

According to the American Marketing Association, green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe.[1] Thus green marketing incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying advertising. Yet defining green marketing is not a simple task where several meanings intersect and contradict each other; an example of this will be the existence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this term.[1] Other similar terms used are Environmental Marketing and Ecological Marketing.

The legal implications of marketing claims call for caution. Misleading or overstated claims can lead to regulatory or civil challenges. In the USA, the Federal Trade Commission provides some guidance on environmental marketing claims.[2]


A green market in the Lower East Side Green Market, New York City.[3]

The term Green Marketing came into prominence in the late 1980s and early 1990s.[4] The American Marketing Association (AMA) held the first workshop on "Ecological Marketing" in 1975.[5] The proceedings of this workshop resulted in one of the first books on green marketing entitled "Ecological Marketing".[6]

The first wave of Green Marketing occurred in the 1980s. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports started with the ice cream seller Ben & Jerry's where the financial report was supplemented by a greater view on the company's environmental impact. In 1987 a document prepared by the World Commission on Environment and Development defined sustainable development as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need”, this became known as the Brundtland Report and was another step towards widespread thinking on sustainability in everyday activity. Two tangible milestones for wave 1 of green marketing came in the form of published books, both of which were called Green Marketing. They were by Ken Peattie (1992) in the United Kingdom and by Jacquelyn Ottman (1993) in the United States of America.[citation needed]

According to Jacquelyn Ottman, (author of Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation) from an organizational standpoint, environmental considerations should be integrated into all aspects of marketing — new product development and communications and all points in between.[7] The holistic nature of green also suggests that besides suppliers and retailers new stakeholders be enlisted, including educators, members of the community, regulators, and NGOs. Environmental issues should be balanced with primary customer needs.[citation needed]



The green market at Union Square (14th street), New York City

The past decade has shown that harnessing consumer power to effect positive environmental change is far easier said than done. The so-called "green consumer" movements in the U.S. and other countries have struggled to reach critical mass and to remain in the forefront of shoppers' minds.[8] While public opinion polls taken since the late 1980s have shown consistently that a significant percentage of consumers in the U.S. and elsewhere profess a strong willingness to favor environmentally conscious products and companies, consumers' efforts to do so in real life have remained sketchy at best.[1] One of green marketing's challenges is the lack of standards or public consensus about what constitutes "green," according to Joel Makower, a writer on green marketing.[citation needed] In essence, there is no definition of "how good is good enough" when it comes to a product or company making green marketing claims. This lack of consensus—by consumers, marketers, activists, regulators, and influential people—has slowed the growth of green products, says Makower, because companies are often reluctant to promote their green attributes, and consumers are often skeptical about claims.[citation needed]

Despite these challenges, green marketing has continued to gain adherents, particularly in light of growing global concern about climate change. This concern has led more companies to advertise their commitment to reduce their climate impacts, and the effect this is having on their products and services[9][10].

Greenhouse gas reduction market



A green market in Newcastle, July 2007

The emerging greenhouse gas reduction market can potentially catalyze projects with important local environmental, economic, and quality-of-life benefits. The Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), for example, enables trading between industrial and developing nations, providing a framework that can result in capital flows to environmentally beneficial development activities. Although the United States is not participating in the Kyoto Protocol, several US programs enable similar transactions on a voluntary and regulatory basis.[1]

While international trade in greenhouse gas[11] reductions holds substantial promise as a source of new funding for sustainable development, this market can be largely inaccessible to many smaller-scale projects, remote communities, and least developed localities. To facilitate participation and broaden the benefits, several barriers must be overcome, including: a lack of market awareness among stakeholders and prospective participants; specialized, somewhat complicated participation rules; and the need for simplified participation mechanisms for small projects, without which transaction costs can overwhelm the financial benefits of participation. If the barriers are adequately addressed, greenhouse gas trading can play an important role supporting activities that benefit people’s lives and the environment.[1]

