Scouting in Rusthall


“You can only get discipline in the mass by discipline in the individual”

Lord Robert Baden-Powell

(1857 to 1941)

|? | |

| |We are seeking : |

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| |Further events that occurred this year. |

| |Copies of the St Paul’s Church Parish Magazine for this year. |

| |Copies of the Kent & Sussex Courier for this year. |

| |Any knowledge that you may have of this year. |

Can you help ? Please click HERE if you can.

Supporters Mini Jumble Sale & Pot Luck Supper

Saturday 9 May 1981

The 2-hour sale (mainly clothes) was held to raise funds for camp to cover the cost of increases in fuel, etc.

The Pot Luck Supper has become a regular social and fund raising event and is always well supported.

The Wellies Fly Again

Saturday 30 May 1981

Rusthall residents were warned to watch out for another Flight of the Wellies, and hot air balloonists were advised to avoid flying within five hundred yards of the Rusthall Recreation Ground in Southwood Road - as the Group Supporters Association hosted the second Grand Wellie Throwing Contest.

Following the success of the 1980 event it was decided to hold a second contest, once again run under the Official Rules of the World Wellie Throwing Championship.

Sixteen two-man teams assembled for the official ‘Boots Away’ at 2.30pm. Amongst the teams competing this year were last year’s ‘Golden Wellie’ Trophy winners from High Brooms Working Men's Club,

Whilst the throwing was in progress, visitors were able amuse themselves amongst the various sideshows, including: Darts, a Bottle Stall, Target Golf, Coconut Shy, Treasure Hunt and, of course, the Beer Tent. Afternoon Teas and Cakes were also served.

Skip and Monica are re-elected

District AGM

June 1981

District AGM - ‘Skip’ Boxall and Monica Cunningham are re-elected to serve on the District Executive Committee.

District Raft Race

Dunorlan Park

Sunday 19 July 1981

Did you take part in the Raft Race ? Do you have any memories or photos to share ?

If so, please click HERE.

Kent County Challenge

Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 September 1981

Did you take part in the Challenge ? Do you have any memories or photos to share ?

If so, please click HERE.

District Cub Scout and Scout Swimming Galas

October 1981

Did you take part ? Do you have any memories or photos to share ?

If so, please click HERE.

District Scouts 5-a-Side Football Competition

October 1981

Did you take part in the competition ? Do you have any memories or photos to share ?

If so, please click HERE.

A Race Night

Parish Hall

17 October 1981

The Supporters Association held a Race Night in the Parish Hall - Race Card and Supper only £1.00.

Scout and Guide Folk Fest 10

Royal Albert Hall

October 1981

Nonesuch Green Group perform at Scout and Guide Folk Fest 10 in the Royal Albert Hall, London.

A Long Service Decoration & Medal of Merit

Chris Woodward is awarded a Long Service Decoration - and Des Tovey, ADC Leader Training, the Medal of Merit.

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

of the St. Paul's Rusthall Scout Group

held on the 20 November 1981

in the Parish Hall, Rusthall

Chairman : Mr F Ongley

Attendence : The Chairman welcomed :

Miss E F Brankston, President

Mr Godfrey Phillips, President, of the Tunbridge Wells Scout Council

Robert Smith, DC

Ralph Constable, ADC. Cubs

Rod Bavin, ADC. Scouts

Desmond Tovey ADC Leader Training

Guiders, parents and friends

Apologies were received from John Tyler, District Chairman; Bob Marks, Don Page, Janet and Harry Cook, Mavis Graber, Evelyn Collins, Tricia Pink.

The meeting was opened with prayer.

Minutes of the previous AGM were approved and adopted - (Proposer Geoff Standen, Seconder Chris Woodward).

There were no matters arising.

Thanks were expressed to the faithful support given by the Supporters Association.

|Treasurers Report | |

| | |

|The treasurer paid tribute to the resourceful fund raising events organised by the Supporters | |

|Association. He drew: attention to the successful organisation of the yearly subscription and said how|INSERT PICTURE OF |

|this eased the ‘housekeeping’ over the year. |BILL BARTER |

| | |

|The chairman expressed his thanks for the accounts and their adoption was agreed. (Proposer Derek | |

|Edwards, Seconder David Taylor) | |

Election of Group Council

Skip invited Mr F Ongley to continue as Chairman and to offer his time and encouragement to us all.

