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January 30, 2018NEPCOP.O. Box 714Monument, CO 80132-0714Kari ParsonsDevelopment Services 2880 International Circle, Suite 110Colorado Springs, CO 80910Reference: Settlers View RezoneNEPCO is providing the collective input from its membership that includes 8,700 homeowners, 41 HOAs and 19,000 registered voters within and around Monument. The purpose of NEPCO, a volunteer coalition of Homeowner Associations in northern El Paso County, is to promote a community environment in which a high quality of life can be sustained for constituent associations, their members, and families in northern El Paso County. We collectively address growth and land use issues with El Paso County Planners and the Town of Monument, as well as addressing HOA issues of common interest among the members. NEPCO achieves this by taking necessary steps to protect the property rights of the members, encouraging the beautification and planned development and maintenance of northern El Paso County.NEPCO’s response to the Developer’s comments related to the Settlers View Rezone proposalNEPCO is aware that the current land owners, the Developer and their team took to time to solicit feedback from nearby neighbors, the Black Forest Community and NEPCO prior to proposing the zoning change. Additionally, the comments and concerns received during this process were incorporated into their proposed Plan. The rezone request is similar to adjacent properties.Traffic Impact AnalysisThere is a short-term waiver needed related to Silver Nell Drive related to proposed length of the cul-de-sac and the number of residential lots allowed on the road and some residents have raised these issues. Both concerns are addressed with the establishment of the Abert Ranch subdivision proceeding through the approval process at about the same time line as this request. Therefore, NEPCO does not have any major concerns as this area has a very low wildfire risk that would trap families in the event of an emergency. Density Considerations The proposed density of this development at 1 dwelling unit (DU) per 2.9 acres is congruent with adjacent properties that vary from 2.5 ac to slightly over 5 ac/DU. Further, the addition of this development will advance the local road system’s interconnectivity.It is NEPCO’s belief that Dark Sky Compliant lighting should be required on all new construction in El Paso County, to include residential construction, to mitigate the effects of light pollution. We are blessed with clear, smog/haze free skies most days; in fact, we brag about our 300 plus days of sunshine each year. We should also cherish the night sky. It is NEPCO’s strong recommendation that the Covenants for the property will address and enforce Dark Sky Compliant lighting throughout the development, including homeowner lighting. //SIGNED////SIGNED//Thomas M. VierzbaLarry OliverVice President, NEPCO President, NEPCOChairman, NEPCO Transportation and Land Use Committee ................

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