POD Network

The Christine A. Stanley Award for Diversity and Inclusion Research in Educational Development The Christine A. Stanley Award for Diversity and Inclusion Research in Educational Development seeks to honor individuals who, like Dr. Christine Stanley (former POD Network president in 2000-2001 and chair of the Diversity Committee from 1993-1999), demonstrate unequivocal commitment to advancing research on diversity and inclusion issues in educational development. The purpose of the award is three-fold: to raise the awareness of and advance theory about diversity and inclusion related issues in educational development to contribute to increased understanding of best practices on diversity and inclusion related issues in educational developmentto recognize how POD’s values of diversity and inclusion are reflected in the everyday practice of educational development.MembershipThe subcommittee will have at least five members, beyond the chair of the subcommittee. Membership consists of: a Core Executive Committee representative; at least one member who, at the time of appointment, serves on the POD Diversity Committee; at least one past Stanley Awardee (once an award has been given), and two POD Network members-at-large. Ideally, at least one member-at-large is on POD’s Research Committee. The subcommittee chair will be determined by the Awards committee chair. The term for subcommittee membership should be a maximum of three years, with the possibility of renewal for one additional term. The subcommittee chair’s term will normally be three years. An individual may not serve on the subcommittee in years they self-nominate for the award.Award CriteriaAll applications are welcome, but applicants must be POD Network members when applying for the award.To apply for this award, self-nominators must submit a full manuscript highlighting their diversity-related research that has been accepted by or published in a peer-reviewed platform in the field of educational development within the last 18 months. The manuscript must: show an awareness of both educational development scholarship and relevant scholarship on diversity and inclusion; reflect relevant POD Network values (e.g., collegiality, inclusion, diverse perspectives, advocacy and social justice, distributed leadership, innovation, evidence-based practices, respect/ethical practices); andhave a central argument about diversity and inclusion through educational development (whether that be among faculty, students, or educational developers) or engage contemporary scholarship on diversity and inclusion in educational development or in teaching and learning.Examples of diversity and inclusion related issues in educational development may include: access to greater numbers of international students and supporting students/staff/faculty of color in higher education; students living through economic downturns amidst rising educational costs; accessibility and support for students with disabilities on campus and accessible instructional design; technology in relation to affordability and accessibility of higher education; public demand for internationalized curricula that better reflect global higher education; increased visibility of LGBTQ students, faculty, and staff in higher education; andinstitutional, national, and/or international models for successful diversity- and inclusion-related educational development work.Awards will be given to manuscripts that reflect original research. Research may be quantitative or qualitative, and may be based on experimental studies, participant observation, practitioner research, or other methodologies that lead to systematic investigation and evidence-based conclusions. The number of awards (up to three per year) will be determined based on the quality of submissions. Operating ProceduresApproximately 6 months before the annual conference date, the subcommittee chair shall distribute a call for applications to the POD Network membership.Applicants will submit a full manuscript of up to 35 pages, double-spaced written in English, by June 1st. Submissions should redact identifying information to ensure a blind review. Applicants should also verify that they are a POD Network member.When submissions are received, the subcommittee chair will confirm with POD’s Executive Director that each applicant has a current POD Network membership (not all authors need be members – just the applicant). The submissions of verified members will move forward for consideration.The subcommittee, in coordination with the POD Diversity Committee, may recognize up to three shortlisted applicants in the Diversity Committee White Paper, to be released at the POD Annual Conference. All applicants will be notified by the subcommittee chair about their submission result. The awardee(s) will be announced by the subcommittee chair at the awards dinner at the annual POD Network conference. The ordering of the plaque(s) and the maintenance of records relating to the award shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director once notified by the subcommittee chair.The award shall be announced in a timely manner in the POD Network newsletter and on the POD Network website.The award description on the POD Network website will be reviewed at least once a year and updated before the call for submissions is released. ................

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