Mr Paul Muffett has found himself unable to continue on the committee and we thank him for: his service.

|Treasurer 'Bill' Barter | |

|Secretary Shirley Barter | |

|Eric Adcock Mike Potter |INSERT PICTURE OF |

|Roger Hyder Ray Stevens |SHIRLEY BARTER |

|Bob Marks Tom Smith | |

|All uniformed Scouters. | |

| | |

|(Proposer Ron Welch, Seconder Richard Boxall) | |

Group Scout Leader’s Report

|Skip reported that he had found it difficult both to begin and end his report as he had now reached |[pic] |

|the required retirement age - but his Scouting days "don't seem & day too much". He would recommend | |

|Scouting to anyone, one makes grand friends and it keeps you young. Skip paid tribute to Miss E F | |

|Brankston who, has" helped us in so many ways and is in fact the generous benefactor whose | |

|non-de-plume is the Emergency Building Fund. | |

| | |

|To the Vicar, always supportive and encouraging; to the D.C. for his help and advice. To Christopher | |

|and Roger, for the production of the A.G.M. booklet; the hard working Supporters Association. | |

| | |

|Skip congratulated Chris Woodward on his Long Service Award, Desmond Tovey on his Medal of Merit; | |

|Monica Moody on gaining her Wood Badge; and David Taylor on beginning his AVSL. training. | |

Skip had been asked by the DC to continue as GSL. until April when he was pleased to announce that Rod Bavin would take over the leadership. This was very appropriate since Rod had grown up through all sections of the Group.

|Chairman’s Report |[pic] |

| | |

|Mr Ongley referred to three words in the dictionary : Monotonous meaning continual, Continuous meaning | |

|occurring on every occasion, and Prevalent meaning established. He drew attention to all the awards and | |

|badges gained throughout the year by many of our 148 members. He thanked the Supporters Association for | |

|their hard and continuous work in raising funds. | |

| | |

|So those three words add up to SUCCESSFUL and make one proud to belong to the Rusthall Scout Group. | |

| | |

|Mr Ongley invited Skip to become Chairman of the Group Council when he retires as GSL. | |

He concluded with grateful thanks to the Scouters, the Supporters and especially the Mums and Dads.

|The Vicar |[pic] |

| | |

|The Vicar brought thanks from the sponsoring authority for all the practical help the Scouts give in the | |

|parish, at youth services and the parish fete. Success comes from the top and we are blessed in the | |

|immensely able leadership. How highly is Skip respected a real man of God with incredibly high standards,| |

|which he is confident we can all obtain. | |

| | |

|The Vicar had happy memories of two days at camp and attempting to poach, an egg in a ladle - a sight to | |

|behold. The Vicar assured Rod and Ann of our thoughts and prayers as they take over the Group. | |

|The District Commissioner presented these awards : |[pic] |

| | |

|Gold Arrow - Simon Hobson | |

|- Paul Kent | |

|- Mark Taylor | |

| | |

|Chief Scout’s Award - Anthony Hibbert | |

| | |

|Venture Award - Andrew Page | |

| | |

|Membership Card - Diane Haffenden | |

| | |

|Thanks Badge - Eric Adcock (Chiefy) | |

|- Tom Smith | |

|The DC showed two slides which summed-up Scouting:- one of Scouts in camp with handicapped Scouts, each |[pic] |

|learning from one another and BP’s first camp on Brownsea Island. Scouting gives a certain confidence | |

|to adult life. The one further landmark in our Scouting year was the retirement of Skip as our GSL. | |

|Apart from leading the Rusthall Group he devoted a lot of time to the Scout Section. The training he | |

|has given over the years, not only to the boys but also to the Scouters, - excellent reports in the | |

|booklet give emphasis to this. | |

| | |

|He paid tribute to the ‘other halves’, particularly Skip's wife Joyce, who.waited and supported their | |

|partners’ activities. | |

| | |

|He welcomed Garry Saunders as ASL. | |

Mr. Godfrey Phillips also paid tribute to the success and happiness of the Group.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

of the St. Paul's Rusthall Scout Supporters Association

held in the Parish Hall on 20th November 1981

| |[pic] |

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|Minutes of the last A.G.M were approved and adopted. | |

| | |

|(Proposer Janet Smith, seconder Ron Welch) | |

| | |

|Financial Statement | |

| | |

|Eric thanked all those who support our functions so generously and the accounts were adopted, | |

| | |

|(Proposer Janet Smith. Seconder Len Evans). | |

Election of Committee

Chairman Roger Hyder

Vice Chairman Tom Smith

Secretary Chris. Hyder

Treasurer Eric Adcock

Doris Berrett Ted Cook Shirley Barter

Carole Boxall Pam Carver John Mercer

John Brown Roger Carne Don Page

Richard Burger Gill Back Geoff Standen

The chairman thanked the members of his Committee for their generous service throughout the year and to all parents and supporters for their faithful support at their various functions.

