
Spelling Bee: Classroom, School and District Level ContestsAll classroom, school, and district level spelling bees will be held in a face-to-face environment. Remote learners will be given the opportunity to come to the school the day of the classroom and schoolwide bee and participate in the bee. Remote learners will need to follow all visitor guidelines and requirements to attend in person the day of the bees. Classroom, school, and district bees will NOT utilize the Scripps online platform. The online platform does not meet our district’s technical requirements for a variety of reasons but primarily due to privacy laws of student data.The following safety measures for holding a face-to-face bee have been approved by the district’s Executive Task Force (ETF) and will be utilized at RCMS:CLASSROOM LEVEL will take place on Friday, December 11th, 2020.Classroom Spelling Bees:All 6th-8th grade students who wish to participate in the classroom level Spelling Bee must participate in person. Remote students should email Dr. McCaffrey by Tuesday, December 8th, by 4:00 PM @ Mccaffreyk@ to indicate that they will participate F2F at 9:30 AM on Friday, December 11th, 2020. The remote learner F2F will be socially distanced in a large space appropriate for the number of participants. Each participant must bring their own pen as this School Level plan will be a written spelling test for round one elimination for all participating students.Both remote and F2F Classroom level Bees will be in writing, and all classes will use the same official word list. The top 2 spellers per each ELA teacher at RCMS will move on to the School Level Bee (see below). This field will consist of the 2 students from each ELA teacher that spelled (in writing) the MOST words correctly. Attached are 2 links to preparation words. LEVEL will take place on Thursday, December 17th, 2020.School Spelling Bees:The School level will be conducted orally during school hours. This level will start at 9:00 AM promptly in café on December 17th, 2020. NO spectators may enter the building. Students will return to class when eliminated or call their parents if they are a remote learner. Parents/transportation should remain in the parking lot for their remote learner as they will call as soon as either they are eliminated or win the spelling bee.All 6th-8th grade students who wish to participate in the local school Spelling Bee (classroom level and school level) must participate in person.Remote learners who wish to participate in the local school Spelling Bee (classroom level and school level) must meet all visitor requirements. Spellers must wear masks at all times except for when spelling a word. Students may remove their masks to spell the word in order for judges to clearly hear the response.Spellers need to be at least 6 feet away from other students when spelling with their masks off.The pronouncer and judges should use a microphone to announce the words in order to ensure students are able to clearly hear the words spoken while also maintaining 6 feet of distance.DISTRICT LEVEL:District Spelling Bee:The district spelling bee will be conducted face-to-face. The Spelling Bee will be held on Saturday, January 23rd from 8:30 am-3:00 pm.The venue will be moved from Heards Ferry’s cafeteria to North Springs High School auditorium to allow for more space. All visitors (students, parents, and staff) will be required to wear masks and undergo a temperature check upon arrival. Any student or parent who has a fever will be asked to leave the site and will not be allowed to participate in the bee. Hand sanitizer and wipes will be provided for participants and guests.Spellers may bring one adult with them to the bee who will serve as an advocate. The designated advocate is the only person who may voice an objection on behalf of the speller.Adult advocates will be assigned seats that are spaced apart as much as the auditorium allows. ................

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