
|Fond |Denumire fond |Pagini |

|25.002 | Ministry of the Interior | 2 -- 42 |

|25.003 | Ministry of Defense. Fond: General Headquarters |  43 -- 137 |

|25.004 | Selected Records from the Romanian Information Service, 1936-1948 (1970) | 138 -- 247 |

|25.006 | Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) records |248 -- 251 |

|25.008 |"Viata Evreilor din Ducuresti," by Eliza Campus |252 |

|25.009 | The Mefkure Tragedy: An Inquiry into the Slayer's Identity |253 |


|25.011 | Records Related to the Forced Labor of the Romanian Jews, 1942-1943 |263 -- 292 |

|25.012 | Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania, 1940-1944 |293 -- 362 |

|25.013 | Presidency of the council of Ministers (PCM): Cabinet Militar records, 1940-1944 |363 -- 376 |

|25.014 | CC.RCP (Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party): Records from the Chancellery, the economic section, and the foreign relations section, 1948-1958 |377 |

|25.016 | Centrala Evreilor (CER) [Jewish Central Office] |378 -- 397 |

|25.017 | Selected Records of the Cluj Branch of the Romanian National Archives. 1934-1952. People’s Tribunal Cluj |398 -- 404 |

|25.018 | Survey of attitudes among Romanian students regarding the Holocaust, 2002 |405 |

|25.019 | Selected Records Realeted to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian National Archives, 1924-1961 (bulk 1933-1945) |406 -- 411 |

|25.021 | Selected Records Relating to the Holocaust in Romania, 1941-2002 |412 -- 446 |

|25.022 | Romanian Ministry of Justice, 1940-1944 ( selected records ) |447 -- 448 |

|25.023 | Romanian Ministry of Interior, 1910-1957 ( selected records ) |449 -- 453 |

|25.024 | Romanian Ministry of Work, Health, and Social Protection – Central Office of Romanianization (Aryanization), 1939-1944 ( selected records ) |454 -- 475 |

|25.025 | Selected Records from the Collections of the Vaslui Branch of the Romanian National Archive, 1940-1953 |476 -- 484 |

|25.026 |Selected Records from the Collections of the Timiş Branch of the Romanian National Archive 1940-1953  |485 -- 503 |

|25.027 | Selected records from Sabin Manuila collection |504 |

|25.028 | Selected Records from Collections of the Mureş Branch of the Romanian National Archives, 1933-1950 |505 -- 522 |

|25.032 | General Directorate of Passports Office Records, 1939-1944 |523 -- 526 |

|25.033 | Stalinist Trials of Romanian Zionists, 1946-1956 (bulk 1951-1952) |527 -- 538 |

|25.038 | Ministry of War- Council of Ministers |539 |

|25.039 | Ministerul Economiei Naţionale, 1900 -1952 ( selected records ) |540 -- 569 |

|25.040 | Bacău branch of the Romanian National Archives, 1921-1953 |570 -- 599 |

|25.041 | Selected Records from the Prefecture of the Capital ( Bucharest ) |600 |

|25.046 | Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Special Information Service [Serviciul Special de Informaţii] of Romania, 1920-1949 |601 -- 610 |

|31.006 | Fond “Government of the Province of Bukovina” |611 -- 628 |

|54.001 | Selected Records from the National Archives of Moldova, 1941-1944 |629 -- 640 |

|1993.A.0018 | Selected Records from the Romanian Information Service, 1936-1984 |641 -- 646 |

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian National

Archives, 1924-1961 (bulk 1933-1945).

Extent: 65 reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Ministry of the Interior

Reel # 1

File # 178/40 Police Bureau Botoşani. Reports of military personnel regarding their retreat from Bessarabia in June 1940. Frame of mind of the Jewish population. 15 pages.

File# 591/40 Cabinet of Secretary General. Confirmations by districts regarding the removal of personnel of Jewish origin from public institutions. July 1940, 82 pages.

File# 592/40 Local Administration. Districts reporting on Jews converted to Christianity and Romanians married to Jewish women still in office. July 1940. 70 pages.

File# 593/40 Local Administration. Districts reporting the absence of personnel of Jewish origin in their governmental and local offices. (NT. The one left was a street sweeper)

File# 710/40 Administrative Directorship. Establishing the “Blood Purity”. of public servants. Oct- Nov 1940.143 pages.

File# 881/40 Administrative Directorship. Lists of Jews removed from public services in governmental and public services.

December 1940. 74 pages

File# 13/41 General Directorship of State Archives .Requests for repatriation of Romanian relatives from Bessarabia: petitions from relatives and official correspondence. 1941. 681 pages.

Reel # 2

File # 15/41 Bureau of Study, Documentation and Statistics. Various orders and reports related to the evacuation of the Jewish population from towns and villages in district Bacău. Ordinances in various cities in Moldova. 1941. 14 pages

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 36/41 Commandment of M U. A number of persons, including Jews arrested as suspicious for collaboration with the Soviets during the occupation. (July 1,1941). Organization of detention camps for Jews in Bessarabia. 1941. 16 pages.

File# 68a/33/41 Administrative Directorships. Decisions on revision and post-registration in citizens Lists. 1941. 8 pages

File# 479/41 General Secretary. Political internees in Tg. Jiu by affiliation, culpability, gender and nationality.

Reports from districts on internees and hostages in their territory.

Situation of Jews in ghettos in Bessarabia.

Situation of camps and internees in Bucovina, 1941.

File# 480/41 Complaints on encroachments and criminal activity of legionnaires in various localities. 1941. 166 pages.

File# 481/41 Cabinet. Reports on number of fit-bodied Jews in various districts. Decree for forced labor of Jews ages 20 – 50. Distribution of manpower on railroad work.

Creation of a new internment camp in Tărgovişte for the overflow from Tg.


Requests from internees for release from camp.

Dr.W. Filderman asks for reprieve of the Jews in labor camps.

237 pages. 1941.

File# 482/41 Cabinet. Travel restrictions for Jews. Local and state authorities fighting to obtain real estate and other valuables expropriated from Jews. Travel in foreign countries.

The committee ”Alya” for emigration to Palestine. Situation of foreign citizens of Jewish origin. 1941. 93 pages.

File#485/41 Cabinet. Special correspondence, unclassified. Situation of mixed marriages.1941. 4 pages.

File# 486 Request for exemption from labor camp.1941. 3 pages

File#497/41 Various correspondence, unclassified. 1941-42. 8 pages.

File#501/41 Various correspondence, unclassified. 1941-42. 1 page.

File# 513/41 Investigation of legionnaire activity after the rebeliune.

Feb – Mar.1941. 4 pages

File# 514/41 Personal requests. 1941, 1943. 4 pages

Reel # 3

File # 544/41 Secretary General. Orders regarding Jews and Jews with mixed marriages working in governmental industrial enterprises.

Complaints with anti-Semitic character against the Jewish urban population. Directives regarding the transfer of Jewish belongings.

Jews working in the Filderman Enterprises.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

Evacuation of Jews from rural localities. No material retribution for them. Travel authorizations for Jews. Communal work for Jews. Limitation of professional activity for Jews.

Distribution of real estate confiscated from the Jews in various localities. 1940-41. 376 pages.

File# 545/41 The schools of the Jewish communities request approval for students to travel from their home. Requests for Jews to be allowed to move to other localities.

Dispositions for the transfer of money and drugs to the deportees in Transnistria. 1941. 119 pages.

File# 69/41 Requests from Jews for change of residence for various reasons.1941. 411 pages.

Reel # 4

File #69/33 General Administration. Requests from Jews for change of residence for various reasons.

Rosenblatt Rubin Wolf is sent to Transnistria where his parents are, at his own request. Traveling papers for Jews.

1942. 193 pages.

File# 69 (?) Various applications from Jews: repatriation of Jews from Transnistria; travel authorizations; change of residence; moving to Bucharest, revocation of citizenship.

Malicious denunciations against Jews in Transilvania.

1942. 540 pages.

File# 38/8 General Direction of Police. Cases of deportation to Transnistria and of illegal travel

of Jews. Denunciations of Jews for communist propaganda. 1942, 65 pages.

Reel # 5

File # 12/42 District Office for Jews, Cernăuţi. Declarations of data on Jewish families.1942. 87 pages

File# 24/I Inspectorate General of the Gendarmerie .Informative synthesis of various problems in Transnistria, such as: the communist underground; war prisoners; the strangers and the Jews in the region; firearms. Detailed analysis on every subject. Lists with number of Jews in every district and locality. Misdeeds of local authorities. Atrocities committed against the deportees on their way to assigned localities. Situation of the German and Moldavian population, the religious sects and the prisoners.

Report of informative activity by the Gendarmerie units, by districts and localities. Detailed reports on Moghilev, Berezovka, The typhoid epidemic in the population and among the military. January-March 1942. 81 pages,

File# 24/II Inspectorate General of the Gendarmerie. Massacres of thousands of Jews from camps by German Police troops in the district Berezovka in March 1942. Their goods were distributed to the local German population and the corpses were incinerated.

Deportees from Bucovina bribe authorities in Moghilev in order to obtain means of transportation to their destined locations.

Illicit transfer of money by military personnel in Moghilev.

Nov.1941- April 1942. 46 pages.

File# 221/42 Administrative Directorship. Correspondence related to the

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

(69/21?) Jewish problem. Requests for internal travel for business interests or medical emergencies. Forced labor of Jews. District Galaţi.1942-1943. 313 pages pages.

Reel # 6

File# 69/49 Administrative Directorship. Correspondence related to the Jewish problem. Requests for internal travel on business or medical emergencies and for change of residence.

Districts Roman and Vaslui.1942-1943. 450 pages.

File# 283/42.I Requests from Jews in Moldova (Botoşani, Dorohoi) for repatriation of relatives from Transnistria. 7 pages.

File# 283/42/II Requests from Jews in Moldova (Botoşani, Dorohoi) for repatriation of relatives from Transnistria. 7 pages.

File# 38/sp Forced labor camps, hostages and orders relative to the Jews. 1942. 6 pages.

File# 400/42 Inspectorate General of the Gendarmerie. Illicit travel or change of residence. 2 pages, 1942.

File# 38/24 Administrative Directorate. Correspondence with General Directorate of Police. Illicit transfer of mail and money to Transnistria. A Jew from Dorohoi requests to be repatriated from Transnistria.1942. 6 pages.

File# 31/43 Inspectorate general of the Gendarmerie. Anti-Semitic manifestations among high school legionnaire students. 1943. 3 pages.

File# 34/43 Inspectorate general of the Gendarmerie. A converted Russian Jew is arrested in Cetatea Albă. Jews arrested for trespassing from Hungary. Treatment of Jews prisoners of war. List of 16 Jews deported to Wapniarka. List of 72 Jews in transit from Hungary (2 adults) en route to Palestine. 22 Jews prisoners of war, originally from Bucovina, are working in coal mines. They are suspected of communist activity. Jews with suspicious travel authorizations.

The Railroad directorate has over 300 Jewish engineers. 1942-43. 35 pages.

File# 34/43/II Inspectorate general of the Gendarmerie. Removal of Jews from jobs in industry. Jews in Moghilev: suspected to collaborate with the Soviets; illicit correspondence with Romania. Jews working in various industries. 1943.

21 pages.

File# 51/43 Police Directorate. Situation of Jews in the camp Wapniarka. Creation of an association to protect the lives of Romanian Jews in Europe, deported by the Germans and the Hungarians. Application for the official recognition of the association Agudat Israel. 1943-45. 46 pages.

File# 104/40/I Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. The Jewish problem in Romania. October 1940. Study containing an analysis of the population by nationalities, evolution, professions, with a detailed presentation of the Jewish population. Data reporting from 1912 to present. Analysis and comments by members of the Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Sephardic Jews of Spanish origin. Discussion if the Karaim should be considered Jews. Jewish lawyers who were decorated for acts of heroism request to be allowed to exercise their profession. Iancu Zaharia, journalist objects on

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

the law regarding the juridical status of the Jews in Romania. Similar complaints from Jews in various professions.

1940. 64 pages.

File# 104-40-II Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary: The Ministry of Agriculture has the preemptive right to acquire Jewish real estate.

Intervention of Swiss diplomats in favor of Romanian Jews living in Switzerland, because they do not make racial distinctions. Plea of Jews converted to Christianity to be exempted from the anti Jewish legislation. Mixed marriages. 1940. 59 pages.

File# 29/41 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Handwritten petition of Herman Schreintz for revision of his conviction. July 23, 1941. 1 page.

File# 109/41 Recognition of citizenship. 1941. 7 pages.

File# 114/41 The need for a uniform procedure for recognition of citizenship. The Jewish problem in Romania - extensive study. 1941. 34 pages.

File# 115/41 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Decree for the administration of goods in Romania, owned by physical and moral persons living in the evacuated territories of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina. 1941, 13 pages

File# 124-41 Camp for communists erected in Constanţa. Complaints of Jewish businesspeople in Slatina-Olt and other places related to activity of the legionnaires. 1941. 47 pages.

File# 140-41 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Decree regarding modifications of the juridical status of Jewish inhabitants in Romania. 1941. 10 pages.

File# 5/42/I Complaints of damaging and stealing Jewish goods in Vaslui. 3 pages

File# 5-42/II Romanian civil servants arrested for asking bribes from Jewish businesses. 1942. 4 pages.

File# 12/42 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Correspondence with Transnistria. 1942. 1 page.

File# 93/42 National Center of Romanization. Request to report procedural disorders. 1942. 15 pages.

File# 110/42 Revision of citizenships. Jews. 1942. 33 pages.

File# 116/42 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Documents related to the emigration of the Jews to Palestine. Jews converting to Catholicism. Interdiction for religious conversion of the Jews. Lists of Jews deported from Câmpulung who deposited money at conversion rate. Definitions of who is a Jew and special privileges accorded to some. Situation of the Jews from the Dobrudja. 1942. 44 pages.

File# 126/42 Ministry of Justice. Craiova. Police Inspectorate. A Jew is sued for contravening to the order of donating clothing. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 128/42 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Legal problems related to the nationalization of Jewish properties. 1942. 32 pages.

File# 183/42 Ministerial Council. Dispositions regarding the deportation to the Bug of Jews together with their families for committing commercial infractions. 5 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 186/42 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Legal problems related to the Jews in Dobrogea. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 111-43 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Strict control of all the enterprises, specifically under Jewish ownership and to establish the volume and items they are producing. Informatory note regarding Conrad Flavian, who left the country in 1939 and owns a mansion in Bucharest.

1943. 60 pages.

Reel # 7

File# 121/43 Ministry of Justice, the Judiciary. Transfer of Jewish fortunes

in the patrimony of the State ( real estate, commercial enterprises). List of judicial suits issuing from this transfer between May and December 1942 and May 1942 and January 1943 at two panels of judges. Comments on the reports. Situation of Jews with other citizenship. Situation in Bucovina. The activity of the CNR (Centrul National de Romanizare). 1043. 184 pages.

File# 102/44 Ministry of Justice. Documents regarding a massacre of 130 Jews in the town of Sărmaş, District Cluj, by the retreating

Hungaro-German troops.

Special laws regarding the Jews. Mixed marriages. Conversion to Christianity. Travel permits for Jews who must be present in trials.1944. 127 pages.

File# 108/44 Ministry of Justice. The Judiciary. Reevaluation of the legionnaires, with the participation of delegates from various political parties. Arrests will be made upon recommendation by the Commission. Conditional release from jail of the legionnaires who participated in the Rebeliune in 1941.

39 pages.

File# 110/44 Status of Jews having alien citizenship. Remuneration for Jewish goods nationalized in Bessarabia and Bucovina. Real estate of Jews evacuated from villages and small towns. 1944. 6 pages.

File# 114/44 Regain of lost citizenship by Romanians from the occupied territories. Documents by 1941 - 1944. 37 pages.

File# 176/41 State Archives. General Management. Dr. S. Manuila, the

179/41 Director of the Institute of Statistics regarding the census of

213/41 population in 1941and problems related to population politics. 1941. 6 pages.

File# 260 Ministerial Council. Secretarial service. Numeric and nominal lists of Jews foreign born. 1941. 69 pages.

File# 290 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Numerical situation of foreign born Jews in Romania and the resolution by Ion Antonescu with regard to the means to act against them.

Report on the numerical evolution of the Jewish population between 1930-1942. Detailed data and breakdown by provinces, occupation, age, wealth etc. Distribution of the Jewish population by provinces, districts, cities.

Lists of Jews who came to Romania after 1914.

1942-1943. 27 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 295 Restrictions in the supply of food to the Jews in Moldova and the organization of the snow cleaning by the Jews in the capital city. 1943-1943. 29 pages.

File# 301 Ministerial Council. Secretarial Service. Draft- law regarding the Jewish emigration from Romania. Connotations by Antonescu and Radu Lecca. Creation of a Commission and operating procedures.1942-1943. 35 pages.

File# 338 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Proposals for Systems of identification and identity documents for the population. Historical facts and some absurd ideas by Antonescu, like inclusion of medical data etc. 1943. 36 pages.

File# 347 Ministerial Council. Secretarial service. Correspondence on the request of journalist, H. St. Streitman, to be excepted from the regime imposed on the Jews. July 1943. 5 pages.

File# 361 Directives by the ministries of Labor and of Justice with regard to the organization and activity of the General Commissary for Jewish problems. 1943. 10 pages.

File# 394 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Monthly Reports on carrying out the orders of the Council, in regard to: the Jewish problem, achievements in maintenance and public order, sanitary control. 1943-1944. 15 pages.

File# 401 Creation of the Office of Jewish emigration and approvals for the transport of the Jewish emigrants. Approval for use of Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish ships. Due to illicit acceptance of passengers for high sums of money, every emigrant passenger will have to be approved by the Office of Jewish Emigration. Mr. Zissu expresses his satisfaction for the activity of the commission and the gesture of sending off, without pay, the children saved from Transnistria. Various administrative and organizational problems of the transports of émigrés. 1043-1944. 71 pages.

File# 421 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Situation of the Jews in Romania. The problem of bringing back the deported Jews from Transnistria. Acute need for all kind of craftspeople. The Centrala Evreilor requests that the Jews from Dorohoi home from deportation, be allowed to settle also in other places of their convenience. Return of some 4,000 orphans from Transnistria. List of cities where these orphans will be settled. A letter by the Swiss representative of the International Red Cross mentions the districts with the number of orphans to be taken out from Transnistria. Reorganization of the evidence and the status of Jewish craftsmen and professionals. Jewish men and women between the ages 15 to 55 must participate in voluntary labor of military interest and in hospitals. Allocation of alimentary products and other items like medications, used clothing , house wares, coal, lumber and other industrial products to the Jews in Transnistria. Interventions by Messrs Filderman, Lupu, Maniu etc in favor of the Jews from Cernăuti. Documents and reports related to the return of the deported Jews from Transnistria.

Correspondence related to the slaying of Dan Lazarovici by the Siguranţa.

The activity of the Jews at the Institute of Statistics.

At the intervention of the Jewish Community in Timisoara, a number of 7,000 Jews from Hungary and Ardeal, in the German work camp at the coal mines in Bor, Jugoslavia are allowed to cross the border into Romania. They were at risk to be murdered by the Germans.

On October 6, 1944 the General Jewish Council requests to abrogate the forced labor and to reintegrate the Jews into the army. 1944. 185 pages

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

Reel # 8

File# 422 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Petitions of the Zionist Organization for organizing the emigration of the Jews. Emigration of 2,000 Jews from Cernăuţi. Travel with Romanian vessels to Istanbul. Mr. Dan Brǎtianu will accompany the orphan children on their travel to Istanbul. Enumeration of all the vessels that will leave Romania with Jewish emigrants. Responsibility for the emigration was given to the Red Cross.

In September 1944, the Romanian Zionist Organization and the office of Emigration petition the new regime for the renewal of the emigration of the Jews to Palestine. The Red

Cross will maintain the responsibility for the emigration.

1944 . 95 pages.

File# 424 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Status of the funds obtained from the Jews as payment for the licenses of exemption from forced labor for 1944. 7 pages.

File# 428 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Ordinance for organization of the repressive justice in Transnistria and lists of convicts by the martial courts of Odessa and Tiraspol.

1944. 15 pages.

File# 526 Ministerial Council. Departmental relations. Correspondence regarding the restitution of confiscated Jewish property and recuperation of pecuniary values to Jews deported and returned from Transnistria. 1944.

8 pages.

File# 540 Ministerial Council. Secretariat. Memorandum of the Jewish Party of Romania for postponement of the mobilization of the Jews. November 1944. 4 pages.

File# 955/40 Order of expulsion and nominal lists of Jewish professors and auxiliary personnel from University Medical Schools.

1940. 4 pages.

File# 1391/41 Ministry of National education. Teaching and teachers in

“ “ Jewish schools. Some Jewish schools are occupied by

1400/ 41 refugees from Besarabia and the Northern Bucovina.

1404/41 Accreditation of Jewish teachers.

‘’ ‘’ The Jewish superior school Onescu. Curriculum. List of

1411/41 students in various faculties. 1940 – 1941. 318 pages.


Reel # 9

File# 1/39 Regional Police inspectorate Alba Iulia. Documents recorded

5/39 in the office of the inspectorate. Private eye information on Jews in the district, insinuations, Zionist activity. Propaganda among Jewish youth for clandestine emigration to Palestine. Documents in Hungarian. Jewish Masonic lodges. 1939.

93 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 10/39 Regional Police inspectorate Alba Iulia. Information of military nature. Use of called up to the military of Saxon origin on Jewish estates. 1939. 4 Pages.

File# 1/40 Confidential information about the relations between the German and the Jewish population. 1940. 1 page.

File# 5/40 Regional Police inspectorate Alba Iulia. The Magyar

6/40 problem. In relation to the occupation of Bessarabia and Bucovina, the Magyar soldiers in the Romanian army show a chauvinistic attitude both against the Jews by provoking and physically harming then and toward the Romanians in the hope that soon Romania will give up another part of their land to Hungary. The Hungarian revisionist movement.

1940. 5 pages.

File# 2/40 Prefectura Alba. Cabinet. Circular orders from the Police

26/40 General Directorate on severe rules regarding the collection of money by the Jewish Zionist movement. 1940. 13 pages.

File# 8/41 Prefectura Alba. Cabinet. Dismissal of Jews or persons

11/41 related to Jews from all governmental offices and services. Forced Labor for Jews. 1941. 5 pages.

File# 1/42 Prefectura Alba. Cabinet. Cases of revolt of Romanians

1/43 against the Jewish element all over de country and

4/44 especially in Moldova and Bucovina.

11/44 Initiation of forced labor of the Jews. Requests for Jewish labor. Creation of camps for the Jews. Interdiction of changing residence for Jews. (1943)

38/39 Prefectura Arad. The workers movement and the Zionist

4/40 activity in the district Arad. Jewish and Hungarian businesses.

46/40 Camps for Jewish hostages. Financial situation of the Jews. 87 pages.

(Also included Files #: 150/41, 72/42, 54/44, 56/44, 145/40,144/40, 149/40, 34/42, 5930/44

File# 2/41 Prefectura Bacău. Nominal list of Jews in Moinesti. Various edicts regarding the Jews. Nominal list of Jewish males ages 18 – 60 in the city of Bacău. Forced labor of Jews. Businesses and enterprises requests for exemption from forced labor. 1939- 1944. 792 pages. .

(Also included:Files# 13/42, 10/43, 47/41, 48/41, 50/41)

Reel # 10

(Note: The reel starts as Rola # 1 with Files # 170 and

# 573. It follows now a new begin marked Rola # 4)

File# 170/41 District Brăila. Prefect’s Office. Correspondence regarding the Jews. 1941. 3 pages

File# 573/41 Bucureşti Police Prefecture. Orders and dispositions for mobilization of Jews to be sent in labor camps. 3 pages.

File# 42/41 District Brăila. Prefect’s Office. Documents related to forced labor of Jews. 1 page

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 170/41 Prefect’s Office. Coded wires regarding the Jews. Order from Antonescu: all able-bodied Jews, ages 18-60 from the villages between the rivers Siret and Pruth, to be evacuated to the camps. In Tg. Jiu. Visits to the labor camps.

1941. 74 pages.

File# 2/42 District Brăila. Prefect’s Office. Ordinances, notifications,

44/42 publications, annulments and various orders.

List of Jewish writers whose publications are barred from sale. Organization and control of the Jews in labor camps and labor crews. 1942. 330 pages.

File# 115/42 Prefect’s Office. Evacuation of the Jews and organizing them in work brigades. 1942. 1 page.

File# 43/42 Inspectorate General of the Gendarmerie Bucureşti. The hunt after spies; fraudulent crossing of the frontier into Hungary; situation of the Greek nationals; Macedonian colonists in the Romanian army; activity of the Magyar office of information and espionage; tracking the legionnaire activity; tracking or the Russian prisoners deserters; the problem of the Gypsies.

Nominal list of Jews left on the territory of the Inspectorates Bucharest, Dămboviţa, Prahova . 1942. 16 pages.

File# 45/42 Pursuit of the legionnaire movement; organization of the Service of Information; verification of the camouflage on the territory of each unit; tracking the spies from abroad; confiscation of radio receivers from mixed marriages; refugees from the Northern Ardeal or from the Southern Dobrogea. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 46/42 Procedural instructions for convicted legionnaires and for informative activity; registration of the Gypsies to be deported to Transnistria; list of enterprises with apprentices.

Procedures for various categories of prisoners of war.

1942. 4 pages.

File# 26/40 Circular orders by the General Staff in regard to alien subjects, regime of operation of businesses, the refugees from Bessarabia and from Bucovina, the communist and the legionnaire movements. 1940. 2 pages.

File# 95/40 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. The council of Food Supply. Jews are barred from this sector of the economy. They are also excluded from the entertainment industry. 1940.

7 pages.

File# 264/40 Jews born in the territory lost to Hungary. Hunting various suspicious individuals. The propaganda of the communist party in industrial enterprises. 1940. 73 pages.

File# 346/40 Voluntary subscriptions for the endowment of the Armed Forces. Radio receivers are confiscated from the Jews.1940 2 pages.

File# 228/40 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct # 15. Nominal tables of Jewish males 18 to 60 years of age. 1940.

71 pages.

File# 229/41 Lists of stores devastated by the legionnaires during the “Rebeliune” January 22-23 1941. 16 pages.

File# 272/41 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct #21. Jews that moved to Bucureşti after June 15. Jewish stores selling radio receivers. Jewish stores adopting non-Jewish names.1941. 17 pages.

File# 573/41 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct # 15. Jews to be sent to labor camps. Related orders and dispositions. 1941. 40 pages.

File# 593/41 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct # 19. List of Jewish stores and homes devastated during the “rebeliune”. List of refugees from Ardeal. 1941. 7 pages.

File# 32/42 Regional Police Inspectorate Bucureşti. Jews: verification of documents, their situation in the industry, conversion to other religions. Situation of the Jews from Ardeal and Banat.

1942 1 page.

File# 33/42 Idem Vol. 2. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 532/42 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct # 5. Jews who eluded their labor obligation will be deported to Transnistria together with their families. Orders and dispositions. 1942. 17 pages.

File# 577/42 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Police precinct # 15. Documents, lists of Jews to be deported to Transnistria. Included are also persons who applied for Soviet citizenship and repatriation to the Soviet Union. 1942. 7 pages.

File# 17/43 Discussions at the Council of Internal Order. Excerpt: Population overflow in Bucureşti; circulation of false identity cards; bringing back from Transnistria of the Jews from Bessarabia and Bucovina; 1943. 3 pages.

File# 476/43-44 Police Prefecture Bucureşti. Directorate of the Siguranţa. Instructions for obligation and verification of documents of Jews. 1944. 2 pages.

File# ????? Gendarmerie Inspectorate Timişoara. Informations from Jugoslavia. April 1941. How the Jews are treated there.

1 page.

File# 110 Penitentiary Caransebeş. List of Jews prisoners. 1942.

4 pages.

File# 35/42 Inspectorate of Labor Constanţa. Request for extension of visa. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 26/40-41 Court of Appeals Constanţa. Prosecutor’s Office. Confidential correspondence with the Ministry of Justice. List of transfer of commercial units owned by Jews. Problem of internees in the camp Anadolochioi. Request for the internment of a Jew communist. 1940. 9 pages.

# 33/41 Jews involved in bribery of the Police authorities.

1941. 3 pages

# 37/41 Secret dealings. State Security. (Note: The text starts with page #8) Events that took place in various localities like looting of Jewish stores, lack of corn in some localities in Moldova, Magyar chauvinist propaganda by members of the clergy in Ardeal. Situation of the economy. 1941. 3 pages

# 38/41 Reports and correspondence Re. public order and the mood of the population. (Note: The text starts with page #4)

Situation of Jews in Chişinău and Cernănuţi and in the detention camps there. Atmosphere and dealings in the camps. 1941. 3 pages.

# 48/41 Weekly reports and correspondence on State security

Damaging influence of the contact between the Jews in Cernăuţi and the peasants coming in town. Peasants from various districts do complain about lack of basic foods and difficult situation. In Banat and Ardeal hostile Hungarian population. Legionnaires in Bălţi. 1942. 2 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 74/39 F.A.S. Constanta. Harbor Master’s Office. Relations with the workmen in the harbor; German espionage; The transport of Jews. The vessel Tiger Hill with 750 Jews aboard. 1939.

3 pages

#132/41 Transport of emigrants: Turks, Bulgars, Jews. List of vessels that left the port in 1940 and 1941 with emigrants aboard. Same for vessels between 1935-1941. The last on the list is the “Struma” on December 12, 1941.7 pages.

# 167/44 Transports of Jewish emigrants. Details on the vessel Selahatin with 529 Jewish emigrants aboard.

File# ????? Gendarmerie Inspectorate Bucharest. Gendarmerie Legion Dămboviţa. Report on a labor camp for Jews in the town Tărgovişte. 1941. 1 page.

File# 42/41 Consulate of Portugal in Galaţi. Intervention for Portugese Jews to be allowed to unite with their families. 1941. 2 pages

# 45/41 Intervention and formalities for repatriation of Rubin Stein, a Portugese citizen. 1944. 6 pages.

# 11 Formalities regarding passports and visas for Portugese citizens living in Romania. 1940. 6 pages.

File# 9/39 F.A.S. Galaţi. Royal Residence of the Lower-Danube Region. The Gendarmerie Legion in Tecuci reports on an action by the Jews of collecting money in various ways and sending it to Palestine. 1939. 1 page

# 26/39 Applications, certificates and authorizations for people requesting to sell real estate to a Jew who is a farmer and is presently mobilized in the army. 1939. 17 pages.

# 33/39 Request by R. Zaft to open a travel agency for emigration of Jews who lost their citizenship, is disproved because of the personality of the founder and working outside the Zionist movement. 1939. 5 pages.

File# 1 Administrative Directorate. Inspectorate general Administrative Galati. Memoranda and documents from the Ministry of the Interior. Creation of the labor camps and colonies for the Jews. Ordinances by the City Hall Galaţi. 1942. 5 pages.

File# 4b Inspectorate general Administrative Galaţi. Decrees regarding the monetary redeeming of various obligations of the Jews.1943. 2 pages.

# 21b Communal shops. Reports from several districts. Jewish employees. Romanization of the commerce and the industry.

Forced labor of the Jews: rules, regulations and punishment of infractions. Zones of interdiction for settling of Jews. 1943. 19 pages.

File# 14/42 Gendarmerie Legion District Gorj. List of Jews communists or sympathizers evacuated to Transnistria from the camp in Tg. Jiu. 414 persons. 1942. 37 pages.

Reel # 11

File# 20/43 Prefecture district Bacău. Report on inspections of construction work in several villages. Orders and instructions for Jews in the labor force. Nominal list of Jews the forced labor unit of the district. 1943. 100 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

# 25/43 Evacuation of the Jews from villages and small towns. 1943. 2 pages.

# 15/44 Local newspaper requests to keep specialized Jewish personnel at work. 1944. 1 page.

# 18/44 Correspondence enterprises Filderman. 1944. 3 pages.

File# 17/40 Prefecture District Brăila. Censoring of movies, plays, newspapers etc. List of Jewish musicians and artists. 1940. 22 pages.

# 38/41 Petitions from Jewish owners of various commercial institutions and enterprises and their employees to be exempt from labor, rejected. 1941. 454 pages.

Reel # 12

File# 35/40 Lower Danube Region. Prefecture District Putna. Report on administrative problems

and proposals in various units in the district. 1940. 69 pages.

# 2/41 Miscellaneous: Administrative problems related to employees. Jewish schools to be used for quartering of German troops.

Leaders of the Jewish communities allowed to circulate free in order to raise money for the State loan. 1941. 9 pages.

# 152/41 Strict confidential Correspondence . Establishment of quarters the Jews must live in. The commemoration of the “Rebeliune” 1941-1942. 13 pages.

# 168/43 Strict confidential Correspondence. Ordinance with

#169/43 restrictions for the Jews. Jews in a work camp are caught making a sketch of the village outlay. 1943. 3 pages.

# 186/43 Evacuation of the Jews from the towns. Lists of Jews in various towns.1943. 423 pages.

Reel # 13

File# 73/41(?) Directorate General of the Police. Police Precinct Hunedoara. History of the Jewish movement in Hunedoara. Problems of the Magyar minority in Petroşani. 1940-1941.

7 pages.

File# 34/43 Directorate General of the Police. Police Precinct Deva. Statistic of infringements of the law. 1941 (?) 6 pages.

File# 2/41 Prefectura Ialomiţa. Measures against military personnel and hoodlums who attack and rob Jews in the streets.

File# 378/41 Tribunal Mureş. Spielmann Moise and Biederman Samoila offense against the Hungarian state. (in Hungarian).

1941 – 1942. 144 pages.

File# ????? Directorate General of the Police.Police Station Ploieşti. Request by industry for exemption of Jews from forced labor.

# 9/41 Instructions for forced labor of Jews. 1940-41. 3 pages.

File# 55/40 Prefectura district Satu-Mare. Documentary on Romanian achievements between 1918-1940. 1 page.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 86 Prefectura District Rădăuţi. Instructions for musical events and public musical entertainment. 1940-42. 2 pages.

# 96 Instructions for citizenship of Jews, their deportation and the propaganda they perpetrated. 1940. 1 page

# 34 Census of people having Jewish blood. 1942. 1 page

File# 26/40 Prefectura Region Suceava. Lists of office workers, public notaries of Jewish origin in the district. Individual records of notaries. Administrative and communal information. The refugees from the territories occupied by the Soviet Union. 1940 – 1943. 283 pages.

File# 61 Region Timiş. Police Inspectorate. 1939.( Hard to read). 1939. 2 pages.

File# 81 Police Inspectorate.Timisoara. Info on propaganda among Young Jews to emigrate clandestine to Palestine.

1939. 1 page.

# 94/39 List of Jews who entered the country between January 1920 and January 1924. 1939. 2 pages

# 107/40 Identification of individuals who spread rumors.1940.

2 pages.

# 108/40 Information regarding a subversive action of the Hungarian Jews in the Zionist organizations to drive a wedge in the camaraderie between the Romanians and the Germans. 1940. 1 page.

# 132/40 Request to report the number of Jews who left for Bessarabia after its occupation by the Soviet Union and relinquished their possessions to friends. 1940. 2 pages.

# 142/40 Order to stop the exodus of the Jewish rural population into town. 1940. 2 pages.

# 149/41 Misbehaving of German soldiers: firing guns at night, attacking Jews, etc. 1941. 2 pages.

# 161/41 Confiscation of radio receivers from the Jews. 1941. 3 pages

# 162/41 Annulment of all restrictions imposed on Jews for those with alien citizenship. 1941. 1 page.

# 231/42 Disbanding of the Federation of Jewish Communities and creation of the Central Office of the Jews in Romania.1942. 2 pages.

# 267/42 Order from Antonescu: All Jews active on the black market, traffic of foreign currency, bribing, economic, commercial and industrial sabotage will be deported to camps in Transnistria. 1942. 1 page.

# 269/43 Young German hoodlums, after leaving a tavern did break windows in Jewish houses. 1943. 5 pages.

# 271/44 Rumors of deporting Jews from several cities to Transnistria over the Bug (i.e. German territory). 1942. 7 pages.

# 289/43 Restriction for Jews on procurement of daily food. 1943.

1 page.

# 291/43 Report on the situation in Lipova: public opinion, the Jews, acts of sabotage and profiteering. 1943. 1 page.

# 294/43 Several Jews are AWOL form the labor camp at the quary Sanovita. 1943. 1 page.

# 296/43 Lists of people under arrest. Reports from several police precincts. 1943. 3 pages.

# 10/41 List of Jews registered at the Population Offices in various cities between May – August 1941. 49 pages.

# 23/41 Investigation regarding the distribution of the confiscated radio transmitters from the Jews in Orşova. 1941. 4 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

# 86/43 Restrictions imposed upon the Jews: closure of taverns, procurement of agricultural products and limitation of shopping hours. 1943. 2 pages.

# 111/44 Effect of latest events upon the population: Swabs, Romanians Magyars and Jews. 1944. 1 page.

File# 48/41 Gendarmerie Inspectorate Timişoara. Arrest of two Jews from Oradea who crossed illegally the frontier into Hungary. 1941. 1 page

# 54/41 Informative notes biased against the Jews. A Mrs. Gross from Timişoara has open and illicit relations with German and Romanian officers in Băile Herculane.

A Jew is caught trying to cross the frontier to Hungary with over 2 kg of gold jewelry. Derogatory information on Jews and suspicion of misdeeds. 1941. 16 pages.

# 26/42 The German ethnic group in Timişoara is under observation. Denouncements against Jews in various localities under the pretext of spreading communist propaganda. Radio receivers are confiscated from Romanians with Jewish wives. Jewish businessmen under cover with Romanians are involved in fraudulent business transactions. 1942. 55pages.

File# 10/40 Legion Gendarmes Timiş-Torontal. Jewish photographers restricted from access to military buildings. 1940. 1 page.

# 66/39 Information on a conference at the Jewish community.1939. 1 page.

# 31/40 Information on the general assembly of the Jewish National Union and of the Zionist Youth in Transilvania . 1949.

5 pages.

# 113/40 Information on activities in the Jewish Community. 1940.

1 page.

File# 1/40 Directorate of the Commercial Marine. Harbor Master’s Office Sulina. Confidential orders for emigration of Jews.1940. 4 pages.

File ????? Report of vessels arriving with Jews from Germany. 1940. 12 pages.

File# 21/40 Administrative Service Tulcea..Dismissal of personnel of Jewish origin or of mixed marriages. 1940. 1 page.

# 5/41 Payment of Jews for forced labor. 1941. 3 pages.

# 73/42 Technical Service. Complaints about bad behavior and refractory of the Jews at work.

# 6/43 Dispositions regarding the Jews at forced labor. Lists of Jews requested for the town and for municipal services. 1943. 6 pages.

# 5/43 Daily bread allowance and work executed by the Jews. 1943. 1 page.

File 181/945 Prefecture district Tulcea. Bureau MONT. Request from Jews for travel permits. 1943. 49 pages.

File# 43/39 Region Lower Danube. Prefecture district Putna. Administrative orders. 1939. 1 page.

#30/40 Interdiction of money collection by Zionist organizations and distribution of propaganda material. Interdiction of mixed marriages. 1940. 2 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

Reel # 14

File# 51/41 Prefectura Bacău. Situation of working force in various commercial and industrial enterprises: request from owners, Jews and non-Jews, for exempting Romanian workers from military duty or Jews from forced labor. 1941. 61 pages.

File# 52/41 Some Jews claim the return of their confiscated radio receivers on basis of their military merits in previous wars. 1941. 148 pages.

File# 59/41 Applications by Jewish commercial enterprises for exemption from forced labor of their Jewish employees are rejected. 1941. 382 pages.

File# 280/41 Requests for railroad travel permits . 1941. 87 pages.

File# 20/42 Order for creation of camps for hostages in every city on a temporary schedule according to need. 1942. 1 page.

File# 56/42 Commission for revision of Jews at forced labor. Lists of working brigades and activities. 1942. 48 pages.

Reel # 15

File# 5/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Central. The Gendarmerie legion district Iaşi reports on mistreatment of Jews in towns. The Zionist problem in Iaşi. Investigation of the Jewish loge “B’nai Solomon”. Denouncement of sabotage actions by the Jewish population. Propaganda for emigration to Palestine. Radio receivers owned by Jews. Jews from Districts Suceava and Dorohoi intend crossing over to the territories occupied by the Soviets. Jews suspected of communist activity are moved to other localities. Handling of goods left by Jews evacuated from their rural homes. Three Jews, American citizens, were taken from their homes In Iaşi by German and Romanian military and disappeared. 1941. 102 pages.

File# 31/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The Federation of

Jewish communities has created a fund for assistance of unemployed Jews. Editorial activity of the youth organization Hanoar Hazioni” in Timisoara. Order of Police Inspectorate Alba Iulia: “ Transfer a.s.a.p. over the border all the “Jidani”

refugees from Poland and those who arrived after 1936. Informative notes on the evacuation of the Jews from rural homes and the attitude of the Hungarian population. 1941. 17 pages. (A number of pages barely legible).

File# 133/41 Copies of orders, projects and data regarding the measures taken by the Police authorities in Bessarabia. Arrest of Jews accused of bad behavior toward the Romanian authorities during the Bolshevik regime. Creation of internment camps for Jews. Orders and dispositions for public order, field work, administration of goods left by those deported or who ran away with the Soviets etc. 1941. 30 pages.

File# 134/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Bureau of information and Security. Informative synthesis of current situation: The communist problem, subversive activity, the prisoners of war, the Jewish problem, the deported Jews from Bucovina, the mood of the local population, Numeric lists of Jews in various localities in district Jugastru.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

Informative synthesis for districts Dubăsari, Tulcin, Iampol, Moghilev, Berezovka, Răbniţa, Golta.Balta

Pretorial Service Odessa. Informational Bulletin.

Informative Bulletins for Transnistria, Jan/Feb 42;

Feb/Mar.42: the attitude of the local German population and of the German military. Desperate situation of the deported Jews. Killing of Jews by the communal police with the assistance from German military. The German police evacuate the Ukrainian population from their houses and gives them to the local Germans. These Germans then refuse to obey the orders from the Romanian governor, saying they were not under Romanian jurisdiction.

The camp for political detainees Wapniarka.

1942. 374 pages.

File# 135/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Note from 7 April 1942. In two villages of district Berezovka 15 German Policemen have taken by force 850 Jews and shot them dead. Also more 30 Jews were killed. The corpses were drenched with petroleum and incinerated, not before their clothes were distributed to the local German population.

Informative Note from 1 April 1942. On March 10, 1942- 850 Jews, on March 20, 1942- 1742 Jews and in March 22, 1942-a total of 550 Jews from the same district were killed, burned to ashes and their clothes given to the Volksdeutsche, as the local Germans called themselves.

Informative Bulletin 23 April,1942. Informative notes (Handwritten)

Pretorial Service Odessa. Informational Bulletin.

Informative Bulletin April 42;

Inspectorate Gendarms Cernăuţi. Informative note February 1942. The case of Jenny Schapira.

Informative Notes regarding money dealings of Jews in Moghilev. Payment for the transport of deportees from Moghilev to the countryside.

The case of Larionescu Ion from Rădăuţi – money transfer to Transnistria.

Informative report for districts Ananiev,Tiraspol February 1942.

The case of Lt. Colonel Coliban for organizing a courier service between Bucovina and the Jewish camps in Transnistria. Many of the people involved are from Câmpulung and from Vatra-Dornei. Nominal list of the money transferred by Lt. Col. Coliban. Letters from and to Moghilev by the people involved.

Informative Bulletin for Transnistria March/April 1942. Analysis of the Ukrainian, German and Romanian population. Hundreds of Jews were executed by the German police. The catacombs from Odessa. The Jewish problem.1942. 363 pages.

Reel # 16

File# 319/42 Military Cabinet of the Leader of the State. Bureau 2. Informative Bulletins, Information presented to Antonescu. Transnistria. The Jews in Odessa. Some 3,000 Jews settled in Moghilev. Their relation with the authorities, Traffic of correspondence and money mostly by the military. The economic situation in Romania: black market, lack of food and merchandise; situation on the front; conversions to Catholicism; the situation in Hungary, USSR, Turkey. January 1 – 31, 1942. 54 pages.

File# 325/42 Informative Bulletins. Shortage of paper leads to a reduction of the size of the newspapers and closure of some. Situation in the industry. Clandestine legionnaire organizations. Evacuation of thousands of Jews from Odessa. German workers accept only the German Ethnic Group as their authority. The Pope has halted the conversion of the Jews until a Papal Encyclica will be published

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

on the subject. Information from abroad: Italy, England, Sweden. The Martial court in Bucharest condemns 15 communists: two to death and the rest to years of hard labor.

February 1 – 28, 1942. 41 pages.

File# 327/42 Informative Bulletins. Increase of Anti-Semitism in the Soviet army. Communist agitation among the industry workers. Jewish personalities considered as hostages. Information from abroad. The situation of the Jews in Hungary. March

1 – 18. 35 pages.

File# 368/42 Foreign officials: the minister of Slovakia and a counselor of the Swiss Legation visit Transnistria. The latter asking about the situation of the Jews gets a distorted answer. According to the minister of Slovakia, they sent to Poland sixty thousand Jews for whom the Germans paid 500 Reichsmark apiece and the remaining ten thousand were retained as useful until the end of the war. October 1942. 5 pages.

File# 443/42 Council of Ministers. Directorate of Interdepartmental Relations, Inquiries on the disorders at the Inspectorate general of the labor camps for Jews. Some blind spots in the instructions for qualification of the Jews for labor, made it possible to subordinate clerks to enrich themselves by exempting from forced labor of a number of Jews from commercial and industrial enterprises.

August 1942. 32 pages.

File# 473/42 Council of Ministers.(Note: Text starts with page 2/5 and the following pages are not in sequence). Consequences of deportation of the Jews to Transnistria on the industry and commerce. Directives for defining which Jews are to be deported to Transnistria. Same for the Gypsies. Ethical discussions on the treatment of the Jews: deportation to Transnistria, nationalization and possible consequences in the world in the future. The role of the Germans. The Romanian army is put to the dirty work with the Jews, which the Germans accomplish with the SS. Allowing the Jews to emigrate, contra material benefits for the Romanian state. Creation of a Commissariat for Jewish problems. Exceptions for foreign citizens. Financial dealings of dignitaries from the old regime. The Jewish real estate. 1942. 26 pages.

File# 481/42 Council of Ministers. The Council with the Governors of the liberated provinces. Discussions regarding Bucovina, Bessarabia and Transnistria on economic and national problems. Fighting over the abandoned or expropriated Jewish real estate and industrial and commercial enterprises. January, 29, 1942. 56 pages.

File# 4/43 Council of Ministers. Report to the Hauptsturmfuehrer Richter from Dr. A. Tester Re. Emigration of 5.000 Jewish orphans (in German). In discussion are the negotiations between the Jews Dr. Filderman, Benvenisti and the Cunard shipping line. Dr. Tester appears to be an agent in connection with the German embassy in Bucharest and interested to sabotage the entire enterprise.

Endowment by Mrs. Antonescu thru the Consiliul de patronaj in the form of various meat products in favor of the victims of the heavy bombardments in Germany. Dr. Tester was involved in the entire operation of ordering and transporting the four railroad cars with meat products to Germany.

(There seems to be a connection between the above events; were the Jews cheated of the money? It seems so. The print is hard to read). 1943. 87 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 59/43 Council of Ministers. Forced labor of Jews. The Conducător has seen a Jew from a work brigade who was barely able to keep himself upright and visibly sick. He ordered an inquiry in the way the labor brigade work and gave some suggestions. Requests for Jews for various labor and artisans from institutions and factories. Instructions for dealing with Jews who play truant or are deserting from the labor brigade. Jews are not allowed to work in offices of health institutions in any quality. 1943. 33 pages.

File# 119/43 Council of Ministers. Ministry of Justice. Prosecutor’s Office Court of Appeals Galaţi. Activity of the Commission of inquiry of a number of 33 Jews in Galaţi. The inquiry was ordered by the Marshall for the control of the wealth of these people and the way they made it, following a denunciation by a Dr. Bizamcer. A nominal list of the wealth is attached.

Various problems with the forced labor of the Jews: bribing of commanders for release from duty; Jewish specialists sent to work in the liberated territories; Jewish architects working at the Council of patronage. Jewish technicians and draftsmen are sent to work at a study of military nature.

A Jew, Marcel Mitrani , is falsely accused of clandestine traffic of foreign currency, following a calumnious notice in the Anti-Semitic paper “Porunca Vremii”.

A similar fact from the same source relates to a Jew who is a business partner with General Dabija, the president of the association “Regina Maria” whose purpose is helping disaster victims.

Study of doubling the Jewish personnel in militarized enterprises. Nominal list of doubling the Jewish personnel in militarized institutions.

The Marshall requests the justification for the spending of the 820 million lei collected from the Jews.

Antonescu ordered the repatriation from Transnistria of the Jews from Dorohoi that were deported together with the Jews from Southern Bucovina and are State pensioners or fought in WWI in the Romanian army.

The brothers Ausnitt keep a number of Jews in the Tita-Nădrag- Calan steel mills. Information sent to Antonescu.

As an exception, a number of Jewish medical doctors are allowed to treat Christian patients.

Request of transit for 1500 Hungarian Jews to travel to the harbor Orşova.

Proposals for the localities in which the Jews repatriated from Transnistria should be settled. 1943. 150 pages.

File 205/43. Council of Ministers. Military Office. Results obtained at the control of the ghettos and camp of Jews and Gypsies.

I. Ghettos: Tiraspol, Balta, Olgopol, Cicelnic, Obodovca, Bershad, Mostovoi.

II. Internment camp Vapniarka.

III. Gipsy camps.

List of the results from the control of the camps for Jews, the internment camp Vapniarka.

Jews in the camps of district Balta.

List of the results from the control of the camps for Gypsies in the district Balta

General note on these controls.

Actions taken by the Government of Transnistria in the Jewish ghettos and the camps of Jews and Gypsies. 1943. 40 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File 333/43. Council of Ministers. Secretariat. In reference to a letter dated June 19, 1873 by the Romanian Minister of the Exterior to the to his English counterpart, a critical observation of Antonescu in regard to the present Romanian politicians Maniu, Dr. Lupu and Ştirbey who are protecting the “Jidani”. September 1943. 9 pages.

Reel # 17

File# 78/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet of the Undersecretary. A Romanian soldier returning from captivity in Bessarabia in February 1941, describes the situation there by accentuating the role of the “Jidani” in the new Soviet regime.

Information from the occupied Bessarabia, obtained by Mr. Cazacliu, former Royal resident.

The situation in Bessarabia: political, administrative, economical and political aspects from June 28, 1940 to February 23, 1941.

Report on the situation in Bessarabia in October 15-31, 1941 by the Governor of Bessarabia.

Contra informative note from Odessa, October 31, 1941.

Same for Bessarabia for the month of October 1941.

52 pages.

File# 81/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Chauvinistic agitation of the German population in Banat and Ardeal.. A newspaper in Arad is suspended for 3 days because of a tendentious article. Situation of the real estate obtained from the Jews. Daily information bulletin: the legionnaires, the communists, the Jews, the German minority. 1941. 6 pages

File# 86/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet Antonescu. Mihai Seleanu and Iosif Lazarovici, Ukraoinians from Cernăuti are interned in the camp Tg. Jiu .

Communist agitation at the refinery Unirea.

The legation of Sweden is under permanent supervision.

List of internees in various cities.

Anti-Semitic manifestations in Dorohoi.

Interdiction to send money to Jews in Bessarabia and Bucovina is circumvent by various means.

Jews interned in various camps. Situation in the camp Călăraşi. Jews to be used at railroad work: specification of places and number of Jews for each. Requests to all the Prefectures for mobilizing for forced labor Jews ages 20-50

List of number and destination of the Jews sent to forced labor. Jews to wear a distinctive sign. Jews to organize a loan of 15 billion lei for the State of Romania.

Some thirty thousand Jews from the Northern Bessarabia and from Bucovina were transferred over the Dnjestr and then returned back to the Western bank and other 12 thousand were transferred back to Bessarabia by the Germans. (August 1941).

Jews in Iaşi are evacuated from their homes and settled in predetermined zones of the city.

The rabbis and presidents of the Jewish communities will be released from camps in order to make propaganda for the state loan.

Jewish intermediaries operate to except Jews from the forced labor contra cost. Reports from various detention and labor camps.

Copies of books and drawings.

Information on Jews in various factories.

A number of Jews did apply for citizenship from other countries.

Communiqué from the Federation of Jewish Communities for the State loan.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

Legionnaires who participated in the Rebeliune hold presently important governmental positions in the district Suceava and are active in economic sabotage.

Intervention of Jewish leaders in behalf of their brethren who were deported from Bucovina and Bessarabia.

The Jews in the work brigades might spread communist propaganda amid the population they come in contact.

The petitions addressed by Dr. Filderman and the reply received from Antonescu.

A special commission for the study of the Jewish problem was created at the German embassy.

Document showing the situation of the Jews registered for forced labor for the entire country, showing the number, status and qualification.

Registration of Jewish women between the ages 18 - 50 for social work.

Chapter “JEWS” by the governor of Transnistria sent to Antonescu. November 1941.

The Gendarmerie Inspectorate proposes the transfer of the Jews from Moghilev and surroundings to the East; these Jews are dangerous. Reports on numeric distribution of Jews in Transnistria. December 1941.

Situation of the Jews in Ardeal. The “Struma” story (some pages are missing).

Biographies of some Jewish political and literary personalities.

Copy of the Ordonanta Nr. 23 “The regime of the Jews in Transnistria”, Information and rumors from the Jewish communities. 1941. 565 pages.

File# 89/41 Council of Ministers. Military Office. The legionnaire commissars of Romanization. Strong incitement against the Jews in Besarabia.1941. 16 pages.

File# 92/41 Council of Ministers. Military Office. Orders by Antonescu in Cernăuţi. The situation of properties. Information and data on the situation in Bucovina. Information on Odessa: the explosion, the catacombs. Information from Transnistria. 1941. 46 pages.

File# 104/41 Council of Ministers. Military Office. The Jewish personnel in the railroad service.

Deportation of the Jews East of the Bug.

On June 1942, 12 Jewish families deported from Vatra Dornei on October 11, 1941, are resettled in town.

The administration of housing units by the Office of Romanization.

A Jewish orphanage for girls in Huşi.

Calumnious information on a number of Jews well off or in official positions.

Petitions of Dr. Filderman and the reply from Antonescu. 1941. 158 page.

Reel # 18

File# 123/41 Council of Ministers. MilitaryCabinet. Bertrand Jacobson from the JOINT is permitted to come to Romania. The way the moneys received from the USA will be used by the Federation of Jewish Communities (FJC). Request from the FJC to return the confiscated radio receivers to certain categories of Jews and with eventual modifications. Limiting the access and the raw materials for Jews in the alimentation business. 1941. 23 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 167/41 Council of Ministers. Military Cabinet. Indiscriminate confiscation of all radio receivers from the Jews(June 41). Modality of selling of goods taken from the Jews. Scandals related to the Romanization of Jewish properties and the exemption from forced labor. 1941. 21 pages.

File# 262/41 Council of Ministers. Military Cabinet. Letter from A.L.Zissu requesting an audience from Antonescu and a memorandum on the Jewish problem. 1941. 7 pages.

File# 402/41 Council of Ministers. The S.S.I. section Odessa. Informative reports. Second report describes the explosion at the Military Command. Activity of partisans, majority Jews. Recommended measures. October-November 1941.

42 pages.

File# 476/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Council meeting September 2. Shortages of food and of raw materials for the industry. Use of the Romanized Jewish properties. Status of the converted Jews. Forced labor of the Jews. 1941. 105 pages.

File# 478/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Council meeting. December 4.

Discussion of the inquiry report from Chisinau. It relates to the behavior and actions of the Romanian military in the Ghetto Chişnău. 1941. 12 pages.

File# 483/41 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Council meeting.(Page 1 is missing. It seems to be the same meeting from file #478)

Object: The forced labor of the Jews; how to make a revenue for the state from it. Proposal to make physical beating legal in the labor camps. 1941. 11 pages.

File# 43/42 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Requisition of medical and dental equipment from the Jews.

Informative note on the situation of the Jews in Bucovina. Jews gain advantages by bribing the gendarmes.

Request to the Centrala Evreilor to collect materials for hospitals which the Jews had already given once. The action is derided by Antonescu and two officers are punished. 1941-1942. 28 pages.

File# 126/42 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Jewish affairs. Inquiry of intercession in favor of Jews, to exempt them from forced labor. Name and actions and punishment of each person indicted.

General instructions for the application of dispositions for the military status of the Jews. List of Jews to be interned in labor camps for eluding the forced labor duty. Request from institutions and enterprises for permission to keep certain Jews on their staff. Organization and operation of the commissions for approval of those requests in various districts. Analysis of the nature of the internees and the activity of various labor camps. There are camps for vagrants only. Some malicious denunciations on the subject. 1941-1942. 334 pages.

File# 134/42 Council of Ministers. Cabinet. Activity to prevent a tentative action of the local partisans similar to what happened in Rostov. 1941. 3 pages.

File# 148/42 Council of Ministers. Unloading of railroad cars. Using the Jews for unloading and for cleaning of snow the access roads. The duration of the work period is hereby extended.1942. 42 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 287/42(?) Council of Ministers. Military Office. Action against stealing and economic sabotage. The thieves shall be deported to the Gypsy camps in Transnistria. The Jews deported to Transnistria together with their families. The Romanian accomplices to be deported for two years.

Action against the newspapers on printing alarming information. 1942. 69 pages.

Reel # 19

File# 19/32 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The atmosphere in the country after the arrest of the heads of the legionnaire movement. The mood of the population; the religious sectarian movements; propaganda and counter-propaganda. The atmosphere at the gendarmerie. The Hitlerism and the German population in Transilvania; the Hungarian minority.

Renascence of the Iron Guard under the name of Totul pentru Ţară (All for the Homeland).11935-1936. 322 pages.

File# 4/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on the political activity of the National Peasant party and other political parties and of political movements. 1935. 19 pages.

File# 17/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Reports on fights between various official and unofficial religious creeds in Bessarabia. Report on various sects and the separation between church and state.

Information on the Jews in Otaci. There are communists and Zionists. Their activity is shown. Crossing the Dnjestr: sketches indicating the crossing points of curriers from the Soviet Union. Jews suspected of communist activity. Nominal identification of Jews supposed to be active in the communist movement in various localities in Bessarabia.1935 -1936. 311 pages.

File# 23/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Conflict between the gendarmerie and the prefect of Chişinău. Activity of the legionnaires. Subversive literature found in Jewish libraries. National socialist propaganda by German youths. Report on the National Christian congress in Chişinău. Informative comprehensive reports. The “Inocentist” ritual. Communist propaganda material and protests against the trial of communists. 10-35. 321 pages.

Reel # 20

File# 24/35 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie Chişinău. A document“Pekuda” by the Zionist Trumpeldor organization contains many Hebrew words. Request translation. A report explains that it is a part of the Union of the Revisionist Zionists and gives details of the localization of its branches in Romania. Death treats against big landowners.

The trial of prof Constantinescu-Iaşi.

Informative bulletins on the mood of the population and minorities. Some Jews are communists. Apparent confusion with Zionism. The attitude of the Germans. The nationalist parties, the Hitlerism etc. The Soviet espionage. The religious sects. Jehovah’s Witnesses became very active.

Nominal list of a communist cell discovered in January 1936.

1935-1936. 325 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 35/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie Chisinau. Communist literature in Jewish libraries in Leova. List of members of the UTC (Union of Young Communists) and of the Communist party in Leova. 1935. 31 pages.

File# 36/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie Chişinău. Information on communist activity in the villages in Bessarabia.

Geographical and statistical information on the Delta Dunării. Information on suspected persons for communist and pro-Ukrainian activity. Agitation at the German Volksrat.

Barbaric behavior of the gendarmes against the legionnaires in district Cernăuţi. Activity of the Christian-National party. 1935-1936. 125 pages. (Continues on Reel # 21)

Reel # 21

File# 36/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie Chişinău. (Continuation from Reel # 20). The Bulgarian irredentist movement. Information on members of this movement. Also on a social democratic movement with communist tendencies and on religious sects.

Letter of prof. Constantinescu-Iaşi to the Minister of the Interior. Activity of the association “Frauenverein”.

Stories related to a Sovietic train that enters daily the railroad station Tighina. Also a Romanian train goes daily to Tiraspol. Money collected by various social, religious or political groups. Jews receiving money from America to buy land from the peasants and for the Zionist movement.

Unrest and fights between democratic and nationalist students at the School for Agronomy in Chişinău.

Trial of members of the anti-fascist movement. Legionnaires found with secret codes which they refuse to unveil.

Corruption among the clergy of various creeds.

Details on the legionnaire movement. The botched assassination of Codreanu by his own legionnaires. Graphic of the organization of the legionnaire party.

1935 - 1936. 400 pages.

File# 37/35 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie Chisinău. List of security problems in need of information activity. Evaluation of the situation and conclusions of results obtained up to now. 1935 -1938. 242 pages.

File# 39/35 Comparative report of the figures recorded in the situations Md.D.2 and E.2 in 1936, compared to 1935. 14 pages.

Reel # 22

File# 4/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Renewed activity of the legionnaires, especially in rural Bucovina, inciting against officials and politicians they consider as enemies. Attempts to their lives are discussed. List of 70 work brigades used as a means of propaganda. Agitation among students in medium and high schools. 1936. 14 pages.

File# 10/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie Incidents at the elections in district Suceava. Similar incidents reported from other districts. 1936, 38 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 12/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on a communist cell in the town Ediniţi-Hotin.

Organization of sacrifice teams by the legionnaire party Totul pentru Ţară, armed with explosives. Clergy is also involved. Agitation by the Ukrainians and the Hutzuls. Manifest against the king Carol II. A group of clerics are opposed to the modern calendar. Trial of a number of “Stylist” monks. Other religious sects are persecuted.

Communist activity in Bucovina. Chauvinist Magyar propaganda in Transilvania. Strikes in factories. 1936.

360 pages.

Reel # 23

File# 17/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Detailed supervision of the structure of extremist political parties. List of files on social-political movements and religious sects. 1936.

21 pages.

File# 19/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Facsimile of material from the Zionist organization BETAR in Romanian and Hebrew languages.

Jewish Zionist organizations are allowed to organize various meetings for collecting money for Palestine. The organization “The Jewish State in Romania” is banned.

Information on a planned coup d’etat by the legionnaires.

1936, 19 pages.

File# 24/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. General Order of Information for the years 1936,1937,1938 and 1939.

Detailed analysis of the political parties, the legionnaires, the underground communist activity, the Hungarian irredentists, etc. 167 pages.

File# 26/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. List of the population in district Suceava. 1936. 5 pages.

File# 32/36 (?) Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. List of suspicious persons arrested in various months in 1941 and 1942 in district Ismail. Information on suspected spies 1n 1943.List of Jews for agricultural work, August 1940 District Tutova. Incidents and regulations after occupation of Bessarabia by the Soviet Union. List of “internables” in Bărlad.

1940. 198 pages.

File# 42/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The communist problem in Southern Bessarabia (Study). Religious conflicts among the population in villages. Activity of the Christian-National and the Totul pentru Ţară parties. Political orientation of students from various social classes and religious affiliation. The Inochentist sect use traces of opium at their secret services. The Jews are terrorized in Mihăileni.

a NCO is investigated for proselytizing for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Conflicts between the Gendarmes and the Stylist and Baptist sects. 1936. 307 pages.

File# 50/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Communal problems in district Prahova. Letter of a Dr. Gerota to the King Carol II. Is critical of the dominant political parties and of. Ms. Lupescu. 1936 -1937. 18 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 52/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. In district Rămnicu-Sărat complaints of the population against the gendarmes prove unfounded. Activity of various political parties.

Organization and activities of the nationalist parties.

1936 -1937. 107 pages.

Reel # 24

File# 59/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Ministry of State Security. Nominal List of officers of the reserves who were mobilized and active with the Gendarmerie units on the USSR territory in the years 1941 -1944.

1936 (???). 47pages.

File# 60/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on a communist agent. Report of activity on January thru April 1936 by the Information section Bălţi. False accusations against the Jews, for having maltreated or even killed Christians. List of 31 Jews owning clandestine pubs. The stylist religious movement. 1936. 393 pages.

File# 62/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on religious sects: Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, Stylists

1936 (contains also documents on the same subject, dated October 1941)

File# 64/36 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Six agents are killed by the Bolsheviks due to an ex-agent cuzist. Informative report for the month of August 1936. Number of members of each religious sect. The pre-military service Activity of the Jewish communists. Memorandum on the frame of mind of the population in the sector Bălţi. 1936. 286 pages.

File# 2/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on the Christian-National party in the district Câmpulung Bucovina. Situation in other districts. 1937. 18 pages.

File# 3/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on information activity in districts Arad and Oradea between November 1935 and June 1937. Report on information activity in the districts Bălţi and Chişinău in 1937. History of various national and political movements. The anti-dynastic activity. List of public servants with subversive activities. Diagram of the Jewish organization in Bessarabia. Also information from Bucureşti, Timişoara and numerous other localities. 1937. 154 pages


File# 14/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Problems related to the activity of the National- Peasant party in the countryside.

Data on the nationalist parties. Extensive propaganda material of the legionnaire party. 1937. 210 pages.

(continues on reel # 25).

Reel # 25

File# 14/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. (continues from reel # 24 ) Informative notes on political problems. Reports on political meetings in various localities.1937. 100 pages.

RG 25.002 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian

National Archives, 1924-1961

File# 15/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative note Reports from districts related to electoral propaganda. November, December, 1937. 307 pages.

File# 29/37 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Complaints from the population against local officials. Real estate deals from and by Jews. Political meetings and electoral propaganda. The left and the right extreme parties. 1937. 85 pages.

File# 43/37 List of political organizations with details and breakdown on number and occupation. 1937. 4 pages.

File# 2/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletin on the internal situation for November 1938: Frame of mind of the population, by nationalities and location; political activity and involvement; information services; the situation in neighboring countries; espionage; crossing the frontier; subversive movements; the atmosphere at the Gendarmerie. 1938. 83 pages.

File# 3/38 Information on activity of political parties. 1938. 13 pages.

File# 7/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. New anti-Semitic laws are promulgated. The Christian servants request conversion to Judaism. Copies of articles extracted from the Hungarian press. Various requests from Jewish business people. Jews fighting for recognition of citizenship. 1938. 33 pages.

File# 15/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The frame of mind of the Jews. They try to liquidate their businesses and properties contra cash. Contraband of currency and wares with Czechoslovakia. Activity of the Hungarian irredentism. Informative Bulletins on the mood in the Army; complaints, frictions, moral etc; proposals. The legionnaires continue their subversive activity. Actions of the Army against communist agitation. 1938. 73 pages.

Reel # 26

File# 16/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The legionnaires give the Jews living in the countryside an ultimatum of ten days to move into urban locations. Lack of basic foodstuff in the countryside. Frictions between the clergy and the rural population. Conflicts with the population in district Dorohoi. 1938. 120 pages.

File# 18/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information about the Hitlerism crimes in Vienna. The Ukrainians in Lvov dream of a Great Ukraine. The Hungarians have stationed troops at the border with Romania and Czechoslovakia. Information on Poland. Reorganization of the students legionnaires. The Jews apply for passports to France. In Cernăuţi the police acts against the legionnaires. In the neutral zone between Germany and Poland live in misery some 300 Thousand Jews evicted from Germany. The Iron Guard intends to send packages with explosives to the authorities. Frictions with the Adventist sect.

Two Jews Izu Steiner and Kruntz offer to share with the authorities information on sources of fake currency. The German embassy is also involved. Strong legionnaire activity in Bucovina. Clandestine communist activity by the Jews in Bessarabia. The legionnaires ready to resort to terrorist actions. In Cernăuţi the students intend to break the windows at the Jewish Temple, because its roof is painted green. 1938. 313 pages.

File# 19/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The new Christian-National government changes the relations between the Jews and the rest of the population. Jews from Bessarabia defect to the Soviet Union. Preparation for elections at the Jewish Party. Stricter laws against the Jews. Article by N. Titulescu: The Jewish problem (from Russian). 1938.

88 pages.

File# 20/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Various problems with Jews in district Hotin. 1938. 5 pages.

File# 21/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. In Rădăuţi the Jews are unhappy with the interim president of the community. Problems with the Adventists. 1938. 48 pages.

File# 23/38 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Translation of articles from the Polish press regarding the king . Propaganda manifests of Codreanu and cutouts from Polish newspapers.

Report on the situation of the workers in the shops of the Romanian railroad (CFR). The electoral activity of the political parties in districts. Jewish reporters suspended from the Association at the assembly in Cernăuţi. 1948.

417 pages (continues on Reel #27).

Reel # 27

File# 23/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. (Continues from Reel # 26). The frame of mind of the German population after the events in Nuerenberg. Letter from Iuliu Maniu to the Patriarch. Activity of the National – Peasant party. Numerical situation of the political parties by districts in the Inspectorate Iaşi. A Russian citizen was found in Tecuci, having utensils for forging currency. Communist propaganda taking place under the guise of the party Totul pentru Ţară. List of persons reading the newspaper “Izvestia”. Letter to the King Carol II from the Legionnaires incarcerated in Jilava. Anti-patriotic manifestation of Hungarian people. 1938. 67 pages.

File# 24/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Intense legionnaire activity. Incitement against Armand Călinescu. Copies of letters from Codreanu and others. Legionnaire literature. Excerpts from the French press after the assassination of Codreanu. Reverberations of the assassinate in the legionnaire and the nationalist press. 1938. 214 pages,

File# 25/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Reorganization of the legionnaires. Their headquarters in Bucharest are found. Propaganda material. Viorel Trifa is mentioned as head of the student organization. 1938, 36 pages.

File# 33/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Numerical situation of the Adventists and Baptists in districts. 1938. 49 pages.

File# 53/38 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. The Ukrainian problem in Bucovina and Bessarabia. List of irredentist associations in districts. Information of clandestine political activity of members of the party “Totul pentru Ţară”. List of suspicious individuals interned in camps. Legionnaire Prof. Brăileanu active at the University of Cernăuţi. Students under observation. 1938.

Text of booklet written by Antonescu in January 1941 after the Rebeliune. Information in November 1941 on legionnaire activity in various localities and in a camp in Gleiwitz, Silezia. List of Legionnaires in Cernăuţi. 1941-1943.

138 pages.

