
[pic] 2009-2010 [pic]

Clubs and Activities List


|Academic Bowl |A student group that practices and competes in core academic competitions. |Chris Webb |

|Anime Club |A student organization dedicated to increasing the awareness of Japanese animation |Christina Curtis/Agieszka Ergun |

|Band |School Sponsored Co-Curricular |Paul Clark |

|Baseball |School Sponsored Sport |Russ Bayer |

|Basketball V (boys) |School Sponsored Sport |Kevin Dankosky |

|Basketball V (girls) |School Sponsored Sport |Keith Gravitt |

|Beta Club |The National Beta Club promotes character, develops leadership skills, encourages service involvement, recognizes | T.B.A. |

| |achievement, and provides technological advantages to students in grades 5 - 12. | |

|Big Brother/Big Sister |A student based organization where seniors help freshmen adapt to the high school setting. |Debbie Upchurch |

|Blue Crew |Open to any student interested in promoting school spirit and school unity. | T.B.A. |

|Cheerleading (JV) Football |School Sponsored Sport |Holly Terry |

|Cheerleading (Varsity) Basketball |School Sponsored Sport |Shayla Watson |

|Cheerleading (JV) Basketball |School Sponsored Sport |Jessica Willis |

|Cheerleading (Varsity) Football/Comp |School Sponsored Sport |Shayla Watson |

|Cheerleading (Fresh Football and Basketball) |School Sponsored Sport |Lee Esposito |

|Chess Club |For students that are interested in competing v. fellow students playing chess |Jeremy Hedges |

|Chorus |School Sponsored Co-Curricular |Kirk Grizzle |

|Cross Country |School Sponsored Sport |Jerry Edmondson |

|Debate Club |Students practice and compete in debate competitions v. other schools. | T.B.A. |

|DECA (Delta Epsilon Chi) |An international association of high school and college students studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship in |Debra Moore/Dr. Nancy Ruff |

| |business, finance, hospitality and marketing sales and service. | |

|Equestrian Club |A club where students meet to discuss issues related to equestrian competitions. |Michaela Claus-Nix |

|FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) |Additional opportunities for secondary students (grades 9-12) in business and/or business related fields to develop |Mike Beckley/ |

| |vocational and career supportive competencies and to promote civic and personal responsibilities. |Cheryl Whigham |

|FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) |A non-profit, interdenominational ministry that reaches out to the young athletes of the world. |Zach Elrod/Ashley Jarvis/ Amy Mohr |

|FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of |To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer sciences education. Focusing on the |Dawn Martin |

|America) |multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life thru community | |

| |activities and vocational investigation. | |

|First Vote |First Vote is a nonpartisan, classroom-based voter registration, education, and citizenship program for high school |Hector Jimenez |

| |students. | |

|Flood |This club provides local community mission opportunities for students. |Anna Krause |

|Football (varsity) |School Sponsored Sport |Wendell Early |

|French Club |A student organization that promotes interest in the French language and fosters understanding of French cultures. |Caryn Craft/Nancy Nichols |

| |French Club is open to any student enrolled in French. | |

|Gamers Club |For students interested in games of strategy and high-level critical thinking. |Jeremy Hedges |

|German Club |A student organization that promotes interest in the German language and fosters understanding of German cultures. |Michaela Claus-Nix |

| |German Club is open to any student enrolled in German. | |

|Golf (boys) |School Sponsored Sport |Matt Loveless |

|Golf (girls) |School Sponsored Sport |Ronnie Davis |

|Habitat For Humanity |Students help support Habitat International through fund raising and building projects. |Sarah Gravitt |

|Homecoming |Students assisting with the football homecoming dance and celebration activities. |Lisa Brock/Carol Sikes |

|Interact |A rotary-sponsored service club for young people that gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, |Dr. Rebecca Deurlein |

| |meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends. | |

|Journalism - School Newspaper |A student organization that researches relevant school and social information, organizes the writing and publishing of |Anna Krause |

| |the school newspaper. | |

|Junior Classical League |The Junior Classical League's purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature and|Jeremy Hedges/Eric Eben |

| |culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical | |

| |antiquity. (JCL is for Latin 1 & 2 students, NLHS for Latin 3+) | |

|Junior State of America |JSA allows for an exchange of ideas through stimulating student debates, thought talks, problem solving, and a variety | T.B.A. |

| |of simulations. By participating in these activities, each member gains a more intelligent and informed viewpoint. | |

|Key Club |The oldest and largest service program for high school students, which is a student-led organization that teaches |Rebecca Stephens |

| |leadership through serving others. | |

|Lacrosse (boys) |School Sponsored Sport |Josh Hawkins |

|Lacrosse (girls) |School Sponsored Sport |Katie Richelt |

|Latin Club | |Eric Eben |

|Literary Club |[pic] |Elizabeth Holcomb |

|LULU-Love ‘Ur Life Always |A student organization that focuses on positive body image, healthy habits, and the prevention of eating disorders. |Matthew Thompson |

