Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium

Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP)

Research Focus Area: 4. Secondary Use of EHR Data

Assisi Heights, Rochester, MN

1001 14th Street N.W.

Rochester, MN 55901


Monday, June 21, 2010

|7:10 AM |Shuttle to Assisi Heights - Valet Area of DoubleTree Hotel* |

|7:30 AM |Shuttle to Assisi Heights - Valet Area of Hilton Garden Inn* |

|7:00-8:30 AM |Open Breakfast provided – Auditorium, 1st Floor |

|8:00 AM |Start-time / Introductions |

|8:10 AM |Area 4 Brief Projects 1-6 Recap |

|9:15 AM |Area 1 University of Illinois: Security Webinar, Dr. Carl Gunther |

|9:30 AM |Area 2 University of Texas: Cognitive Support Webinar, Debora Simmons |

|9:45 AM |Area 3 Harvard: Applications Overview; Josh Mandel |

|10:00 AM |Morning Break |

|10:15AM |Poster/Demo Session I |

| |Special Breakout Session for Project Advisory Committee Members |

|11:15AM |ONC Vision Webinar, Dr. Friedman |

| |SHARP Governance Structure, Wil Yu |

|12:00 PM |Lunch provided |

|1:00 PM |Proj. 3 - High Throughput Phenotyping Facilitated Session |

|2:30 PM |Tea Time |

|3:00 PM |Proj 2: Natural Language Processing Facilitated Session |

|4:30 PM |Proj 1: Data Normalization Facilitated Session |

|5:20 PM |Final Wrap Up |

|5:30 PM |Poster/Demo Session II |

|6:30-10:00 PM |Dinner on Grounds / Canticle Park (Food, Firepit & Leisure) |

|9:30 PM |Shuttle to Downtown - drop off at either hotel |

|10:00 PM |Shuttle to Downtown - drop off at either hotel |

Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP)

Research Focus Area: 4. Secondary Use of EHR Data

Assisi Heights, Rochester, MN

1001 14th Street N.W.

Rochester, MN 55901


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

|7:10 AM |Shuttle to Assisi Heights - Valet Area of DoubleTree Hotel* |

|7:30 AM |Shuttle to Assisi Heights - Valet Area of Hilton Garden Inn* |

|7:00-8:30 AM |Open Breakfast provided– Auditorium, 1st Floor |

|8:00 AM |Day 1 Recap |

|9:00 AM |Proj 4: Scaling Capacity facilitated session |

|10:00 AM |Morning Break |

|10:15 AM |Proj 5: Data Quality facilitated session |

|11:00 AM |Proj 6: Evaluation Framework facilitated session |

|Noon |Box Lunches avail to go |

|Noon-2PM |Poster/Demo Session III |

|12:30 PM |Shuttle to Downtown / Airport |

|2:00 PM |Shuttle to Downtown / Airport |

|2:00-5:00 PM |Additional NLP Team Time: Water Room II |

| | |

|2:00PM |NHIN Direct/Connect Session (Beacon attendees): Auditorium |

|2:30PM |MN HIE Demo Session (Beacon attendees): Auditorium |

|3:00PM |Beacon Tech Team Meeting Auditorium |

Poster Roster

|Associative Classification Framework for identification of Disease cohorts in EHR |

|Clinical Data Normalization |

|Clinical Element Models |

|Cloud-Based Strategy for NLP Adoption |

|cTAKES Introduction |

|High-Throughput Semantic Concept Frequency T2DM Case Study |

|Incorporating Colorado NLP into cTAKES |

|Introduction to Centerphase Solutions, Inc. |

|LexRDF: An Approach for Representing Biomedical Ontologies in RDF |

|NLP at SunyAlbany |

|NLP to Enhance Clinical Decision Support |

|SHARP Area 4 & Beacon Overview |

|SHARP Area 4 Architecture and Process |

|The eMERGE Network Challenge & Lessons Learned |

|UIMA Introduction |

|Univeristy of Pittsburg NLP |

|Vocabulary Knowledge Center: Empowering Semantic Interoperability |

|What is LexEVS? |

Monday, June 21, 2010 Poster/ Demo Session I - 10:15 – 11:15 AM

|Special Meeting |Project Advisory Committee |Fire Room II, Ground Floor |

| | |Dial in: 866 365 4406 |

| | |Access Code: #2845541 |

|Demonstration/Presentation |UIMA |Water Room II, Ground Floor |

|(15 min cycles) |Marshall Schor | |

| |Wiki Hands-On Tutorial |Business Center, Ground Floor |

| |Rick Kiefer | |

|Poster Session |Auditorium |

Poster/ Demo Session II - 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

|Demonstration/Presentation |Agilex |Water Room I, Ground Floor |

|(15 min cycles) |Les Westberg & Kyle Marchant | |

| |MN HIE |Water Room II, Ground Floor |

| |Mike Ubl | |

| |UIMA |Fire Room I, Ground Floor |

| |Marshall Schor | |

| |Open - Ad-Hoc |Fire Room II, Ground Floor |

| |CEM |Sun Room, Ground Floor |

| |Stan Huff | |

|Poster Session |Earth Room, Ground Floor |

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Poster/ Demo Session III - Noon – 2PM