File# 54/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Detailed reports from cities in Bessarabia on the political parties, the underground movements – communists, legionnaires etc and the religious organizations. Monthly Informative Bulletins. Letter of Iuliu Maniu to the Patriarch. Circulation of Russian newspapers. Collaboration between the Gendarmes and the Border police. Jews crossing the Dnjestr to the Soviet Union. 1938. 279 pages. (continues on Reel # 28)

Reel # 28

File# 54/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. (Continues from Reel # 27) Detailed reports from cities in Bessarabia on the political parties, the underground movements – communists, legionnaires etc and the religious organizations. Monthly Informative Bulletins. The activity of the disbanded political parties. In district Iaşi a number of Jews are indicted for Zionist propaganda. Organizations of the German population in Bessarabia. Hungarian irredentist propaganda in Transilvania. Communist activity in Cetatea Albă. Closing and liquidation of books in foreign languages in public libraries. Circulation of legionnaire literature. Installation of the Commission of the Jewish Community in Chişinău. Zionist meeting in Chişinău. Reports on communist activity. Vladimir Jabotinski in Cetatea Albă. 1938. 202 pages.

File# 62/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Organizatorical problems. Relations with local authorities. Informations on political parties, legionnaires, communists and religious sects in Moldova. Injurious letter addressed to Prof Iorga by the legionnaires. Unrest at the university in Iaşi. Strong anti-Semitic manifestations. Reports on the German colonists in Bessarabia. 1938. 307 pages. (Continues on Reel # 29)

Reel # 29

File# 97/40 (Continues from Reel # 28) Report from Gendarmerie Legion Rădăuţi. 1940. 3 pages.

File# 62/38 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information related to legionnaire activity in Moldova; some related to the assassination of Codreanu. 1938. 46 pages.

File# 63/38 Report on the extremist political parties, the Ukrainian irredentists and the German national-socialists.

1938. 4 pages.

File# 10/39 Report on port activity in Tulcea. Number and legal status of travelers. 1939. 1 page.

File# 22/39 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. (Untitled text starts with pag. # 3). It seems to be a general report of the situation in Bucovina, involving conflicts with Jews owners or businesspeople. Detailed description of the Jewish population in Cernăuţi and the other districts, inclusive Hotin.

Political and other clubs and associations. Border crossings and contraband activity. 1939. 34 pages.

File# 23/39 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Communist propaganda in Ukrainian language found in district Storojineţ. 1939. 6 pages.

File# 76/39 Report on meetings and conferences of Zionists in Rădăuţi. 1939. 4 pages.

File# 82/39 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Document titled “The Jewish problem”, relative to the new restrictive measures against the Jews. A meeting of Bulgarians in Rusciuc. 1940. 9 pages.

File# 89/39 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Surveillance of Engineer A. Reiss, in charge of facilitating the emigration of Jews with Polish citizenship. The activity of legionnaires refugees, notably Horia Sima. 1940. 19 pages.

File# 4/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletin of the unit in Iasi for September 1940. Mood of the population, the Jews, the extremist organization etc. 1940. 6 pages.

File# 6/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on the mood of the population in the State: the Hungarians; the Germans; the Jews; the Ukrainians and Russians.

Report on the police activity in rural territory between

July 13 -20, 1940. The communism seen as a major factor in disturbances and the Jews as culprits. The Jewish population is in panic. Report on the police activity in rural territory between May 25 – June 1, 1940. Fear of war and shortages in food. Unrest of the Ukrainian population in Bucovina. The Jews have presentiments of evacuation to Transnistria.

Report on the police activity in rural territory between

July 20 -27, 1940. Dissatisfaction due to the rise of the cost of manufactured products. Irredentism, Magyar and Bulgarian. 1940. 21 pages.

File# 18/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Financial inspections at factories in Tighina. 1940. 9 pages.

File# 38/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Jewish Youth from Otaci and Soroca crossed the Dnjestr into USSR. Communist Jews in Otaci are under observation. A rabbi refugee from Poland is suspected of communism. Transfer of currency by Jews. 1940. 75 pages.

File# 39/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletin on the internal situation. (Text difficult to read) 1-30 June 1940. 13 pages

File# 46/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The leaders of the Zionist Youth “Menora” travel to various locations to recruit adherents. Ministry of the Interior disproved the creation of assistance committees at the Jewish communities in the old Kingdom. Suspicion of hidden armament in the vaults of Jewish cemeteries. Jews who defected from the territories occupied by the Soviets should be sent back to them. The same for the Galician Jews. No Jew from the territory occupied by Hungary is allowed to enter the country and those temporary here must be turned over to Hungary. New regulation to draw up informative reports ordered by Antonescu. The “Bloc of Working Palestine in Romania” is considered communist and must be put under observation. Tuh situation of the Jews in Banat. New rules for theaters and entertainment. No Christians allowed in Jewish public entertainment houses and no Jew in Christian ones. The Bnai Brit organization is supposed to have provided weapons in Bucovina to the Jews in Vatra-Dornei, Iacobeni, Câmpulung, Rădăuţi and other towns in the North (Note: these towns are in the South !). Jews at the border with Hungary deal with illegal traffic of currency. Antonescu orders to make distinction between the Jidans Romanian citizens and alien citizens of Jewish ethnic origin.

1940, 45 pages.

File# 47/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. A publication “Kadima” is circulated in Jewish schools and it criticizes the present regime in Romania. The national-socialist organizations of the Germans in Transilvania are up to eliminate the Jews from the business life; some took over stores from them. Order issued by the police, forbidding the Jidani in Galaţi from leaving the town. All the Gypsies who crossed over from the occupied part of Transilvania must be sent back to Hungary. 1940. 10 pages.

File# 62/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Bartfeld Abraham a traveling agent is accused of currency traffic and in contact with a number of suspected communists. A petition signed by a number of 69 internees in the camp Caracal to Antonescu asking for protection of their families and goods.

1940. 42 pages.

File# 93/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Handwritten letters in Latin and Hebrew alphabet, Letters from Zionist organization Hanoar Hazioni. Private letters in Hungarian and German.

1940. 42 pages.

File# 97/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Reports from Unit in Suceava (barely legible). How the Gendarmerie unit in Hotin accomplished the retreat from Bessarabia.1940. 83 pages.

File# 98/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on the evacuation of the Unit in Cernăuţi. Separate reports from sub-units in various locations. 1940. 35 pages.

File# 99/40 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Minutes of the Gendarmes regiment Suceava, Dorohoi, Câmpulung, all the units in district Storojineţ, on the retreat of the units from Northern Bucovina. 1940. 34 pages.

File# 100/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Written declarations of gendarmes from localities in Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina on the events during the invasion of the Soviet army. 1940. 22 pages.

File 101/40 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Written declarations of gendarmes from localities in Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina on the events during the invasion of the Soviet.army. Memorandum by the Gendarmerie regiment “Prut” in Soroca on the events of July 28,1940. 246 pages.

Reel # 30

File# 6/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Police company 53. Journal of operations June 22 - November 1941 in Moldova

4 pages.

File# 8/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Synthesis of the evolution of the Romanian Campaign after two months of war(hardly readable) . Graphics of the evolution of price indexes in Bucureşti. Summary of informative notes of internal character: I. Social activities. The Jews. The loan of reunification by the Jewish population.

II. Diplomacy; III. Minorities; IV. Economy and Industry.

1941. 22 pages.

File# 14/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Numerical lists of devastated stores and homes and inventory of looting by the legionnaires in district Vaslui. 1941. 11 pages.

File# 22/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Request of subtitles in cult publications. Camps with Jews in Bessarabia. 1941.

2 pages.

File# 23/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The “Sambotists” and other sectarian cults in the region Cernăuţi. 1941. 6 pages.

File# 27/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletins August, September 1941.

Gendarmrie Suceava: Jews in Burdujeni and Iţcani prohibited to move. 1941. 17 pages.

File# 30/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The situation in Bessarabia. Plundering of goods left by the Jews and the Soviets. 1941. 121 pages.

File# 31/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. In Făgăraş Jews intend to organize a Zionist club. Activity of the subsection of the Zionist organization “Hanoar Hazioni” in Timisoara . There are friendly relations between the Jews and the Hungarians. 1941. 19 pages.

File# 38/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. List of the population by nationalities by districts and a composite situation for Ardeal, Banat and Dobrogea. Graphical presentation.

1941. 58 pages.

File# 43/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletins for June 1941 district Iaşi.

Infomation from various localities in Transnistria – Tulcin, Râbniţa, 1041. 8 pages.

File# 46/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. . Informative Bulletin for Transnistria November 1-15 1941. Outbreak of typhoid epidemic in the camps for Jews. Animosity and acts of

banditry towards them by the Ukrainian population. The German population insubordinate to the Romanian authorities. Conflicts with the German army. 1941.11 pages.

File# 51/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative notes from various cities regarding the frame of mind of the population. Jews accused of inflating product prices. 1941. 10 pages.

File# 54/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Cernăuţi. Informative activity on the Legionnaire movement. Noember 1941. 5 pages.

File# 62/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. State of the affairs in the Romanian territories under Soviet occupation, relatef by refugees. (No date on document). 4 pages

File# 64/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Confiscation of all radio sets, inclusive the antennas and the earth coupling. Radio sets to be returned to Jews with alien citizenship and to certain categories of Jews Romanian citizens.

Synthesis of the border incidents, the propaganda and conflicts between the Romanian population and the Magyar minority related to the ceded territory. 1941. 113 pages.

File# 64/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Frame of mind of the population in Dorohoi and in the liberated territories of Bucovina. The Jews are in a delicate situation.

July-August 1941. 41 pages.

File# 82/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The communist problem. A Jew, Feldman Nusim from Iaşi travels the small towns spreading communist propaganda.1941. 124 pages.

File# 85/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Workers unrest at a sawmill in Bucovina. October 1941. 2 pages.

File# 86/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Capture of soviet parachutists. October 1941. 2 pages.

File# 88/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. List of persons under arrest between July 1 and August 15, 1941. 18 pages.

File# 89/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. General Direction of the Police. Notes on espionage and miscellaneous for the year 1941. Traffic of vessels in ports. (Text barely legible). Informative Bulletin. October 1941. 120 pages.

File# 99/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Organization of the territory in Iaşi. 20 pages.

File# 102/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inquiry of Lieutenanat Rosca accused of stealing of one million lei by abusive actions in the camp Otaci on Jews from Bucovina who arrived there for deportation to Transnistria. 1941. 27 pages.

File# 104/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Gendarmerie Tighina. Disciplinary problems in the unit related to goods left by the Jews. 1941. 2 pages.

File# 107/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Directives related to protection of nature monuments and of religious objects of cult. Instructions related to the religious organizations and exercise of religious faith. Designation of protected monuments of nature. Jews selling objects of cult considered a profanation of the Christian religion. List of religious cults officially authorized and protected. Special provisions to be provided for the Mosaic religion will follow; the Mosaic religion is recognized, but not included. Instructions for classification of the political, nationalist and religious movements and trends. 1941. 23 pages.

File# 110/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Historic review: General frame of mind of the population before the surrender of Bessarabia, under the Soviet regime and after return to Romania- for the Romanians and for minorities. 8 pages.

File# 112/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative note on the life in the Soviet Union as narrated by repatriates. 2 pages.

File# 121/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information from Hungary. Regime of persecution of the Jews. 1941. 1 page.

File# 122/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Nominal list of the persons who exhibited anti-Romanian attitudes during the occupation of Bessarabia and Bucovina by the USSR and during the evacuation. A number of 603 persons: Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and other nationalities.

Nominal list of collaborators of the newspaper “Moldova Socialistă” from Bessarabia and Transnistria. 365 persons. Additional lists of persons who committed various criminal acts at the evacuation of Bessarabia.

Reports on activity of the Romanian authorities returning into Bessarabia and Bucovina. 1941. 187 pages.

Reel # 31

File# 122/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. German police executed by shooting a number of over two Thousand Jews in several camps in Berezovka district (Transnistria). The bodies were incinerated and the clothing was distributed to the local German population.

Informative Bulletins from Odessa.

A Jew, Jenni Schapira from Moghilev, was involved with traffic of correspondence from Transnistria, with the assistance of two German customs officers. Another Jew, Kastner Herman was interrogated about some transfer of money to Romanian authorities.

A Romanian from Rădăuţi, Ion Larionescu is caught bringing money to his Jewish friends in Moghilev. Reports from various districts in Transnistria on the frame of mind of the population and the Jews in camps.

The case of Colonel in reserves Coliban for organizing a courier service between the Jews on camps and Romania. A number of Jews living in Câmpulung, Vatra Dornei and other localities in Bucovina were interrogated.

Informative Bulletin from Transnistria. The murdering of the Jews by the German police is reiterated and many more killings of Jews by the Germans are mentioned. 1942.

122 pages.

File# 124/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Iampol , Tulcin, Berezovka. Informative Synthesis for June 1942. Vitriolic attack on the Jews from the region. In Berezovka 335 Jews were left after the massacres.

Informative Bulletin from Transnistria June-July 1942.

Synthesis of information gathered on 1 to 30 June 1942.

Informative Bulletin July, 1942. 84 pages.

File# 125/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Police Prefecture Odessa. Daily Informative Bulletins. A German lieutenant from the organization Todt is recognized to be the Jew Altstein Feller from Cernauti. A number of 92 Jewish physicians in uniform, sent to Transnistria are not welcomed by the population. 1942. 52 pages.

File# 126/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Lists of trainloads used for evacuation of the Jews and Gypsies. 1942.

11 pages.

File# 127/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on the evacuation of the Gypsies. Nominal lists of the Gypsies and Jews evacuated from district Iasi. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 130/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report from region Oceacov – Transnistria. Situation of the Gypsies. 1942.

13 pages.

File# 140/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Bessarabia. List of Jews converted to Christianity in the region. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 143/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Soroca. Counter-informative report activity: Instructions and bi-weekly reports. 1942. 26 pages.

File# 147/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Police Prefecture Odessa. Informative Bulletins from various regions in Transnistria: Oceacov, Moghilev, Ananiev. 1942. 85 pages.

File# 152/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Soroca. Report on inquiry of administrative disorders like misappropriation of goods. 1942. 55 pages.

File# 161/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative notes from districts in Bucovina showing the situation after the deportation of the Jewish population. Repatriation of nine Jewish families creates dissatisfaction among the population. 1942. 51 pages.

File# 163/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The legionnaire movement is collecting material on the plundering of the houses of the deported Jews from Bucovina in order to discredit the regime. 2 pages. 1942.

File# 166/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on the informative activity of the Gendarmerie unit in Moghilev; a communist cell discovered in Murafa. Also report from Oceacov; Râbniţa- communist activity among the Ukrainian population; Iampol; Golta.

Ukrainian youth volunteered for work in Germany and later were forced. 1942, 97 pages.

File# 177/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. A Romanian soldier taken prisoner by the Russians in 1917 returns home.

1942. 24 pages.

File# 180/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. German soldiers were traveling in a train in Bessarabia. At one station a freight train coming from the opposite direction halted there. In one cattle car were traveling a group of Jews from a work brigade. As the soldiers saw them, they started firing at them and hurling live grenades. No mention of victims.

Also, in another station, they hurled grenades into a booth where Jews from a labor brigade were sleeping. There were no victims. 1942. 43 pages.

File# 184/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Situation report from Transnistria. Cases of typhoid fever in districts Moghilev and Tiraspol. The catacombs in Odessa. The partisans. Some 1200 Jews from the German colony Lichtenfeld were taken to work by the German SS and did not come back. Over three thousand Jews from Bucovina were sent to the Bug.

Nominal list of Romanians deported by the Soviets from Ismail. 1942. 54 pages.

File# 199/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Organization of partisan bands in Transnistria. Reports on the situation and on subversive action in Odessa. In the internment camp in Mostovoi the Romaniam Major Popescu obtains gifts from the rich Jews whom he allows to stay in town and the poor he hands over to the Germans for labor and liquidation. Report of the border police on the camps in Transnistria discussed at the Council of ministers. The story of captain Bota the mayor of Moghilev. 1942. 104 pages.

File# 200/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information on some Jewish families living in district Moghilev. Number of nomad and stable Gypsies in Transnistria. 1942. 40 pages.

Reel # 32

File# 125/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Surveillance of the activity of the Jews following the project –law regarding the juridical status of the Jews in Romania. 1941. 2 pages.

File# 126/41(?) Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Report on the frame of mind and actions of the social-political and irredentist movements on the period 16-23 November 1941.

Synthetic Bulletins for February, March1941.(text hardly legible). Synthetic study by the Gendarmerie Inspectorate Iasi for March 1941.

Informative Bulletins by the Pretorial service Odessa, December 1941. Proposal to completely isolate the Jews to prevent them from spreading rumors among the population.

Synthetic study of the frame of mind and the existing problems at the Gendarmerie Inspectorate Cernăuţi,

July 1941.

Gendarmerie Inspectorate Bessarabia. Bulletin Contra-informative, September, 1941. 56 pages.

File# 133/41(?) Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Orders and itineraries for the deportation of the Jews to camps in Transnistria, Name lists of Jews working in various places. 1941.

85 pages.

File# 136/41 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Official communications and counter-information. 1941. 30 pages.

File# 137/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Complaints at the Gendarmerie Soroca. 1941. 5 pages

File# 138/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Soroca. Various civil ordinances; measures to prevent plundering the goods left by the Jews. 1941. 29 pages.

File# 139/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Chisinau. Synthetic studies: the communist problem, espionage, sabotage, terrorist acts, spread of rumors.1941, 9 pages.

File# 140/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Soroca. Reports and suggestions. 1941. 13 pages.

File# 141/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Bălţi. Interrogations and internment of Jews in camps. Inventory of goods left by the Jews. 1941. 82 pages.

File# 143/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Prefecture Soroca. Sanitary dispositions following the discovery of a case of Typhoid fever at 3 km from a camp with Jews. 1941.

10 pages.

File# 144/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Ismail. Synthetic Bulletin January 1942. 14 pages.

File# 151/41 Administrative correspondence. 1941. 3 pages.

File# 153/41 Administrative orders by the governor of Bessarabia.

1941. 2 pages.

File# 156/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Cernăuţi. Inquiry related to the deportation of the Jews from Vatra Dornei. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 159/41 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. News from abroad.1941. 2 pages.

File# 18/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Transnistria. Information collected in March 1942.

Information from Transnistria June 1943. A Romanian engineer smuggling correspondence from Transnistria to Romania. 1942. 22 pages.

Informative Bulletin June 1942. 8 pages.

Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Jews crossing the frontier from Hungary will be deported to Transnistria. Counterfeit money in introduced in Romania by German military from Oradea Mare – Hungary. Truckloads of Jews from Poland cross into Romania and are hidden by Jews from Cernăuţi. 1942. 26 pages.

File# 30/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Clandestine crossing of the frontier to and from Hungary by a subversive Magyar organization in Turda. 1942. 11 pages.

A woman, Magda Schlosser crossed the border from Hungary and has no documents. She is suspected of being Jewish. 1942. 41 pages.

File# 33/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Smuggling. Three individuals including a priest are under investigation for gold and currency smuggling. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 47/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Synthetic informative study from Gendarmerie Inspectorates Iaşi, Alba Iulia for June-July 1942. Same for Timişoara, Constanţa, Cernăuţi. 1942. 53 pages.

File# 48/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Synthetic informative study from Alba-Iulia for August 1942.

Synthetic informative bulletins for September- December 1942. 90 pages.

File# 52/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The Jewish problem (barely legible). Under the letterhead: “Romania Aeriana” an information report starting with page 3. The Romanizare in Timişoara. Various information from Chişinău.

Notes on the morals in Bucureşti. Two Jewish women of Belgian citizenship are investigated following a denunciation.

1942. 48 pages.

File# 57/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Following information that legionnaire groups are formed under the name of “Frati de Cruce” (Sworn brothers) that are secretly subsidized and guided by Judeo-communist elements with the scope of internal agitation, are put under supervision.

1942. 9 pages.

File# 69/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Iaşi. Informative synthetic study for the year 1942. 6 pages.

File# 114/42 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Denunciation of the Jews from Braşov for hoarding food and other goods.

1942. 11 pages.

File# 121/42 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report to the Ministry of the Interior: there are no more Jews in rural communities. In relation to the deportations, the Gendarmes were used only for the transfer and guarding of the convoys. Drastic measures against Jews. Jewish specialists repatriated to Bucovina are exposed to danger there. Anti-Semitic denunciations in various cities. Lists of Jews repatriated from Transnistria (barely legible). 1942. 323 pages.

Reel # 33

File# 3/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. History of the gendarmerie for the year 1943. General organization of sections, units and sub-units. Police units- actions, movements of retreat with the advancing front.

1943. 57 pages.

File# 31/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. The detention camps in Transnistria were taken over by the Germans. The internees were relocated according to their belonging: Jews, Gypsies, legionnaires, Ukrainians etc. 1943. 2 pages.

File# 33/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Various police actions against local criminals and against Soviet parachutists. Attacks by the partisans. Germans attacked by the partisans ask for help form the Italian and the Romanian military. The military are ordered to return a calendar titled “The new order in marching”. The Germans continue to enroll young men from Romania as volunteers in the German army.

Continuous fights with the partisans in Transnistria. A number of gendarmes are killed. Parachutists captured.

Number of Jews evacuated from the districts Tiraspol, and Tulcin. Number of Jews in Râbniţa, Moghilev. Numerous railroad catastrophes by partisans. 1943. 246 pages.

File# 36/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. A group of Jews hiding in a forest in Tulcin harassed the population.

1943. 1 page.

File# 39/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Forced labor of Jews in industrial enterprises. Administrative problems. Results of inquiries related to the life and the inter-relations with the other workers and the administration. Malicious information on shadowy dealings with Jewish capitalists.

Information on unfriendly attitude toward the German military as a consequence of the way the German soldiers treated their Romanian comrades in the war. 1943. 33 pages.

File# 40/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Two officers Marincea Ioan and Enachiţă Toma were sentenced to 30 days disciplinary arrest for traffic of money and mail. Jews in the ghetto Tulcin. 1943. 22 pages.

File# 77/43 Anti-Semitic information on the Jews by legionnaire Youth.

1943. 2 pages.

File# 78/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information from Transnistria. Traffic of mail for the Jews in Ghettos by the military.

Inspectorate Balta. Informative Bulletins June, July, August 1943. The Jews in Vapniarka. Information on the Gypsies and the Jews in camps. News from the Ghetto Moghilev.

Gendarmerie Legion Tulcin. Informative note August 1943. Mass graves in Vinniţa, believed to be of Ukrainians killed by the Soviets, were found to be Jews murdered by the Germans in 1941/42. Desperate situation of the Jews in Golta. 1943. 129 pages.

File# 79/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Information from Transnistria. Clandestine transfer of mail and money by couriers to Transnistria. Ukrainian propaganda leaflets.

Bulletin informative Odessa. Information about the Jews in Mostovoi and Peciora. Jews accused of contraband in Moghilev. Actions against the Germans by partisans East of the Bug. List of internment and of prisoners of war camps in Transnistria. Romanian military trying to bring over to Romania Jews from the camps in Transnistria. Three priests in apostolic mission in Transnistria are caught of bringing letters and money to the Jews. Reports from various districts in Transnistria. 1943. 152 pages.

File# 80/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Report on informative activity for month of March 1943. Legion Moghilev (First 20 pages are illegible). There are 38,377 Jews deportees and local in the district.

Legion Berezovka. Tracking down the groups of partisans. The German population is under protection of the German military. The youth were recruited to serve in the German army.

Legion Tulcin. There are 2710 Jews in the ghettos of the district and 6087 prisoners of war.

Legion Odessa March April 1943 (Ten pages illegible). Legion Balta, Tirasapol. April 1943.

A rumor is circulated, that all Romanians in the USA were interned in camps and for every Jew killed in Romania, ten Romanians are killed in the USA.

Inspectorate Transnistria April, March 1943. Big attack is planned by the partisans.

Legion Moghilev, Berezovka, Golta, Tulcin. Iampol , Odessa RÂbniţa. February 1943.

Legion Ovidopol. Synthesis of information collected in February 1943. 330 pages.

Reel # 34

File# 81/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Legion Cetatea Albă. Alexei Karassik, a Jew converted to Christianity, who fled with the Russians and came back now with family applies for residence in Bessarabia. He has a certificate from the German authorities.

A group of Jews from Hungary is escorted to the port Giurgiu.

A recrudescence of anti-Semitism was observed in Moldova.

Jews who sabotage the dispositions for forced labor, will be deported to Transnistria. A commission is established for the selection of Jews deported to Transnistria who are in the camp Vapniarka.

List of 16 Jews deported to Transnistria because of their involvement in repartition of real estate in Bucharest.

More Jews were deported from Iasi.

List of 74 Jews transferred from Ungaria the port Giurgiu for emigration to Palestine.

A Jew from Gura Humorului, living in Cernauti travels around the country for his cattle business and spreads defeatist rumors.

In Timişoara the local Germans (Shwabs) broke windows in Jewish homes and businesses. Anti-Semitic denunciations of Jews. Text of communist manifests found in a village in Bessarabia. Detailed report on Soviet propaganda.

Jews deserting from forced labor. Songs of Jewish laborers with transliteration in Yiddish.

Jews Romanian citizens expelled from Germany will be sent direct to Transnistria. This decision was reversed by Antonescu: the will settle in district capital cities in Moldova. Jews from various localities in and out of labor camps and from Transnistria. Jews applying for travel permits. Numeric list (#1) of Jews in Transnistria by districts and origin: Bessarabia, Bucovina, Regat and locals.

Same list (#2) for detention camps in Transnistria – Vapniarka.

List (#3) of Jews deported to Transnistria for disobedience at slave labor. Nominal list of Jews deported to Transnistria from districts in Moldova. 1943. 512 pages.

File# 82/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Order of handling the Jews repatriated from Transnistria.

Some twenty Jews are discharged from the industrial complex “Moroeni” in the town Gugesti, being replaced by Romanian personnel.

Informations on Jews of various professions suspected of communist views or activity. Jews deported to Transnistria. Jews caught traveling without travel permit.

Many Jews from Dorohoi ask to be reunited with their families in Transnistria.

A note relative to the situation of the Jews in the district Golta mentions the following: some time ago,1,000 families from the district were sent to Akmecet on the Bug and housed in pigsties, without water and food. As a result 960 of them died. Recently the prefect ordered that over 3,000 Jews from the district, deportees and local, to be sent to the same place, i.e. to sure death (October 14, 1943). See comments of the Gendarmerie commander.

List of 449 Jews mostly professionals, business and industry heads and craftspeople without any title or specification. 1943. 559 pages.

Reel # 35

File# 83/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Pretorial Service Odessa. Informative Bulletins August, September 1943.

A Romanian priest was caught bringing money to the Jews in Transnistria. 1943. 40 pages.

File# 84/43 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Legion Oceacov. A Romanian overseer at the train station Trihaty stole money and goods from the Jews sent from Moghilev for forced labor.

Informative Bulletin September, October November and December 1943

Rumors of Transnistria coming under German authority. Number of Germans, Romanians and Jews by districts. Organizations of partisans.

Abuses and crimes committed by German military.

Soviet airplanes spread manifests in German. 79 pages.


File# 86/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Situation of Jews in district Golta. Informative notes from various Gendarmerie legions for October, November 1943. 40 pages.

File# 116/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Denunciations regarding the misappropriation of Jewish goods by peasants.1943. 15 pages.

File# 118/43 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Inspectorate Cernăuţi. Problems related to a sugar factory. 1943. 12 pages.

File# 140/43 Inspectorate general of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletin- Transnistria, December 1942. (Text illegible). 27 pages.

File# 35/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Repatriation of the Jewish children from Transnistria. Numeric list of children by district and age. Nominal lists from districts Tulcin, Iampol, and Balta. 1944.

Breakdown of nominal list by towns for district Moghilev. Nominal lists of children by cities where they were assigned. Organizing and persons in charge with the pick-up transportation and repartition of the children in Romania. 1944. 342 pages,

Reel # 36

File# 36/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Repatriation of the Jewish children from Transnistria. Numeric of various categories list of children by district and age.

The Jewish Sephardic community requests the repatriation to Bucharest of Harry Melamed, an exceptional musical talent. Private persons applying for repatriation of family or friends. Lists of Jews with medals and war widows and orphans for repatriation.

Lists of persons from cities of destination in Romania to accompany the children.

Personal information on Jews deported to camps in Transnistria as communists. Situation of the Jews in the internment camp Vapniarka. Jews repatriated from camps in Transnistria. List of Jews in various ghettos in Transnistria1944. 305 pages.

File# 37/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. List of Jews deported to Transnistria. List of Jews from the Old Kingdom who are still in Transnistria.

Map showing the localities deported Jews were on

February 1, 1944.

Orders of repatriation for various persons. Among others. Eng. Siegfried Jagendorf, the founder of the “Turnatoria” in Moghilev.

A wire from Prof. Mihai Antonescu ordering the repatriation of all Romanian citizens with no matter of origin and of the Gypsies. March 15 1944.

Situation of Jews deported and located in Transnistria on March 1, 1944, at the request of Marshall Antonescu.

Same shown by places of residence.

Same in camps for political detainees. March 14, 1944.

List of Jews repatriated from district Berezovka, and from Odessa. 1944. 470 pages.

File# 42/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Excerpts from newspapers on various subjects. Among others, a mass grave with 128 Jews found in Sărmaş, Ardeal.

Press Review, November 1944. 38 pages.

File# 76/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Informative Bulletin December 1944. 10 pages. (Text barely legible)

File# 109/44 Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie. Documents on the assassination of 126 Jews in the town Camars (?) district Cluj on September 16/17 by the Magyar gendarmerie and the local Magyar population. . Description of the exhumation. Declarations of witnesses. Nominal list of the massacred Jews. 1944. 30 pages,

RG 25.003 Archives of the Ministry of Defense

Extent: 396 reels,

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .

Fond: General Headquarters. 1992.A.0085

Reel # 1

File # 3743 Reports of military operations 2.VII -5.VII, 1941 (Vol.II). Partial occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern part of Bucovina; the fall of Cernautzi. Jews found with weapons are isolated. Among the prisoners are people from the region, the commanders are Jewish. Reports on aerial fights and of losses of planes and personnel on both sides. Ca. 330 pages.

File #3744 Reports of military operations 6.VII -10.VII, 1941 (Vol.III). Information is also given about the activity and positions of the German troops in the region. Reports on the naval activity along the Black sea and the Danube. Ca. 520 pages.

Reel # 2

File #3751 Orders and Reports 2nd Army Corps, 20.VI - 11.VII, 1941 (Vol.I). Army and naval battles in Southern Bessarabia and Dobrudja. Instructions regarding the reaction of the troops when sighting parachutists. Information from the German front in the Ukraine. The bridge over the Danube in Cernavoda is damaged by Soviet aviation. 518 pages.

File #3757 The campaign against the Soviet Union. Orders and reports.

3-rd & 11-th Armies. 21.VI - 15.VII. General order of operations from 1st Armored Division. Orders received from the 11-th German Army Division. Gendarmerie units are posted in the occupied territories. 387 pages.

Reel # 3

File #3758 General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous. Vol. XIII. 28.VII - 30.IX, 1941. 5-th Army Corps, Problems related to the conquest of Bessarabia. (NB: Difficult to read). Creation of pre-military work units. Reports of execution of various works by the Technical Army Corps (Pioneers). Reports of plundering and acts of barbarism by the troops in the occupied territories. Iuliu Maniu requests to cease military operations after Bessarabia and Bucovina are liberated. Antonescu replies there are Romanians up until the Dnieper.

Abusive behavior of the Ukrainian Police East of the Dniester. No Romanian currency allowed there. Frictions between the German Police and the Romanian troops. The passing German troops take all kind of goods from the population. Lists of officers relieved of their commands. A German brochure of military geography of the Ukraine (27 pages). On Sept. 15, the Romanian Authorities took over the administration of Transnistria. 297 pages.

File # 3823 General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous Vol. VII. 15.VII - 12.VIII, 1941. Winston Churchill’s speech on July 14, 1941. Short notes on the war on other fronts. Report from German headquarters of the situation on the Russian front. Counter-informative reports on activities of the legionnaires, the Russian émigrés, the Heads of the Jewish Community, the leaders of the Communist party, acts of sabotage etc. Reports on military operations. Bombing of Ploesti. Texts of radio transmissions from a pirate station, from the Comintern radio stations and from the TASS agency. On July 20, 1941 the creation of internment camps for the Jewish population in the occupied territories is announced. German translations of documents from the Soviet Military Command. Legionary manifest distributed in Romania on July 22, 1941. 598 pages.

Reel # 4

File #3827 General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous Vol. XI. 18.VII - 27.VIII, 1941. 5-th Army Corps, Conflict between Romania and Hungary is solved. Organization of liberated territories in Bessarabia. Situation of infrastructure.

Rebuilding of wired services between Bucovina and Bessarabia. Regime of Jews used for forced labor. Various administrative measures in those territories. Cost of expenses used to fight against the Bolshevik peril. 10,500 Jews transferred to West banc of the Dniester by German Army. Instructions for the commandant (future) of Odessa. Situation of military transports. The assets of the kolkhozes. Administrative organization of Transnistria. German complaints against plundering and sexual aggressiveness of the local population by the Romanian soldiers. 617 pages.

Reel # 5

File #3827 General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous

Vol. XII. 218.VI - 30.VII, 1941. Brochures showing the longtime camaraderie in arms between the Romanian and German people; to be translated and sent to all German units on the common front. Also a newspaper “Sentinela” and daily radio transmissions on the same subject shall be initiated. All this due to an accident of friendly fire. The Jewish population accused of abetting the spread of damaging rumors. Border policy and regulation. Overloading of railroad lines, leading to lack of foodstuff and military clothing on the frontlines. Jews from Galicia cross the Dniester on boats into Romanian territory.

Plundering and excesses of the local population by the troops. Captured fuel deposits made unusable by adding colophony. 430 pages. (A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services)

Romania. Archives of the Ministry of Defense

Fond: 1st Army Corps

Reel # 6

File # 936 Underground propaganda. 1.IV - 28.VI, 1940. A bible erroneously translated is distributed to the troops. Information on activity of Hungarian chauvinists. List of brochures confiscated from various sources. Information regarding the German Youth organization (DJ). Lists of magazines and publications imported. Request to bar “Neue Z(richer Zeitung. Material propagandistic Magyar reported. The Magyar minority disposes of political and ethnical organizations. Lists of leaders and members of those organizations. The German minority is organized in the “Volksgemeinschaft” and is under the influence of the National Socialist party of hitlerite Germany. Full copy of a Magyar propaganda brochure “Seven things you should know”. Information regarding the Legionary movement and manifestations. Information regarding the organization of the Jews in Transylvania (Note: very negative characterization; it looks like antisemitic undertones). Actions of the “Sachsen” in Transylvania and of the “Swabs” in Banat. Fate of the Romanian population in the territories occupied by Hungary.

Young officers from the reserves are legionnaires. 737 pages. (A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services).

File # 1014 Reports related to the legionary rebellion on January 1941.

24 - 28 Jan. 1941. 2 pages of lists w/o explanation or title. Detailed report of the events that took place on 21-23 January 1941. 348 pages. (A note indicates that a number of pages were taken out by the security services).

Reel # 7

File # 1o71 Correspondence. The armament collected from the legionnaires after the rebellion of 22 - 24 January 1941. 16.I - 31.III, 1941. Orders sent to all Units to collect, clean and store the armament left after the rebellion. Also to be collected all the materials taken by the rebel bands from businesses and private homes. Also to be reported all the arrests performed. Reports received from districts. Reports requested from military units of armament and ammunition missing and for establishing the culprits and put them under arrest. Results of chasing after known legionnaires and of searches. Reports on political implications (Iuliu Maniu). Rebels apprehended and brought to justice. Reports on punishment. Reports of unrest in Yugoslavia. Germans ordered to leave the country. 232ages.

File # 1269 Reports related to the rebellion and its aftermath. 21.I - 24.II. 1941. Manifest legionnaire signed by Viorel Trifa (NB.later orthodox bishop in Detroit) requesting expulsion of “judaized” ministers from the Romanian government. 440 pages.

Reel # 8

File # 1335 Jewish forced labor brigades: diggers, forced labor, field work 1942/1943. Organization of means of transportation: equipment and personnel. Reorganization of the military guards.

126 pages.

File #1366 Propaganda, Counter-propaganda, Intelligence, Censorship. 1942 - 1943. Organization of mobile control groups. The legionnaire activity. Detailed reports on cases of false identity, insubordination, legionnaire propaganda, defiant behavior of the German minority, chauvinist movement among the Hungarian population; various individual cases, and measures taken. New rules and regulations for political activity. A German poem defamatory for Romania is shown by a drunk German soldier. Complaints about the disdainful behavior of the German military toward the Romanian “comrades in arms”. Several facts were verified and confirmed as true. A revival of the political parties is observed. Propaganda leaflet from the Soviet Army. 290 pages.

File # 1569 Propaganda, Counter-propaganda, Intelligence, Censorship. 1942 - 1943. A calendar is distributed containing texts elogious of the Hungarian army. 37 pages.

File # 1660 Remarks. 15 Nov 1944 - 15 May 1945. Requests for lists of all military personnel, divided by categories in accordance with their activities, belonging to a political movement, or who committed acts of terrorism, maiming or killing. Follow lists from various Units. 348 pages.

Reel # 9

File # 1736 Instructions for Jewish forced labor brigades, forced labor, guards, field work, instructions for procurement of cattle food, concurrence between the base units and the spread-out formations for improving the situation of the villages. April 1 - August 3, 1944. Instructions for the formation of guard units. Documents related to the above. 122 pages.

File # 1766 Remarks. Terrorist activities, sabotage, espionage, partisans, Atrocities committed by German-Hungarian troops. Dec. 20, 1944 and up to April. 25, 1945.Capture of two Hungarian partisans. Information regarding creation of a school of partisans in Hungary, to commit acts of sabotage in Romania. Hungarian partisans and terrorists infiltrated into Romanian territory. Material based on interrogations of apprehended terrorists. Reports of atrocities committed by German troops in the battle against the Soviet troops, killing and wounding a great many Romanian military. Information on the activity of the GESTAPO in Brno, Czechoslovakia. 153 pages.

File # 1779 Manifests and informative reports with regard to the mood of the military. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian and German troops in Transylvania. 23.03, 1944 - 31.12, 1944. Manifests spread by the legionnaires, full of antisemitic venom. 450 pages

(Note: a great number of pages were taken out by the Security Services and do not appear on the reel).

Romania. Archives of the Ministry of Defense

Fond: 4-th Army Corps

Reel # 10

File # 16 Suspicious elements in the Army: Communists, Legionnaires, Irredentists (?), Sectants, terrorists. Sept 1939, Due to the international situation, an increase in the activities of various factions requires higher vigilance in the detection of suspicious elements in the armed forces. Under suspicion are officers of German origin (Saxons, swabs). Reports and analyses of personnel from various minorities and provinces: German, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Bessarabia, Transylvania. 166 pages.

File # 33 Working brigades. Dec 1939 - Feb 1940. Instructions for organization. Reports of activity from groups. Units composed of minority citizens; special instructions. 67 pages.

File # 180 1940. Declarations of ethnic origin for commissioned and non-commissioned officers. Rules for establishing the ethnic origin as Jew. Individual declarations. 181 pages.

File # 228 Study of retrenchment (repliere) of the 4-th Army from Bessarabia into Moldova over the Pruth under enemy pressure. March - April 1940. 89 pages.

File # 272 Exceptional measures. Various Orders of the Day to be issued. Orders regarding refugees. No Jews or Russians allowed to cross the Pruth into Romania. Vigilance for foreign agents (June 28, 11 hrs). Report of operations. Hostile attitude of the local population. The attitude of the Jews and the reaction to it by the troops. Solution proposed to protect (by internment) the Jews from the troops. Requests for information regarding the hostile acts against the Army and the population, by the “evreo-communists”. 166 pages.

File # 670 February 19, 1941. All Army officers must certify by word of honor of not being affiliated to a franc Masonic loge. Follow declarations of officers from all Units. 150 pages.

Reel # 11

File # 779 Jews. 10.VII - 12.VIII, 1942, Dispositions regarding the creation of a new Zionist organization, for the Jews from Romania. Information bulletin of the Pretorate in Odessa. 247 Jews in Shmerinca are taken over by German authorities. A German lieutenant is found to be a Jew from Cernauti. 40 pages.

File # 781 June 22 - Nov. 6, 1941. Problems related to Jews. Proposal to evacuate Jews ages 15 - 50 from towns in operation zones of the Army. On 30/6 Antonescu orders a curfew for Jews and placing them in guarded places during the night hours. Also hostages will be taken from Jews, communists, to be shot at the first signs of rebellion. The problem of transferring masses of Jews East of the Dniester and the Germans turning them back on the West banc. The Jews already in Transnistria will stay there until taken over by the Germans with whom a convention in this matter was signed. (Tiraspol, Oct.11, 1941). Orders to prevent contacts between Jews and the local population. 190 pages.

File # 782 The Jews and their evacuation. 1941 - 1942. Letter of Horia Sima Re. lax attitude vs. the “Jidani”. 3 pages.

File # 794 Misc. Propaganda, Juridic. June 21 - Sept. 13, 1941. Instructions for the Propaganda units. Instructions for the Services of propaganda and counter-propaganda in the Army. 51 pages.

File # 804 Communications, authorizations, reports. 1941. Factories owned by Jews. Voided authorizations for work and free movement. 130 pages.

File # 852 The Communist and Anti-communist movements. 1941 - 1942. The communist propaganda. Informative notes regarding the activity of Jewish industrialists. Copies of communist manifests. Synthesis of the organization and activity of the communist movement. The anti-communist propaganda in the Army. Anti-communist manifests. 92 pages.

Reel # 12

File # 870 Occupation troops between the Dniester and Dnieper. 1941. Orders and instructions given to the occupation troops of the 4-th Army, for guarding the territory between the two rivers. Decree of administrative organization of the province Transnistria. List of military units allocated. Text of the “accord” determining the safety, administration and economical development in Transnistria and the territory between the Bug and the Dnieper. Letter from Hitler to Antonescu. Organization of the administration, lines of communication. Infrastructure and military preparedness in Transnistria. The explosion of the military headquarters in Odessa: results, cleaning and salvage operations. Lists of casualties. Administrative and military organization of Odessa. 889 pages.

Reel # 13

File # 876 The rebellion of 21.I, 1941. Orders received. 21.I - 31.I, 1941. Reports of military activity. Conclusions and further instructions to prevent unrest and rebellions. 398 pages.

File # 957 Notes and information. June - Oct 1941. Instructions by the Soviet army for partisan groups: organization, fighting tactics, objectives etc. Instructions for conduct of the army toward the civil population. 31 pages.

File # 964 Odessa. Oct 1941. Organization of military command and of the administration. 86 pages.

Reel # 14

File # 1076 Pretorial service. Various correspondence regarding the administration of the territory and of the population. Information on the organization and working of the Soviet espionage obtained from a captured spy. Activity of the pretorial service June- Oct 1941. 144 pages.

File # 1079 Ordinances in Romanian, German and Russian regarding the administration of Transnistria. Measures for organizing the life of the Jews in Transnistria. Ordinance of the military commandment. Various other ordinances regarding the life and activities in Transnistria. 100 pages.

File # 1245 Requests for maps indicating zones of fraudulent crossing of the Bug or Dniester, of partisans, of parachutists launching, communist nests etc. 27 pages.

File # 1263 Orders with regard to measures taken to warrant internal peace and security. Lists of military units in charge of guarding main objectives. March - May 1942. 57 pages.

File # 1304 Protection against parachutists, airborne troops and partisans. August 1942. 23 pages.

File # 1306 Plan of operations and maps regarding measures to protect main objectives against parachutists and partisans. Feb - Mar 1942. 233 pages.

File # 1345 Misc. - territory - etapes. July 7 - Aug. 27, 1942. Instructions for organizing the secretarial service. Territorial distribution of military commands in Transnistria. 155 pages.

Reel # 15

File # 1480 April 1943 - March 1944. Orders of permanent nature, for military personnel and organization. Colonization of Bessarabia. Request to settle there, from a number of NC officers. Officers’ wives requested to perform duties at social services. Instructions regulating the duties of Jews in the working brigades. Order from Antonescu to limit the body weight of the officers to 75 Kg. Obligatory physical exercises are instituted. Casa Ostirii (Army Club): description, history, functions. 368 pages.

File # 1587 JEWS. July 20, 1944 - 3 August 1944. Problems related to use of Jewish hospitals and workers, Various requests from Jewish communities and individuals, mostly related to forced labor. Lists of Jews provided with certificate of dispensation from forced labor. 341 pages.

Reel # 16

File # 1646 Campaign against Hungary. Activity of the propaganda groups. Distribution to the troops of materials received from the Soviet Union. Sept. 1944. Preparations for a military gazette. Atrocities committed by the Hungarian army. 64 pages.

File # 1764 May 1944. Army Engineering Corps requests permission to use Jews in communication services and other special positions. Jewish women to be also mobilized; to be used for hospitals or other institutions and should not be put to heavy manual work. 220 pages.

Romania. Archives of the Ministry of Defense

Fond: 3-rd Army Corps

Reel # 17

File # 140 Chiffered symbols and signatures. 1940/41. Measures are indicated to maintain secrecy as required; real names not to be used in telecommunications. Lists of signatures for telegraphic and telephonic communications. Lists for the symbols of various Units and Services. 208 pages.

File # 410 Monthly contrainformative reports. Starting Nov. 1941. Informstivr Bulletin for Transnistria: 1-15 Nov. 1941. Follow reports for every month up to January 1942. 568 pages.

Reel # 18

File # 413 Contrainformative reports July.17 - November 1941. 378 pages (Note: some pages missing, being taken out by security services; most of the remaining pages hardly legible).

File # 419 Misc. notes, reports and counterinformative bulletins, received from Gendarmes Units, police etc. in period 23 June - 25 August 1941. 189 pages.

File # 421 Evacuation of the Jews from Bessarabia to various camps. Ordonanta Nr. 23 - Deportation of Jews to Transnistria. The fate of the Jews in Tiraspol. 77 pages.

File # 435 23 June - 25 august 1941.Various measures against the Jews: confiscation of devices for telecommunication, telephones, telegraphic equipment, radio receivers. Reports on the attitude of the Ukrainian population. Reports on the mood in the army. 75 pages.

File # 452 December 28, 1941. Orders and instructions for evacuation of Jews from Odessa. Horror stories about the Jews evacuated in district Balta, reported by a Romanian officer. 41 pages.

Reel # 19

File # 481 22.VI - 5.XI, 1941. Instructions for the guarding of the territory, given to the military Units responsible for various portions of the territory. The massacre in Jassy on 28/29 June was provoked by “ soviet agents and the judeo-communist population” as signed by the chief of the Romanian General Staff General Ioanitiu, in a letter criticizing the reaction of the Romanian military. Instructions for the administration of the province Transnistria. A booklet of the Soviet army, titled “Means of warfare of the Soviet partisan units” was translated and distributed for information. Accord between the German and Romanian authorities for the common administration and exploitation of the territories between the Dniester and Bug and between the Bug and Dnieper. Instructions for the attitude and behavior of the troops vis a vis the population East of the Dniester. 162 pages.

File # 509 12.X, 1941 - 15.I, 1942. The army of occupation. Orders and instructions for guarding of the territory. Redeployment of the 3-rd Army: details and distribution of troops. “General Instructions Nr. 8575” with 10 annexes. Instructions for organizing the operation of the telecommunication equipment.

Instructions for the collaboration between Romanian troops of occupation and the German authorities.286 pages.

File # 1122 Daily bulletins and contrainformative reports at the 3-rd army, from April 1, 1942. 350 pages.

Note: The reel contained in box “Reel 20” is not related to the subject matter “Armata”.

Romanian Ministry of National Defense

Fond: General Headquarters. 1992.A.0085

Reel # 20

File # 1127 Reports of mobilization, evacuations and internment of Jews (Jidani) from April 1, 1942 to July 2, 1942.

Evacuation of Jews from Moghilau to the Northern part of Transnistria, for military reasons. Creation of ghettos for Jews.

March 19/20, report of 6,500 and of 8,000 Jews from Bessarabia and Bucovina sent over the Bug; other 60,000 are assembled in Berezovka waiting to be transferred.

A report of the Jewish Committee for the coordination of the work force and for assistance of the Jews in Moghilev, sent to the Jewish Center in Bucharest, is intercepted by the censor; it generates admiration at the Commandment of the III-d Army

for the organizational skills of the Jews. As a reaction an evacuation of the Jews from the region is proposed.

Evacuation of 8,000 Jews from Moghilev in Mai/June.

Adolf Rosner, a Jew is captured dressed in a German officer’s uniform.

Treatment of Jews converted to Christianity. 108 pages.

File # 1128 Mobilization. Camps for Jews communists from Romania. Period April 1st to July 2nd 1942.

Report on guarding of prisoners and of the deported Jews. Evacuation of Jews from Moghilev is proposed.

Situation of internees in the camp Vapniarka. 63 pages.

File # 1129 Internment of communists from Romania and from Transnistria. Organization of the camps and of the counter-espionage service.

Preventive measures against soviet parachutists. Jan/Feb 1942. 69 pages.

File # 1196. Guarding and control of the territory. Spring 1942.

Fumigation of the catacombs in Odessa, to eradicate the partisans and parachutists.

Terrestrial/ aerial protection of the ammunition depot in Nikolaev.

Reorganization of the military command in Odessa.

117 pages.

File # 1202 Military Corps of Engineers - Communications.

April 1/ June 13, 1942. Situation of railroad and road transport in Transnistria.

Reports of conflicts with the German army personnel.

Handling of convoys of Russian prisoners. 14 pages.

File # 2208 Actions against partisans in Transnistria.

December 1943/ February 1944.

Reports of counter-espionage.

Fights with bands of partisans by German and Romanian troops. Reports of attacks by partisans on railroads, military installations, hospitals.

Interception and fights with parachutists.

Full scale fights against partisans with considerable human and material losses. Lists of victims. 388 pages.

Reel # 21

File # 6110 Orders of operations (Copies) March 1940.

Organizing of fighting and defense positions on the Eastern border, on the rivers Siret, Ceremus-Prut, Dniester and on the territory between these two rivers. 241 pages.

File # 6156 Organization of army mobilization for temporary service.

` 1940-1941.

Regulations for maintaining secrecy: correspondence, picture taking etc. Creation of Censoring services for news release and personal correspondence.

Restrictions of military service for some minorities.

Orders and regulations after the occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina by the Soviets.

Due to the supposed non-patriotic attitude of the Jews in the province Moldova, every contact with army personnel is forbidden.

Confidential reports regarding the actions of the Soviets in the occupied territories.

The association DEUTSCHE GESANDSCHAFT (German Embassy) hat sent letters denigrating the Romanian state to members of the Romanian intellectuality and might send them to army officers too.

Soviet propaganda leaflets intercepted.

Instructions and directives related to the occupation of Northern Transylvania by Hungary.

Foreign literature (predominantly German) imported and distributed in Romania. October 1940. 345 pages.

File # 6157 General orders 1940- 1941

Problems related to the food distribution for the military units. Results of inspection of the troops, regarding equipment and personal cleanliness and living conditions. 9. Pages.

Reel # 22

File # 6196 Military reserves. 1941 - 1942

Tests for NCO personnel. Assignments of military personnel to various units. Instructions and census of officers and NCOs in reserves. Lists from military districts. 279 pages.

File# 6262 Counter-espionage of civilian population.

Legionnaires, communists, espionage, terrorism, sabotage.


Lists of suspicious and presumed dangerous persons from various districts of Moldova. Reports of minor events and incidents in the region.

A number of 20 Jews are taken, hostage in Botosani and kept in a synagogue. Similar actions are reported from other cities.

Detailed report from the Regional Inspectorate of Police in Iassy from July 27, 1941, describing the mood of the population and its attitude toward the Jewish minority in various localities.

A biased report on the massacre of the Jews in Iassy, says that the German troops from the German Organization Todt did kill the Jews in the backyard of the police station.

Summary description of the two trainloads of Jews who were

-they say- transported to be kept in internment; due to the sanitary conditions, the lack of medical care for their injuries 1200 of them died.

Two days later, Romanian and German soldiers shot to death fifty more Jews in various places in town and plundered Jewish houses. (This is all they had to say about that horrible pogrom)

Confidential reports from Cernauti and from other regions of the Bucovina.

Report about complaints of misbehavior of Italian soldiers in various localities in the region.

NB. Very little and incomplete mention of the deportation of the Jews from the Bucovina. The Jews simply disappeared from these reports. There is a faint mention of a ghetto in Cernauti.

Complaints of inhuman treatment of injured soldiers in a military hospital in Suceava.

Mentions of break-ins in houses of deported Jews.

Proposal by the German embassy to settle 15 thousand Germans in Cernauti and the liberated territories to replace the Jews and revive the economy.

Information regarding the administration of properties left by the deported Jews in Suceava.

Information regarding the Jewish women living with Romanian officers in Moghilev and surroundings.

Romanian military personnel transport money and letters and execute various services for the deported Jews for which they are well paid. 981 pages.

NB. Numerous pages from various reports were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 23

File # 6270 Secret correspondence. June 22/1941 - April 1942

General Staff recommends decent treatment of strangers and minorities.

Orders regarding handling of goods and factories in the occupied territories of Northern Bucovina and Bessarabia. Assignment of personnel for various activities.

Collaboration with the German military.

Organization of counter-espionage services.

Inventories of war material left by the Soviets.

Instructions for various situations like parachutists, partisans and infiltration of enemy troops.

Brochure titled ”Lessons from the campaign against the Soviet Union “ 1941.

Instructions for administrative organization of the territory.

270 pages.

NB. A number of pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

File #6271 Documents related to the activity of partisans. 18.6.41- 31.3.42.

Text of first Ordinance to be distributed after crossing the Dniester.

The German Kommandatur advises the General Staff in re of listening to foreign radio transmissions.

Brochure on Soviet parachutists and partisans.

Complaints by Romanian Military in re of attitude of German troops towards civilian population.

A number of Ordinances issued for the civilian population.

Activity of Censoring Services.

Information regarding minorities: Ukrainians, poles etc

647 pages.

NB. A number of pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 24

File # 6274 Documents related to espionage of various illegal movements - communists, legionnaires, religious sects etc. 1941 - 1942

Mention of a rebellion in Pascani (pages missing).

NB. Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962; irrelevant material left. 257 pages.

File # 6279 Internal security during the period 21-27 January 1941, the rebellion.

Orders for protection of power and water stations, public institutions and military installations and barracks against the rebellious legionnaires.

Military operations following the rebellion. 534 pages.

File # 6337 Declarations of active officers regarding military officers who were or are presently members of freemason loges. 1941.

Result: all officers denied as being a freemason. 270 pages.

NB. Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 25

File # 6531 Documents and orders related to forced labor of Jews between the ages 20 to 40 outside their residence. 1942 - 1943.

Lists of mobilization and distribution of the Jews from various districts and of their working destinations.

Age limit is increased to 19 to 41. 893 pages

Reel # 26

File # 6610 Military counter-espionage. Army Corps IV. 1942 - 1943.

Periodic reports an the morale of the troops; the mood of the population: Romanians, Ukrainians, poles, Jews, Hungarians; the clandestine activities of legionnaires and communists.

Minor incidents and discovery of war materials left from the Soviets.

Report from the German military mission on the situation on the front in Crimea and on the river Don. 537 pages.

NB. Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 27

File # 6627 Various information and complaints regarding military personnel and civil population.

Forced labor of Jews. 1943

Results of inspections of military hospitals and alimentation of the troops.

Complaints that some Jews are equipped with special official authorization that allows them to travel free all over the country.

575 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

File # 7236 Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews in districts Dorohoi and Botosani 1943. 137 pages.

Reel # 28

File # 7237 Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews, in districts Roman, Radauti, Iasi. Falticeni. April - May, 1943.

Lists of Jews to be mobilized for forced labor.

Requests for craftsmen and professionals. 1001 pages.

Reel # 29

File # 7238 Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews

April 1943 - March 1944.

Lists of Jews to be mobilized for forced labor. Requests for craftsmen and laborers. 498 pages.

Reel # 30

File # 7239 Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews

1 -15 July 1943.

Lists of Jews to be mobilized for forced labor.

Requests for craftsmen and laborers. 937 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962

Reel # 31

File # 7240 Various orders and dispositions regarding forced labor of Jews

January - April, 1944.

Directives for the discovery of infiltration of Russian agents dressed in Romanian military uniforms and carrying documents from Romanian military who were killed or are prisoners.

Directives and orders form the General Staff showing an amelioration of the regime of forced labor for the Jews.

Interdiction for Jews to work or be present in administrative offices. No Jewish craftsmen are allowed in military workshops.

They will work in shops outside the limits of military barracks or office areas.

Transfer of material from archives.

Lists of Jews returned from Transnistria.

Situation of Jews with foreign passports re obligation of forced labor.

The problem of the 1400 Jews from the Northern Bucovina re obligation of forced labor.

Disposition for renewal of annual visas for all Jews.

Status of Jews converted to Christianity re forced labor.

892 pages.

Reel # 32

File # 7241 Various orders and dispositions regarding the Jews.

September 1943 - February 1944.

Military personnel bring into Romania, over the Dniester, women, which they use for personal domestic work. This is strictly forbidden because these persons could spy for the enemy.

Dispositions to prevent the frequent fires at military depots and establishments.

Dispositions related to citizens of foreign countries and those with Nansen passports.

Order from Maresal Antonescu to exclude from the Army officers that are obese. Norms to establish obesity. Kinds of physical exercise recommended.

Remuneration of Jews for labor performed.

Officers with up to 60% invalidity must wear a saber.

Duty of forced labor is extended for Jews between the ages of 18 and 50, inclusive students from the Jewish high schools. The Centrala Evreilor requests to delay this decision.

Copy of a brochure titled “The Law and regulations of the Military Status of the Jews”. 1,000 pages.

Reel # 33

File # 7242 Orders of repartition and dispositions regarding the forced labor of the Jews. November 1943 - February 1944.

German Military Section in Iasi requests 20 Jews to unload war material from 120 railroad cars and load them with fuel for the allied armies on the front.

Also a request for 40 Jews to dig trenches, and another for several craftsmen. 1,035 pages.

Reel # 34

File # 7243 Orders of repartition and dispositions regarding the forced labor of the Jews. January - November 1943.

Following the orders of Maresal Antonescu, the City Hall (Primaria) of Iassy requests two detachments of Jews needed to disinter the remaining five thousand bodies in the Jewish cemetery in the suburb T(t(ra(i. (p.248).

Remarkable increase in requests for Jews for various tasks, Even the Metropolit asks for three tinsmiths. 859 pages.

Reel # 35

File # 7244 Orders of repartition and dispositions regarding the forced labor

of the Jews. September 1943 - November 1943. 846 pages.

Reel # 36

File # 7245 Orders of repartition and dispositions regarding the forced labor

of the Jews. March 1943 - April 1943.

A number of architects and engineers are sent for 90 days to the Government of Transnistria for forced labor.

The German Mission in Bucharest requests 20 Jews for forced labor in Botosani.

Jewish physicians working in prisoner camps.

The Building Center of the German Marine requests 150 Jews for forced labor. 1132 pages.

Reel # 37

File # 7246 Reports on the control of the security in various industries: factories, mills, electric stations etc. June - August 1943.

Inspections carried out by military personnel and related to:

- ethnic composition of the administrative and technical personnel; of Jews required by necessity.

- organization and composition of the security and guarding personnel and their organization.

Results of inspection and suggestions and measures proposed for improvement. 959 pages

Reel # 38

File # 7247 Lists of repartition and classification by specialties regarding the forced labor of the Jews. April 1943 - January 1944. 208 pages.

Reel # 39

File # 7248 Lists of classification by specialties and contribution (number of hours worked) by the forced labor of the Jews.

April - September 1943 . 329 pages.

File # 7249 Repartition of Jews for forced labor for local needs.

October 1943 - February 1944. 29 pages

Reel # 40

File # 7252 Decisions re annulment of requests for extension of repartition of Jews for forced labor. April 1943- January 1944. 24 pages.

File # 7253 Orders and correspondence for Jewish labor brigades located out of town, October 1943 - March 1944. 638 pages

Reel # 41

File # 7250 Statistical data of Jews: lists by territory, by profession and trade etc. in relation to their use in the forced labor workforce; data on the performance of various groups of craftsmen.

April - December 1943. 295 pages.

File # 7251 Correspondence related to annulment of workbooks of Jews who are exempted from forced labor. Mai - September 1943.

The respective Jews will be integrated in the forced labor workforce. 404 pages.

Reel # 42

File # 7254 Orders and correspondence re the forced labor brigades located out of town. April - August 1943.

Lists of work proposed to be done and of the necessary manpower required by number and specialty. 933 pages.

Reel # 43

File # 7256 Orders and correspondence re the forced labor brigades located out of town. September - November 1943. 943 pages.

Reel # 44

File # 7255 Orders and correspondence re the forced labor brigades located out of town. August - September 1943. 749 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 45

File # 7257 Inspections, controls and reports re. forced labor of Jews.

April - October 1943. 628 pages.

File # 7258 Jews deported to Transnistria for committing criminal acts. Orders, correspondence and lists. May 1943 - March 1944

Jews repatriated from Transnistria in Vishnita and Radauti.

242 pages.

Reel # 46

File # 7259 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

May - June 1943.

Jews mobilized to forced labor; requests for craftspeople. Obligation of Jews to donate clothing. 949 pages.

File # 7260 Jews charged with misdemeanors related to their obligation of forced labor. March 1943 - February 1944.

Ordinances regarding Jews who went AWOL or did not respond to the call for forced labor. Instructions for capture and harsh punishment.

Mobilization of Jews in the age of 16 and 17 to forced labor.

258 pages.

Reel # 47

File # 7261 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

April - May 1943.

Jewish women seamstresses are mobilized to work at home on military clothing.

The German Consulate in Iasi requests a number of Jews for gardening and other work. 1,049 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 48

File # 7262 Orders, dispositions and lists of Jews referred to medical commission. April 1943 - March 1944. 528 documents.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 49

File # 7263 Request for Jews to work at military units and various institutions. July - August 1943.

Jews complaining for being mistreated and their payment taken away by their supervisors.

Requests for Jews by fictitious industries or shops.

Introduction of corporal punishment for refractory Jews, or for low work performance.

In the Government Bucovina, the Jewish community is a deciding factor of whom and to what kind of forced labor the Jews should be sent. 1,031 pages.

Reel # 50

File # 7264 Orders of repartition and lists of Jews for forced labor, in various military units and institutions; correspondence, communications. June - August 1943. 346 pages.

Reel # 51

File # 7265 Orders of repartition and lists of Jews for forced labor, in

various military units and institutions. August September 1943.

Reports of officers committing illegal acts, by accepting bribes from Jews for keeping them on the lists as performing work for their unit. 1,008 pages.

Reel # 52

File # 7266 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

June - July1943. 1,126 pages

The regional section of the Centrala Evreilor in Iasi asserts that up to now there was no payment for forced labor of the Jews.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 53

File # 7267 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

December 1953 - March 1944. 1,201 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

File # 7268 Repartition of Jews to a tailor shop. 8 pages.

Reel # 54

File # 7269 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

Lists of Jews registered for work on July - December 1943.

116 pages.

File # 7270 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

Lists of Jews registered for work. August 1942.

Correspondence related to work of Jews.

March 1943 - May 1944

In May 1944 Antonescu orders that all Jews between the

ages of 15 and 55 to be mobilized for forced labor on military utilities. Food will be provided by the Jewish Communities.

686 pages,

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 55

File # 7270 Inspections of Jews. Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews. May 1943 - March 1944. 427 pages.

File # 7272 Orders and correspondence related to Jews for snow cleaning operations. March 1943 - February 1944. 197 pages.

File # 7273 Orders and correspondence related to Jews on leave, Jews in hospitals and under medical observation.

October 1943 - March 1944. 351 pages.

Reel # 56

File # 7274 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

February - June 1944. 959 pages.

Reel # 57

File # 7275 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

November 1943 - January 1944.

Jews working at the Institute of Statistics and in other governmental institutions in Cernauti. 887 pages.

Reel # 58

File # 7276 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

September 1943 - January 1944.

Increased vigilance for detection of spies infiltrated from the enemy, with the purpose of lowering the morale of the population. Examples of captured parachutists.

Preparedness for war is accentuated. 852 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958-1962.

Reel # 59

File # 7277 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

September - December 1943. 966 pages.

Reel # 60

File # 7278 Orders, dispositions and documents related to Jews.

September - October 1943. 784 pages.

Reel # 61

Army Corps 4

File # 7279 Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the Jews.

Assigning of Jewish craftspeople to various institutions. Lists and work schedules. December 1943. 565 pages.

Reel # 62

Army Corps 4

File # 7280 Rules and regulation regarding the qualification and use of Jewish craftsmen in various institutions and military workshops. Situation of Jewish clerics re. induction to forced labor. Inventory and repair of military cots. Jews who were killed or did disappear during the “Rebeliune”, as long that there does not exist an official paper for their demise, will be kept in the registers as insubordinate for not being present for forced labor. 1943. 720 pages.

Reel # 63

Army Corps 4

File # 7281 Correspondence regarding forced labor of Jews. Lists and work schedules for craftsmen. November - December 1943.

937 pages.

Reel # 64

Army Corps 4

File # 7282 Correspondence regarding forced labor of Jews. Lists and work

schedules for craftsmen. Lists of institutions and private enterprises requesting prolongation of the working period of the Jewish craftsmen assigned to them. January 1944. 1,064 pages.

Reel # 65

Army Corps 4

File # 7232 Orders and dispositions regarding the reorganization of the military 4-th Territorial Army.

Dispositions and ordinances regarding forced labor of Jews.

Dispositions for communications of prisoners of war.

Problems of Jews with alien citizenship, in re. forced labor.

Problems related to the morale of the troops on the front.

Incidents with German troops, explained as due to the heavy defensive fighting and exhaustion. Spreading of deceptive rumors among the troops. Private letters are circulated as official documents in order to protect them from being censored.

Jews are not allowed to work or be present in military barracks and offices, being suspected of spreading defeatist rumors.

March - June 1943. 477 pages.

File # 7287 Army Corps 4. Correspondence related to confessional personnel: chaplains, deacons, monks etc from the reserves. 1943-44. 191 pages

Reel # 66

Army Corps 4

File # 7761 Correspondence, lists and reports regarding forced labor of Jews.

May- August 1944 , 508 pages.

Reel # 67

File # 7762 Army Corps 4. Correspondence related to inspections and controls. Lists of accomplished work. By localities.

Disorderly conduct of Jews mobilized for labor; stricter measures of discipline are imposed. July 1944. 99 pages.

File # 7763 Army Corps 4.Correspondence and orders related to forced labor of Jews. Jews sent for work to German units. Jan - July 1944. 1,110 pages.

Reel # 68

File # 7764 Army Corps 4. Correspondence unsolved because of liquidation of the Office for Forced Labor of the Jews. July-October 1944.

Lists of Jews who left their residence town for other localities in Romania. Lists of Jews from the labor brigades left in the occupied territory.

Documents related to Jews working as dentists and dental technicians.

Documents salvaged after the bombing in Iasi. 307 pages.

File # 7765 Army Corps 4. Reports on administrative and financial controls.

April - August 1944. 718 pages.

File # 7766 Army Corps 4. Orders of distribution and various documents from General Staff regarding Jewish craftsmen. January- March 1944. 345 pages.

Reel # 69

File 1348 Territorial Command 4. Orders and dispositions of the General Staff regarding propaganda material: patriotic brochures to be distributed to the military personnel; vigilance against communist activity in factories and soviet propaganda. June - Sept 1941. 264 pages.

File 1349 Territorial Command 4. Orders and dispositions of the General Staff and reports regarding the military activity along the frontier with the Soviet Union. The eventuality of a war is stressed. German officers are dressed in Romanian uniforms to make the Russians believe that only the Romanians are there.

Reports from Iasi of a provocative action in the night of June 28/29 by local communists, and Jewish students; there were shots from firearms and numerous acts of sabotage committed.

(NT. Apparently this should have been the justification for the massacre of Jews that took place at that time in Iassy).

Reports of soviet aviation incursions and bombardments in various cities. June - July 1941. 1,060 pages.

NB. Numerous pages from various reports were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 70

File # 1350 Territorial Command 4. Orders and dispositions for the population and military personnel in the zone behind the front lines. Daily reports regarding: the mood and condition of the population; the attitude towards the Jews and Hungarians; the situation in the prisoner camps; underground Communist activity; maltreatment of Romanians in the territory given up to Hungary; migration of Romanians from that territory into Romania. The deportation of the Jews from the Northern region on Moldova left the population with no commercial activity, thus leading to shortages of food and everyday goods, like soap , oil, sugar, salt, and hardware. The “Studiul Sintetic” pp. 114 - 120 and pp 121 - 120 give a clear image on the real situation in that territory, through a detailed analysis of all material, political and demographic aspects.

Reports on Romanian military personnel invading and robbing Jewish families. October-December 1941. 206 pages.

NB. Numerous pages from various reports were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

NB. Numerous pages are barely legible.

File # 1351 Territorial Command 4. Informative bulletins regarding daily events in various localities. Capture of six out of ten parachutists launched near Cernauti.

July 1941 - March 1942. 1,032 pages.

NB. Numerous pages are barely legible.

File # 1486 Territorial Command 4. List of Jews for forced labor. August. 1942. 40 pages

NB. The first 15 pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

File # 1499 Territorial Command 4. Secret correspondence and confidential orders. Administrative reorganization of the military system, Dispositions regarding the mobilization of Jews for work. Couriers smuggling letters from Transnistria. 1942 - 1943. 48 pages.

NB. Numerous pages from various reports were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

NB. Most pages are barely legible.

Reel # 71

Army Corps 4

File # 1504 Forced labor of the Jews. Repartition of Jews craftsmen to various institutions and enterprises. Aug - Sept 1942.

1,200 pages.

Reel # 72

File # 1505 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Evidence of Jews in Recruitment Centers by categories and occupation. 1942-1943. 180 pages

File # 1506 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Evidence of Jews with academic titles in Recruitment Centers. 1942-1943. 167 pages.

Reel # 73

File # 1509 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Orders and dispositions for repartition of Jews craftsmen. Lists of attributions and activities. 1942. 396 pages.

File # 1510 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Lists of repartition of Jews craftsmen by specialties. 1943. 65 pages

Reel # 74

File # 1507 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Repartition of Jews for forced labor according to local needs. Comparative graphic of Jews craftsmen by specialties before and after the deportation.

July - August 1942. 318 pages.