[edit] Popularity and effectiveness

[edit] Ongoing debate

The popularity of such marketing approach and its effectiveness is hotly debated. Supporters claim that environmental appeals are actually growing in number–the Energy Star label, for example, now appears on 11,000 different companies'[12] models in 38 product categories, from washing machines and light bulbs to skyscrapers and homes. The difference is, however, that green—rightfully so—is on the wane as the primary sales pitch for products. On the other hand, Roper’s Green Gauge shows that a high percentage of consumers (42%)[13] feel that environmental products don’t work as well as conventional ones. This is an unfortunate legacy from the 1970s when shower heads sputtered and natural detergents left clothes dingy. Given the choice, all but the greenest of customers will reach for synthetic detergents over the premium-priced, proverbial "Happy Planet" any day, including Earth Day. New reports, however show a growing trend towards green products.[14]

[edit] Confusion

One challenge green marketers -- old and new -- are likely to face as green products and messages become more common is confusion in the marketplace. "Consumers do not really understand a lot about these issues, and there's a lot of confusion out there," says Jacquelyn Ottman(founder of J. Ottman Consulting and author of "Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation.")[14] Marketers sometimes take advantage of this confusion, and purposely make false or exaggerated "green" claims. Critics refer to this practice as "green washing".[citation needed]

A very good example of Green Washing can be found in the claims about Bamboo Fibres.It is equaoted and sounds similar to Cotton fibre/Organic cotton fibres . In the case of bamboo it is pulped and mixed with caustics and other 5 different chemicals and yarn is made out of this certainly not similar to Organic cotton. Similarly Csurina ,uclyptus and other trees even vegitalbes used in pulp ping and yarn making this is not organic bamboo firbre in the sense the Organic cotton is used . This is punishable offence on the part of traders and others .Ignorance of masses of this technical knowledge is well known . The marketters create confusion taking advantage of this lack of knowledge of masses. Another example is Eco-friendly dyed garments and Low-impact dyed garments is sheer green wash . 50 years ago all Denim cotton jeans were organic and all Indigo dye was natural plant-extracted. Now 100% of the Denim Jeans pants in U.S. is opposite to this. U.S. Market as well others do not do anything about re production on Natural Indigo or Organic cotton .It is only green washing . People are mislead in Organic Era with the the above names. 25 years of market research was done by me.

[edit] Statistics

According to market researcher Mintel, about 12% of the U.S. population can be identified as True Greens, consumers who seek out and regularly buy so-called green products. Another 68%[14][15] can be classified as Light Greens, consumers who buy green sometimes. "What chief marketing officers are always looking for is touch points with consumers, and this is just a big, big, big touch point that's not being served," says Mintel Research Director David Lockwood. "All the corporate executives that we talk to are extremely convinced that being able to make some sort of strong case about the environment is going to work down to their bottom line."[14]

[edit] Green marketing cases

[edit] Philips Light's "Marathon"



Philips Light's CFL

Philips Lighting's first shot at marketing a standalone compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb was Earth Light, at $15 each versus 75 cents for incandescent bulbs.[16] The product had difficulty climbing out of its deep green niche.[16] The company re-launched the product as "Marathon," underscoring its new "super long life" positioning and promise of saving $26 in energy costs over its five-year lifetime.[17] Finally, with the U.S. EPA's Energy Star label to add credibility as well as new sensitivity to rising utility costs and electricity shortages, sales climbed 12 percent in an otherwise flat market.[17]

[edit] Car sharing services

Car-sharing services address the longer-term solutions to consumer needs for better fuel savings and fewer traffic tie-ups and parking nightmares, to complement the environmental benefit of more open space and reduction of greenhouse gases.[citation needed] They may be thought of as a "time-sharing" system for cars. Consumers who drive less than 7,500 miles a year and do not need a car for work can save thousands of dollars annually by joining one of the many services springing up, including ZipCar (East Coast), Flex Car (Washington State),[18] and Hour Car (Twin Cities).[19]

[edit] Electronics sector

The consumer electronics sector provides room for using green marketing to attract new customers. One example of this is HP's promise to cut its global energy use 20 percent by the year 2010.[20] To accomplish this reduction below 2005 levels, The Hewlett-Packard Company announced plans to deliver energy-efficient products and services and institute energy-efficient operating practices in its facilities worldwide.

