Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit 2015


Save 325 by 10 April

Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit 2015

10 ? 11 June | London, UK | eu/crm

Embracing Complexity to Engage with Customers

Key benefits of attending

? Develop a clear customer vision and strategy ? Overcome organizational barriers to CRM success ? Unlock the real business value in your customer data ? Elevate customer experiences through customer

journey design and monitoring ? Provide personalized customer interactions across

marketing, sales, service and digital-commerce

Embracing Complexity to Engage with Customers

Technology offers more and more opportunities to attract, engage, win, serve and retain customers. However, unlocking this potential is complex. Business models and strategies are complicated to envision, design and execute. Systems and applications are complex to manage. Organizations struggle more and more with overlapping systems, processes and responsibilities, while analytics and Big Data are creating more ambiguity than insight. Most will struggle to master the digital forces acting on them, but winners in today's business environment will embrace complexity and harness its power to create new sources of wealth and value.

The 2015 Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit explores the new digital opportunities and challenges that CRM leaders are facing, providing a roadmap to cut through the complexity to develop a clear customer strategy. The Summit delivers practical advice on how to:

? Manage complex, two-way customer relationships across multiple channels and touch-points

? Develop and deliver relevant customer interactions and experiences across marketing, sales, service and e-commerce

? Overcome the political and cultural hurdles that can cause CRM projects to stumble

? Decipher and unlock the real business value in your organization's data

? Drive value from your customer experience projects and measure the results

Join us at Gartner Customer Strategies Summit 2015 to build a CRM action plan to help your organization take advantage of the opportunities that digital technologies promise.

Registration and pricing

3 easy ways to register

Web: eu/crm Email: emea.registration@ Telephone: +44 20 8879 2430


Early-bird price: 2,150 + VAT (ends 10 April 2015) Standard Price: 2,475 + VAT Public Sector Price: 1,950 + VAT

Gartner clients

A Gartner ticket covers both days of the Summit. Contact your account manager or email to register using a ticket.

Bring your team

Including your IT Leader, Customer Strategy Leader, Head of Customer Experience, Head of Customer Service, Sales and Marketing Leaders

Gain a much richer experience of the event and save! Maximize your learning by attending with your group. Participate together in relevant sessions or split up to cover more topics, sharing your session take-aways later. Complimentary registrations: ? 1 for every 3 paid registrations ? 2 for every 5 paid registrations ? 3 for every 7 paid registrations

For more information, email emea.teamsend@ or contact your Gartner account manager.

Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit 2015

Keynote sessions

Gartner Keynote: Customer Engagement Will Accelerate to the Speed of Digital Business The future of business is being led by customers. Advancements in digital technologies are dramatically lowering barriers to entry to digital business ? the creation of new business designs by blurring the physical and digital worlds. Today's customers have the ability to rapidly and easily influence new and innovative business models. How will

customer strategies need to change in this fluid and increasingly complex world of digital business? In this keynote, we examine digital business and why it's important, predict how customer engagement will change when people, business, and the internet of things interact, and discuss how you can start to engage customers on the journey to digital business.

Don Scheibenreif, Gartner

Gartner Keynote: We Analyze Too Much and Synthesize Too Little This is a closing keynote you don't want to miss. Provocative, engaging, and funny, it promises to fundamentally change your point of view. We'll challenge people's obsession with analysis. In an increasingly complex world, analytics actually suffer from diminishing returns. So what is the alternative? It's about the art and science of synthesis. To find out

what that is, why it is important and how to apply it, you're going to have to see for yourself!

Frank Buytendijk, Gartner

Guest Keynote: When Markets Become Networks: Rethinking Customer Strategies This keynote will focus on how companies have to re-think their customer strategies in a world where technology and digital have become the new Normal. We're witnessing the transition where markets as we know them are disappearing, and turning into complex networks of information. Markets turn into networks of intelligence, with the customer at

the epicenter. But this means we have to rethink the concept of `marketing' in a networked world, we have to understand that information on customers is transforming into a constantly changing river instead of a stale pond. The network always wins, with rivers of information supplying us with insights into customers, where technology will allow us to keep being relevant to customers, but where we also have to re-establish the premium value of human interaction in a post-new normal world.