File # 1508 Territorial Command 4. Lists of repartition of Jews for forced labor, by localities and assigned working place and atribution. 1942. 57 pages.

Reel # 75

File # 1511 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Reports of work done by Jews craftsmen in various institutions. 1944. 285 pages.

File # 1512 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Requests for craftsmen from various enterprises, shops and factories. 1944. 275 pages.

Reel # 76

File # 1513 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Reports of work done by Jews. Lists of Jews craftsmen, by profession and qualification. 1942.

631 pages.

File # 1514 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of the Jews. Orders and lists of Jews charged of non-presentation for forced labor duty. 1942 - 43. 71 pages.

Reel # 77

File # 1515 Territorial Command 4. Correspondence and lists re. revision of medical records of Jews exempted from forced labor. 1942 - 43. 360 pages.

File # 1516 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of Jews. Monthly inspections, controls and reports of work brigades and Jews craftsmen in various institutions, enterprises, factories etc. re. work done, efficiency, living conditions etc. 1942 - 43. 767 pages

Reel # 78

File # 1517 Territorial Command 4. Correspondence forced labor of Jews, rules and regulations.

August 1942 - March 1943. 175 pages.

File # 1518 Territorial Command 4. Various correspondence related to Jews. 1942-43. 947 pages.

Reel # 79

File # 1519 Territorial Command 4. Misc. correspondence re: forced labor of Jews. 1943.

1,015 pages.

Reel # 80

File # 1520 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of Jews related to snow shoveling. Special decree of the general Staff for mobilization of all Jews - with some exceptions - and inclusive all students from Jewish schools starting at age sixteen, to be present in case of heavy snowfall.

November 1943 - March 1943. 424 pages.

File # 1521 Territorial Command 4. Correspondence related to forced labor of Jews. 1942. 96 pages.

File 1522 Territorial Command 4. Forced labor of Jews. Orders and dispositions; requests for exemption. 1942. 292 pages.

Reel # 81

File #18 Territorial Command 4. Various correspondence from the archives. 1942-43. 27 pages.

File #83 Territorial Command 4. Lists of Jews for forced labor assigned to various institutions and workshops. 1942. 452 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 82

File #84 Territorial Command 4. Orders of assignment of Jews for forced labor and with horse driven wagons for various institutions and workshops. 885 pages. 1942-1943.

Reel # 83

File #85 Territorial Command 4. Orders of assignment of Jews for forced labor in the district Iasi and in the province Bucovina. 1101 pages. 1942.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 84

File #86 Territorial Command 4. Orders of assignment of Jews for forced labor. 1942. 1061 pages.

File #87 Territorial Command 4. Lists of Jews to be sent to extra hard labor as punishment for non presentation to assigned places for forced labor.

The Jewish Central Office (Centrala Evreilor) will assign in each district a number of twenty Jews as hostages for the Jews who will escape from their workplace. For every escapee five hostages will be deported to Transnistria together with their families.

List of 70 Jews deported to Transnistria with their families.

Lists of Jews in the labor brigades suspected of communist activity. 623 pages. 1942.

Reel # 85

File #88 Territorial Command 4. Correspondence and documents

regarding the Jews in forced labor brigades. 290 pages .1943.

Reel # 86

File # 89 Territorial Command 4. Orders of assignment and documents regarding the forced labor of Jews. 1942. 1122 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 87

File # 181 Territorial Command 4. Orders of assignment and documents regarding the forced labor of Jews. 1943. 1004 pages.

Reel # 88

File # 464 Territorial Command 4. Orders of duration from the Army Corps and from the General Headquarters, related to the status of various categories of Jews for forced labor duty. Also the internal organization of the military units. Daily work schedule. All leaves of Jews from their assignments are suspended and all orders to the contrary are void.

Reorganization of the military services after retreat from the Northern parts of Moldova Bessarabia and Bucovina. Conflicting orders and dispositions indicate the chaotic situation of this territorial Command.

Forced labor of Jews is revoked, but in the labor brigades orders are to work ten hours a day.

Secret orders related to relocation and functions of various military units. March - September 1944. 539 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 89

File # 182 Territorial Command 4. Inspections, controls and monthly reports. Jews at various workshops and in forced labor brigades. July 1943 - April 1944.

NB. Some pages were taken out because of military information they contained.

Reel # 90

File # 465 Territorial Command 4. Various correspondence relative to forced labor of the Jews.

The new minister of defense congratulates the army for their victory against the Nazi troops in Bucharest.

November 1943 - September 1944. 284 pages.

File # 466 Territorial Command 4. Orders and dispositions relative to the regime of the Jews. Lists of Jews exempted from forced labor. The exemptions are declared void.

April - August 1944. 218 pages.

Reel # 91

File # 853 Infantry Division 14. Reports and lists of suspicious military personnel, by nationality and religion.

A bible of tendentious interpretation by a priest, is apparently spread among soldiers. April - June 1940. 62 pages.

File # 859 Infantry Division 14. Permits for shotguns. Availability of radio receivers for the troops to listen to the “Soldier’s hour”. Radio receivers confiscated from Jews.

Daily reports of the military tribunal regarding rebellious individuals . April -June 1941. 224 pages.

File # 861 Infantry Division 14. Various inquiries regarding disturbances. Lists of military personnel by units.

Conflicts between the population and the troops retreating from Bessarabia.

Exchange of military personnel in Transylvania after the Vienna dictate.

Counter-information activity and reports of military activity along the river Pruth. Legionnaire and communist propaganda. September 1940- February 1941. 1084 pages

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 92

File # 887 Infantry Division 14. (Wrong page from Ministry of Finances inserted) Instructions from the General Staff for guarding the territory. Organization of the military activity after retreat from Bessarabia and relocation of the units.

June - August 1940. 472 pages.

File # 1015 Infantry Division 14. Organization of military reaction and evacuation of the population in case of an invasion of alien armies. Counter information activity: detection of suspicious persons; lists of communists, legionnaires, sectants etc.

Lists of Jews evacuated from villages and towns. Suspects were interned in Tg. Jiu.

Proclamations, Directives and measures at the breakout of the hostilities against the Soviet Union.

On June 25. 1941 the first mention of “Jidani” in work brigades. Daily reports on the front situation, inclusive operations of German armies on all fronts. Regulations for handling the prisoners.

Administrative measures in the reoccupied territories of Bessarabia and Bucovina. June - August 1941. 522 pages.

NB. Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 93

File #1081(?) Infantry Division 14. Misc. Investigations. Orders and dispositions following the rebellion. January - April 1941

1109 pages.

NB. Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962.

Reel # 94

File #1096 Infantry Division 14. Rebels. January 1941. Report on attacks of military by the rebels and measures for future protection and their liquidation. Report on the events in Iasi and other towns in this territory during the rebellion. A decree from Gen. Antonescu does mention the “Judeo-Masonic machinations”

Documents regarding the Plebiscite in March 1941. 590 pages.

File # 1102 Infantry Division 14. Military activity: antiaircraft defense, special actions, various correspondence.

The presence of German military personnel among the troops. 1941 - 1942. 317 pages.

File # 1106 Infantry Division 14. Orders ref. to military exercises given by German Commandments (In German and translation). and by the Division. Preparation for crossing the Pruth and continuation toward the Dniester. June-July, 1941. 371 pages.

Reel # 95

File #1108 Infantry Division 14. Plan of Action. The internal order.

1941 - 1942. Organizational details. Inclusive parts of Bessarabia already occupied. 227pages.

(Pages missing with the notation “No connection with the problematics of the Holocaust Museum”).

File #1109 Infantry Division 14. The internal order. Organization of military units on various sectors and their duties. 1941-1942. 309 pages.

(Pages missing with the notation “No connection with the problematics of the Holocaust Museum”).

Reel # 96

File #1128 Infantry Division 14. Evacuation of troops, equipment and goods. Soldiers from occupied territories may return home after handing over their armament. Reorganization of Army Units.

Military activity related to the takeover of Northern Transylvania by Hungary in the zone of the new frontier. Misc orders and dispositions. June - December 1940. 897 pages.

(Pages missing with the notation “No connection with the problematics of the Holocaust Museum”).

Reel # 97

File #1367 Infantry Division 14. Permanent orders with regard to captured materials, secrecy, decorations, spies, Magyar propaganda among the Romanian military.

Instructions for utilization of Jews forced labor brigades, state institutions and in the private sector: housing, alimentation, clothing, medical assistance, vacations, work management, controls, sanctions, annulments. February - July 1942.

239 pages.

File #1424 Infantry Division 14. Special missions. Observation flights for the artillery. Partisan activity behind the front lines. Control and protection of roadways and crossings.

October 1942 - March 1943. 77 pages.

File #1684 Infantry Division 14. Prisoners: inventory, interrogations

Ukrainian soldiers from General Vlasov's bands going to the front, insulted Romanian soldiers, calling them Gypsies and wowing revenge for mistreating their people.

September - October, 1043. 67 pages.

File #1695 Infantry Division 14. Contra-informative reports. Partisan activity in Transnistria. September 1943-March 1944.

268 pages.

File #1892 Infantry Division 14. Register of control of the activity of the Jews in the period 1943 - 1944. 26 pages.

Reel # 98

File #3697 Direction Fortifications. Jewish labor brigades. Military staffing of the Central Depot and Workshops. Evidence of Jews doing forced labor by origin and by place of work.

July 1941 - March 1942. 272 pages.

File #4155 Direction Fortifications. Jewish labor brigades. Organization. Activities. Evacuation and liquidation. 1943 -1944. 289 pages.

Reel # 99

File #4177 Direction Fortifications. Organization of the labor brigades of various composition for completion of the fortifications. Work to be executed. 1943 - 1944. 820 pages.

(NB Numerous empty pages stamped ”SECRET”)

Reel # 100

File #4182 Direction Fortifications. Reports and graphics of the work accomplished in various sectors of the line of fortifications, inclusive the Jewish forced labor brigades. 1943 - 1944.

243 pages.

Fond: Department of Fortifications

Reel # 101

File #4185 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #100. Organization, construction projects, reports.

March - September, 1943. 489 pages.

Reel # 102

File #4186 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #100. Organization, construction projects, reports, Numerous Jews deserters from the brigade. Military personnel do complain that punishment of those caught is too low.

September - December 1943. 513 pages.

File #4187 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigades #100 thru # 104. Organization, construction projects, reports. December 1943 - March 1944. 340 pages.

Reel # 103

File #4190 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #101. Organization, construction projects, reports. Problems related to housing of Jews from the brigade in peasant’s houses. April - August, 1943. 550 pages.

Reel # 104

File #4191 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #101. Organization, construction projects, reports.

August - November 1943. 404 pages.

Reel # 105

File #4192 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #101. Organization, construction projects, reports.

November 1943 - March 1944. 233 pages.

File #4193 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #102. Organization, construction projects, reports.

April - July 1943. 294 pages.

Reel # 106

File #4194 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #102. Organization, construction projects, reports. Vol. II

August - October, 1943. 271 pages.

(NT. A number of pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust)

File #4195 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #102. Organization, construction projects, reports.Vol. III

October - December, 1943. 422 pages.

Reel # 107

File #4196 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #102. Organization, construction projects, reports.

November1943 - March 1944. 247 pages.

(NT.Numerous pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust, being of military nature)

File #4199 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #103. Organization, construction projects, reports.

April 1943 - January 1944. 358 pages.

(NT.Numerous pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust, being of military nature)

Reel # 108

File #4201 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #104. Organization, construction projects, reports.

May - September 1943. 330 pages.

(NT.Numerous pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust, being of military nature)

File #4202 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade #104. Organization, construction projects, reports.

October - December 1943. 206 pages.

(NT.Numerous pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust, being of military nature)

File #4209 Department of Fortifications. Request for bids for the project of fortifications in Constanza. Analysis of bids.

October 1943 - March 1944. 527 pages.

Reel # 109

File #4214 Department of Fortifications. Armored shelters. Jewish forced labor brigades # 100 to # 104. 1943 -1944. 69 pages.

File #4219 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigades

# 100 to # 102. Weekly reports, 1943 -1944. 179 pages.

File #4221 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade

# 101. Specification for fortifications, and for special construction work. 1943. 159 pages.

File #4222 Department of Fortifications. Inventory of documents in evacuated archives. 1943. 111 pages

Reel # 110

File #4223 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade # 104. Closeout documents. 1942/43 -1943/44. 288 pages.

File #4224 Department of Fortifications. Jewish forced labor brigade

# 101. Execution of fortification work at cape Midia, Constanza. General specification for construction work. 1943. 136 pages.

File #4226 Department of Fortifications. Documents of reception for work accomplished. 1942 - 1943. 106 pages.

(NT.Numerous pages was taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust, being of military nature)

File #4227 Department of Fortifications. Documents of reception for work accomplished. (Duplicate). 1942 - 1943. 123 pages.

File #4244 Department of Fortifications. Service of materials. Jewish forced labor brigades # 101 to # 194. 1943 - 1944. 695 pages.

Reel # 111

File #4252 Department of Fortifications. Administrative Section. General correspondence. Jewish forced labor brigades # 100 to # 104. 1943 -1944. 403 pages.

Reel # 112

File #4273 Department of Fortifications. Section Tactics and Organization. Jewish forced labor brigade # 101. Correspondence. 1944.

462 pages.

Fond: Ministerial Cabinet

Reel # 113

File #227 Ministerial Cabinet. The situation of the Minorities. Historical review. The activity of the neighboring countries in assisting nationalist activity of their respective brethren in Romania. History of the Jews who argue that they did settle in the territory, before the creation of the Romanian Principalities. Chronological history of the Jews in the Principalities, with strong anti-Semitic undertones.

Detailed analysis of the demographic situation and distribution of minorities, as well as statistical socio-economic data. 1939.

399 pages.

File # 231 Ministerial Cabinet. Study of the German colonists in Southern Bessarabia. 1939. 28 pages.

File # 235 Ministerial Cabinet. Bureau 2.Special Information Service.

Clandestine transport of Jews from Europe on the Danube. 2(two) pages. August - November, 1940.

File # 244 Ministerial Cabinet. Bureau 2. The German troops in Romania.

Various reports from the Security Services. An incident between a Romanian officer and a German NCO. List of car accidents bi German troops. August 1940 - March 1941. 174 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958- 1962)

File # 267 Ministerial Cabinet. Bureau 2. The “Rebeliune”. Detailed reports on the daily events in various regions and districts. Intervention of German officers and troops in some localities, like Vatra Dornei.

Booklet containing “Instructions for Repression of Internal Unrest” (39 pages). January - February 1941. 389 pages.

(Numerous pages was taken out by the security services in 1958- 1962)

File # 297 Ministerial Cabinet. Correspondence related to relations with the Romanian-Soviet Commission. Investigation of Romanian officers for hostile attitude toward the Soviet Army and for war crimes committed while stationed in the occupied territories during WWII. Reports on Romanian military personnel retained by the soviets for interrogation, whose fate is unknown. 1945 - 1947.

381 pages.

(Numerous pages was taken out by the security services in 1958- 1962)

Reel # 114

File #706 Ministerial Cabinet. Summary of activity and results of the military commission Odessa on June 28 - October 31.(NT. commission created following the Soviet ultimatum by Molotov)

8 pages.

File #777 Ministerial Cabinet. Bureau of Studies. Legislative proposals regarding the treasury, finances and military equipment.

All properties and assets of the Jews in Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina are taken over by the Romanian State . Law of September 4, 1941.

Creation of a sanitary Commission with branches in every district. Laws and ordinances for application of special taxes for Jews.

1941. 592 pages.

Reel # 115

File #863 Ministerial Cabinet. Project of law regarding the suspension of pending penal procedures against Jews in order to mobilize them for forced labor and provision for their subsistence.

Various other laws promulgated by decree. 1941-41. 411 pages.

Fond: General Staff. Section II-Information

Reel # 116

File #914 General Staff. Section II- Information. The atrocities committed by the Hungarians in Ardeal. Description of various injuries suffered by Romanians. Contacts with the Italo-German Commission in Cluj and Brasov. 1940 - 1945. Vol.I. 392 pages.

File #921 General Staff. Section II- Information. Hungarian atrocities in the occupied Ardeal. Real cases as described by the Information Services: l. Atrocities; 2.List and graphic of killings; 3. Tortures and injuries; 4. Ill treatment; 5. Arrests;

6. Internments; 7. Destruction of private property and profanation of churches. December 1940. 26 pages.

File #941 General Staff. Section II- Information. Events related to the occupation of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina by the Soviets. Occupation of Cern(u(i by the Soviets. Attitude of the minorities towards the Soviet occupants. In Transylvania the Hungarian minority instigates against the Romanian authorities.

Reports on the conduct of the Jewish and Russian population in the territories during and after the occupation by the Soviet army. Anti-Semitic manifestations of Romanian military with often tragic consequences. Jewish soldiers in uniform are thrown out of trains and attacked on the road. In Bucovina under Russian occupation the German wear armbands with swastikas and are not disturbed by the Soviets.

Reports on the situation at the border with Bulgaria.

Numerous Romanian soldiers and some officers originally from Bessarabia, disappear from their units and return home.

File containing statements of officers and NCOs relative to the retreat of the troops from Bessarabia. June - July, 1940.

743 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out and destroyed by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962)

Reel # 117

File #986 General Staff. Section II- Information. Exercises and conferences at the mixed Romano-German seminary on organization of the German heavy motorized division

1940. 132 pages.

File #999 General Staff. Section II- Information. Hungarian atrocities in Ardeal. Reports on real events. February - September 1941.

16 pages.

File #1072 General Staff. Section II- Information. Hungarian atrocities in Ardeal. Vol. II. 1940 - 1945. Reports on desecration of orthodox churches. Abusive acts committed by the Hungarian authorities. Lists of complaints. Contacts with the Italo-German mixed commission. Closing of schools with Romanian language.

367 pages.

(Numerous pages were transferred to another file[ # 2976 ?] in 1960).

File #1105 General Staff. Section II- Information. Installation and suspension of telephone connections. April 1942 - March 1943. Suspension of telephone connections at Jewish homes. Other measures taken due to lack of materials, shortage of circuits etc. 234 pages.

Reel # 118

File #1170 General Staff. Section II- Information. Internal political situation. Socio-political trends. Political parties. Patriotic organizations. Mood and cultural activity of the population. Hungary and Ardeal. January 1943 - June 1944. 561 pages

(Numerous pages were taken out and destroyed by the Security Services in 1958 - 1962. Some pages are in Hungarian. Most pages are barely legible).

Reel # 119

File #1171 General Staff. Section II- Information. Internal political situation. The treatment of the Romanian population in Transylvania. List of Romanians in Hungarian work brigades. Reports on kidnapping children for medical purposes. Informative reports on individual cases of persecution of Romanian population and of crimes committed by the Hungarian military.

March - November, 1943. 809 pages.

(Some pages were taken out by the Security Services in

1958 - 1962)

Reel # 120

File #1172 General Staff. Section II- Information. Specific internal problems. Terrorism. Espionage. The situation in Hungary. 1943 - 1944. Some six thousand Hungarian Jews were sent to the copper mines in Serbia. The process against Hungarian superior officers accused to have ordered the massacre of some 2500 Serbs in the region Bacica.

The story of a train transporting Jews in sealed wagons and under German guard. In Budapest the local Jews were not allowed to bring food and clothing. Two days later, when opened in the station Ujpest, they found three hundred corpses. April 1944. Reports of intensification of the actions against the Jews.

Information on the action of concentration of the Jews in Northern Transylvania in Ghettos by the Gestapo. Acts of atrocities. The goods left by the Jews are loaded on trucks and taken to Germany. Various information on conduct of the non-Jewish population. The clergy condemns in their sermons the atrocities against the Jews.

A number of ca 157 thousand Jews are evacuated by railroad in a direction apparently to Poland. The population is forced to declare all hidden belongings left by or taken from the Jews. 119 pages.

File #1175 General Staff. Section II- Information. Verification of ethnic origin of all Hungarian military personnel active and retired, in accordance with the racial criteria established by the Nazis.

Problems of the Hungarian minority in Romania.

Life of the Romanians after the occupation of Hungary by the German troops. The Romanian population is evacuated from the zone adjacent to the Carpathian Mountains. 1943 - 1944, 256 pages.

File #1185 General Staff. Section II- Information. Evaluation of various military branches in Hungary. 1944. 143 pages

File #1195 General Staff. Section II- Information. Exceptional military actions in Hungary. Special privileges and rights given to the gendarmes on duty in Northern Transylvania. 1944. 269 pages.

Romanian Ministry of National Defense

Fond: Government of Bessarabia: Military Cabinet

Reel # 121

File #1 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Correspondence with police, gendarmery and prefecture authorities.

Reports regarding attitude of local population, espionage, sabotaging, terrorism, communist and social activities. The Jews are all in ghettos; life and activities there.

Lists of persons collaborating with the Soviets and of those who were part of the public administration during the occupation of Bessarabia.

A mass grave discovered at the location of the local NKVD, with 75 people executed during the Soviet occupation. In the Jewish cemetery of Ismail a mass grave with 27 people killed shortly before the Soviets retreated.

German soldiers appropriate cattle and food from the peasants without pay or receipts.

Lists of persons suspected of communist activity in various districts of Bessarabia. July - October 1941. 851 pages

(A number of pages were taken out by the Security services in 1958 -1960)

Reel # 122

File #2 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Correspondence. Information.

Cases of typhoid fever in various districts. Prevention of floods on the rivers Pruth and Dnjestr. Interaction with the Government of Transnistria Re. transfer of goods.

Report on reneval of activity of the legionnairs. Information on communist activity and the organization for the creation of an independent Ukrainian state.

Monthly informative bulletins on these problems, on partisan activity, parachutists, terrorist activity.

Court martial of people who were part of the administration under the Soviets and persecuted the romanian population in their function. Impostors organizing cultural events with tendentious programs. Organizing the school system.

Contra-informative activity. List of deputees (representatives) in the Soviet of the Moldova Republic and other legislative bodies. Conflicts with German military personnel. Clandestine commerce between Bessarabia and Transnistria.

Romanians from Bessarabia in German prisoner camps.

November 1941 - January 1943. 1379 pages.

Reel # 123

File #4 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Informative Bulletins and Correspondence by the Inspectorate of Police in the period 1941- 42.

Sovietic propaganda material (page 3 only). Lists of of deputees (representatives) in the Soviet of Moldova Republic by districts.

Propaganda material in Ukrainian, Romanian and German.

Jews are alloved to religious services on High holidays (Sep. 13)

Periodic reports from districts on the local situation. 385 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the Security services in 1958 -1960)

File #5 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Informative Bulletins and Correspondence by the Inspectorate of Gendarmery in the period 1941- 42.

Ordinance for organization of the activity in the territories. Periodic reports from units in the field.

Sovietic propaganda material addressed to Romanian and German military. 381 pages.

Reel # 124

File #7 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Sessions of the Provincial Council and Administrative Conferences.

July 25, 1941 - August 28, 1942. 286 pages.

File #8 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Sessions of the Provincial Council and Administrative Conferences. Administrative inspections.

September 14, 1941 - March 13, 1943. 278 pages.

File #10 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Activity report on the first months from setting free of the Province.

July 1941 - December 1942.

Among others an analysis of the legionaires, communistrs and minorities. “Although the action of evacuation of the Jews to East of the Dnjestr, a special comission,…… is reviewing the fate of the few Jews left: in towns 292, in the countryside 499”

(cited from the report). Those Jews who become unnecessary are evacuated to Tranasnistria. The same fate awaits the Jews working in forced labor brigades who contravene the rules and dispositions imposed upon them. The report repeats the request to move the ghettos located on the left bank of the Dnjestr, like Moghilev and R(bni(a, farther to the interior. The proximity of the two provinces gave birth to a network of coruption and smuggling that must be eradicated, says the report. List of minorities in the province. 210 pages.

File #13 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of district Balti. Lists of Jews that left with the Soviets and of Jews transferreed over the Dnjestr. 23 pages. No date.

Reel # 125

File #14 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of District Balti. Other categories of dislocations in Bessarabia during the Soviet occupation. 15 pages. No date.

File #15 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of District Balti. People taken by force by the Soviet authorities and the army. 28 pages.

File #16 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of District Balti. People assasinated by the Soviets with or without trial. 10 pages.

File #17 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of District Balti. People who left on their own will. 53 pages.

File #18 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prefectura of District Balti. Mobilized . 89 pages.

File #19 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Activity report on the activity in the Province for the period 15 August 1941 -

15 August 1943. Two years of Romanian activity in the set free Bessarabia. 84 pages.

File #22 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Componence and organization of the Military Cabinet. 1941. 11 pages.

File #25 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Organizatorical scheme of the Military Cabinet. 1941. 11 pages.

(Note: The documents include also the Northern Bucovina that was occupied by the Soviets in 1940.)

Various ordinances related to local administration and organization. 1941 - 1942. 294 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the Security services in 1958 -1960)

File #28 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Prisoners and deportees from Bessarabia.

Situation of people from Bessarabia that ended up as prisoners. Requests from their families to set them free. Only persons of romanian or german ethnic origin are allowed to return to Bessarabia. December 12, 1941 - March 31, 1942. 178 pages

Reel # 126

File #29 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Municipality of Chisinau. Council of Hygiene. 1942 - 1943.

Problems related to the flooding of the Pruth river.

The military commander of the Chisinau municipality shows as a big achievement of his that he freed the town of “Jews and the rests of enemies”. The history of the Ghetto Chisinau (Report of the General Governor 12-2, 1941). Reports related to Jews trying to escape from deportation to Transnistria by bribing the authorities. Various problems related to internment of Jews in Ghettos; e,g, exchange of currency, gold and jewelry exchange. Memorandum on the problem of the Jews in Besssarabia and of their deportation to Transnistria; the fate of the goods left behind. Abuses and thefts, interdiction of military personnel romanian or german to enter the ghettos. The Ghetto Chisinau.

Detailed description of the itineraries to follow for deportation of the Jews to Transnistria and the mechanics of the operation.

Lists of Jews left in the Ghetto after the deportation

Information of legionnaire clandestine activities.

Report Alexianu about Jews driven to Transnistria( Nov. 1941)

The situation in the Ghetto Atachi on Sept. 8, 1941.

Lists of persons in Chisinau and in other towns and districts who activated against the Romanian state before and during the evacuation of Bessarabia. 781 pages.

(Note: some documents appear in double or triple copy)

Reel # 127

File #141 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 29.11, 41 - 3.3, 42.

Administrative problems: urgent need for leather drive belts

(58 pages of documents and still no belts) Inventory of industrial equipment and goods by the Germans who were repatriated, by the Jews who were deported and by others who left the territory. 221 pages

Reel # 127

File # 158 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 14.4, 42 -23.6, 42.

The decree-law # 410 regarding the organization of the economy in the province with only ethnic romanian elements. 39 pages.

File #177 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 23.10, 42 - 18.3.44

Requests for people to be returned to Bessarabia who lived there before: Jews and those with jewish wiwes. Jews fleeing from Transnistria arested on trains and returned. Chase after Jews living clandestin in Chisinau. Situation of jewish specialists in various industrial establishments. 312 pages.

File #186 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Orthodox priests asking payment for religious services from russian population.

Accusations of transfer of money to the Jews in Moghilev by romanian military personnel; suggestions to move the Ghetto more to the interior, in order to stop this traffic.

Various administrative problems with the local population.

4 - 27.9, 1943. 510 pages

Reel # 128

File # 96 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. The evacvuation of the Jews over the Dnjestr.

Lists of Jews with breakdown of men, women and children for : evacuated, to be evacuated and stay in place. Total Jews evacuated: 55,867; presently not evacuated: 257; in the hospital for mentally ill: 59; stay in place 753. Lists of Jews baptized. Schedule for evacuation of Jews from the Ghetto Chisinau, by railroad. Nominal list of 173 Jews left in Chisinau. Nominal lists of transports of evacuated Jews. Jews originary from Bessarabia dicsovered in various places in Romania. Reports of Jews who for various reasons were still in Bessarabia, or were discovered elswhere, that were evacuated to Transnistria.

27.3, 1942 - 1.2, 1943. 381 pages.

File # 120 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Problem of religious dissidents condemned for various acts of high treason. The situation of the lipovans, adventists and baptists. Sectants are interned in camp. Actions of religious persecution. 23.2, 1042 - 2.12, 1943. 116 pages.

Reel # 129

File # 313 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. District Soroca. Pretura Soroca. Lists of deported arrested and condemned during the Soviet occupation. Lists of people taken to forced labor in the Donbas. March 1943. 150 pages.

File # 314 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. District Soroca Pretura Drochia. Lists of deported by the Soviets, recruited in the Red Army, or to forced labor, assasinated by the Soviets, left on their own, presently under arrest and in jail. Jews who left on their own and deported to Transnistria.

March 1943. 111 pages.

File # 314 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Administrative problems related to inquiries on performance of public servants in Chisinau. The press and the newspaper people. The radio transmission programs from Chisinau. The situation of the Jews who reside presently in Chisinau. Regulations and actions for visits of Marshall Antonescu. Lists of military and civil dignitaries and positions detained.

Report on the incidents and infractions committed by military personnel in command at the evacuation of Soroca.

Twenty four families of Jews request to be evacuated to towns in the Old Kingdom. Organization of the convoys of refugees.

Declaration of state of war in Bessarabia and evacuation of all possible goods and equipment. 2.2 -28.3, 1944. 244 pages.

File # 443 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Administrative and military correspondence. 1.1 - 29.1, 1944, 40 pages.

File # 445 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Administrative and military correspondence. 1.1 - 10.3, 1944. 91 pages

Reel # 130

File # 306 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. Jews. 1943

Lists of Jews in various districts who will relocate to the district capitals. Situation of Jews living in forced labor camps. In one of the camps were left 80 Jews who apparently couldn’t afford to bribe the officers. Lists of Jews who did not return from leave.

Jewish men and women with adopted names. infiltltrate from the East into Bessarabia, arising suspicions of being soviet agents. Those caught are deported to Transnistria.

Treatment of baptized Jews and of mixed marriages.

Lists of Jewish craftspeople presently in Bessarabia. 878 pages.

Reel # 131

File # 32 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 10.4, 41 - 3.12, 42

The problem of religious sects. List of regional and numerical distribution of the religious sects.

The orthodox priests claim large amounts of money to celebrate religious rites.

False information about the deportetd Jews in Moghilev (p. 183)

The Jewess Carmen Dickman from Moghilev is interrogated by a Gendarmery Major in Soroca. Numerous reports of clandestine transfer of money, goods and letters to Moghilev. Translation of letters addressed to Jews in Moghilev. The Lawyer Tvers Albert is in contact and helps his Jewish friends from Radauti. There are several rerports of this kind with other persons: the industrialist Braha and others.

Jews keep disappearing from the Ghetto Chisinau. Some are apprehended in Old Kingdom. 342 pages.

File # 35 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 8.2 - 10.18 1942

Table of work to be performed and of camps for the Jews on slave labor in 1941 - 42, in various districts. Daily reports on number of participants and work accomplished. 273 pages.

File # 94 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 4.2, 42 - 3.31, 43.

Jewish womwn using false documents to prove ethnicity. Jews convertet to catholicism. List of Jews in the Ghetto Chisinau. List of jewish women baptized and married with christians.

A trainload of Jews deported by the Germans from France arrived in Chisinau, in the idea to settle them in Besasarabia. Almost 60% were dead and almost in putrefaction, and the rest with few chances to remain alive. One person who was still capable to speak, told that they were taken out of their beds with nothing to take with them and stuffed like sardines in sealed cattle cars.

A romanian currier is found at the crossing of the Dnjestr with a large sum of money and 400 letters from Cernauti for Jews from Moghilev. 572 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the Security services in 1958 -1960)

Reel # 132

File # 207 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 2.1, 43 - 3.17, 44.

Correspondence related to internees in camps for various infractions and of prisonners. 89 pages.

File # 9(?) Government of Bessarabia. Directorate of Administration. Evacuation of the towns. May - June , 1943.

Subject: evacuation of Bucharest, Ploiesti and Campina in case of heavy bombardments and placement of their population in the South of Bessarabia. 47 pages.

(A considerable number of pages were taken out by the Security services, as being of no interest for the Museum and because of their military nature).

Reel # 133

File # 244 Government of Bessarabia: Military cabinet. 2.1, 43 - 3.17, 44.

Correspondence referring to persons who came to Bessarabia during three months with the purpose of liquidation of their properties. They will be colonized in Transnistria.

9 - 12.8, 1943. 909 pages

Romanian Ministry of National Defense

Fond: Section 1 Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 134

File #1977 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Decrees, orders and correspondence related to the military status of the Jews.

Miscell orders and decrees from the General Headquarters of the Army. Romanian legionnaires residing illegally in Germany under Nazi protection.

Organization of the Red Cross for wartime operation. Requisition of specialists and automotive vehicles

1940 - 1941. 90 pages.

File #1978 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Military justice system: organization and attributions. Preparation of laws and regulations for wartime conditions.

“Study and Proposals for the Resolution of the Jewish Problem”. (October 1941, 43 pages).

Problem of deposits of fuels and lubricants. Requisition of gas stations owned by Jews in Moldova, Bessarabia and Bucovina (September 7, 1940).

Rules and regulations for comunal work, with special provisions for (forced labor) of the Jews.

Comparison with communal work operation in Bulgaria and in Germany. 1940 - 1941). 414 pages.

Reel # 135

File #2145 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Militarty status of the Jews. Lists of Jews recorded in special register, form every Territorial Commandment. 1942. 423 pages.

Reel # 136

File #2174 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Martial Court. Organization of Martial Court sections in Bessarabia, Transnistria and the Northern Bucovina.

The Guard Regiment of the “Conducator”. Organization, staff and activity. 1941 - 1943. 28 pages.

File #2186 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Lists of officers with Jewish or Hungarian wives. Lists of NCO’s married to Jewish or Hungarian wives. Same for officers in the reserves.1941.

451 pages.

File #2218 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Lists of mobilization 1941 - 42. Gendarmery. 12 pages.

File #2361 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Centralized numerical situation of Jews, transferred and registered by trade on

May 15, 1941. 13 pages.

File #2365 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Studies and proposals regarding the Jewish problem in Romania. 1941 - 1942.

Special taxes to be levied. Rules and regulations for forced labor of the Jews, men and women. Creation of a General Inspectorate of working camps and columns. Intruducing taxes paid in lieu of working . 265 pages.

Reel # 137

File #2366 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Correspondence from

2-nd Territorial Commandment. Lists of Jews requesting transfer from their working assignments. Personal requests of Jews to be excepted from forced labor for medical or other reasons. Industrial enterprises requesting Jews from their staff to be alowed to fulfill their obligation of forced labor at their plant or business. Lists of Jewish students in Bucharest.

September - Novenber 1941. 874 pages.

Reel # 138

File #2367 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Juridical problems of Jews mobilized for forced labor. Modes of assignment to forced labor of various categories of Jews. Lists of Jews exempted from forced labor. High school students will perform communal labor during summer vacation.

Census of persons having Jewish blood.

Rules and regulations regarding police activity in controlling personal and vehicular traffic.

Gipsy families of those serving in the army, deported to Transnistria. 1942 - 1943. 203 pages.

File #2368 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Miscell correspondence.

Reports and lists on number of Jews in the forced labor brigades and work accomplished by them by districts. Lists of Jewish lawyers excluded from the bar.

August - November, 1941. 688 pages

Reel # 139

File #2369 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. 19 Sept. - 23 Oct, 1941.

Correspondence from Territorial Corp 2. Not approved. Lists of requests of exemptions from forced labor that were rejected.

Judicial documents related to who is a Jew. 422 pages.

Reel # 140

File #2370 Section 1 Organization, Mobilization. Miscell correspondence, mostly related to the forced labor of the Jews, internment of Jews in camps in Romania..

Complaints by the Italo-German mixed Comission in Brasov regarding te attitude of the Romanian government toward the Hungarians living in Romania - they are put in an equal position with the Jews with regard to the obligation of forced laboor.

1941 - 1942. 1001 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the Security Services in the period 1958 - 1962).

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 141

File #2371 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence related to the forced labor of the Jews. Proposals to use Jewish women for knitting various objects like gloves, scarves etc for the Romanian army.

Complete text of the Decree-Law for the organization and activity of the forced labor camps for Jews and other internees. 1941- 1942. 904 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962. Some pages, of military nature were taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust)

Reel # 142

File #2372 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence related to the forced labor and other problems of the Jews. 1941 – 1942.

Detailed organizational lists of the jewish High Schools in Bucarest and in Iasi. Situation of the Jews in the towns Siret and Seletin.

Utilization of Jews in various industrial plants and factories. Situation of Jews craftsmen and professionals.

Financial contributions imposed on Jews. 1230 pages.

Reel # 143

File #2405 General Staff. File 323. Problems related to Jews. 1941- 1942. Dispositions regarding crossing out of Jews from the military register. Regulations regarding the use of Jews craftspeople for forced labor. Jews returning home in Moldova are thrown out from the train. Should be kept at work and not sent back to Moldova.

Requests and repartition of jewish specialists to various factories and enterprises. 1,000 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962)

Reel # 144

File # 2410 General Staff. First report on forced labor of the Jews and analyses of the results. Organization of labor camps.

Utilization of prisoners with craftsmanship skills.

Decree for Jews to wear the Star of David.

Requests from the German military mission in Romania for Jews to perform various activities for them. 1942,434 pages.

File #2411 General Staff. Jews released from the internment camp Teis: military situation, professional qualifications, work aptitudes etc. Lists of internees and their fate after closing of the camp. 1941-1942. 144 pages.

File # 2413. Jews released from internment camps, lists by categories. Analysis of work capabilities and performance. Release from forced labor of Jews who will emigrate on the vessel Struma 1941. 453 pages

Reel # 145

File #2416 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence regarding the Jews, in various industrial and commercial enterprises. Detailed lists of Jews by qualification for given categories of forced labor and by districts.

Lists of personnel of the religious communities, organizations schools hospitals. August 1941. 239 pages.

File #2418 General Staff. Report on utilization of the Jews for Community work (Forced labor), by districts (with maps) 1941. 15 pages.

Reel # 146

File #2683 General Staff. Labor brigades CFR (Romania railroads).

Planning and organization of the labor brigades for optimum use and performance, (NB: of all kinds, not only Jewish!) based on requests from various sources and available manpower.

Reports on inspections of those units.

Information on clandestine activity of pro-Ucrainian groups in villages in the Bucovina.. 1942. 1709 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962. Some pages, of military nature were taken out as unrelated to the problematic of the Holocaust)

Reel # 147

File #2683 General Staff.(Continues from Reel # 146)Labor brigades CFR (Romanian railroads). Adaptation of activities and personnel for winter operations. Complaints from military personnel of Hungarian origin. Inspections and conclusions. 1942 . 186 pages.

Reel # 148

File #2695 General Staff. Miscellaneous. In a heavy artillery regiment there are Gypsies. What to do with them? Send them to Transnistria? Orders and dispositions one on top of the other. 1942. 15 pages. (from pp.287 to pp.302).

File # 2825 General staff. Forced labor of Jews. General Instructions regarding the forced labor of Jews. 1942. 19 pages.

File # 2901 General staff. Situation of Jews working at snow removal. January – March, 1942. 86 pages.

File 2942 General staff. Inquiries regarding the utilization of Jews for forced labor at the Center of Military Conscription in Bucarest. Memoir on the “Jewish Problem”.

Lists of Jews to report to the conscription centers (newspaper publication). Big noise. Recriminations. 1942. 201 pages.

File 2943 General Staff. Utilization of Jews for forced labor at the Center of Military Conscription in Bucarest. Daily reports and lists of Jews sent to work. Reports from all districts. 1942. 542 pages.

File 2946 General Staff. Instructions regarding forced labor of the Jews. Interdepartmental collaboration. Regulations for takeover of equipment and workplace from Jews by Romanians. The situation in Bucovina.

Jews nor fulfilling their work will be sent to Transnistria. Lists of Jews sent to Transnistria. Various ordinances of the Government of Transnistria. Anti-Semitic excerpts from newspapers regarding the intellectual Jews. 1942. 495 pages.

Reel # 149

File #2947 General Staff. Confirmation of Instructions(lists) regarding the forced labor of the Jews. 1942. 287 pages.

File # 2949 General Staff. Forced labor of the Jews. Medical revisions. 1942. 107 pages.

File # 2950 General staff. Jews working at snow shoveling. Reports, lists, taxation, medical exemptions etc. 1942-43. 1036 pages.

Reel # 150

File #2951 General Staff. Jews with medical dispensation from forced labor. Correspondence re. exemption of Jews from forced labor during the high holidays. Jews sent to Transnistria. Hostages.

1942. 1,000 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962)

Reel # 151

File # 2952 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Jews from mixed marriages, baptized and not baptized.

Complaints against a Jewish cultural club in Timisoara. 1942. 1006 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

File # 2953. General Staff. . Documents related to forced labor of the Jews.

1942-1943. 257 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962)

Reel # 152

File # 2953 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Continuation from reel #151)

List of rabbis exempted from labor, by cities. 1942-43. 316pages.

File # 2954 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Inspections of jewish forced labor brigades. 1942. 288 pages.

File # 2955 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Miscellaneous reports. 1942. 46 pages.

Reel # 153

File # 2956 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Inspections, together with personnel from the Centrala Evreilor.

Investigations of illegal exemption of labor for Jews and of irregularities committed by military personnel.

Cases of corporal punishment applied to Jews in the labor brigades. 1942 – 1943. 1,000 pages.

Reel # 154

File # 2957 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Jews exempted from labor by tolerant or corrupted authorities. 1942 – 1943. 217 pages.

File # 2958 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Verification and controls. 1942. 188 pages.

File # 2959 General staff. Labor brigades out of town.

Utilization of the Jews from Constanta for forced labor.

Corruption in Timisoara in exemption of Jews from forced labor. Same situation in other districts: Hunedoara, Bacau etc.1942. 195 pages.

File #2960 General Staff. Documents related to forced labor of the Jews. Operations of Romanization of Jewish properties.

The case of a Jewish jeweler and engraver in Braila. 1941-1943 295 pages.

Reel # 155

File # 2961 General Staff. Documents related to Jewish personnel in Romanized businesses and enterprises. 1942. 707 pages.

Reel # 156

File # 2962 General Staff. Annulment of exemptions from forced labor for Jews in various businesses, enterprises and industry and repartition of working places for forced labor, Lists by military territorial commandments. 1942. 283 pages.

Reel # 157

File # 2963 General Staff. Correspondence related to the annulment of exemptions from forced labor for Jews in various businesses, enterprises and industry. Lists of Jews punished with deportation to Transnistria. 1943. 95 pages.

File # 2964 General Staff. Correspondence related to the repartition of working places for Jews of technical profession and extension of the duration of their assignment. Lists of Jews technicians assigned to the CFR (Romanian Railroads). 1942- 1943.

687 pages.

Reel # 158

File # 2965 General Staff. Lottery. List of Jews to work as selling agents at the lottery distribution centers. Rules and regulations, taxation etc.

Requests of military officers to buy houses or apartments that were owned by Jews.1942 – 1943. 273 pages.

File # 2966. General staff. Painters. Regulations for providing qualified craftspeople by reciprocal exchange between the military

territorial districts. Lists by trades of Jewish craftspeople available in various districts., and lists of requests. Crisis in painters for road signs. 1942 – 1943, 221 pages.

File # 2967 General Staff. On May 5, 1942 Marshall Antonescu orders that all problems referring to Jews must be addressed to the General staff. Clarification and details follow. A degree of urgency for solving various problems is established. Work schedules are worked out by districts and units. Special attention is given to the disponibility, need and rational use of the Jewish craftspeople. 1942. 297 pages.

Reel # 159

File # 2968 General Staff. Requests and Approvals related to forced labor of the Jews.

The famous violonist and conductor Jean Marcu requests to be exempt from forced labor. 1942. 987 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962)

Reel # 160

File # 2969 General Staff. Correspondence related to forced labor of the Jews: requests for exemptions; requests from businesses and enterprises for Jewish specialists, craftspeople, clerical work and laborers.

List of Jews professionals or students, classified by mental capacity. 1942. 1113 pages.

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 161

File #2970 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor for various institutions and private enterprises. June – July 1942.

Various problems of Jews related to forced labor. For security reasons, interdiction to use Russian prisoners for work in Bucharest; replace them with Jews. Lists of Jews mobilized for forced labor in various military establishments, and for the German Military Mission in Romania. Jewish students used for agricultural work during the summer season. 1,125 pages.

Reel # 162

File #2971 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises. July – August 1942.

Various problems of Jews related to forced labor. Problems of Jews citizens of other countries. Lists of Jews mobilized for forced labor in various military establishments. 892 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 163

File #2972 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises. August - September 1942.

Lists of Jews for forced labor compiled by the Centrala Evreilor. 968 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 164

File #2973 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises, mostly professional and business people. September-October 1942. 1092 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 165

File #2974 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises, mostly professional and business people. List of Jews, craftsmen working for the German Military Mission in the district Roman. 1942.

973 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 166

File #2975 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises, mostly professional and business people. Assignment of Jewish craftsmen to special public and industrial projects.

Report on the activity and reorganization of the Bureau “Jews” at the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

October-November 1942. 1028 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 167

File #2976 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises, mostly professional and business people. Jewish lawyers working at the Office for statistics of the Government of the Bucovina. Prof Ernest Abason working at the General Inspectorate for Higher Education. Numerous requests for technical personnel, like drivers, mechanics of various specialties etc.

November-December, 1942. 976 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 168

File #2977 General Staff. Approvals of Jews for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

November 1943 – January 1944. 1041 pages

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 169

File #2978 General Staff. Request of Jews clerical and craftspeople for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

Requests from Jews to be exempted from forced labor.

May – June 1942. 929 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 170

File #2979 General Staff. Request of Jews clerical and craftspeople for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

Requests from Jews to be exempted from forced labor.

June July, 1942. 1004 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 171

File #2980 General Staff. Request of Jews clerical and craftspeople for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

Requests from Jews to be exempted from forced labor. New regulations with regard to the status of the Jews – women included- for forced labor.

Centrala Evreilor requests that the 272 pupils from Jewish schools to be sent for work at the central Institute of Statistics.

August-September 1942. 1000 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 172

( continut la fel cu cel al rolei 171 )

File #2981 General Staff. Request of Jews clerical and craftspeople for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

Requests from Jews to be exempted from forced labor.

October - November 1942. 1007 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 173

File #2982 General Staff. Request of Jews clerical and craftspeople for forced labor in various institutions and private enterprises.

Requests from Jews to be exempted from forced labor.

December 1942 -January 1943. 952 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 174

File #2983 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews of various categories in work brigades of the CFR (Romanian Railroad) Administration. Organization, instructions, scheduling, supervision and controls.

1942 -1943. 275 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out as containing documents of military interest only).

File # 2984 General Staff. Organization of Jewish forced labor brigades for road work in Bessarabia. 1942 – 1943. 273 pages.

An order from the general Staff dated Mai 23, 1942 requests to send one physician from Campulung-Moldova and one from Gura Humorului (There were no more Jews in those towns in1942)

File # 2985 General Staff. Orders and disposition regarding repairs and improvement of infrastructure: roads, dikes, etc. Formation of brigades of Jews for the respective work. Request to the Centrala Evreilor to provide clothing for the Jews in the brigades. 1942 –1943. 189 pages.

Reel # 175

File #2986 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews of various categories in labor brigades. Reports on number of Jews, the location and activity of each brigade.

Jews working at exhumation in the old Jewish cemetery on Strada Sevastopol in Bucharest.

Inventory of pharmaceutical products found in the luggage of a Jew in the brigade. He also did dental work in the village instead of being at work. Request to be deported to Transnistria. 1942 – 1943. 577 pages,

File # 2987 General Staff. Brigades to combat natural disasters. Organization and instructions. Inclusion of Jews in those brigades.

1942 – 1943. 85 pages.

File #2988 General Staff. Organization of brigades of Jews for snow shoveling in the streets of Bucharest, at railroad stations and office buildings. They will be used also for unloading the railroad cars. November 1942 - January 1943. 92 pages.

Reel # 176

File #2989 General Staff. Lists of Jews in labor brigades by numbers and categories. August 1942 – March 1943. 74 sheets.

File # 2990 General Staff. Lists of Jews in labor brigades by numbers and categories (details). September 1942 – March 1943. 54 sheets.

File # 2991 General Staff. Lists of distribution of Jews by designation of working places. June 1942 – September 1942. 67 sheets.

File # 2993 General Staff. Lists of Jews mobilized for forced labor by trade and specialty. 1942. 328 sheets

Reel # 177

File #2992 General Staff. Lists of assignment of Jews for forced labor to various military units and enterprises. August - October 1942 188 sheets.

Reel # 178

File #2994 General Staff. Lists of work accomplished by the Jewish craftspeople. August 1942 – February 1943. 186 sheets.

Reel # 179

File #2995 General Staff. Lists of work accomplished by the Jewish craftspeople. June 1942 –January 1943. 119 sheets.

File #2996 General Staff. Assignment of Jews for forced labor to military units and enterprises. Formation of new labor brigades. Review of physical status of Jews mobilized for forced labor. June – December 1942. 108 pages.

Reel # 180

File #2997 General Staff. Number of Jews in various brigades of forced labor. 1942. 97 lists and documents.

File # 2998 General Staff. Brigades out-of-town: reports on organization, activity and specific problems and difficulties. 1942. 32 pages.

File # 2999 General Staff. Monthly reports on labor brigades.

June – December 1942. 149 pages.

File # 3000 Periodical reports of various services of the general Staff related to the forced labor of the Jews. 1942. 67 pages.

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 181

File #3001 General Staff. Miscellaneous administrative and operational notes regarding the military units and the Jews in forced labor brigades.

June 1942 –March 1943. 537 pages.

File #3002 General Staff. Jews sent to Transnistria. Orders and regulations. 2110 Jews communists sent to Transnistria from detention camps and jails. Also from various cities and Jews absentees from forced labor. Lists of Jews from labor brigades sent to Transnistria. June 1942 –January 1943. 173 pages.

Reel # 182

File # 3003 General Staff. Bureau 10-Jews. Unsolved requests related to forced labor of Jews. Vol. l Requests of Jews for forced labor in various towns and districts.

1942. 1041 pages.

Reel # 183

File # 3004 General Staff. Bureau 10-Jews. Unsolved requests related to forced labor of Jews. Vol. 2. Railroad accident claiming the lives of eight Jews from a forced labor brigade. (See details in file # 3007). Problems related to forced labor of Jews with academic studies, upon the request of the Centrala Evreilor. Requests for Jews craftsmen for work at various institutions and enterprises. Rental of Jewish homes to military personnel. Status of Jews with alien citizenship. October 1942 – January 1943. 1038 pages.

Reel # 184

File # 3005 General Staff. Unsolved correspondence related to forced labor of Jews. Official instructions regarding Jews deserting from forced labor obligations. January – March, 1943. 486 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 185

File # 3006 General Staff. Procedures for the transfer of the Bureau - Jews. Delivery and reception of archives of Bureau 7, according to attached inventory, made on February 12, 1942. Lists of inventories of various sections. 34 pages.

File # 3007 General Staff. Various documents regarding status of Jews: repartition to working places in various enterprises and their obligation for forced labor. Results of controls and check-ups. Regimen of Jews in labor brigades. Details on accident mentioned in File # 3004. lists of Jews called to clarify their obligation for forced labor. June 1942 – March 1943. 321 pages.

File # 3008 General Staff. Unsolved problems regarding repartition of Jews for work in various institutions and enterprises. June 1942 – Mai 1943. 777 pages.

File # 3009 General staff. Controversy regarding the deportation to Transnistria of Jews not present for forced labor. New rules and regulations for Jews. Situation of the Jews in various districts. Regimen of forced labor or Jews in the Government of Bucovina. Situation of Jewish pharmacists. Regimen of Jews in the governments of Besarabia and Transnistria. Remuneration for work accomplished. Statistical lists of Jews of various categories.

1943. 970 pages.

Reel # 186

File 3010 General Staff. Requests from enterprises for repartition of Jews for work. Lists of Jews refugees from various countries, with no official documents;

Their status relative to forced labor. Results of inspection of forced labor brigades in various regions. Census of Jews by categories of qualifiction for labor. Lists of Jews with alien citizenships. 1942. 148 pages.

File 3011. General Staff. Various reports concerning forced labor of Jews. Jews deported to Transnistria- instructions. Telegraphic messages.

August 1942 – March 1943. 253 pages.

File 3012 General Staff. Jews in the work brigade Gaesti. Lists of 264 Jews.

1942. 277 pages.

Reel # 187

File 3013 General Staff. Misc. reports on the activity from the forced labor brigades.

1942 – 1943. 236 pages.

File 3014 General Staff. Obligations of the Centrala Evreilor in organizing the forced labor of the Jews, and how it was fulfilled (clothing, etc). 1942. l06 pages.

File 3015 General Staff. Sudden enrichment of some military personnel, led to review of military documents of the Jews in relation to their obligation for forced labor. August 1942 – February 1943. 214 pages.

Reel # 188

File 3274 General Staff. The work brigades CFR. Administrative instructions. Agreement between the Ministry of National Defense and the CFR. Organization of the Jewish labor force for these brigades. Analysis of the general situation of the Jews participating in the work force, by numbers, qualification and distribution in various sites. Following the creation of labor brigades for the Romanians in the occupied territories in Transilvania, Antonescu orders a similar treatment for the Hungarians in that province that is part of Romania. Reports of inspections of the labor brigades.

1943. 1051 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 189

File# 3274 General Staff. The work brigades CFR. Continues from Reel # 188. Instructions regarding minorities (Hungarians) in the labor brigades.

1943. 126 pages.

Reel # 190

File # 3276 General Staff. Additional manpower. Roads. Intensification of communist propaganda in Bessarabia. Extract the Jewish brigades from there. 1943.

153 pages.

File # 3573 General Staff. Jewish physicians and dentists used in hospitals and clinics. Shortage of sanitary personnel. Text of agreement between Germany and Romania regarding the enrollment of Romanian citizens of German ethnic origin in the German Armed Forces. Use of medical students.

1943. 980 pages.

Reel 191

File # 3695 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Telegraphic orders. Due to lack of manpower and craftspeople new restrictions are ordered for extending the term of duty for Jews in labor brigades and municipal authorities.

April – November 1943. 607 pages.

File # 3696 General Staff. Lists of repartition of Jews for forced labor at local brigades.

July 1943. 34 pages.

Reel 192

File # 3698 General Staff, Monthly reports on the forced labor of Jews. March- July 1943. 30 pages.

File # 3699 General Staff. Numerical situation of Jews for forced labor.

April – July 1343. 30 pages.

File # 3700 General Staff. Repartition of Jews for forced labor. Dec1942 –Feb. 1943.

81 pages.

Reel 193.

File # 3701. General Staff. Numerical situation of Jews for forced labor. June-July 1943.

36 pages.

File # 3702. General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Miscellaneous lists. Feb-Mar, 1943.

32 pages.

File # 3703. General Staff. Numerical situation of Jews for forced labor.

March-June 1943. 138 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel 194.

File # 3704. General Staff. Situation of Jews in forced labor brigades and at various institutions and enterprises. March – July, 1943. 82 pages.

File # 3705 General staff. The contribution of the Jewish craftspeople. Lists of work performed. March – June 1943. 58 pages.

File # 3706. General Staff. Instructions for performance of forced labor by the Jews. Correspondence with the Uniunea Evreilor Romani re. the obligation of various categories of Jews for forced labor. Oct. 1943 – March 1945. 129 pages

Reel 195.

File # 3707 General Staff. Military approvals for passports to travel abroad (non-Jews). June 1943. 262 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel 196.

File # 3708 Instructions re forced labor of Jews: use of craftspeople in Bucharest. Acute demands will be solved by their redistribution among various beneficiaries. The role of the Centrala Evreilor. New laws promulgated on the subject. Restrictions imposed on freedom of movement for mobilized Jews. New rules for Jews in forced labor brigades in Transnistria. Jews working in military hospitals. Regulations regarding the wearing of the star of David in Bessarabia and Bucovina. 1943 -1944. 842 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel 197.

File # 3709. General Staff. Instructions regarding forced labor of Jews. The principles of forced labor. Jews are not allowed to work in military barracks or camps. If Jewish craftsmen are used, they shall work in separate buildings, outside the military parameter. Armbands for Jews at forced labor. No Jews are working at the Postal Service. On March 11, 1943 Antonescu orders an inter-departmental conference regarding the forced labor of Jews (full report). 1943. 367 pages.

File # 3710 General Staff. Orders and dispositions for Jews at forced labor. 1943- 44

43 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).


Reel 198.

File # 3711. General Staff. Documents regarding forced labor of Jews of various categories. Reports on inspections in military units to check the repartition of Jews for forced labor. Lists of Jewish lawyers working at the IOVR. The Jews converted to Christian orthodoxy request to be considered equal to the born Christian Orthodox in contributing to the war effort with all means available. 1944-45. 960 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel 199.

File # 3712 General Staff. Documents regarding forced labor of Jews of category II.

March – June 1943. 13 pages.

File # 3713 General staff. Documents regarding forced labor of Jews. Medical revisions of Jews for exemption from forced labor. Rules and regulations. 1943. 396 pages.

File # 3714 General staff. Documents regarding forced labor of Jews. Clothing sent to Jews working in labor brigades. Correspondence with the Centrala Evreilor on the subject. Jews working in labor brigades in Transnistria are in dire need of clothing. July 1943 – February 1944. 110 pages.

Reel 200.

File # 3715. General Staff. Miscellaneous problems mostly related to the obligation of individual Jews for forced labor. April – May 1943. 1017 pages.

Romanian Ministry of National Defense

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 201

File # 3716 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. 1943. 1168 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 202

File # 3717 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Assignment of Jews to various enterprises and institutions. Conflicts related to the remuneration for their work. Jews will be off work during the high holidays. Religious services will be organized.

August- September 1943. 1013 pages.

Reel # 203

File # 3718 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Repartition of Jews to various enterprises and institutions. Lists of Jewish medical personnel: physicians, dentists, etc and other professional categories, by Territorial Districts. September-November. 1105 pages.

(Numerous f pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 204

File # 3719 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Annulments of exemptions from forced labor. Labor and transport conditions for Jews working in Brigades located in Bessarabia and Transnistria. Jews from the District Radauti living in Germany. September-November. 1112 pages.

Reel # 205

File # 3720 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Copy of study relative to the notions of Ethnic Origin and Religion (Sept. 2. 942). December 1943 – January 1944.


(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 206

File # 3721 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. List of items on file. Remuneration of Jewish Engineers for work performed at forced labor. Registration of Jews ages 16 to 18 for Forced labor. Irregularities and speculative procedures with Work Certificates the Jewish Community in Arad. January – February 1944. 1064 pages.

Reel # 207

File # 3722 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests for craftspeople from various institutions.

January - Mai 1944. 868 pages.

Reel # 208

File # 3723 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Jews working at snow cleaning. Jan-Feb 1944.

244 pages.

Reel # 209

File # 3724 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Investigations and controls. Reports from malevolent informers are analysed. Situation of Jews sent for work to Transnistria. 1942 – 1943. 1030 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 210

File # 3725 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Investigations and controls to verify mostly infractions related to misusing money reserved for payment of the Jews in the labor brigades and at work in various institutions. Problems with Jews deserting from labor brigades. Proposal of punishment: transferring them to penal labor brigades in Transnistria, known for severe regime and harsh treatment.

1943 – 1944. 967 pages.

Reel # 211

File # 3726 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Complaints of very low efficiency of the Jews in various labor brigades. Penalties are proposed. Dec 1943 – Jan 1944. 36 pages.

File # 3727 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Annulment of work passbooks for exempting Jews from forced labor. April 1943 – March 1944. 1090 pages.

Reel # 212

File # 3728 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Punished Jews sent to external forced labor brigades. 1943. 88 pages.

File # 3733 General Staff. Jews in the forced labor brigades of the Romanian Railroads (CFR). 1043. 435 pages.

Reel # 213

File # 3734 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Jews working at various enterprises and institutions. April – July 1943. 1069 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 214

File # 3735 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Numerous deserters from forced labor: analysis of reasons and solutions for remedies. 1943. 847 pages.

Reel # 215

File # 3736 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Report on the activity of the Jews at the Central Institute of Statistics. Lists of Jews by categories. 1943.

690 pages. (Continues on Reel 216).

Reel # 216

File # 3736 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. 1943. 42 pages.

Reel # 217

File # 3737 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Private persons and enterprises requesting Jews for labor. 1943. 694 pages. (Continues on Reel 218).

Reel # 218

File # 3737 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Private persons and enterprises requesting Jews for labor. 1943. 138 pages.

Reel # 219

File # 3738 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Craftspeople. Conflicts regarding the authority that is entitled to allocate those people for labor and on what criteria. Anti-Semitic malevolent denunciations of Jews mobilized for forced labor, by authorities. 1943-1944. 771 pages.

Reel # 220

File # 3739 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests and assignments of Jews craftspeople at various enterprises and institutions. 1943. 1006 pages.

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 221

File # 3740 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Approved requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. 1943. 606 pages.

Reel # 222

File # 3741 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Approved requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. 1943. 597 pages.

Reel # 223

File # 3742 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. 1943. 858 pages.

Reel # 224

File # 3743 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. Jews caught paying peasants to do their work in the forced labor brigades, are deported to Transnistria.

1943. 1008 pages.

Reel # 225

File # 3744 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. The Bishop from Arad requests that Jews converted to Christian Orthodox religion and married to Christian women not to be put to work with the other Jews, to avoid them being derided and boycotted. 1943. 1432 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 226

File # 3745 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. 1943. 791 pages.

Reel # 227

File # 3746 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. 1943. 1050 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 228

File # 3747 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. Personal problems of Jews regarding their duty for forced labor. 1943. 1066 pages.

Reel # 229

File # 3748 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises. Personal problems of Jews regarding their duty for forced labor. 1943. 1026 pages.

Reel # 230

File # 3749 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. Personal problems of Jews regarding their duty for forced labor. 1943. 898 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 231

File # 3750 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 801 pages.

Reel # 232

File # 3751 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 888 pages.

Reel # 233

File # 3752 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 849 pages.

Reel # 234

File # 3753 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 966 pages.

Reel # 235

File # 3754 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 971 pages.

Reel # 236

File # 3755 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 627 pages.

Reel # 237

File # 3756 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 876 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 238

File # 3757 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. 1943. 986 pages.

Reel # 239

File # 3758 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. Dec. 1943 – Jan 1944. 1073 pages.

Reel # 240

File # 3759 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved . Nov, 1943 – Jan 1944. 1044 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 241

File # 3760 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. Nov, 1943 – Feb. 1944. 1002 pages.

Reel # 242

File # 3761 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Requests of Jewish labor for various institutions and enterprises that were disapproved. List of 126 Jews “HALUTZIM” whose work exemption permits were canceled. It is recommended to send them to forced labor in out of town brigades, under strict supervision, as politically dangerous for the state. January – March 1944. 1056 pages.

Reel # 243

File # 3762 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Gypsies used for forced labor in Transnistria. 1943. 1034 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 244

File # 3763 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. 1943- March 1944. 693 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 245

File # 3764 General Staff. Miscellaneous correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Reports of activity. Orders and dispositions. 1943. 495 pages

Reel # 246

File # 3765 General Staff. Unsolved correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems.

1943 – April 1944. 1196 pages.

Reel # 247

File # 3766 General Staff. Unsolved correspondence, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943.

856 pages.

Reel # 248

File # 3767 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943.

864 pages.

Reel # 249

File # 3768 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943.

1117 pages.

Reel # 250

File # 3769 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943.

1011 pages.

Reel # 251

File # 3770 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943 – Feb.1944.

1082 pages.

( A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 252

File # 3771 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943 – March 1944.

1112 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 253

File # 3772 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. 1943 – March 1944.

705 pages.

File # 3773 General Staff. Unsolved requests, Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Personal problems. Jews condemned to life in prison or to death because of desertion from forced labor will be sent to fight in the front lines, 1943. 38 pages.

Reel # 254

File # 3774 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Reports of controls and numerical lists. 1943. 368 pages.

File # 3775 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. File APACA (military clothing industry). 1943 – Feb. 1944 267 pages.

File # 3776 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Work accomplished. 1943. 112 pages.

Reel # 255

File # 3777 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. The civil engineers are mobilized for road construction supervision. 1943. 297 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

File # 3778 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Press Office of the Ministry of National Defense. Lists of Jews unidentified and missing from forced labor. 1943. 57 pages.

File # 3779 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews at the factory “Bistritza”

65 pages. 1943

Reel # 256

File # 3780 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Re. exemption from forced labor duty. 1943. 482 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

File # 3781 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Re. exemption from forced labor duty. 1943. 150 pages.

File # 3782 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Re. exemption from forced labor duty. 1943. 250 pages.

Reel # 257

File # 3783 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. The Municipality of Bucharest. 1943. 227 pages.

File # 3784 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Personal problems. 1943 - 1944. 611 pages.

Reel # 258

File # 3785 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. 1943 – April 1944. 681 pages.

File # 3786 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. 1943 – April 1944. 257 pages.

File # 3787 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Inclusion of Jewish women in the forced labor duty; to be used for certain kinds of work only. 1944. 265 pages.

Reel # 259

File # 3788 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Awaiting resolution. 1943. 490 pages.

File # 3789 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades. Directions for creating lists of Jewish professionals and specialists. 1943. 102 pages.

Reel # 260

File # 3791 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Forced labor brigades.

The instruction center SARATA. 1943. 585 pages.

File # 3792 General Staff. Re. forced labor of Jews. Inquiry regarding the Jews from Galati. 1943. 74 pages.

Reel # 261

File # 3793 General Staff. Re. Jews and others requesting certificates for the purpose of obtaining passports. 1945. 778 pages.

Reel # 262

File # 3794 General Staff, Census of Jews born in the year1926. 1943.

25 pages.

File # 2795 General Staff. Forced labor brigade 110 – Jews – Panciu.

1943. 114 pages.

Reel # 263

File # 3796 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Personal problems in various work places. 818 pages, Dec.1943 - Jan 1944.

File # 3796. Attachment, same subject. 11pages. Jan. 1944.

Reel # 264

File # 3797 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews professionals and of specialists for the years, by districts. 223 pages. 1943.

File # 3798 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests and repartition of Jews in various institutions and enterprises. 537 pages. 1943.

File # 3799 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Reports on the activity of the forced labor brigades for the year 1943. 66 pages. 1943.

Reel # 265

File # 3800 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Cumulative centralized lists of results of the labor brigades. 353 pages. 1943.

Reel # 266

File # 3801 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Numerical lists of Jews in local institutions by age and categories. 34 pages. 1943.

File # 3802 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Reports and lists of Jews exempted from labor for medical reasons. 174 pages. 1943.

Reel # 267

File # 3803 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Reports of activity of the labor brigades for November 1943. 157 pages.

Reel # 268

File # 3813 General Staff Reports on decisions and their follow-up. Mostly military problems, inclusive the military status and forced labor of the Jews. 1943 – March 1944. 474 pages.

File # 3955 General Staff. Correspondence related to the new military status of the Jews. Emigration of the Jews.

30 August 1944 – March 1945. 423 pages.

Reel # 269

File # 4009 General Staff. Clarifications Re. the military status of the Jews. Jews volunteering for active military service. Requests from the military to destroy by burning all documents related to the forced labor of the Jews. Sep. 1944- 1945. 949 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 270

File # 4010 General Staff. Miscellaneous documents from before and after August 1944. Recruiting and mobilization of Jews into the Army. Men of German ethnic origin are mobilized in special labor brigades. Some are handed over to the Sovietic Control Comission. 1843 – 1946. 719 pages.

Reel # 271

File # 4044 General Staff. Sanitary Section. Situation of physicians – Jews and non-Jews. Dec. 1943 – Jan. 1944. 888 pages.

Reel # 272

File # 4480 General Staff. The Armistice treaty of Sep. 12 1944. The “War Criminals” - official and press releases.

Dec. 1944 – Apr. 1945. 173 pages.

File # 4481 General Staff. The Armistice treaty of Sep. 12 1944. Liquidation of the nationalistic and hitleristic societies and associations. Reorganization of the judicial system and of public institutions. Arrests of the Legionnaires.

Dec. 1944 – March 1945. 98 pages.

File # 4513 General Staff. Atrocities committed by the Hungarians.

October 1944, 7 pages.

File # 4514 General Staff. Premilitary youths arrested for not showing up for work. 1945. 15 pages.

File # 4575 General Staff. Instructions Re. forced labor of the Jews.

Order of repatriation of Jews from Transnistria (March

17, 1944). All forced labor of Jews suspended as of August 30, 1944. All forced labor brigades for Jews are liquidated (September 11, 1944). 390 pages.

Reel # 273

File # 4576 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Nov. 1943 – May 1944. 710 pages.

Reel # 274

File # 4577 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Nov. 1943 – August 10, 1944. 1284 pages.

Reel # 275

File # 4578 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Controls. Inquiries.

1943 – August 10, 1944. 174 pages.

File # 4579 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Invalidation of work deferment booklets. 1943 – August 19, 1944. 849 pages.

Reel # 276

File # 4580 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved.

Jan. – April 1944. 1088 pages.

Reel # 277

File # 4581 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved for CFR. April - June 1944. 130 pages.

Reel # 278

File # 4582 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved.

February - May 1944. 1039 pages.

Reel # 279

File # 4583 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved.

June - July 1944. 1054 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 280

File # 4584 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved.

Jews are mobilized to forced labor up to the age of 55.

July – 23 August, 1944. 1175 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 281

File # 4585 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Jews at design and erection of Antiaircraft Defense. Dec. 1943– Feb. 1944. 853pages.

Reel # 282

File # 4586 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. Jan. – Feb. 1944. 1033 pages.

Reel # 283

File # 4587 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. Feb. - March 1944. 1117 pages.

Reel # 284

File # 4588 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests approved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. Feb. - March 1944. 726 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 285

File # 4589 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. April – May 1944. 823 pages.

Reel # 286

File # 4590 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. April – May 1944. 681 pages.

Reel # 287

File # 4591 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. April – July 1944. 1293 pages.

Reel # 288

File # 4592 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. June – August 16, 1944. 1130 pages.

Reel # 289

File # 4593 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. July – August 23, 1944. 327 pages.

File # 4594 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. Nov. – Dec 1943. 1002 pages.

Reel # 290

File # 4595 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. Dec.1943 – Feb.1944. 927 pages.

