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[Pages:7]December 9th, second Sunday of advent

St. Lucy with St. Zenobius

550 Riverview Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771 websites: | email: stthomasmore@

Fr. Marc Vernoy, Publisher, Editor|407-872-1007

"The LORD is in his Holy Temple;

let all the earth keep silence before Him." (Hab 2:20)

Until 1969, the various Catholic liturgies were all of apostolic origin.

The Gregorian Latin liturgy, celebrated in this church, follows the tradition of Saint Peter, the first Pope, and has never undergone any essential change till the present time.

Every gesture, every word has been weighed and measured with the assistance of the Holy Ghost for the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.

We thank you for coming. Whether you are just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a spiritual home, are returning to the practice of Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church; we are happy to have you here, as you are. Please take time to read this bulletin, to meet with the priest after Mass and to socialize. Enter the Holy Temple of the Good Lord to worship Him. Pax vobis! Peace be with you!

"Let the charity of the brotherhood abide in you and hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels" . "Wherefore receive one another, as Christ also hath received you unto the honor of God" .

Prior & Principal Assistant: Fr. Marc Vernoy Fr. Louis Alessio




Fr. Sean Gerrity Fr. Joshua Jacobs Fr. Samuel Fabula

Out of respect for Our Lord Jesus Christ T-shirts nor sneakers meet the norms of

and for the edification of our neighbor, modesty.

we beg all to appear in Church decent in For ladies and girls: Neither shorts,

deportment and modest in dress.

slacks, sleeveless, short nor low-cut dress-

However, no one has the right to question es meet the norms of modesty.

others, especially visitors. It belongs to the Furthermore, according to apostolic cus-

parish priest alone to instruct the laity tom or Church law, gentlemen are bare-

when they repeatedly dress or deport be- headed in church; and ladies are requested

low expectation.

to cover their heads.

For gentlemen and lads: Neither shorts,

Thank you for your charity.

To receive Holy Communion:

- You must be a baptized Catholic, hav- the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of

ing made a good confession since the last our Lord Jesus Christ.

committed mortal sin - if any - in order to You can humbly approach the Commun-

hopefully be in the state of Grace.

ion rail at any time after the Communion

- You must believe in the doctrine of of the priest.

Transubstantiation. "For anyone who eats Then, open your mouth wide and extend

and drinks without discerning the body eats and smoothly and horizontally your tongue.

drinks judgment upon himself" (1 Cor. 11:29). There is no special order, so that nobody

- You must observe one hour of Eucha- should feel compelled to follow a general

ristic fast (except water and medicine. Howev- movement.

er, we advise to abstain from food and alcohol for Do not judge your neighbor who abstains

three hours and one hour for other liquid before from receiving Holy Communion, as there

Holy Communion).

is no obligation to receive it daily. Howev-

- One must not be a public sinner (public er, "Live in a manner to be able to receive com-

adulterer, concubine, public homosexual), or ex- munion every day!" (St. Augustine)

communicated, or interdicted.

In this Church, the faculty to absolve

- The most important requirement is to sins is directly granted to the priests

have a great desire to receive the Body, by the Holy Father.

1. December 9th/Today - HNS Meeting 2. December 15th - 17th - Recollection by Fr.

Albert, O.P.

3. December 16th - Catechism Competition 4. December 19th - SSPX Third Order Meeting

The second collection today is for the building fund.

December 16th Catechism Competition Topics: 1. Sacraments - Marriage; 2. Scripture - Acts of the Apostles; 3. Saints - Those Canonized by Pius XI; 4. Virtues - Justice


The following will be his schedule:

Saturday, December 15th: 8:30 a.m. Mass with Sermon Breakfast following Mass Conference after breakfast

students or the school office at $10 each, or upon entry. A special family sale of $30 is available through December 18th. Bring family and friends and enjoy warm refreshments and the delightful on stage performance of Charles Dickens' The Christmas Carol.

Children must attend catechism classes in order to receive First Communion and Confirmation.

