Course Requirements

Instructor: Mrs. Dana Roach

Textbook Used: Century 21 Accounting, Advanced, Ninth Edition by Ross, Gilbertson, Lehman, and Hanson. Published by South-Western Publishing Company, 2000.

Supplemental Material: Online Aplia Working papers

Supplies Needed: Notebook--three-ring binder type—at least 1 1/2” thick

Pencil or blue or black pen

Red pencil (I will provide first one)

Ruler (6-inch type sufficient)


Course Description: This course is an independent study course in advanced accounting concepts available only for seniors who have successfully completed both Accounting I and Accounting II. Students may be scheduled simultaneously with Accounting II students.

Topics presented will include management accounting with inventory planning and valuation, budgetary planning and control, use of accounting information for making management decisions, and financial statement analysis. Microcomputers will be utilized to complete financial statement analysis. Cost accounting for a merchandising business and for a manufacturing business will be explored in depth. Advanced accounting procedures for partnerships and accounting for and reporting financial information for not-for-profit organizations with special emphasis on governmental organizations will be explored.

Extensive use of microcomputers and spreadsheets will be used. Advanced applications in Excel 2010 will be utilized, along with Online working papers. (As this is an Honors course, your GPA will be adjusted by the additional add-on specified in your student handbook.

Course Objectives:

To have the knowledge and skills needed for an accounting position following graduation.

To obtain advanced preparation for the study of accounting or business management in college.

To demonstrate accounting procedures for control systems through maintaining a voucher system and through inventory planning and valuation.

To know accounting terminology related to management accounting for a corporation.

To understand concepts and practices related to management accounting for a corporation.

To demonstrate management accounting procedures for a corporation.

To demonstrate accounting procedures for cash flows.

To know accounting terminology related to cost accounting.

To understand accounting concepts and practices related to cost accounting.

To demonstrate cost accounting procedures.

To know accounting terminology related to partnership accounting and accounting for not-for-profit organizations.

To understand accounting concepts and practices related to partnership accounting and accounting for not-for-profit organizations.

To demonstrate accounting procedures unique to partnerships and not-for-profit organizations.

To strive for neatness, accuracy, and speed in completing all of your accounting work.

To be able to plan, summarize, and analyze financial records.

To be able to use Excel 2007 to complete spreadsheets for various types of accounting situations at various levels of difficulty.

To be able to use the Automated Accounting 7.0 software program to complete selected application, mastery, and challenge exercises.

To do a research project on a corporation of your choice.

To be able to work consistently and diligently on an independent basis.

To be accountable to the individual contract collaborated and signed by student and teacher.

Contract: The student and teacher will meet individually to develop a contract for this Independent Study in Accounting. This contract will include but not be limited to:

Topics to be studied

Procedure for completion of the theory part of each topic

Exercises and problems to be completed

Time period for completing each unit

Assessment standards.

Assessment: The student will be evaluated based on a portfolio type of assessment. Certain problems and tests must be included in this portfolio. Optional problems and assignments will be included as determined by the student himself. Grading will be done on the point system. At the end of each nine weeks, the possible number of points is totaled. Each student’s total number of points is calculated and a percentage is found. Grades are based on the school-wide percentage scale: A = 91% - 100%;

B = 81% - 90%; C = 70% - 80%; D = 60% - 69%. Since this is an Honors (Level 2) course, an add-on factor of .060 will be added to your GPA. Keep track of your grades at all times.

Help: If you are having any type of difficulty at all, I am available for individual tutoring:

Just let me know before school ends so that we can make appropriate arrangements.

Welcome back; have a great year in Accounting!


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