(Many pages hardly readable)

Reel # 291

File # 4596 General Staff. Circular orders Re. evacuation from Bucharest and resettlement of personnel and their families. Reorganization of displaced services. Safety measures for institutions and services. From September new orders and dispositions. Liaison with the Soviet Army. Jan – Sept. 1944. 239 pages.

File # 4597 General Staff. Jews punished for desertion from forced labor, returning from Transnistria together with their families. Lists of those returned, deceased or missing. January 1944. 87 pages.

Reel # 292

File # 4598 General Staff. Personal problems. Requests of Jews for work in various institutions. March – May 1944. 694 pages.

Reel # 293

File # 4599 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Assignment to working places. Denunciations of Jews for evading forced labor obligation. Feb. – Jun. 1944, 1227 pages.

Reel # 294

File # 4600 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Assignment to working places. 1943 – Jul. 1944. 997 pages.

Reel # 295

File # 4601 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved.

Reports on high percentage of Jews deserting or buying themselves out of forced labor. 1944, up to Aug. 23. 854 pages.

Reel # 296

File # 4602 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. 1944, up to August 23).

917 pages.

(Many pages are illegible)

Reel # 297

File # 4603 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. 1943, up to April 1944. 1226 pages.

Reel # 298

File # 4604 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests disproved. Personal problems. After 23 August 1944, new rules and ordinances on transition to the new regime Relations with the Soviets. . File with documents of dentists.

July – September 1944. 881 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 299

File # 4605 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Miscell. Correspondence.

Personal problems. On September 30, 1944 Some Jews are still kept at forced labor positions. June-Sept. 1944. 637 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Reel # 300

File# 4606 General Staff. Forced labor of Jews. Requests pending.

March – September 1944. 974 pages.

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services in 1958 – 1962).

Fond: General Staff. Organization, Mobilization

Reel # 301

File # 4607 General Staff. Jews transferred to forced labor brigades. Lists of and measures against Jews deserting from those brigades. The German Air force group in Romania request workers to repair damages after bombardments “Inclusive Jews”. Lists of Jews of various specialties and professions. May- August 1944.

1167 pages.

Reel # 302

File # 4608 General Staff. Lists of Jews in forced labor brigades and in urban institutions. Various problems of Jews re. their obligation for forced labor. February – August 1944. 1657 pages.

Reel # 303

File # 4609 General Staff. Jews working in de Central Institute of Statistics. Report on their situation. Attitude of these and other Jews after the bombardment of the Capital on April 4, 1944. Inquiry of the Medical Commission. Complaints against the Jews by the administrative personnel. April 1944. 149 pages.

File # 4610 General Staff. Proposal regarding the confinement of all Jews in Ghettos. April – May 1944. 34 pages.

File # 4611 General Staff. Lists and register of control of the Jews working at the Central Institute of Statistics. 1944. 54 pages.

Reel # 304

File # 4612 General Staff. Lists of Jews with professional qualifications, by categories. 1944. 197 pages.

Reel # 305

File # 4629 General Staff. . Comprehensive lists of Jews with professional qualifications, by categories. 1944. 168 pages. 1944 – 1945

File # 4635 General Staff. . Comprehensive lists of Jews bookkeepers.

383 pages. 1944

Reel # 306

Fond: Division # 4 Infantry

File # 1053 Division 4 Infantry. Confidential, personal information

1941-1942. Pretorial section in the Balta district. Cases of subordination and bad behavior of military personnel. Contact and illicit dealings with the Jews in the Ghetto. Appropriation of goods from the Jews following searches. 49 pages.

File # 1054 Division 4 Infantry. Confidential correspondence. Information, counter-information. Isolation of the Jews from the local population. Treatment of the local population and of the prisoners. Numerous handwritten pages in Russian. The activity of the partisans. 1941 – 1942. 279 pages.

File # 1055 Division 4 Infantry. Judiciary, administrative and communal police. Inquiries, new laws and dispositions. Anti-Soviet and anti- Semitic fliers by the Nazis. Denunciation of free Jews helping those in the Ghetto. 1941 – 1942. 296 pages.

File # 1056 Division 4 Infantry. Judiciary section. Miscellaneous correspondence. Dispositions regarding the local population of German origin. Orders and regulation for the Jews living in the Ghetto. Each infraction by a Jew should be punished by his death and that of twenty other Jews. 1941- 1942. 96 pages

Reel # 307

Fond: Division # 5 Cavalry

File # 900 Division 5 Cavalry. Logbook of police platoon 42.

February - June 1944. 31 pages

Fond: Division # 7 Cavalry

File # 129 Division 7 Cavalry. General correspondence. Clandestine legionnaire activity among the military. Infiltrations of Sovietic agents. September – December 1942. 288 pages.

File # 130 Division 7 Cavalry. Judicial section. Miscellaneous. 1942 –1943. 128 pages

Fond: Division # 6 Infantry

File # 2039 Division 6 Infantry. Traffic and security police services.

1943. 22 pages.

File # 2044 Division 6 Infantry. Informative and contra-informative orders. July- September 1943. 37 pages.

File # 2045 Division 6 Infantry. Informative and contra-informative orders. April – June 1943. 40 pages

Fond: Division # 9 Infantry

File # 2227 Division 9 Infantry. General correspondence. Interdiction to use Jewish musicians for entertainment parties. April – June 1943. 109 pages.

Reel # 308

Fond: General Staff Section A2-A Information

File # 928 General staff. Atrocities committed by the Hungarians in the Occupied Ardeal. Real cased as recorded by members of the service. February 1941. 12 pages.

File # 982 General Staff. The evacuation of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina. 1940. The situation of Romanian military living in those territories and whose families are still there. Data on the transfer of population into the occupied territories. Many deprecatory remarks on the attitude and behavior of the Jews living in the occupied territories and those returning there. Lists of Romanian military personnel who were killed or were retained by the Soviet authorities. Evacuation of the German population to Germany. July-September 1940. 252 pages.

File #1254 General staff. Conflict re. transfer of cattle between Romanian and Hungarian farmers. 1943 – 1944. 288 pages

Reel # 309

Fond: Commandment of Easterm Etapes

File # 16 Eastern Etapes. Prisoner camps. Suspects, dangerous deserters, Ghettos. Volatile, desperate situation. Causes and proposed remedies. The camp in Vertujeni holding 23,000 Jews. Danger of a typhus epidemic and of scarlet fever breakout. Other places of internment for the Jews from Bessarabia. August 1941 – March 1942. 127 pages

File #221 Eastern Etapes. Informative notes. Spreading of communist propaganda. 1942- 1943. 163 pages.

File # 415 Eastern Etapes. Miscellaneous. Information on spread of communist propaganda. Legionnaire propaganda material was discovered among the military. New rules and regulation for safety and protection against the enemy. Jews are accused of spreading damaging rumors. Lists of soldiers from Bessarabia and Bucovina to be put discreetly under observation.

1942 – 1943. 307 pages.

File# 767 Eastern Etapes. Battalion 120 Jews.. List of auxiliary personnel. Lists of Jews who have completed one year of forced labor on Sep.15, and February 1943.

1943 – 1944. 334 pages

File# 776 Eastern Etapes. Orders, requests. The troops complain of bad and insufficient food. Aug. 1943. 61 pages.

File# 777 Eastern Etapes. Contra-informative orders. Interdiction of radio receivers by the military personnel in the frontlines.

1943. 173 pages. (Continues on Reel # 310)

Reel # 310

File#777 Eastern Etapes. (Continuation from Reel 309 ) Jews working at the Center of Disinfection in Moghilev-Otaci. Release of prisoners of war. Intensification of Soviet propaganda, List of German units in the area. July 1943. 65 pages.

Fike # 795 Eastern Etapes. Misc. correspondence. Jewish Labor brigade #120. Ban on hiring personnel of Russian or Ukrainian origin. September- November 1943. 349 pages.

File # 798 Eastern Etapes. Miscellaneous. German military arrested for acts of indiscipline and brutality against the civilian population in Transnistria. List of Jews sent to forced labor camps in Transnistria. Fight against the partisans.

Nov. 1943 – Jan. 1944. 402 pages.

File # 801 Eastern Etapes. Circular orders from higher authorities.

March – September 1943. 99 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 311)

Reel # 311

File# 801 . (Continuation from Reel 310 ) Eastern Etapes. Agreement between German and Romanian Governments on conscription of Romanian citizens of German ethnic origin into the German SS. Various circular orders. Prisoner camps.

June – September 1943. 388 pages.

File # 886 Eastern Etapes. Industries and means of transportation in Transnistria. Report on the Turnatoria in Moghilev on September 1942. List of personnel by functions (not nominal). Inventory of raw materials. 1942. 400 pages

(A number of pages were taken out by the security services)

Fond: Commandment Etape # 1

File# 1181 Commandment Etape # 1. Mobilization of Jews between the ages 15 and 55. Creation of brigades and repartition for military work. All exemptions from forced labor are suspended. Correspondence from various districts on the subject. Women will be used for auxiliary services only, like hospitals and cleaning work. Exceptions. The Jewish Communities are notified that in case that Jews will sabotage their work, all Jews will be interned in ghettos. Lists of Jews by districts and work assignment. 1944/45. 337 pages.

File #1188 Commandment Etape # 1. District Putna. Work assignment for Jews. Lists of Jews in labor brigades. 1944. 147 pages. (Continues on Reel # 312)

Reel # 312

File# 1188 ( Continuation fromReel # 311) Commandment Etape #1. District Putna. Work assignment for Jews. Lists of Jewish women to work for the war effort. 1944. 126 pages.

File #1219 CommandmentEtape # 1. District Buzau. Work assignment for Jews. Lists of Jews in labor brigades. Lists of Jewish women to work for the war effort. 1944. 195 pages.

File# 1223 Commandment Etape # 1. District Covurlui. Work assignment for Jews. Lists of Jews in labor brigades. Lists of Jewish women to work for the war effort. 1944. 358 pages.

File# 1226 Commandment Etape # 1. District Falciu. Miscellaneous correspondence. Lists of Jews in labor brigades. 1944.

84 pages.

File# 1239 Commandment Etape # 1. Verification of Jewish craftspeople. List of Jews in labor brigade 120. 1944. 183 pages.

File#1257 Commandment etape # 1. Miscellaneous Correspondence. Excerpts from an Ukrainian leaflet describing the killings in an Ukrainian village and resettling it with Moldavian population. 1943 - 1944. 291 pages.

Reel # 313

Fond: Territorial Command #2

File # 228 Territorial Command #2. Military status of Jews – officers and NCO’s. 1940- 1941. 189 pages.

File# 329 Territorial Command #2. Military status of Jews – craftsmen; requests and repartition. 1941- 1942. 519 pages

(Continues on Reel # 314)

Reel # 314

File# 329 (Continuation from reel # 313) Territorial Command #2. Military status of Jews – craftsmen; requests and repartition.

1941- 1942. 86 pages.

File# 339 Territorial Command #2. Regulations for mobilization for work in industrial enterprises. Lists of Jews approved for work in these enterprises. 1941 – 1942. 133 pages.

File# 341 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Orders, instructions, reports. Requests from Jews converted to Christianity to be exempted from forced labor. 1941. 182 pages.

File# 460 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections, complaints. Report on District Braila. 1942. 131 pages.

File# 519 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections, complaints. Requests for craftsmen. 1942. 308 pages.

File# 521 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections, sanctions, inquiries related to the snow removing. 1942.

36 pages.

File# 523 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections, instructions for the labor brigades. 1942. 67 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 315)

Reel # 315

File#523 (Continuation from Reel # 314) Territorial Command #2. Forced labor brigades at the CFR. 172 pages.

File# 556 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Daily lists of Jews sent to work. 1942. 450 pages.

File# 561 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Various individual and collective problems. Jews being beaten by the Romanian NCO.1942. 117 pages. (Continues on Reel # 316)

Reel # 316

File#561 (Continuation from Reel # 315) Territorial Command 2.

Forced labor of Jews. Inquiry of an NCO brutally abusing the Jewish workers. Various personal problems. 1942. 553 pages.

File#562 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Repartition of Jews for labor in various institutions and enterprises. Requests of transfer. 1942 – 43. 450 pages. (Continues on Reel # 317)

Reel # 317

File#562 (Continuation from Reel # 316) Territorial Command #2.Forced labor of Jews.. 1942 –1943. 274 pages.

File#563 Territorial Command #2. Forced labor of Jews. Information, inquiries, complaints, deferrals to justice. Repartition of Jews to work in various institutions and enterprises.

1942- 1943. 513 pages.

Fond: Corps 2 Territorial

File#274 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Repartition of Jews for labor in various institutions. 1943. 190 pages. (Continues on Reel # 318)

Reel # 318

File#274 (Continuation from Reel # 317). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. 1942 – 1943. 170 pages.

File#277 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Work assignment in various brigades. Number of Jews in each brigade. 1943 – 1944. 418 pages.

File#279 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Work. Requests for labor from various institutions, 1943-1944.

285 pages. (Continues on Reel # 319)

Reel # 319

File#279 (Continuation from Reel # 318). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Individual requests for assignment to work compatible with ones studies. 1943. 241 pages.

File#282 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Work Requests for labor from various institutions. Work at snow removal.

1943 - 1944. 366 pages.

File#288 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. 1943. 185 pages. (Continues on Reel # 320)

Reel # 320

File#288 (Continuation from Reel # 319). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Periodical lists of manpower. 1944. 245 pages.

File#289 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Individual problems and requests. 1944. 320 pages.

File#290 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews working at military and public institutions. 1943- 1944. 167 pages. (Continues on Reel # 321)

Reel # 321

File#290 (Continuation from Reel # 320). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews working at military and public institutions. 1943. 438 pages.

File#297 Corps 2 Territorial . Forced labor of Jews. Jews working at military and public institutions. 1943. 442 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 322)

Reel # 322

File#297 (Continuation from Reel # 321). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews working at military and public institutions. 1943. 111 pages.

File#298 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Individual problems and requests. Jews accused of dodging from forced labor obligation. Jews deserters. 1943. 428 pages

File#303 Corps 2 Territorial Forced labor of Jews. Assignment to various institutions. 1943. 271 pages.(Continues on Reel # 323)

Reel # 323

File#303 (Continuation from Reel # 322). Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews working at military and public institutions. 1943. 453 pages.

File#304 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Assignment to various institutions. 1944. 221 pages.

File#305 Corps 2 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Assignment to various institutions. Lists of deserters from forced labor brigades. 1944. 53 pages.

Fond: Territorial Command #3

File# 926 Territorial Command # 3 . Command of internment camps for Jews Galati. List of internees. Requests of Jews for work by various institutions. Isolation from the population of the Jews that are at work, to prevent spread of rumors and communist propaganda. 1941. 170 pages. Continues on Reel # 324)

Reel # 324

File#926 Continuation from Reel # 323). Territorial Command #3. Situation of internment camps for Jews (daily lists). Requests for Jewish craftsmen and workers from various institutions.1941. 79 pages.

File#927 Territorial Command # 3. internment camp for Jews Galati. Periodical lists. Reports on work accomplished by the Jews from the camps. 1941. 399 pages Continues on Reel # 325)

Reel # 325

File#927 (Continuation from Reel # 324). Territorial Command #3. Situation of internment camps for Jews (daily lists). Reports on work accomplished by the Jews from the camps. Plans for creation of a Ghetto in Galati. 1941. 150 pages.

File#929 Territorial Command #3. forced labor of Jews. Requests from private enterprises of Jews from the internment camp.

1941, 430 pages.

File#930 Territorial Command #3. forced labor of Jews. Various correspondence. Requests from private enterprises of Jews from the internment camp. List of 565 Jews from whom hostages will be taken. 1941 – 1942. 395 pages Continues on Reel # 326)

Reel # 326

File#930 (Continuation from Reel # 325). Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence. 1942. 21 pages.

File#931 Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Exemptions from forced labor. Correspondence. Information on internment camps. One thousand Jews ages 18 to 60 are needed for public works. Nominal list of internees to work on levees for CFR. Prologue to the massacre in Iassy on June 29. The Jewish High School in Galati. 1941-1942. 601 pages.

File#934 Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence and instructions for prisoners and internees. 1941. 76 pages (Continues on Reel # 327)

Reel # 327

File#934 (Continuation from Reel # 326). Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence and instructions for prisoners and internees. List of Jews internees in Vaslui.

1941 - 1942. 828 pages.

File 1052 Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Instructions and correspondence Re. exemption of Jews from forced labor.1941 – 1942. 422 pages. (Continues on Reel # 328)

Reel # 328

File#1052 (Continuation from Reel # 327). Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence and instructions. Periodical reports. 1942. 47 pages.

File#1053 Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence and instructions. Lists of lingerie and clothing received from the Jews. 1942. 392 pages.

File#1054 Territorial Command #3. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence and instructions. Periodic situation lists of Jews in labor brigades. 1942. 402 pages.

Fond: Corps 3 Territorial

File # 61 Corps 3 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence. Monthly report on forced labor camps activity. Lists of Jews in the camps. List of Jews sent to Transnistria in Sept. 1942.

55 pages. (Continues on Reel # 329)

Reel # 329

File# 61 (Continuation from Reel # 328). Corps 3 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews in the camps. Reports. 1942.

441 pages.

File # 62 Corps 3 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Orders and dispositions. Correspondence. Lists of Jews in the camps.

1942 – 1943. 246 pages.

Reel # 330

File# 62 (Continuation from Reel # 329). Corp[s 3 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews in the camps. Reports on inspections. 1942 – 1943. 178 pages.

Fond: Territorial Command #4

File #1505 Territorial Command #4. Forced labor of Jews. Special Lists of Jews (Bucovina). List of Jews with academic titles in Cernauti and other districts. 1942. 180 pages.

File #1516 Territorial Command #4. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections, controls, reports. 1942. 315 pages. . (Continues on Reel # 331)

Reel # 331

File#1516 (Continuation from Reel # 330). Territorial Command #4. Forced labor of Jews. Reports on inspections. 1942 – 1943. 589 pages.

Fond: Territorial Command #5

File# 1274 Territorial Command # 5. War Internees and Jewish problems. Lists of internees and suspects. 1941- 1942. 305 pages. (Continues on Reel # 332)

Reel # 332

File#1274 (Continuation from Reel # 331). Territorial Command #5. Internees of war and Jewish problems. Lists of internees and suspects. 1941- 1942. 141 pages.

File 1288 Territorial Command #5. Lists of Jews who are fit for or exempt from forced labor. 1941. 407 pages.

File 1318 Territorial Command #5. Forced labor of Jews. Jews to hand over their clothing. Lists of collected clothing.

1941 – 1942. 458 pages.

Reel # 333

Fond: Corps 5 Territorial

File# 39 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence with military units, institutions and enterprises.

1942- 1943. 419 pages.

File# 66 Corps 5 Territorial. Census of disaster victims by territory. Forced labor of Jews. Work done by crews of Jewish craftsmen. Correspondence with military units, institutions and enterprises.

1942. 251 pages. (Continues on Reel # 334).

Reel # 334

File#66 (Continuation from Reel # 333). Corps 5 Territorial. War Internees and Jewish problems. Lists of Jews assigned for work at various authorities, institutions and industrial enterprises. 1942. 132 pages.

File# 67 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews in exterior labor brigades and inspections in the territory. Jews from brigades in Bessarabia suspicious of feigning to be bitten by rabid cats and dogs. 1942 – 1943. 442 pages.

File# 70 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Jews assigned for work at various authorities, institutions and industrial enterprises. 1942. 389 pages. (Continues on Reel # 335)

Reel # 335

File# 70 (Continuation from Reel # 334) Corps 5 Territorial. 0 pages.

File# 71 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Second medical examinations. Lists of Jews sent for second examination and final diagnostics. 1942 – 1943. 205 pages.

File# 72 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Assignments to forced labor. 1942. 192 pages.

File# 115 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Assignments to forced labor. 1943. 399 pages.

File# 116 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Requests from various institutions and enterprises. Assignments to forced labor. 1942 -1943. 288 pages. (Continues on Reel # 336).

Reel # 336

File#116 (Continuation from Reel # 335). Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Requests from various institutions and enterprises. Assignments to forced labor. 1942 -1943.

115 pages.

File#117 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections of working places. Results and proposals. 1942 -1943.

128 pages.

File# 118 Corps 5 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. New military status of the Jews. Various official decrees regarding the Jews. 1943. 98 pages.

Reel # 337

Fond: Territorial Command 6

File# 1042 Territorial Command #6. Orders of mobilization for forced labor of the Jews. General instructions. Lists of Jews according to various conditions. 1941. 133 pages.

File# 1291 Territorial Command #6. Orders of mobilization for forced labor of the Jews. Orders and instructions. Lists of Jews according to various conditions. 1942. 417 pages.

File# 1426 Territorial Command #6. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews according to various conditions. 1942. 51 pages.(Text barely legible)

Reel # 338

Fond: Corps 6 Territorial

File# 113 Corps 6 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Utilization of Jews craftsmen. Lists of craftsmen by categories and ages. 1943. 490 pages.

Reel # 339

File# 114 Corps 6 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews assigned to various labor brigades, and by various categories.1943 – March 1944. 365 pages.

Reel # 340

Fond: Territorial Command# 7

File# 931 Territorial Command #7. Forced labor of Jews. Orders and regulations. Record and control of the Jews. Data on forced labor brigades. Lists of Jews by categories. 1941. 1353 pages.

(Most of the text barely legible)

Reel # 341

File# 934 Territorial Command #7. Forced labor of Jews. Requests for labor of Jews by institutions and enterprises. Lists of Jews contributors to the State loan. Lists of Jews working in various industries. 1942. 922 pages

Reel # 342

File#1094 Territorial Command #7. Forced labor of Jews. Labor brigades. Organization. Housing, food etc. Rules and regulations. Assignment of Jews to military units, institutions and enterprises. Lists of Jews working in various brigades and industries. 1942. 994 pages.

Reel # 343

Fond: Corps 7 Territorial

File# 34 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Labor brigades.

Assignment of Jews for labor to military units, institutions and enterprises. 1942. 735 pages. (Continues on Reel # 344).

Reel # 344

File# 34 (Continuation from Reel # 343).Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Labor brigades. Assignment of Jews for labor to military units, institutions and enterprises. 1942. 472 pages.

File# 35 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Labor brigades.

Lists of Jews craftsmen. Labor problems of individual Jews. Assignment of Jews for labor to military units, institutions and enterprises. 1942–1943. 989 pages.. (Continues on Reel # 345).

Reel # 345

File# 35 (Continuation from Reel # 344). Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Labor brigades. Assignment of Jews for labor to military units, institutions and enterprises. 1942. 490 pages.

File# 36 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Organization and attributions of the Section “JEWS”. Various organizational graphics. Schedule of activity. 1942. 20 pages.

File# 158 Corps 7 Territorial. Illicit crossing by Jews of the frontier with Hungary. June – July 1944. 28 pages.

File# 423 Corps 7 Territorial, Reintegration into the Armed Forces and mobilization of Jews. Various lists regarding the military status of the Jews. October – November 1944. 137 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 346).

Reel # 346

File# 423 (Continuation from Reel # 344). Corps 7 Territorial. Reintegration and mobilization of Jews. Various lists regarding the military status of the Jews. 1944 – 1945. 368 pages.

File# 431 Corps 7 Territorial. Status and monthly reports on the forced labor of Jews in various districts.

March - September 1944. 560 pages

Reel # 347

File# 433 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Medical exemptions from work. Medical inspections and care.

April - August 15 1944. 68 pages.

File# 434 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Various correspondence. March – April 1944. 33 pages.

File# 436 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Orders, reports. Status of Jews returning from Bessarabia and Bucovina. Lists of various categories of Jews. March – August 31 1944.

833 pages. (Continues on Reel # 348).

Reel # 348

File# 436 (Continuation from Reel # 347). Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Orders, reports. Status of Jews returning from Bessarabia and Bucovina. Lists of various categories of Jews. Jews refuse to work and a number are deserting. Forced labor of Jews is abolished and they are sent to their homes.

March – October 1944. 117 pages.

File# 437 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Orders, reports. Lists of Dentists and dental technicians/ 1944. 261 pages

File# 665 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Orders, reports, judicial actions, extension of work assignments.

July – August 1944. 253 pages.

File# 795 Corps 7 Territorial. Correspondence related to counter-propaganda. Orders, instructions. The Magyar propaganda. Inter-relations with the German population, Jewish Zionist organizations. 1940. 236 pages.

File# 982 Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Work assignments. Lists of Jews with academic titles. Daily reports of active manpower. 1944. 131 pages. . (Continues on Reel # 349).

Reel # 349

File# 982 (Continuation from Reel # 348). Corps 7 Territorial. Forced labor of Jews. Work assignments. Lists of Jews with academic titles. Daily reports of active manpower. Lists of casualties released from hospitals. 1944. 146 pages.

Reel # 350

Fond: Army Corps # 1

File#3023 Army Corps # 1. (Pages 1 thru 9 are blanc) Forced labor of Jews. Separate lists and regiment for Jews and Hungarians at their working places. 1941 – 1942. 227 pages.

File#3490 Army Corps # 1. Forced labor of Jews. Individual cases of identification of Jews. Periodic lists of Jews at assigned working places. 1944. 497 pages.

File#3492 Army Corps # 1. Forced labor of Jews. Orders. Correspondence. Lists of Jews at working places. 1944.

118 pages. (Continues on Reel # 351).

Reel # 351

File#34 92 (Continuation from Reel # 350). Army Corps # 1. Forced labor of Jews. Orders. Correspondence. Lists of Jews at working places. 1944. 617 pages.

File#3752 Army Corps # 1. Forced labor of Jews. Correspondence. Lists of Jews at working places. July – August 194. 466 pages. (Continues on Reel # 352).

Reel # 352

File#3752 (Continuation from Reel # 351). Army Corps # 1. Forced labor of Jews. Orders. Correspondence. Lists of Jews at working places. August - November 1944. 109 pages.

Fond: Army Corps #2

File#1787 Army Corps # 2. Sanitary groups. Inspections. Sanitary investigations. 1949 – 1941. 379 pages.

File#1922 Army Corps # 2. Informative reports to the General Staff during the mobilization. Nothing significant. 1941. 149 pages.

File#1923 Army Corps # 2. Informative reports to the General Staff from military units. Plundering of population by German and Romanian military reported. Situation of the Jews in Moghilev. Outbreak of typhoid epidemic feared. Various other aspects in Transnistria examined. Critical appreciation of the Jews in Moghilev. Jews evacuated from Odessa. 1941 - 1942.

371 pages. (Continues on Reel # 353).

Reel # 353

File#1923 (Continuation from Reel # 352). Army Corps # 2. Informative reports to the General Staff from military units. 1942.

271 pages.

File#2214 Army Corps # 2. Informative reports to the General Staff from military units. Speculation on the food market in Odessa. German officers, drunk, devastate the office of the station manager in Smerinca. 1942. 684 pages (Numerous pages are barely legible)

Reel # 354

Fond: Army Corps #3

File#1626 Army Corps # 3. Hiring, moving, promotions in the NCO corps. 1931. 514 pages . (Continues on Reel # 355).

Reel # 355

File#1626 (Continuation from Reel # 354 )Army Corps # 3. Hiring, moving, promotions in the NCO corps. 1931. 545 pages

File#2563 Army Corps # 3. Problems related to the evacuation of Bessarabia and and investigations related to it. Orders of contra-information. Organization of the evacuation. Desertions from the Army. Propaganda and counter-propaganda. 1940.

438 pages (Numerous pages are barely legible) . (Continues on Reel # 356).

Reel # 356

File#2563 (Continuation from Reel # 355 )Army Corps # 3. Problems related to the evacuation of Bessarabia and and investigations related to it. Orders of contra-information. Propaganda and counter-propaganda. Assessment of damages Situation of military personnel originally from the occupied territories.1940.

630 pages. (Numerous pages are barely legible).

File#2582 Army Corps # 3. News Bulletin: information, reports.

. Information on Soviet activity East of the Dnjestr. April – June 1940. 348 pages. (Numerous pages are barely legible). (Continues on Reel # 357).

Reel # 357

File#2582 (Continuation from Reel # 356) Army Corps # 3. News Bulletin: information, reports.. Information on Soviet activity East of the Pruth. Reports from people who managed to cross the Pruth into Romania. July - August 1940. 793 pages. (Numerous pages are barely legible).

File#2829 Army Corps # 3. Organization. Movements. Peacetime war games. Military action after The transfer of Northern Transylvania to Hungary. April - June 15, 1941. 202 pages.

(Numerous pages are barely legible).

Reel # 358

File#3194 Army Corps # 3. Correspondence Re. Guarding the Jews in the Ghetto Chisinau. An informer accuses baron Cheikin to have taken gold and money to bring Jews from the Ghetto to Bucarest, and of other doings of his. He was indicted by the authorities. A Jews is court-martialed for collaborating with the Soviets during the occupation. Numerous other informations are analized by the authorities. March –October, 1942.

111 pages.

File#3456 Army Corps # 3. Administrative documentation and information. 1943 – 1944. 400 pages.

File#3536 Army Corps # 3. Notes from informers. Among others about Silvia Moldovanu from Moghilev, as being Jewish. Jews accused of spreading alarmist rumors and communist propaganda. Letters to Jews in Transnistria intercepted.

1943 – 1944. 226 pages.

File#3539 Army Corps # 3. Notes from informers. Illicit transport of letters from Transnistria into Romania and vice versa. Numerical list of Jews in various localities in Transnistria. Rumors in Cernauti that the Jews from Transnistria will be moved over the Bug to be annihilated by the Germans.

1943. 470 pages.

Reel # 359

Fond: Army Corps #5

File#2371 Army Corps #5. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections. Summary and results. 1943. 402 pages.

File#2372 Army Corps # 5. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews to be included in the forced brigade. Lists of Jews of various categories and situations. 1943. 186 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 360).

Reel # 360

File#2372 (Continuation from Reel # 359).Army Corps # 5. Forced labor of Jews. Lists of Jews to be included in the forced brigade. Lists of Jews of various categories and situations. 1943.

93 pages.

File#2625 Army Corps # 5. Forced labor of Jews. Inspections. Summary and results. Plans and measures for emergency restructuring of the army units and auxiliary services.1944. 413 pages.

Reel # 361

Fond: Army Corps #6

File#2647 Army Corps # 6. Forced labor of Jews. Status of Jews in the work force. Administrative problems. Jews still in leading positions in industrial enterprises. 1942 – 1943. 350 pages

Fond: Army Corps #11

File#208 Army Corps # 11. Campaign against Soviet Russia. Suspicious people, sectarians, deserters, prisoners of war. Instructions, correspondence. Reports from informants. Interrogation of prisoners. Cleaning Bessarabia of suspects. Creation and organization of Ghettos. June – August 1941. 340 pages.

Fond: Cavalry Corps

File#303 Cavalry Corps. Arrests during the Rebeliune. Military status of the Jews. January – August 1941. 6 pages.

File#1258 Cavalry Corps. Status of persons of Romanian ethnic origin living in Crimeea. Status of not army related persons. Contact wirh the civil population. 1944. 199 pages.

Fond: Border Guard

File#3001 Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and civil life. 1941. 305 pages

(Continues on Reel # 362)

Reel # 362

File#3001 (Continuation from Reel # 361). Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and civil life. Presence of German and Italian military personnel. 1941. 716 pages. (Many pages are barely legible)

File#3002 Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and civil life. 1941 – 1942. 209 pages (Continues on Reel # 363). (Many pages are barely legible)

Reel # 363

File#3002 (Continuation from Reel # 362). Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and

Civil life. 1941 – 1942. 868 pages (Continues on Reel # 364). (Many pages are barely legible)

Reel # 364

File#3002 (Continues from Reel # 363). Border Guard.

Destruction by cremation of the informative bulletins after exploitation. A whole mix of maps from all over the world and from the Russian front. 1941 – 1942. 267pages.

File#2754 Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and Civil life. 1940. 468 pages.

(Continues on Reel # 365).

Reel # 365

File#2754 (Continuation from Reel # 364). Border Guard. Contra-informative bulletins and reports. Information on military and Civil life. 1941. 1004 pages.

Reel # 366

File#2771 Border Guard. . Events at the Hungarian border. Telephone wires leading into Hungary. A Hungarian plane shut down and crash landing in Romania. Terrorist bands from Hungry cross the frontier.1940 - 1941. 733 pages. (Continues on Reel # 367).

Reel # 367

File#2771 (Continuation from Reel # 366). Border Guard. Events at the Hungarian border. 1940 - 1941. 633 pages. (Many pages are barely legible).

File#2787 Border Guard. Journal of operations on the Eastern border. Relocation of the Guard units. 1940. 586 pages.

(Most pages are barely legible).

File#2828 Border Guard. Information, reports. 1940. 311 pages

Continues on Reel # 368) (Most pages are barely legible).

Reel # 368

File#2828 (Continuation from Reel # 367). Border Guard. Information, reports. 1940. 1554 pages. Continues on Reel # 369) (Most pages are barely legible).

Reel # 369

File#2828 (Continuation from Reel # 368). Border Guard. Information, reports. 1940. 0 pages.

File#2855 Border Guard. The frontier with Hungary. The horrors perpetrated by the Hungarians. Military and political aspect.1940. 415 pages (Most pages are illegible).

File#3129 Border Guard. Information, organization . Reports on occurrences on the frontier. Activity reports. General dispositions. 1942 – 1943. 162 pages.

Reel # 370

File# 3371 Border Guard. Guarding the frontiers. Abolishing Units. Effective strength. Customs activity. 1942. 762 pages

File# 3596 Border Guard. Guarding the frontiers. Inquiry of border accidents. 1943. 137 pages.

Reel # 371

Fond: Division 1 Infantry

File#3349 Division 1 Infantry. 1941. 355 pages.

(Numerous pages were taken out by the Security Services)

File#3359 Division 1 Infantry. Partisans. Finding, fighting and interrogations. 1941. 261 pages.

File#3360 Division 1 Infantry. Partisans. Military actions 1941. 16 pages.

File#3362 Division 1 Infantry. Miscellaneous, Jews working for the Germans to be arrested. 1941. 8 pages.

File#3364 Division 1 Infantry. Informative Bulletins. Legionnaire activity. Proclamation. 1941. 173 pages. (Continues on

Reel # 372)

Reel # 372

File#3364 (Continuation from Reel # 371).Division 1 Infantry. Informative Bulletins. 1941. 52 pages.

File#3371 Division 1 Infantry. The campaign against the USSR. A problem with a Jewish calendar (1942). Informative bulletins. 1941. 62 pages.

File#3372 Division 1 Infantry. Administrative dispositions and ordinances

1941. 16 pages.

File#3374 Division 1 Infantry. Contra-informative reports.1941. 7 pages.

File#3377 Division 1 Infantry. Rebels. Reports on the “rebeliune” in various localities. Fighting the legionnaires and final outcome. 1941. 56 pages.

File#3378 Division 1 Infantry. Administrative measures after the “rebeliune”. Excerpts from newspapers and official

publications. Atrocities committed by the rebels. 1941.

70 pages.

File#3379 Division 1 Infantry. Disarmament of military units by the rebels. Intervention of German military in favor of the rebels. 1940, 93 pages.

File#3388 Division 1 Infantry. Armament and materials found in possession of the rebels. Severe punishment ordered for public servants who participated or instigated the rebellion. 1941.

269 pages.

File#3391 Division 1 Infantry. Contra-informative activity. 1941.

20 pages.

File#3686 Division 1 Infantry. Misc. information. Definition of the Northern border of Transnistria. Text of convention between Germany and Romania for the administration, exploitation and security of the territory between the Dnjestr and the Bug .1942

73 pages. . (Continues on Reel # 373)

Reel # 373

File#3686 (Continuation from Reel # 372) .Division 1 Infantry. Misc. information.1942. 0 pages.

File#3933 Division 1 Infantry. Campaign against the URSS. Germans. Infractions committed by German soldiers in Transnistria. Romanian military unhappy about the way the are treated and sometimes brutalized by their German counterparts. 1942.

100 pages.

File#3943 Division 1 Infantry. Contra-information: orders, synthesis, studies. 1942 –1943. 79 pages.

File#4491 Division 1 Infantry.. Miscellaneous information. Disciplinary situation. Contra-informative reports. 1942 – 1943.

652 pages.

File#4870 Division 1 Infantry. Permanent orders. 1943 –1944. 165 pages.

File#4874 Division 1 Infantry. Instructions for collecting information. 1944. 56 pages. (Continues on Reel # 374)

Reel # 374

File#4874 (Continuation from Reel #373) Division 1 Infantry. Instructions for collecting information. Weekly information Bulletins on the military and political situation. 1944. 98 pages.

Fond: Division 8 Infantry

File#2188 Division 8 Infantry. Miscellaneous judicial and military problems. Correspondence related to the retreat from the North Bucovina, following the Sovietic ultimatum. Orders and dispositions. 1940. 821 pages. . (Continues on Reel # 375)

Reel # 375

File#2188 (Continuation from Reel #374) Division 8 Infantry . Correspondence related to the retreat from the North Bucovina, following the Sovietic ultimatum. Orders and dispositions. 1940. 119 pages.

File#2189 Division 8 Infantry. Monthly informative reports.

April - June1940. 619 pages + 2 pages completion.

(Continues on Reel #376)

Reel # 376

File#2189 (Continuation from Reel #375) Division 8 Infantry . information and conclusions from the contact with the Soviet army. Monthly informative reports. July – August 1940.

375 pages (Continues on Reel #377)

( Many pages barely legible).

Reel # 377

File#2189 (Continues from Reel #376) Division 8 Infantry . Monthly informative reports. July – August 1940. 1126 pages.

(A number of pages was taken out by the Security Services)

( Many pages barely legible).

File#2537 Division 8 Infantry. Reports on underground and propaganda organizations, Legionnaires, Ukrainians, Jews.1942 – 1943.

211 pages(Continues on Reel #378)

Reel # 378

File#2537 (Continuation from Reel #377) Division 8 Infantry .Reports on underground and propaganda organizations, Legionnaires, Ukrainians, Jews. The death penalty ordered for all those who smuggle in or offer shelter for Jews from Galitzia.1942 – 1943. 875 pages (A number of pages was taken out by the Security Services)

File#2558 Division 8 Infantry. Secret information and instructions regarding the possibility of outbreak of chemical warfare. Brutalities by the military at the evacuation of the Jews in Cernauti1942. 142 pages.

File#2578. Division 8 Infantry. Permanent orders. 1942 – 1943

161 pages (Continues on Reel #379)

Reel # 379

File#2578 (Continuation from Reel #378) Division 8 Infantry. O pages.

File#2647 Division 8 Infantry. State of siege, law and order. Inspections and searches. Censorship. Railroad searches. Jews caught traversing the border with the General Government (Poland)

1944. 57 pages.

File#2663 Division 8 Infantry. Shooting ranges: planning, construction. 1943. 190 pages.

File#2671 Division 8 Infantry. Constructions, building materials, transportation equipment. 1943. 563 pages.

(Continues on Reel #380)

Reel # 380

File#2671 (Continuation from Reel #379) Division 8 Infantry. Constructions, building materials, transportation equipment. 1943. 181 pages.

File#2740 Division 8 Infantry. Prisoners. Interrogatories, evacuations.

Lists of Ghettos in Northern Transnistria. March 1944.

15 pages.

Reel # 381

Fond: Division 4 Infantry

File#1349 Division 4 Infantry. Convention between Romania and German Governments for enrollment of Romanian citizens in the German army. 1943. 21 pages.

Fond: Division 5 Infantry

File#1423 Division 5 Infantry. Contra-information. Order regulating this activity. Sighting of parachutists. Copies of anti-Semitic pamphlets. Informative reports on the population. Reports on military activity.1941. 499 pages.

Reel # 382

Fond: Division 6 Infantry

File#1229 Division 6 Infantry. Orders, reports and informative summaries. The occupation of Bessarabia by the Soviet Union. 1940. 791 pages.

File#1477 Division 6 Infantry. The legionary movement. Informative material on the movement following the “rebeliune”.

1941 –1942. 76 pages.

File#1495 Division 6 Infantry. Information on the Soviet propaganda and on communist activity among the population. 1941. 77 pages.

File#1714 Division 6 Infantry. Orders and dispositions. Informative notes on Soviet espionage. 1943. 41 pages

Fond: Division 7 Infantry

File#2930 Division 7 Infantry. General Orders. Increased frequency of suicides in the army. 1940. 402 pages.

(Continues on Reel #383)

Reel # 383

File#2930 (Continuation from Reel #382) Division 7 Infantry. General Orders and proclamations. Lists of Jewish officers and NCO’s erased from the Military registry. 1040 – 1941. 509 pages.

File#3210 Division 7 Infantry. Agricultural activities. Orders and dispositions. Introduction of public work for Jews ( N.T. in reality forced labor). 1941- 1942. 180 pages.

File#3275 Division 7 Infantry. Special Informations. 1941. 10 pages

File#3564 Division 7 Infantry. Procedures for Jews inforced labor brigades. Jews buying out with bribes. Jews exempted from forced labor for medical reasons.1942 - 1943. 160 pages.

File#3827 Division 7 Infantry. Miscellaneous official correspondence. Circular orders. 1943 – 1944. 702 pages (A number of pages was taken out by the Security Services) (End of file erroneously marked 3287 ????)

Reel # 384

Fond: Division 9 Infantry

File#1705 Division 9 Infantry. Information Bulletin. July 1940. 8 pages.

File#1714 Division 9 Infantry. Monthly information bulletins.

July – October 1941. 5 pages.

File#1717 Division 9 Infantry. Informative bulletin . Communist propaganda. March 1942. 2 pages

File#1719 Division 9 Infantry. Counter-information. Prisoners. Internment camp for the Jews from Constanta. Informative reports. Forced labor of the Jews. June – November 1941. 344 pages. (Continues on Reel # 385)

Reel # 385

File#1719 (Continuation from Reel # 384)Division 9 Infantry. Counter-information. Prisoners. Internment camp for the Jews from Constanta. Informative reports. Forced labor of the Jews.

June – November 1941. 25 pages.

File#1722 Division 9 Infantry. Counter- information. Instructions. Informative bulletins. June- November 1941. 1(one) page.

File#1733 Division 9 Infantry. Counter-information. Prisoners. Forced labor of Jews. 1941 – 1942. 125 pages.

File#1734 Division 9 Infantry. Counter-information. Prisoners. Forced labor of Jews. 1941 – 1942. 64 pages.

File#1737 Division 9 Infantry. Request for Jews to work for the German military mission. 1941 – 1942. 203 pages.

File#1741 Division 9 Infantry. Contra-information. Instructions. Legionnaire activity. 1941. 414 pages.

File#1747 Division 9 Infantry. Contra-information. Labor of Jews 1941. 27 pages.

File#1912 Division 9 Infantry. Periodical informative reports. Legionnaire activity.1941 - 1942. 21 pages.

File#1918 Division 9 Infantry. Contra-informative information and reports. 1942 - 1943. 10 pages.

File#1920 Division 9 Infantry. Contra-informative information and reports. Prisoners, partisans, parachutists. Forced labor of Jews. 1942. 416 pages.

File#1923 Division 9 Infantry. Political, social and religious propaganda and activity. Organization of the communist propaganda under the direction of Ana Pauker in Moscow. Underground activity of the Legionnaires. 1942 – 1043. 297 pages.

File#2163 Division 9 Infantry. Information and reports related to the military activity1943. 320 pages.

Reel # 386

File#2168 Division 9 Infantry. Permanent orders for the territory of Transnistria regarding the administrative and military personnel and the local population. (First 5 pages illegible) Dispositions regarding the Jews and the extend of the ghettos. Lists of Jews working for the Romanian authorities. 1943. 168 pages.

Fond: Division 10 Infantry

File#682 Division 10 Infantry. Personal documents and lists. 1940.

43 pages.

File#911 Division 10 Infantry. Minorities and refugees. Regulations of the “community work” of the Jews. 1941 – 1942. 209 pages.

Fond: Division 11 Infantry

File#1715 Division 11 Infantry. Correspondence related to the rebellion on 20-23 January1941. Informative bulletins. Reports from various units. 1941. 824 pages.

File#1716 Division 11 Infantry. Correspondence related to the rebellion on 20-23 January1941. Informative bulletins. Activity of the legionnaires. 1941. 568 pages. (Continues on Reel # 387)

Reel # 387

File#1716 (Continuation from Reel # 386).Division 11 Infantry. Division 11 Infantry. Correspondence related to the rebellion on 20-23 January1941. Informative bulletins. Activity of the legionnaires. 1941. 693 pages.

Reel # 388

Fond: Division 12 Infantry

File #1263 Division 12 Infantry. Report on conduct of the army and of the population. Forceful actions of the Soviet army. The evacuation from Bessarabia. 1940. 49 pages.

Fond: Division 14 Infantry

File #856 Division 14 Infantry. Periodic counter-informative and informative bulletins. 1940. 500 pages.

Reel # 389

Fond: Division 15 Infantry

File #982 Division 15 Infantry. Report on conduct of the army and of the population. Hostile attitude of the Jews, causing damages to the Romanian army. 1940. 111 pages.

File #985 Division 15 Infantry. Counter-informative bulletins. 1940.

4 pages.

File #988 Division 15 Infantry. Correspondence related to the evacuation of Bessarabia. 1940. 108 pages.

File #1294 Division 15 Infantry. Record cards for suspicious and persons

to be interned. Separate lists for Jews, Romanians communists and legionnaires. 1941. 25 pages.

File #1311 Division 15 Infantry. Censoring correspondence related to the technical laboratory . 1941. 23 pages.

Fond: Division 21 Infantry

File #1385 Division 21 Infantry. Forced labor of Jews. Norms of repartition of Jews for work in military and civil institutions. Lists of Jews in working places. Orders and dispositions. 1943. 187 pages.

File #1386 Division 21 Infantry. Forced labor of Jews. Instructions and working conditions. Requests for Jews craftsmen. 1944.

235 pages.

File #1620 Division 21 Infantry. Forced labor of Jews. Instructions and working conditions. 1944. 97 pages.

Reel # 390

Fond: Division 2 Cavalry

File#1691 Division 2 Cavalry. Conduct of the military personnel during the crisis of June – July 1940. Jewish elements left in the army are “undesirable”. Manifest anti-Semitic atmosphere among the soldiers. Soldiers who excelled in the operations proposed for medals. 1940. 182 pages.

File#1723 Division 2 Cavalry. Report on military operations in Bessarabia. Problems with the Jews in Edineti. 1940.

845 pages.

Reel # 391

Fond: Division 5 Cavalry

File#355 Division 5 Cavalry. Informative notes. Mostly about Jews. Treated as inimical propaganda. Mention of an Jewish organization “Ipa” that spreads false rumors. [NOTE: we spoke in Transnistria jokingly about such an organization, the initials YPA meaning Yidische Plotke Agentur , i.e. Jewish Agency of Rumors (wishful thinking]. 1943 – 1944. 189 pages.

File#357 Division 5 Cavalry. Counter-information. Informative bulletins. Low moral of the troops and the population. Jews seen as being the main factor in creating this situation. 1943. 458 pages.

File#359 Division 5 Cavalry. Orders, reports. dissatisfaction among the troops and the officers. 1943. 113 pages.

Fond: Division 7 Cavalry

File#198 Division 7 Cavalry. Contra-information. 1942. 16 pages.

Reel # 392

Fond: Division 8 Cavalry

File#112 Division 8 Cavalry. Periodic Informative bulletins, regarding the population. 1942. 71 pages.

Fond: Division 3 Mountain

File#94 Division 3 Mountain. Prisoners: conditions, interrogatories, evacuations. Deserters from the Soviet army. 1942. 25 pages.

File#97 Division 3 Mountain. Counter-informative temporary and periodical operations. Two Jewish girls working as translators at a military unit. 1942. 26 pages.

File#101 Division 3 Mountain. Problems related to the office personnel. Special police for counter-informative units. 1942. 17 pages.

File#103 Division 3 Mountain. Propaganda and counter-propaganda. Bitter complaints of Romanian soldiers returning from the Eastern front about the brutal and inhuman behavior of the German military. The status of the German minority. The situation in Northern Transilvania occupied by Hungary. Complaints against the bad treatment of the wounded in the hospitals and on the transport. 1942. 106 pages.

File#105 Division 3 Mountain. Political, religious and social currents among the army and the civil population. Lists of suspected legionnaires in the army. Counter-informative reports. 1942. 149 pages.

File#114 Division 3 Mountain. Centralized informative bulletins.

1942 – 1943. 3 pages.

File#973 Division 3 Mountain. Subversive activity in thew country an in the occupied territories. Propaganda, terrorism, sabotage. Manifest legionnaire on August 24, 1943. 17 pages.

1944 –1945

Fond: Division 4 Mountain

File#164 Division 4 Mountain. Counter-information, espionage, sabotage. Propaganda. 1942. 45 pages.

File#165 Division 4 Mountain. Suspects, legionnaires, communists, minorities. Hungarian soldiers in the army. A Russian Jew taken prisoner is not interned but kept as caretaker for the horses. 1942. 102 pages.

File#170 Division 4 Mountain. Crimea. Ordinances by Romanian and German military for the population registration. 1942 –1943.

10 pages.

File#183 Division 4 Mountain. Crimea. Counter-information: planning, reports, ordinances. Low moral of the troops. 1942. 23 pages.

File#665 Division 4 Mountain. Partisan activity in Transnistria. 1943.

3 pages.

File#668 Division 4 Mountain. Circular orders in Transnistria. Crossing the border in and out. Special provisions for Jews evacuated or refugees in different territorie February 1944. Plans for the evacuation of the population. 1944. 73 pages.

File#917 Division 4 Mountain. Lists of military considered suspects. 1944. 5 pages

Reel # 393

Fond: Division 1 Guards

File#36 Division 1 Guards. Camps, deposits, Ghettos. Instructions for guarding. Cases of prisoners escaping from the camp. Change of guarding unit in camp Vapniarka. List of Jews in camp Tulcin.. Special orders and dispositions for the Jews in the camps in Transnistria. 1942. 570 pages.

File#78 Division 1 Guards. Camps, deposits, Ghettos. Instructions, directives. Organization of brigades for action in case of snow removal. Floods, fires and bombardments, in various localities in Transnistria. 1942 –1943. 475 pages.

Reel # 394

Brigade 1 Fortifications

File#399 Brigade 1 Fortifications. Reports, orders, informative and counter-informative notes. Use of Jews for slave labor. The Jews in Transnistria. Creation of a Commandment for prisoners in Transnistria, located in Bucarest. Jews deportees sent towards the Bug. Life and fate of the Jews in Odessa. Evacuation of the Jews. Romanian officers protecting Jewish women. Conflicts with German and Italian military. Romanian military misappropriating goods from houses left by evacuated Jews. Police agents and informers in Odessa collaborate with bands of thieves and are protected by the police.

1941 – 1942. 1042 pages.

Reel # 395

Fond: Division 1 Guards

File#79 Division 1 Guards. Daily transfer and transports. Railroad transit in Transnistria. 1942. 81 pages.

File#80 Division 1 Guards. Daily transfer and transports. Circular orders. 1942 – 1943. 58 pages.

Fond: Maritime Division

File#43 Maritime Division. Problems related to shipyards. Repair of naval vessels, materials, fuels. Transports. 1921 – 1922. (???)

447 pages.

Reel # 396

Brigade 1 Fortifications

File#403 Brigade 1 Fortifications. Deserters. Creation of camps in Transnistria. Rules and regulations. 1941 – 1942. 437 pages.

RG 25.004 Selected Records from the Romanian Information Service, 1936-1948

Acc. 1993.A.0018

Extent: 265 microfilm reels (16mm); 1 microfilm reel (35 mm)

Language: Romanian, Hungarian, Yiddish, Hebrew

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Serviciul Roman de Informatii (SRI) collected the records during and after the Holocaust. The SRI began filming the records for the USHRI Archives in late 1992. Subsequent accretions received in 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2007. This is an ongoing project.

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restriction on use: No restrictions on use.

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content: Contains reports, lists, orders, correspondence, court documents, and testimonies relating to surveillance of Romanian Jews, Jewish organizations, foreigners in Romania, and members of the Iron Guard (Garde de Fier) by the Serviciul Special de Informatii and other agencies; establishment of the Czernowitz ghetto; deportation of Jews from Transylvania and other locations to Transnistria; emigration of Jews from Romania to Palestine; Romanian Jews in concentration camps; massacres and pogroms carried out in Romania; war crimes investigations; war crimes trials of Ion Antonescu and others. Also contains records on Rabbi Moses David Rosen and surveillance of Zionists in Transylvania. Also contains information on Jews, includes card files, registration forms, and cards with the identification data for Jews. Some documents have photos of the individuals.


Reel 1

File 9221

Volume #

1. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor and special taxes. 1943. 26 p.

2. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor special taxes and illegal correspondence with Transnistria. Establishment of the Jewish police in the Czernowitz ghetto. 26 p. 1943.

3. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor special taxes and emigration. 1943. 28 p.

4. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor special taxes and emigration. 1943. 26 p.

17. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor special taxes and emigration. Reports on repatriation of Jews from 1943 Transnistria and Fred Saraga's inspection in Transnistria. Report on the activities of the IRC in relating the rescue of the Jews. 1943-1944. 71 p.

18. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on forced labor special taxes and emigration. Reports on repatriation of Jews from 1943 Transnistria and Fred Saraga's inspection Transnistria. Report on the activities of the IRC in relating the rescue of the Jews. Repatriation of 700 Romanian Jews from France. Repatriation of orphans from Transnistria. 1944. 51 p.

19. SSI reports on Jews and Centrala Evreilor. Reports on Polish refugees in Oltenia. Reports on Polish Jews refugees from Hungary. 1944. 57 p.

20. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor. SSI reports on Jewish emigration. Reports on the situation of the Jews under Hungarian jurisdiction. SSI reports on Zionists and the Red Cross. 1944. 44p.

File 8958

SSI(?)reports on Jews from Regat and Bessarabia. 1943. 13 p

File 8978

Volume #

1. Police reports on Jews and members 1941 of the Iron Guard. Confiscation of radios from Jews. 1941. 111 p

2. Police reports on Jews from Regat. 1941. 15 p.

File 9224

Police reports on the closing of the Jewish libraries and confiscation of books. 1940.

16 p

File 9311

Police reports on members of the Iron Guard who tortured Jews during the Iron

Guard uprising. 1941. 15 p

File 9689

Volume #

1. Police reports on Zionists. 1940. 36 p

2. Police reports on Jews. Forced labor and disbanding of camps for hostages. 1941. 24 p

File 9001

Volume #

1. Police reports on pro-British Romanians and Jews. 1943. 208 p

File 9684

Volume #

1. Police reports on the surveillance of the foreigners. 1948-1949. 6 p

4. Police reports on Jews. 1941. 8 p

7. Police reports on Jews 1944. 3 p

8. Police reports on Centrala Evreilor. 1942. 8 p

9. Police (?) reports on Jews. 1940-1944. 2 p

23. Police report on Jews. 1943. 2 p

24. Police reports on Jews 1943. 8 p

File 9030

Volume #

1. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor Jews and Polish refugees. 1942. 44 p

2. SSI reports on the Jewish community and on the American Embassy. 1941. 15 p

5. SSI (?) reports on Jews 1943-1944(?) 3 p

File 9738

Volume #

10. SSI (?) report on ethnic minorities. 1940. 4 p

11. Gendarmerie reports on the deportation of the Jews in Northern Transylvania. 1944. 5 p

12. Gendarmerie report on the deportation of the Jews in Northern Transylvania. 1944. 1 p

File 10528

Volume #

1. Anti-Semitic orders and regulations. 1941. 17 p

3. Forced labor of Jews. 1941. 27 p

4. Police reports on Jews. Documents of the Jewish community from Southern Transylvania. 1944. 54 p

Reel 2

File 10523

Volume #

9. Police report on Jews from the Timis district. 1940. 1 p ( 245 )

10. Police report on Jews from the Timis district. 1942-1944. 31 p

File 9800

Volume #

7. Police report on Jews from the Sibiu and Olt district. 1940. 122 p

8. Police reports on Jews from the towns of Ramnicu Valcea and Craiova. 1939-1941. 159 p

9. Police reports on Centrala Evreilor. Anti-Jewish rules and regulations from the General Staff of the Army. Reports on Jews from Caracal, Craiova Czernowitz. 1942. 22 p

10. Fragment of a police(?) report on Jews. n.d. (1940-1944). 1 p

11. Fragment of a police(?) report on Jews. n.d. (1940-1944). 3 p

12. Police reports from Craiova and Targu Jiu on Jews. 1943. 25 p

13. Police reports on Jews from Craiova. 15 p

File 9705

Volume #

2. Police reports on Jews. 1940. Bacau. 86 p

4. Repatriation of Jewish orphans from Transnistria. Police reports on Jews in the Neamt district. 1943-1944. 242 p

6. Police surveillance of Jews in Targu Neamt and Piatra Neamt. Lists of Jews who were hostages or who received aid because their relatives were taken to forced labor. 1940- 1944. p. 1- 296. 696 p

Reel 3

File 9705

Volume #

6. Police surveillance of Jews in Targu Neamt and Piatra Neamt. Forced labor of Jews. Internment of Jews in camps. p. 296-696. 696 p ( 265-696 )

7. Forced labor Jews and special taxes Jews. Police reports on Jews 375 p

Reel 4

File 9705

Volume #

9. Surveillance of Jews and repressive measures against Jews in the Targu Neamt district. 1940-1944. 421 p

11. Aid requests from the Jews of the Neamt district. 1943. 29 p

12. Reports from the local chapter of Centrala Evreilor and from the headquarters of the same organization on the situation of Jews from Piatra Neamt. 1942-1944. 430 p

15. Report on the creation of a patriotic organization in Targu Neamt. 1943. 15 p

16. Organization of help for the Jews liberated from camps and prisons. 1944. 3 p

18. Miscellaneous requests from Jews interned in the Targu Jiu camp. 1941. 134 p

Reel 5

File 9705

Volume #

18. Miscellaneous requests from Jews interned in the Targu Jiu camp. Forced labor of Jews in Piatra Neamt. 1941. 152 p

File 9735

Volume #

3. Investigation of Romanian police from Oradea on mistreatment of Jews by soldiers of the Hungarian army. 1945. 22 p

File 9738

Volume #

4. Police report concerning the organization of a protocol team in Alba Iulia. 1943. 4 p

File 10478

Volume #

1. Police surveillance of Jews in the districts of Alba and Mures. 1940-1941. 200 p

2. Police surveillance of Jews in the Alba district 1940. 350 p

Reel 6

File 7636

Volume #

1. Police surveillance of Jews in the Iasi district. 1943. 2 p (14-15)

File 7633

Volume #

1. Surveillance of Jews in Pascani, Bacau, Roman, Constanta. 1940-1944. 17 p

File 7632

Volume #

3. Forced labor of Jews in Vaslui. Complaints of former Jewish forced laborers against Major Stefan Moldoveanu. 1944. 20 p

File 7632

Volume #

4. Report on the Jews from Tulcea district. 1941. 1 p

File 7638

Volume #

1. List made by Centrala Evreilor of Jewish forced laborers from Dorohoi deported to Transnistria. (over 2,000 names). n.d. (1941-1942)

File 7642

Volume #

1. Repatriation of Jews, including orphans, deported to Transnistria. 1944. 53 p

File 7635

Volume #

2. Police reports on Jews, in Bacau, Piatra Neamt, Husi, Iasi, Targu Frumos, Falticeni, Pascani, Baca, Targu Neamt, Buhusi. 1941. 46 p

File # 7441

Volume #

2. Reports of Partidul Natiunii on the situation of the Jews. 1940. 6 p

File 7642

Volume #

1. Reports on Jews of the Odessa police. 1941. 2 p

File 10551

Volume #

6. Report on Jews by the Timisoara Police. 1941 2 p

7. Reports on Jews by the Oravita police. 1941. 4 p.

8. Report on Jews by the Constanta police. Fall of 1942. 5 p

9. Report on Jews by the Craiova police. 1941? 1 p

11. Reports on Jews by the Lugoj police. 1941. 3 p

13. Reports on Jews by the Timisoara police. Forced labor. 1941. 18 p

14. Police report on Jews.Place and date not given. 1 p

15. Police report on Jews.Timisoara. Wartime. 2 p

File 10482

Volume #

8. Reports on Jews by the Deva police. Forced labor. War time.15 p

9. Reports on Jews by the Hunedoara police. Forced labor. 1942. 20 p

10. Reports on Jews by the Deva police. 1942. 7 p

11. Reports on Jews by the Deva police. 1942. 24 p

12. Reports on Jews by the Fagaras police. 1942. 32 p

13. Reports on Jews by the Deva police. 1942. 13 p

18. Police surveillance of Jews in Southern Transylvania. Wartime. 19 p

19. Police reports on the Jews from Alba Iulia. 1943. 45 p

21. Reports on Jews by the Petrosani police. 33 p

22. Reports on Jews by the Alba Iulia police. 1943. 46 p

23. Reports on Jews by the Hunedoara police. 1943. 27 p

24. Reports on Jews by the Hunedoara police. 20 p

25. Reports on Jews by the Alba Iulia police. 1943. 26 p

26. Police reports on Jews from Alba Iulia and Turda. 1944. 50 p

35. Police reports on the Jews from Deva. 2 p

41. Police reports on the Jews from Alba Iulia. Wartime. 17 p

File 10611

Volume #

2. Aid from Centrala Evreilor sent to the Jewish Community from Sarmas. 1942. 2 p

4. Aid from Centrala Evreilor sent to the Jewish Community from Ludus. 1942. 12 p

File 10626

Volume #

3. Report of the Ploesti police on the supposed contacts of Stefan Traub the former Romanian minister in Budapest with the Allies in Turkey and on the deportation of the Jews from Northern Transylvania. 1944. 1 p

6. Antisemitic report of the SS on personel in the Ploesti region. 1943. 11 p

7. Ploesti police correspondence concerning the Jews. List of Jews who immigrated to Palestine. List of Jews who escaped from Golta, Transnistria. 1943. 21 p

File 10551

Volume #

16. Police report on Jews. No place given. Wartime. 1 p

18. Police report on Jews from Orsova and Caransebes. Wartime. 5 p

20. Police report on the Jews from Romania. 1940? 4 p

21. Police reports on the Jews from Caransebes and Orsova. 1943. 18 p

22. Police reports on the Jews from Southern Transylvania. Report on the escape to Romania of hundreds of Hungarian Jews. 1944. 8 p

File 7374

Volume #

1. Police reports on Jews. January 1941. 26 p

File 10572

Volume #

1. Securitate report on Zionists from Bivolari. List of Jews from Bivolari deported to Iasi. 1951. 13 p

2. Written warrants given by the Vaslui police concerning the internment of Jews in various camps. 1945. 51 p

5. Lists of Jews from Vaslui who paid their financial obligations to the Centrala Evreilor. 1943. 12 p

31. Internal reports of Centrala Evreilor. Police reports on Jews from Moldova. Forced labor of Jews in Moldova. 1942. 27 p

32. Order of the Prefect of Iasi to the Iasi police requesting the more surveillance of Jews and the identification of Jews with communists. 1 p

Reel 7

General Directorate of the Police

File 10572

Volume #

32. Surveillance of Zionist organizations. Name lists of members. Name lists of Jews from Bessarabia and Bukovina who lived in Piatra Neamt and Iasi. 1940. 64 p ( 214-…)

34. Surveillance of Zionist organizations. Name lists of members. Name lists of Jews from Bessarabia and Bukovina who lived in Piatra Neamt and Iasi. 1940. 64 p

File 76421

Return from Transnistria of deported Jews. Name lists adults and orphans. List of Zionists from Iasi. Correspondence. 1940. 37 p

File 10585

Volume #

10. Police reports on Jews. 1940. 7 p

11. List of Jews who left for USSR. Police reports on the behavior of the Jews during the retreat of the Romanian troops from Bucovina. Name lists of Jews from Iasi, Neamt, Bacau, Suceava, originating from Bessarabia and Bucovina. 1940. 69 p.