Catechism Classes on Sunday: Beginner's Catechism for ages 4 to 7, led by Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Sainsbury, will meet on Sundays after the 9 a.m. High Mass. Advanced Catechism for ages 8 to 12, led by Mr. Jorge Sanchez and Mr. Bill Ranieri, will meet on Sundays after the 9 a.m. High Mass. Perseverance Catechism for ages 13 to 18, led by Frs. Jacobs and Fabula, will meet Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, December 16th: Sermons at the 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. Masses

to conclude the recollection

Please join with others in prayer to our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 16th, at 3 p.m. for the end to abortion at the following locations: Orlando Women's Health Center 1103 Lucerne Terrace, Orlando; All Women's Health Center 431 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs; Planned Parenthood 610 Commons Way, Kissimmee.

The Advent 1513 is available in the vestibule.

We now accept debit and credit cards for donations and bookstore purchases. The swipe machine is located in the bookstore.

We have ordered a new statue of Our Lady of Fatima. If you would like to contribute, on your donation please note "Statue." Thank you.

As fundraisers for a long lasting church floor polish, the ARS ladies will host breakfasts after the second Masses of today and December 16th. Please come and enjoy!

We express our gratitude to the donor of the new sanctuary rug.

A canoe trip for unmarried adults will launch on December 15th. Please see the poster in the vestibule for information.

The SSPX Third Order meeting will be on Wednesday, December 19th, at 7:00 p.m. in the church common room for all current members and anyone else who is interested in becoming a Third Order member.

Come enjoy The Christmas Carol performed by the St. Thomas More Academy students, on December 19th at 7 p.m. at the Sanford Civic Center. Purchase tickets in advance from

Please consider remembering St. Thomas More Church and or Academy in your will. You, your loved ones, and your intentions would always be remembered in prayers and Masses.

Serving practices are on Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. for any who wish to learn to serve the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If interested please see Mr. Marcopolus.

Priory lunch cooks and priory and church cleaning ladies are greatly needed. Please contact Mrs. Ranieri at 412-956-2815.

Flower donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

If you have asked for church envelopes, please see Theresa Wright.

Attn: We now have new census cards. Please take one and update your information to be on file in case of emergency or for church notifications.

Melbourne Mission Mass Information - Please call Janie Alf 321-432-5430 for details.

Lost and Found items and cooks' dishes not claimed after two weeks will become yard sale items. Please claim your items stored in the servers' changing room.

Our weekly St. Thomas More Priory bulletins now have a new look. If you are a business owner or a professional and would like to publicize to our loyal parishioners and visitors (while helping to defray the cost of the weekly bulletin), please prayerfully consider placing an ad in our new bulletin. You may also place a memorial for a deceased friend or family member, a congratulation, or a thanksgiving for blessings received. If you have any questions, email Rob at rkennedy@ or call anytime at 804-366-4838.

Recommended Reading: Meditations for Advent by Bishop JacquesBeningne Bossuet Also available in the bookstore is the Angelus Press 2019 Liturgical Calendar.

- Every fourth Sunday of the month the second collection is for the St. Thomas More Academy. Please make your checks payable to STMA. Thank you.

- St. Thomas More Academy - For information, please contact Mr. Justin Sauer at: thomasmoreacademy@. Sponsors for STM Academy Students are needed. If you would like to contribute toward a student's tui-

tion, please contact Mr. Justin Sauer at thomasmoreacademy@. Please Donate to the School building fund!

St. Ambrose ( Concerning Repentance)


It was the Lord's will to confer great gifts on His disciples. Further, the Novatians confute themselves by the practices of laying on of hands and of baptism, since it is by the same power that sins are remitted in penance and in baptism. Their conduct is then contrasted with that of our Lord.

37. But you say that the grace of the mysteries works in the font. What works, then, in penance? Does not the Name of God do the work? What then? Do you, when you choose, claim for yourselves the grace of God, and when you choose reject it? But this is a mark of insolent presumption, not of holy fear, when those who wish to do penance are despised by you. You cannot, forsooth, endure the tears of the weepers; your eyes cannot bear the coarse clothing, the filth of the squalid; with proud eyes and puffed-up hearts you delicate ones say with angry tones, Touch me not, for I am pure.