[edit] Introduction of CNG in Delhi

New Delhi, capital of India, was being polluted at a very fast pace until Supreme Court of India forced a change to alternative fuels. In 2002, a directive was issued to completely adopt CNG in all public transport systems to curb pollution.[21]

What is green marketing?

Green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in it or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.

The obvious assumption of green marketing is that potential consumers will view a product or service's "greenness" as a benefit and base their buying decision accordingly. The not-so-obvious assumption of green marketing is that consumers will be willing to pay more for green products than they would for a less-green comparable alternative product - an assumption that, in my opinion, has not been proven conclusively.

While green marketing is growing greatly as increasing numbers of consumers are willing to back their environmental consciousnesses with their dollars, it can be dangerous. The public tends to be skeptical of green claims to begin with and companies can seriously damage their brands and their sales if a green claim is discovered to be false or contradicted by a company's other products or practices. Presenting a product or service as green when it's not is called green washing.

Green marketing can be a very powerful marketing strategy though when it's done right.

3 Keys to Successful Green Marketing

For green marketing to be effective, you have to do three things; be genuine, educate your customers, and give them the opportunity to participate.

1) Being genuine means that

a) that you are actually doing what you claim to be doing in your green marketing campaign and

b) that the rest of your business policies are consistent with whatever you are doing that's environmentally friendly. Both these conditions have to be met for your business to establish the kind of environmental credentials that will allow a green marketing campaign to succeed.

2) Educating your customers isn't just a matter of letting people know you're doing whatever you're doing to protect the environment, but also a matter of letting them know why it matters. Otherwise, for a significant portion of your target market, it's a case of "So what?" and your green marketing campaign goes nowhere.

3) Giving your customers an opportunity to participate means personalizing the benefits of your environmentally friendly actions, normally through letting the customer take part in positive environmental action.

Let's put the three essential elements of a successful green marketing campaign together by looking at an example.

Suppose that you have decided that your business will no longer use plastic bags to wrap customer purchases. You know that the traditional plastic bag takes about one thousand years to decompose ( and want to do your part to stop the proliferation of plastic bags in landfills. You feel that this is the kind of environmental action that will be popular with potential customers and a good opportunity to do some green marketing.

To be genuine, you have to ensure that none of your business practices contradict your decision not to use plastic bags. What if customers who happen to walk behind your store see an overflowing trash bin filled with paper, cardboard and plastic bottles? Obviously, he or she will decide that you don't care as much about recycling as you say you do in your green marketing.

Not using plastic bags appears to be environmental no-brainer, but you will still need to educate your target market. Did you know that a single use plastic bag takes about one thousand years to decompose? I didn’t until I researched this article and probably a fair number of otherwise environmentally conscious people don't either. This one little factoid about plastic bags could be used as part of your green marketing campaign - all by itself it lets the public know why single use plastic bags are environmentally disastrous and that you and your business care about the environment.

And the third element? By shopping at your store, the customer is taking action to protect the environment by preventing at least one single use plastic bag from going into a landfill. It doesn't sound like much, but he or she gets the satisfaction of physically doing something that fulfills their beliefs. You can also reinforce your customers’ green decisions and increase their participation by offering them additional related actions, such as buying cloth bags to use for future purchases.

Sometimes the best thing to do with a bandwagon is jump on it. You have to walk the talk and actually implement green policies and act in environmentally friendly ways for green marketing to work, but if you do, you've got a powerful selling point with those who are environmentally conscious and want to act to make the world a greener place - a market that's growing exponentially right now.

Total Recall: Toyota and the Future of Green Marketing

What does Toyota's travails mean to green marketing?

That question seems ripe these days, as the leading Japanese auto maker gets a comeuppance for its allegedly serious safety defects — and the more than 8 million cars it has recalled worldwide as a result. Toyota, after all, had become a darling of the eco-minded, a case study in the green halo that can inure to old-line companies that bring environmental innovation to mainstream audiences. Toyota seemed to have done it the right way: with products that weren't just greener, but better — in this case, high-aesthetic, high-performance, affordable cars.

