The National Association of Catholic Chaplains

Monday, November 9, 2009

Read this issue online: resources/e-news/nn_issue_57.asp.

1. Executive Director’s Reflection

2. Seeking members’ feedback on Vision!

3. Interested in any past Visions?

4. Order Your World Day of the Sick Prayer Cards

5. Another helpful resource on managing care

6. Vast Majority of Physicians Satisfied With Hospital Chaplain Services

7. End-of-life counseling remains in the health bill

8. Spiritual Leadership Competencies available

9. Standards of Pastoral Practice in Acute Care available

10. Thanks for sharing information about home visiting protocol for Chaplains

11. Excellent resource for palliative care

12. Survey about chaplains' use of online communication tools with patients

13. November Audio Conference begins this Thursday!

14. You can still sign up for final NACC fall audio conference!

15. Video promoting the chaplaincy profession available

16. Local/regional event dates

17. Other educational events

18. Healing Tree: a request for prayers

19. Recent Job Posting

20. Positions wanted

1. Executive Director’s Reflection

Toward the end of Pastoral Care Week I received the following e-mail from one of our members, “I wanted to say how happy I am to have the [Chaplaincy Ministry] DVD and to be able to use it with others. I think it is very well done and it makes me proud to be a chaplain. I am showing it on the closed circuit TV channel in the hospital once a day during Pastoral Care Week. I have also shared it with many circles of co-workers. I’ve asked my vice president to show it at the Executive Leadership team meeting next Monday and he has agreed to do that. He also suggested that I consider using the DVD in my presentation at General Orientation. I’m definitely going to see if I can adjust my presentation to make the time for it. Thank you for a resource we can be proud of.” (continue reading on our website…)

2. Seeking members’ feedback on Vision!

Please help us to shape the future of Vision by responding to this 4-minute online survey (participate by clicking on the link below). Your responses will assist us to gauge members’ satisfaction with Vision in its current form, as well as to plan for upcoming issues. Please take time right now to share your ideas. Thank you!

-- NACC Editorial Advisory Panel and Laurie Hansen Cardona, Vision Editor.

Take the survey here:


3. Interested in any past Visions?

NACC has several surplus issues of 2007 and 2008 Visions. We would be glad to send copies of specific topical issues to members for cost of shipping. They can be valuable for CPE groups, staff learning, and other professional development purposes. Go to vision/backIssues.asp to view the pdfs of 2007 and 2008 back issues (requires member login). Contact Cindy Bridges (cbridges@) for copy orders. 10 copies or less for $5.00 priority shipping. 10-25 copies for $10.00 priority shipping.

4. Order Your World Day of the Sick Prayer Cards

As you know, the NACC publishes, both in English and Spanish, two prayer cards, one for the care giver and one for the person sick. You can order them now by going to resources/wds/ to download the order form.

5. Another helpful resource on managing care

“The Management of Care: Literature on Leadership and Organizational Development,” Edition 5 of the series Practical Bearings: The Critical Bibliography for Health Care Chaplains is now online at HealthCare Chaplaincy’s website: practicalbearings. The author, The Rev. Dr. Martin Montonye, Director of Clinical Pastoral Education at HealthCare Chaplaincy, seeks both to inform and to stimulate dialogue within the pastoral care community: (read more…)

6. Vast Majority of Physicians Satisfied With Hospital Chaplain Services

George Fitchett, Ph.D., of Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, led a national research study. The survey of physicians’ experience with hospital chaplains found that the vast majority of doctors were satisfied with the spiritual services provided. Physicians in the northeast and those with a dim view of religion’s effects on patients, however, were less likely to be pleased. The results of the survey – the largest, most representative survey of physicians’ attitudes about religion and spirituality conducted to date – are published in a research letter in the October 26 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine. (read more…)

7. End-of-life counseling remains in the health bill

It’s good for us to be aware that end-of-life counseling remains in the proposed health bill. The proposed legislation would allow Medicare to pay for a counseling session with a doctor or clinical professional once every five years. The bill calls for such sessions to be "completely" voluntary, and prohibits the encouragement or promotion of suicide or assisted suicide. The counseling provision is supported by doctors' groups and AARP, the seniors' lobby. It was not included in health care bills passed by two Senate committees. See The Associated Press, update 3:47 p.m. ET., Thurs. October 29, 2009.

8. Spiritual Leadership Competencies available

The Pastoral Care Summit Care Services/Staff Development Task Force has identified the Spiritual Leadership Competencies needed by a chaplain considering leadership roles in pastoral care. These will be disseminated widely as a resource for our members and a source of dialogues among our partners, e.g., CHA and the SCC. To access them go to advancing/pctask.asp.

9. Standards of Pastoral Practice in Acute Care available

The NACC Board of Directors reviewed and endorsed the Standards of Practice for Acute Care that had been developed by the APC Commission on Quality in Pastoral Services. Other cognate groups of the Spiritual Care Collaborative are also endorsing them. Please begin to share and use them in your local settings. You can access them at: index.aspx?id=1210.