|Math Team |A student group that practices and competes in math competitions. |Carol Sikes/Judy Stoops |

|Mock Trial |Students try-out, practice and compete in a courtroom setting v. other schools. |Hector Jimenez |

|Model United Nations |Students try-out, practice and compete with students from other schools about international issues. |Matthew Thompson |

|Mu Alpha Theta |Mathematics honors society for high school and junior and community college students in the US. |Carol Sikes/ Judy Stoops |

|National Art Honor Society |Specifically for high school students grades 10-12, for the purpose of inspiring and recognizing those students who have|Marie Patty |

| |shown an outstanding ability in art. | |

|National French Honor Society |An organization whose intent is to recognize high school students in the United States who have maintained excellent |Caryn Craft/Nancy Nichols |

| |grades in at least three years of French language courses; this is done by induction into the organization. | |

|National German Honor Society |To further the study of the German language and cultures. |Michaela Claus-Nix |

|National Honor Society |To create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop |Carrie Paulson |

| |character in the students of secondary schools. | |

|National Latin Honor Society |An honorary society sponsored by the Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin. |Jeremy Hedges/Eric Eben |

|National Science Bowl Team |Made up of student who compete in the National Ocean Sciences Bowl competitions and National Science Bowl competitions |Christopher Webb |

| |regionally and nationally. | |

|National Spanish Honor Society |To further the study of the Spanish language and cultures. |Maggie Gustavuz |

|National Technical Honor Society |To honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for the |Mike Beckley |

| |NTHS membership. | |

|Oratorical Contest |For students who like to write a speech and speak in front of a group. |Kim Oliver |

|Prom Committee /Junior Class Sponsor |To promote junior class participation in school events, fundraising, and community service.  Junior class also sponsors |Holly Terry/T.B.A. |

| |Prom. | |

|Robotics Club |Students study, build and compete in robotics contest v. in and out of state schools. |Nick Crowder/ James O'Connor |

|Rocket Competition Team |Students study, build and compete in rocket competitions. |Tommy Hipp |

|SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) |Student organization designed to inform other students of the dangers of drinking and driving. |Nick Crowder |

|Science Olympiad |To promote and improve student interest in science and to improve the quality of k-12 science education throughout the |Jill McKee/Melissa Smith |

| |nation. | |

|Senior Class Sponsor |To promote senior class participation in school events, fundraising, and community service.  Senior class also helps |Janis Titshaw |

| |with graduation and gives the school gift. | |

|Soccer (boys) |School Sponsored Sport |Tom Braun |

|Soccer (girls) |School Sponsored Sport |Tom Braun |

|Softball |School Sponsored Sport |Ronnie Davis |

|Sophomore Class Sponsor |To promote sophomore class participation in school events, fund raising, and community service. |Nina Moynihan |

|Southside Dance Co |A student group that performs dance recitals at school |Jessica Willis |

|Southside Improv’ers |A student improvisational performance group that performs on campus and around the community. |Jeff White |

|SPAAR |Students Promoting the Awareness of Animal Rights |Kim Oliver |

|Spanish Club |A student organization that promotes interest in the Spanish language and fosters understanding of Spanish cultures. |Jeremy Hedges/Agieszka Ergun |

| | Spanish Club is open to any student enrolled in Spanish. | |

|STEP (Environ Club) |Students Together for Environmental Protection promotes environmental stewardship by offering opportunities for campus |Nan Meadows/Janis Titshaw |

| |and community service.  | |

|Student Council |To promote student participation within the school and its community via student representatives from each grade level. |Lisa Brock/Carol Sikes |

|Swimming |School Sponsored Sport |Chere Thomas/Liz Foxhall |

| Tennis (boys) |School Sponsored Sport |Ivan Zeitlan |

|Tennis (girls) |School Sponsored Sport |Tatum Helmer |

|Thespian Society |For students interested in the study of acting and drama. |Kirk Grizzle |

|Track |School Sponsored Sport |Jerry Edmondson |

|TSA |The Technology Student Associations Mission is to provide leadership and opportunities in technology, innovation, design|Nick Crowder/ James O'Connor |

| |and engineering. Members apply STEM concepts through co-curricular programs. | |

|United Way Campaign Club |To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of the SFHS community. |Jolynn Cichocki |

|Volleyball |School Sponsored Sport |Kelly Wren |

|Winter/Color Guard |School Sponsored Co-Curricular | Carrie Paulson |

|Wrestling |School Sponsored Sport |Zack Elrod |

|Yearbook |In Yearbook club, students help design and edit the school yearbook to be released at the end of the year. |Erin Powell |

|SHIFT |pray together and looks for opportunities to reach out to the needy in our community and our world |Sarah Gravitt | | | | | | |

|Take A Stand |Increase SFHS student awareness about the dangers of drugs and alcohol |Nick Crowder | | | | | | |


|The Literary Club is dedicated to students sharing literary interests. The purpose of this club is to offer a relaxing|

|and intellectual platform for students to exchange ideas, emotions and theories on select readings. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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