Peter Hinssen, Author and Entrepreneur

What's new in 2015

This year's event will deliver practical, real-world advice and thought provoking future scenarios on new topics such as: ? How "Customer Journeys" can be designed and analyzed

to deliver outstanding multichannel customer experiences ? How to develop a "Customer Engagement Hub" that

manages all customer interactions ? How you can use customer data to create and leverage

"business moments" ? How to measure the true business benefit of your

customer experience initiatives ? The "Internet of Things" and how to prepare for when

things become customers ? How Marketing can take advantage of the opportunities

presented by Big Data ? Identifying the new mobile trends that will impact

your customers ? How to prepare your support organization for a world

without agents

Save 325 -- Register by 10 April 2015 by visiting eu/crm

Case studies

Shell: Delivering Best in Market Customer Experience to Improve Customer Loyalty Laurence Fleury Romano Customer Experience Manager, Shell

Holistic Healing -- How Johnson & Johnson is Using 360 Degree CRM to Better Understand Patients and Customers Sanjay Singh, Worldwide IT Director -- TotalView and Mobility MD&D, Johnson & Johnson

Bayer CropScience: Implementing a Global Commercial Excellence Program to Drive Customer Centricity Armin Pfeiffer, Global Customer Interaction Manager, Bayer CropScience AG Dr. Arnd Nenstiel, Head of Customer Interaction Management, Bayer CropScience AG

ASDA: Customer Centric "e-volution" in Multichannel Commerce Alex Alexander, Multichannel Technology Director, ASDA (part of Walmart Global eCommerce division)

Who should attend?

? Chief Customer Officers ? Customer Service and Support Leaders ? CIOs, Technology Strategists,

IT Managers ? E-Commerce Managers ? Marketing Managers ? Sales Managers ? Customer Experience Leaders ? Heads of Customer Strategy ? Heads of Customer Intelligence ? Contact Centre Managers ? CRM Project Managers ? Business Analysts ? Enterprise and Solution Architects


Agenda at a Glance


10 June 2015

07:30 ? 20:00 Registration and Information 08:00 ? 08:45 Tutorial: Getting to Know Gartner and Meet the Analysts Gene Alvarez 09:00 ? 10:00 Welcome and Gartner Opening Keynote: Customer Engagement Will Accelerate to the Speed of Digital Business Jim Davies and Don Scheibenrei 10:00 ? 10:45 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 10:45 ? 11:15 Sponsor Panel Discussion Moderators: Jim Davies and Ed Thompson 11:15 ? 12:15 Guest Keynote: When Markets Become Networks: Rethinking Customer Strategies Peter Hinssen, Author and Entrepreneur 12:15 ? 13:30 Lunch in the Solution Showcase


A. Removing Organizational Barriers

B. Managing Customer Interactions

C. Delivering Value from Customer Data

D. Elevating Customer Experiences

13:30 ? 14:15 Defining a Clear CRM Vision and Strategy Scott Nelson

Building a Next-Generation Customer Support Center That Wows Customers Michael Maoz

How to Mobilize the Five Key Roles Required to Achieve a Single View of the Customer Saul Judah

How to Get Value from Customer Experience Projects Ed Thompson

14:30 ? 15:00 Solution Provider Sessions

15:15 ? 16:00 Effecting Cultural Change: The Hidden Key to CRM Scott Nelson

The Future of Digital Commerce Customer Interactions Gene Alvarez

How to Benefit from the Six Styles of Customer Analysis Gareth Herschel

How to Deliver an Outstanding Multichannel Customer Experience Using Customer Journeys Brian Manusama

16:00 ? 16:30 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase

16:30 ? 17:15

Case Study: Bayer CropScience: Implementing a Global Commercial Excellence Program to Drive Customer Centricity Armin Pfeiffer, Global Customer Interaction Manager, Bayer CropScience AG

Case Study: ASDA Alex Alexander, Multichannel Technology Director, ASDA/WalmartLabs

Case Study: Holistic Healing -- How Johnson & Johnson is Using 360 Degree CRM to Better Understand Patients and Customers Sanjay Singh, WW IT Director ? TotalView and Mobility MD&D

Case Study: Shell: Delivering Best in Market Customer Experience to Improve Customer Loyalty Laurence Fleury Romano, Customer Experience Manager, Shell

17:30 ? 18:00 How to Ease the Planning, Governing and Implementation of SaaS CRM Projects Robert Desisto

Maverick Session: The Internet of Things -- How to Get Ready for When Things Become Customers Don Scheibenreif

Wearables: New Devices, New Interactions, New Opportunities Nick Jones

Maverick Session: Digital Ethics, or How to Not Cross the Creepy Line Frank Buytendijk

18:00 ? 20:00 Networking Reception


11 June 2015

08:00 ? 16:45 Registration and Information

08:00 ? 08:45 Peer Exchange

09:00 ? 09:45 Measuring the Success of Your CRM Project Gene Alvarez

Creating a Sales Force Automation Strategy That Yields Business Value Robert Desisto

The Big Data Opportunity for Marketing Gareth Herschel

10:00 ? 10:30 Solution Provider Sessions

10:30 ? 11:00 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase

11:00 ? 11:45 How to Achieve Strong Sales Force Automation Adoption Tad Travis

How to Ensure a ROI on Your Digital Using Data to Create and Leverage

Marketing Strategy Scott Nelson

Business Moments

Don Scheibenreif

12:00 ? 12:30 Solution Provider Sessions

12:30 ? 13:45 Lunch in the Solution Showcase

13:45 ? 14:30 Essential Tips for Successful Negotiations with the CRM MegaVendors Roberto Sacco

