
Task: In your group, you are to read your given chapter, create a presentation, and teach your chapter to the class.Presentations Due: Friday, October 31,2014 (yes, your Creative Responses are still due that day; you’ve had a month.)Grading: You will be receiving both a group grade, based on how well your project is executed and an individual grade, based on how much you specifically contribute to the group. Mr. Burke and Mrs. Stein will be actively monitoring your participation. (See rubric on back)Specifics:Your presentation should be about FIVE minutes long. You must use Google Presentations, so everyone in your group can access the presentation (you must also share this presentation with Mr. Burke and Mrs. Stein)Every member of the group must speakThe presentation should be rehearsed and well-organizedMake sure your presentation covers the answers to the given chapter discussion questions and other key elements of the chapter.Use proper presentation skills (eye contact, no slides with too many words, etc)Your Presentation must include:Textual evidence (direct quotes from Gladwell), properly cited.Explain how your chapter connects to Gladwell’s overall thesis: What makes someone successful?Answers to questions providedInclude real life examplesVisuals (Photos/Videos)You must submit five multiple-choice questions (and answers) to Mr. Burke and Mrs. Stein (that could be answered after watching your presentation).Scoring RubricPoorExcellentGROUP PRESENTATION SKILLS 12345Were the main ideas presented in an orderly and clear manner?Did the presentation fill the time allotted? Was the Google Presentation appropriate and helpful to the audience? Did the talk maintain the interest of the audience? Was every member of the group included in the presentation? Were the presenters responsive to audience questions? GROUP KNOWLEDGE BASEWas proper background information on the topic given? Was the material selected for presentation appropriate to the topic? Did the presentation explain how the chapter connects to Gladwell’s overall thesis?Did the presentation include specific textual evidence? Were real life examples included? Did the group submit all five multiple choice questions?INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION Did you participate during the group presentation? Were you an active participant during class preparation? Did you contribute to the overall design of the group presentation? COMMENTSTOTAL SCORE _______ / 80Chapter QuestionsInstructions: Answer ALL questions (including questions within the questions!) thoroughly, using examples from the text when applicable.Chapter 6: Harlan, KentuckyWhat is the “culture of honor” that takes place throughout the Appalachian Mountains?Herdsman vs. Growing Crops - Why is violence required throughout Harlan Kentucky?This chapter speaks of cultural legacies. What similarities do you see between your parents and you, your grandparents and you, etc? What is the significance of these?Chapter 7: The Ethnic Theory of Plane CrashesHow significant are problem solving skills throughout this chapter? ExplainThe willingness to change is crucial in the restructuring of Korean Air. How does Gladwell describe this, and how does this compare to a time when you made a change in your own life? What effect has this change had on your current situation, and was this change internal or external? Chapter Seven (“The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes”) is riveting, from the role of power differentials and communication styles to whether or not a country is speaker or receiver oriented. Gladwell states: “Aviation experts will tell you that it is the success of this war on mitigation as much as anything else that accounts for the extraordinary decline in airline accidents in recent years.” What aspect of this chapter most fascinated you and why?At the end of Chapter Seven, Gladwell ties the various populations (hockey players, software tycoons, takeover lawyers) together with one unifying observation: “[Korean pilots were offered] on the way to success… an opportunity to transform their relationship to work.” (219) What “opportunity” is Gladwell referring to and how could anyone, in any profession, use this observation to become even more successful?Chapter 8: Rice Paddies and Math TestsWhy are rice paddies such a focus of Chapter 8? What is their significance as it pertains to outliers and Gladwell’s overall claim? Why is it that if Chinese students are given a list of 17 numbers, they are able to memorize those numbers in an average of 20 seconds when American student cannot? Describe Renee’s thought process in the video described in this chapter. What does Gladwell show through the use of this example? Explain the connection between the number of questions filled in on the questionnaire taken prior to the TIMSS exam and the score achieved on the math portion of the exam. How does this relate to Gladwell’s claims in the rest of the chapter?Chapter 9: Marita’s Bargain In what ways is the KIPP program fair or unfair? Explain.Fair—Unfair—What was the initial, historical reason for structuring the school year with one extended break over the summer? Does 21st century American life still require such a structure?What are some advantages Gladwell discusses in regards to year-round schooling? Who would most benefit from such a change? How much reading does the chapter say is required to prevent a decrease in CATs? Do you think that schools should provide reading materials for lower class individuals so that their reading skills do not deteriorate? Does the KIPP model have a potential for success at Hatboro-Horsham? In other words, would a program like KIPP be effective in this community with these students? After reading the chapter, how have you beliefs changed about how the school year should be structured? (Should there be a longer school year with more short breaks rather than one long summer break? Should the school day be lengthened and summer break preserved? Etc.) ................

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