Seventh-day Adventist Church


| |(Application Form) |

| |Interdivision Employee |

|This request for information does not constitute a call nor should it cause you to interrupt in any way your present activities or current employment. If |

|a call is voted, it will be communicated to you by an official letter. If you are denominationally employed, the letter will be sent through your |

|employing organization. |

|DATE:       |

|BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION (Please type or use black ink.) |

|Appointee |*Spouse |

|Last/Family Name (Legal Name) |Last/Family Name (Legal Name) |

|      |      |

|First/Given Name (including Middle/Maiden) |First/Given Name (including Middle/Maiden) |

|      |      |

|* Because you and your spouse will be considered for mission service as a team, please indicate his/her name with the appropriate Information above AND |

|both you and your spouse will need to complete separate Personal Information forms. |

|Regular/Permanent Address: |Current Address (If different from permanent address): |

|As of This Date: |Until This Date: |As of This Date: |Until This Date: |

|(Month/Day Year) |(Month/Day/Year) |(Month/Day/Year) |(Month/Day/Year) |

|      |      |      |      |

|Address Line 1: |      |Address Line 1: |      |

|Address Line 2: |      |Address Line 2: |      |

|City: |      |City: |      |

|State/Province: |      |State/Province: |      |

|Postal Code: |      |Postal Code: |      |

|Country/Region: |      |Country/Region: |      |

| |

|Current Contact Numbers—Please include country, city and area codes, if applicable: |

|Home Phone: |      |Work Phone: |      |

|E-Mail Address: |      |Fax: |      |

| | | | |

|How did you become a Seventh-day Adventist? |

|      |

|Date or year of baptism: |Local church where you currently hold membership: |

|      |      |

|Have you been denominationally employed? Yes If Yes, total years denominationally employed:       |

|No |

|Are you an ordained minister? Yes If Yes, Indicate date of ordination (Month/Day/Year):       |

|No |

|What denominational | Missionary License |Where? |

|credential/license do you |Missionary Credentials |      |

|hold? |Ministerial License | |

| |Ministerial Credentials | |

| | |Conference/location (Issuing organization): |

| | |      |


7.09 FOR GC USE ONLY: Copy to Office of Interdivision Personnel Records


|Level |Name(s) of School(s) |Location |Date(s) |Check Last |Course of Study |Did you |Diploma or Degree |

| | |(City/State/Country) |Attended |Year Completed| |Graduate? |Conferred |

| | | |From/To | | |(Yes/No) | |

|Secondary |      |      |      | | | | |

| | | | |1 |2 |3 |4 |

|Graduate or |      |      |      |Hours Compl: |Major Field/ Specialty:|    |Degree:       |

|Professional | | | |      |      | |Date:       |

|HOURS OF UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE WORK IN (Listing is optional if graduate degree obtained): |

|    Agriculture |    Biology |    English |    Mathematics |    Physics |

|    Art |    Business Administration |    Health |    Modern Language |    Religion |

|    Behavioral Science |    Chemistry |    History |    Music |    Secretarial Science |

|    Bible |    Education |    Industrial Arts |    Nursing |    Speech |

|    Biblical Language |    Engineering |    Library Science |    Physical Education | |

|If graduate work is unfinished, where do you plan to complete it? |When? (Month/Day/Year) : |

|      |      |


|Language |Fluency (P = Poor, A = Average, F = Fluent) |

|Mother/Native |      |Speak |  |Read |  |Write |  | |

|2nd Language |      |Speak |  |Read |  |Write |  | |

|3rd Language |      |Speak |  |Read |  |Write |  | |

|4th Language |      |Speak |  |Read |  |Write |  | |


|Specialized/postgraduate training (Dates and Field of Study): |Degrees or boards acquired: |State/country where you are licensed: |

| | |      |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      | |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      | |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      | |


|Specialized/postgraduate training (Dates and Field of Study): |Teaching certification acquired: |Cert. Type: |State/country where cert.: |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      |      |      |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      |      |      |