12. Police reports on Zionists and Jews. 1940. 42 p

14. Statistics on ethnic groups in Botosani, Harlau, Stefanesti, Falticeni, Pascani. Police reports on Jews. 1941. 26 p.

24. Police reports on Jews, other minorities. 1942. 4 p

27. Police reports on Jews. No date, 1941-1942 ?. 18 p

31. Police reports on Jews. No date. 1942 ?. 7 p

33. Police report on Jews. No date. 1943-1944 ?. 3 p

File 10632

Volume #

1. Iron Guard police report on the activities of B'nai B'rith in Romania. 1941. 8 p

10. The implementation of the clauses of the Armistice signed by Romania. 1944. 15 p

11. Report on Jews from Ploesti. No date. War time. 1 p

Gendarmerie Inspectorate

File 10598

Volume #

1. Order to confiscate the Jewish properties in the rural areas. 1940. 1 p

2. Gendarmerie reports on Jews. 1943. 8 p.

3. Surveillance of Jews in Southern Transylvania. No date. War time. 4 p

6. Name list of Jews wanted by the Romanian gendarmerie. Name list of wanted Jews expelled to Northern Transylvania who returned to Romania. 1940. 9 p

7. Gendarmerie reports on Jews, Soviet parachutists. 1941. 9 p

8. Gendarmerie reports on Jews. 1941. 9 p

9. Gendarmerie orders relating to Jews. 6 p

Court Records/Galati Regional Securitate Records

File 4087

Massacre of Jews in Galati, June 30, 1940. 284 p

Unknown Source

File 4012

Police (?) report on Jews. No date, war time. 1 p


File 1059810

Gendarmerie report on Jews. 1942. 1 p

Volume #

11. Gendarmerie report on Jews. 1942. 1 p

13. Instructions of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the return of the Jews from abroad. 1942. 3 p

21. Gendarmerie orders concerning the Jews. 1942. 1 p

22. Gendarmerie orders concerning the Jews. 1943. 1 p

23. Gendarmerie orders concerning the Jews. Border crossings, forced labor. 1943. 2 p

24. Gendarmerie reports concerning the liquidation of the Jewish businesses. 1943 2 p

25. Gendarmerie report on a Jewish enterprise. 1943. 1 p

27. Arrest of Romanians and Jews in Cluj. 1942. 1 p

29. Name list of the members of the Jewish Community in Fagaras, n.d. 1 p

31. Report on the Jews from Medias. 1942. 7 p

32. Gendarmerie reports on the decision of the Romanian government to allow the emigration of the Jews. 1944. 1 p


File 7643

Volume #

1. Help offered by the Joint to the Jews who returned from Hungary, Auschwitz, USSR, Transnistria. Name lists. 1945. 189 p

File 7635

Volume #

1. Records of the Jewish Community from Romania, 1940-1941. Police records surveillance of Jews. 1940-1941. 295 p

Reel 8


File 7635

Volume #

2. Anti-Jewish measures. Name lists of hostages. Police reports from Roman and Botosani. 1941-1942. 278 p

File 7637

Volume #

1. Declarations of Jews deported to Transnistria. 1948-1950. 116 p

File 7632

Volume #

1. Police reports on Jews in Moldova. 1941-1944. 81 p

File 7632

Volume #

2. SSI and Securitate reports on the Jewish organizations in Romania. 1919-1949. 127 p

File 7632

Volume #

3. Police reports on Zionist activities. Name lists of Jews who immigrated to Palestine or were deported to Transnistria. 1944-1945; 1952. 149 p

File 7633

Volume #

1. Police reports on Zionist activities. 1936-1964. 39 p

File 7893

Volume #

1. Gendarmerie reports on Jews. 1941. 3 p

File 7910

Volume #

1. Historical study on the Jews from Romania and abroad written by the police, n.d. 176 p

File 2686

Volume #

9. Memo of the Romanian Jewish Community on the pogrom of Bucharest. 1941. 188 p

Reel 9

File 2690

Volume #

13. Anti-Jewish Legislation August-December 1941; Report on the Jewish organizations from Transylvania, n.d. 150 p

File 2704

Volume #

27. Letter from Antonescu to Filderman September 19, 1940. Police report on Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1940. 2 p

File 2708

Volume #

31. Requests for aid addressed to the Federation of Jewish Communities by the families of the Jews killed during the pogrom of Bucharest from January 1941, 1941. 22 p

33. Report on the status of foreign Jews in Romania. Nazi report on the number of Jews in Romania. Report on the situation of Jews in Transnistria. SSI report on the execution of Jews by the SS in Rastadt, Transnistria. Police report on the Zionist organizations from Romania. Police report on Romanian Jewish organizations. 176 p

File 2748

Volume #

73. Miscellaneous reports and correspondence of Centrala Evreilor. 1940-1943. 215 p

File 2755

Volume #

80. Miscellaneous reports and correspondence of the Ministry of Interior concerning Jewish

matters including the Jews deported to Transnistria. 1943. 270 p

File 2759

Name lists of Jews who did not report to forced labor. 1944. 30 p

File 2789

Volume #

114. Police correspondence concerning the escape of the Jews from the ghettos of Czernowitz and Chisinau. 1941-1942. 20 p

File 2808

Volume #

133. Miscellaneous police reports on "economic crimes" committed by Jews. 1943. 49 p

File 2814

Volume #

144. Repatriation from Transnistria and Jewish emigration to Palestine. 1943 4 p

File 2801

Volume #

126. Miscellaneous reports on the deportation of Jews to Transnistria 1943. 27 p

File 10362

Volume #

12. Fragment of an anti-semitic report no place or date given. 1945-1946. 1 p

16. Fragment of a police report on Jews 1944. 3 p

17. Police reports on Jews.1943. 17 p

25. Police report on Jews. 1942. 6 p

27. SSI report on the deportation of Jews from Northern Transylvania. 1944. 14 p

File 7644

Volume #

1. Securitate interogation on war crimes in Transnistria. 1950. 3 p

File 421

Volume #

1. Police report on antisemitic Iron Guard activities. 1941. 1 p

File 2678

Volume #

1. SSI reports on Zionists. Miscellaneous reports of Centrala Evreilor. 1942. 50 p

Reel 10

File 2678

Volume #

1. SSI reports on Zionists. Miscellaneous reports of Centrala Evreilor. SSI report on the history of Jewish organizations in Romania. Reports of Centrala Evreilor from Iasi and Bacau. 1942. 150 p

File 2687

Volume #

10. Election of the Chief Rabbi Alexandru Safran. Regulations and meetings of the leadership of the Jewish Community. Miscellaneous correspondence. 1940-1941. 100 p

File 2689

Volume #

12. Centrala Evreilor. Request for repatriation from Transnistria of the relatives of Chief Rabbi Safran. 1942. 12 p

File 2694

Volume #

17. Centrala evreilor-census of the Jewish population. 1942. 200 p

File 2699

Volume #

22. SSI report on the "International Jewry". Miscellaneous "Lecca" papers. Report of the head of the Mogilev ghetto, Jagendorf. Various SSI reports of Jewish matters. 1942-1946. Lists of Jews from the Balti area and from the Tiraspol ghetto. Lists of Jews from Ploesti. Police reportson Zionists and freemasons in Ploesti. 1942-1946. 584 p

File 2705

Volume #

28. Police report on Uniunea Evreilor din Romania. 1941. 4 p

File 2711

Volume #

34. Police reports on the Romanian Zionist Organization. 1941. 60 p

Reel 11

File 2711

Volume #

34. Police reports on the Romanian Zionist Organization. 1940. 20 p

35. Census of the Jews. 1942. 48 p

File 2713

Volume #

36. Census of the Jews .1942. 184 p

File 2714

Volume #

37. General Staff of the Romanian army. Military report on the economic and military status of Jews. Confiscated Zionist documents. Surveillance of various religious sects. 1941. 166 p

File 2716

Volume #

39. SSI surveillance of Jewish organizations in Bessarabia and Bucharest. Anti-Semitic

incidents during the retreat of the Romanian authorities from Bessarabia. 1940. 480 p

File 2740

Volume #

65. SSI surveillance of Jews. 1942. 9 p

File 2750

Volume #

75. SSI surveillance of Zionists. 1940. 95 p

Reel 12

File 2752

Volume #

77. SSI surveillance of Zionists. 1938-1940. 127 p

File 2753

Volume #

78. Miscellaneous documents from Centrala Evreilor. Forced labor Jews. 1943. 199 p

78. Miscellaneous documents from Centrala Evreilor. Forced labor Jews. 1943. 119 p

File 2754

Volume #

79. Confiscation of Jewish property. Miscellaneous documents from Centrala Evreilor. Forced labor Jews. 1943. 170 p

File 2756

Volume #

81. Miscellaneous documents from Centrala Evreilor. Forced labor Jews. 1943. 439 p

Reel 13

File 2757

Volume #

82. Report of the Ministry of the Interior concerning the deportations of the Romanian Jews. Miscellaneous documents from the Ministry of Interior concerning travel permits accorded to the Jews 1943. 300 p

File 2758

Volume #

83. Name list of Jews exempted from forced labor. Name list of Jews not exempted from forced labor. Miscellaneous documents of Zionist organizations. 1944. 207 p

File 2778

Volume #

103. Various documents from Centrala Evreilor Repatriation of Jews from Transnistria. 1944. 36 p

File 2790

Volume #

115. Police documents related to the deportation of the Jews and Gypsies to Transnistria

1942. 4 p

File 2793

Volume #

118. Statistics related to the Jews deported to Transnistria in 1942. 37 p

File 2717

Volume #

40. SSI reports on the Federation of Jewish Communities from Romania. 1939-1940. 65 p

File 2718

Volume #

41. Police and SSI reports on the Federation of the Jewish Communities and on Centrala Evreilor, 1940-1941. 86 p

File 2846

Volume #

185. Police reports on the possibility of the emigration of the Jews. 1941. 28 p

File 2848

Volume #

187. Army reports on the possibility of the emigration of the Jews. 1941. 6 p

File 2841

Volume #

131. Correspondence between Centrala Evreilor and one of its local sections (Giurgiu). 1942. 1 p

File 2844

Volume #

183. Various documents related to the "Struma" tragedy. (768 victims) Immigration to Palestine. Name lists 1941-1942. 304 p

File 2934

Volume #

273. Pro-Bethar association. 1938. 1 p

File 2983

Volume #

323. Police reports on the pogrom of Iasi. 1941. 10 p

File 3031

Volume #

371. Police (?) report on Jews and free masons, n.d. 38 p

File 3033

Volume #

373. Police reports on the Jewish organizations. 1941. 18 p

File 3034

Volume #

374. SSI reports on an American initiative to allow the emigration of the Romanian Jews to Syria. 1941. 6 p

File 3035

Volume #

375. Police report on the emigration of Jews, 1941. 2 p

File 3037

Volume #

377. Lists of converted Jews. 1941-1942. 14 p

File 3039

Volume #

379. Lists of Jews who were deported to Transnistria because they did not report to forced labor. 1941-1942. 4 p

File 3022

Volume #

362. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor. 1941-1942. 13 p

File 3030

Volume #

370. Siguranta reports on illegal Jewish immigration to Romania. Reports on Jewish emigration. 1940. 18 p

File 2812

Volume #

42. Table with employees of Centrala Evreilor, Neamt district, 1943. 3 p

File 2898

Volume #

237. Lists of Jews who worked as informants for Siguranta. 1942. 3 p

File 2928

Volume #

267. SSI report, n.d.

File 2929

Volume #

268. Police report on Zionists. 1938-1940. 2 p

File 2933

Volume #

272. SSI report on Zionists. 1940. 3 p

File 2692

Volume #

302. Table of Jewish refugees. Police reports on Jews, 1944. 32 p

File 2991

Volume #

331. SSI report on Zionists. 1940. 2 p

Reel 14

( plus copie )

File 3001

Volume #

341. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor, 1943. 11 p

File 3010

350. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor, 1943. 13 p

File 3012

Volume #

352. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor, 1944. 2 p

File 3027

Volume #

367. List of Jewish aid societies. 1941. 2 p

File 3016

Volume #

356. SSI reports on the leadership of the Federation of the Jewish Communities, 1941. 4 p

File 2960

Volume #

300. SSI reports on the leadership of the Federation of the Jewish Communities, 1941. 32 p

File 3012

Volume #

361. Police report on the Jews from Alba Iulia, 1940. 1 p

File 3041

Volume #

381. SSI reports on Centrala Evreilor. SSI reports on the Sephardic Jews. 1942. 24 p

File 3047

Volume #

387. Report of Centrala Evreilor on its activities. 1943. 18 p

File 3051

Volume #

2. Gendarmerie order of repatriation of the Jews from the Dorohoi county to Romania. 1943. 5 p

File 3084

Volume #

129. Deportation of a small lot of Jews to Transnistria. 1942. 2 p

File 3086

Volume #

431. General statistics related to Jews, 1942-1943. 13 p

File 10632

Volume #

31. Anti-Jewish decree of the Ministry of Interior, 1940. 1 p

File 10632

Volume #

35. Police report on Jews, n.d. 3 p

File 10632

Volume #

36. Police report on Jews, 1942. 4 p

File 10362

Volume #

12. Police reports on Jews, 1944. 12 p

File 2849

Volume #

188. Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1940. 19 p

File 2850

Volume #

189. Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1943. 8 p

File 2896

Volume #

235. Report on the association of Jewish journalists. 1941. 2 p

File 2900

Volume #

239. Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1940. 2 p

File 2912

Volume #

257. Forced labor Jews. 1943-1944. 15 p

File 2869

Volume #

208. Reports on the deportation of Jews to Transnistria. Situation of the Jews in Transnistria. 1941-1943. Memo of Romanian intellectuals sent to the king protesting the deportation of the Jews, 1943-1944. 44 p

File 2868

Volume #

207. report on the deportation of Jews from Czernowitz, 1942. 66 p

File 2909

Volume #

248. Police reports on the Jewish emigration to Palestine. Name list of the passengers of the Vulcani ship, 1940. 10 p

File 2920

Volume #

259. Police reports on the Jewish community in Romania, 1941. 5 p

File 3116

Volume #

472. Police report on Jewish emigration to Palestine from the Ialomita district, 1943-1944. 11 p

File 3110

Volume #

466. Police report on the Machabi organization, 1940. 10 p

File 3124

Volume #

480. Police reports on Jewish emigration to Palestine, 1942. 8 p

File 8180

Volume #

6. Various SSI reports on the suspension of the deportation of the Jews to Belzec. Reactions of neutral diplomats and of the Romanian political parties, 1942. 24 p

File 8180

Volume #

9. Various SSI reports on Jewish emigration and forced labor, 1943.

File 8198

Volume #

2. Various SSI reports on Jews, 1940-1943. 6 p

File 8180

Volume #

10. SSI reports on Jews, 1943. 4 p

File 5994

General Staff of the Army instructions concerning the forced labor of the Jews, 1942. 9 p

File 6671

Volume #

526. Report on the occupation of Bukovina by the Soviets, 1940. 2 p

8091. SSI report on confiscated Jewish goods from the Timis district, 1943-1944. 2 p

8014. SSI reports on the Jews from Roman and Bacau, 1942-1944. 7 p

6660. SSI report on the role of the Jews in pre-war Soviet Ukraine, n.d. 29 p

File 2919

Volume #

258. Various police reports on Jews. Summary of a letter from Ion Antonescu to Filderman, 1940-1941.

File 868

Volume #

980. Police report on Iron Guard abuses against the Jews in Prahova district, 1940.

File 2916

Volume #

255. SSI reports on the situation of the Jews in Regat, 1942-1943. 8 p

File 2919

Volume #

258. Various police reports on the Jewish community of Bucharest, 1940. 10 p

File 2986

Volume #

326. Two censored anti-Semitic articles, 1938. 7 p

4001. Police report on Jews and other ethnic groups, 1942. 3 p

4002. Police report on Jews, 1943. 2 p

4031. Siguranta? report on Jews, 1944. 4 p

4094. War crimes. Court decisions, nos. 1, 2, 4, 1945. 145 p

5991. Forced labor of Jews in Constanta, 1941. 6 p

8891. Police reports on Zionism, 1941. 10 p

5995. Forced labor of Jews. Bucharest, 1943. 8 p

File 8180

Volume #

10. SSI reports on Jews, 1943. 3 p

8954. Hungarian Jews refugees from Yugoslavia. Police report, 1944. 16 p

9721. Police reports on Gypsies. Preparations for deportations, 1942. 512 p

Reel 15

( plus copie )

File 582

Volume #

1. War crimes trial. Court documents. Execution of two Jews in Chisinau. 1948. 26p

2. War crimes trial. Court depositions. Deportation of Jews from Lapusna. 1948. 78 p

3. War crimes trial. Execution of Jews in the Lapusna area. 1948. 149 p

4. War crimes trial. Execution of Jews in the Lapusna area. 1948. 418 p

File 1241

Volume #

1. War crimes trial. Massacre of Jews in Bucovina (Sadagura and Jucica Noua). Marius Mircu Pogromurile din Bucovina si Dorohoi (book), 1948. 258 p

2 . War crimes trial. Massacre of Jews in Bucovina (Sadagura and Jucica Noua), 1948. 114 p

File 7197

Volume #

1. War crimes trial. Deportation of Jews from Cernauti, 1951. 20 p

2. War crimes trial. Deportation of Jews from Cernauti, 1947 . 27 p

3. War crimes trial. Deportation of Jews from Cernauti, 1951. 61 p

4. War crimes trial. Deportation of Jews from Cernauti, 1950. 2 p

5. War crimes investigation. Deportation of the mentally sick Jews from Cernauti, 1952. 120 p

File 9614

Volume #

1. Deportation of Jews from Vertujeni Secureni, and Edineti transit camps. Name lists of interned Jews, 1946. 80 p

File 18209

1. Execution of Jews in Balti. Investigation on the Rautel camp, 1946. 38 p

File 18209

2. Execution of Jews in Balti. Investigation on the Rautel camp, 1946. 188 p

3. Execution of Jews in Balti. Investigation on the Rautel and Marculesti camps, 1946. 115 p

4. Execution of Jews in Balti, 1946. 6 p

5. Execution of Jews in Balti, 1946. 6 p

6. Execution of Jews in Balti, 1946. 4 p

Reel 16

File 22539

Volume #

5. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia (Orhei), 1946. 265 p

7. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. (Orhei), 1946. 30 p

8. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. (Orhei), 1946.

9. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1952.

11. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1950.

12. Court records relating to the trial of general Voiculescu the governor of Bessarabia and of the gendarmes accused of executions and deportations in Chisinau and Bessarabia, 1946.

13. Court records relating to the trial of general Viculescu the governor of Bessarabia and of the gendarmes accused of executions and deportations in Chisinau and Bessarabia, 1945.

18. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1950.

20. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1949.

22. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1945.

31. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1950.

32. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), sentences, 1950.

33. Report of the occupation of Orhei by the Soviet authorities, 1940.

40. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1950.

41. Court records relating to the trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia, (Orhei), 1950.

Reel 17

42. Killings of Jews by Romanian gendarmes in Orhei, Bessarabia. Execution of Soviet parachutists, 1950. 49 p.

43. Gendarme Neagu Nicolae asks for medical reasons for the lifting of his internal exile, after 20 years of prison, 1962. 5 p.

45. Trial of the legion of gendarmes Orhei. Statement of the prosecution. Decision of the court. Pogrom of Iasi trial investigation, 1948. 133 p

File 100399

Volume #

1. Pogrom of Iasi trial investigation. Testimonies on the stop of the death train in Targu Frumos, 1948. 48 p

2. Court investigation in the killing of the Jews in Iasi, 1955. 170 p.

File 18424

Volume #

1. Court decisions in the trial of the gendarmes accused of killing Jews in Chilia, Bessarabia, 1953. 170 p

2. Court decisions in the trial of the gendarmes accused of killing Jews in Chilia, Bessarabia, 1948. 503 p

3. Court investigation on the gendarmes accused of killings in Chilia, Bessarabia, 1948. 59 p

Reel 18

File 18470

Volume #

1. Miscellaneous documents related to Emil Velciu, former head of the juridical section of SSI, 1945. 24 p

2. Trial of the members of an Intelligence Service network in Bucharest, 1942. 48 p

3. Miscellaneous documents related to Emil Velciu, former head of the juridical section of SSI, 1945. 7 p

File 22539

Volume #

1. Opis of the fond 22539. Trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. Statements of the accused, 1950. 341 p

2. Trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. Statements of the accused, 1950. 740 p

3. Trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. Statements of the accused, 1950. 643 p

5. Trial of gendarmes accused of killings in Bessarabia. Statements of the accused, 1950. 249 p

Reel 19

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 15)

File 40011

Volume #

1. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statement of the prosecutor. Massacre of Odessa. Deportations from Bukovina. Massacre from Bogdanovka, 1945.

2. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Court papers. Massacre of Odessa. Deportations from Bukovina. Massacre from Bogdanovka. Court decision, 1945. 141 p

3. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statements of the accused and testimonies of the victims, 1945. 47 p

4. Investigation on the Romanian officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria and Regat. Statements of the accused and their lawyers, 1957. 67 p

5. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statements of the accused and testimonies of the victims, 1945. 460 p

6. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statements of the accused, 1945. 144 p

Reel 20

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 16)

File 40011

Volume #

6. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statements of the accused (Continued), 1945. 217 p

7. Trial of Romanian officials and officers accused of war crimes in Transnistria. Statements of the accused. Lists of belongings confiscated from the Jews, 1945. 322 p

8. Trial of Romanian officers accused of crimes in the Targu Jiu and Vapniarka camps. Reports on the execution of Jews by the Germans in Transnistria, 1942-1945. 245 p

15. Trial of Romanian officers accused of killings in Transnistria. Court correspondence and testimonies of witnesses, 1945. 78 p

17. Trial of Romanian officers accused of killings in Odessa, 1945. 255 p

Reel 21

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 17 )

File 40011

Volume #

17. (Continued from Reel 20) Trial of Romanian officers accused of killings in Odessa, 1945. 368 p

18. Trial of Romanian officers accused of mistreatment of the inmates in the camp of Vapniarka, 1945. 139 p

19. Trial of Romanian officers accused of mistreatment of the inmates in the camp of Vapniarka, 1945. 243 p

20. Court investigation on the massacre of Jews in the Golta district of Transnistria. Lists of objects taken from the Jews from Bogdanovka. Testimonies of the former inmates. Statements of the accused, 1945. 280 p

Reel 22

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 18 )

22. Trial of Romanian officers accused of mistreatment of the inmates in the camp of Vapniarka. Bubi Finkelstein, 1945. 67 p

24. Trial of Romanian officers accused of anti-partisan activities, 1945. 205 p

25. Trial of Romanian officers accused of killings in Transnistria. Fragment from the statement of the defense, 1945. 4 p

26. Court investigation on one of the guards of the Targu Jiu camp, 1952 15 p

27. Court decision to set free Corneliu Calotescu the former governor of Bucovina, 1956.Court decision on Florin Ghineraru, one of the Romanian officers condemned for crimes in Transnistria, 1945. 2 p

28. Court decision condemning Gheorghe Zlatescu, one of the guards at the Targu Jiu concentration camp, 1945. 4 p

34. Court correspondence on Benjamin Bubi Finkelstein accused of collaboration in the Vapniarka concentration Camp, 1955. 26 p

36. Court decision condemning officer Sever Buradescu for crimes in Vertujeni and Vapniarka, 1945. 1 p

40. Police surveillance files on Bubi Finkelstein later condemned for collaboration in Transnistria, 1936. 64 p

41. Court investigation on the guards of the Targu Jiu camp, 1944. 35 p

Reel 23

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 19)

Volume #

2. Massacre of Jews in Hotin, Bukovina. Court Investigation. 1946. 178 p

3. Massacre of Jews in Herta, Bukovina. Court investigation. 1946. 42 p

4. Massacre of Jews in Herta, Noua Sulita, in Bukovina. Court investigation. 1948. 435 p

5. Massacre of Jews in Noua Sulita. Court investigation. 1945. 301 p

6. Court investigation on a policeman accused of beating of Jews during the pogrom of Iasi, 1945. 99 p

6. Massacre of Jews in Herta and in Transnistria. 1947. 174 p

8. Massacre of Jews in Hotin. Court investigation. 1949. 8 p

9. Massacres of Jews in Hotin and Noua Sulita. Final argument of the lawyer for the defence. 1949. 12 p

10. Massacre of Jews in Bukovina. Court investigation and decisions of the court. 1949.155 p

11. Massacre of Jews in Bukovina. Court investigation. 1949. 155 p

14. Massacre of Jews in Bukovina. Decision of the court. 1949. 12 p

Reel 24

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 20 )

File 20521

Volume #

17. Massacre of Jews in Bukovina, Noua Sulita. Court investigation. 1949. 102 p

18. Executions of Soviet POW's by the Romanian Third Army. List of the photographs and camera men of the Romanian army. 1948. 48 p

19. Court investigation on members of the police from the Hotin district, Bukovina. 1953. 32 p

21. Two reports on General Stavrat Olimpiu accused of war crimes. 1946. 3 p

24. Court decision concerning a member of the Iron Guards accused of mistreatment of the Jews in Hotin, Bucovina. 1949. 37 p

26. Decision of the Ministry of Interior to free a former gendarme accused of war crimes. 1959. 10 p

28. Investigation on the execution of Jews in Noua Sulita, Bucovina. 1950. 8 p

29. Decision of the Ministry of Interior to free a former gendarme, accused of war crimes. 1960. 6 p

File 22725

Volume #

1. Investigation on the execution of local inhabitants in Bessarabia. 1941. 30 p

2. Court decision concerning killing of Jews in Hotin, Bessarabia, 1943. 5 p

3. Court decision concerning Colonel Meculescu, head of gendarmerie in Bessarabia. 1954. 44 p

4. Court investigation concerning Colonel Meculescu, head of gendarmerie in Bessarabia. 1951. 118 p

5. Court investigation concerning Colonel Meculescu, head of gendarmerie in Bessarabia. 1946. 330 p

6. Court investigation concerning General Voiculescu, governer of Bessarabia. 1945. 337 p.

Reel 25

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 6 )

( Volumul 7 se afla la caparul interior al rolei)

File 20725

Volume #

7. Trial of General Constantin Voiculescu, the ex-Governor of Bessarabia. 1941-1942. 403 p

8. Statements of gendarmes accused of crimes in Czernowitz, Bukovina. 1948. 22 p

9. Statements of gendarmes accused of crimes in Hotin, Bukovina. 1945. 364 p

10. Deportations of Jews from Bukovina Transit camps, Bukovina. Testimonies of witnesses. 1945. 174 p

11. Trial of gendarmes accused of killings of Jews in Cetatea Alba, 1941. Statements of the accused and of the witnesses. 1945. 153 p

Reel 26

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 22 )

File 20725

Volume #

11. (Continues reel 25) Trial of gendarmes accused of killings of Jews in Cetatea Alba, 1941. Statements of the accused and of the witnesses. 1945. 149 p

13. Trial of gendarmes accused of crimes in Bessarabia. Statements of the accused and witnesses. Court decisions. 1945-1947. 114 p

14. Excerpts from miscellaneous folders containing testimonies on the Romanian order on "land cleansing" ie. deportation of Jews. 1946. 2 p

16. Securitate investigation on the crimes commited by Romanian gendarmerie in Bessarabia. 1950. 207 p

File 39181

Volume #

1. Investigation on the role of General Mihail Iliescu, Colonel Leonida Pop and others in the massacre of 300 Jews in Berezovka, Transnistria. Statements of the accused 1945. 299 p

2. Investigation on the massacre of Jews in Berezovka, Transnistria. Statements of the accused. Investigation on the Vapniarka camp crimes. 1945. 173 p

3. Investigation on the masscares of Jews in Kolosovka (Berezovka) and Mostovoi,

Transnistria. Statements of the accused. 1945. 332 p

Reel 27

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 23 )

File 39181

Volume #

4. Court investigation on execution of 1,500 Jews by the Germans and Romanians in Kolosovka (Berezovka) and Mostovoi Transnistria. 1952. (continuation of reel 26/3). 25 p

5. Name lists of Jews whose belongings were confiscated. 1942. 20pp.

6. Trial of gendarmes charged with the murder of 300 Jews in Berezovka. 1957. 9pp

10. Investigation of the officers accused of the massacres of Ghidighici and Odessa. 1950. 139 p

File 38891

Volume #

1. Court decision in the trial of the officers and soldiers accused of crimes in Mostovoi, Berezovka. 21 December 1949. 21 p

2. Court documents from the trial of a petty officer accused of murder in Transnistria.

1950. 3 p

3. Court decision in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Mostovoi, Berezovka. 17 June 1950. Name lists of Jews in Mostovoi, Transnistria. 168 p

4. Investigation of the officers and soldiers accused of executions in Mostovoi, Berezovka. 1948-50. 98 p

5. Court investigation in trial of gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Mostovoi and

Berezovka. Name lists of Jews in Mostovoi. 1948. 170 p

File 38891

Volume #

7. Gendarmerie report on the situation of the Jews in Transnistria in 1942. Court testimonies of Jews interned in Transnistria in the Berezovka area, 1946. 55 p

9. Court documents from the trial of an officer accused of murder in Transnistria. 1956. 7 p

14. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Odessa and Berezovka, Transnistria.1946. 130 p

15. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria. December 1949. 59 p

17. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria, 1953. 159 p

18. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria. Accused Mihail Ilescu’s statement. Court decision acquitting Iliescu, 31 October 1946. Prosecutor's statement. 1948. 120 p

20. Court decision concerning one of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria, 1961. 3 p

21. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria, 1948. 3 p

22. Court investigation in the trial of the gendarmerie officers accused of crimes in Berezovka, Transnistria, 1951. 2 p

Reel 28

( pe film apare trecut eronat rola 24 )

File 38891

Volume #

23. Intelligence reports of the Romanian gendarmerie for April and May 1942. Sentences

imposed in December 1949 on Mihail Iliescu and others for the massacre of the Jews in Berezovka. Transnistria. 1942. 40 p

File 24337

Volume #

1. Forced labor of Jews in Bucharest. Court investigation on Colonel Elefterescu accused of mistreating Jews, 1951. 38 p

File 37818

Volume #

1. Court inverstigation on the participation of Romanian civilians in the killings of Jews in Banila, Bukovina, 1948. 35 p

File 22987

Volume #

1. Court investigation on the killing of Jews by Romanian gendarmes during 1944, in the Balta district, in Transnistria, 1945. 85 p

File 38882

Volume #

1. Report on the real estate properties of General Cepleanu, n.d. 3 p

2. Press clipings and war time reports relating to general Cepleanu, in charge with the forced labor of the Jews in Bucharest, 1942-1945. 9 p

File 40017

Volume #

5. Police reports on members of the future (especially M.G. Willman advocate of a Jewish Federalist State) Two brochures signed by Willman, 1938-1939. Police surveillance of Centrala Evreilor, 1941-1942. Court investigation in the activities of Centrala Evreilor, 1946. 276 p

6. Court investigation in the activities of Centrala Evreilor and its leader Nandor Gingold, 1955. 55 p

7. Court decision of 23 May 1956 concerning General Calotescu ex-governer of Bukovina.1956. 2 p

8. Court decision cocerning M.G. Willman, leader of Centrala Evreilor, 1946. 5 p

9. Police warrant concerning M.G. Willman, leader of Centrala Evreilor, 1953. 1 p

10. Prison records of M.G. Willman, leader of Centrala Evreilor, 1953. 24 p

11. Request of the West-German authorities asking for cooperation in the preparation of the Gustav Richter trial, 1966. 32 p

File 40013

Volume #

1. Court investigation on the crimes committed in the transit camps of Marculesti and Vertujeni, 1946. 309 p

Reel 29

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 25)

File 40013

Volume #

2. Killings and mistreatment of Jews by gendarmes in Transnistria. Court investigation.

1946. (Much of this is illegible.) 46 p

3. Court investigations on the conduct of Cristodor Popescu, deputy commandant of the Vapniarka internment camp, and on the deaths there. Court investigation into the massacre of Jews in Rabnita jail and deaths in Vapniarka, Transnistria. Mistreatment of Jews in the Olgopol area-testimonies of witnesses. 1944. 222 p

4. Court investigations on the killings from Rabnita and Iampol, 1954. 19 p

5. Court investigation on anti-Jewish atrocities in Bersad, Transnistria, 1945. 408 p

6. Court investigation on crimes in the the transit camp of Vertujeni, Bessarabia, and on

the massacre of 300 Communists in the Rabnita prison, Transnistria. Establishment of People’s Tribunal to judge war criminals. 1945. 351 p

Reel 30

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 26)

File 40013

Volume #

6. (Continued from Reel 28) Court investigation on the crimes in the transit camp of Vertujeni, Bessarabia, Vapniarka camp, Rabnita prison, Bersad, Bogdanovca, Olgopol ghettos in Transnistria, 1945. 264 p

7. Court investigation on the crimes from the Bersad ghetto, Transnistria, 1946. 29 p

File 21401

Volume #

1. List of Romanians suspected of having committed war crimes. Court investigation into

the activities of the former mayor of Odessa, 1945. 116 p

2. Court investigation into the activities of the former mayor of Odessa including the sale in December 1943 of Jewish headstones from the Odessa cemetery. 1952. 51 p

3. Court investigation into the activities of the former mayor of Odessa. Investigation on the

deportation of the Jews from Odessa, 1945. 170 p

4. Court decision concerning the former mayor of Odessa, 1956. 66 p

5. Secret police investigation into the activities of the former mayor of Odessa, 1950. 24 p

6. Secret police investigation into the activities of the former mayor of Odessa, 1950. Court decision on the former mayor of Odessa, 1956. 267 p

7. Secret police investigation into the activities of the former mayor of Odessa, 1950. 16 p

Reel 31

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 19)

File 40010

Volume #

1. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Statement of the prosecution, 1946. 195 p

2. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Testimonies of witnesses and of the accused, 1946. 551 p

4. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Testimonies of the accused including Ion Antonescu, 1946. 343 p

8. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. War time documents presented by the prosecution, 1946. 578 p

Reel 31 A

Refilming of Reel 31 with additional material.

"A" Trial record (dosar) No. 40010. (These files were partially filmed on reel 31.)

Volume #

1. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Statement of the prosecution, 1946. (195 p.on reel 31) Now 250 pp on this reel.

2. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Testimonies of witnesses and of the accused, 1946. (551 pp. on reel 31). Now 735 p on this reel.

4. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Testimonies of the accused including Ion Antonescu, 1946. (343 pp. on reel 31). Now 429 p on this reel.

8. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. War time documents presented by the prosecution, 1946. (578 pp. on reel 31). Now 662 p on this reel.

Reel 32

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 21)

File 40010

Volume #

9. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Mihai Antonescu, 1946. 236 p

10. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Eugen Cristescu, the head of SSI, 1945. 171 p

11. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation on the activities of the Minister of Interior, 1945. 199 p

13. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Correspondence between Ion Antonescu and the former minister of agriculture Nicolae Mares, 1942. 38 p

14. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Traian Braileanu former minister of education in the Iron Guard government, 1942. 180 p

15. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Ion Protopopescu former minister of communication in the Iron Guard government, 1942.

16. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Petre Tomescu former minister of work, 1945. 20 p.

20. Trial of Constantin Papanace former member of the Iron Guard government, 1945. 187 p

21. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Constantin Busila former member of the Antonescu government, 1945. 130 p

22. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Horia Sima leader of the Iron Guard and Vice-President in the first Antonescu government, 1945. 360 p

23. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Horia Sima leader of the Iron Guard and Vice-President in the first Antonescu government, 1945. 334 p

Reel 33

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 24)

File 40010

Volume #

24. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Horia Sima leader of the Iron Guard and Vice-President in the first Antonescu government, 1945. 554 p

25. Trial of Ion Antonescu et alia. Antisemitic economic study written by Barbu Tulliu,General Inspector of Finance. no date. 16 p

26. Memo of a Jewish owner concerning the confiscation of her house, 1945. 3 p

28. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Gheorghe Alexianu the former governor of Transnistria, 1945. 245 p

29. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Constantin Petroviceanu, former Minister of Interior in the first Antonescu-Iron Guard government, 1945. 114 p

30. Trial of Ion Antonescu et al. Court investigation concerning Mihai Sturdza, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in the first Antonescu Iron Guard government, 1945. 119 p

31. Trial of Ion Antonescu et alia. Court investigation concerning Titus Dragos former Under-Secretary of State for Roumanization in the Antonescu government. Removal in September 1942 of Jews from Jewish Old People’s Home ‘Elisabetheu.’ 1945. 252 p

32. Trial of Ion Antonescu et alia. Court investigation concerning Radu Lecca, former commissar of the Antonescu government for "Jewish problems" and the activities of Centrala Evreilor. Diverse correspondence about the activities of the Patronage Council, headed by Maria Antonescu. Letters addressed to Marshal Ion Antonescu by the Romanian public. 1946. 347 p

Reel 34

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 23)

File 40010

Volume #

36. Trial of Ion Antonescu et alia. Interogation of Ion Antonescu in prison (April 14-20, 1946) 1946. 88 p

37. Letter from Ion Antonescu to Dinu Bratianu. 1942. (Much of this is illegible.) 16 p

39. Interrogation of Eugen Cristescu former head of SSI. Interrogation of General CZ Vasiliu, former head of gendarmerie and under- secretary of state at the Ministry of Interior. Various SSI reports monitoring the activities of miscellaneous embassies in Bucharest,943-1945. 195 p

41. SI reports on Mihai Antonescu. Brochure written by Mihai Antonescu. eports on Mihai Antonescu's meetings with Ciano, Ribbentrop, Goering, Lorcovici, Tuka, Witting, Hitler, Popoff,Weizacker, Wormann, Luther, 41-1942. 210 p

44. Interrogation of Ion Antonescu, April 14-16, 1945. Prison notes to his wife. Memo to the court in which Antonescu defends himself. Photos of his execution, 1945. 105 p

45. Interrogation of Mihai Antonescu. Interrogation of Eugen Cristescu, Piki Vasiliu,General Pantazi, Alexianu, Lecca, Elefterescu. 1945. 312 p

46. Miscellaneous records from Radu Lecca's office including correspondence with the German Embassy, 1941-1943. 253 p

47. Miscellaneous records from Radu Lecca's office including correspondence with the German Embassy. 1941-1943. 130 p

49. Trial of Antonescu et al. Prosecution's statement. List of documents used during the trial.

1945. 199 p

57. Lists of Romanian citizens condemned for war crimes, most of them from Northern Transylvania, 1947. 62 p

58. Report on the food rations in the Vapniarka camp, 1943. 2 p

59. Various documents from the cabinet of General C.Z. Vasiliu. Lists of Communist Jews deported from various prisons to Transnistria, 1942-43. 316 p

68. Various letters addresssed to Veturia Goga, widow of Octavian Goga, n.d. 89 p

70. Stenograms of the meetings of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1943-44. 28 p

71. Stenograms of the meetings of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1943-44. 9 p

74. Stenograms of the meetings of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1942. 38 p

Reel 35

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 24)

File 40010

Volume #

76. Miscellaneous documents from the Mihai Antonescu archive, 1941-1942. 10 p

77. Excerpts from various meetings of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1941. 30 p

78. Excerpts from various meetings of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1941. 28 p

88. List of arrested Romanian war criminals, 1945.

89. Orders of deportations of Jews. Official reports on the pogrom of Iasi. Reports on the escape of Jews and Gypsies from Transnistria. Orders of deportations of the mebers of Neo- protestant sects to Transnistria. Reports on the trial of the Iron Guards accused of the Jilava murder, 1941-1943. 567 p

90. Documents relating of the involvement of the Romanian National Bank and of Ion Antonescu in the confiscation of the belongings of the Jews to be deported to Transnistria, 1941. 5 p

92. List of miscellaneous orders of the Presidency of Council of Ministers, 1943. 5 p

93. Testimonies of gendarmes and former inmates from the Obodovka ghetto in Transnistria. Report on the activity of the SSI (Romanian Secret Service) 1946. 33 p

94. Correspondence Hitler-Antonescu, von Schobert-Ioanitiu, 1941. 27 p

95. Forced labor of Jews in Regat. Regulations and orders, 1941. 53 p

96. Order to surrender the administration of Transnistria to the Germans, 1944. 2 p

101. Report of the State Extraordinary Commissionn (Soviet?) on the occupation of the Odessa area. 8 p

104. Report on the killing of 130 Jews. Locality unknown (Husi?) 1945. 1 p

105. Lists of accused war criminals, 1945. 26 p

107. Testimonies of Jews deported from Dorohoi, 1945. 42 p

110. Testimonies of Jews deported to Transnistria, 1945. 7 p

114. Miscellaneous reports concerning the killings and the deportation of the Jews from Bessarabia and Chisinau. 1941. Documents relating to the confiscation of Jewish properties during the deportations from Bucovina in 1942. 324 p

123. Order of Ion Antonescu to execute "active and passive" partisans 1942. 2 p

124. Declaration concerning the theft of art objects from Odessa. 1945. 4 p

126. Various declarations of Radu Lecca, 1953. 52 p

129. Court decisions concerning Radu Lecca, 1963. 23 p

138. Interogation of General Pantazi, 1946. 26 p

Reel 36

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 25)

File 40010

Volume #

127. Prison records and reports on Radu Lecca, former Commissar of the Antonescu government for "Jewish problems". Lecca's prison memoirs, 1963. 678 p

129. Radu Lecca trial records, 1961. 43 p

130. Radu Lecca prison memoirs, 1963. 200 p

135. Synthesis of the prison memoirs of Baron Ion Mocsoni Stircea, one of the main plotters in the anti-Antonescu coup from August 23, 1941. 1962. 429 p

138. Interrogatory of General Pantazi. Odessa massacre, 1945. 28 p

Reel 37

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 27)

Court Records concerning Cluj.

File 40030

Volume #

1. Decision of the court, lot 9, war criminals, Northern Transylvania, accused of killings of Romanians, mistreatment of Jews. 1946. 589 p

2. The Sarmas massacre trial. Killing of Jews in Southern Transylvania by Hungarian soldiers and civilians. Court records, testimonies. 1951. 363 p

3. Part I. Court testimonies, accused, Sarmas trial. 1953. 553 p

3. Part II. Court testimonies, witnesses, Sarmas trial. 1954. 320 p

4. Court testimonies, witnesses, Sarmas trial. Name list of Jewish victims. 1944. 576 p

5. Investigation Sarmas massacre, 1952. 272 p

Reel 38

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 28)

3. Part I. Court testimonies Sarmas massacre, 1954-1955. 1033 p

4. Court investigation relating to the Sarmas massacre, 1945. 576 p

5. Court investigation on the Sarmas massacre, 1951-1952. 389 p

Reel 39

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 29)

File 40030

Volume #

5. Court investigation relating to the Sarmas massacre. 1951-1952. 19 p

6. Court investigation on killings of Jews and Romanians by Hungarian gendarmes in Transilvania in 1944, 1951. 154 p

7. Killings of Romanians by Hungarian gendarmerie, in Transilvania in 1944. Testimonies and court investigation, 1945. 164 p

8. Court investigation relating to the Sarmas massacre, 1944. 229 p

10. Court investigation relating to Szabo Ioan, local trade union leader from Oradea, Transylvania, accused for pro-Horthy propaganda and for sending workers to Germany, 1945. 151 p

11. Court investigation on Izrael Silberman, former head of the ghetto of Tiraspol, Transnistria. In Hungarian and Romanian, 1945. 240 p

Reel 40

( in cutie se afla microfilmul 14 )

File 40030

Volume #

11. (Continued from Reel 39) Court investigation on Izrael Silberman, former head of the ghetto of Tiraspol, Transnistria. Court correspondence. 1945. 207 p

12. Court investigation on the Carei ghetto-Northern Transylvania. Testimonies of witnesses in Hungarian and Romanian. 1946. 185 p

14. Court investigation on the mistreatment of Jews, Romanians and Gypsies in Dumitrita, Northern Transylvania, 1945. 166 p

17. Court investigation on the leader of the ethnic German group from Turda accused for complicity in the expulsion of a group of Jewish refugees from Northern Transylvania.Court investigation on Raul Sorban accused of complicity in the same case. 1946. 373 p

19. Court investigation on the Hungarian gendarmes accused of mistreatment of the Jews from detachment 110/59 in Yugoslavia. 1946. 68 p

25. Court investigation on the mistreatment of Soviet POW's in Romania. 1946. 66 p

26. Court investigation on the deportation of the Jews from Rona de Sus, Northern Transylvania, 1946. 4 p

29. Newspaper excerpts and court correspondence on Andreas Schmidt, leader of the ethnic Germans from Romania, 1946. 12 p

30. Statement on the German ethnic group from Targu Mures, 1945. 1 p

Reel 41

File 108233

Volume #

31. Court investigation on the death train Iasi-Calarasi (pogrom of Iasi); stop in Targu-Frumos. Court investigation on crimes commited in Transnistria: and in Regat: Slivina, Tiraspol, Vapniarka, Targu Jiu. 1945. 462 p

32. Court investigation in the pogrom of Iasi. 1946. 370 p

33. Court investigation in the pogrom of Iasi. 1945. 415 p

34. Court investigation in the pogrom of Iasi. 1946. 45 p

Reel 42

(pe film apare trecut eronat rola 31)

File 40030

Volume #

31. Investigation on treatment of Jews during forced labor in Northern Transylvania. 1946. 26 p

33. Documents relating to the administration of the Soviet POW's in camps in Romania. 1941. 67 p

34. Part I. Investigation on treatment of Jews during forced labor in Northern Transylvania and on the eastern front. 1946. 196 p

34. Part II. Killings of Romanians by Hungarian gendarmes in Transylvania. Court investigation. 1946. 38 p

35. Investigation on treatment of Jews during forced labor in Northern Transylvania and on the eastern front. Killings of Romanians by Hungarians. 1946. 150 p

37. Tree nationalistic articles published in Hungarian, in Northern Transylvania. 1941. 7 p

39. Investigation on the Hungarian medical doctors who were suspected of expelling the Jewish doctors from the professional association from Cluj, 1946. 48 p

40. Court investigation on the Hungarian crimes from the Viseul de Sus ghetto, 1946. 80 p

41. Trial of Krauss Carol ex-leader of the German ethnic group from Turda accused of sending back to Northern Transylvania. Eighteen Jews who escaped over the border. 1946. 130 p

43. Salonta and Baia Mare ghettos. Court investigations on mistreatment of Jews. 1946. 78 p

45. Court investigation on the deportation of Jews from Northern Transylvania. 1946. 111 p

47. Massacre of 18 Gypsies in Salonata, Northern Transylvania, by Hungarian gendarmes. Court investigation, 1945. 150 p

65. Investigation of the police from Oradea on a Hungarian gendarme accused of mistreatment of the Jews, 1946. 23 p

File 40021

Volume #

2. Court investigation on two Romanian policemen accused of mistreatment of Jews in Piatra Neamt, 1945. 77 p

Reel 43

File 108233

Volume #

36. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation of Colonel Dumitru Captaru, ex prefect of Iasi. Testimonies of witnesses. 1947. 134 p

37. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation of Constantin Chirilovici, ex chief of the police of Iasi. Testimonies of witnesses. War time documents on the death trains, 1941-1946. 131 p

38. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation. Testimonies of witnesses. 1946. 80 p

39. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation, 1946. 64 p

40. Pogrom of Iasi. Testimonies of victims, 1947. 205 p

41. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation, 1946. 2 p

42. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation. Testimonies of witnesses, 1947. 168 p

44. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation. Testimonies of witnesses, 1946. 530 p Astacioaei Mihail

45. Part I. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation. Statements of the accused. Court correspondence, 1944. 475 p

Reel 44

File 108233

Volume #

45. Part II. Pogrom of Iasi. Court investigation. Statements of the accused, 1944. 642 p

46. Killings from Stanca Roznoveanu Court correspondence. Court investigation, 1946. 238 p

47. Romanian official accused of taking bribes in Iasi, 1941. 9 p

48. Policeman from Iasi accused for torturing Jews. Statement of the accused, 1947. 6 p

49. Civilians accused for beating Jews during the pogrom of Iasi. Testimonies of the victims, 1946. 39 p

50. Partial list of the accused. Short description of the pogrom. 1946. 11 p

51. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi, 1946. 439 p

53. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi, 1947. 215 p

54. Court investigation on the killings from Stanca Roznovanu. Statements of the accused and map of the area, 1947. 20 p

55. Court investigation on civilians who killed or mistreated Jews during the pogrom of Iasi. 1947. 98 p

56. Court investigation on civilians who killed or mistreated Jews during the pogrom of Iasi. 1946. 33 p

57. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Police report from June 1941. 1941. 13 p.

58. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Statement of one of the accused. 1947. 4 p

59. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Statement of the accused. 1948. 174 p

Reel 45

( in cutie se afla microfilmul 118 )

File 108233

Volume #

62. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Statement of the accused and of the witnesses. 1948. 31 p

63. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Statement of the accused and of the witnesses. 1948. 50 p

64. Pogrom of Iasi. Original police reports. 1941. 122 p

73. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. Statement of the accused and of the witnesses. 1948. 66 p

76. Pogrom of Iasi. List of witnesses, 1948. 5 p

87. Forced labor of Jews. Records of 102 forced labor battalion Arad, 1944. 200 p

88. Forced labor of Jews. Records of 102 forced labor battalion Arad, 1944. 95 p

89. Forced labor of Jews. Records of 102 forced labor battlion Arad, 1944. 286 p

90. Requests addressed by the families of Jews deported to Transnistria addressed to Ion Antonescu asking for the repatriation of their relatives, 1942-1943. 332 p

91. Forced labor of Jews. Records of the forced labor batallion Paulis-Matca, 1942. 300 p

93. Documents related to the Sculeni killing in Moldova. 1941. 52 p

94. Documents related to the Sculeni killing in Moldova. 1941. 22 p

Reel 46

File 108223

Volume #

96. Original documents of 6th Regiment Vinatori involved in the Sculeni killing. 1941. 26 p

98. Original documents of 6th Regiment Vinatori involved in the Sculeni killing. 1941. 34 p

99. Chisinau gendarmerie investigation on the theft of Jewish belongings by Romanian gendarmes. 1941. 78 p

101. List of persons from Iasi condemned to various prison terms. 1954. 4 p

103. Court decision related to the pogrom of Iasi. 1949. 3 p

109. Declarations of the accused and of witnesses in the Iasi pogrom trial. 1950. 50 p

110. Declarations of the witnesses in the Iasi pogrom trial. 1946. 31 p

111. Court decisions and declarations of witnesses in the Iasi pogrom trial. 1947. 62 p

112. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. 1947. 9 p

113. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. 1947. 7 p

116. Prison records of one of the accused in the pogrom of Iasi. 1951. 7 p

117. Prison records of one of the accused in the pogrom of Iasi. 1950. 13 p

118. Part 1. Lists of the accused and witnesses in the pogrom of Iasi trial. 1947. 25 p

118. Part 2. Securitate report on the difficulties in cooperating with the gendarmerie and on the progress of the investigation on the pogrom of Iasi, 1949. 19 p

119. Prosecutor's statement in the pogrom of Iasi trial. Prosecutor's statement concerning the Marculesti, Gura Cainari and Sculeni killings. 1948. 187 p

120. Declaration concerning the killing from Stinca Roznovanu. 1948. 3 p

121. Court investigation in the pogrom of Iasi. 1948. 7 p

122. Court investigation in the killings of Jews in Herta and Noua Sulita. 1951. 69 p

126. Court investigation in the pogrom of Iasi. 1948. 8 p

129. Court investigation on the execution of seven partisans near Odessa. 1949. 45 p

130. Court investigation on Gheorghe Alexianu, the former governer of Transnistria, 1944. 116 p

131. Court investigation in the Sculeni killings. 1941, 1949. 11 p

133. Form without content. 1 p

134. Court investigation on the death train from Iasi to Calarasi. Testimonies of the accused (Aurel Triandaf) and of witnesses. 1948. 353 p

135. Court investigation on the pogrom of Iasi. 1945. 3 p

137. Securitate report on General Mihail Iliescu former commander of the gendarmerie from Transnistria. 1963. 6 p

138. Securitate report on Dumitru Captaru former prefect of Iasi. 1960. 3 p

139. Securitate report on Gheorghe Bocancea one of the accused of the pogrom of Iasi. 1961. 3 p

140. Court documents on Dumitru Chicicov accused of crimes in the Iasi pogrom. 1950. 16 p

Reel 47

File 108233

Volume #

1. I. Lists of documents from fond 108233, Vol. 1- Vol. 111. Index of names of the accused from the same volumes. Pogrom of Iasi trial-indictment. Name list of 2224 witnesses in the Iasi, Stinca Roznovanu and Marculesti killings. Testimonies of these witnesses, 1947. 700 p

1. II. Pogrom of Iasi, death trains Iasi, testimonies of witnesses. 1948. 400 p

2. Pogrom of Iasi, trial testimonies of witnesses. 1947. 220 p

4. Pogrom of Iasi trial: decision of the court. 1948. 10 p

3. List of witnesses in the pogrom of Iasi trial. 1948. 10 p

4. Repeated.

6. Appeal presented by the lawyer of Savin Popescu accused of killing of Jews in the Herta area, 1955. 27 p

7. Securitate report on the killings of the Jews in Bucovina. 1951. 15 p

8. Court decision on the same killings, 1953. 3 p

10. Court decision in the pogrom of Iasi trial. 1957. 22 p

14. Court decision in the Berezovka killings trial. 1950. 13 p

19. Court decision in the pogrom of Iasi trial. 1953. 5 p

20. Court decision in the pogrom of Iasi trial. 1953. 5 p

24. Testimonies of witnesses in the pogrom trial of the pogrom of Iasi, 1946. 128 p

Reel 48

File 108233

Volume #

25. Trial of the Stanca Roznoveanu massacre (Moldova, June 1941). Court investigation and testimonies of witnesses. 1946. 307 p

26. Testimonies of witnesses in the pogrom trial of the pogrom of Iasi. Testimonies of the accused. Documents from the investigation from 1941 on the pogrom, 1945. 169 p

27. Emanoil Leoveanu, Constantin Lupu

28. Testimonies of witnesses in the pogrom trial of the pogrom of Iasi relating to Sergent Mircea Manoliu accused for killing several Jews. Court documents from his trial from 1941, 1947. 15 p

29. Documents from the investigation from 1941 on the pogrom of Iasi. Investigation on colonel N. Lupu, 1941. 145 p

30. Pogrom of Iasi. Testimonies of deportees from the death trains. Testimony of Aurel Triandaf, commander of one of the trains. Testimonies of the members of the escorts. 1945. 445 p. Name lists of Jews survivors from the death train Iasi-Calarasi, interned in the camp of Calarasi, 1941. 445 p

Reel 49

File 122

Volume #

1. Trial of a Hungarian serviceman from Northern Transylvania accused of mistreatment of the Jews taken to forced labor by the Hungarian troops on the Eastern front. 1949. 186 p

File 178

Volume #

1. Trial of a Hungarian serviceman from Northern Transylvania accused of mistreatment of the Jews taken to forced labor to Poland by the Hungarian troops. 1948. 136 p

File 514

Volume #

1. Trial of a Hungarian serviceman from Northern Transylvania accused of mistreatment of the Jews taken to forced labor by the Hungarian troops on the Eastern front. 1948. 285 p

File 518

Volume #

1. Trial of a Hungarian serviceman from Northern Transylvania accused of mistreatment of the Jews taken to forced labor by the Hungarian troops on the Eastern front. 1948. 212 p

File 546

Volume #

1. Trial of a Hungarian serviceman from Northern Transylvania accused of mistreatment of the Jews taken to forced labor in Maramures. 1950. 84 p

File 710

Volume #

1. Court investigation on the mistreatment of the Jews in the Borsa ghetto, in Northern Transylvania. 1953. 152 p

2. Court investigation on the mistreatment of the Jews in the Borsa ghetto, in Northern Transylvania. 1948-1957. 49 p

File 714

Volume #

1. Court investigation on the mistreatment of the Jews in Negresti, Northern Transilvania. 1952. 84 p

Reel 50

Volume #

7141. Court investigation on the mistreatment of Jews in Baia Mare, Northern Transylvania. 1948. 179 p

10781. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Targu Mures, Northern Transylvania. 1946. 131 p

10801. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Targu Mures, Northern Transylvania. 1948. 67 p

10861. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Targu Mures, Northern Transylvania. 1947. 124 p

File 1106

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews and Romanians in Miercurea Nirajului, and Tasnad, Northern Transylvania, 1945-1948. 261 p

File 1920

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews and Romanians in Miercurea Nirajului, Northern Transylvania. 1947. 82 p.

File 30(502)

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Tasnad, Northern Transylvania, 1952. 166 p

File 422(666)

Volume #

2. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Tasnad, Northern Transylvania, 1951. 153 p

File 446(678)

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Carei, Northern Transylvania, 1946.70 p

Reel 51

File 1548

Volume #

744(I). Court investigation in the persecution of Jews in Bartaci, Satu Mare, Northern Transilvania, 1948. 179 p

776(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews on the Eastern front (detachment 110/15) by a Hungarian guard from Satu Mare Northern Transylvania, 1954. 136 p

852(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews and Romanians in Bixad Bai, Northern Transylvania, 1948. 55 p

854(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews and Romanians in Satu Mare, Northern Transylvania, 1946. 14 p

920(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews and Romanians in Satu Mare, NorthernTransylvania, 1948. 19 p

860 1068(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews at forced labor in Northern Transylvania (detachment 11/2) by Hungarian guards from Satu Mare, 1955. 387 p

1130(III). Court investigation on the persecution of Jews in Northern Transylvania: the Carei Ghetto; 1946. 103 p

1160(I). Court investigation on the persecution of Romanians and Jews in Reghin, Sovata, Toplita, Gheorghieni, Targu Mures. Northern Transylvania, 1947. 219 p

2318(I). Court investigation on the persecution of political inmates in the Acatari camp, Northern Transylvania, 1946. 104 p

File 1142

Volume #

4958. Court investigation in the mistreatment of the Jews in Falticeni, Moldova, 1949.16 p

File 1142

Volume #

4958. Court investigation in the mistreatment of the Jews in Falticeni, Moldova, 1949. 44 p

651. Court investigation concerning the killing of one Jew in Vijnita, Bukovina, 1950. 81 p

1278. Court investigation on an ex-guard of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Testimonies on various death marches in Austria, 1948. 358 p

2044. Court investigation on the plunder of Jewish belongings in Dej, Northern Transylvania, 1945. 59 p

9039. Opisi of 3175 documents relating to the Iron Guard rebellion from January 1941. Military prosecutor's investigation in the Iron Guard rebellion, 1941. 341 p

Reel 52

Volume #

1142. Court investigation in the mistreatment of the Jews in Falticeni, Moldova, 1949. 34 p ( si nr dos 4958)

651. Court investigation in the crimes committed by the deputy mayor of Vijnita, Bucovina, 1949. 187 p

1278. Post trial documents related to an ex-guard of the Mauthausen concentration camp. Testimonies on various death marches in from Mauthausen to Gunskirchen in Austria, 1948. 350 p

2044. Court investigation in the crimes committed against the Jews in Dej, Northern Transylvania, 1945. 59 p

90391. Opisi of 3175 documents from this case. Military prosecution's investigation in the Iron Guard crimes from 1941. 349 p

Reel 53

File 9039

Volume #

5. Military prosecution's investigation in the Iron Guard crimes from 1941. Interrogation of the prefect of the Bucharest Iron Guard police. Interrogation of the Iron guard policemen, 1941. 420 p

6. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu, 1941. 234 p

7. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu, 1941. 310 p

8. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu, 1941. 113 p

Reel 54

File 9039

Volume #

9. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu, 1941. 450 p

10. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Interrogation of the accused, 1941. 340 p

11. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Interrogation of the accused, 1941. 117 p

Reel 55

File 9039

Volume #

11. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Interrogation of the accused, 1941. 124 p

12. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Interrogation of the accused, 1941. 305 p

13. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Statements of witnesses. Statements of the prosecutor, 1941. 202 p

20. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Statements of the accused, 1941. 113 p

Reel 56

File 9039

Volume #

20. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Statements of the accused and of witnesses, 1941. 427 p

21. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Statements of witnesses, 1941. 392 p

Reel 57

File 9039

Volume #

21. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Statements of witnesses, 1941. 42 p

22. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Police investigation documents, 1941. 245 p

25. Various orders and Iron Guard photos, 1941. 8 p

26. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Testimonies of witnesses and various Iron Guard documents, 1941. 158 p

27. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders accused of rebellion against the regime of General Antonescu. Report on the assasination of Major Doering. Investigation on the Iron Guard rebellion in Cugir. Investigation in the Jilava execution of Carol II dignitaries, 1941. 200 p

28. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Short biographies of the accused. Tables of Iron Guards and fire arms used by them during the rebellion. Iron Guard confiscation of Jewish property in Ajud, 1941. 195 p

31. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Correspondence with various prefectures concerning the disbanding of the Iron Guard police, 1940. 206 p

Reel 58

File 9039

Volume #

37. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Fragment of a written testimony ofGeneral Hansen concerning the Iron Guard rebellion. Court decisions, 1941. 360 p

41. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Depositions of witnesses, 1941. 189 p

43. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Report of the General Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie on the Iron Guard rebellion, 1941. 92 p

45. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Complaints of the Federation of Jewish Communities about the mistreatment of the Jews by the Iron Guard. Iron Guard anti-Jewish persecutions, 1940. 262 p

47. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Documents related to the execution of the inmates from the Jilava prison by the Iron Guards. Reports on the Iron Guard activities in Caracal. Report on the assasination of Major Doering, 1940-1941. 248 p

48. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Gendarmerie reports on the mistreatment of the Jews and other abuses of the Iron Guard police. Complaints of the Federation of Jewish Communities about the mistreatment of the Jews by the Iron Guard, 1940. 109 p

Reel 59

File 9039

Volume #

48. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Gendarmerie reports on the mistreatment of the Jews and other abuses of the Iron Guard police. Complaints of the Federation of Jewish Communities about the mistreatment of the Jews by the Iron Guard. Documents related to the execution of the inmates from the Jilava prison by the Iron Guards. Reports on the assassination by the Iron Guard of Nicolae Iorga and Virgil Madgearu, 1940. 240 p

50. 96 photographs of objects looted by the Iron Guards and of Iron Guard victims, 1941. 91 p

52. Album of documents and photographs from the Iron Guard rebellion. Photographs of Jews killed in the Jilava forest, 1941. 42 p

53. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Files and declarations of the accused. Securitate investigation on the circumstances in which Al. Ghyka, head of Siguranta during the Iron Guard regime set free Lucretiu Patrascanu, one of the leaders of the Romanian Communist Party. 1941; 1949-1950. 195 p

57. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Files and declarations of the accused. 1941. 27 p

58. Trial of Horia Sima and other Iron Guard leaders. Files and declarations of the accused. 1941. 25 p

66. Siguranta reports on Iron Guard activities. 1943. 35 p

67. Siguranta reports on Iron Guard activities. 1943. 15 p

68. Iron Guard brochure with Iron Guard songs, n.d. 96 p

69. Folder with documents from 1939 which was set on fire, 1939. 13 p

70. Early Iron Guard documents partially burned, 1924-1927. 65 p

71. Early Iron Guard documents partially burned, n.d. 56 p

72. Declaration of an Iron Guard member, 1939. 9 p

File 40025

Volume #

1. Court investigation on the journalists who collaborated with the Horthy regime in Northern Transylvania and with the Antonescu regime in Romania. 1945. 50 p

3. Court investigation on the journalists who collaborated with the Horthy regime in Northern Transylvania and with the Antonescu regime in Romania, 1945. 66 p

4. Court investigation on the journalists who collaborated with the Horthy regime in Northern Transylvania and with the Antonescu regime in Romania, 1945. 26 p

5. Court investigation on the journalists who collaborated with the Horthy regime in

Northern Transylvania, 1945. 54 p

7. Court investigation on the journalists who collaborated with the Horthy regime in Northern Transylvania, 1945. 24 p

Reel 60

File 40025

Volume #

27. Police investigation on a journalist who collaborated with the Horthy regime in Oradea, Northern Transylvania. 1955. 197 p

File 40026

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the mistreatment of Jews and Hungarians, 1946. 50 p

File 19906

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the mistreatment of the civilian population in Odessa by a police commissar. 1951. 576 p

2. Court investigation in the mistreatment of the civilian population in Odessa by a police commissar, 1951. 7 p

File 22291

Volume #

1. Military court Investigation in the participation to the Iron Guard rebellion of members of this organization, 1941. 43 p

2. Military court Investigation in the participation to the Iron Guard rebellion of members of this organization, 1941. 6 p

File 83132

Police investigation in the participation to the Iron Guard rebellion of members of this organization. 1949. 99 p

File 36061

Military court decision concerning a member of the Iron Guard accused of devastating a Jewish shop. 1941. 5 p

File 15441

Court investigation in the case of a policeman accused of mistreatment of the Jews in the ghetto of Baia Sprie, Northern Transylvania, 1948. 152 p

Reel 61

File 7081

Police investigation in the internment and the deportation of the Jews from Berbesti, (Sighet), Maramures, Northern Transylvania, 1953. 317 p

File 20727

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the activities of the head of the General Staff of the Romanian Army. Various war time documents concerning the cooperation between the Romanian and German armies, 1945. 378 p

2. Court investigation in the activities of the head of the General Staff of the Romanian Army. Various war time documents concerning the cooperation between the Romanian and German armies, 1945. 164 p

File 21137

Court investigation in the mistreatment of the Jews and other civilians in Odessa and Balta by the Romanian police. Orders of deportation of the Jews from Odessa, 1945. 395 p

File 19059

Volume #

1. Court investigation in the execution of nine Jews in Cahul. 1948. 7 p

3. Court investigation in the activities of the general Secretary of the Romanian Government. 1950. 37 p

Reel 62

Ministry of Internal Affairs

File 19059

Volume #

4, 1. Report on situation of the relocation of Romanian families from the territories east of the Bug. 1942, 4 p. w. map.

File 9043

Volume #


1, 1. Interrogatory of MARK ARMAND, typist at the Consulate of Israel, arrested for Zionist activity. Aug. 1953. 7 p. Original manuscript of same. 16 p

2. 16 interrogatories of above in re. other persons arrested for same reason. Original manuscript. August 1953. 57 p

3. Interrogatories of 10 persons arrested on same reason. July 1953. 25 p Original manuscripts 47 p

4. Police reports on confrontation of testimony. Aug 1953 6 p. Original manuscripts 8 p

5. Interrogatory of Lazaravici Willi, arrested for Zionist activity. August 1953. 21 p. Original manuscripts 42 p.

6. 17 interrogatories of above in re. other persons arrested for same reason. Original manuscript. August 1953. 77 p

7. Interrogatories of 10 arrested persons in relation to above. June-August 1953. 31 p. Original manuscript 60 p

8. Search and arrest warrants for above on grounds of high treason. August 1953. 6 p.

9. Interrogatory of Por Francisc, arrested for Zionist activity. July 1953. 14 p. Original manuscripts 26 p.

10. Twelve interrogatories of above relating to other persons arrested for same reason. Original manuscript. July 1953. 76 p.

11. Interrogatories of ten arrested persons in relation to above. July 1953. 24 p. Original manuscript of same. 48 p

12. Search warrant and arrest warrant for Por Francisc on grounds of high treason, July 1953. 8 p

13. Interrogatory of Mark Betty arrested for Zionist activity. June 1953. 15 p. Original manuscripts 36 p.

14. Seven interrogatories of above relating to other persons arrested for Zionist Activity. Original manuscript. June 1953. 29 p

15. Interrogatories of ten arrested persons in relation to Zionist activity. July 1953. 21 p. Original manuscript of same. 38 p

16. Search warrant and arrest warrant for Mark Betty on grounds of high treason. June 1953. 8 p

17. Interrogatory of Cuperman Sami arrested for Zionist activity. July 1953. 6 p. Original manuscripts 13 p

18. Fourteen interrogatories of Cuperman Sami and other persons arrested for Zionist activity. Original manuscript. July 1953. 151 p

19. Interrogatories of ten arrested persons in relation to above. July 1953. 21 p. Original manuscript of same. 36 p

20. Search warrant and arrest warrant for Cuperman Sami on grounds of high treason. June 1953. 8 p

File 9043

Volume #

1. Interrogatory of Por Estera arrested for Zionist activity. August 1953. 5 p. Original manuscript 12 p

2. Ten interrogatories of above in re other persons arrested for same reason. Original manuscript. July 1953. 55 p

3. Interrogatories of ten arrested persons in relation to above. July 1953. 21 p. Original manuscript of same. 36 p

4. Arrest warrant for Por Estera on grounds of high treason. July 1953. 6 p

5. Interrogatory of Antonir Avram arrested for Zionist activity. August 1953. 5 p. Original manuscript 11 p

6. Nine interrogatories of above in relation other persons arrested for same reason. Original manuscript. July 1953. 74 p

6. Interrogatories of 10 arrested persons in relation to above. July 1953. 19 p.Original manuscript of same. 34 p

8. Search and arrest warrants for Antonir Avram on grounds of high treason. July 1953. 8 p

9. Interrogatory of Abramovici Simon arrested for Zionist activity. July 1953. 5 p. Original manuscript 11 p

10. Thirteen interrogatories of above in relation to other persons arrested for same reason.Original manuscript. June 1953. (Note: two pages are missing at one interrogatory). 80 p

Reel 63

File 9403

Volume #

1. Interrogatory of Mark Betty arrested for Zionist activity. August 1953. 2 p. Original manuscript 3 p

2. Arrest warrant of Arnold Seidman for plotting against the social order. November 1953. 7 p

File 9403

Volume #

1. Indictment against eight Jews for plotting against the social order. January 1954. 6 p

2. Indictment against 13 Jews for plotting against the social order, as part of the Zionist organization Hashomer Hatzair. February 1954. 18 p

3. Confirmation of incarceration. January 1954 5 p

4. Interrogatory of Mark Armand Abir, typist at the Israeli Consulate. January 1954. 2 p

5. Certificate issued by Jewish Community Dorohoi. June 1945. 1 p


File 9403

Volume #

1. File from Military Tribunal of above mentioned accused, containing their appeals to the sentences. 1954 - 1955. 343 p

File 9403

Volume #

1. Retrial and sentencing of above mentioned accused. May 1955. 416 p

File 9403

Volume #

1. Same as above appealing the sentences after their first appeals. 1955. 290 p

2. Court deliberations and commuting of sentences for all accused. October. 1955. 8 p

File 9403

Volume #

1. List of members of the Zionist organization Hasomer Hatair in Bucharest shown on attached photography. 1 p

2. Organizational chart of the Consulate of Israel and the various Jewish organizations in Romania, n.d. 2 p

File 40022

Volume #

1. Atrocities committed in the Northern Ardeal (Transilvania) (Note: text is illegible). 60 p..

File 40022

Volume #

1. Investigation No. 1. Cluj. 2 p

2. People's Tribunal Cluj. Resolution Nr. 1 March 1946. 63 persons: Romanian civilians and Hungarian military are accused of committing atrocities in various localities. 64 p

1. Documents related to the appeals of the accused. 76 p

2. Copy of Item Nr.2 (Truncated). 32 p

Reel 64

File 18844

Volume #

1. File of Colonel SACHELARIE TEODORESCU at the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Appellate Court in Bucarest. 32 documents are illegible

2. Documents regarding location of Col. Sachelarie Teodorescu, accused of war crimes. Some documents are illegible. 30 p

3. Statement of wittness Bogus M. Ioan, on activities and relations of some higher Gendarmerie officers, inclusive accused, in Transnistria and Bucovina during the war. Mar. 1950. 4 p

5. Act of indictment of Col. Sachelarie Teodorescu, for war crimes committed in Transnistria. June 1950. 3 p

File 18844

Volume #

1. Trial of General CONSTANTIN TOBESCU. January 1949. 35 p


Volume #

1. Documents Supreme Court. Re. above trial Oct 1948. 85 p

File 18844

Volume #

1. Same as above

File 18844

Volume #

1. Testimony of witnesses, 1946. 77 p

2. 5 interrogatories of accused, 1946. 17 p

File 18844

Volume #

1. Evacuation of the Jews. List and dispositions, mostly illegible. 21 p. June 1941.

2. Lists and reports on evacuation of Jews compiled by units of the gendarmery and dispositions by the I.G.J. Jun-Jul 1941 63 p..

3. I.G.J. re crossing of Jews from territories occupied by USSR into Romania. . Jul 1941.

3 p

4. I.G.J. report on situation of trains with evacuees from Jassy. Jul 41. 3 p

5. Dispositions for treatment of various categories of Jews. Jul 1941. 12 p

6. Report on Jews suspected of spying for the USSR. Jun 1941. 7 p

7. Same as item 5. above. 11 + 22 p

8. Same as item 4. above. Jul. 941. 3 p

9. Note on situation of Jews in Banat. Jul. 1941. 9 p

10. List of Jews in various camps of internment. No date. 9 p

11. Reports on treatment of Jews. Jul-Aug 1941. 48 p

12. Reports and list of internment and forced labor of Jews Jul 1941. 94 p

13. Misc. dispositions and reports regarding Jews. Aug -Sept 1941. 250 p

14. Reports and list of labor camps of the Gendarmery Inspectorates from various regions. 1941. 25 p

15. Reports on Jews crossed over the Dnjestr from Bessarabia. Sept-Oct 1941. 27 p

16. Inspectorate General of Gendarmery. Report on "Jewish problem" re deportation of Jews from Region Suceava Oct. 28. 1941. 2 p

17. Documents related to forced labor of Jews. Oct-Nov 1941. 30 p

18. SSI rel. Jews from the Ghetto Chisinau. Nov 1941. 5 p

19. Reports on Jews in the Ghetto Podul Iloaiei. Nov. 1941. 11 p

20. Documents rel to situation at points of transfer of Jews over the Dnjestr (Otaci etc). Nov 1941. 18 p

21. Letter of Jacob Beiner of Suceava to Marechal Antonescu to be allowed to return home (was approved). Nov. 11, 1941. 9 p

22. Same as Item 17. Nov. 1941. 14 p

23. IGJ reports end of evacuation of Jews from Bucovina and Basarabia. Total number of evacuees: 108.002. Dec.9 1941. 2 p

24. Reports of maltreatment and plundering of Jews in transport columns. Nov 1941. 2 p

25. Re. homes of deported Jews, Nov. 41. 6 p

26. Re. Sipos Marcel caught in zone restricted to Jews. Nov. 1941. 25 p

27. Jewish physicians working in prison camps; relations between Jews and soviet prisoners Nov.-Dec, 1941. 167 p

28. Re. non-Jewish woman in Bucovina. Dec. 1941. 4 p

29. Jewish specialists living in Bucovina Government. Dec, 1941. 7 p

30. Re. Jewish forced labor in Romania. Dec. 1941. 12 p

31. Re. deported Jews in Moghilev. Dec. 4. 13 p

32. Re. problems of Jews in Region Bacau and Bucarest. Dec. 1941. 12 p

33. Lists of Jews living in Ghetto Chisinau and miscellaneous, Dec. 1941. 11 p

34. Jewish engineers not doubled w. Romanians in reg. Timisoara. Dec. 41. 4 p

35. Re. Movement (travel) of Jews in Transnistria. Dec. 1941. 6 p

Reel 65

File 40015

Volume #

( Title page of file is illegible )

2. Court documents ref. General Tudose Dumitru et al. in relation to massacres of Jews in Bessarabia 1948-1949. 182 p

3. Ibid. appeal of sentences. 1949. 233 p

File 40015

Volume #

1. Trial of Gen. Tudose Dumitru et al. accused of war crimes. 1945. 390 p

File 181/45

Volume #

1. People's Tribunal. Trial of Colonel Grigoriu et al. accused of massacre of Jews in Chisinau. 1945. 436 p

2. Trial of Lt. Popovici Mircea. 1945. 46 p

File 40015

Volume #

1. Trial of Lt. Popovici Mircea. 1945. 69 p

File 23612

Volume #

1. Documents re. airplane accident in Pipera on Feb. 11. 1939. Plot of Iron Guard. Among accused: Viorel Trifa. 1939 - 1940. 156 p

Reel 66

( in cutie se afla rola 43)

File 18844

Volume #

1. General Inspectorate of Gendarmery. Evacuation of Gypsies into Tranasnistria. 1942- 1943. 788 p

File 18844

Volume #

1. Reports on Colonel Teodorescu Sachelarie extending form 1931 until 1946. Oct. 1947. 24 p

File 22059

Volume #

1. File on Group GIGURTU. Vol. 1 - Gigurtu Ioan et al. 1955. 270 p

File 22059

Volume #

1. File on Group GIGURTU. Vol. 2. Mihail Gheorghe. 1955. 25 p

Reel 67

File 22059

Ministry of internal Affairs, File on group Giugurtu.

Volume 2

Interrogatory of codefendants. 269 p

Volume 3

1. Newspaper excerpts; documents related to contacts with German government and Nazi officials. 26 p

2. Ordinances for internment of dangerous elements. Lists of suspect elements. 98 p

3. Visits of Gigurtu to Hitler & Ribbentrop. 8 p

4. Promulgation of judicial status of the Jewish population in Romania. 21 p

5. Creation of a Romanian research institute in Germany. 5 p

6. Documents relative to counter-intelligence activity of the Romanian army. 10 p

7. Excerpts from newspapers and personal notes. 14 p

Volume 4

Interrogatory of codefendants. 155 p

Volume 5

Declarations of witnesses and excerpts from newspapers favorable to Giugurtu. 30 p.