|Demonstration/Presentation |Agilex |Water Room I, Ground Floor |

|(15 min cycles) |Les Westberg & Kyle Marchant | |

| |MN HIE |Water Room II, Ground Floor |

| |Mike Ubl & Anne Dobbins | |

| |UIMA |Fire Room I, Ground Floor |

| |Marshall Schor | |

| |Wiki Hands-On Tutorial |Business Center, Ground Floor |

| |Rick Kiefer | |

| |CEM |Sun Room, Ground Floor |

| |Stan Huff | |

|Poster Session |Earth Room, Ground Floor |

SHARP Organization


Charles P. Friedman, PhD.

Chief Scientific Officer for the SHARP program

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


Wil Yu

Project Officer for the SHARP program

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services



Carl Gunther, PhD

Principal Investigator for SHARP Area 1

Security of Health IT

University of Illinois at UrbanaCampaign



Jiajie Zhang, PhD

Principal Investigator for SHARP Area 2

Cognitive Support

University of Texas Health Science Center


Isaac Kohane, MD PhD

Principal Investigator for SHARP Area 3


Harvard Medical School (HMS)



Christopher G. Chute, MD, DrPH

Principal Investigator for SHARP Area 4

Secondary Use / Normalization


Area 4 - Program Advisory Committee:


Suzanne Bakken, RN, DNSc

The Alumni Professor of Nursing and Professor of Biomedical Informatics

Columbia University


C. David Hardison, Ph.D.

Vice President,

Chief Health Scientist

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Public Health Operations



Barbara A. Koenig, PhD

Program in Professionalism & Bioethics

Mayo Clinic



Isaac Kohane, MD PhD

Director, i2b2 National Center for Biomedical Computing

Harvard Medical School (HMS)



Marty LaVenture PhD, MPH

Director, Minnesota Office for Health Information Technology and Center for Health Informatics and MN e-Health Initiative

Minnesota Department of Health



Dan Masys, MD

Chair, Biomedical Informatics

Vanderbilt University



Mark A. Musen, M.D., Ph.D

Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics; Division Head (BMIR); Co-Director, Biomedical Informatics Training Program

Stanford University



Robert A. Rizza, M.D.

Executive Dean for Research, Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic rizza.robert@mayo.edu


Nina M. Schwenk, M.D.

Vice Chair Board of Governors

Mayo Clinic


Kent A. Spackman MD, PhD

Chief Terminologist

International Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO)


Dr Tevfik Bedirhan Üstün

Coordinator, Classifications, Terminologies & Standards

World Health Organization


Area 4 - Project Leadership & Management


Christopher G. Chute, MD, DrPH

Principal Investigator Area 4

Data Normalization Project Lead

Mayo Clinic



Lacey Hart, MBA, PMP

Program Manager Area 4

Data Normalization PM

Scalability & Evaluation Framework (acting) PM

Mayo Clinic



Guergana Savova, PhD

Natural Language Processing Project Lead

Harvard Children’s Hospital



Jay Doughty, PMP

Natural Language Processing

Project Manager

Mayo Clinic



Jyotishman Pathak, PhD

Phenotyping Project Lead

Mayo Clinic



Cindy Bandel

Phenotyping Project

Associate Project Manager

Mayo Clinic



Marshall Schor

Scaling Capacity Project Lead

IBM TJ Watson Research Center



Kent Bailey, PhD

Data Quality Project Lead

Mayo Clinic



Kim Lemmerman

Data Quality Project Assistant

Mayo Clinic



Stan Huff, MD

Evaluation Framework Project Lead

University of Utah

Intermountain Healthcare


Event Support & Facilitation


Ross Martin, MD, MHA


Senior Manager | Technology | Healthcare & Life Sciences

Deloitte Consulting LLP


Additional Deloitte Staff:

Tom Foley

Todd Koehler. MBA, MHA

Steve Labkoff, MD, FACP

Jessica Nadler, PhD

Additional Mayo Clinic Staff:

Kelly Herbst, Project Assistant

Paul Kohman, IT Helpdesk

Natasha Post, Audio & Visual

Assisi Heights – Grounds Map


Assisi Heights – Ground Floor


Assisi Heights – 1st Floor



Sun Room

Water Room II

Fire Room II

Building Entrance

Fire Room I

Water Room I

Stairs to ground Floor

Earth Room


Business Center

Stairs to 1st Floor Auditorium



Private Parking

Private Parking

Door to Courtyard


Guest Parking

Event Entrance

Guest Parking

Street Drive Entrance

Canticle Park




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