Ten Steps to Running a Successful Customer Engagement Hub Project: From Idea to Execution Olive Huang

Who's Sabotaging Your Information Management, and What to Do About It Saul Judah

14:45 ? 15:15 Identifying the Consumer Mobile Trends That Will Impact Your Customer Nick Jones

Maverick Session: How Ready is Your Support Organization for a World Without Agents? Michael Moaz

How to Master Customer Journey Analytics Gareth Herschel

15:15 ? 15:45 Refreshment Break in the Solution Showcase 15:45 ? 16:30 Closing Gartner Keynote: We Analyze Too Much and Synthesize Too Little Frank Buytendijk 16:30 ? 16:35 Closing Remarks David Kohler

Outside-In Customer Process Redesign Ed Thompson

How to Listen to the Voice of the Customer Jim Davies

Personalize your Digital Commerce to Grow Satisfaction, Profits and Loyalty David Kohler

Pecha Kucha: Customer Experience Metrics in 400 Seconds AND Survey Best Practices for a Better Customer Experience Ed Thompson and Jim Davies


Gartner Customer Strategies & Technologies Summit 2015

When attending this event, please refer to the agenda handout provided or the Gartner Events mobile app for the most up to date session and location information

Agenda as of 16 February 2015, and subject to change


Real-World CRM: Workshops, Contract Negotiation Clinics and Analyst-User Roundtables (Available to end-users only)

13:30 ? 15:00 Workshop: How to Use Business Moments to Drive Digital Strategy Moderator: Don Scheibenreif

Roundtable: Driving Customer Success with Content in Context Mick MacComascaigh

16:30 ? 18:00 Contract Negotiation Clinic: Software as a Service Moderator: Roberto Sacco

Roundtable: How to Get Your Employees to Care About Customer Experiences Olive Huang

17:30 ? 18:15 Roundtable: Creating a Trusted Single View for Your Customer Master Data Saul Judah

09:00 ? 10:30 Workshop: The Pitfalls of Customer Self-Service and How to Avoid Them Moderator: Brian Manusama

11:00 ? 12:30 Workshop: Building the Business Case for CRM Initiatives Moderator: Gene Alvarez

Roundtable: How Can IT Play a Role in Improving Customer Experience? Ed Thompson

13:45 ? 15:15 Workshop: Developing a Winning Mobile CRM Application Moderator: Robert Desisto

Roundtable: How to Prioritize Sales Enablement Projects to Balance Efficiency and Effectiveness Tad Travis

14:45 ? 15:30 Roundtable: What Marketplace Strategy is Best for Your Digital Commerce Operation? David Kohler


A. Removing Organizational Barriers This track provides practical advice on how to tackle common challenges such as gaining executive support, developing a clear vision and strategy, overcoming cultural and interdepartmental resistance, controlling rogue deployments and increasing employee adoption. CRM is a business strategy after all, and many of the key hurdles are not linked to technology. Learn how to overcome the stumbling blocks that could cause your customer initiatives to fail.

B. Managing Customer Interactions In this track, we explore how to attract and influence customers across websites, stores, phone systems, social media and mobile devices, and how to centralize touchpoints into a "Customer Engagement Hub". The science and art of building customer relationships is a complex mix of technology, process change and people skills across all interaction channels. We'll help you to get that mix right.

C. Delivering Value from Customer Data Presentations in this track focus on how to develop a customer analytics strategy, manage data to understand the customer journey, and ultimately, create "business moments" that you can exploit. As you explore new means of marketing to, selling to and supporting customers, the sheer volume, variety and velocity of customer data that exists can be an overwhelming prospect. This track will provide you with a roadmap as you start to use big data and advanced analytics to support your key sales, marketing and customer service initiatives.

D. Elevating Customer Experiences This track will examine how you can design, deliver and systematically improve the customer experience. Key topics include ensuring cross-channel consistency, redesigning customer processes, capturing the "voice of the customer" and adding personalization to the digital experience. Delivering a superior customer experience can provide competitive differentiation and secure business success, but as the world becomes more complex, existing initiatives run the risk of being derailed. Learn how to refine the customer experience as expectations continue to rise and when, where and how customers want to engage changes.

Plus: Real-World CRM: Workshops, Contract Negotiation Clinics and Roundtable Discussions This track consists of a series of in-depth workshops, contract negotiation clinic and roundtable discussions, facilitated by Gartner analysts, with attendees expected to work together to identify best practices and share practical ideas and tips. Available to end-users only, pre-registration required.

Visit eu/crm for updates and to register!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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