
?Name: _____________________________________ Due: ___________________________Weekly Spelling Menu Homework Your homework is to earn 25 points over the week by completing any combination of the activities below. Choose five activities from the menu to be completed.Shade the completed boxes below. Remember to label each activity and number each word! 3 Times Each: Write each of your spelling words correctly three times each.Cursive 3 Times Each: Write each of your spelling words correctly three times each in your best cursive.Colorful 3 Times Each: Write each word three times each using a different color to write each word.Vowels in Spotlight: Write your spelling words. Then highlight the vowels in each word. Trace Around: Write each of your spelling words. Then trace your words with pen. Rainbow Words: Write each word using pencil. Then trace each word using assorted colors of the rainbow. Must use at least two colors on each word. Dot Words: Write each word using dots on the endpoints of each letter.Ex: fourthCreative Letters: Write your words using funky letters. You can use bubble letters, squiggly letters, swirly letters, or more!Big and Small Words: Write each of your spelling words in all capital letters. Then write the word again in all lowercase letters.Ex:FOURTH fourthCount It Out: Write each of your spelling words into syllables. Clap it out and check with a dictionary.Ex: scarecrow = scare-crowNeon Words: Write each of your spelling words. Highlight all of the vowels in one color. Then highlight the consonants in another color. Adding Words:Vowels are 10 and consonants are 5. Write each word. Then add the values of each word.Ex: cat = 5 + 10 + 5 = 20ABC Order: Write each of your spelling words in alphabetical order.Reverse ABC Order: Write your list of words in reverse alphabetical order.Forwards and Backwards: Write each word forwards and backwards.Ex:fourth htruofRhyme Time: Write each spelling word and a word that rhymes with it. Ex:fourth northWordle: Go to Wordle () to create a word cloud. Type the spelling words then hit “go”. Edit the font/colors if you choose. Please print.Word Search: Make a word search using the website with all of your spelling words. Please print, then find your words using a highlighter. Type It Up: Type each of your spelling words on the computer. Make sure to number each word. You may type each word in the same font or different fonts. Please print.Ladder Words: Write each word starting with one letter only then add one letter at a time in each row.Ex:ffofoufourfourtfourthDictionary Dig: Use a dictionary or to look up and define your words. Then write the definition next to the word.Short Story:Write a story (in a paragraph) using all of your spelling words. Underline or highlight each spelling word.Ask a Question:Use each of your spelling words to write a question. Don’t forget to use a question mark.Sentences:Use each of your spellingwords in a sentence that shows you understand its meaning. You must use at least 7 words in each sentence. Underline or highlight each spelling word.Scrambled Words: Have an adult scramble up your spelling words on a piece of paper, and then unscramble the word by writing it correctly.Ex:touhfr = fourthAlliteration: Use the beginning letter of each word to write a same-letter sentence. Underline the spelling word. Ex: Josh jumps juicy jellyfish.Spelling Bee:Have an adult say a spelling word from the list. You should say the word, spell the word, then repeat the word when you are finished spelling it. Do that for each word on your list.Parent Signature Required:__________________________Spelling City:Go to joyreno and click on this week’s spelling list. Choose any of the online activities to practice your spelling words.Parent Signature Required:__________________________ ................

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