|Begin:       |End:       |Field:       |      |      |      |


|(List most recent work experience first. The full address—Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code—is required for the current employer only.) |

|Positions or Type of Work |Employing Organization |Dates of Service |Total |Total Years |

|(Including nonstudent denominational and | |(Month/Day/Year) |Years |in Related |

|nondenominational employment) | | | |Field |

| | |From |To | | |

|Current: | | | | | |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|      |      |      |      |    |    |

|EXPERIENCE, contd. |

|Do you have a current pilot's license? Yes No |

|Work experience while a student: |

|      |

|Positions held or significant activities while a student: |

|      |

|In addition to the preceding, what experience have you had in youth and Sabbath school leadership, etc? |

|      |

|What special skills or abilities do you have? |

|      |

|What are your hobbies or special interests? |

|      |

|What musical training do you have? |What musical instruments do you play? |

|      |      |


|Country:       |Begin Date:       |End Date:       |Branch:       |

|Are you currently a member of any military reserve component with an obligation subject to mobilization or recall? Yes No |

|If yes, until what date?       |


|As a prerequisite to consideration for employment, the applicant must agree to submit to any pre-employment examinations, physical or other, as the General|

|Conference may lawfully require. |


|State briefly the basis or source of your interest. (How did you learn about overseas mission service–recruitment, publication, etc?) |

|      |

|When would you be available to begin work if an offer is made? Date:       |

|In what line of work do you prefer to engage (check no more than three (3) of the following areas of interest)? |

| Medical (e.g. Physician or Dentist) | Educational (e.g. English Language Teacher or Professor) |

| Administrative/Support Staff (e.g. Accountant, Secretary) | Special Skills (Construction, Agricultural, Computer) |

| Frontline or Pioneer (e.g. New Territories) | Pastoral or Evangelistic (e.g. Senior/Youth Pastor) |

| Adventist Development & Relief Agency-ADRA | Other |

|What profession do you consider yourself best qualified (list in order of skills/abilities–with your best qualifications listed first)? |

|1st |      |3rd |      | |

|2nd |      |4th |      | |

|What areas/countries would you prefer to serve (list in order of preference)? |

|1st |      |3rd |      | |

|2nd |      |4th |      | |

|Would you have any difficulty adapting to a different environment if you accepted an overseas assignment? If yes, please explain: |

|      |

|Do you have any reservations about working under the direction of leaders of a race or nationality other than your own? If yes, please explain: |

|      |


|Please write a paragraph between 50-250 words about your commitment to mission service, why do you wish to give mission service? |

|      |

|Please write a paragraph between 50-250 words about your personal experience in witnessing to others about Christ. |

|      |


|Give Names and Addresses of Individuals in the Following Categories Who Are Well Acquainted With You (Include person of a culture other than your own if |

|possible): |


| | |(Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code) |

|*Present employer and |      | Phone Number:       |

|supervisor | |      |

|One conference president or |      | Phone Number:       |

|institutional administrator | |      |

|Four denominational employees|      | Phone Number:       |

| | |      |

|Church pastor/church officer |      | Phone Number:       |

|acquainted with you | |      |

|**Two of your teachers or |      | Phone Number:       |

|professors | |      |

|***Three professional |1st |      | Phone Number:       |

|contemporaries with | | |      |

|whom you have worked | | | |

|within the last three | | | |

|years | | | |

| |2nd |      | Phone Number:       |

| | | |      |

| |3rd |      | Phone Number:       |

| | | |      |

|*Check the box if you prefer not to have your present Employer or Supervisor contacted. |

|**If you have been out of school for five years or more, two names other than teachers may be given. |

|***For medical/dental professionals only. |


|On a separate sheet of paper, please provide any additional information you would like the employer to consider in evaluating your application for mission |

|service. |

| |      |

|Signature |Date |




|SILVER SPRING, MD 20904-6600 |



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