38. The Lord said indeed to Mary Magdalene, Touch Me not, John 20:17 but He Who was pure did not say, because I am pure.Do you, Novatian, dare to call yourself pure, while, even if you were pure as regards your acts, you would be made impure by this saying alone? Isaiah says: O wretched that I am, and pricked to the heart; for that being a man, and having unclean lips, I dwell also in the midst of a people having unclean lips, Isaiah 6:5 and do you say, I am clean, when, as it is written, not even an infant of a day old is pure? David says, And cleanse me from my sin, whom for his tender heart the grace of God often cleansed; are you pure who are so unrighteous as to have no tenderness, as to see the mote in your brother's eye, but not to consider the beam which is in your own eye? For with God no one who is unjust is pure. And what is more unjust than to desire to have your sins forgiven you, and yet yourself to think that he who entreats you ought not to be forgiven? What is more unjust than to justify yourself in that wherein you condemn another, while you yourself are committing worse offenses?

39. Then, too, the Lord Jesus when about to consecrate the forgiveness of our sins replied to John, who said: I ought to be baptized by You, and You come to me? Suffer it now, for thus it becomes us to fulfil all righteousness. Matthew 3:14-15 And the Lord indeed came to a sinner, though indeed He had no sin, and desired to be baptized, having no need of cleansing; who, then, can tolerate you, who think there is no need for you to be cleansed by penance, because you say you are cleansed by grace, as though it were now impossible for you to sin?

Please Contact Teresa Wright if you are interested in lighting the Sanctuary Lamp for a special intention. Donations are $15.00, and dedication slots are available.

Next cleaning week will begin on Monday, November 12th, 2018. Help is always needed. If you have any time to donate, please contact Teresa Wright at 407-422-0102.

The Priory Cooking ministry is seeking volunteers to prepare lunch for Priests during the week. If interested, please contact Saroya Zadeh at szad44@ for available dates.

To watch the Mass live: URL: http:// media/live-stream

Church Contacts Updated - If you have never filled out a census card or have changed your phone number since 2012, please call Teresa Wright at 407-422-0102

Please pray for the vocations of our chapel, namely: Fr. Benjamin Campbell, Fr. Elias Campbell, Sr. Marguerite, Sr. Mary Cecilia (Sarah Elizabeth Dewey), Br. Bede, Austin Johnson and Maximilian Ranieri. Praise God for His blessings.

Visits to the Sick and Homebound - We are seeking volunteers who would like to visit sick and homebound persons, who frequently call our parish requesting that someone come to visit. This volunteer work is for both ladies and gentlemen.

Rosary Apostolate meets Sundays at 1:15 PM at the Atria Chapel to recite a five decade Rosary with the assisted living residents. To join please see Bernadette Campbell for further information.

Please consider remembering St. Thomas More Church and or Academy in your will. You, your loved ones, and your intentions would always be remembered in prayers and Masses.

Please pray for the eternal repose of the souls of: Ernest Augst, Bill Will, Charles Mauro, Fr. Daniel Cooper, James Prezioso, Aliluke Zadeh, Matilde Gumabon, Charlotte Evan, Teodoro Gamboa, Fred Blich, Evangelos Boutsis, Bruce Rhea, Joey Sciales, Myrna Ferrer, Beatrice Jaramillo, Craig Campbell, Vera W. Thompson, Joyce Bellows, Dewey Phillips, Ralph Avery, Margaret Mixon, Walter Bobka, Fr. Gualberto Pinto, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, Allen Hogan, Barbara Koprivec, Fatima Perez, Daryl Rhea, Robert Hendrixson, Harold E. Graham, Sarah Leon, Evald Kazlauskas, Aliena Coulter's sister, Stanley Koprivec, Robert Romer, Margaret Michanowicz, Lloyd Thompson, Delores Hucks, Catherine Neinabar, Anne-Marie St. Laurent, Rhonda Gail Edwards, Earl John Ritterbeck, the mother of Mr. Alvaro Alves, Pamela Soha, Michael Will, the father of Mr. Steve LoPresti, Berdine Dettar (Mrs. Bellows' Mother), Mr. Annunziato Piperno, Alfred Gonzalez, Dr. C.F. Brooke Smith, and Patricia Winter

Please pray for all of our sick and homebound parishioners, especially: Kathleen McCann, Robert Simonton, Clara Acero, Carlos Britos, Ethel Kornhaus, Fr. Sean Gerrity, Marie Miller, Tony Gargia, David Zacharewicz, Matthew Will, Barbara Barnett, Jim Jones, Teresa Wright, Janie Alf, Joseph Maybury, Lou Winter, Teresa Jones, Sister Mary Germaine, Bernadette Campbell, William Young, Brittany Wallace, Christy Gallucci, Jim Raeburn, Mrs. Wurm, Mrs. Baquerizo, Luis Paro, Maria Alf, Marc Goyette, Veronica Ludlam, Ryan Gerhold, Jason Meierstein, Jonathan Blich, Deborah Adamson, Alan Prezioso, Gabriel Martin Espitia Morales, Tony Garcia, Benigno Vega, Jr., Allen Manassa, Michael Raeburn, Taddeusz Arent, Joanne Dubois, Joan Piperno, Matilde Gumabon, Donna Blich, Tom Massett, and Carol Cantelmo.