Volume 6

Trial of Ion Gigurtu. Indictment and declarations of witnesses. 55 p.

Volume 7

Manuscript of Ion Gigurtu’s declaration. 270 p.

8837. Ministry of state security. Inquiry of Ion Gigurtu.

Volume 1

Personal file and interrogatories.

Reel 68

File 3333 ( pe microfilm apare trecut 23333 )

Council of State security

Volume #

1. Indictment of Corneliu Codreanu and 20 codefendants, members of the Legionnaire party. 443 p

2. Trial of 20 members of the Legionnaire party. 15 p

3. Trial of over sixty Romanians, mostly intellectuals, for plotting against the social order. 42 p

4. Analysis of statutes and organization of the Legionnaire movement and its paramilitary units. 49 p

Volume 5

1. Excerpts from newspapers on the socioeconomic situation in Tara Motilor (Transylvania). 102 p

2. Proceedings of the criminal trial of Captain Emil Siancu, with nationalistic (anti-Maghiar) and anti-Semitic undertones. 276 p

Volume 6

1. Surveillance by the “Siguranta” of Legionary lawyer Cristian Tell. 20 p

2. Legionary material from lawyer Cristian Tell. 42 p

3. Revision of the political trial of Cristian Tell and others, sentenced for participation in a banned political organization. 177 p

File 48788

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume 4

Inquiry of Marinescu Constantin and others. 14 p

File 40018

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume 2

Trial of Ion Antonescu. Indictment of General Ion Gheorghe. 58 pages mostly illegible.

Reel 69

File 40027

Ministry of internal Affairs

Volume 1


1. People’s Tribunal Cluj. Trial of 34 officials for crimes comitted against Jews and Romanians in the region Maramuresh. 339 p

2. People’s Tribunal Cluj. Trial of civilians and military personnel for crimes comitted against Jews and Romanians in the District Bora. 281 p

Reel 70

Military Supreme Court.

Volume #

1. Appeal of Andrei Costin, in trial for unauthorized piloting an airplane. 20 p

File 23612

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

2. Secret Service surveillance of organized groups of Legionnaires headed by Engineer Smndescu Nicolae, Horia Sima and others. 132 p

File 17537

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Inquiry of Trandafir Nicolae and others for crimes comitted against Soviet citizens in Sevastopol. 222 p

2. Inquiry of Coban Mihai and Poiat Mihail, members of military information service for crimes against Soviet citizens. 307 p


1. Trial of Trandafir Nicolae and others for war crimes comitted on the territory of the Soviet Union. 747 p

4. Personal data of accused Tranadafir Nicolae and others. 12 p

Reel 71

File 40027

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Volume #

1. Inquiry of Albert Dezideriu and others for extermination of Jewish population and deportation of Romanians from Maramuresh (Northern Transylvania) to slave labor camps in Germany. 391 p

2.1. Inquiry of Farca Iosif and others for war crimes committed in Maramuresh (Northern Transylvania). 283 p

Reel 72

File 40027

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

2.2. Lists of Romanians interned in political camps, sent to Germany for forced labor and killed by invading Hungarian troops in Maramuresh (Northern Transylvania). 218 pages mostly illegible.

2.3. List of Hungarians in District Muresh (Northern Transylvania) who have comitted atrocities during Hungarian occupation. 3 p

2.4. Lists of persons tortured or killed during Hungarian occupation in Maramuresh. 15 p

2.5. Documents, texts and lists of persons (aparently Jews). 246 pages in Hungarian, mostly illegible.

3. People’s Tribunal Cluj. Marusceac Teodor accused of deportation of Jews from the town of Crciuneti, District Maramuresh. 55 p

4. People’s Tribunal Cluj. Nuridlozi Zoltan accused of sending Jews from Maramuresh to forced labor camps. 122 p

6. Peoples Tribunal Cluj. Inquiry of Count Dr. Bethlen Bela for abetting in the evacuation of Jews from Northern Transylvania. 303 pages in Hungarian, mostly illegible.

7.1. Peoples Tribunal Cluj. Zolya Josif accused of deportations to Germany for forced labor. (See Vol.7.2 on Reel 73). 236 p

Reel 73

File 40027

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

7.2. People's Tribunal Cluj. Zolya Josif accused of deportations to Germany for forced labor. (See Vol. 7.1. on Reel 72). 373 p

9. People's Tribunal Cluj. Dr. Lajos Kolman accused of expelling people from their villages. 15 p

10. People's Tribunal Cluj. Varga Ladislau accused of persecuting the Jewish shopkeepers and participating in the evacuation of the Jews into the Ghetto. 25 p

11. People's Tribunal Cluj. Count Teleki Bela and others in relation with their activity in the Partidul Ardelean. 30 p

13. People's Tribunal Cluj. Gall Alois and others accused of abetting the deportation of Jews. 32 p

14. People's Tribunal Cluj. Patzko Elemer accused of hostility against Romanian and Jewish lawyers. 83 p

15. People's Tribunal Cluj. Jurca Flaviu and others accused of acts of violence against the Jewish population. 75 p

17. Patzko Elemer accused by the Bureau of the Siguranta in Oradea of hostile attitude toward the Romanian authorities. 163 p

File 40023

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Indictment of Bolyak Josif and others for war crimes. 280 p

2. Inquiry of Kantor Ioan and others accused of war crimes and atrocities. 94 p

Reel 74

File 40023

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

3. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Toth Arcadie and others of atrocities comitted against Jews and others in labor camps. 209 p

4. Special Tribunal accuses Fridrich Carol and others of atrocities comitted against Jews in labor camps. 382 p

5. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Kiss Pavel and others of atrocities comitted against Jews in labor camps. 215 p

6. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Mark Stefan and others of atrocities comitted against Jews in labor camps. 102 p

7. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Kovacs Stefan and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 163 p

8. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Patak Josif and others of atrocities comitted against Jews in labor camps. 52 pages

Reel 75

File 40023

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

9. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Petka Ioan and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 172 p

10. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Gulacsi Mihai and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 251 p

11. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Sandor Iuliu of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 92 p

12. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Kapusi Stefan of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 72 p

13. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Gombos Iosif of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 47 p

14. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Zajacz Petru of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 70 p

15. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Simo Ladislau of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 18 p

16. Tribunalul Capitalei accepts Aappeal of Fekete Iuliu accused of atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 9 p

17.1 Kerestesz Iosif and others condemned to life in prison for war crimes. 432 p

Reel 76

File 40023

Ministry of Internal Affairs

17.2 Court of Appeals Cluj in reference to appeals of condemned Kerestesz Iosif and others. 136 p

18. Gulaci I. Mihai requests computation of detention time. 80 p

19. Gulaci I. Mihai enters appeal to verdict. 99 p

File 40024

Ministry of Internal Affairs

1. People's Tribunal accuses Abraham Iosif and others of chauvinistic attitude and atrocities committed against Jews and Romanians after occupation of Northern Transilvania by Hungary. 483 p

2. General dispositions regarding the military administration. 96 pages, in Hungarian.

3. People's Tribunal Cluj. Novakovitz Bela accused of forcing conversion of Romanians of Greco-Catholic faith. 89 p

4. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Rocknay and others of chauvinistic attitude and atrocities committed against Jews and Romanians after occupation of Northern Transilvania by Hungary. 191 p

5. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Vida Iuliu and others of chauvinistic attitude and atrocities committed against Jews and Romanians after occupation of Northern Transilvania by Hungary. 191 p

Reel 76BIS

File 40024

Ministry of Internal Affairs

7. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Brandt Kapi, …

Reel 77

File 40028

Ministry of Internal Affairs

6. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Gesitz Zoltan and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 15 p

7.1 People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Vass Gheorghe of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 88 p

7.2 People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Kanabe (Nagy) Alexandru of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 66 p

8. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Hetvary Fancisc of atrocities committed against Romanians in labor brigades. 82 p

9. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Molnar Janos and others of atrocities committed against Romanians in labor brigades. 56 p

10. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Gall Stefan and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 55 p

11. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Szica Stefan of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 54 p

12. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Kasa Ladislau and others of atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 72 p

16.1 People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Lax Heinrich zis Chaim of collaboration with the Nazis and atrocities comitted against his fellow Jews as “Kapo” in a forced labor camp in Germany. 117 p

17. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Boschner Ioan of atrocities committed in Auschwitz against all nationalities, being active as SS volunteer. 106 p

18. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Orban Eremia of atrocities committed against Jews and Romanians as Mayor during the Hungarian occupation. 95 p

20. Trial of Gesitz Zoltan. Death penalty for commission of war crimes. 36 p

22. Retrial of Nicolaescu Ioan for atrocities committed against Jews in labor brigades. 16 p

24. Appeal of Vitcu Nicolae, sentenced for atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. Dated August 1960. 31 p

25. Sentence in appeal of Vitcu Nicolae sentenced for atrocities committed against Jews in labor camps. 32 p

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Part I. List of 197 persons suspected of war crimes. 269 p

Reel 78

File 18209

Ministry of State Security

Volume #

2. Documents related to the activity of the People’s Tribunal in Bucharest concerning the massacre of the Jews in Besasarabia - Districts Bi, Lipova and others in summer 1941, Documents mostly illegible. 316 p

3. Indictment of Diaconu Dumitru and others regarding Jews in detention camps in Bessarabia in summer 1941. 103 p

1340. Ministry of National Defense. Appeal of Diaconu Dumitru against accusations related to Jews in different camps in Bessarabia in summer 1941. 287 p

2113. Ministry of Justice. Appeal of Colonel Boulescu Mihai of sentence for war crimes committed in Bi in summer 1941. 9 p

File 18209

Ministry of State Security

Volume #

4.1 File Nestianu Traian. Declarations regarding crimes committed by Colonel Boulescu against Jews in Bessarabia in summer 1941. 16 p

4.2 Search warrant for Diaconu Dumitru accused of war crimes in Bi Bessarabia in summer 1941. 316 p

Reel 79

( in cutie se afla microfilmul 62 )

File 1884

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

4. Deportation to Transnistria of Gypsies from District Arge. 793 p

5. Information about Colonel Sachelarie Teodorescu author of a book Uneltiri subversive (subversive machinations), written in 1931 and deemed as being against the communist regime. 24 p

File 22059

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Interrogatory of Gigurtu Ioan and others for anti-Communist and anti-Working Class activity. 272 p

2. Interrogatory of General Mihai George abuot his activity as part of the Gigurtu government. 126 p

Reel 80

File 18209

Ministry of State Security

Volume #

4. Arrest and interrogatory of Diaconu Dumitru and others in relation to atrocities committed against Jews in Bi in summer 1941. 33 pages

5. Interrogatory of officers from Police Station Bi accused of corruption and other misdemeanors. 447 p

File 40022

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

4. People's Tribunal Cluj. Interrogatories. Text mostly illegible. 580 p

5.1 People's Tribunal Cluj. Interrogatories. Text mostly illegible. 204 p

Reel 81

File 40022

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

5.2 Investigation of massacres in the town Trsnea, District Slaj. 120 p

6. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Totos Ioan and others of crimes committed against the Romanian population during Hungarian occupation of Northern Transilvania. 153 p

7. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Turcsany Tiberiu and others of crimes committed against the Romanian population during Hungarian occupation of Northern Transilvania. Text mostly in Hungarian. 153 p

9. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses the wife of Count Vass E, Andrei of crimes committed against the Romanian population during Hungarian occupation of Northern Transilvania. 158 p

10. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Mathe Pali and others of killing two Romanian families in the town of Zalu in September 1940. 87 p

12. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Kisfalusi Alexandru and a group of 192 officials of crimes committed against the Romanians and the Jews during the entire period of Hungarian occupation of Northern Transilvania. 295 p

Reel 82

File 40022

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

12.2 People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Kisfalusi Alexandru and a group of 192 officials of crimes committed against the Romanians and the Jews during the entire period of Hungarian occupation of Northern Transilvania. (Continuation of Vol. 12.1 from Reel 81) 158 p

137451 . Galbenu Elena and others accused of war crimes in Transilvania during the Hungarian occupation. 16 p

General Directorate of Security (Siguranta)

Volume #

75911. Lahotzky Fr. Carol accused of spying for the SS. 1 page

79695. Request for the arrest of Csepei Francisc and others for war crimes committed in Northern Transilvania during the Hungarian occupation. 40 p

54981. Request for the arrest of Adalbert Vass, suspected of relations with the Hungarian Underground in the Southern part of Transilvania. 16 p

File 18931

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Trial of Pamfil Gheorghe, Lu Mircea and others for war crimes committed as Police officers. 489 p

2. Trial of Gavagiu Dumitru for war crimes. 8 p

File 99426

General Directorate of Security (Sigurana)

Volume #

1. Investigation of Lu Mircea for atrocities committed against Jews in the District Dorohoi. 174 p

File 18931

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

4. Investigation of Lu Mircea for atrocities committed against Jews in the District Dorohoi. 292 p

Reel 83

File 18931

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

6. Panfil Gheorghe, Chief of police in Dorohoi. Accused of atrocities against Jews deported to Transnistria. 39 p

File 99420

General Directorate of Security (Siguran)

Volume #

1. Interrogatory of Panfil Gheorghe, Chief of police in Dorohoi, Accused of atrocities against Jews deported to Transnistria. 25 p

File 40016

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

2. People’s Tribunal Bucharest accuses General Ghineraru Nicolae, military commander in Odessa, of masasacres of Jews in that city. (NB. Declarations of witnesses illustrate the horrors of what occurred with the Jewish population there). 183 p

3. People’s Tribunal Bucharest accuses Captain Ursuiu Simion (Gheorghe) of war crimes against political deportees. 97 p

File 23404

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Search for Cojocaru Romulus, head of the Sigurana in Cernaui, in 1941-44, for war crimes committed against Jewish population and Polish refugees. 145 p

2. Trial of Cojocaru Romulus, head of the Sigurana in Cernaui, presently missing, for war crimes against Jewish population and Polish refugees. 3 p

3. Personal evaluation of Cojocaru Romulus, accused of war crimes. 2 p

4. Isolated page (Nr. 5) in Cojocaru Romulus file. 1 p

File 23004

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Inquiry Curraru Ioan and others. 7 p (illegible)

2.1 Military Tribunal accuses Curraru Ioan and 16 others of atrocities comitted against Jews in Transnistria. 93 p

2.2 Documents regarding the organization of the Gendarmery Units in Transnistria and of the creation and administration of the Ghettos there. 100 p

2.3 Documents relating to activity of General (ex-Colonel) Iliescu and his attitude towards the Jews deported in Transnistria. 70 p

2.4 Life of local Jews in Odessa and atrocities comitted against them. 29 p

4.Indictment of Curraru Ioan and other 27 military personnel from the General Gendarmery Inspectorate Transnistria for war crimes by abetting the transfer of Jews to the Germans, knowing well that they will be exterminated there. 561 p

Reel 84 (Please note: This reel is a duplication of Reel 83)

( in cutie se afla microfilmul 76bis )

Reel 85


Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Costea Josef and others, members of the Iron Guard are out under observation. Legionnaire literature is attached. 31 p

File 109917

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

8. ArdeleanuConstantin and others interrogated in relation to Legionnaire activity in Socialist Romania. 33 p

9. General Direction of People’s Security. Interrogation of a group of Legionnaires arrested after entering illegally the territory of Socialist Romania. 300 p (barely legible)

Reel 86

File 40028

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

(No #) List of persons arrested and roster of items. 16 p

2.1 People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Vitcu Nicolae, commandant of a labor battalion and others of atrocities committed against Jews under his command. 552 p

2.2 Military Tribunal Timioara. Capt. Nicolaescu Ioan is accused of atrocities committed against Jews under his command in a labor camp. 235 p

3. People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Capt. Teodorescu Gheorghe of atrocities committed against Jews in a labor camp. 31 p

4. People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Gyory Barna and Angos Ladislau of atrocities committed against Jews in a labor camp. 164 p

5.1 People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Szanto Geza of atrocities committed against Jews in a labor camp. 34 p

5.2 People’s Tribunal Cluj accuses Szabo Josef of atrocities committed against Jews in a labor camp. 23 p

5.3 People's Tribunal Cluj accuses Papp Ladislau of atrocities committed against Jews in a labor camp. 37 p

Reel 87

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs - People’s Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

1. (Part 1) Investigation of Abraham Josif and others.(NOTE: File begins with Page 20 of document). Indictment and trial of Hungarians who committed atrocities against the Romanian and the Jewish population in various districts after the occupation of Northern Tansilvania by Hungary in fall 1940. 35 p

1. (Part 2) Sentencing of Hungarians who committed atrocities against the Romanian and the Jewish population in various districts after the occupation of Northern Tansilvania by Hungary in fall 1940. 189 p (Mostly barely legible)

2. Ghetto Oradea. Group 8. Investigation of Gyapai Ladislau and others. Documents mostly in Hungarian. Some Declarations in Romanian describe tortures suffered by Ghetto inmates. Lists with Jewish names. 236 p

File 571/945

Accused Czer Ludovic. 4 p barely legible (A portion of black film).

Reel 88

File 40029 ( continuarea file 40029 vol 2 - Gyapai Ladislau si altii )

Ministry of Internal Affairs - People's Tribunal Cluj

File 571/945

Accused Czer Ludovic. Mostly in Hungarian and barely legible. 30 p

File 701/946

Trial of wife of Megyesi Josif accused of atrocities against the Jews at their deportation.56 p

File 55/945

Accused Kiss Roza and others. Documents mostly in Hungarian and barely legible. 225 p

Volume #

4. Csoka Laszlo and others are accused of atrocities comitted against Jews in Satul Mare. 50 p

5. Vasarbely Ladislau and others are accused of atrocities comitted against Jews in the Ghetto Cluj. Many documents in Hungarian. 715 p

6. Joca Sandor and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Tg. Mure.140 p (Continues on Reel 89).

Reel 89

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs - People's Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

6. Joca Sandor and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Tg. Mure. 109 p (Continuation from Reel 88)

7. Schmidt Imre and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Reghin. 233 p

8. Szentivani Gavril and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Sft. Gheorghe. 115 p

9. Schilling Ioan and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Some. (Vol. 1). 431 p

10. Olah Alexandru and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Some. (Vol. II). 343 p (Continues on reel 90).

Reel 90

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs - People’s Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

10. (Continued from Reel 89). Olah Alexandru and others are accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Some. (Vol. II). 212 p

11. Investigation of atrocities committed against the Jews in Ghetto Baia Mare, 457 p

12. Dr. Slavy Vasile and others accused of atrocities against the Jews in the Ghetto Simleul Silvaniei. 546 p

Reel 91

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs - People’s Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

13. Duba Irina and others accused of atrocities against the Jews in the Ghetto Simleul Silvaniei. (Vol. II). 567 pages

14. Annex to Ghetto Simleul Silvaniei (Vol. I). 643 p in Hungarian.

Reel 92

File 40018

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Special Court for War Criminals

Volume #

3. Accused Horia Stamatiu. Excerpts from articles published in Legionnary daily Porunca Vremii before the Rebeliune. Fled the country on February 1941. 49 p

4. Accused Alex Gregorian. Excerpts from articles published in Legionnary press Sfarm Piatr in 1937 - 1942. Left for Switzerland in 1944. 42 p

5. Interrogatory of Gheorghe A. C, Cuza and his son Gheorghe Cuza in relation to their political activity and their connections with Nazi Germany. Excerpts from articles published by them. 90 p

6. Indictment of A. C. Cuza as war criminal. He was a paid agent of the German Embassy. Excerpts from his pro-Nazi writings. Lives since 1944 in Switzerland. 30 p

7. Indictment of Sergiu Vladimir Cristea. Figures on the list of war criminals headed by Ion Antonescu. 24 p

8. Indictment of Vintila Horia Caftangioglu. Excerpts from articles published in the Legionnary press. 28 p

9. Indictment of Ion Snngeorgiu for pro-Nazi activity. Excerpts from article published in the extreme Right press. 80 p

File 20215

Ministry of State Scurity. People's Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

1 & 2 Rnzvan Zeno, member of the Sigurana in Odessa, suspected of war crimes. File was closed. 83 p

File 20340

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1 & 2 Ioan Victor Vojen, Romanian ambassador to Italy. Excerpts from his articles in the Legionnary press. Copies of letters from the Romanian Embassy, concerning the Vienna Diktat. 234 p

File 20496

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

2. Investigation of Manciuc Ilie and others. Excerpts from the anti-Semitic press.

File 38880

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1. Herseni Traian, indicted for disseminating Nazi propaganda in writings and speeches. Excerpts from articles and the daily AGERPRES. 115 p

File 24347

Ministry of Internal Affairs. People's Tribunal Bucharest

Volume #

2. Lt. Colonel Matei Velescu accused of war crimes in Odessa is exonerated. 38 p

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs. People's Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

15. Dr. Dene and others accused of atrocities against Jews in the Ghetto Simleu (Vol. 2). 336 p in Hungarian.

Reel 93

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs. People's Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

15. Dr. Dene and others accused of atrocities against Jews in the Ghetto Simleu (Vol. 2). 121 p in Hungarian. NB. A file with the same number, but different contents appears on Reel 92).

16. Annex to Ghetto Simleu. (Vol/ III). Ghetto and deportation of Jews. 725 p in Hungarian.

17. Illinyi Vasile and others accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Sighet and during deportations. 380 p chiefly in Hungarian. (Continues on Reel 94)

Reel 94

File 40029

Ministry of Internal Affairs. People's Tribunal Cluj

Volume #

17. (Continuation from Reel 93) Illinyi Vasile and others accused of atrocities committed against Jews in the Ghetto Sighet and during deportations. 34 p

18. Borbey Coloman and others accused of atrocities committed against the Jews in Ghetto Nasaud and during deportations. 266 p

19. Megiesy Elisabeta and others accused of atrocities committed against the Jews in various Ghettos in Northern Transilvania. Many documents and copies of newspapers in Hungarian. Appeals for leniency and declarations in favor of the accused. 408 p

21. Investigation of Czeisperger Petru. Mostly in Hungarian and barely legible. 49 p

23. Investigation of Szentivany Gavril. Indictment of 193 civilians and military personnel who committed atrocities in Northern Transilvania occupied by Hungary in 1940 against the Romanian and the Jewish population and in the Ghettos. 133 p

30. Investigation of Lazar Iosif for atrocities committed against the Jewish population in Simleul Silvaniei during the Hungarian occupation. 50 p

Reel 95

File 20670

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1 & 2 Indictment of Antonescu Stamate and others for participation in the massacres of the Jews in Cetatea Alb, Bessarabia in fall 1941. In 1955 Col. Antonescu Stamate was exonerated, 103 p

File 20372

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Special Tribunal for War Criminals

Volume #

1. Dogaru Valeriu, Inspector of Prisons in Transnistria, Ret. General Ionescu Vasile, Mayor of Cernaui, Lt. Col.Modest Isopescu, Prefect District Golta, Transnistria, Col. Max Krinner, General Mihai Iliescu, Inspector General Gendarmerie Transnistria are indicted as war criminals by Decree of the Council of Ministers. 70 p

2. Indictment of Ceteanu Constantin and others for war crimes while active in the Central Prison in Odessa. 154 p

File 19449

Ministry of Internal Affairs. War Ministry

Volume #

1. Bleanu Dumitru. File contains Ordinances and documents of the Military Tribunals and the High Military Court of Justice for the years 1940-1944. 287 p

2. Interrogatory of General Bleanu Dumitru, re. his activity as Chief Justice on the High military Court of Justice. 169 p

4. Bleanu Dumitru. Proceedings of the Military Court of Appeals. 10 p

File 18822

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tribunal Bucharest

Volume #

1 & 2 Trial of Agopa Gheorghe for war crimes, by participating in the massacre of Jews in Cetatea Alba, Bessarabia. 138 p

File 7299

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Office of the General Prosecutor

Volume #

1 & 2 Cosmovici Horia, notorious Legionnary Commandant was tried by the Antonescu regime and by the People's Tribunal in 1945. Retried in 1954, pending hid appeal. Clips from newspapers and writings attached. 287 p

File 18739

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Volume #

1 & 2 Inquiry of Cercavschi Emanuel, Secretary generak of the Government of Transnistria, by the Antonescu regime. 33 p

Reel 96

33 Iron Guard. Trial of Iron Guard members, accused of printing anti-constitutional leaflets. List of Iron Guards candidates for parliamentary elections. Various Iron Guard documents. Statements signed by the Iron Guard leaders. Iron Guard photos.1934, 250 p

Volume #

264. “The Jewish problem 1939-1943”. Police reports on Centrala Evreilor. 1943, 473 p

356. Association of Native Jews – 1936-1941. The “territorialist” movement. Lettter by A. Wilman addressed to Adolf Hitler. SSSI reports on Jews. 1941, 296 p

B3. Various police reports on Jews and on Centrala Evreilor. 1941. 297 p

File 3051

Volume #

1. SSI reports on Jews. 1943. 435 p

Reel 97

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 1)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

560. Police reports dating from 1932 - 1933 re. surveillance of extreme right organizations Garda de Fier (the Iron Guard) and Liga Aprii National Cretine -L.A.N.C.(Christian League of National Defense). 336 p

566. Police reports dating from Jan- April 1933, on surveillance of the Garda de Fier and its head Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Fusion of this group with the Cuzist organization L.A.N.C. Copies of manifestos and various propaganda materials with heavy anti-Semitic accent. Trials of members of these organizations. 503 p

567. Ministry of Internal Affairs, Archives of the Sigurana. March-April 1941, regarding Garda de Fier. Police activity for finding and arrest of members of the Garda de Fier (Legionnaires) suspected of having participated in the rebeliune in January 1941. Also documents on relations with the German Army stationed in Romania and on surveillance of strangers. 429 p

572. Materials from years 1934-1935 regarding the activity of the Garda de Fier. Surveillance of a new extreme right organization the Liga Sportiv, 40 p

574. Documents from the Gendarmery in District Ilfov, regarding the Legionnary activity after the rebeliune in 1941. Vol.II. 155 p

575. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the years 1936 - 1937. 238 p

Reel 98

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 2)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #


577. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the year 1933. Copies of newspaper excerpts and of manifestos. 414 p

579. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the year 1933. Copies of newspaper excerpts and of manifestos. Material related to the activity of the garda de Fier for the national elections in support of their candidates. 464 p

581. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the year 1934. Copies of newspaper excerpts and of manifestos. Lists of Legionnaires arrested. Copies of debates in the Romanian Parliament. 450 p

584. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the year 1935. 82 p

Reel 99

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 3)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

584. Documents related to the Legionnary problem and concerning the illegal activity after the Garda the Fier party was outlawed in December 1933. 340 p

618. Documents related to the Legionnary problem in the years 1944 - 1945. Detection and detention of Legionnaires escaped from detention camps and of war criminals. Instructions for identification of tenants in housing units. Instructions for control of strangers and of Jews coming to live in the Capital. 1115 p

620. Documents related to Legionnaires who disappeared after the rebeliune in February 1941, by being inducted in the army with the aid of friendly officers or who fled into neighboring countries. Information on continuation of the Legionnary underground activity. 50 p

Direction of the Secret police (Sigurana.) 1948-1949

Volume #

13284. Trial procedures of the leaders of the Rebeliune in various public establishments in Bucharest. File: Tudoran, Maxim, Fischer. 83 p

641. Details and additional material regarding the Legionnaire activity of the Garda de Fier in the year 1932. 198 p

Reel 100

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 4)

Council of State security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

643. The Legionnary problem in the years 1939- 1940. 310 p

645. Legionnary problem in the year 1938. Trials of the Legionnary leaders. Organization and preparation of Universty students and factory workers for riots and assassination of public figures and dignitaries. 388 p

653. Documents related to Legionnary activity immediately following the rebeliune in January 1941. 294 p

636. Documents related to Legionnary activity in the year 1941. 275 p

654. Legionnary problem in the year 1942. The attitude of the German Embassy in Bucharest. 41 p

659. Legionnary problem in the year 1941. 384 p (Continues on Reel 101)

Reel 101

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 5)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

659. Legionnary problem in the year 1941. Horia Sima begging acceptance from Antonescu. 349 p (Continued from Reel 100)

664. Legionnary problem in the year 1941. 26 p

666. Various materials from the year 1936 in relation to the Legionnary movement. 283 p

670. Legionnary problem in the year 1942. Reports from various institutions and factories in Bucharest regarding the attitude and participation of their personnel in the rebeliune. 527 p

676. Assassination of political prisoners in the Jilava prison in the night of 26-27 November, 1940 committed by Legionnary assassins. Trial and sentences of perpetrators, 238 p

679. Legionnary problem in the year 1945. Documents regarding the Legionnaires war criminals, hiding in the mountains. 55 p

687. Legionnary problem in the years 1940-1941. Lists of Prefects of Districts 1940. Materials regarding the burial of Codreanu and other Legionnaires. The process of rehabilitation (Press excerpts). 116 p (Continues on Reel 102)

Reel 102

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 6)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

687. Legionnary problem in the years 1940-1941. Lists of Prefects of Districts 1940. Materials regarding the burial of Codreanu and other Legionnaires. The process of rehabilitation (Press excerpts). 94 pages (Continued from Reel 101)

700. Various materials of the Garda de Fier in the year 1932, mostly related to the national elections and with strong anti-Semitic contents. 63 p

702. Legionnary problem in the years 1940-1941. Relations with Nazi organizations. 76 p

703. Legionnary problem in January 1941, related to the activity of the authorities in the aftermath of the rebeliune. 217 p

706. Activity of the Legionnary party Totul pentru Tar in the year 1936. 52 p

721. Activity of the Legionnary party Totul pentru Tar in the Bucovina in the year 1936. 58 p

722. Activity of the Legionnary party Totul pentru Tar in the year 1936. 364 p

723. Legionnary problem in the years 1937-1938. Documents relating to the control of the press. 364 p

724. Statute of the Fascia National Romn. 14 p

726. The Legionnary movement seen by the foreign press and by the Romanian democratic press and the population. 390 p (Continues on Reel 103)

Reel 103

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 1)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

726. The Legionnary movement seen by the foreign press and by the Romanian democratic press and the population. 31 p (Continued from Reel 102)

727. The Legionnary problem in the years 1938-1939. The assassination of Prime Minister Armand C|linescu and the killing of Codreanu and 13 Legionnaires. 46 p

731. The Legionnary problem in the year 1939. 382 p

733. The Legionnary problem in the year 1940. Unfriendly activity of the English Embassy and the press corps toward the policy of the Romanian Government in the period of the Ultimatum from the USSR. 298 p

735. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1940. 81 p

736. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1941 (January - July). 253 p

738. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1941 (August). 165 p

740. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1941 (August-September). Information regarding the lack of discipline and disdainful attitude of the German soldiers toward the Romanian Army. 206 p

748. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1942 (October-December). 223 p

Reel 104

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 8)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

757. Police reports regarding the Legionnary activity in the year 1941 (September-October). Surveillance of the families of the fugitive Legionnaires still in Romania. 142 p

813. Ministry of Agriculture reports on presence of active Legionaries among their personnel in their offices around the country in the year 1941. 116 p

814. Ministry of the Interior obtains reports from all Police stations in the country relative to the presence and activity of the Garda de Fier and analyses of their policies in the year 1934. 371 p

815. Ministry of Internal Affairs. Archives of the Sigurana. File 19785 A.S.: The party Totul Pentru Tar. For the year 1937. 124 p

818. Legionnary problem after the rebeliune in January 1941. Lists of Legionnaires arrested and fugitives. Reports on surveillance of underground activity. 471 p

819. Materials regarding the handling of the property of the outlawed Legionnary Party. Copies of Legionnary literature. Reports on underground reorganization and propaganda activity. 191 p

820. The Legionnary problem, March 1941. Documents related to the Rebeliune. 62 p

823. Regroupment of Legionnaires and reports on reaction of political parties. 90 p

825. The Legionnary problem in Romania in the period 1940-1941. The role and actions of the Romanian Army. 90 p

828. The Legionnary problem in Romania in 1942. Aspects of the political and artistic life and the penetration of clandestine Legionnaire actions in various sectors of public life. The relations and attitude of Nazi Germany and the German Embassy in Bucharest. 218 p (Continues on Reel 105)

Reel 105

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 9)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

828. The Legionnary problem in Romania in 1942. Aspects of the political and artistic life and the penetration of clandestine Legionnaire actions in various sectors of public life. The relations and attitude of Nazi Germany and the German Embassy in Bucharest. 62 p (Continued from Reel 104)

859. The Legionnary problem. Roster of Legionnary candidates for the Senatorial elections in December 1937. Surveillance of supposed Legionnaires by the Siguranta in 1948. 78 p

861. Materials regarding the Legionnary problem in July-August 1937. Propaganda and Party organization. 200 p

863. The party Totul pentru Tar in the period Sept-Oct 1937. 128 p

865. Materials of the General Direction of the Police in the period Feb- March, 1941 re. Legionnary activity. Two pamphlets containing the statutes and the annual report of the Jewish organization of mutual assistance, Mutualitatea for the year 1939. 365 p

866. The Legionnary problem in the year 1940. Surveillance of members of the Garda de Fier. 62 p

870. The party Totul pentru Tar in the period Jan-Feb. 1941, in the aftermath of the rebeliune. 279 p

1151. The Legionnary problem. LA.N.C. (the Christian National League ), years 1926-

1927. 335 p (Continues on Reel 106)

Reel 106

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 10)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

1151. The Legionnary problem. LA.N.C. (the Christian National League), years 1926-

1927. Copies of the Party magazine Infrirea Romneasc. 77 p. (Continued from Reel 105)

1152. The Legionnary problemin 1927. Proceeding of the General Assembly of the party Totul Pentru Tara. Propaganda material with strong anti-Semitic accent. Statutes of the newly created branch of the Party in Bessarabia. 410 p

1153. The Legionnary problem. L.A.N.C. in the years 1930-1931. 413 p

1154. The Legionnary problem. L.A.N.C. in the years 1931-1932. Anti-Semitic literature and posters, 453 p

Reel 107

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 11)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

1157. The Legionnary problem. L.A.N.C. in the year 1933. 411 p

1159. The Legionnary problem. L.A.N.C. in the year 1934. 402 p

1187. Circular letters and different materials of Legionnaire activity in the years 1934-

1938. Translation of H, St, Chamberlain's letter regarding the Jewish Problem in Romania. 240 p

1188. Legionary materials, circular letters, etc., year 1937. 51 p

1191. The Party Totul pentru Tara in the year 1936. 506 p

Reel 108

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 12)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

1205. The Legionnary problem in the year 1941. Reports on actions to apprehend Legionnaires suspected of criminal activities during the rebeliune. 610 p

1209. The Legionnary problem in the year 1941. Reports on actions to apprehend Legionnaires suspected of criminal activities during the rebeliune. Search for weapons. 620 p

1233. The Legionnary Cooperatives in Romania in 1938. 3 p

1288. The Society of Students in Medical Studies (Legionnaire) in the years 1933-1939. Hostile activities against the Government and against the Jewish students. Copies of posters and documents. 295 p

1302. Cutouts from the Legionnary Press. 153 p

Reel 109

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 13)

Ministry of the Interior. Documentary Folder

Volume #

1393. Trials of the heads and of participants in the rebeliune in January 1941. Lists of personnel expelled from various institutions for participation in the rebeliune. Police reports on the clandestine activity of the Legionnaires. 397 p

Council of State security. Documentary folder

Volume #

872. Legionnary clandestine activity in the period after the rebeliune. 162 p

873. Legionnary clandestine activity in the period after the rebeliune. Search for hidden weapons in the convents around the Capital. 193 p

877. Legionnary problem in March 1941. Information on attitude of Italian press and the anti-Semitic congress in Frankfurt. 106 p

915. Legionnary movement in 1940. House arrest imposed on a number of known Legionnaires. 82 p

914. Legionnary movement in 1938. Internment of a number of known Legionnaires. 11 p

918. Coordination of surveillance activity on the clandestine Legionnary activity in 1940. 94 p

916. Newspaper clips containing acts of denouncement of participation in Legionnary activity. Clandestine Legionnary propaganda. Lists of Legionnaires to be mobilized in the army. 163 p

923. Activity of the Garda de Fier and the events in the year 1934. 250 p

924. Reorganization of the Garda de Fier for clandestine activity. Surveillance in 1934-1935. 242 p

Reel 110

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 14)

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

924. Clandestine activity of the Garda de Fier in the period June-Sept 1934. 144 p

926. The Legionnary problem 1935-1936. Participation and activity of the University students. 189 p

927. Clandestine activity of the Garda de Fier in the period October-November 1936. 160 p

930. Clandestine activity of the Garda de Fier in the year 1936 (Contents unclear, List shows that many documents were taken out). 13 p

931. Clandestine activity of the Garda de Fier in the period January-February 1937. 220 p

999. The clandestine activity of the outlawed Party Totul pentru Tara in 1938. 194 p

1000. The clandestine activity of the outlawed Party Totul pentru Tara in 1938. 277 p

1001. The clandestine activity of the outlawed Party Totul pentru Tara in 1938. 233 p

Reel 111

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 15)

Council of State security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

933. The clandestine activity of the outlawed Party Totul pentru Tara in 1937. 136 p

940. The clandestine activity of the outlawed Party Totul pentru Tara in 1938. 78 p

934. Referring to lists of Legionnaires in January 1946. 14 p

935. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1938. 84 p

936. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1938. 42 p. (Barely legible)

938. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1938. 217 p (Most of the material barely legible).

939. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1938. Two empty sheets with letterhead of Union of Jewish Craftsmen (In Hebrew) 222 p (Most of the material barely legible).

941. Copies of newspapers in Romanian, German, French and Polish and barely legible documentary material related to the situation in Romania in 1939 and the Legionnary activity. 370 p

942. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1939. 89 p. (Most of the material barely legible) (Continues on Reel 112)

Reel 112

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

942. Police surveillance and search for Legionnaires in 1939. 27 p (Most of the material barely legible) (Continue from Reel 111)

960. Legionnary problem in 1943 (?). 160 p (Most of the material barely legible)

966. Legionnary problem in 1938 (?). 167 p (Most of the material illegible)

1002. Legionnary problem in 1938. 582 p

Reel 113

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

2789. The Jewish Problem. Jews from the Ghettos. Jews escaped form the Ghettos in Cernauti and Chisinau. Aid sent to Transnistria. 136 p

2808. Problems related to the life of the Jews: organization, regulations and restrictions. The factories and businesses taken over by Romanians. The labor battalions. The political Zionist) and cultural life. The Jewish Problem in Romania: History-Evolution-Conclusions. General view of the internal organization of the Jews in Romania after World War I. The Jewish Problem from the point of view of State Security. The damaging attitude toward the State in the curriculum of the Jewish Schools. Various actions of the Jews against the Romanian State. 389 p

2833. The Emigration of the Jews in the years 1940-1946. The vessels Pancho, Dorian II, Lola. The history of the Struma. The activity of the HIAS. Jews requesting URSS transit visa for emigration. 262 p

2844. The Jewish Problem. The Emigration of the Jews in the years 1941- 1945. The Boat Struma Macedonia. The emigration committee ALYIA. Lists of prospective emigres presently in labor battalions. 430 p (Continues on Reel 114)

Reel 114

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

2844. The Jewish Problem. The emigration ofthe Jews in the years 1941-1945. The aftermath of the Struma disaster. 61 . (Continued from Reel 113)

2960. Ministry of the Interior. Police Prefecture Bucharest. The Federation of Jewish Communities up to Sept. 1, 1943. Various unsuccessful appeals of Dr.Filderman to Antonescu: deportations, military service of Jews. Forced State loans police surveillance of the activity of the members of the Federation after it is disbanded in December 1941. Activity of the Centrala Evreilor. 486 p

3022. The Jewish Problem in the years 1938-1942. The activity of the Centrala Evreilor. Propaganda material of a sect similar to Jews for Jesus. Conversions of Jews to Christianity. 425 p

3030. Ministry of the Interior. General Direction of Police. Emigrants in Romania from Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. 102 p

Reel 115

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

3041. The Jewish Problem in the years 1938-1942. The Jewish Community of Spanish (Sephardic) rite. Jews in Transnistria. Anti-Jewish legislation. 368 p

3051. The Jewish Problem in the years 1942-1943. 404 p (Mostly hard to read or illegible)

Reel 116

Council of State Security. Fond Documentar

Volume #

3052. The Jewish Problem in the year 1943. The activity of the American Joint distribution Committee and its relation with the Centrala Evreilor. List of 731 persons (?). 71 p.(Mostly illegible)

3082. The Jewish Problem in the year 1944. 355 pages (Mostly illegible)

3116. The Jewish Problem in the year 1944. List of Jews who have left for Palestine. The Jewish labor battalions. The children’s transport to Palestine. 506 p (Mostly illegible)

3030. Ministry of the interior, General Direction of Police. Emigrants in Romania from Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. 357 p

3037. Ministry of the interior, General Direction of Police. The Union of Jewish Communities in Romania. Lists of Jews that have converted to various Christian rites. Official Instructions for Jews in labor battalions. 355 p

3039. Ministry of the interior, General Direction of Police. Jews evacuated to Transnistria and not participating in the community workforce. 134 p

Reel 117

Gazeta Evreiasca (Publication of the Centrala Evreilor-The Romanian Judenrat), 1942 –1943. 223 p

Reel 118

File 16495

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Operative Archive

Volume #

1. Copy of a sociological study of two Legionnary Heroes. Materials related to the Rebeliune. 110 p

2. Police surveillance of Prof. Herseni Traian, known for his Legionnary activity and connections. Copies of his writings. 304 p

File 18709

Ministry of Internal Affairs. Operative Archive Vol. 197 pages (Material illegible). Court of Justice Bucharest, Section War Crimes. Accused Diaconescu Dumitru and others. 329 pages (Material is illegible and contents could not be determined)

Volume #

2. Lt. Col. Bobulescu M and others accused of having committed war crimes. 288 p (Material is illegible and contents could not be determined)

Ministry of Internal Affairs Fond: Information Service Records

Reel 119

File 582

1.Operating Archive. Documents relating to Romanian gendarmerie personnel appealing their sentences for war crimes committed against Jews in 1941-42. Among the arguments: they were executing the orders of their superiors. A colonel commander was sentenced to only three years of regular jail, compared to their sentences of many years of forced labor. 1952-1953. Vol. 1 – 700 pages; Vol.2 – 569 pages; Trial of superior officers of the Gendarmerie at the People’s Tribunal for war crimes committed against Jews. 1945-1947. Vol.3 - 409 pages; Vol.4 – 110 pages.

Reel 120

File 582

Operating Archive. (Continuation from Vol.4) Trial of superior officers and others of the Gendarmerie at the People’s tribunal for war crimes committed against Jews. 1949. Vol. 4, 516 p (1957) Vol. 5, 410 p

File 5743

Operating Archive. Vol.1. Executions of Soviet spies and civilians deemed to be spies. Atrocities committed by Romanian military in the region Odessa. 1952. 525 pages. Vol.2. 69 p

File 6848

Operating Archive. Trial of superior officers of the Gendarmerie for war crimes committed against Jews.1952. 106 p


Operating Archive. Trial of superior officers of the Gendarmerie at the People’s Tribunal for war crimes committed against Jews. Facsimiles from a book by Marius Mircu “The pogrom in Bucovina and Dorohoi” describing the horrors of the pogroms. 1945. Vol. 1. 164 p

Reel 121

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 3)

File 18621

Operating Archive. (Continues from Reel 120) Trial of military personnel of the Gendarmerie for war crimes committed against Jews in Bucovina. In the town Itzcani the goods left by the deported Jews were sold to the population in a bazaar. 1947- 1952 Vol.1 – 382 p; Vol.2 – 83 p; Vol.3 – 92 p

File 18808

Operating Archive. Martial Court Odessa 1942. Discovery of a load of boxes with jewelry, gold, paintings and various objects, involving the Military Fire department from Odessa. 1942. Vol. 1 – 530 pages. Appeals of military personnel related to illicit transfer of goods from Odessa. 1954. Vol. 2, 325 p; 1952. Vol. 3, 337 p

Reel 122

File 18808

Operating Archive. Vol. 3 (Continues from Reel 121) Appeals of military personnel related to illicit transfer of goods from Odessa.1952. 367 p

Vol. 4. Appeals of military personnel related to illicit transfer of goods from Odessa. 1951. 317 p

File 19670

Operating Archive. Appeals of military personnel related to treatment of internees in Vapniarca. List of internees in the camp Vapniarca. 1951. Vol.1 - 475 pages. Vol. 2 – 27 pages

File 20513

Operating Archive. Appeals of administrative personnel related to treatment of internees. 1951. Vol.1 – 257 pages. Vol. 3 1945. 10 p follows Vol.2 , 1950, 325 p

File 21136

Operating Archive. Appeal of a sentence given “in absentia” for a gendarmerie officer, for war crimes against suspected civilians and Jews in Transnistria (inclusive the infamous colonel Isopescu). Lists of Jews who requested compensation for deportation to Transnistria (except Jews from Bucovina). Trial,of administrative personnel in Transnistria for war crimes against deportees. Gold coins stolen from Gypsies deported to Transnistria.1949. 512 p

Reel 123

File 21136

Operating Archive. Interrogatories of military personnel who served in Transnistria. Vol.1 . 1953. 198 p Vol. 2 – 49 p

File 21227

Operating Archive. Events related to the camp in Edineti and during the transport of the Jews to Transnistria. The trial of General Topor.(1945) The history of the actions against the Jews in Romania and in the occupied territories after breakout of WWII. 1945. 423 p

Operating Archive Vol. 2. Events related to the camps in Edineti and Secureni during the transport of the Jews to Transnistria. 633 p

Operating Archive Vol. 3. Appeals of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of Jews.1954.103 p

Operating Archive Vol. 4. Appeals of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of Jews in camps in Bessarabia. 1954 – 1959. 430 p

File 115935

Operating Archive. Vol. 2. Appeals of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of Jews in camps in Bessarabia. 1959. 84 p

Reel 124

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola G)

File 21535

Operating Archive. Vol. l. Appeal of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of Jews in camps in southern Transnistria.1946. 448 p

Operating Archive Vol. 2. 1948. 359 p

Operating Archive Vol. 3. 195. 249 p

Operating Archive Vol. 4. 1945. Atrocities committed at the Gendarmerie headquarters officers in various [positions in Transnistria. 405 p

Operating Archive Vol. 5. Appeals of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of Jews in camps in Transnistria. 1947. 630 p

Reel 125

File 21535

Operating Archive. Vol. 5. (Continues from Reel # 124). Appeal of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of local population in Transnistria. 1956. 61 p

Operating Archive Vol. 6. 271 pages.1956. Vol. 7. Jews and Russians were executed in Tiraspol. 621 p

Operating Archive Vol.8. 114 p

Operating Archive Vol.9. 273 p

Operating Archive Vol. 10. 84 p

Reel 126

File 21535

Operating Archive Vol. 10. (Continues from Reel # 125). Appeal of sentences for war crimes related to treatment of local population in Transnistria. 1957. 215 p

Operating Archive Vol. 12. 242 p

File 22936

Operating Archive Vol. 1. Appeal of sentences for war crimes. 1951. 374 p

Operating Archive Vol. 2. 1956. 422 p

Operating Archive Vol. 3.1957. 68 p

Operating Archive Vol. 4. 1951. 87 p

File 23328

Operating Archive Vol. 1. Criminal activity at the General Directorate of Customs, that was dominated by the Germans. Trials of Commanding officers of camps for Russian prisoners for war crimes. 1951. 325 p

File 24361

Operating Archive Vol. 2. Trials of Commanding officers of camps for Russian prisoners for war crimes. 1951. 278 p

Reel 127

File 24361

Operating Archive Vol. 2. (Continues from Reel # 126) Trials of Commanding officers and NCO’s of camps for Russian prisoners accused of war crimes. 1951. 95 p

Operating Archive Vol. 3. Total neglect of sanitary conditions and medical personnel.1946. 330 p

Operating Archive Vol. 4. 1948. 188 p

Operating Archive Vol. 5. 1945.317 p

Operating Archive Vol. 6. 1946. 206 p

Operating Archive Vol.7.1 045. 533 p

Operating Archive Vol. 8. 1948. 140 p

Reel 128

File 24361

Operating Archive. Vol. 8. (Continues from Reel # 127) Trials of Commanding officers and NCOs of camps for Russian prisoners accused of war crimes 1948. 57 p

Operating Archive Vol. 9. Appeals of police detectives who tried to obtain false declarations by coercion under torture. 1953. 508 p

Operating Archive Vol. 10. Trials of commanding officers and NCO’s of camps for Russian prisoners, accused of war crimes 1950. 430 p

Operating Archive Vol. 11. 1951. 104 p

Operating Archive Vol. 12. 1958.105 p Appeals of gendarmerie officers and secret service agents who committed crimes against the local population in Transnistria.

File 36379

Operating Archive. Jews in Transnistria. 1954. 101 p

File 64472

Operating Archive. Appeals of military personnel who committed atrocities against civilians in Transnistria.

Operating Archive Vol. l. 1951. 231 p

Operating Archive Vol. 2. List of 62 military personnel implicated in war crimes in Bessarabia as revenge for the presumed hostile attitude of the local population (Jews) during the retreat of the Romanian troops in June 1940. Detailed description of the tortures and killings of the Jews in various localities. (It is a gruesome report). It continues describing this barbaric activity when advancing in Soviet territory, also killing Russian prisoners. Romanian military collaborate with German troops in killing civilians and prisoners. It is the history of an elite Romanian cavalry regiment. 1952. 606 p

File 100243

Operating Archive. Appeals of military personnel who committed atrocities against civilians. 1955. 79 p

Reel 129

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 6G)

File 100243

Operating Archive. Vol. 1. (Continues from Reel # 128) Stefanescu Dimitrie, General Administrative Inspector of Transnistria. Initiated the evacuation of Jews deportees to the death camp Skazinetz. History of the Romanian administration in Moghilev and their attitude towards the Jews, local, and deported. Financial activity of various authorities related to the Jews.Robbing of deportees from Cernauti at the station Serebria.1942. 367 p, Vol.2. 22 p

File 101928

Operating Archive. Appeals of military personnel who committed atrocities against civilians. 1950

Operating Archive Vol.1. 538 p

Operating Archive Vol.2. 48 p

Operating Archive Vol.3. 140 p

Reel 130

No file number

Correspondence of the police in southern Bukovina. 1935

Press cuttings about the Jewssh school of agriculture. Oct 1945

Diverse reports from Romanian press relating to Jewish matters, including the activity of Joint in Romania. 1947

File 17, Volume 1

1. Orders of the commander of Bucharest military district. 1940

2. Orders issued by General Petrovicescu, Iron Guard Minister of the Interior, between September and December 1940, and by his successor in February 1941.

3. Iron Guard manifestoes issued during the Iron Guard rebellion of January 1941

4. Correspondence from the General Directorate of Police relating to the activity of the Iron Guard. 1940

5. ‘White Book’ on the Iron Guard rebellion of Jan. 1941.

Reel 131

File 2683, Volume 6

Keren Kayemeth. Leisrael. The Romanian National Fund. 1947 Diverse correspondence. Documents in Hebrew and Romanian about Jewish cultural life in Romania and abroad. Police reports about the Iron Guard movement. 1928-1935.

Reel 132

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 3)

File 2702, Volume 25

Documents on the Zionist movement. 1946-1948.

Reel 133

File 2770, Volume 95

Documents on the Zionist movement. 1947-1948.

Reel 134

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 5)

File 2787, Volume 112

Lists of Gypsies with prison records in Galati designated to be deported to Transnistria. Summer 1942. Lists of Jews with prison records in Bucharest and Bacau designated to be deported to Transnistria. November 1942. Surveillance reports by security police on Jews. 1947. Lists of Jews due to emigrate to Palestine on the vessels ‘Europa’, ‘Mihai’ and Pescarus’. 1942-1943

Reel 135

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 6)

File 2843, Volume 5

Documents on the emigration of Jews from Romania on the vessel ‘Mircea’. 1942. Romanian secret police reports on membership of the Zionist movement. 1947

File 2868, Volume 207

Romanian intelligence service (SSI) reports on Jews in Cernauti. Reports from the SSI on the establishment of the Cernauti ghetto. October 1941

File 2880, Volume 219

Documents on the Union of Jewish Communities in Romania.1948-1950

Reel 136

File 2963, Volume 303

The Zionist movement ICHUD. 1947-1952. Documents on Jewish emigration from Romania. 1941-1942

Reel 137

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 8)

File 3043, Volume 383

Documents on the Jewish community. 1942-1952

Reel 138

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 9)

File 3061, Volume 403

Zionists organizations at the time of the elections in 1948. State security documents relating to the Jews. 1951

Reel 139

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 10)

File 3078, Volume123

Documents on the Federation of Zionists. 1945-1947

Reel 140

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 11)

File 3080, Volume 425

The Zionist movement in Romania. Jewish immigration to Palestine. 1946-1949

Reel 141

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 1)

File 3093, Volume 438

(File number is at end of reel) Documents on Joint. 1947

File 3116, Volume 472

Police surveillance reports on Jews in the county of Ialomita. 1942-1943

Reel 142

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 2)

File 3116, Volume 472 (cont)

(File number is at end of reel) Police reports on Jews in Calarasi and Constanta. 1944

File 3118, Volume 474

Lists of Jews deported to Transnistria. 1942-1943. Requests from Jews for the repatriation of family members deported to Transnistria.1943

File 3122

Documents on the HASCHOMER HAZAIR. 1946-1949. (Much of this is illegible)

Reel 143

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 3)

File 3187

Police reports from Lugoj and Timisoara. 1947. Police reports on the German minority in Romania. 1945

File 3194

Investigation of war criminals among the German minority in Romania. 1950. Lists of German and Hungarian suspects. 1950.Various reports on the German minority. 1944-1950

Reel 144

File 3342, Volume 198

Problema Germania ( anii 1933-1947) Minoritatea saseasca 3p

File 3331, Volume 187

Diverse documents from the period 1933-1946 on the German ehnic group in Romania, including their deportation to the Soviet Union in January 1945.

Reel 145

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 5)

File 3460, Volume 318

Problema germana. Germanii din Romania inrolati in formatiunile „SS”, internati in lagar. Taberele cu membrii GEG 1p

File 3406, Volume 262

Various documents on the German ethnic group. 1943-1948. Police reports on the deportation of Germans to the Soviet Union in January 1945.

Reel 146

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 6)

File 3545, Volume 400

Documents on the German ethnic group, including police reports on their deportation to the Soviet Union. 1944-1945.

Reel 147

File 4683

Police reports on the activity of ‘subversive’ German, Hungarian and Ukrainian ethnic groups. 1945-1948

File 5991, Volume 1

Police reports on the evacuation of Jews from Dorohoi and other areas in June 1941 and their internment in labour camps. Summer 1941. Reports on the behaviour of Soviet soldiers towards the population in Romania. 1944-1945.

Reel 148

File 7070

Police reports on the evacuation of Jews from Dorohoi and other areas in June 1941 and their internment in labour camps. Summer 1941. Reports on the behaviour of Soviet soldiers towards the population in Romania. 1944-1945

File 7632, Volume 1

Lists of Jews to be evacuated from Jassi in 1940 and 1941. Police reports on the application of anti-Jewish legislation, including the expropriation of property, between 1940 and 1944. Reports on the activity of Joint and other Jewish agencies in Romania. 1948-1953. Documents on the ‘Israelite Community of Spanish Rite’ founded in 1878.

File 7632, Volume 2

Documents on the Zionist movement in Romania. 1919-1949

Reel 149

File 7632, Volume 3

History of Zionism in Romania, written by the police. Secret police reports on suspected Zionist activist. 1950-1954

File 38891, Volume 23

Court investigation of General Mihai Liescu, head of the gendarmerie in Transnistria. 1949. Reports from the Berzovka gendarmerie company. 1942

Reel 150

File 38891, Volume 24

Court investigation of Simota Eugen

File 39912, Volume 1

Court investigation into Ion Vatajeanu, convicted of war crimes committed in Targu-Frumos in June 1941. 1948

File 40011, Volume 1

Court investigation of 1945 into General Nicolae Macici and others, accused and convicted of the massacre of 19,000 Jews in Odessa in October 1941. 74pp. (This file is also on 25.004M reel 19)

File 40011, Volume 2

Court investigation of 1945 into General Nicolae Macici and others, accused and convicted of the massacre of 19,000 Jews in Odessa in October 1941. 55pp. (This file is also on 25.004M reel 19)

Reel 150

File 40011, Volume 45

Court investigation of 1942 and 1943 into Gheorghe Zlatescu, commandant of Targu-Jiu internment camp. Lists of Jews from Dorohoi interned in Targu-Jiu in summer 1941.

File 40021, Volume 1

Court investigation into Ion Barcan and others. 1945. 240 p

Reel 151

File 40021, Volume 1 (cont)

Court investigation into Ioan Tofan, a policeman from Piatra Neamt, accused of torturing Communist activists. 1945. 80 p

File 40021, Volume 2

Court investigation into Ioan Tofan, a policeman from Piatra Neamt, accused of torturing Communist activists. 1945. 468 p

File 40021, Volume 3

Court investigation into Dumitru Hrehoriac and his alleged part in the murder by German troops in June 1941 of Jews and Urainians suspected of being Communists in the village of Cotmeni, Cernauti. 1945. 46 p

Court investigation into police chief Gheorghe Cristescu, Nicolae Balan, Ioan Tofan and others from Piatra Neamt. 1948. 341 p

Reel 152

File 40021, Volume 3 (cont)

Court investigation into police chief Gheorghe Cristescu, Nicolae Balan, Ioan Tofan and others from Piatra Neamt. 1948. 284 p

File 40021, Volume 4

Court appeal made by Dumitru Hrehoriac. 1957. 14 p

File 40021, Volume 5

Court investigation into Gheorghe Timus and Ioan Barcan and their part in the deportation of Jews from Dorohoi in November 1941. 1945. 351 p

Reel 153

File 53363, Volume 1

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 249 p

File 53363, Volume 2

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 252 p

Reel 153

File 53363, Volume 3

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 292 p (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

Reel 154

File 53363, Volume 4

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 130pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

File 53363, Volume 5

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 260pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

Reel 155

File 53363, Volume 5 (cont)

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 301pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

File 53363, Volume 6

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 295pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

File 53363, Volume 7

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 179pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

File 53363, Volume 8

Police investigation of February and March 1944 into David Tennenbaum and Zionist groups. 373pp. (page-numbering defective-many pages not included !)

Reel 156

File 17597

Operating Archive. Deportation of Jews from Bucharest in 1942.

Operating Archive Vol. 1. Various press releases and public ordinances. Information from Police services. 152 p

Operating Archive Vol.2. 1942. 285 p

Operating Archive Vol. 3. Arrest and trial of upper management of the “Centrala Evreilor” accused of collaboration with Radu Lecca the Comissar of Romanization. 242 p

Operating Archive Vol.4. 1944. 348 p

Operating Archive Vol. 5. 134 p

Operating Archive Vol. 6. Dosar 17597: 143 p

Volumes 1 2, 3, 4, 5, and volume 6 to fila 143

Reel 157

Dosar 17597: vol. 6, fila 144 to end, vol. 6, vol. 7, and vol. 8

Dosar 18480: vols. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Investigation of the authors of the roundup of Jews from Bucharest, 1942; testimonies of witnesses; investigation of the Minister of Interior, General Dumitru I. Popescu; investigation of Radu Lecca and inventory of objects confiscated from Radu Lecca (the Commissar of Jewish Affairs in the Antonescu government); investigation of the deputy Minister of Interior, General Picky Z. Vasiliu; investigation of the leader of the Centrala Evreilor, Nandor Gingold.

Reel 158

Dosar 47240, vol. 1, fila 1 to Dosar 47240, vol. 6, fila 326

Post World War II investigation of Rabbi Zissu Portugal. 1917-1959 (core 1946-1959) In Romanian. Other languages include Yiddish or Hebrew. Council of State Security

Reel 159

File 17597 2700, vol 23

Documentary Fond. The Jewish Problem. 1947. Original documents of the Zionist organizations. Cultural activity. Documents from various Zionist organizations. Material from Cehoslovakia. Texts in Yiddish with Hebrew letters, in German, Hungarian, French, English. 435 p

File 2863

Documentary Fond. 1949. The Zionist organization “Mishtar”. Information and organizational problems in various languages. Vol.1. 285 p

File 3066

Documentary Fond Vol.2. Statutes, reports, various Zionist literature. 1949. 230 p

File 3143

Documentary Fond. The Jewish Army (Hagana), letters, 1947-48. 15 p

File 1344

Documentary Fond. Documents and information regarding a Jewish association “Knesset Israel” 1948. 12 p

General Security Police Directorate

File 5298

Documentary Fond. The Jewish Democratic Committee Sibiu and other cities in Transilvania. Information and anti-Zionist propaganda material in Yiddish 1948. 326 pages. (text barely legible)

Reel 160

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 2)

File 17597 file 5298, vol 2

Documentary Fond. . Documents and information regarding the Jewish Democratic Committee. 1950. 47 p

Ministry of the Interior Archive

File 40002

Penal Fond. Vol. 10 – Lucretiu Patrascanu. (text barely legible). The results of a day by day follow-up of Mr. Patrascanu and details on his political and creative activity 1942-48. 482 p

File 40002

Operating Archive Vol. 11 – Lucretiu Patrascanu . Interrogatories of witnesses. 1945. 375 p

Tribunal Supreme. Military college

File 40005

Operating Archive. Interrogatories of Vasile Luca, revealing his counter-revolutionary activity. Interrogation of witnesses. 1954. 293 p Vol. 160. Actions against the Party line and damaging the interests of the State. Cases of nepotism. Competence and organization of managing personnel in various branches of government, security and emigration services. The Israeli consulate in Bucharest. Information on arrest of Zionists.Numerous declarations of Al. Jurin. Declarations of Mrs. Melania Iancu and Burstin Dorta-Coca. Declaration of Cohin Radu Robery with relation to the “deviationist” Ana Pauker..1954(?). 298 p

Reel 161

File 40005

Operating Archive. (Continues from reel 160). Probatory material on Ivan Solimos. 1954. 4 p

File 40007

Operating Archive. Vol. 2. Inculpating documents of Misu Dulgheru, colonel of Security Services, accused of contacts with Zionist activists. He was also involved in the arrest of Engineer Kalmanovici and Patrascanu, and in the trial of Iuliu Maniu.1952 – 1954. 508 p

File 40009

Operating Archive. Vol. 22. The trial of Teohari Georgescu. List of documents included in file. Reports of interrogations of people involved or working with him.1953. 315 pages.

Council of State Security

Reel 162

Circular order of the Gendarmerie commander to bar meetings of Jewish youth organization Hanoar Hatzair, to protest the issue of the “White Book” by the British Government regarding Palestine. There are also barred all public collections of money by Zionist organizations. List of delegates collecting money for the Zionist Keren Hayesod and Keren Kayemet Leisrael. In formations regarding Zionist activity from various places in the country. Orders regarding restrictions imposed upon Jews, like interdiction to keep Christian personnel, travel on railroad etc. Manifestations of anti-Semitism at the polish embassy in Bucarest. 1939-1943. In formation from various Jewish communities. 1936 – 1942. Approx. 1000 p

File 9812

Operating Archive.The Jewish problem. 1942. Evacuation to Transnistria of interned Jews. Forced labor of the Jews.334 p

Reel 163

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 3)

File 9812, Volume 9

Operating Archive (Continues from Reel 162) The Jewish problem. 1942. Evacuation to Transnistria of interned Jews. Information against Jews with anti-Semitic character received by the authorities. 307 p

File 9812

Operating Archive Vol. 8. Old stuff from the Jewish Communities (1928…) 159 p

Operating Archive Vol. 9. Effect of the new anti-Semitic decrees on the Jewish population. Jews accused of defeatist activity. Fears of deportation to Transnistria of the Jews from the Old Kingdom. Activation of the forced labor decrees for Jews.1942. 420 p

Reel 164

File 9812

Operating Archive Vol.9. (continued from Reel 163) 1942. 81 p

Operating Archive Vol.11. Zionist literature and organizations before WWII. 205 p

Operating Archive Vol. 12. Life of Jewish communities in 1941. Census of Jewish population in Odobesti. 365 p

File 10515

Operating Fond. Vol. 28. The activity of the Legionnaires after the Rebeliune.1941. 442 p

Operating Fond Vol. 34. Lists of Legionnaires in various cities.in Banat. 1941 -1946. 213 p

Reel 165

File 10515

Operating Fond. Vol. 34. (continued from Reel 164). Lists of suspected Legionnaires. Activity of the Cuzist party. Their relations with the Nazi party of Germany. 1932 -1946. 416 p

File 10560

Documentary Fond. Problems of the LANC (Christian National Cuzist party) Reports on acts of brutality against Jews. 1934 -1938. 262 p

Documentary Fond Vol. 3. Police report on the creation of LANC. Student’s unrest in Jassy. A synagogue is devastated. Same reported from Cluj, Oradea Mare, Tg. Ocna etc.Frictions between cuzist and legionary students. 1927-1940. 294 p

Documentary Fond Vol.4. 1932 – Inquiry on means of sustenance and political activity of Romanian students in Germany. Anti-Semitic manifestations of students in Bessarabia. 117 p

Reel 166

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 5)

File 10560

Documentary Fond. Vol. 5.Activity of the LANC (Christian National Cuzist party) in various cities and universities.1933. The Student’s “Assault battalions” organization, statute and uniforms. Jewish students barred from attending courses and laboratories. Student’s unrest at the university Cernauti. Unrest in Jassy at the university and the medical school. University professors considered not favorable to their ideas are slated to be killed; among them the rector of the university. 1933. 834 p

File 10594

Documentary Fond. Vol.2. Jewish National Organizations. The history of the Jewish problem: evolution of frame of mind and events that occurred monthly, for the years 1942, 1943. Directives for the year 1944. Activity of Zionist organizations in 1939 and lists of membership. Anti-Semitic actions against Jews in 1940, 1941. 286 p

Reel 167

( pe microfilm apare trecut eronat rola 1)

Records of the Ministerul Afacrilor Interne (Ministry of Internal Affairs) concerning Chief Rabbi Moses David Rosen (b. 1912, d. 1995).

Fond X, file (dosar) 28827, vol. 1-5, 17-20

Volume #

1. 430 p Reports, biographical data on Rosen, namelists

2. 298 Idem, plus some telegrams, letters

3. 436 Idem, plus a news clipping, a letter in Hebrew

4. 346 Name lists of Jews [in the congregation?]

5. 346

17. 29 p Idem plus snapshot of Rosen walking outdoors

18. 159 Idem and some letters in English. Also either in volume 17, 18 or 19 are photos

of two women [in the synagogue?]

19. 311 Idem plus invitation list for event honoring visiting Jew from Argentina; photos

of a Torah.

