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Office of Dispute Resolution HOA Training October 2, 2009


12:00 – 3:00        Regulations Governing HOAs – William (Bill) Short

• Relevant Case Law

• Anti-Discrimination Laws

• FCC Satellite Dish Regulation

• State Condominium, HOA and Corporation Acts

• Local Building and Zoning Codes

• HOA Governing Documents


3:00 – 4:30           Effective HOA Dispute Resolution – Trish Elledge

• Key substantive aspects of HOA disputes and the human element

• Helping parties identify solutions

• Writing effective agreements


William (Bill) H. Short, HindmanSanchez Law Firm ()

Bill Short leads the HindmanSanchez litigation department.  HindmanSanchez is a Colorado law firm that practices community association law. With offices in Arvada and Fort Collins, the firm provides general counsel services to many Colorado community associations. The firm also helps associations collect assessments, enforce covenants and mediate or arbitrate neighborhood disputes.  Mr. Short has been a trial lawyer since 1983. Bill emphasizes the representation of homeowners associations in areas concerning director and officer liability, contract disputes, construction defects, insurance and employment issues. He has tried over 100 cases to verdict in cases all across Colorado.  He has successfully argued cases before the Colorado Court of Appeals, the Colorado Supreme Court, the Wyoming Supreme Court and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Bill has an extensive and successful track record which demonstrates his ability to effectively evaluate and manage lawsuits to a successful conclusion. He has unparalleled experience helping associations to avoid litigation, to settle litigation, and where necessary, to prevail in the courtroom.  He has an ongoing interest in non-profit boards as an attorney, as an active pro bono advisor and as a member of charitable organizations.

Trish Elledge, Office of Dispute Resolution

Trish Elledge began as an independent contract mediator with JD18 ODR MDCS in December 1994 and was soon asked to add the role of Program Administrator. A professional mediator since late 1985, she counts over 700 hours of advanced mediation training from mentors across the US and UK, in addition to hundreds of continuing education and research hours in specialized content and law-related topics. Elledge has mediated over 5,000 cases spanning disputes from neighborhood trash piles to complex legal cases. In her native Boise, Idaho, she was a mediator with the 4th JD, a leader and trainer with The Sounding Board Community Mediation Program, and spearheaded a statewide effort to introduce peer mediation programs into Idaho schools. After moving to Denver in 1991, she continued both locally and nationally to develop public awareness in the use of mediation and in the profession itself. She has since been an active member of Colorado Council of Mediators and Mediation Organizations (CCMO), serving on public relations, speakers’ bureau, and judicial committees. She currently chairs its Professional Mediator Application Committee. Before entering the mediation profession, Elledge was a professor of theatre/communication and a partner in an entertainment company featuring live and media productions. She holds an MA from the University of California/Irvine.


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