1st Sunday: Blessing of children before recessional.

Community: 6:45 am: Prime and meditation

2nd Sunday: Blessing of religious articles after recessional. 7:30 am: Mass

3rd Sunday: Blessing of the sick before recessional.

12:15 pm: Sext 5:30 pm: Rosary

Please avoid calling the Priory before 10 am 8:30: Compline and Grand Silence

and during meals.

First Thursday: Recollection and Silence

Priory Schedule for this Week

SUNDAY, December 9th Second Sunday of Advent - V (I)

MONDAY, December 10th Ferial - V (III) St. Melchiades

Pope, Martyr - R (Comm.)

6:30 AM - Confession and Rosary 7:00 AM - Sung Mass 8:00 AM - Confessions and Rosary 9:00 AM - High Mass and Blessing of Religious

Articles after recessional - Catechism Classes - HNS Meeting 5:00 PM - Vespers and Benediction

(3) 7:30 AM - Mass 5:30 PM - Rosary

7:00 - Chet Zwissler 9:00 - MC: Hernandez Th: Bellows Ac's: Ulate, Dillon McBride Torch: Bourque, Sauer

5:00 - Campbells

7:30 (Main) - J. Sauer 7:30 (ST) - C. Sauer 7:30 (SPX) - Alf

TUESDAY, December 11th St. Damasus

Pope, Confessor - W (III) Ferial - V (Comm.)

7:30 AM - Mass & Confession 11:00 AM - Mass 5:30 PM - Rosary and Confession 6:00 PM - Mass

7:30 (Main) - T. Angele 11:00 - Bellows & Dillon 6:00 - Alf

WEDNESDAY, December 12th 6:00 AM - Mass

Our Lady of Guadalupe - W (III) (3) 7:30 AM - Mass and Confession

Ferial - V (Comm.)

5:30 PM - Rosary and Confession

7:30 (Main) - McGinnis 7:30 (ST) - R. Campbell 7:30 (SPX) - B. Campbell 6:00 - Alf

THURSDAY, December 13th St. Lucy

Virgin, Martyr - R (III) Ferial - V (Comm.)

FRIDAY, December 14th Ferial - V (III)

(2) 7:30 AM - Mass 11:00 AM - Mass 5:30 PM - Rosary and Confessions 6:00 PM - Mass

11:00 AM - Mass 5:30 PM - Rosary and Confession 6:00 PM - Mass

7:30 - (Main) - T. Angele 7:30 - (ST) - Walker 11:00 - Bourque &

C. Sauer 6:00 - Alf

11:00 - Walker 6:00 - Vega

SATURDAY, December 15th Our Lady on Saturday Ferial - V (III)

7:45 AM - Benediction, Rosary, and Devotions

8:30 AM - Mass with Sermon by Fr. Albert, O.P. Breakfast after Mass Conference by Fr. Albert, O.P.

7:45 - Vega 8:30 - Vega

SUNDAY, December 16th Third Sunday of Advent - Rose (I)

(Gaudete Sunday) St. Eusebius, Bishop, Martyr

6:30 AM - Confession and Rosary

7:00 - Chet Zwissler

7:00 AM - Sung Mass and Sermon by Fr. Albert, O.P. 9:00 - MC: Alf

8:00 AM - Confessions and Rosary

TH: Alf

9:00 AM - High Mass and Sermon by Fr. Albert, O.P.; Blessing of the Sick before recessional

AC's: Ulate, B, Dillon McBride Torch: Sauer, Bourque

- Catechism Classes

5:00 PM - Vespers and Benediction

5:00 - Alfs

Servers Must be Present in the Sacristy at Least 10 Minutes Before the Ceremony.


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