Review of Literature & Poster Presentation GuidelinesDescription of Project:Students completing the Medical Surgical 2 course are required to choose a nursing or healthcare topic related to issues in current nursing practice or trends in nursing. Students are to formulate a problem statement or clinical question. Students then conduct a formal review of the literature of six research-based articles. All six articles must be from current nursing journals that are dated within the last five years. After completion of the literature review, students are to describe the research methods and discuss how the findings can improve nursing care. Students will also create a poster related to the literature review to present at a specific venue. The written work and poster are due on the designated date listed on the course calendar. Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate effective use of technology to conduct a literature review of a nursing topic of choice. (Informatics)Obtain evidence-based articles from reliable peer-reviewed nursing journals. (EBP)Summarize evidence-based practice presented in the peer review nursing journal. (EBP)Apply the evidence-based practice of nursing practice to current standards of nursing care. (EBP, Safety, Patient-Centered Care, Practice)Formulate a problem statement or clinical question related to current trends in nursing or healthcare. (Quality Improvement)Explain the relevance of the research to nursing practice. (EBP)Components required on the due date posted on the course calendar:The title of the project should be placed as a problem statement or clinical question on the title page in APA format: including problem statement or clinical question, your name, course number, school, and date. (Example of a clinical question is “What Are the Best Practice Guidelines to Prevent Medication Errors?”)Six current, relevant researched-based articles, in their entirety, in PDF format. Examples of research-based articles will have headings such as: Literature review, sample, methods, data analysis, conclusions, and discussions.Summaries of all six articles. The title of the article should be placed on top of the page prior to the summary written in APA format; do not place the article reference on the top of the page, title only. The summaries should be a total of two to four paragraphs consisting of a research summary and relevance to practice. The research summary should be one to two paragraphs summarizing the purpose for of the research, how the research was conducted (research methods), and conclusions. The relevance to practice article summary should include one to two paragraphs explaining how the article relates to the problem statement or clinical question and how it impacts nursing. The summaries should be no longer than two pages for each research article. Information should be written in your own words and direct quotes or paraphrasing and should be cited in APA format.Reference page listing all six articles in APA format. Suggested Topics: Every student must have a different topic. No two topics should be the same in the class. Submit your topic to the course discussion board for approval and to allow for all students to view the chosen topics.A few examples of current issues to consider related to patient care are:Hospital-acquired infectionsPatient rightsPatient satisfactionNational patient safety standardsHealth literacyPatient teachingBest practice guidelines related to any area of practiceA few examples of current issues to consider related to nursing practice are:StaffingPatient nurse ratios and impact on patient safetyCommunication Handoffs Rapid response teamsSpecialty areas (hospice, NICU, maternal child)Safe practices for medication administrationStudents are not limited to the examples listed above. Students may choose any area of interest related to nursing or clinical practice.General Information regarding selection of article from nursing journals.Journal articles selected for the literature review need to be related to the student’s chosen topic. The Electronic databases such as CINAHL, Pro Quest, Pub Med, or Medline can be used to find published peer-reviewed nursing journal articles that are research-based. These databases may be accessed via institutional resources. [URL]Rubric located on [the course learning management system.]A few examples of peer-reviewed nursing journals are:Advances in Nursing ScienceApplied Nursing ResearchClinical Nursing ResearchEvidenced-Based NursingJournal of Nursing ScholarshipJournal of Advanced NursingJournal of Research in Nursing, Nursing ResearchNursing Science QuarterlyDimensions of Critical CareHeart & Lung, Nursing Clinics of North America Journal of Cardiovascular NursingDiabetes Care Journal of Emergency Nursing Critical Care Clinics of North America Journal of Wound, OstomyContinence Nursing. (Students are not limited to the examples above)Learning Resources: 1. Library databases. [URL] 2. APA Manual. 3. APA resources on [the learning management system].Submission Directions:Submit a paper copy of all assignment components in a 1 – 2 inch binder to the [nursing office] in the appropriate box, by the due date posted on the course calendar. Place a divider between each article. [Or submit electronically to the learning management system]See the syllabus for late assignment submissions.See [learning management system] for the rubric.Sequencing of assignment components (for paper submission):Title page (outside binder)Entire six journal articles in alphabetical order by author (same order as reference list)Each article summary placed before the corresponding nursing journal article. (ex. Summary then article)Place dividers between articles. (ex. Summary and article, then divider; summary and article, then divider, etc)Reference pagePoster Presentation:Poster development guidelines:Students are allowed to be creative when developing the poster. Minimal requirements on the poster are:Problem Statement or Clinical QuestionOne to two visual aidesReferencesTwo to four paragraphs with details of the research findings and implications for nursing.Poster grading guidelines:See rubric on [the course management system.]Students will earn a zero “0” for late submission of the poster if not submitted by the due date/time as listed on the course calendar. ................

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