision of Archway Station. This effort needed focused attention. Second, was the need to relieve the staff of some of the paper burden as documentation requirements continue to escalate. The agency is still 90% paper- based. Lastly but certainly not least, a focus is needed on the integration of somatic and mental health care for service users.Agency leadership developed four goals for the staff of the agency to implement. These goals are:Provide high quality services for people using our services, staff we employ, and the community to which we serve. This is the foundation of our work. Our commitment is to continually strive to improve the quality of service we provide.Ensure financial viability and growth. Archway Station strives to be a good agent of its resources and to put processes in place that ensures the agency does not compromise on the quality of its services.Increase awareness and support for our mission among our communityEnhance the quality of life of people by promoting the integration of somatic and mental health care as well as mind, body, and spirit wellness.The Board of Directors is aware of the role the play in the success of the agency and takes seriously their commitment and service to the growth and development of the agency. As part of this commitment, the Board of Directors will take responsibility for a goal that is unique to them.Build an effective Board. The Board of Directors of Archway Station seeks to develop an efficient, effective, and sustainable Board that will work closely with the agency in ensuring the provision of quality services to individuals with mental health needs and developmental disabilities.It is our hope that this Strategic plan will focus and guide our agency’s direction for the next five years as we work to provide the highest quality possible services to people with mental health needs and developmental disabilities.Background and PurposeDuring the course of this plan development, the following purposes are clarified:Assist the Board of Directors, Executive Director, and agency staff to develop a five-year strategic plan;Help focus the Board and staff on Archway Stations financial and operational strength;Develop a planning approach to monitor the strategic planning process;Develop an implementation approach to assist the Executive Director in managing and monitoring strategic progress while working to ensure the quality of day-to-day operations.Overview of StepsOver the course of the nine months information was gathered from people using and providing Archway services, Archway’s community partners and the Board of Directors. Information was gathered via in-person meetings, paper and internet surveys, the previous year’s outcome reports, suggestions/edits to the strategic plan itself, the independent audit, and the satisfaction surveys of people using services, staff, and our community partners. Discussions were held with the Executive Director of Community Behavioral Health (CBH) to discuss strategic direction of the mental health policy arena. Important considerations occurred concerning the current economic environment, known regulatory or legal changes affecting Archway Station and/or mental health and developmental disability services, potential uncertainty in service reimbursement, and recent or upcoming changes that could affect on-going operations (i.e. staff changes, open positions, major projects, etc..)From this information, the Senior Leadership, in conjunction with the leadership group, developed key goals and directions, lead persons responsible, and completion dates in a document that is meant to be a living document reviewed monthly at the Leadership meeting. An overview of progress is also given at each Board of Director’s meeting and Consumer Advisory Board meeting.Recommendations for ImplementationAt regularly monthly leadership meetings, the Executive Director can monitor progress on the plan and routinely report progress to the Board of Directors, the Consumer Advisory Board, and to all the staff via staff meetings, e-mail, or staff newsletter. Accomplishment of objectives can be monitored by direct observation of achievement of specific objectives on the agency performance improvement plan. The strategic plan should be adjusted to allow for early accomplishment of objectives or unexpected events or conditions preventing or delaying accomplishments. For example, objectives may be revised; lead persons reassigned, yet should be used and followed while changes are documented. Each year the Board and staff should conduct a formal review of accomplishments to see what changes, if any, should be made.Archway Station’s Mission and Core ValuesArchway Station’s mission is to help people who need assistance living full lives in the community, including:Adults recovering from serious and persistent mental illness;Adults with intellectual and/or developmental challenges;Children and adolescents overcoming serious emotional and/or behavior problems; andPeople with low incomes.The foundation of all services is our belief that the children and adults using services are first and foremost people. The success of our service rests on the honoring and celebration of our shared humanity. The health and safety of the people using and providing services is our first consideration. Services are carefully initiated, designed, and monitored to protect everyone’s well-being.We strive to give children and adults fast access to services. Once services have started, Archway helps the child/adult create a person-centered plan for being happy, contributing, and valued members of the community. Working together, we identify the skills and supports needed to reach this goal.A critical part of our mission is continually working to replace Archway’s paid supports with natural ones whenever possible. Ideally, Archway services should be phased-out over time as the person learns critical life skills and builds natural support systems. Archway recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. The agency promotes healthy lifestyles for everyone in the Archway community. Archway’s core values are:RecoveryGrowthCompassionEmpowermentPartnershipHope GoalObjectiveStatusLead(s)Target DateONE: Provide high quality services for people using services, staff, and the communityImprove intake processIntake CoordinatorProgram Director12/31/17Obtain CARF accreditationExecutive DirectorCompliance Officer4/1/18Implement electronic health recordsIT Systems CoordinatorExecutive Director12/31/20Develop leadership teamExecutive DirectorTraining Coordinator12/31/20GoalObjectiveStatusLead(s)Target DateTWO: Ensure financial viability and growthMaintain a financial reserve system to ensure adequate reserves are on hand to cover operational and capital expendituresFinancial DirectorOn-going goal12/31/20Relocate Longview from TBFC to the communityFinancial DirectorProperty ManagerLongview Team Leader12/31/17Relocated all admin offices to 1 locationFinancial DirectorProperty Manager8/31/16GoalObjectiveStatusLead(s)Target DateTHREE: Increase awareness of and support for our mission among our communityRevise websiteIT Coordinator7/1/17Increase awareness of program in the communityProgram DirectorIntake CoordinatorExecutive DirectorOn-going goal12/31/20Create Facebook pageIT Coordinator1/1/17Routine media representationExecutive DirectorTeam LeadersOn-going goal12/31/20GoalObjectiveStatusLead(s)Target DateFOUR: Integrate somatic and mental healthBecome Health HomeExecutive Director12/31/20FIVE: Build an effective BoardRevise orientation for new Board membersExecutive Director10/1/15Develop a Board member job descriptionBoard PresidentExecutive Director12/31/16Ensure diverse and strategic Board representationBoard membershipExecutive Director12/31/17Complete Board self-evaluationBoard membership7/1/18 ................

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