In some regards, Toyota's Prius gas-electric hybrid represented the green consumer ideal: no tradeoffs — a product that pushed all the right buttons. It came from a trusted brand, didn't require consumers to change habits, performed well, looked great, and provided an environmental benefit. It made a public statement about the owner's green cred. It offered consumers, as I've dubbed it, "Change without changing." There haven't been many other consumer products from major brands, save for a handful of household cleaners, that have fired on all those cylinders.

But now that ideal has experienced a crash-course in reality, a collision of technological snafus and a corporate culture that shunned transparency for expediency — and may have committed criminal neglect. The result, as everyone knows, is a massive global regulatory undertaking, media-fanned anxiety on the part of Toyota vehicle owners — and more than a little handwringing on the part of environmentalists, who aren't sure what to think of a company that had come to be seen as a corporate hero.

One evidence of that hero status comes from the Green Confidence Index co-produced by my team at . Every month we ask 2,500 Americans — a demographically representative sampling of the adult online population — a simple but profound question: "What company, if any, do you think of as being 'green'?" It's an unaided question, meaning that no list of companies is provided. Respondents simply name companies that are top of mind. For the past six months, Toyota has remained among the top 8 companies named. (Walmart and Clorox have consistently been the top two, while 64% of Americans aren't able to name any company they consider to be green — a story for another day.)

It will be interesting to see how the troubles will tarnish Toyota's green sheen, especially since the company's recalls have been so widely and persistently reported; this isn't some scandal limited to the blogosphere or the green world. The Green Confidence Index will be following this closely over the coming months.

So, what does the recall mean to the world of green? There are several potential scenarios:

1. The recalls will severely damage Toyota's credibility, making room for other car companies to emerge as green leaders, especially as a new wave of hybrids, diesels, and electric vehicles rolls out over the next 18 months: Nissan's Leaf, GM's Chevy Volt, Ford's Focus, Volkswagen's Touareg, higher-end cars from BMW, Porsche, and Infinity — in addition to cars, vans, electric bikes, and other alt-fueled vehicles made by countless smaller firms, from Aptera to Zap. Plus, the high-profile (and high-priced) Tesla Roadster and Fisker Karma. In an era in which nearly everyone has one or more green vehicles to promote, the Prius may take a back seat.

2. Toyota's brand leadership and reputation for quality and environmental leadership will survive intact. So indelible is its reputation, the scenario goes, and so loyal are its customers — especially diehard Prius owners — that the public will see Toyota through. This scenario, of course, hinges in large part on whether and how the company digs itself out of its reputational hole in the coming weeks: how it executes on its recalls, how it survives upcoming U.S. congressional hearings (and their counterparts in other countries), and what evidence of corporate malfeasance arises. It also depends on things outside of the company's control. For example, every serious accident involving a Toyota vehicle could become fodder for local (or national) news media to burnish a Toyota-as-death-trap reputation that could take years to undo.

3. Toyota's plight will be a setback for green products in general and green vehicles in particular. The Prius — the darling of environmentally minded consumers — has now been tarnished as unsafe, thanks to its occasional loss of braking. (So, too, have the upscale Lexus hybrid and the Toyota Sai compact, another hybrid sold only in Japan.) For skeptics, climate deniers, and green grumps of all stripes, this "proves" that green marketing is a scam, simply another means to separate consumers from their wallets. When all is said and done, the Prius will have mowed down a host of promising products with environmental attributes — and not just cars. At minimum, it will give solace to those who already had been looking for reasons not to purchase fuel-efficient cars, energy-efficient appliances, organic foods, and other greener goods.

4. The Prius recall will prove that greener cars are just like any other, in that they come from real companies with real problems. As such, it will help to socialize the new crop of green vehicles, and maybe other green products, helping people to see them as part of the "regular" marketplace. This will reduce the negative stigma some people hold against green products. And while Toyota's products may take a while to regain favor, their woes won't impede other companies' success.

Which of these scenarios pans out is anyone's guess. And it's not a zero-sum game. Toyota could win this battle (Scenario 2) while green products lose the war (Scenario 3). It will be interesting to watch — another speed bump in the long and winding road toward the mainstreaming of green.


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