10. Thanks for sharing information about home visiting protocol for Chaplains

In the prior NACC Now, Jeanne Childs asked if members had home visiting protocols for chaplains. Late last week, Jeanne e-mailed, “Yes I did get some terrific responses and am presently following up with the leads. What [NACC Now] a splendid resource! And how generous our members are! Blessings! Jeanne” Thank you, members! Jeanne will share what she pulls together in the near future.

11. Excellent resource for palliative care

The Journal of Palliative Medicine has published the Special Report “Improving the Quality of Spiritual Care as a Dimension of Palliative Care: The Report of the Consensus Conference.” This is an excellent resource. To read the Special Report, visit “Documents and PowerPoint presentations” at resources/palliative.asp.

12. Survey about chaplains' use of online communication tools with patients

You can still participate. Take a few moments to respond to an anonymous survey about use of the Internet in chaplain-patient communications. Go to: ygt7xo7.

Questions/concerns? Chaplain Mary E. Johnson can help at

13. November Audio Conference begins this Thursday!

This next two Thursdays, November 12 and November 19, 2009, Dr. Susan K. Wood, SCL is presenting on “Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: Insights and Implications for Pastoral Care Ministry.” These audio conferences (2) will provide participants a background on Co-workers in the Vineyard of the Lord. Dr. Wood will offer an overview of its contributions, ongoing discussions on church ministry and the formation and authorization of lay ecclesial ministers, and some implications for the specialized ministry of pastoral care. Last chance today to register. To register, click here.

14. You can still sign up for final NACC fall audio conference!

You can still sign up for the final fall Audio Conference.

December 3 and December 10, 2009 – Fr. Peter Fink, SJ, presents “Healing Ministry and the Sacraments: A Contemporary Understanding of Sacraments Can Enrich our Pastoral Care Ministry.”

These audio conferences (2) will provide participants with an excellent update on the theology of sacraments, particularly the sacraments of anointing and reconciliation.

For more information and to register, click here.

15. Video promoting the chaplaincy profession available

Our video on Chaplaincy, both a recruitment version (that begins and ends with “Is God Calling You?”) and a version without this question, are available in DVD format. The charge is just $6.00, the cost of production and shipping. You may preview the video at this link. To order copies please email Cindy Bridges for instructions.

16. Local/regional event dates

More local gatherings are being set. Please review the list below, and mark your calendars. More details of events will be in future NACC Now's.

• Sunday, November 15, 2009, Washington, D.C. See details.

• Thursday, November 19, 2009, Milwaukee, WI, Dr. Daniel P. Sulmasy, OFM, the Bartholomew Lecture Series, Cardinal Stritch University. See details/register.

• Saturday, December 5, 2009, Chicago, IL. See details.

• Friday, January 22, 2009, Miami, FL. Details to follow.

17. Other educational events

We have been alerted to other educational events that you can find on the NACC website. They include:

• Thursday, November 12th, Tri-State Forum, Dubuque, IA, “Advent and Christmas.” See details.

• Monday, November 16th, “Webinar, Grief, Holidays, and Family Dynamics.” education/webinars

• Thursday, November 19th, Waterbury, CT, “Spirituality: When Are Doctors Ready to Talk About It? See details.

18. Healing Tree: a request for prayers

Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing. We continue to pray for Sr. Micheletta McGee, RSM (pancreatic cancer), Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta, in recovery), Fr. Bob Nee BCC, LICSW, CT (intractable epilepsy), Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (cancer: daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton), Joyce Fink (heart attack/recovery from open heart surgery), Mike J. Murphy (cancer treatment), Fr. Bill Spacek (detached retina and other eye issues); Sr. Nancy Crane, OP (cancer treatment); Sr. Hilda Mallet, MHS (cancer treatment); Sr. Rita Rzeppa, IBVM (recovering/rehab from knee surgery), and Dennis Eldridge (Kathy's husband, for cancer treatment).

We just learned that Sr. Joanna Burkhart, S.F.P. responded to God's call on Friday, October 30, 2009 and passed to the arms of our loving Father. She received her NACC certification in 1975 and faithfully renewed each five years. Sister served in the role of chaplain at Mercy Mt. Airy Hospital and Mercy Western Hills Hospitals, Cincinnati, OH until 2000 when she had a stroke that left her with impaired speech. She retired to the ministry of prayer and presence, which she did dutifully and devoutly. May she rest in peace.

19. Recent job postings

The following positions have been posted in the last two weeks. Please go to positions/available.asp for more information.

CHAPLAIN (Part-time)

Tampa, Florida - St. Joseph's John Knox Village


Pittsburg, KS - Mt. Carmel Regional Medical Center


Burbank, CA - Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center


San Pedro, CA - Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center


Torrance, CA - Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers

20. Positions wanted

In this time of change and uncertainty it is more important than ever to use every resource available. If you have lost your job recently, if you’re just seeking a new or better position, or if you are an employer seeking a chaplain for your organization, be sure to visit our Positions Wanted webpage. NACC members can take advantage of this free service by placing a job-seeking ad, for free, which will run for 60 days. To see the ads, visit positions/wanted.asp.

To place your own ad, send an email to Phil Paradowski: pparadowski@.

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This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2009.

National Association of Catholic Chaplains

5007 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 120

Milwaukee, WI 53207-6159

Phone: 414.483.4898 Fax: 414.483.6712

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