District Meet Up

Sunday 22nd November 1981

Section Leaders from Rusthall participated in the Tunbridge Wells District Meet Up, organised by the District Training Team.

This provided an opportunity for Scouters to share ideas about the running of individual Sections and Group Administration.

The day was led by the ADC Leader Training (Desmond Tovey) and included a number of presentations, discussion and activity sessions.

Lunch was provided the District Service Team.

|Programme |

|09.00 |Sign In |

|09.10 |Welcome by Assistant District Commissioner (Leader Training) |

|09.20 |Introduction by District Commissioner on ‘What are we trying to do?’ |

|09.35 |Mixed groups to discuss the above - led by GSLs. |

|10.00 |Short reports by Group representatives |

|10.35 |‘What does the District expect from Groups?’ - talk by DC |

|10.50 |COFFEE - Scout bookstall available |

|11.20 |Group and sectional accounting |

| |Experts will provide guidance for all concerned, including a question and answer session. |

|12.00 |Presentation |

|12.20 |LUNCH |

|13.30 |The new training programme for leaders |

| |Led by a member of the Kent County Training Team |

|14.10 |A. Sectional activities for Scouters - led by ADCs. |

| |B. For Chairmen, Treasurers & G.S.Ls. |

| |(i) Planning the Group A.G.M. |

| |(ii) Insurance problems and advice |

| |(iii) Legal requirements |

| |(iv) Grants available |

|15.30 |TEA - and summing-up by Mr. John Tyler (Chairman of the District Scout Council) |

|16.00 |CLOSE with short prayer |

Questions for Discussion

By Group A - Leader Don Jury - How can you measure the success of every Section in the Group from both an individual boy's achievement and from the whole Section's progress ?

By Group B - Leader Phil Pollard - A principle to be established is to make boys responsible - how do you put this into practice and how do you cope with individual age groups ?

By Group C - Leader Tony Berry - If you are not a prayerful type how do you put over sincerely joint prayers at the beginning or end of the meeting ? Does each Section differ or can the character and pattern of meetings be similar in each case ?

By Group D - Leader Pat Sawyer - How well do you know each boy in your Section or he you ? an you spot if he is in trouble and would he have confidence to come to you with his problems ?

By Group E - Leader Glen Peacock - If you expect support from the Community e g for a visit abroad, what ideas have you to offer to give back service in return ? Would you help for an hour in a street collection to support a charity, would you do more practical things, would you wait to be asked to help with a useful project or decide on a project to do yourself ?

Scout Leader’s Surprise

From the Kent & Sussex Courier - 18th December 1981

The Leader of Rusthall's Scout Group was given a surprise 65th birthday party on Friday as a preliminary to his retirement in April.

Mr Noel "Skip" Boxall cut a birthday cake, blew out 65 candles and was presented with a set of cut glass whiskey tumblers. His wife was given a bouquet. The presentations, on behalf of the Supporter's Association committee, Group Council and parents, were made at an evening hosted by Nonesuch Green, the Scouts' singing group. It was the premiere of the film that has been made about their charity work.

Members of the group served food dressed as waiters.

Mr Boxall, officially retires in April, when there will be another presentation.

Scout Movement Milestones - 1981

|February |Memorial stone to the Founder and Olave unveiled at Westminster Abbey. |

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|March |'Scouting and Unemployment' scheme introduced. |

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|April |The Queen reviews Queen's Scouts at St. George's Day Parade, Windsor. |

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| |500 Venture Scouts as torchbearers at Royal Fireworks, Hyde Park. |

| | |

|July |Scouts on duty on Royal Wedding route. |

| | |

| |Major General Michael J.H. Walsh CB, DSO appointed Chief Scout Designate. |

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Bill Barter - Treasurer

Shirley Barter - Secretary


Group Scout Leader

Fred Ongley



Tom Smith

Robert Smith

District Commissioner

Eric Adcock



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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