
November 2018


The Springs at Coal Creek Ranch

From the Pres - Annual Meeting Overview....

We had an excellent turnout for our annual meeting in October. Seating was a bit tight this year given limited space in the clubhouse but we all found a spot and enjoyed a good meal followed by the meeting. We discussed Board activities in general to give new folks a picture of what your Board does for the community, and recapped the past year’s activities. Probably the most significant issue talked about was water. Prices are going up and will continue to do so, and the rebate we get back from the City is getting rapidly smaller. This puts a big dent in our budget, particularly in the area of reserves needed to ensure long term viability for our grounds, ponds and streets. We passed out the new Guidelines booklet. We voted in new Board members. And we announced our new website which promises to be a great tool for neighbors to keep up with what we are doing. Please think about joining us as a volunteer for one of the valuable committees (landscape, architect and/or ponds. Contact Beth at DCM for information).

[pic] Increase in Dues...

Please be informed that there will be an increase in the HOA Annual Dues Assessment. There will be a monthly increase from $213 to $225 starting in January 2019. Don't forget to make any adjustment with your bank regarding direct deposits. Although it is never welcome news of a dues increase, it is important to remember that there was no increase last year as the HOA Board worked diligently to keep expenses in check. In 2019, we anticipate an increase in cost from our vendors, especially in terms of their labor cost increase. In addition, the City of Louisville has reduced the water rebate that we have enjoyed in past years, resulting in a much larger expense for us. We plan to revisit the City regarding the sharing of gray water for irrigation which could result in a lower expense for the community.

[pic] Gutter Cleaning...

Dat Nyguen of SO’s Landscaping again has an amazing offer for homeowners. $60 per house to clean out gutters and rinsing downspouts (if necessary). If you are interested – contact Paula Reeves at paula@colorado.edu or 303-666-0044 to be put on the list. $60 due in advance. Please make checks out to Dat Nyguen and send or deliver to Paula at 116 Springs Cove. Don’t delay deadline is Nov 14th. Work will be done in Nov/Dec.

[pic] Snow Removal...

When the leaves have fallen, the temperature goes down and the wind picks up, it is time for the reminder about the snow removal policy on our streets. Email blasts are sent out to homeowners notifying us of when the snow removal crew will begin and at which entrance they will start. Please remember that we alternate the start for snow removal between the east and west entrances each time, and they remove snow only when measured snowfall is at least an average of 5” deep, when measured in multiple locations throughout the neighborhood. Lastly, please keep vehicles out of areas needed by Sun & Shade for staging equipment and piling the snow. These areas along Fairfield are the sunny ‘odd numbers’ side (south-facing north side), and all areas of the other streets. And be sure to check the battery, tires, and anti-freeze! Have a safe and enjoyable winter.

[pic] Our new website is...

It's long overdue, but we have a new Springs website! It does not require a password. All the information is there - Guidelines Handbook, Master Association Covenants, Bylaws, meetings, newsletters. The correct Architecture Review form will be added, Landscape Review form is there as well as all contact information. Check it out, it's almost complete, with a few minor edits. We're pretty proud of it.

[pic]Misc items....

Thank you to Paula Reeves for years of service on the Board as Treasurer . We couldn't have done it without you. Also to President Al Yates for his tireless research on roofing materials, various issues, ponds....we could go on and on. Thank you Al! Peter Oakes will assume role as President for 2019. Hello to Jacki Ballard (again) reelected to the Board will be Vice-Pres. Dawn Mahoney also elected will be Treasurer and Bette Hauserman is our Secretary. Many, many thanks to all committee volunteers who spend a great deal of time supporting our neighbors. We appreciate you!

Monthly Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00am. For information regarding meeting location please contact Beth Silverman at DCM 720/787-9800.

Thank you Carol Gregory for taking & editing the picture for our website and newsletters. Appreciate it!

[pic] The Bridge Over Pond 4 has Lights!

If at night you're walking over the bridge by pond #4 and the Little Library, you've probably noticed the new solar motion lights on the bridge. This is for our convenience as areas of our neighborhood are pretty dark.

[pic] Comings and Goings

Welcome to Bobby Brown, 144 Fairfield

[pic] It Was Nice to Have Known....

Sadly, we heard of the passing of Jean Peters from 328 Diamond Circle. She will be missed.

[pic] Your new 2018 Board Members:

Peter Oakes – President, 219 Springs Dr (peteroakes44@) 303/579-8255

Jacki Ballard – Vice Pres, 227 Springs Dr (jacki@) 303/489-7240

Bette Hauserman –Sec, 350 Fairfield Ln (bettehauserman@) 720/890-9191

Dawn Maloney - Treasurer, 314 Diamond Cir (dawnhmaloney@) 303/494-9257

Al Yates – Member at Large, 225 Springs Dr (ayates143@) 720/635-3182

Monthly Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 9am. Information regarding location please contact Beth @ DCM. 720/787-9800

[pic] DCM Property Management

DCM Contact Information (formerly Mock Prop Mgmt)

Beth Silverman (best contact) beth@. 720/787-9800

DCM Property Management 720/787-9800

DCM after hours emergency 303/281-9945 (fires, flooding, property damage, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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