20. 386

Reel 168

Dosar 84513 volume 1 F. 1

Dosar 84513 volume 2 F. 350

Surveillance files on Zionists. “Maurice Kirschenbaum.” Reel includes many name lists of Jews. 762 p

Reel 169

Dosar 84513 volume 3 F. 351

Dosar 84513 volume 8 F. 92

(Volume 3. is entitled “The Zionist Problem.”) Surveillance files on Zionists. Some files include as an attachment the questionnaire (dating from 1945-1948) containing information such as the individual’s war history (when deported, which camps, etc.), Zionist activities, and political beliefs. Also a name list of Jews immigrating to Israel, 1950. 1525 p

Reel 170

Dosar 84513 volume 8 F. 93

Dosar.84513 volume12 F. 36

Like reels 1 & 2 (1327 p)

Reel 171

Fond iNF. [Fond Informative] dosar 10405

Rosenberg, Olga, medical doctor, former inmate in the KL Magdeburg. Testimonies of persons interned with her. 1949-1964. 143 p

Reel 172

Fond iNF. Dosar 83249

File of Kardos, Mariana. Medical doctor, former inmate in Auschwitz. 1953-1967. 22 p

Reel 173

Fond iNF. Dosar 192 950

Another file on Rosenberg, Olga, medical doctor, former inmate in KL Magdeburg.. 1964-1970. 9 p

RG 25.006 Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) records

Prepared by Dennis Deletan

Extent: 17 microfilm reels: 35 mm

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Please note: Problem 33 is a code designation used by Mihai Antonescu, Vice-President of the Council of Ministers and Foreign Minister, for the discussion of secret issues regarding the Jews of Romania

Reel 1

|Problem 33 |Submissions to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) from the Committee of Jewish delegations |

|Vol.5 |to the League of Nations, the Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of deputies of British Jews, and the|

| |Anglo-Jewish Association. 1927. 561pp. |

|Vol.6 |Reports in the European press about anti-Semitic attacks in Romania. December 1927. 130pp. |

Reel 2

|Problem 33 |Reports in the European press about anti-Semitic attacks in Romania. December 1927. Foreign reaction to|

|Vol.6 |anti-Semitic acts in Romania. 1928-1932. 275pp. (pp131-406) |

|Continued from | |

|Reel 5 | |

|Problem 33 |Requests from Romanian Jews to emigrate to Palestine. 1934. 353pp. |

|Vol.7 | |

Reel 3

|Problem 33 |Anti-Semitic legislation adopted in Romania. 1940-1941. Copy of the pamphlet ‘Listen Israel’ by A. |

|Vol.10 |Willman. 329pp. |

|Problem 33 |Legislation regarding the expropriation of Jewish property and challenges to it from Jews of foreign |

|Vol.11 |nationality. March 1941. 400pp. |

Reel 4

|Problem 33 |Legislation regarding the expropriation of Jewish property and challenges to it from Jews of foreign |

|Vol.11 |nationality. March 1941. 235pp. |

|Continued from reel 3 |(pp.401-635) |

|Problem 33 |Legislation regarding the expropriation of Jewish property and challenges to it from Jews of foreign |

|Vol.12 |nationality. 1942-1944. 603pp. |

Reel 5

|Problem 33 |Legislation regarding the expropriation of Jewish property and challenges to it from Jews of foreign |

|Vol.13 |nationality. 1942-1944. 413pp. |

|Problem 33 |Legislation regarding the expropriation of Jewish property and challenges to it from Jews of foreign |

|Vol.14 |nationality. 1942-1944. 300pp. |

Reel 6

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of the Romanian Foreign Ministry with Spanish, Hungarian, Turkish and Greek legations |

|Vol.14 |regarding the expropriation of their Jewish subjects. 1942-1944. 245pp (pp.301-546) |

|Continued from reel 5 | |

|Problem 33 |Confiscation of radios from Romanian Jews. June 1941. Representations made by the Swiss legation in |

|Vol.15 |Bucharest on behalf of Jewish foreign nationals. Appeal of the Papal Nuncio Andrea Cassulo to Mihai |

| |Antonescu about the treatment of Jews in Transnistria. February 1944. Interventions of Charles Kolb, |

| |delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, on behalf of the Jews in Transnistria. 246pp.|

|Problem 33 |General instructions issued by the Romanian army regarding forced labour to be performed by Jews. June |

|Vol.15/2 |1942. Correspondence of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding forced labour. 224pp. |

Reel 7

|Problem 33 |Census of Jews, February 1942. Correspondence of the Romanian Foreign Ministry with foreign legations |

|Vol.16 |regarding education for Jews. 1941-1944. Correspondence regarding the position of Romanian Jews in |

| |Germany. 626pp |

Reel 8

|Problem 33 |Jewish emigration to Palestine. Petitions from the Supreme Council of Zionist organizations in Romania |

|Vol.17 |to the Ministry of the Interior. 1940-1945. Departure of various ships from Constanta, Romania carrying|

| |Jewish emigrants to Palestine. Lists of Jews seeking to emigrate drawn up by the Romanian Red Cross. |

| |1945-1946. 725pp. |

Reel 9

|Problem 33 |Lists of Jews seeking to emigrate to Palestine. 1947. 420pp. |

|Vol.18 | |

|Problem 33 |Lists of Jews seeking to emigrate to Palestine. 1948. 257pp. |

|Vol.19 | |

Reel 10

|Problem 33 |Report by the Central Jewish Office on aid sent to Jews deported to Transnistria. 18 February – 1 |

|Vol.20 |September 1942. Representations from the legation of Chile on behalf of Jews in Romania who were Polish|

| |subjects. Correspondence from various ministries with the government of Bessarabia and Bukovina on the |

| |fate of deported Jews. 518pp. |

|Problem 33 |Reports from the Governors of Bessarabia and Bukovina on the numbers of Jews deported from Bessarabia |

|Vol.21 |and Bukovina to Transnistria. September 1941-September 1942. 290pp. |

|Archive of the Presidency | |

|of the Council of Ministers| |

Reel 11

|Problem 33 |Reports, memoranda and petitions for the return of Jews from Transnistria from relatives. Details of |

|Vol.21 |medical supplies and foodstuffs sent by the Central Jewish Agency to Transnistria. 1942-1943. 387pp. |

|Continued |(pp291-678) |

|Problem 33 |Approvals and refusals for Jews to move house from Cernauti to Bucharest and within Moldavia and |

|Vol.22 |Transnistria. Changes in the requirements for forced labour from Jews. 1942. 543pp. |

Reel 12

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of Radu Lecca, government representative for Jewish affairs, with the Presidency of the |

|Vol.23 |Council of Ministers, the Governors of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria, and others. |

| |Correspondence of General Calotescu, Governor of Bukovina, with the Presidency of the Council of |

| |Ministers on matters relating to Jews. 1942-1943. 870pp. |

Reel 13

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of Radu Lecca, government representative for Jewish affairs, with the Presidency of the |

|Vol.24 |Council of Ministers, the Governors of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria, and others. |

| |Correspondence of General Calotescu, Governor of Bukovina, with the Presidency of the Council of |

| |Ministers on matters relating to Jews. 1942-1943. 851pp. |

Reel 14

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of Radu Lecca, government representative for Jewish affairs, with the Presidency of the |

|Vol.25 |Council of Ministers, the Governors of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria, and others. |

| |Correspondence of General Calotescu, Governor of Bukovina, with the Presidency of the Council of |

| |Ministers on matters relating to Jews. 1942-1943. Correspondence of the Council of Ministers with the |

| |above. 659pp. |

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of Radu Lecca, government representative for Jewish affairs, with the Presidency of the |

|Vol.26 |Council of Ministers, the Governors of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria, and others. |

| |Correspondence of General Calotescu, Governor of Bukovina, with the Presidency of the Council of |

| |Ministers on matters relating to Jews. 1942-1943. Correspondence of the Council of Ministers with the |

| |above. 234pp. |

Reel 15

|Problem 33 |Correspondence of Radu Lecca, government representative for Jewish affairs, with the Presidency of the |

|Vol.26 |Council of Ministers, the Governors of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria, and others. |

|Continued |Correspondence of General Calotescu, Governor of Bukovina, with the Presidency of the Council of |

| |Ministers on matters relating to Jews. 1943. Correspondence of the Council of Ministers with the above.|

| |507pp. (pp.235-742) |

|Problem 33 |Articles in the Austrian press regarding anti-Semitic acts committed in Romania. 1924-1927. Population |

|Vol.28 |statistics from Austria- Hungary. 1900. Reports in the Belgian press about Romania. 1940-1944. |

| |Correspondence between the German minister in Brussels and the Romanian consul. Correspondence between |

| |the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bulgarian MFA. 1926-1927. 275pp. |

Reel 16

|Problem 33 |Correspondence received by the Romanian MFA concerning Jews who were Bulgarian subjects. 1942-1943. |

|Vol.28 |151pp. (pp.276-427) |

|Continued | |

|Problem 33 |Correspondence between the Romanian MFA and the legation in Berlin. 1903-1939. 378pp. |

|Vol.31 | |

Reel 17

|Problem 33 |Correspondence between the Romanian MFA and the legation in Berlin regarding the treatment of Romanian |

|Vol.32 |Jews in Germany. 1940-1945. 499pp. |

|Continued | |

RG 25.008 "Viata Evreilor din Ducuresti," by Eliza Campus

Extent: (2 microfiche)

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


The small history, “The Life of the Jews in Bucharest, 1940–1944” contains information about Jewish schools, Jewish emigration, antisemitism, and Zionist activities undertaken by the Jews of Bucharest. Included is an excerpt of this history that was printed in Revista Istorica, nr. 3–4, 1992.

Language: Romanian        1940–1992

1 folder

Source of Acquisition: Eliza Campus

RG 25.009 The Mefkure Tragedy: An Inquiry into the Slayer's Identity

Extent: (2 microfiche)

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note:


This essay by Albert Finkelstein describes the 1944 sinking of the merchant ship Mefkure, which was transporting approximately 300 Romanian Jews to Palestine. The author attempts to prove that the German military, not the Soviet military as previously believed, sunk the Mefkure. The essay also contains a list of the victims' names.

Source of acquisition: Albert Finkelstein

Restricions on use: "Fair use" (reseachers' copying for personal use, not publication) only.


Extent: 30 reels of 35 mm microfilm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Summary Finding Aid - Prepared by Dennis Deletant

NOTES The number of pages indicated on the file covers is greater than the number of pages actually microfilmed from each file.


File 18/1939 Figures for membership of neo-protestant sects. 1939. 77pp.

File 20/1939 Police reports on the activities of neo-protestant sects. 1939. 46pp.

File 23/1939 Police reports on the activities of Legionaries (Iron Guardists).

1939. 24pp.

File 32/1939 Reports from the gendarmerie on the situation of Polish refugees

In Romania. 1939. 315pp

File 76/1939 Police reports on Zionist activities. 1939. 348pp.


File 4/1940 Police reports on the situation in Iasi. Sept. 1940. 11pp.

File 6/1940 Police reports on the general situation in Romania in June and July

1940. 69pp.

File 21/1940 Police reports on Colonel Joseph Beck and other Polish dignatories

Who sought refuge in Romania. June-Nov 1940. 245pp.

File 38/1940 Police reports from the district of Soroca. 1940. 288pp.

File 46/1940 Police reports on incidents of crime and on the activity of the Iron

Guard from numerous counties in Romania. Sept-Nov. 1940. 290pp.

File 56/1940 Diverse police reports for April 1940. 28pp.

File 103/1940 Police reports for April 1940. 453pp. (Much of this is illegible)


File 6/1941 Lists of personnel in police companies. Sept.1941-Jan.1942. 66pp.

File 14/1941 Lists of Jewish-owned shops attacked by legionaries in Vaslui in

January 1941. 23pp.

File 23/1941 Police reports on religious groups. Sept-Dec 1941. 400pp.

File 27/1941 Police reports from Storojinet. Aug-Dec 1941. 152pp.

File 43/1941 Police reports on local crime. June-Sept 1941. 31pp.

File 46/1941 Police reports on the morale in the gendarmerie in Transnistria and in

Iasi in November 1941. 60pp.

File 51/1941 Police reports on internal situation in various counties in Romania in

From January to December 1941. 140pp.

File 58/1941 Police reports on Iron Guard activity in Cernauti in October 1941.


File 66/1941 Police report on conditions in Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia

Under Soviet occupation, July 1940 to June 1941. 10pp.

File 64/1941 Diverse police correspondence relating to the confiscation of radios

From Jews June 1941. 134pp.


File 83/1941 Police reports on the situation in Cernauti county. Jan-Dec 1941.


File 82/1941 Police reports on the morale of the gendarmerie in various Romanian

Counties. April 1941. 363pp.

File 86/1941 Police reports from Chisinau. Oct 1941. 80pp.

File 88/1941 Miscellaneous gendarmerie reports from 1941. 12pp.


File 95/1941 Security service reports on foreigners entering and leaving Romania.

Jan-Oct 1941. 615pp.

File 99/1941 Various internal police correspondence, particularly of 4th

Gendarmerie batallion in Iasi, Jan-April 1941. 299pp.

File 107/1941 (Much of this is illegible) 30pp.


File 110/1941 Police reports on the Ukrainian irredentist movement in

Transnistria. March 1943. 30pp.

File 114/1941 Police study on the numbers of persons who lost Romanian

citizenship in 1940 as a result of the Soviet annexation of

Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia. 13pp.

File 121/1941 Intelligence report on the situation in Northern Transylvania.

Oct 1941. 1p

File 122/1941 List of persons deemed to have behaved in an ‘anti-Romanian’

way during the Soviet occupation of Northern Bukovina and

Bessarabia. 1940-1941. 500pp.

List of 1610 persons who requested repatriation to the Soviet

Union in summer 1941.

File 125/1941 Police reports from Arad on suspect citizens. April 1941. 100pp.


File 126/1941 Police report on the general situation in Romania in the period

16-23 November 1941. Complaints made by citizens about

alleged abuses committed by the gendarmerie. Jan-Nov 1941.


File 127/1941 Inspection reports on the gendarmerie in Transnistria. Fall 1941.



File 130/1941 Lists of suspect persons compiled by the gendarmerie in Orhei,

Bessarabia. August 1941. 502pp.


File 131/1941 Lists of suspect persons compiled by the gendarmerie in Orhei,

Bessarabia. August 1941. 220pp.

File 132/1941 Measures taken to intern persons considered to be pro-Soviet in

Bessarabia and the setting-up of the Onestii Noi internment

camp.Aug-Sept 1941. Lists of persons released from the

Vertujeni internment camp in March 1944. 353pp.

File 133/1941 Diverse correspondence from the gendarmerie in Soroca,

Bessarabia. Fall 1941. 417pp.


File 134/1941 Diverse correspondence from the gendarmerie in Soroca,

Bessarabia. Fall 1941. 439pp.

File 136/1941 Diverse correspondence from the gendarmerie in Soroca,

Bessarabia. Fall 1941. 450pp.


File 138/1941 Diverse correspondence from the gendarmerie in Soroca,

Bessarabia. Fall 1941. 182pp.

File 139/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Soroca on the internal

situation in the county. Aug-Dec 1941. 105pp.

File 140/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Soroca on the internal

situation in the county. Aug-Dec 1941. 102pp.

File 141/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Soroca on the internal

situation in the county. Aug-Dec 1941. 556pp.


File 149/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Soroca on the internal

situation in the county. Aug-Dec 1941. 207pp.

File 149/1941

Same number as previous file

Reports from the gendarmerie in Ismail on the local situation.

Winter 1941. 41pp.

File 150/1941 Lists of Communists in the county of Ismail in 1940. 50pp.

File 154/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Balti on the local situation

In 1942-43. 80pp. (Partly illegible)

File 156/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Cernauti on the local situation

In 1941-43. 82pp.

File 159/1941 Reports from the gendarmerie in Hotin on the local situation.

Fall 1941. 18pp.

File 160/1941 Police reports on Seventh Day Adventist and other neo-

Protestant sects in Cernauti county. Fall 1941. 50pp.

File 163-1941 Sketches of the deployment of gendarmes in Transnistria. No

date. 11pp.


File 3/1942 Reports on the deployment of gendarmes in Transnistria. Spring


File 18/1942 Reports from various county gendarmerie headquarters.

1942-1943. 374pp.

File 20/1942 Reports from various county gendarmerie headquarters.

June 1942. 20pp.

File 29/1942 Reports from various county gendarmerie headquarters on the

crossing of Jews and others from Hungary into southern

Transylvania. 1942. 268pp.

File 30/1942 Reports from various county gendarmerie headquarters on the

crossing of Jews and others from Hungary into southern

Transylvania. 1942. 60pp.

File 47/1942 Reports from gendarmerie headquarters. 1942. 317pp.


File 48/1942 Reports from gendarmerie headquarters on the general

situation in Romania. 1942. 284pp. (partly illegible)

File 52/1942 Reports from gendarmerie headquarters on the general

situation in Romania. 1942. 360pp.


File 57/1942 Police reports on legionary (Iron Guard) activity in various

Counties. 1942. 325pp.

File 58/1942 Police reports on the German ethnic group and legionary

activity. 1942. 343pp.

File 59/1942 Requests from gypsies for their repatriation from Transnistria.

1942-43. 586pp.


File 69/1942 Police reports on the internal situation in Romania. 1942. 15pp.

File 74/1942 Police reports on neo-Protestant sects in Romania. 1942.


File 76/1942 Police reports on neo-Protestant sects in Romania. 1942. 90pp.

File 83/1942 Police reports on neo-Protestant sects in Alba-Iulia. 1942.


File 114/1942 Correspondence from the gendarmerie inspectorate in Brasov.

January 1942. 25pp.

File 120/1942 Police reports on neo-Protestant activity in Transnistria. 1942.



File 122/1942 Police reports from Berezovka, Transnistria on the murder

of 4,000 Jews by German police in March 1942. Reports on

the arrest of Ion Larionescu. March 1942. Reports from

gendarmerie inspectorates in Transnistria. February 1942.



File 124/1942 Reports from gendarmerie inspectorates in Transnistria.

250pp. (parts of this are illegible)

File 125/1942 Reports from gendarmerie inspectorates in Transnistria.



File 126/1942 Police reports on the deportation of the Gypsies in summer

1942. 400pp.

File 127/1942 Police reports on the deportation of the Gypsies. October

1942. 388pp.


File 130/1942 Police reports on the deportation of the Gypsies. October

1942. 329pp.


File 143/1942 Diverse correspondence from the Inspectorate of Gendarmes

in Transnistria. 42pp.

File 147/1942 Reports from the security police in Odessa on the activities

of various persons. October 1942. Intelligence reports of

the gendarmerie in Transnistria. September 1942. 164pp.

File 161/1942 Intelligence reports of the gendarmerie in Bukovina.

Feb-May 1942. 350pp.

File 164/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Storojinet,

Bukovina. June-August 1942. 350pp.


File 165/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Storojinet,

Bukovina. October-December 1942. 454pp.

File 166/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Transnistria,

August-September 1942. 320pp.


File 179/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie inspectorate in

various counties in Romania and Transnistria. August

1942-June 1943. 118pp.

File 199/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Odessa and

Moghilev, 1942-44 301pp.

File 200/1942 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Balta and

Odessa. October 1942. 174pp.


File 201/1942 Police reports on the deportations of Gypsies to

Transnistria. June-August 1942. 249pp.


File 1/1943 Law on the Organization of the Gendarmerie. 1943. 51pp.

File 22/1943 Instructions from Marshal Antonescu for the compilation of a

register of members of ethnic minorities deemed to have acted

against the interests of the state. 14pp.

File 36/1943 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Muscel. 5pp.

File 39/1943 Intelligence synthesis on the situation in Romania in 1942. Diverse

Intelligence reports from gendarmerie county inspectorates. 270pp.

File 43/1943/1 Lists of Gypsies requesting a return to their villages from Dobrogea

and southern Bessarabia. September 1942. 250pp.


File 43/1943/II Documents on the repatriation of Gypsies from Transnistria.

October-December 1942. 263pp.

File 60/1943 Reports from gendarmerie inspectorates in Romania on petty crime.

1943. 246pp.

File 77/1943 Reports from gendarmerie inspectorates in Romania on petty crime.

1943. 74pp.

File 78/1943 Reports from gendarmerie inspectorates in Transnistria on the

conveyance of money and correspondence to and from Jews in

Transnistria. Reports on the activity of Communist partisans.

Correspondence on the release of Jews from Vapniarca camp.

May 1943. 369pp.


File 80/1943 Intelligence reports from the gendarmerie in Moghilev, Berezovka,

Dubosari, Tulcin, Balta, Tiraspol, Oceacov and Golta. 498pp.

File 83/1943 Album of photographs of members of the Obkom in Transnistria.

August 1943. Intelligence reports on the Obkom. Police reports

From Odessa. August-October 1943. 399pp.


File 84/1943 Intelligence reports from Odessa on Communist partisan activity.

Reports on the smuggling of letters from Jews in Transnistria to

Romania. Reports on abuses committed in Transnistria by

retreating German army units. September-December 1943. 448pp.

File 86/1943 Intelligence reports from Balta and Golta regarding Communist

partisan activity. September 1943. 325pp.


File 112/1943 Gendarmerie reports from Cernauti on neo-Protestant sects.

April-August 1943. 184pp.

File 116/1943 Gendarmerie reports from Cernauti on the internal situation in the

county. April-November 1943. 96pp.

File 118/1943 Gendarmerie reports from Cernauti on the internal situation in the

County, including reports on the activities of Jews and Ukrainians.

April-November 1943. 243pp.


File 42/1944 Press cuttings from Romanian newspapers for November 1944.


File 86/1944 Correspondence on the illegal return of 192 Gypsies from

Transnistria in November 1943. March-April 1944. Police reports

on the repatriation of Gypsies to Romania. May 1944. 297pp.

RG 25.011 Records Related to the Forced Labor of the Romanian Jews, 1942-1943

Acc 2001.97

Extent: 76 boxes, Ca. 70 511 pages (on microfiche).

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Gift presented by the Romanian Minister of Defense Ioan Mircea Pascu to Sara Bloomfield. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the records in June 2001 (12 folders, ca 517 pages). Additional two parts of documents received in April 2003, Ca. 70 000 pages of photocopies.

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: Contains orders and instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews; inspection and screening of Jews for work; medical assistance for the Jews; name lists of Jews; miscellaneous correspondence regarding forced labor, food, equipment and housing. Documents range in date from November 3, 1942 to April 2, 1943.


Box 1


Folder 1: Romanian Finding Aid. Includes descriptions, dates, and numbers for each document (1-510) in Romanian. Pages 1-11.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 2: Pages 1-48.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 3: Pages 49-100.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 4: Pages 101-150.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 5: Pages 151-202.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 6: Pages 203-250.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 7: Pages 252-301.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 8: Pages 302-350.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 9: Pages 351-399.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 10: Pages 400-449.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 11: Pages 450-489.


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

Folder 12: Pages 490-510.


Box 2


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 22

No. of pages 222


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 23

No. of pages 485


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 119

No. of pages 465

Box 3


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 132

No. of pages 658

Box 4


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 172

No. of pages 623


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 181

No. of pages 162

Box 5


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 209

No. of pages 515


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 213

No. of pages 64


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 214

No. of pages 385


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 231

No. of pages 119

Box 6


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 232

No. of pages 306


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 233

No. of pages 200


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 246

No. of pages 336


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 270

No. of pages 128


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 271

No. of pages 100

Box 7


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 272

No. of pages 54


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 274

No. of pages 369


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 275

No. of pages 205


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 279

No. of pages 134


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 288

No. of pages 173

Box 8


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 289

No. of pages 269


Fond Batalionul 3 Drumuri

File# 308

No. of pages 61

Box 9


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 24

No. of pages 824


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 43

No. of pages 347

Box 10


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 45

No. of pages 1181

Box 11


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 86

No. of pages 1274

Box 12


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 98

No. of pages 852



Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 99

No. of pages 1036

Box 14


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 101

No. of pages 845

Box 15


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 102

No. of pages 428


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 103

No. of pages 720

Box 16


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 105

No. of pages 660


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 110

No. of pages 365


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 115

No. of pages 94

Box 17


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 120

No. of pages 74


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 133

No. of pages 196


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 136

No. of pages 528


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 144

No. of pages 244

Box 18


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 145

No. of pages 319


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 172

No. of pages 456


Fond Batalionul 7 Drumuri

File# 174

No. of pages 216

Box 19


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 1

No. of pages 230


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 2

No. of pages 473


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 3

No. of pages 228

Box 20


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 4

No. of pages 335


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 5

No. of pages 73


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 6

No. of pages 189


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 7

No. of pages 309


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 8

No. of pages 191

Box 21


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 9

No. of pages 395


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 10

No. of pages 410


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 11

No. of pages 477


Fond Detasamentul 100 Evrei

File# 12

No. of pages 330


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 1

No. of pages 9


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 2

No. of pages 55


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 3

No. of pages 303


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 4

No. of pages 226


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 5

No. of pages 128


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 6

No. of pages 20


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 7

No. of pages 58


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 8

No. of pages 60


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 9

No. of pages 20


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 10

No. of pages 22


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 11

No. of pages 23

Box 23


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 12

No. of pages 68


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 13

No. of pages 195


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 14

No. of pages 30


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 15

No. of pages 459


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 16

No. of pages 210


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 17

No. of pages 195

Box 24


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 18

No. of pages 403


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 19

No. of pages 398


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 20

No. of pages 407


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 21

No. of pages 89


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 22

No. of pages 428


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 23

No. of pages 187

Box 25


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 24

No. of pages 233


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 25

No. of pages 428


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 26

No. of pages 217


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 27

No. of pages 167


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 28

No. of pages 80


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 29

No. of pages 32


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 30

No. of pages 36


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 31

No. of pages 53


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 32

No. of pages 97


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File# 33

No. of pages 13


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 34

No. of pages 16

Box 26


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 35

No. of pages 55


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 36

No. of pages 14


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 37

No. of pages 255


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 38

No. of pages 386


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 39

No. of pages 374


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 40

No. of pages 87

Box 27


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 41

No. of pages 381


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 42

No. of pages 383

Box 28


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 43

No. of pages 478


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 44

No. of pages 437


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 45

No. of pages 245

Box 29


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 46

No. of pages 150


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 47

No. of pages 80


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 48

No. of pages 15


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File# 49

No. of pages 29


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 50

No. of pages 16


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 51

No. of pages 73


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 52

No. of pages 17


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 53

No. of pages 18


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 54

No. of pages 41


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 55

No. of pages 28


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 56

No. of pages 194


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 57

No. of pages 23

Box 30


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 58

No. of pages 705


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 59

No. of pages 55


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 60

No. of pages 469

Box 31


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 61

No. of pages 362


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 62

No. of pages 352


Fond Detasamentul 101 Evrei

File# 64

No. of pages 200


Fond Detasamentul 102 Evrei

File# 64

No. of pages 152

Box 32


Fond Detasamentul 102 Evrei

File# 1

No. of pages 261


Fond Detasamentul 102 Evrei

File# 2

No. of pages 212


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1068

No. of pages 282


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1069

No. of pages 99


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1070

No. of pages 849

Box 34


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1071

No. of pages 688


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1072

No. of pages 125


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1073

No. of pages 243

Box 35


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1074

No. of pages 385


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1075

No. of pages 244


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1076

No. of pages 222


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1077

No. of pages 88


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1078

No. of pages 142


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1079

No. of pages 178

Box 36


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1080

No. of pages 431


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1081

No. of pages 54

Box 37


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1082

No. of pages 1078

Box 38


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1083

No. of pages 269


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1084

No. of pages 101


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1085

No. of pages 12


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1086

No. of pages 22


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1087

No. of pages 70


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1088

No. of pages 10


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File# 1089

No. of pages 26


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1090

No. of pages 35


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1091

No. of pages 310


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1092

No. of pages 15

Box 39


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1093

No. of pages 160


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1094

No. of pages 584

Box 40


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1095

No. of pages 452


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1096

No. of pages 445


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1097

No. of pages 112

Box 41


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1098

No. of pages 401


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1099

No. of pages 392


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1100

No. of pages 223


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1101

No. of pages 169


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1102

No. of pages 222


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1103

No. of pages 166


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1104

No. of pages 46

Box 42


Fond Batalionul 1016 Lucru

File# 1105

No. of pages 243

Box 43


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1106

No. of pages 781


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1107

No. of pages 265

Box 44


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1108

No. of pages 794

Box 45


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1109

No. of pages 920


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1110

No. of pages 411

Box 46


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1111

No. of pages 91


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1112

No. of pages 193


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1113

No. of pages 157


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File# 1114

No. of pages 150


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1115

No. of pages 188


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File# 1116

No. of pages 208


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1117

No. of pages 124


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File# 1118

No. of pages 190


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1119

No. of pages 46

Box 47


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1120

No. of pages 23


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1121

No. of pages 70


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1122

No. of pages 53


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File# 1123

No. of pages 101


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File# 1124

No. of pages 9


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File# 1125

No. of pages 15


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File# 1126

No. of pages 13


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File# 1127

No. of pages 13


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File# 1128

No. of pages 10


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File# 1129

No. of pages 9


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File# 1130

No. of pages 11


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File# 1131

No. of pages 5


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File# 1132

No. of pages 11


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File# 1133

No. of pages 514

Box 48


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1134

No. of pages 92


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File# 1135

No. of pages 366


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File# 1136

No. of pages 175


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1137

No. of pages 54


Fond Batalionul 1017 Lucru

File# 1138

No. of pages 141

Box 49


Fond Regimentul 3 Pionieri

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RG 25.012 Records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Romania, 1940-1944


Extent: 56 microfilm reels

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Presedintia Consiliului de Ministri created and compiled the records from 1940 to 1944. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Programs Division purchased microfilm copies from the Romanian National Archives and transfered the film to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives in Dec. 2001

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: No restrictions on use.

Organization and arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: Romanian

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch

Scope and content note: These files include requests addressed to Marshal Ion Antonescu’s office from Jews wanting restitution for their confiscated property, and requests by Jews to be treated as non-Jewish Romanian citizens. Also included is information about Jews in forced labor, and deportations of Jews from Romania to Transnistria.


Reel 1

File 209: PCM. Secretariat Critical discussions related to minorities and religious problems in Romania, with special accent on the Hungarian minority, and the various nationalities in anization of the trade school system. The judicial status of the minorities in Romania. 1940. 66 p

File 316: PCM. Secretariat. Appeals to the Nation and the Army and proclamations by Antonescu, Letter of abdication by king Carol II on September 6, 1940. Various proclamations by Antonescu to the women, the legionaires the Nation, the Army etc Sept. 1940 – 1942. 113 p

File 320: PCM. Secretariat. Accomplishments of the Government between September 6 and December 31, 1940. Address to the Legionaires on New year 1941(in German). 14 p

File 321: PCM. Secretariat Appeals to the Nation and the Army and proclamations by Antonescu; more proclamations after the “Rebeliune.” Order of the Day to “cross the Pruth”. Speech by Mihai Antonescu (also in german). Various other Orders of the day and proclamations by General (later Maresal) Antonescu. September 6, 1940 – May 1 1943. 140 p

File 325: PCM. Secretariat. Summary of speeches, writings and interviews by Marshall Antonescu from September 25, 1940 to July 1942. Various letters of reply to personalities and the press; several speeches, some as homage to the legionaires. Press releases. Declaratrions at the signing of the law for expropriation of Jewish real estate. Letter to Dr. Filderman (October 1941).1940 – 1943. 150 p

File 397: PCM. Central Institute of Statistics. Report on the Jewish population in Romania before and after the loss of territories (1941). 36 p

File 399: PCM. Central Institute of Statistics. Internal affairs of the Institute, many related to the Jewish population. In two synagogues in Chisinau hoodlums invade and cut off the beards of the Jews under the pretext of “disinfection” (February 22, 1940). 1940. 34 p

File 449: PCM. Secretariat. Correspondence and excerpts from the German press related to the period August-September 1940. 6 p

File 527: PCM. Legislative Commission. Claims of suspended lawyers and physicians of Jewish origin. 1940-1942. 62 p

Reel 2

File 202: PCM. Secretariat. Claims of persons of Jewish origin to be exempted from the

anti-Jewish legislation. 1941. Monthly Lists of passports and exit visas issued by the

Police in 1942. 107 p

File 208: PCM. Secretariat. Forced labor of the Jews. Lists of Jews whose exemptions were approved and/or denied, for various districts. The activity of respective commissions. List of labor camps in Bucharest.October 1941. 53 p

File 293: PCM. Secretariat. Legal aspects of the Decrees (decret-lege) on various matters related to the Jews and the new organization of public life and diplomatic activity. 1941. 65 p

File 323: PCM.Military tribunal. Declarations of iuliu Maniu related to the trial of Horia Sima and the Rebeliune June 1941 (Atttached translation in german). 9 p

File 343: PCM. Personnel Service. Utilization of Jewish forced labor at the building of two model villages. Activities related to the creation of these two villages. June 1941. 51 p

File 623: PCM. National Center of Romanization. Expropriation of Jewish real estate.The case of the bookbinder Daniel Feyns. Copies of a history of bookbinding and decoration. 1941. 195 p

Reel 3

File 624: PCM. National Center of Romanization. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sofie Krämer based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 19 p

File 625: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Isidore Margulies Excerpt from the official and the daily press. 1941-1943. 101 p

File 626: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Jack Rosenfeld, based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 33 p

File 627: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Markus

Dickman, based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. Declared mistrial.

(N.T. Mr. Dickman was deported to Transnistria in 1941) 1941-1942. 12 p

File 628: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Hascal

Marcovici, based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 10 p

File 629: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Elena

Grünberg, based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941. 15 p

File 630: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lazar

Dumkelblum based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 41 p

File 631: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ana Genat based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 – 1942 . 44 p

File 632: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Schieber Isidor Gottfried based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 36 p

File 633: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Iosef Jacob based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943 . 36 p

File 634: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Miriam Eskenasy based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 31 p

Reel 4

File635: PCM. Cabinet. Procedures for litigation of Romanization of Jewish estate properties. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Isidore Karmitz based on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 424 p

File 636: PCM. Cabinet. Julieta Klingsberger requests exemption from Romanization. 1941. Same request from Leon Paucker is rejected.1943. 3 p

File 637: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Moscu Iacob on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 16 p

File 638: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Tila Perlman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943 . 58 p

File 639: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Gidali Samoila on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943 . 30 p

File 640: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leon Hart on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 15 p

File 641: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Solomon Karmitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 –1943 . 384 p

Reel 5

File 642: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Simovici Mayer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 –1943. 36 p

File 643: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Jidel Julius Schonfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 –1943. 35 p

File 644: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Marius, Henrietta Calano on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942. 49 p

File 645: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Stefan Vaida on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 81 pages.

File 646: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lipkovits Juliu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 61 p

File 647: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by the Blau Family on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 128 p

File 648: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Avram Taubman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 55 p

File 649: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Isac Poch on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 49 p

File 650: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Weisel Stefan Adalbert on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942. 52 p

Reel 6

File 651: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Eti Clingher on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 106 p

File 652: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Eva, widow of Tiberiu Horowitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 43 p

File 653: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Segal Elias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 41 p

File 654: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Moscu Nachmias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942 . 115 p

File 655: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sami

Morgenstern on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942. 80


File 656: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sofia M Diner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1942. 128 p

File 657: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leizer M. Goldhamer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 7 p

File 658: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Clara Tipchis on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 8 p

File 659: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Bercu zis Bernhard Froim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943. 140 p

Reel 7

File 660: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Bercu zis Bernhard Froim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 –1943 . 21 p

File 661: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leon F Fisher on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1944. 14 p

File 661: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leon F Fisher on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1944. 14 p

File 662: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Grünberg Pincu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 -1942. 22 p

File 663: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Orphanage Samuel and Debora Filderrman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 -1943. 113 p

File 664: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Weissman Betti on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1944. 8 p

File 665: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ruhla Grünberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943 - 1944. 8 p

File 666: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by widow Gheorghe Montiu nee Ana Bildhauer on the merit of not being Jewish. 1941 - 1944. 8 p

File 667: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Aurel Focsanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 - 1944. 44 p

File 668: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Iacob Isac and R. Wurman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 669: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Oscar Weissbuch on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 3 p

File 670: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Herman L Haimovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 6 p

File 671: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Bernhard Mandel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 70 p

File 672: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Clara Grünbergl on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 4 p

File 673: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ionel Câmpeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. His father was Jewish 1940-1942. 52 p

File 674: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Elizabeta Cotrushon various merits and services to the Romanian State. 941-1942. 26 p

File 675: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Halberstadt Rebeca on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 24 p

File 676: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by B raunstein Chaim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 30 p

File 677: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ivette Davidescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941. 38 p

File 678: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Alexandru Schwarz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 13 p

File 679: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Splomon Iacob on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1942. 32 p

File 680: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Mariana Rachmuth on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 18 p

File 681: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Gorea Samoil Alexandru (converted to Christian orthodox) on various merits and services to the

Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 33 p

File 682: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by brothers Ioan, Gheorghe and Otton M Daniel of their shipping fleet on various merits and services to the Romanian State. No date mentioned. 2 p

Reel 8

File 683: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Nicolae and Florica Ionescu (she is Jewish) on various merits and services to the Romanian State.

1941-1943. 113 p

File 684: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Ita and Dr. Ovidiu Alfandari (she is Jewish) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 118 p

File 685: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Isack Cohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 7 p

File 686: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Hava Golda Cohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1943. 15 p

File 687: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Aneta Schwartz (Christian Orthodox), Maria Singher, Paul Speier, Radu M Streitman (converted Christian Orthodox), Ghizela widow of Capt. Schwarz, Moritz Simon, Debora

Solomovici, Anette Steinberg, Mihail Saies aka Max Schayes , Sofia Schulimson , David

Sulciner, Mihail Sheel, ethnic German , Eliza Sanielevici (Leibovici), Noe Grünberg, the

Jews of Dobrogea, Dr, Ana Suchar Iancu on various merits and services to the Romanian

State. 1941-1943. 88 p

File 688: PCM. Cabinet. Letters written to the brothers Karmitz by various persons and

institutions. 1941 and before. 14 p

File 689: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sandor Isac on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 690: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lascar and Lucia Saraga on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 166


File 691: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leibu Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 13 p

File 692: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Beral Isidor zis Strul on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 13 p

File 693: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by I. Radu Reitner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 28 p

File 694: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Stefan Weininger on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 30 p

Reel 9

File 695: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Albert Smilovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 11 p

File 696: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Idel Haffner and Clara Tipkis on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 17 p

File 697: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Levy Bogen on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943.15 p

File 698: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Samuel Beck on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 31 p

File 699: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Chief-Rabin Ber and Sura Burstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 7 p

File 700: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sally and Emanuel Bernfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 42 p

File 701: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Moritz Ionas aka Moise Ioinis on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 31 p

File 720: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Emanoil Kerstenbaum on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 4 pages. (File # ??)

File 703: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Milton Gh Lehrer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 29 p

File 704: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lipa Dascalu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1943. 10 p

File 705: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Osias Gross on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 13 pages.

File 706: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Robert Tanenzapf on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 12 p

File 707: Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Beniamin Nadler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 122 p

Reel 10

File 69: PCM. Cabinet . Results of plebiscites of November 1941 and August 1942 by districts. 177 p

File 81: PCM. Ministry of Finances. Meetings of Governmental Economical Delegation. In discussion also the fate of Jewish public properties like forests etc, Jewish forced labor. 1942. 72 p

File 143: PCM. Central Service of Information. Activity of the Ministry of Education and

Religious affairs (September 6, 1940 – 1941). Analysis of position of various

newspapers. List of publications to be screened by the Service of Information. Maritime

Transportation of Jewish emigrants. Excerpts from the German press and the German

Military Mission related to Antonescu and the Romanian Army. Collection of Soviet

propaganda material in Bessarabia. Clandestine activity of religious sects in Bucovina

and Northern Bessarabia. Letters of Dr. Lupu and iuliu Maniu. Memorandum by Dori

Popovici on the distressful situation of the Jews in Bucovina. Complaints and suggestions

by Jewish intellectuals. Various request form Jews in behalf of relatives of friends

deported to Transnistria. Same from non-Jews regarding political internees. A Swiss

delegation unexpectedly arrives in Bukarest. Information related to ethnic problems,

1942. 188 p

File 178: PCM. Directorate of Romanization.Activity Report for April 1942. A number of anonimous judgments and affirmations. 1942. 42 p

File 179: PCM. Secretariat. Documents from Ministries, for various problems. Among them the definition of “who is a Jew”. Various personal requests, mostly addressed to Antonescu and to his wife. Judiciary and religious problems in litigation. The conversion of Jews to Catholicism is debated. The Hungarian Reformat religion is also in discussion. Numerous Jews baptized in this religion are deported to the Bug by order from Antonescu. The case of engineer Malaxa. 1942 – 1943. 214 p

File 201: PCM. Secretariat. The Weissman family is fighting against the Romanization of a textile factory.1942 – 1943. 90 p

File 402: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Eugen Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1942. 44 p

Reel 11

File 403: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Iosef Karmitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942- 1943. 401 p

File 404: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Adolf

Klingsberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941. 4 p

File 405: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Stern Iuliu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 28 p

File 406: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lupu and Tauba Safir on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 15 p

File 407: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Sanft Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 26 p

File 408: PCM. Cabinet. Unsigned handwritten letter of a General Staff officer, his wife Jewish, converted to Christian orthodox pleads in favor of their children. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Eugenia Soru and Dr. Adelina Siegler, Iosef A. Schapira, Zisu Schvartz, Jules Sanft, Avram Suchar, Herman Stern, Isidor Shulimson, Arnold Spigler, Juliette Streilisker, Ella Markus, Rachela Merdler, Ella Marcus , Avram Schwarz, Dr. Chimion Marcel, Abraham Calmy, Fany and Emanuel Calmanovici, Margareta Bataturescu, Sarina Graur, Leib Schwartz, Chem. Engineer Avram Schwartz, Gabriel Sanft, Dr. Marcus Solomonica, Mauriciu Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1942. 66 p

File 409: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Eugen Emanuel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 18 p

File 410: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leon and Carol Fisher on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942-1943. 12 p

File 411: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Jack Iacovescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942-1943. 68 p

Reel 12

File 412: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Solomon B Baron on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941- 1944. 59 p

File 413: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Francis Lengyel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 5 p

File 414: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Iuliu Pach on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 - 1943. 82 p

File 415: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Leonty Karmitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941 - 1944. 384 p

File 416: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dora Haufraucht and Heny Comissiona on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 -1943. 29 p

File 417: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dora Haufraucht and Heny Comissiona on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 -1943. 16 p

File 418: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Klingsberg Adolf on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 4 p

File 419: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Rebeca Erdòs on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 18 p

File 420: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ioan Iosif Massoff on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 85 p

File 421: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Itic zis Mauriciu Berman and many others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 39 p

Reel 13

File 422: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Niculae Vladimir Lupu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942- 1944. 19 p

File 423: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization by Elena I.C. Bradu, of Jewish origin, whose son was killed in the war in Odessa, asks for recognition as Christian Orthodox, she converted in 1944. 4 p

File 424: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization by Andrei A. Benedek. He is part of a Szekler family in Transilvania, who converted years ago to Judaism.1942 -1943. 69 p

File 425: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization by Henri-Paul B. Blasbalg-Blazian, on various merits and services to the Romanian State. Due to a mixed marriage, many converted Jewish partners are not recognized as Christians and their children suffer the consequences. Opinions of literary and artistic personalities of the time. 1942-1943. 133 p

File 426: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Isidor Goldstein, Ortansa Grünstein, Mihai and Danila Grün and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942- 1943. 69 p

File 427: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Fina and Anghel Friedman, Dr. B. Fuhrer, Jetty D. Feinstein and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 38 pages.

File 428: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ioana Krips, Isak Kaufman, Gabruela Cardan Chapier and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 23 p

File 429: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Oscar Brumer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 4 p

File 430: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr.Iulian Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941-1942. 56 p

File 431: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Terezia Adler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 6 p

File 432: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Paula and Carol Barash on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 20 p

File 433: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Safir H. Davidescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 6 p

File 434: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by George

Stefanică on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 7 p

File 435: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Max Ludovic on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941. 15 p

File 436: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Eugen-Emanoil Ludovic on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1941. 15 p

File 437: PCM. Cabinet. Iancu zaharia complains of omission in the law of Romanization of certain categories of Jews. 1942. 2 p

File 438: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Cornelia Ing. Alfred Propst, Pascu Titus and Viorica, Purgaru Francisc, widow of Ing. Pinchis, Lt Colonel Ignatie Porohovski on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 – 1943. 24 p

File 439: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Ella Loebel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 9 p

File 440: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Anna and M.I.Marcus, Fanny and Marcu Margulis, Bercu Moisescu and numerous others on

various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 74 p

File 441: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Widow Maria Dr, Mandel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 101 p

File 442: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Eugen Mandel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 46 p

File 443: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Perla Feiga (Fani) Kaufmanl on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942-1943. 26 p

File 444: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Solomon Rosenzweig , Benedict Bertin Maer, Samoil Segaller, Moscu Sevilianu and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 44 p

File 445: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Jacques Paucker on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 5 p

File 446: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Lazar Cernushca on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 6 p

File 447: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Renee

Nicolaide, Iacob Nahmias, Ernestina Nadler and numerous others on various merits and

services to the Romanian State. 1942. 11 p

File 448: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Dr. Clara Odeseanu , Leibu Oscar, Louis Osias, Moritz Ornstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942. 8 p

File 449: PCM. Cabinet. Request of exemption from Romanization (takeover) by Aurel Luca and Bercovici (Braun), Valdimir I. Largu and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942 – 1943. 50 p

Reel 14

File 1: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Marcu Goldstein, Dr. Moise Goldstein, Dr. Grossman Idel, Iosif Iancu Leon and Manny Filderman, Eugen Barash and numerous others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 162 p

File 2: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Iacob Ierusalmi on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943 – 1944. 20 p

File 3: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Ana Cremer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 4: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Lazar Klar on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 5: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Avram I. Daniel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 6: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Isidor Diver and Marietta Riesenmond on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 7: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Isidor Diver and Marietta Riesenmond on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 8: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosub Granescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 9: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu B. Dascalu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 10: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Daici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 10 p

File 11: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandra Selima Dailis on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 12: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Doiban Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1945. 8 p

File 13: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sabina Dracsaneanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 14: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sofia M. Diner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 15: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen Deutsch on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 45 p

Reel 15

File 16: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leibovici Levi on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 9 p

File 17: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jäger Samuel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 36 p

File 18:PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercu Laubmüller on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 19: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac Herscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 50 p

File 20: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Negru Bernard on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 21: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Aron Hodolofski on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 22: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Henry Haimovici Vanea on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 23: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Georg Haller on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 24: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eremias Holdengräber on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 25: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burah Kessler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 26: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adela Klar on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 27: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adrienne Corbaru- Lobl on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 28: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cireseanu-Barlad Pinath on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 29: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Cioară on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 30: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herscu Crupariu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 31: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Eskenasi Ionel-Martin on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 32: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Victor Aron on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 33: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aba L. Nacht on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 34: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Manolescu Al Eduard on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 76 p

File 35: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Roza and Ana C, Marculescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 36: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodora Beratrice Eitel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 26 p

File 37: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dorothea W. Roth on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 32 p

File 38: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail Miron on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 39: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Marcovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 40: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lilly D. Samitca on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 41: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Salo Weissenberg on

various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 35 p

File 42: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Galian Dumitru on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 165 p

Reel 16

File 43: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon H. Elias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 44: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr, Georg Salamon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943 5 p

File 45: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac Rafael Samuel Snitlich on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 16 p

File 46: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Francisc Schlosser on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 47: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 48: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isidor Spärger on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 49: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr Saidman Julius aka

Zaidman Sulim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 50: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herbert Stern on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 16 p

File 51: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fany Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 52: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gustav Segal on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 53: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise L. Stroe on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 54: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Margareta Stamatopol on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 55: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lothar Hugo Schmierer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 32 p

File 56: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wanda Robert Scheida on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 57: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Schapira Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 58: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosef Maier on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 59: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ecaterina Jeanna Negrea on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 60: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Samuel Rubin on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 61: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Ghips on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 62: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kellner Ernest on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 63: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Semo Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 64: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Arnold Sabl on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 65: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Arnold Schwefelberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 255 p

File 66: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 67: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru and Iuliu Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 68: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moscu Sulimovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943.10 p

File 69: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Schlesinger Angela (Simona) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 52 p

Reel 17

File70: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simsa Ioan on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 71: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Simion on merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 26 p

File 72: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Steinberg Ilie Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 73: PCM. Requests from various businesses and factories for exemption from forced labor of Jews, as being the only specialists in the given business. 1943. 47 p

File 74: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Froim M. Nadler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 75: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fani Groser on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 76: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gh.Threse Volf on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 77: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adela Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 78: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stenger Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 79: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Svitcus on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 2 p

File 80: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicu Avram Spiner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 81: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stefan Vaida on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 82: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Flora Dr. Haimovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 83: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif and S.M. Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 84: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. S Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 85: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by SCHLESINGER Maria (Ileana) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 48 p

File 86: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emanoil (Manole) Schapira on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 40 p

File 87: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Safir Napoleon Nicolae on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 39 p

File 88: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail Saies aka Max Schayes on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 89: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stier Berrthold on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 90: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Ghelber on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 91: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Betina Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 92: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marta Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 93: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florescu Bernard Bica on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943.12 p

File 94: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Is.Franco on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 95: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Finkelstein Osias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 96: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion Iosif Aristide Segall on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 29 p

File 97: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tureanu Simion on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 98: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sergine Michaela Finkelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 99: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florescu D. Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 100: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lupu Finkelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 101: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Pliscov Filip Falik on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 102: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ana and Moritz Fishman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 103: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfons Feldman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 104: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Israel Fishler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 105: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean and David Feldman and Fanny Michelson on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 106: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haia Feder on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 29 p

Reel 18

File 107: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Miriam M. Eskenasy on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 2 p

File 108: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr.Nicolae Fekete on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 109: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Feher on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 2

File 110: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Asher Falceanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 111: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Toni Reich on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 311 p

File 112: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Reghina Horowitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 31 p

File 113: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sarica (Slivia) Speizer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 114: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Oscar Scheller on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 115: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Albert Seni on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 116: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heinrich S. Starck on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 117: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Silberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 2 p

File 118: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simsa Nicu Codrea on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 119: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sofica Silberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 120: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tony H. Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 121: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Strul Simsa on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 122: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Peter Sufrin on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 123: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Schwart on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 124: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Silvian on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 125: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Halfon Rafael/Nissim. 1943. 86 p

File 126: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacob Jacques Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 16 p

File 127: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Neuman Feldman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 128: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred M. Reiner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 37 p

File 129: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Osias Rapaport on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 130: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr, Debora Col, Frunzetti requests return of all documents related to her mother Dora Dubov. 1943. 4 p

File 131: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sara Fichman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 132: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Folender Iancu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 133: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ichil Achille Saraga on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 134: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion Gheorghe Lucaci on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 38 p

File 135: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simion Florescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 136: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florica Dr. Fruchter nee Steinberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 137: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicolae Focsaneanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 23 p

File 138: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Ioan Flitman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 139: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dumitru Focsaneanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 36 p

File 140: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cain Feder on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 141: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Filvahr on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

Reel 19

File 142: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Daniel Feyns on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 111 p

File 143: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Filip L. Filip on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 28 p

File 144: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by by Dr. Grosman Idel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 137 p

File 145: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail M. Filip on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 30 p

File 146: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Misu Moise Fichman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 43 p

File 147: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stefan de Fay on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943 -1944. 21 p

File 148: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon G. Friedman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 149: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Niculae Florescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 3 p

File 150: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rose and Iosef Grunberg-Tescani on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 25 p

File 151: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ita Rachela Grunberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 32 p

File 152: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bension and Raluca Grimberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 153: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Haim Gatlan on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 154: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Volbură Radu-Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 155: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Goldenberg M. on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 p

File 156: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mayer Gani related to a common owned property. 1943. 3 p

File 157: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eduard Goldenberg. on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 158: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian byRafael and Angela Grunberg-Tescani on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 59 p

File 159: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Grunberg Tobias on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 19 p

File 160: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Gropper Lupu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 42 p

File 161: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by D. Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 162: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Avram. Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 163: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by Rabin H. Gutman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 164: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanians by William Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

Reel 20

File 165: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 166: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosa Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 167: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Grunberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 42 p

File 168: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Grunberg Sache on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 23 p

File 169: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu and Rebeca Grunberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 170: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Iosef N. Ferdinand Gingold on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 80 p

File 171: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. L. Gruber on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 37 p

File 172: PCM. Cabinet. Activity of a Comission to establish the situation of real estate properties of the Ministries of Culture and of Agriculture and of various Foundations. 1943-1944. 240 p

File 173: PCM. Cabinet. Exchange of letters between various Foundations and charitable

organizations and Mihai Antonescu. 1943-1944. 300 p

Reel 21

File174: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rasela and Moise Pollak and a number of other persons on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1942. 13 p

File175: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Vaisman Smiland a number of other persons on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 176: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moses Eskenasy on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 177: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Elias and DR, Ettinger Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 44 p

File 178: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfons Vogel on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 470 p

Reel 22

File179: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosa Alter S. Cohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 180: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Debora M. Hascalovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 181: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zalman aka Jean Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 13 p

File 182: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Paul Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 183: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Matus (Matei) S. Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 184: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mariana (Mally) Grigoriu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 185: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mendela (Mina) Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 186: PCM. Cabinet. Ioan N. Golubisin originary from Bessarabia complains of being

suspended from his work and considered a danger for the security of the state. 1943. 5


File 187: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sigmund Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 184 p

File 188: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Seila Saim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 189: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mathilda Singler nee

Lindenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 190: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sylvia Schmierer on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 28 p

File 191: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Spigler Zisu aka Spigler Zisel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 192: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hermina Dr. Sigmand-Sigma on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 193: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stern Alter on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 194: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Basil Grigore Diamand on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 44 p

File 195: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gheorghe Lazar Gh.

Daianu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 40 p

File 196: PCM. Cabinet. Colonel Ret Stefan Radu presents favorable testimony for sergeant Ellias Hersh. 1943. 3 p

File 197: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Navilla Dr. Krainik on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 198: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Achille Wechsler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 69 p

File 199: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Salina Gâtlan on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943-1944. 14 p

File 200: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hermina Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 20 p

File 201: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghitla Galateanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 202: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Ghinsberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 30 p

File 203: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gottlieb Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

Reel 23

File 204: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haimovici Osias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 205: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Harabagiu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 16 p

File 206: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herscovici David on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 207: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf A. Herscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 208: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rascela Haym on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 209: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon Hirschhorn on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 210: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haim Hescovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 211: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herscovici Strul on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 212: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mory Ghelber on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 213: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Roza (Rozi) Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 25 p

File 214: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mina Albert Paucker on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 32 p

File 215: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Michel Herscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 216: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emanoil Gutman (Mimy) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 161 p

File 217: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gabai N. Jacob on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 218: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon Gluck on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 219: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gluck Filip on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 220: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. David Cuziner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 63 p

File 221: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz Solomon), Rudolf, Marcel and René Efraim, on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 222: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Cappon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 223: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Goldstein Izrael Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 224: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Atlas Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 225: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Saul Adlersberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 2 p

File 226: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcela Ancelovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 227: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Armand Briol on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 228: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Clementeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 14 p

File 229: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sever on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 40 p

Reel 24

File 230: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leo (Leibu) Haffner on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 231: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon and Arthur Hilsenrad on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 232: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ionel M. Horovitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 233: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hornstein L. Herman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 234: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Traian M. Hilariu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 235: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heim and Aneta Schlima aka Heim Avram Silimon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 236: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stefan and Maria Iancovescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 237: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simion Goldengerg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 238: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Smil L. Guttman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 239: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by M. Herscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 26 p

File 240: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Grosi Suzana on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 241: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Ghelberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 10 p

File 242: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Grosi Alexandru on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 243: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Haim on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 244:PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr Velimir Halas on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 39 p

File 245: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Rubin on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 20 p

File 246: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Melania Moscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1942-1943. 33 p

File 247: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by S. Michelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 248: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elena Dr. S. Moscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 19 p

File 249: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodor Louis Em. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 28 p

File 250: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ana H. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 28 p

File 251: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lucia Denise Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 48 p

File 252: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by George Herăscu, Libertina Popper and Daisy Gruder on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 49 p

File 253: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Herscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 16 p

File 254: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernhard Ungureanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 78 p

File 255: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicolae Orăvanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 256: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rozalia Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 257: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ida Etty and Sofia M.

Orenstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 258: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Israrel Nathansohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 259: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Iuliu Seveanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 260: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Ion Ormazu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 261: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean I. Orăvanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 21 p

File 262: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ilie Ursu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

Reel 25

File 263: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Chises on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 31 p

File 264: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Oring Iancu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 265: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Arnold Siegler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 25 p

File 266: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Schulemson Samuel on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 267: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by User Hentel Platman aka Ulrich Platzmann on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 15 p

File 268: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Efraim Pomarleanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 12 p

File 269: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heim Schlima on

various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 5 p

File 270: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leia Marcu Naftule Avram Naftule aka Abramovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 17 p

File 271: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Filip Emilian on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 24 p

File 272: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Weinblatt Levi on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 273: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leopold Wexler on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 9 p

File 274: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rifca Renee L. Weintraub on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 33 p

File 275: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Judith, Dan and Agathon Walter on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 122 p

File 276: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Weitblid aka Weissblüth on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 277: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Ludovic Negrea on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 6 p

File 278: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wolfsohn Lupu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 13 p

File 279: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emil Kestenbaum on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 96 p

File 280: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise Virreano on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 50 p

File 281: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Radoi Cornea on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 17 p

File 282:PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adriana M. Iosef on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 18 p

File 283: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iliescu P. Elias on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 11 p

File 284: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 3 p

File 285: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosenfeld Meier (Marcel) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 7 p

File 286: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aurel Iacovescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943-1944. 4 p

File 287: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Bela Revesz on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 8 p

File 288: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Wilhelm Fuchs on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 6 p

File 289:PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Avram I. Friedman on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 18 p

File 290: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Paulina and Osver Tesaruschi on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 9 p

File 291: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercu Smil Itic aka Rosenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State.1943. 14 p

Reel 26

File 292: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lupu Nusen on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 293: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isak Wiznirzer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 294: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stern Zalman Moise aka Mauriciu Stern on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 295: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise Haimovici aka Marcel Melicson on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 54 p

File 296: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz G. Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 297: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosef Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 298: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eti Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 299: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adela (Ida) Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 300: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dora Wolf Herscu aka Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 301: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mauriciu Haberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943.19 p

File 302: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Peretz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 303: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon Pollak on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 304: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Paucker on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 25 p

File 305: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Iancu (Ioan) Mihalovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 248 p

File 306: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elias I. Hersch on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 307: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jaques Eiser on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 39 p

File 308: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Osias Eisenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 309: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Berta Elhut on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 13 p

File 310: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emanuel Eugen Petru on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 311: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zaharia Esmanschi on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 4 p

File 312: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Hornstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 36 p

File 313: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Grimberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 314: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosub Heller. Segal, Moise and David Heller on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 19 p

File 315: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I. Iaroslavici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 71 p

Reel 27

File 316: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Leon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 41 p

File 317: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gewolb Adolf on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 318: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Schlesinger H. (Mihail) on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 97 p

File 319: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zalman M. Leibovici) on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 320: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isidor Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 321: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghizela Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 322: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Albert Louis on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 323: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aron Litman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 324: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lupovici Sigmund on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 325: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haiki Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 15 p

File 326: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lobel Riven on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 327: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lucian- Mircea R. Lobel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 328: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lobel R. Eugeniu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 329: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gutman Leibu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 24 p

• File 330: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Idel Leib aka Sloim on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

• File 331: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Hendler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 37 p

• File 332: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicolae Narcis Ergas on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

• File 333: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 32 p

• File 334: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz and Victoria Litman and their eight children on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 140 p

• File 335: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. H. Lazarovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

• File 336: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosef Loebel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 19 p

• File 337: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gheorghe Lupescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

• File 338: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leibovici Isac on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

• File 339: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leib Lipa on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

• File 340: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adriana Lustgarten on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

• File 341: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

• File 342: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Victor Leibusor on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

Reel 28

File 343: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodor Herter Leibusor on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 344: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ilie Lehrer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 8 p

File 345: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Lande Marcus on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 8 p

File 346: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodor George Lebel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 347: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen Deutsch on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 68 p

File 348: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Vasile Ernest Ergas on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 349: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Pascu Casian on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 350: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simion Enyedi on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 351: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Magdalena Gertie Ergas on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 19 p

File 352: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodor Silberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 353: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Henric Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 354: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail Scheel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 355: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Radu Mircea Protopopescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 356: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elvira and Maria Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 357: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cornelia Nicuescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 358: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Filip Srahger, Elisa Rath and Sofia Diamant on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 359: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mindea (Mina) Lupu

Abramovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 360: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Seidman Simon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 361: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Abramovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 362: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ioanid Perlzweig on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 363: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by H. Pascalovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 364: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail. Pascal on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 365: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian byLLucia and Herman

Pedvisocar. on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 366: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by A. I. Solomonescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 367: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lili Iacob nee Buiu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 368: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon Barat on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 369: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avramuts Toivie on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 370: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aurel G. Hamburger on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 43 p

File 371: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kovler Artur on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 372: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Kindler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 373: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Victor Stein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 374: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Steinberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 375: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Olga Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 63 p

File 376: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ruhla Silberstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 377: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sayan Samuel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 378: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Anghel and Leontina Radovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 121 p

Reel 29

File 379:PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lea Herscu sin Bercu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 380: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herscovici Herscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 381: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Regenboghen L. Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 382: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ilie Haim on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 383: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rubinstein Carolina on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 P

File 384: PCM. Cabinet. The Society Cartonul Romanesc requests the return from Transnistria of the Jewish specialists Dr, Josef Schauer and Chem. Ing Arthur Kreindler on the basis of attached documents,1943 26 p

File 385: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 386: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred, Lazar, Benjamin etc Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 67 pages

File 387: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred Mandel l on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 35 p

File 388: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Montaureanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 23 p

File 389: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mandel Alexandru l on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 390: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Udla Adela David Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 391: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Alfred Maisler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 392: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herescu L. Meer on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 16 p

File 393: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise Meiselman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 394: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Mihailovici aka Jean Mihail on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 19 p

File 395: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard A. Matias aka Bernard Mateescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 396: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sylvia Moscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 397: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu V. Marchitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 30 p

File 398: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcovici Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 17 p

File 399: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burah Bernard, Suzana, Samoil and Littman Moscovici and Grossman M. Elena on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 120 p

File 400: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. O. Meller on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 77 p

File 401: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 402: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burah Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 403: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 36 p

File 404: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moses Matei Bucur on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 405: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 406: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moses Matei Bucur on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 407: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Didiy Meixner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 25 p

Reel 30

File 408: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Ing. Isac Blum on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 63 p

File 409: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Oiser S.Banc on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 410: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Banc S. Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 33 p

File 411: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Irena S. Barzilai on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 412: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gottfried Burstyn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 10 p

File 413: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Bernea (was Bernstein) on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 36 p

File 414: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Sigmund Bibring on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 . 2 p

File 415: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Samoil N. Blumenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

File 416: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heinrich Buchner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 417: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bardos Nicolae Heinrich Buchner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 418: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Marcu (Mircea) Bayer on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 419: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon Bayer on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 19 p

File 420: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Barasch on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 32 p

File 421: (Titlesheet missing) PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Berman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 68 p

File 422: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon Brill on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 423: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Bunfard on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 18 p

File 424: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gisela Bernard and sons on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 15 p

File 425: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bacan Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 73 p

File 426: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iohan (Iohanan) l on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 27 p

File 427: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernhardt Eugenia on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 428: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen A. Barasch on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 115 p

File 429: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Binder Alexandru on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 430: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Major Dr. Baros I. on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 431: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Benedict B.M. Blasbalg on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 432: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Broder Heinrich on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 433: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ferdinand Bonchis on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 70 p

Reel 31

File 434: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian bySofia M. Bally on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 435: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Heinrich Burstyn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 7 p

File 436: (Titlesheet missing ) PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac Kaufman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 30 p

File 437: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rifca Smil sin Moise Herscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 438: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maier Hascalovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 4 p

File 439: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Schueier Salo Hubscher on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 440: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by George I. Capitanescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 441: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Creter Hoisie on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 34 p

File 442: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Casvan Matei on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 443: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Camil on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 2 p

File 444: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Smerl Cohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 15 p

File 445: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Vilhelm Ghelberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 23 p

File 446: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Julius and Sonia Pavlovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 10 p

File 447: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hermann Iosif i on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 448: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob zis Josef Orenstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 449: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Feiga M. Herscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 23 p

File 450: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by A.H. Cohen on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 451: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Simon on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 452: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Goldstein Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 25 p

File 453: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon N. Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 454: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Perla Gredinger on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 20 p

File 455: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu L. Gherscovici, Ernestina M. Brull and others on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 39 p

File 456: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Gropper-Gropeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 457: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Weiss on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 18 p

File 458: (Titlesheet missing) PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marguritte M. Virreanno on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 459: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eliazar Drucker on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 460: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Perla David on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 18 p

File 461: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dora Dubov on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 462: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Diamandi I. Saia (oscar) on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 22 p

File 463: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Samuel Hirsch on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 33 p

File 464: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Ilie on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 465: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Meilich Iancovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 466: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacobi B. on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 467: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Louis Deutsch and Oscar Deutsch Dumitrescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 468: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Druianu Lazar. on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 17 p

File 469: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dannenberg Louis on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 470: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wohlster Desideriu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 7 p

File 471: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Roza Gheldman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 472: (Titlesheet missing)PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Ghingold on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 473: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Goldner Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

Reel 32

File 474: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Viliam Gross on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 475: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Grossberg Samson Leon on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 7 p

File 476: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Faur S. Faur on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 57 p

File 477: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Victor Negrescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 40 p

File 478: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Huna David on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 479: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen David on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 53 p

File 480: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise Weinstock on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 481: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen M. Dumitrescu aka Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 482: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Zeidman (Seidmann) on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 34 p

File 483: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Wolfsohn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 484: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Francisc Wincler on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 485: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Wechsler-Zarafu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 486: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Kurt Wohlgemuth on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 23 p

File 487: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jenny (Johanna) I. Capitanescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 488: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Titina Capitanescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 489: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I.J. Iaroslavici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 490: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florica Ionescu-Braila on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 491: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr Alfred Rosan on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 22 p

File 492: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rozalia Rotman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 493: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rachela Reinhorn on various merits and services to the Romanian State . 1943-1944. 12 p

File 494: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Gaston zis Davys on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 34 p

File 495: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nussbaum Edmund on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 7 p

File 496: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Segal Nusen on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 497: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Klara Koffler on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1942-1945(?). 32 p

File 498: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Iacob on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1942. 17 p

File 499: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fanya Leanny on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 500: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Magda and felix Landes on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1942-43; 1946. 3 p

File 501: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosef Losner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 42 p

File 502: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Liber L.Itic zis Jean on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 503: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Max Losner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 45 p

File 504: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Lobel Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 49 p

File 505: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heinrich Lupul on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 23 p

File 506: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif H. Lainer on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

Reel 33

File 507: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lobel Isak on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944 14 p

File 508: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Marietta Livanescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 53 p

File 509: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail V. Leonte on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 24 p

File 510: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail Sotec Leteanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 511: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazarovici Beila on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 512: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Langmantel M. Leo on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 513: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zoltan Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 29 p

File 514: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fanny Lieblich on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 515: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Liveanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 516: PCM. Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Lucian on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 35 p

File 517: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lupescu Raimond on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 518: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Lewy on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 7 p

File 519: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iulius Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 520: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosa and Lazar A. Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 521: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ida Spiner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 522: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rasela Klei on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 -1944. 15 p

File 523: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Silberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 10 p

File 524: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iulius Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 525: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Margareta Steinbach on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 526: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Zockerman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 28 p

File 527: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Irina Zalman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 24 p

File 528: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zillberstein Strul on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 529: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cornelia Maria Dr. Zahareanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 20 p

File 530: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zalman Aizic on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 15 p

File 531: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fanny and Etty Zissman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 532: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghidale zis Gogu Zimbal on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 10 p

File 533: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob zis Iacar Zeidler on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 534: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zalman Arnold on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 535: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Zimand on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 5 p

File 536: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Zelinger on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 537: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lucia Zamolo on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 23 p

File 538: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jolanda Zintz on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 539: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Frima-Leia and Smil Haim Leib on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 9 p

File 540: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stefan Leonescu-Buda on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 541: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ana lazarovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 12 p

File 542: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zilberstein Haim Leib on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 17 p

File 543: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zeilig Burach on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 544: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Mihai Zanea on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 39 p

File 545: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu (Jac) Zaharia on various merits and services to the Romanian State . 1943-1944. 51 p

Reel 34

File 546: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Zelzel on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1942-1943. 3 p

File 547: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ritta Camil on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 23 p

File 548: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob I. Capitanescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 549: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif G. Cohen on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 35 p

File 550: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Cuper Darius/David on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 25 p

File 551: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Armand Carniol on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 552: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Sigismund Cohl on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 78 p

File 553: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Osias Copo;ovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 4 p

File 554: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sarina Cassvan on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 50 p

File 555: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Paul Poldi Chapier on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 78 p

File 556: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isak Covu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 pages

File 557: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Simion A. Iagnov on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 76 p

File 558: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burăh Canăr aka Bruno Caner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 87 p

File 559: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Landes M. Gheorghe Carol Dumitru on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 15 p

File 560: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hascal Cheis on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 561: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Clecner Pincu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 9 p

File 562: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Losner on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 563: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by dr. Solomon Lustgarten on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 110 p

File 564: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cecilia Cela Lupovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 565: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercu Lupovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 6 p

File 566: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Poch M. Isac on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 567: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Zaidler on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 568: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Neti and Iancu Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 8 p

Reel 35

File 569: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Vaisler on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 32 p

File 570: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Vitianu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 571: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ileana de Vittor on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 572: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leonte Silberman-Stoicaru on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 35 p

File 573: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Myron Popovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 39 p

File 574: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sloim (Samy) Pollak on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 27 p

File 575: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Marcuon various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 15 p

File 576: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Rubin on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 22 p

File 577: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by the Epitropy of the Jewish Hospital in Iasi on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 578: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghetler Pascu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 579: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sara Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 16 p

File 580: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sosa Malca Leibovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 14 p

File 581: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Frederica Al. Moscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 43 p

File 582: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcus Iosef on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 11 p

File 583: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Moscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 3 p

File 584: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu S. Isac on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 13 p

File 585: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heinrich (Haim) Mohnblatt on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 26 p

File 586: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lehrman Aizic on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 35 p

File 587: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mayer Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 8 p

File 588: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by James Ipcar on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943. 36 p

File 589: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Poetas Aizic on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 22 p

File 590: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Ianconescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 16 p

File 591: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Mihail Ignatescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 60 p

File 592: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Simon Pollak on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 31 p

File 593: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred Blumenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 17 p

File 594: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac I. Iacobson on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 33 p

Reel 36

File 595: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I.M. Pincas on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-1944. 139 p

File 596: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nistor Cassvan on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 115 p

File 597: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Samuel Pressmann on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 5 p

File 598: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rebeca A. Pencu and others on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 10 p

File 599: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aron Pitzel on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 15 p

File 600: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Poch on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 8 p

File 601: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tony Petraru on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 9 p

File 602: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Pekelman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 14 p

File 603: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Silvia Iancovescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State. 1943. 8 p

File 604: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ionas Pincas on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 9 p

File 605: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 19 p

File 606: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Arminiu Petroni on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 3 p

File 607: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernhard Paucker on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 9 p

File 608: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred Popper on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 34 p

File 609: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Friedman Marin on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 10 p

File 610: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emeric Fridman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 69 p

File 611: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emil Focsanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 37 p

File 612: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zamwel Fereduaru zis Sigmunf Segal on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 9 p

File 613: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Farcas on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 6 p

File 614: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dima Faingold on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 12 p

File 615: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wolf (Willy) Friedman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 10 p

File 616: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Fray on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 8 p

File 617: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aizig Fray on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 6 p

File 618: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Eskenasy Leon on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 42 p

File 619: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eskenasy Yvonne on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 4 p

File 620: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I. Elbim on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 13 p

File 621: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Einhorn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 30 p

Reel 37

File 622: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Marcel Ergas on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 24 p

File 623: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Beniamin Juster on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 5 p

File 624: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Juster on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 4 p

File 625: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Poch on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 18 p

File 626: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by lara and Soly Pach on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 44 p

File 627: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr.Leopold Porn on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 21 p

File 628: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alfred Herman Gheorghe Popper on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 25 p

File 629: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicolae Tiberiu Popper on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 20 p

File 630: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Stefan Theodor Popper on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 20 p

File 631: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elena (Ileana) Vajda on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 27 p

File 632: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol A. Rennert on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 2 p

File 633: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Margareta Perla on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 18 p

File 634: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ernestina H. Hasan on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 28 p

File 635: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rachela Profeta on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 40 p

File 636: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Paraschivescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 18 p

File 637: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Poch M. Samuil on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 11 p

File 638: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Poch M. Bernard on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 18 p

File 639: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Moisa Perlitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 39 p

File 640: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Silvia Pinchis on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 6 p

File 641: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu, Mandy anf Fila F.S. Perlman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 20 p

File 642: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Finkelstein Hascal on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 8 p

File 643: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Elian on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 4 p

File 644: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Pach on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-44. 38 p

Reel 38

File 645: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mattes Bune Lea on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943-44. 12 p

File 646: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Igo Feyer on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 3 p

File 647: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Flitman Bernard on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 11 p

File 648: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Fichman on various merits and services to the Romanian State .1943 14 p

File 649: PCM Cabinet. Request Alfons Feldman to submit his docuemnts.1943 1 p

File 650: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Manny, Iancu, Iosef and Leon Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 9 pages

File 651: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Manny, Iancu, Iosef and Leon Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State . Reference to an audience with the Prime minister. Request return of their industrial properties. Description and history of their industries.1943-1944. 228 p

File 652: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Feldman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 6 p

File 653: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghershin Fishler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 19 p

File 654: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Neuman Moritz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 2 p

File 655: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Priffer Rudolf on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 8 p

File 656: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Philippe Finkelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 21 p

File 657: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Friederich Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 9 p

File 658: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Israel Eisenstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 22 p

File 659: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wilhelm Endes on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 7 p

File 660: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Reichmann Aron on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 11 p

File 661: (Titleshhet missing)PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teodor Fuchs on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 2 p

File 662: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf D. Friedmann on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 34 p

File 663: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hugo Friedmann on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 25 p

File 664: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Herscu Finchilescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 .13 p

File 665: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fischel N. Mauriciu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 7 p

File 666: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ninetta N. Façon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 20 p

File 667: (follows File 668) PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Saraga and Sigmund Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 668: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mauriciu Nachmanson on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 669: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zoltan Fenyves on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 -1944 18 p

File 670: PCM Cabinet. Financial analysis of various ministries and services 1943. 13 p

File 671: PCM Cabinet. Financial Reports on the activity of governmental financial

control services in the period June 1942 – June 1943 60 p

File 672: PCM Cabinet. Reports on the governmental investments for construction and various other services. Approved by Antonescu in the period June – October 1943. 64 p

File 673: PCM Cabinet. Reports on the governmental investments for construction and various other services. Approved by Antonescu in the period November 1943. 92 p

Reel 39

File 674: PCM Cabinet. Reports on the governmental investments for construction and various other services. Approved by Antonescu in the period December 1943. 55 p

File 675: PCM Cabinet. List of resolutions March-June 1943. 46 p

File 676: PCM Cabinet. List of resolutions July - December 1943. 45 p

File 677: PCM Cabinet. Digrams of the situation of Romanians and minorities in the ceded territories in various time intervals:December 1943.- February1944. 72 p

File 678: PCM Cabinet.. . Advice of the Legislative Commission to the project of the decree-law for the organization of the armed forces.October 1943. 17 p

File 679: PCM Cabinet. Report on the inquiry related to the traffic of foodstuff and various restricted items into italy. 1943. 16 p

File 680: PCM Cabinet. Copy of the judiciary file of Kohn Matilda, the wife of Fleiszig Alfred regarding the request for assimilation as Romanian 1943. 25 p

File 681: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Filip Ioan Focsaneanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 27 p

File 682: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Fisher Maximilian on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 683: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Friedman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 684: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Josef M Fermo on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 52 pa

File 685: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugenia Elephant on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 686: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Wexler Haim Carol on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 10 p

File 687: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ana Ghelber on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 216 p

Reel 40

File 688: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion Focsaneanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 15 p

File 689: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion (Jean) Feodor on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 36 p

File 690: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jon Jaques Jaroslavski on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 61 p

File 691: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sami Herman i on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 57 p

File 692: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tilly Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 16 p

File 693: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Horodniceanu Iosub on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 9 p

File 694: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Remus Zolniceanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 26 p

File 695: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sloim Wittner on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 8 p

File 696: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Abram Weiser on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 16 p

File 697: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eleonora Wegener on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 9 p

File 698: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aneta Costiner Ameila Sigler and others on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 14 p

File 699: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ornstein Emanuel Nicolae and Donat on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 37 p

File 700: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ciuraru Avram on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 6 p

File 701: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Chivu P. Isac on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 18 p

File 702: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Cajal Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 14 p

File 703: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Noemie Schwartzmann on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 1 p

File 704: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman and Stefany Steinbach on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 705: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf G. Ruleta on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 29 p

File 706: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif H. Reich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 58 p

File 707: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosenberg Ilie on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 7 p

File 708: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacques Paucker . Adds documents to his file # 453/1942. 1943. 62 p

File 709: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elise Pocar on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 6 p

File 710: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bertina Panaitescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 18 p

File 711: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iulius Priffer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 712: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by T.S Paker on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

Reel 41 (Missing)

Reel 42

File 747: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Strul Svarţ on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 14 p

File748: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ancel Marcu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 749: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marculescu M. Max on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 88 p

File 750: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isidore Margulies on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 66 p

File 751: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Margineranu Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 76 p

File 752: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Berla Moise zis Grinberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 753: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Munteanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 36 p

File 754: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lt. Colonel Mihail M.

Moisescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 755: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bubi Macus (same as Burăh M. Marcus on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 78 p

File 756: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lupu Ghelberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 19 p

File 757: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Aronovici Aron on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 758: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Leib sin Iosub on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 759: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I. Augenstreich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 760: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Abramovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 761: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Osias Aisig on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 762: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Arthur Edward Axenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 763: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Atlasmani on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 764: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Abramovici David on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 37 p

File 765: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adutt A. Rabeno on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 36 p

File 766: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Veniamin Arie on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 38 p

File 767: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon I. Butnaru on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

Reel 43

File 768: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Baras on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 54 p

File 769: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Blumenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 770: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici S. Vigdor on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 771: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sophie Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 772: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sabina Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 773: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernhard Ackerman r on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 774: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Saim Aberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 775: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Victor Altărescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 25 p

File 776: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alter L. Oscar on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 777: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Miron Altărescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 778: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Adelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 17 p

File 779: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Adania on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 780: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Adania on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. (Most of the documents seem identical with those in File # 779) 9 p

File 781: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Aronovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 782: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacques/ Jac/ Axenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 53 p

File 783: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Blum Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 784: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tsipra and Moise Croitoru i on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 785: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ovidiu Alfandari .Inter-office correspondence regarding documents.1943 5 p

File 786: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Suzana H, Hascal on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 787: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Safir Bernard on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 788: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Valentina Schubert on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 24 p

File 789: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Smil Iţic on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 17 p

File 790: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Saranga Giovani on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 791: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ignat D. Schapira on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 792: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Speizer Levi on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 793: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Carol Spitzet on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 794: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria E. Savinescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 795: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Osias Spitzer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 796: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Irina Schechter on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 797: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mendel H. Schip on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 798: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Siegler I. Alfred on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 799: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Olga Stern on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

File 800: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Livius Samitca on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 75 p

Reel 44

File 801: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Sigler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 802: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Schäffer Gabriel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 803: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by August Schäffer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 804: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr.Bercu Schapira on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 805: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Summer Iosub Hersh on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 806: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Strul Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 807: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iudita Stefanovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 808: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Manole Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 809: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sulamita Schapira on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 49 p

File 810: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ioan Schlifka on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 811: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Soiegel Bernhard on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 812: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Schmilovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 813: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Spindler Iosif on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 814: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Solomon Spund on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 815: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elena Stăureanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 816: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram N. Smil on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 817: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rebeca Stambler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943- 1944. 26 p

File 818: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Suzin Cornelia on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 819: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Iosif Singer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 820: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Pompiliu Strajan on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 821: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 33 p

File 822: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif D. Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 31 p

File 823: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emil Alexandru Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 824: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Albert E. Schapira on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 825: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emil Alexandru Sanielevici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 826: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Octav Safir on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 827: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandrina Francisca Negrea on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 828: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by I.E. and Miriam Zelter on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 829: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Pincu Siegler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 65 p

File 830: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moscovici Elias on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 33 p

File 831: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Mark on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 9 p

File 832: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Heinrich Marcovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 19 p

File 833: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 7 p

File 834: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Meschnelson L. Ascher on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 835: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar Morgenstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 836: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Israel Mosconof on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 37 p

Reel 45

File 837: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cesar Moisescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 13 p

File 838: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Vladimir V. Mendl on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 839: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Pascal Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 840: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herman Müller on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 841: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haralambie Munceleanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 41 p

File 842: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcovici Aron on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 843: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 844: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Herscovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 845: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel A. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 25 p

File 846: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugen A, Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 25 p

File 847: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel A. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. (Repeats File #845??) 24 p

File 848: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lea Lily on Gelehrter various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 849: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marga Mariane Krasnianski on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 850: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ernestina N. Tapu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 17 p

File 851: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Frederic Michelson on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 58 p

File 852: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mauriciu R. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 36 p

File 853: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isac Lupu Comissiona and Milli Eveline Barbalat on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 101 p

File 854: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Musafia M. David on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 p

File 855: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Kðnig on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 856: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Klingsberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943; 1946. 9 p

File 857: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ghita Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 858: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kellner Ernest on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 859: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Klapper Alexandru on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 860: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kohn Herman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 861: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teofil Revici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 49 p

Reel 46

File 862: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Filip Horovitz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 110 p

File 863: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Benjamin H. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 41 p

File 864: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sigmund Goldfarb on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943; 1945. 4 p

File 865: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Davidescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 866: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Moise Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

File 867: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adrian Negriteanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 31 p

File 868: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nargea Francisc on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 869: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacques Iaroslavici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 37 p

File 870: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rachela Gabai on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 871: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rosenberg Hascal-Isidor on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 872: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Kaufman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 873: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Berhard Kaufman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 874: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Russo Mircea-Marcel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 875: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kracauer Bernard on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 876: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Paul Ilutza on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 877: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Oenstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 7 p

File 878: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emil Vari on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 879: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ioan Calugareanu zis Gaba on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944 . 25 p

File 880: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isidor and Carolina (Clara) Berger Safianu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 70 p

File 881: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by C. Satianu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 65 p

File 882: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion Straja on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1945. 15 p

File 883: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mircea Alex Straja on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1945. 10 p

Reel 47

File 884: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Idel and Golda Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 12 p

File 885: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Strulovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 886: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Schlesinger Alexandru on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 354 p

File 887: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Steiner on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 888: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian Mina Spiegel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 889: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by E. Saler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 45 p

File 890: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 891: PCM Cabinet. Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Hirsch Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 pages

Reel 48

File 892: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Saraga on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 307 p

File 893: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florica M. Reich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 54 p

File 894: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Cornelia Rieber on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 895: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lucia Rosenberg Iosef on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 896: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Anton Reisberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 897: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Herscu Riven on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 898: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz Rosenzwitt on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 15 p

File 899: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ioachim Rosenbaum on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 900: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Herscu Herscu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 901: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gustav Schlima on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 902: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Schwartz on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 pages

File 903: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Martha Silbermann on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 904: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Leon Strominger on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 905: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Silberman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 38 p

File 906: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nico;ae Garfunkel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 46 p

File 907: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Garfunkel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 47 p

File 908: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eva Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 23 p

File 909: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Pinculescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 26 p

File 910: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Maria Revici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 911: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rohrlich Carol on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 912: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Ralea on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 913: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lipa Lazar on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943; 1946. 3 p

File 914: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mihail (Mauriciu) Cappon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1946. 40 p

Reel 49

File 915: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nicolae Robescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 916: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Lobadeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 13 p

File 917: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Isac Levy on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 73 p

File 918: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ernestina and Iancu Lucian on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 13 p

File 919: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ignatz Adler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 920: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avry Altein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 70 p

File 921: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florin Forisoreanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 922: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Albuleanuon various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 923: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian M. Abramovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 924: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mina Braunstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 925: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Martin Banc on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 926: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mathilda Bernstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 927: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Aurel Blasbalg Blazian on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 13 p

File 928: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leiba N. Brotman zis Leon Brotman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 929: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Barder Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 930: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burăh Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 931: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Brodman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 932: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sura Bergman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 933: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Bergman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 934: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bergman A. Iosef on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 935: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici Iancu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 936: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Samoil Brociner on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 937: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Bernstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 938: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Blaiman F. Hain (Heinrich) on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 939: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcel Bernstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 15 p

File 940: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Blumenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 941: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ilie Bardeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943.-1944. 46 p

File 942: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bernard Blumenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 943: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Altein L. Avry on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 944: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Moise various merits and services to the Romanian State 1942-1943. 7 p

File 945: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr, Frieda Acherman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 946: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marco I. Barash on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 121 p

File 947: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dumitru Rabinovici-Burdia on various merits and services to the Romanian State 194-1944. 66 p

Reel 50

File 948: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Albert Anhauch on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 25 p

File 949: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ancelovici Messel zis Misu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 950: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Leiba sin Meilăh on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 p

File 951: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haim Aronovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 952: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif I. Arie on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 20 p

File 953: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tobias Akermanon various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 15 p

File 954: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Athalia Mihail on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 32 p

File 955: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Israel Iosef Melamet zis Ionel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 16 p

File 956:PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rasela Merlaub on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 18 p

File 957: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Tipra Matla Mayer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 17 p

File 958: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Berta S. Michelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 21 p

File 959: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Robert zis Ruvin Barsac on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 17 p

File 960: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. Rozalia Lt.Col N. Bosman 19 p

File 961: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marc Bally on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 962: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Oscar Bruner on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 963: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 964: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Haim Haizic Boiangiu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 p

File 965: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by M. Brociner on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 966: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Edith-Melita Bernsteinon various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 32 p

File 967: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leiba Baronceanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 968: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jean Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 969: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bergman A. Hascal on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 970: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bleicher Rudolf on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 971: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici Simon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 972: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacques Bick on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 973: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Jacques Itcu Brief on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 974: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ion Beligradeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 53 p

File 975: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emanuel Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 19 p

File 976: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mewndelovici M. Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 977: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici Osias on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 978: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici-Berca Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 979: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici-Berca Iacob on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 23 p

File 980: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bianca S. Blumenfelld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 981: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Zalman Bizamcer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 982: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Jacques

Beligradeanu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 30 p

File 983: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David F. Birer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 984: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercovici Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 22 p

File 985: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Sigmund Bibring on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 986: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iulian Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 987: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Bercu (Boby) Bercovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 988: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Sebastian Bernard Bremm on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 989: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Beinich Moise on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 990: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Avram Birnstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 9 p

File 991: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Brucker Avram zis Boncăr on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 3 p

File 992: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constanta Benzal on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 14 p

File 993: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mendel (Max) Berman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

Reel 51

File 994: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Berman Heinrich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 5 p

File 995: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ervin Breier on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 996: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Sarah Meiselman on

various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 18 p

File 997: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Michail on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 38 p

File 998: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rebeca and Marcu Pechet on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944 25 p

File 999: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mina Ludovic on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 45 p

File 1000: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Max Ludovic on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 95 p

File 1001: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Emanoil-Eugeniu Ludovic on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 31 p

File 1002: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Regenstreif Teodorescu Marcel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943.. 15 p

File 1003: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Edwin Stefan Rudich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 72 p

File 1004: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Rodescu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 45 p

File 1005: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Vaida Mihail on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 23 p

File 1006: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by User Goldstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 1007: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Alexandru Krämer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 34 p

File 1008: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Etti Weinstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 45 p

File 1009: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Izidor Tillman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 1 p

File 1010: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Florica N. Reich on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 10 p

File 1011: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Vaisman Smil on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 2 p

File 1012: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moritz Meltzer on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 7 p

File 1013: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alexandru Valeriu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 1014: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adolf Kühnberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943 9 p

File 1015: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Klang on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 24 p

File 1016: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Adalbert Kaufman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

Reel 52

File 1017: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosef Rosenstech on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 4 p

File 1018: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by David Rottman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 18 p

File 1019: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. S. Raistat on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 1020: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Alice D. Roman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 12 p

File 1021: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob /Jack/ Rosenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 6 p

File 1022: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Marcu Kaufman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 1023: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Constantin Diamant on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 53 p

File 1024: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Margareta Sterian on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 49 p

File 1025: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kelman Adolf on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 1026: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kelman Max on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943-1944. 48 p

File 1027: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ella Dumitriu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 1028: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Gertruda Tiktin on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 21 p

File 1029: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Itic Marcu Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 10 p

File 1030: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by pages Irina Simona Dr. Rosenfeld on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 20 p

File 1031: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lazar L. Mendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 36 p

File 1032: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Mendelovici Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 11 p

File 1033: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Madlen Alschech nee Nendel on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 25 p

File 1034: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol I. Mantu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 28 p

File 1035: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leibu (Leon) Goldenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 24 p

File 1036: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Burach Michelstein on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 8 p

File 1037: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol Kestenbaum on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 55 p

Reel 53

File 87: PCM Cabinet . Information bulletins. Political reports and information from various sources: Gendarmerie, Police, Secret Service, Press Agencies etc. Information regarding the conduct of the Soviet military and the mood of the population. November 1944. 119 p

File 102: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iancu Zaharia and others on various merits and services to the Romanian State Numerous requests related with personal problems and addressed to Antonescu and various governmental agencies; many are related to the status of the Jews. The organization of Jewish volunteers in 1916 requests that its members be assimilated as Romanians.January-August 1944. 128 p

File 122: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Rose Dr. H. Perlberger nee Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 173 p

File 123: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elena Melania (Mali) Cristescu nee Iosefovici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 9 p

File 124: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dr. Iosef Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 171 p

File 125: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Isidor Margulies on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1943. 29 p

File 126: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ivor- Ignatie Szentirmai on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 10 p

Reel 54

File 127: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Manny Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 171 p

File 128: PCM Cabinet Request to clarifytythe legal situation of a building owned by Ignat Ungar 1944. 7 p

File 129: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Kirschen Finaton various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 7 p

File 130: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Lola Maj. Ing. Gheorghe Tonciu on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 11 p

File 131: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Eugeniu Benoni on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 31 p

File 132: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Ana Col. Ion Palanghiţă on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 21 p

File 133: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Moise Rosenberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 21 p

File 134: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Olga Rapaport on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 2 p

File 135: PCM Cabinet Request to return documents of wife of Dr. Singer Iosif nee Keszner 1944. 3 p

File 136: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iosif Solomon on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 4 p

File 137: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian Carol Szabados on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 6 p

File 138: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Iacob Nachmias on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 5 p

File 139: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Dimitrie, Teodora, Nicolae, Alexandru, Gheorghe, Elena Negreanu and others on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 24 p

File 140: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Segall Levy on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 5 p

File 141: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Leon Filderman on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 173 p

File 142: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Nculae E. Deutler on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 17 p

File 143: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Teofil Revici on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 50 p

File 144: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Elisabeta Gen. Toderiţă on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 18 p

File 145: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian byTina Emilia Marculescu because of wrong registration in birth documents. 1944. 21 p

File 146: PCM Cabinet Request to be assimilated as Romanian by Carol and Alfons Weinberg on various merits and services to the Romanian State 1944. 26 p

Reel 55

File 451/1943: Contains one file of records about a Commission for establishing the "defense of the biological assets" of the Romanian nation. They concern topics such as contagious diseases, social diseases like alcoholism, and childrens' nutrition. (This file is not very relevant to our mandate and we did not order it. )

Reel 56

These records contain varied topics, including Romanians and Hungarians, and refugees in Northern Transylvania, forced labor, and organization and administration of

Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria provinces.


File 339/1942: Illegalities in actions of Hungarian authorities against Romanians in Northern Transylvania. (Dec 1 1941 -- May 15, 1942). 76 p

Directorate of Departmental Relations:

File 421/1943: Reports of Professor George Fortu, Commissar-General of the Commissariat for refugees in N. Transylvania. The situation of the Romanian population in Northern Transylvania and repression against the Hungarians from Romania. 59 p

File 429/1943: Notes and correspondence concerning the draft of a law about the organization of forced labor. 24 p

File 448/1943: Memorandum by Gh. T. Grigorescu in which he requests not to be considered a Jew, and to be given rights. 25 p

File 460/1943: Disorder and mismanagement in the lumber factories in Piatra Neamt.

File 487/1944: Correspondence concerning the organization and administration of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria provinces. 232 p

RG 25.013 "Presidency of the council of Ministers (PCM). Cabinet Militar records, 1940-1944"

Extent: 34 reels

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Ministerial Office

Reel # 1

File# 31/940 Report on the activity of the Undersecretary of State for colonization of the evacuated population 1940, September-November). 21 pages.

File# 26/940 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Excerpts from the Soviet press containing slanders with regard to Romania. 1940 June-July. 108 pages.

File# 27/940 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Documents regarding the Vienna Diktat for transfer of Transilvania to Hungary, by Iuliu Maniu and the Narional-Peasant party. August 1940 – July 1941. 210 pages

File# 59 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. List and contents of speeches, articles and interviews of Marshall Ion Antonescu from September 25, 1940 to June 3, 1943. Letter to Dr. W. Filderman. 169 pages.

File# 69 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu . Administrative and organization matters of the military. 1940. 132 pages.

File# 70 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Administrative and organization matters of the civil life. 1940. 86 pages.

File#79 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Regulations regarding the organization and the activity of the military authorities.1040. 99 pages.

Reel # 2

File#108 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Military justice. Organization of Royal Foundations for the Arts. Military requisitions of private properties.

Inquiries on illegal sales of various goods by the military in Bessarabia. Commercial relations with Germany. 263 pages.

1941 -1942.

File#121 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Declarations of officers and NCO’s repatriated from Bessarabia on Sept 28 1940, and the circumstances of their capture during the evacuation of Bessarabia.

1940. 206 pages.

File#124 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Magyar atrocities. Documents and declarations.1940. 129 pages.

File#148 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Personal letters to and from I.Antonescu, inclusive from Petrache Lupu. 1940. 81 pages

(Continues on Reel # 3).

Reel #3

File#148 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Personal letters to and from I.Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 2). 1940. 477 pages.

File#158 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Exchange of letters between Antonescu and Horia Sima. 1040- 1941. 28 pages.

File#169 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Minutes of Ministerial meetings on 1940 September 7, 18, 26; October 11, 14 –complaints about crimes committed by legionnaires; 16, 17, 22 – discussion of complaints by Mr. Filderman relative the chicanery of the Jews in various localities. Proposals to put the Jews (Jidani) in concentration camps; November 11 – follow-up of the earthquake, 18 – Antonescu reports about his visits to Rome and Berlin,

26 - Assembly of the Commanders of military units, Antonescu’s speeches on: 1940, Ocober 24, November 28.

Minutes of ministerial meetings on 1940, December 10. 556 pages (Continues on Reel # 4).

Reel #4

File#169 (Continues from Reel # 3). PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu Minutes of ministerial meetings on 1940, December 10. Discussion of business relations with Germany. Graphics: Administrative and military economy. Financial status of German troops stationed in Romania. Minutes of ministerial meetings on May 16, 1942 and other dates, Breakdown of the various operations of collaboration with Germany – economic, political etc,

. Minutes of ministerial meetings on 1940 December 13, 19 – the consequences of the exodus of the German population to Germany. 20 – Arrests and internment of communist propagandists. Negative opinions relative to the Jidani, mostly considered of being communnists. Legislation covering the two concentration camps created. The creation of an “Oficiu de Romanizare” is proposed. 21 – The assassination of personalities(Iorga, Madgearu etc) by the legionnaires is criticized. 240 pages.

File#170 . PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Minutes of ministerial meetings on September 7, 1940. Proposal to exclude the Jews from protection in the new housing regulations- renting and requisition.

September 21, 26, 1940. October 1, 1940 – Elimination of Jews from public offices. October 4, 1940 – the Jewish cemetery from strada Sevastopol in Bucarest will be liquidated by exhumation.

October 10 , 25, 29, 1940 – communist activity among Jews, Hungarians and also among some public servants, due to economic difficulties. October 31, November 15. 1940 – report on the results of the earthquake 320 pages. (Continues on Reel #5).

Reel #5

File#170 (Continues from Reel #4). PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu Minutes of ministerial meetings November 15, 1940.

November 29, 1940. Elimination from public services of legionnaire elements who are not capable on are dishonest. Liquidation of the Legionnary Guards.

December 3, 4, 1940 – The problem of the persecution of the Romanian population in the occupied part of Transilvania.

December 10,– Commercial relations with Germany.

December 13, 17, – the underground activity of the communists. Out of 141 arrested, 120 are Jidani. Dcember 20. 260 pages.

File# 169(?) The Economic Council. . Minutes of ministerial meetings on November 7. Financial problems and irregularities at the regional administrations (Prefectura).

November 15. 1940. 82 pages.

File# 172 The Council of Order (Consiliul de Ordine) Minutes of meetings on October 24,. The problem of the the Legionaire Aid Center and their sales offices. 1940. 52 pages

File#173 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Discussions at the Conference of the Prefects. October 14, 1940. 51 pages.

File#174 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Minutes of meetings.Transfer of shares owned by Jews to the State treasury October 4, 1940. Various problems related to sanitary, economic and political actions for the war invalids, orphans and widows. 1941 – 1942. Review of hospital activity. Hospitals from Transnistria to be moved into Romania. 1943.

The results of the war: invalids, orphans, widows, disaster victims.Their status and solutions for help. March-May 1944.

Minutes of Ministerial meetings on November 17, December 8, 1943.

Instructions by Antonescu regarding the Romanization. June 2. 1944. Poles settled in Bessarabia.

Situation of and solutions for public servants. 1944.

Letter of Antonescu to the king Mihai re. dismissal of a high officer. August 4, 1944. Personal letter re. general Sanatescu.

Disacussions and ordinances related to the administration of expropriated goods. Colonization. September 6,1940 –1942

Organization and coordination of the state institutions. 1941-1942.

Expropriation of Jewish rural estates. November 27, 1940. Romanization of Jewish properties. Annulment of authorization for Jewish pharmacies, Interdiction of Romanians to be in domestic service of Jews 1940 -1941.

Investigation on the acquisition of a lumber mill by Nichifor Robu in Vatra Dornei. March 2, 1943. 375 pages.(Continues on Reel #6).

Reel #6

. PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu Minutes of ministerial meetings. (Continues from Reel #5)

Resolutions by I. Antonescu starting from September 6, 1940 until July 1944 on all subjects related to military, administrative, political, social, relations with Germany etc. 499 pages.

File#174 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu Minutes of ministerial meetings. Evacuation of industrial institutions from Transnistria, Bessarabia, Bucovina and Moldova. Sept 22, 1943, January 27, February 10, April 12, 14, June 2, 1944.

Status and utilization of prisoners of war. American prisoners.

The military. 406 pages. .(Continues on Reel #7).

Reel #7

File# 175 (Continues from Reel #6). PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu Minutes of ministerial meetings. The military – strategy, organization etc.

Resolutions related to cultural activity of various minorities

(Summit of irony) On November 17 1943 an order is issued regarding the correct execution of the military salute.

Resolutions regarding work, sanitary and education problems.

212 pages.

File# 176 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu.Resolutions:

Education problems. 1940 -1943

Ministry of Internal Affairs. A Jew crossing the Dnjestr with a German soldier – to be shot. The Macedonian colonists in Bucovina misbehave and create damages to properties.

January 27, 1944. Organization of evacuations in case of retreat. Prevention of panic.

April 22, 1944 Consequences of the retreat from Moldova..

May 11, 1944. Excesses and devastations committed by the Russian troops that are part of the German army and by the convoys of refugees in the sector Barlad.

Report on the banking system in Romania..

Statistics of the population in Bessarabia in various periods, from 1591 to present, 566 pages.

Reel #8

File#226 Handwritten letter in French. 2 pages dated 1.X.43.

Texts in Romanian and in Russian with Cyrillic alphabet.

Letter to Mrs. Antonescu in French, by Fabricius and a letter in Gothic German. Numerous handwritten letters in French, German and Romanian addressed to Mrs. Antonescu 1942, 1943.

Lists of expenses and receipts for meals and parties.

Documents re. creation and operation of the financial mechanism of the army and the military industry. 192 pages.

File# 77 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu.Resolutions: Declarations and statements. Reports of various ministries. February 1941. 43 pages

File# 81 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Handwritten notes from persons informing on planned attacks of bands of legionairs.31 pages. 1941

File# 87 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Communist propaganda. Looking for the perpetrators. List and situation of the internment camps. Anti-Semitic manifestations in Dorohoi. Interdicition of money transfers and correspondence to Jews in Bucovina and Bessarabia.July 1941. Evacuation of the Jews over the Dnjester. Jews mobilized for forced labor. Jews to wear a distinctive sign, after they sign up for the loan to the State. August 1941.

Dr. W Filderman invites by telegraph leading Jews from all over the country to a meeting in Bucharest August 8, 1941.

Informative notes denouncing illegal activities of some Jews, related to forced labor.

Copy of a book denouncing the communist activity of the Jews.

1941, October 17 – Reaction of the Romanian jewery to the evacuation of their brethren to Transnistria and Poland (?)

The actions of Dr. Filderman.

Detention and work camps for Jews.

Graphics of Jewish labor force in various districts (judete) on October 1, 1941.

Documents and situation of forced labor of Jews and camps.

Report of Transnistria governor Alexianu on Jews on November 1 1941.

The Jews in Odessa.

Jews in various districts in Transnistria, January 4,1942,

THE Struma affair, 1941, December 16. 385 pages. .(Continues on Reel #9).

Reel #9

File# 87 .(Continues on Reel #8).PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Information on the atmosphere and dealings in the Jewish community regarding the State loan imposed on them. The Ghetto in Cernauti.

Synopsis of a book “The Jail of the 200 Millions” about the USSR.

180 pages.

File# 89 Information from the radio listening to stations all over the world. Standards for interpretation and publication. 1941. 29 pages

File#90 PCM. Reports of inspections by I.Antonescu.

From the news services. Legionnairs try to mobilize the services of German officers to free their comrades from jail. Police reports from various towns in Bessarabia, re communist activity. 1941. 55 pages

File#92 PCM. Groups of Aviation and Marine. Reports of fighting units. Citations for bravery Letters of recognition. 1941 – 1943.

151 pages.

File# 93 PCM. Maps of administrative division of Bessarabia. General directives for Bessarabia and Bucovina. Reports on the situation and the life of the population. Underground activity of the Adventist and Baptist sects. Reports of fugitives from the NKVD.

Maps and administrative organization of Transnistria.

Abusive handling by the Office of Romanization of real estate left by the Jews and by people deported by the Soviets.

The situation in Odessa. Information on Transnistria by the Gendarmerie Inspectorate General. 1941. 386 pages

Reel #10

File# 93 PCM- Military Cabinet. Report on a new network of Hungarian spies in Romania.

Information received from agents related to matters of international politics, inclusive the Soviets.

Organization of the espionage and counter-espionage services.

Information on the fighting capacity of the Romanian, Hungarian and Bulgarian air force. 1942. 276 pages

File# 102 PCM- Military Cabinet. Reports of operations, October 4 thru 15, September 19 thru 22 1941. 384 pages.

File# 107 PCM- Military Cabinet. Antonescu meeting with Ribbentrop in Berlin. Interview with Goering Discussion with Ciano and others. November 24 – 29, 1941. 62 pages.

Reel #11

File# 108 PCM- Military Cabinet. Administrative problems.

Emigration of the Jews to Palestine.

The illegal activity of the Jews in Moghilev.

Jews converted to Catholicism.

Reorganization of the management of the Union of Jewish Communities.

Work conflicts between Jewish owners and Christian workers.

Problems in the publishing and newspaper industry.

Forced labor of the Jews. Informative notes on Jews and their activities from the SSI (Secret Service).Communist activists of Ukrainian origin. 1941 – 1842. 468 pages.

File# 122 PCM- Military Cabinet. Problems of military activity and communications. Reports from the front: Odessa, etc. Organization of the occupied territories. . 1941. 227 pages.

File# 123 PCM- Military Cabinet. In July 1938, golden objects are found at excavations in Mangalia. They were sent to King Carol II.

Reports on road construction and military work in the Apuseni mountains. 1941. 35 pages)(Continues on reel # 12).

Reel #12

File# 123 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 11). Reconstruction of the railroad network in Transnistria. 1941. 40 pages.

File# 161 PCM- Military Cabinet. Administrative orders and dispositions. Various problems of the military personnel. Bombardments of the oil wells and refineries in July 13, 1941.

Proclamation to the Legionnairs. Petrache Lupu volunteers to go to the front.

Inspections of the sanitary installations on the front Lack of means of transportation, of drugs and of surgeons.

The National Bank is ordered to confiscate all jewelry and precious metals from the Jews evacuated from Bessarabia and Bucovina, in change of a payment in Kassenscheine or rubels but under no circumstances in lei. Also the leis to be exchanged in Kassenscheine. October 5, 1941.

List of victims at the explosion in Odessa. 795 pages.

Reel #13

File# 167 PCM- Military Cabinet .I Antonescu. Romanian and Hungrian peasants with ownership of land on the borderline with Hungary. 1941. 241 pages.

File# 172 PCM- Military Cabinet. Movement of military personnel.

Analysis of the debacle in Odessa. 1941. 21 pages.

File# 262 PCM- Military Cabinet .I Antonescu. Administrative and personnel problems The problem of the refugees. Various administrative problems. 400 pages. 1941 (Continues on reel # 14)

Reel #14

File# 262 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 13). Administrative and personnel problems .Non-payment of pensions. 1941.

219 pages.

File# 324 PCM- Military Cabinet. Procurement of armament from Germany.1941 – 1942. Letter to the “Fuhrer” informing about the debacle at the front - Transnistria. Signed by Antonescu on

March 27, 1944.

Antonescu’s speech to the military commanders on April 1943.

Exchange of correspondence with the Germans, inclusive letters from and to Hitler, Bratianu etc. 1941 - 1943.

Antonescu’s visit to Germany, March 1944. Discussed Transilvania.

The retreat from Transnistria. 1944. 157 pages.

File# 402 PCM- Military Cabinet. The Magyar propaganda. September 1941

421 pages.

File#407 PCM. Cabinet. Informative notes on the NKVD. Fighting the partisans in Odessa. Low moral level of the Romanian troops. 1941. 72 pages . 1941 (Continues on reel # 15)

Reel #15

File# 407 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 14).The Ghetto in Odessa. Informative notes. The Jewish problem.

Minutes of meetings of collaboration between various military units and the High Command. The situation in Stalingrad. The problem of prisoners, 1942 – 1943.

File# 476 PCM- Military Cabinet. Romanians from Bucovina requesting repatriation. Old stuff before WWII and up to 1941. 220 pages.

.(Continues on Reel # 16).

Reel #16

File# 476 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 15). Romanians from Bucovina, living as refugees in camps in Germany, requesting repatriation. 1941. 152 pages.

File#478 PCM. Cabinet. Minutes of ministerial meetings. Inspection of localities deserted by emigration of German population from Bucovina and adjacent districts, Discussions on the legionary movement and on anti-Semitism. January – March 1941. 749 pages. .(Continues on Reel # 17).

Reel #17

File# 476 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 16). Minutes of ministerial meetings. March 1941. 117 pages.

File# 479 PCM- Military Cabinet I.Antonescu.). Minutes of ministerial meetings. April – June 1941. 601 pages.

File# 480 PCM- Military Cabinet. Minutes of ministerial meetings.

July 1941. 140 pages. .(Continues on Reel # 18).

Reel #18

File# 480 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 17). Minutes of ministerial meetings. July – August 1941. 621 pages.

File# 481 PCM- Military Cabinet. Minutes of ministerial meetings.

September 1941. 230 pages. .(Continues on Reel # 19)

Reel #19

File# 480 PCM- Military Cabinet .(Continues from Reel # 18). Minutes of ministerial meetings. September 1941. 385 pages.

File# 482 PCM- Military Cabinet. Minutes of ministerial meetings.

November 7, 1941 – Solemnity of giving out medals to government officials and university professors: Horia Hulubei, Ion Fintescu and Alexandru Marcu.

Meeting with the governors of the liberated provinces- Bessarabia, Bucovina and Transnistria. Nov.13, 1941.

Minutes of ministerial meetings November 1941. 267pages.

File# 483 PCM- Military Cabinet. Mihai Antonescu meeting with representatives from Bessarabia, Transnistria and Bucovina. July 2, 1941.- Lots of patriotic palaver and directives of proposed administration of the territories. 24 pages.

Antonescu meeting with representatives from Ardeal – October 21, 1941. Almost the same as above. 42 pages.

Conference regarding the goods from Bucovina. Ocrtober 31, 1941.19 pages.

Discussion of the investigative report in Chisinau regarding the atrocities and robberies committed against the Jews. December 4, 1941.12 pages.

Rebuilding of Chisinau, December 5, 1941, 5 pages

Meeting with the governors of the liberated provinces- Bessarabia, Bucovina and Transnistria. December 16, 1941, 139 pages.

Reel #20

Flie# 518 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Office or Romanization, Colonization and Inventory. Inventory of agricultural, woodland, industrial and

Real estate expropriated goods. June 20, 1941, 2 pages.

File# 545 Memoranda, decisions and orders, by the Directorate of Romanization, colonization and inventory for the administration and inventory of the goods in their patrimony. 1941 – 1943. 254 pages.

List of correspondence for the months August – December 1941 and January – August i942 in file “Miscellaneouus”

565 pages (Continues on Reel # 21)

Reel #21

Flie# 518 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 20).Exchange of letters with various correspondents. A Mr.Clejan ask for the nomination as head of the Jewish community. 1941 -1942.

File #566 PCM. Cabinet, Report on forced labor of the Jews. 8 Nov.1941.

Expatriation of the Jidani from Romania. Rules and regulations. By Hauptsturmführer Richter. Sept. 15, 1942. 25 pages.

File# 567 PCM. Military Cabinet. Financial report on German acquisitions in the Romanian economy, and various constructions and services for them. Sep. 16. 1941. List of materials and equipment to be ordered from Germany.

Losses and sacrifices of the Romanian state in the war against the Soviet Union and by the support accorded to Germany, from October –1-st until November 1, 1941 (?)

Numerous other reports of expenses by Romanian and German authorities.1941 – 1942. 116 pages,

File# 568 PCM. Military Cabinet. The Government of Transnistria. Report on activity in the months of December 1941 and January 1942

17 pages.

File# 609 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. The liberated Provinces: Bessarabia, Bucovina, Transnistria. Ministerial decisions from September 6, 1940.- July 1944. Resolutions and orders by I. Antonescu – among them - Drastic measures against the Jews: two hundred Jews shot for every Romanian killed and one hundred for every wounded.

291 pages.

File#9/942 PCM. Cabinet. Miscellaneous. Summary of activities and discussions for the year 1942. Orders and dispositions by I. Antonescu. 145 pages. pages (Continues on Reel # 21)

Reel #22

File# 9/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 21). 1942.

96 pages.

File#43/42 PCM. Cabinet. Lists of reports on resolution of problems submitted. Requisition of medical and dental equipment from the Jews.

The Ghetto in Cernauti.

Request for the Jews to furnish without pay a number of utensils and home equipment to the military hospitals.1942. 335 pages.

File#48/42 PCM. Cabinet. Labor in agriculture and public works by the army, Russian prisoners and forced labor of Jews. Suggestions by the Germans for improvement and augmentation of the agricultural productivity. Statistical data on prisoners and their regime. Organization of Youth brigades for the same purpose. Rules and regulations for the use of the Jews in forced labor brigades. 1942. 403 pages. (Continues on Reel # 23.)

Reel #23

File# 48/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 22). Rules on agricultural properties and works.

General instructions regarding the forced labor of Jews. Utilization of Jewish women. More restrictions and harder punishment. 1942.

18,000 war prisoners sent to forced labor. 202 pages,

File#1 PCM. Cabinet. Atlas of losses suffered by the Romanian army in the war against the USSR. July 22 – December 31, 1941 Officers, NCO and troupe (in German.).

Situation of the wheat crop 1942 - 1943 . 31 pages.

File# 85/42 PCM. Cabinet. Statistical study of the contribution of the public servants to the war effort and related activities.

.Various legal problems involving civilians and military personnel. 1941- 1943. 325 pages.

File#101/42 PCM Cabinet. Official statements by the military cabinet related to the activity of various military units. 13 pages. 1942. 41 pages.

File#134/42 PCM. Cabinet. Reports of the military organization and activity in the zone Odessa. 1042. 92 pages

Reel #24

File#136/42 PCM. Cabinet. Reports of Military operations on the front. Coordination with the German military. Conflicts between the Romanian and German military fighting in combined units. A number of high Romanian officers are sharply criticized by the German general Mannstein. 1942. 332 pages.

File#166/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. The contribution of the Romanian military at the conquest of Odessa. 1941.

File#296/42 PCM. Cabinet. The Armed Forces. Administrative and financial problems and correspondence.

Evacuation of the Gypsies to Transnistria June 1 – August 16, 1942

280 pages.

File#319/42 PCM. Cabinet. Complaints against the Armed Services for mismanagement, inhuman treatment of military personnel etc.

101 pages. . (Continues on Reel # 25.


Reel #25

File#319/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 24). Fights and complaints between civilians and related to the military. 1242.

487 pages.

File# 325/42 PCM. plaints by military personnel against certain procedures or non-action on their requests. 1942. 105 pages.

File# 327/42 PCM. Cabinet. Various press communiqués relative to invalids and war casualties and their families. 1942. 23 pages .

File# 346/42 PCM. Cabinet. Information Bulletins, (The following files are daily briefings for I, Antonescu) March 1942.. Pro-Sovietic manifestations in Odessa. International news. Domestic news. Numbers of legionnairs participants to the rebeliune and court martial. Propaganda from the Allied Forces. 105 pages. (Continues on Reel # 26))

Reel #26

File#346/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 25). Information Bulletins March 1942. International news. Dissatisfaction among workers. Shortages of rubber in Germany and in Romania. Rebellion of legionairs in jails. 338 pages.

File#348/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Information Bulletins April1942. International news. Clandestine activity of the legionairs. The bridge over the Dnjestr in Otaci is swept away by floods. Cases of typhoid fever in some locations in Romania. Relations with Bulgaria. Spread of communist manifests.356 pages.

File#450/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu.. Financial and administrative problems .Report on execution of directives given by I. Antonescu. 169 items. September – October 1942. List of documents received. 80 pages. (Continues on Reel # 27)


Reel #27

File#319/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 26). .Report on execution of directives given by I. Antonescu. Various domestic problems. Among others, a request to increase the number of “vespasiene” (public urinals) and import of the equipment from Germany.1942. 515 pages..

File#473/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Various agricultural and commercial problems. Anti-Romanian manifestations in Cluj and the rest of Transilvania. 1942, 164 pages.

File#481/42 PCM. Private Secretariat I. Antonescu. Vol. VI. Minor Internal and personal problems. 1942. 125 pages. (Continues on Reel # 28))

Reel #28

File#481/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 27). Vol. VI. Minor Internal and personal problems. 1942. 125 pages. Report of the Salvation Society in Bucharest 1941 – 1942. 374 pages.

File#482/42 PCM. Cabinet. Minor Internal and personal problems Memorandum containing a sharp condemnation of the Armenians living in Romania. 1941. 1942. 342 pages.

File#496/42 PCM. Minutes of Cabinet meetings January 1942. Problem of young workers sent to Germany. Complaints of legionary activity there. (Continues on Reel # 29))

Reel #29

File#496/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu (Continues from Reel # 28). Minutes of Cabinet meetings. The problems of relations with Germany. The situation of the Romanians in Transilvania occupied by Hungary. Same for the other territories.

Minutes of meetings of the Council of Liberated Provinces.

Mixed meetings with both, the Ministers and the Governors of the liberated provinces. 1942. 509 pages.

Reel #30

File#510/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Mixed meetings with both, the Ministers and the Governors of the liberated provinces. Discussions re. selling real estate left by the Jews deported from the Southern Bucovina. 1942. 646 pages.

File# 527/42 Industrial units to be evacuated from Transnistria (proposal). Lists of alimentary, metallurgical, chemical-textile. Detailed analyses of the actual situation of each unit. 1942. 79 pages.

File#560/42 Legislative Commission. Project for administration of abandoned goods (left by the Jews). Statistical data of the Jewish population in Romania 1n 1941 and of the Gypsy population. Rules and exceptions regarding the evacuation of the Jewish population. 1942 19 pages.

File#599/42 PCM. Cabinet I. Antonescu. Handwritten letter to I.Antonescu (?) and a memorandum relative to the Telephone Society. December 1942.

The fate of the Jews in Transnistria in case the province is abandoned.

Personal letter to I. Antonescu by the president of the agricultural Unions, with the advise to initiate himself a peace process. June 8, 1944.17 pages.

File# 4/43 Report from Dr. A. Tester to Hauptsturmfuhrer Richter, re. emigration of 5,000 Jewish orphans. March 31, 1943.(Several letters on same subject and date)

A donation of food for German bombardment victims by Dr.Tester. April 1944. 87 pages.

Reel #31

File#59/43 PCM. Cabinet. Agricultural activity, Forced labor, Public works.

Census of unoccupied public and private buildings in various regions.

Reports on the activity and of maltreatment in forced labor brigades.

Situation of the agricultural activity and products. Organization of labor battalions for Germany.

Report regarding the presence of Jews in Transnistria. Statistical data, proposals for repatriation and utilization for forced labor. September 1, 1943. 422 pages.

File#114/43 PCM. Cabinet. Investigation of Jews in Galati to find the source of their enrichmernt, following a denouncement by a Jew, Dr. Bisamcer, on July 30, 1943.

Statistics of the presence of Jews in militarized enterprises.

Order of repatriation from Transnistria of certain categories of Jews from Dorohoi and surrounding communities. October 22, 1943.

258 pages.

Reel #32

File#79/43 PCM. Cabinet. Miscellaneous general orders and notes of administrative and military nature. 1943. 156 pages.

File#205/43 PCM. Cabinet. Controls and inspections at various military units and enterprises. Shops for auto repair. 1943. 195 pages.

File#242/43 PCM. Cabinet. Visits, inspections, inquiries

Involving military, civil and personal problems.. (Illegible handwritten notes). 1943. 120 pages.

File#333/43 PCM. Cabinet. Informative reports on frictions between various nationalities and act of aggression committed by bands of communists at the border with Serbia. German military harassed by partisans...Numerous German officers are killed. Creation of an army corps with Russian prisoners dressed in German uniforms to fight against the rebels. The role of the Italian army. 1943. 150 pages. (Continues on Reel # 33).

Reel #33

File#333/43 .(Continues from Reel # 32) PCM. Cabinet. Information on the German presence in Serbia and the increase of partisan activity. The Yugoslav army and general Tito are mentioned.1943.

76 pages.

File # 352/43 PCM. Cabinet. Letter with strong anti-Semitic character by I. Antonescu, condemning Romanian politicians as abetting the Jews. Reference to a letter from 1973 by B. Boeresco. 1343. 7 pages\

File#369/43 PCM. Cabinet. Minutes of meeting of the Interministerial Economic Councils in August - October,1943. Discussions on various problems related to the industrial, agricultural and foreign economic relations, inclusive Transnistria. 1943. 377pages.

File# 375/43 PCM. Cabinet. Minutes of meeting of Council of Ministers with the Governors of liberated provinces. February 1943. Discussed: the Nansen passports; the university in Cernauti. The importance of Bessarabia and Bucovina as protection against the expansion of slavism. The Russians promising Romania the Ardeal in exchange for Bessarabia and Bucovina. The conversion of the Jews by the Orthodox church. Cultural relations with Germany. Jews who deserve special treatment for their dedication and contribution to the Romanian state. Remuneration of Jewish labor. The Religious Fond in Bucovina. 1943. 135 pages. (Continues on reel # 34)

Reel #34

File#333/43 .(Continues from Reel # 33) PCM. Cabinet. Minutes of meeting of Council of Ministers with the Governors of liberated provinces. March 1943. Ethnicity and religion in Moldova and Transilvania. Poles and Ukrainians settled in Bessarabia by the Soviets. Swiss properties in Bessarabia.

May, 1943. Deterioration of the real estate left by the Germans and the Jews. Shortages of fuel and of financial credits.

September, 1943. Discrepancy of prices for agricultural products from various provinces.

November 1943, Evacuation of industrial installations from Transnistria. Worries about an invasion of refugees from there. Evacuation of livestock and agricultural products.. Evacuation of the population. Jews from Transnistria to be settled in the towns they came from. The Jews from Moghilev will be settled in Vijnitza.

320 pages.

.File#387/43 PCM. Cabinet. Minutes of meeting of Council of Patronage. March 1943. Discussion of a program of voluntary labor for the Romanian women. Organization of special school of women commanders. Unwillingness of girls to attend.

Directives for creation of a new administrative reform. October, 1943. 44 pages.

File#399/43 PCM. Military Cabinet. I.Antonescu. List of Jews who sent in memoirs requesting their assimilation with the ethnic Romanians.

218 applications. April 30, 1943. 5 pages.

File#433/43 PCM Cabinet. Minutes of meeting of the Council of Ministers, June 13, 1944. a number of 36 items discussed. Among them: liquidation of the Governorships; Jews of second category are allowed to own radio reception devices. 19 pages.

File#437/43 PCM Cabinet. Correspondence referring to working conditions of Gypsies on various estates. 1943. 21 pages.

File#22/44 PCM Cabinet. Evacuations. Reports No’s 2, 3, 4.(Colonel Mosiu) December 1943 – January 1944.Report on the actual situation and directives to follow in various instances. Lists of factories, shops and power plants to be evacuated. Same for agricultural products.

Continuation of report for interval January 3 – 7, 1944

Report # 4 – January 8 – 24 1944 .83 pages.

RG 25.014 “CC.RCP (Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party): Records from the Chancellery, the economic section, and the foreign relations section.”

Extent: 1 reel, 35 mm

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .




265 pp of documents in Romanian on:

• Emigration to Israel

• World Jewish Congress international meeting in Montreux

• Economic relations with Israel

• American Jewish Committee

RG 25.016 Centrala Evreilor (CER) [Jewish Central Office]

Extent: 65 reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Reel # 1

File # 1 Letter to Mr. Streitman. 1 page. Sept. 1942

File# 2 Correspondence related to repartition and exemption of Jews from forced labor. November

1943. 12 pages.

File# 3 Requests for exemption from forced labor for Jews war orphans, war widows and for various other reasons. Group or Jews sent to forced labor to the town hall Bucharest (the attached nominal list is missing). November 1943. 54 pages.

File# 4 Note of discussion between Dr. Zimmer and Av. Schwefelberg with Dr. Gingold in regard of a contribution of 4 Milliard lei related to the repatriation of deportees. January 1944. 2 pages.

File# 5 Request of travel authorizations related to the repatriation of

Jewish orphan children from Transnistria. January 1944. 2 pages.

File# 6 Dr. W Filderman request for audience with Health Minister related to Jewish medical personnel. Requests of Jewish physicians for recognition of their profession.1940-41. 23 pages.

File# 7 Request to the General Staff in re a medical doctor attached to the Centrala Evreilor. No Date .1 page.

File# 8 Problems related to the obligation of the clergy for forced labor. June 1942, 9 pages.

File# 9 Activity report of the Center for protection of Mother and Child. March 1942. 3 pages.

File# 10 Docket of general and personal petitions to various authorities.

2 pages. May-September 1942.

File#11. Report of the New Zionist Organization, Bucharest. May 1942.

30 pages.

File# 12 Letter of Goldschmied Mendel regarding his pension (in German). December 1942, 3 pages.

File# 13 The branch of Centrala Evreilor in Cernǎuţi. 1942. 13 pages.

File# 14 Reports of Financial, Sanitary Services, the Secretariat, Solicitor’s Office, Cult. May-Sept. 1942.19 pages.

File# 15 Various administrative problems and relations with the authorities. 1942. 72 pages.

File# 16 Administrative and personal problems related to monetary or real estate values and relations with the authorities. Correspondence with the units in various localities. The Centrala Evreilor responsible for the State Loan. Correspondence related to the census of the Jews. Snow cleaning. Forced labor of Jews. Location of Jewish schools. The official newspaper of the Centrala, the “Gazeta Evreiască”. Travel permits for Jewish students and for community leaders. Material help and medications for the Jews deported to Transnistria. Assistance for the needy. Aid for Polish and other refugees. 1942. 613 pages. (Continues on Reel # 2)

Reel # 2

File #16 (Continues from Reel #1) Administrative and personal problems related to monetary or real estate values and relations with the authorities. Correspondence with the units in various localities. Activity of various canteens popular and for students. Help given to evacuees in various districts. Taxation of real estate: owned or nationalized. Decree for liquidation of the Federation of Jewish Communities, to be replaced by the Centrala Evreilor, December 1941- 1942. 613 pages.

File# 17 Directives by the authorities regarding the activity and organization of the various branches of the Centrala Evreilor, central and provincial offices. List of correspondence received in August-September. 1942. 21 pages.

File# 18 List of persons proposed for the management of Jewish Orthodox community in Bucharest. 1942. 4 pages.

File# 19 Transfer of money to the Jews in Transnistria. Directives for the activity of the rabbinic offices and for the teaching personnel in various cities. Red Cross lists of missing persons in Transnistria. 1942, 295 pages,

File# 20 Schedule of payment for teachers in various schools and personnel in various local offices. Personnel problems: recommended, testing for acceptance etc. List of managing personnel in various local offices. Licenses of exemption from forced labor. 1942. 538 pages. (Continues on Reel #3)

Reel # 3

File# 20 (Continues from Reel #2) Request to release from forced labor

obligations of a number of medical doctors, who are needed at their offices and positions as specialists. Models of monthly reports.

Conflicts related to forced labor in Hunedoara and other places. 1942. 538 pages.

File# 21 Requests for change of residence. List of personnel in the sections Turda, Tulcea, Timiş –Torontal, Dậmboviţa, Vaslui, Piteşti, T-Severin, Mehedinţi, Botoşani Alba Iulia,, Aiud, Ocna Mureşului, Sebeş-Alba, etc of the Centrala Evreilor. Analysis of the activity and problems of the Centrala. The problems of the schools in Bucharest. Jews in the medical colleges are barred from publishing in scientific journals. Request for editing a separate publication for Jewish scientists. Children’s Home Yaldei Yeshurun.

Intervention of the Centrala for Jews sent to detention camps. Statistical data on personal and associations in various communities. 1942. 409 pages.

File#22 The society Adat Yeshurun: organization, management. 1942.

8 pages.

File#23 Documents and actions related to families of Jews in detention camps. Request for travel and relocation. 1942. 58 pages.

File# 24 Documents and actions related to families of Jews in detention camps. 4 pages. 1942.

File# 25 Reports from the Aid Commission and the Worship Section. Various Lists of linen and clothing donated and by requisition in February 1942. Reports of the Committee. 1942. 28 pages.

File# 26 Centrala Evreilor. Lists of offices by districts. 1942. 24 pages.

File#27 Requests for social aid, travel and relocation. 1942. 17 pages.

File# 28 Requests for social aid, travel and relocation. 1942. 209 pages.

(Continues from Reel #4)

Reel # 4

File# 28 (Continues from Reel #3) Documents and actions related to families of Jews in detention camps. 1942. 209 pages.

File# 29 Memorandum to units regarding administrative and organizational problems. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 30 City ordinance from the town Huşi with restrictions for the Jewish population. 1942. 1 page.

File# 31 List of personnel at the branch Alba Iulia. 1943. 2 pages.

File# 32 Internal correspondence. Activity report the of the AP (air-raid protection) Service. The Jewish forced labor brigades in Bucharest. Reports on aerial alarms. 1943. 32 pages.

File# 33 Activity report of the Centrala Evreilor February-April 1942. (three sets). Same from the Section Press end Publishing. Monthly reports from the Worship Section Jan-Mai 1943.

Distribution of the Jewish “Gazeta Evreiascǎ”.

Activity report of the Administrative Service February-March 1942.

The organization of forced labor brigades. Activity of the social, sanitary and medical aid sections. Same for statistics section.

Report of the Solicitor’s office, the professional reeducation section. Various organizational decisions. Financial reports. Assistance reports for various causes: paupers, children, deportees in Transnistria etc. 1942-1943. 457 pages.

File# 34 Special mandates to pick up documents from the authorities. 1943.

1 page.

File# 35 Requests for travel authorizations. Requests and relation with the authorities for personal problems, forced labor repartition or exemption, received from various provincial units. Personnel problems in various units of the Centrala. 1943. 301 pages.

(Continues on Reel# 5.)

Reel # 5

File# 35 (Continues from Reel # 4) Requests for travel authorizations. Requests and relation with the authorities for personal problems, forced labor repartition or exemption, received from various provincial units. Personnel problems in various units of the Centrala. All Jews are mobilized in the anti-aircraft defense units.

1943. 301 pages.

File# 36 Request for replacement of a number of personnel from the Centrala. Proposals for new personnel. Problems related to the forced labor. Travel authorizations for students. Directions for completion of census forms. Reports of committee meetings Organization and activity of the district branches of the Centrala. The school system. 1943. 338 pages.

File# 37 Letter and instructions regarding the Jews from Dorohoi addressed to the Governor of the Bucovina. Act of bravura by two Jews in WWI. Exemptions from forced labor. Cost of exemption authorization card. Situation of the Jewish schools. Radu Lecca requests a list of the 1268 Jews in possession of a card of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 231 pages.

File# 38 Requests of travel and relocation permits. Offenders from forced labor are deported to Transnistria. 1943. 270 pages. (Continues on Reel#6)

Reel # 6

File# 38 (Continues from Reel# 5.) Requests of travel and relocation permits.1943. 270 pages.

File# 39 Handwritten lists of names for Inspector Isaceanu. 1943. 6 pages.

File# 40. Change of personnel at the branch Cernǎuţi. Various requests from the Jewish population. Problems related to the forced labor activity and repatriation from Transnistria. 1943. 35 pages.

File# 41 Appeal to the Red Cross in behalf of the Jews in Transnistria. Letter in German for an expertise on the situation of the Jews in forced labor brigades. 1943 (?). 14 pages.

File# 42 Dr. Jean Zwiebel, president of the branch in district Baia pleads for the recognition of his innocence. 1943. 6 pages.

File# 43 List of persons in search by the Geneva Red Cross. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 44 The mixed committee at the Polyclinic Dr. I. Baraş Foundation. Travel permits for students. 1943. 18 pages.

File#45 Handling of the forced labor exemption papers and changes of personnel at the Zimmer Enterprises. 1943. 26 pages.

File# 46 Correspondence with the General Commissariat for Jewish Problems. Forced labor at the Institute of Statistics, at snow cleaning and taxation. 1944. 154 pages.

File# 47 The beneficent and mutual aid society for Jewish workmen in Galati. 1944. 1 page.

File# 48 Correspondence with various units of the Centrala. 8 Pages.

File# 49 Requests from industrial enterprises in Mediaş and Sighişoara for hiring Jews for work. Exemption cards from forced labor: validity, taxation. 1944. 214 pages.

File# 50 Exemption cards from forced labor for the Centrala personnel and taxation. Requests for relocation of residence and travel permits. 1944. 200 pages. (Continues on Reel# 7)

Reel # 7

File# 50 (Continues from Reel# 6). Situation of Jews who lose their jobs in non-Jewish enterprises and their exemption from forced labor. 1944. 200 pages.

File# 51 Request travel permit for student. 1944. 5 pages.

File# 52 Complaints against community and other taxes. Reports of committee meetings. Operation of popular eateries and children homes. Critical report on the repatriation of the orphan children from Transnistria. Correspondence related to the subject. Forced labor and taxation of exemptions. 1944. 195 pages.

File# 53 Assistance for the Hungarian Jews coming from the labor camp Bor. 1944. 5 pages.

File# 54 Certificate. 1944. 1 page.

File# 55 List of real estate and mobile goods lost by the Jews in the occupied zone of France. 1944. 4 pages.

File# 56 List of real estate and mobile goods lost by the Jews, Romanian citizens, in the district of the Romanian Consulate in Dresden. 1944. 2 pages.

File# 57 Germany. Questionnaire on the status and material value of possessions of Romanian Jews. 1944. 47 pages.

File# 58 Instructions regarding the forms to be filled out by Jews on their social and professional status and related to the forced labor proceedings. Distribution List of the commissions for verification of the Jews. List of Jewish women owners accepted by the commission for verification of Jewish Women in the national labor field. 1944. 9 pages.

File# 59 Expense report for mailings. List of Jews exempted from forced labor in Bucharest. List of Jews proposed for internment in a labor camp. Creation of disinfection teams. 1944. 212 pages.

File# 60 Correspondence related to forced labor and professional reeducation. Forced labor brigades in Bessarabia. Jews from Ploesti working in labor brigades in Bălţi, Bessarabia. 1942.

76 pages.

File# 61 Jews in Iasi to wear yellow armbands (Facsimile from newspaper). 1942. 2 pages.

File# 62 Shortage of clothing in forced labor brigades. 1942. 43 pages.

File# 63 Reports on forced labor activity and on professional reeducation. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 64 The Jewish Music and Dramatic Art Conservatory. List of students. Same for Industrial Gymnasium Ciocanul and others. No date.

67 pages.

File# 65 Money receipts. 1942. 9 pages.

File# 66 Section Professional reeducation. Activity report. July-August 1942.

5 pages.

File# 67 Correspondence from various Jewish hospitals. Lists of honorific counselors and medical personnel. Directorate list of the

Professional association of Jewish physicians. Lists of personnel in various medical institutions. 1942. 73 pages.

File# 68 List of Jews doing forced labor at various services of the Central Administration and related problems. 1942-1943. 211 pages.

File# 69 Mobilization for snow shoveling. Monetary retribution for exemption from labor. 1942. 19 pages.

File# 70 List of Hahams( ritual slaughterers) living in Bucharest. List of furriers for the Ministry of National Defense. Also dressmakers for various units and institutions. 1942. 61 pages. (Continues on

Reel # 8)

Reel # 8

File# 70 (Continues from Reel# 7). Forced labor brigades: Clothing for needy Jews. Requests for washwomen and other workers for cleaning and service in hospitals and institutions.. The situation in various labor camps and individual problems and solutions. List of Jews registered at the recruitment center in Brasov who left town and cannot be traced, 1942. 317 pages.

File# 71 Personnel of the Centrala exempted from the snow taxation. 1942.

7 pages,

File# 72 Project of organization of the Jews in the national workforce and in the forced labor activity. 1942. 5 pages.

File# 73 Personal documents. 1942. 8 pages.

File# 74 Jews working at the exhumation at the cemetery on Sevastopol Street. Lists and documents related to forced labor and students working at the snow cleaning. Individual problems related to the forced labor obligation. 1943. 391 pages.

File# 75 The case of engineer Jan Ber and others Re. exemption from forced labor. 1943. 21 pages.

File# 76 Request for exemption from forced labor of a bookkeeper in the bookstore Cioflec. 1943. 1 page.

File# 77 List of returned forced labor exemption cards. 1943. 22 pages.

File# 78 Forced labor exemption cards of the Centrala personnel. 1943. 2 pages.

File# 79 Jews doing forced labor at “Gerotex”. 1943. 3 pages.

File# 80 Assignment for forced labor in various functions and places. 1943.

21 pages.

File# 81 List of forced labor brigades. 1943. 3 pages.

File# 82 Organization of the forced labor camps. 1943. 6 pages.

File# 83 Forced labor: women. Assignment of physicians and medical personnel to labor camps. 1943. 36 pages.

File# 84 List of Jews capable to enrollment in the forced labor brigades. 1943. 8 pages.

File# 85 Lists of participants in forced labor brigades. 1943.

File# 86 Providing clothing and food to the forced labor railroad brigades.

1943-1944. 24 pages.

File# 87 Financial situation of the canteens. January 1944. 4 pages.

File# 88 Individual problems related to the forced labor obligation. 1944.

171 pages. (Continues on Reel # 9)

Reel # 9

File# 88 (Continues from Reel# 8). Individual problems related to the forced labor obligation. 1944. 171 pages.

File# 89 Individual declarations related to workplace. Documents related to the forced State loan of 4 billion lei. 1943. 146 pages.

File# 90 Name list with workplace and address. No date. 50 pages.

File# 91 List of Jews exempted from forced labor and other situations. 1944. 189 pages.

File# 92 Five Jews returning from Transnistria. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 93 Financial status of a Jewish tannery 1932-1944. 21 pages.

File# 94 List of Jews exempted from forced labor. 1944. 1 page.

File# 95 Request of exemption from forced labor.1944. 12 pages.

File# 96 thru 126. Request of exemption from forced labor.1944.

File# 127 Lists of Jews in labor brigades. 1944. 10 pages.

File# 128 List of students in Jewish Lyceum in Roman. No date. 1 page.

File# 129 List of Jews exempted from forced labor at the Primaria Bucharest. No date. 40 pages.

File# 130. List of Jews exempted from forced labor in district Ilfov. No date.

2 pages.

File# 131 Jews used in various functions, such as forestry, in other districts. No date. 52 pages.

File# 132 Lists of persons with occupation and addresses (disparate order of pages). 1943. 33 pages.

File# 133 Letters of release of vessels for navigation. 1943, 3 pages.

File# 134 Personal letters of Zionists. 1941. 4 pages,

File# 135 Request of intervention for Turkish visa for emigration. 1944.

3 pages.

File# 136 Letter from the Centrala to its branch in Cernǎuţi. No date. 2 pages.

File# 137 Rules for organization and activity of the Jewish Sanitary Service. September 1942. 8 pages.

File# 138 Correspondence regarding sanitary and administrative problems. 1942. 40 pages.

File# 139 Transfer of money from the Centrala to deportees in Balta, Transnistria for orphans, hospital, canteens and individual persons. Lists of medications, sanitary material sent. Financial report. 1942. 406 pages. (Continues on Reel# 10)

Reel # 10

File# 139 (Continues from Reel# 9). Carload of tools (shovels, spades etc), heating stoves and pipes sent. A number of crates with medical equipment, medications, home utensils etc were sent for distribution to various localities in Transnistria. Inventory of contents in crates. Packages with clothing for individual and common use.

Utensils and machines sent for tailor and dressmaking shops.

1943. 406 pages.

File# 140 Contest of various medical specialties for positions in Jewish hospitals and clinics. 1943. 35 pages.

File# 141 Report on the situation and founding of the Jewish hospitals. 1943.

11 pages.

File# 142 Activity report on food and medical assistance in various districts. Detailed reports on medical and sanitary activities. Missing persons service for Transnistria. 1943. 223 pages.

File# 143 Creation of the “Eforia spitalelor Caritas – Noua Maternitate” in Bucharest. 1943. 13 pages.

File# 144 Report on number and distribution of orphans in care. 1944.

4 pages.

File# 145 Used clothing collected for the assistance of deportees and repatriates. 1944. 34 pages.

File# 146 Facsimile of personal documents, confirming the exemption of businesspeople from forced labor. 1943. 75 pages.

File$ 147 At the home of repatriated children from Transnistria, two canteens are functioning under the supervision of the Red Cross.

Reports of assistance of paupers in various districts. Activity of hospitals and clinics. 1944. 77 pages.

File# 148 Rules for organization and operation of the Jewish canteens in Bucharest. No date. 5 pages.

File# 149 List of persons in search by the Red Cross Geneva. No date.

1 page.

File# 150 Organization of the Jewish Education, by. Moise Goldstein. 1942.

7 pages.

File# 151 Request for creation of religion and Hebrew language class in the Jewish schools. Proposals and suggestions for organizing the Jewish theoretical and professional school systems. The religious life: confirmation of rabbis, organization of various worships. The curriculum at the university level: proposal for new courses at the medical section. 1942. 238 pages. (Continues on Reel # 11).

Reel # 11

File# 151 (Continues from Reel#10). Forced labor of Jews: work at snow cleaning and in labor brigades. Situation of teaching personnel and of the students in Jewish schools and of clergy. 1942. 238 pages.

File# 152 Administrative problems in Jewish schools. Status on teachers. Restrictions on students’ cultural activity during vacation. The Yiddish poet I. Gropper is installed as professor for Jewish literature in the schools of the Jewish community in Bucharest. Travel requests for students. 1942. 38 pages.

(N.T. A note does mention: Certification of File# 153 is erroneous)

File# 153 Schools and cultural institutions. Teaching and administrative personnel nominated. 1942. 178 pages.

File# 154 Correspondence related to Jewish schools. The school for medical nurses. 1943. 11 pages.

File# 155 The case of the artist Iosif Feldman-Velescu from the Baraşeum theater. 1943. 8 pages

File# 156 Jewish schools in various districts. Situation and problems. 1943.

27 pages.

File# 157 Jewish schools in various districts. Situation and problems. 1944.

12 pages.

File# 158 Press review September 6. 1944. Abrogation of the racial laws. The situation of the Jews. 6 pages.

File# 159 Request for creation of a public library in Tecuci. March 1944.

1 page.

File# 160 Statutes of the society for reciprocal help of the teaching staff. No date. 6 pages.

File# 161 Handwritten review of a book about the Yiddish writer Bialik. No date. 2 pages.

File# 162 Handwritten review of an article about Spinoza. No date. 5 pages.

File# 163 Literacy and the degree of schooling of the population with Jewish blood at the census of May 20, 1942. 1942. 34 pages.

File# 164 Census of the population with Jewish blood. Preliminary results by provinces and districts. 1942. 7 pages.

File# 165 Census of the population with Jewish blood. Preliminary results by provinces and districts: by age and legal status. The medical group (up to age 60) by specialties. 1942. 36 pages.

File# 166 Centrala Evreilor. Division of statistics. Census results. 1942.

12 pages.

File# 167 Census form. 1942. 1 page.

File# 168 Documentation related to the census. 1942. 23 pages.

File# 169 Correspondence related to the census.

File# 170 Excerpt from census data. 1943. 4 pages.

File# 171 Brochure containing lists of Jews with exemption from forced labor working at the CER and various enterprises. 1943. 9 pages.

File# 172 Demographic Bulletins of the Jewish Population in Romania. December 1943, April 1944. 30 pages.

File# 173 Jews born in June – December 1926. 1944. 29 pages.

File# 174 Correspondence related to civil status of some Jews. 1944.

5 pages.

File# 175 Declarations and Proofs of exemption from forced labor for the year1944. 1944. 256 pages.

File# 176 Instructions for filling out the census forms by the population with Jewish blood.

Instructions regarding the role of the Police Prefecture in Bucharest with regard to the air raid protection. 1943. 25 pages.

Anti-Semitic manifesto by Prof. A.C.Cuza. (date ?)

File# 177 Jews complaining of taxation for forced labor. No date. 7 pages.

File# 178 List of youths born in 1927 and 1928. No date. 45 pages.

File# 179 Press review. 1942. 3 pages.

File# 180 Facsimile of newspaper articles and a handwritten letter. 1942.

6 pages.

File# 181 Editorial information. 2 pages. December 1944.

File# 182 List of Jews proposed as peddlers for the newspaper Timpul.

No date, 1 page.

File# 183 Project of budget for 1942. Financial reports from various units.

Financial report of the society UMANITAS. 1942. 46 pages.

File# 184 The enterprise “Renasterea Noastra” 1942. 5 pages.

File# 185 Salary pay list for February 1942. 1 page.

File# 186 Correspondence related to money sent to deportees in Transnistria. 1942. 7 pages.

File# 187 Pensions for retired teachers and personnel form Jewish schools. 1942. 26 pages.

Reel # 12

File# 188 Financial activity of various branches of the community. 1942.

9 pages.

File# 189 Financial situation of the Baraşeum Theater. 1943. 8 pages.

File# 190 Data and analysis of the State loan. Financial budgets of provincial communities for 1943. 1942- 43. 21 pages.

File# 191 Financial budget of the Jewish community in Brasov, for 1943. 1942-43. 39 pages.

Fille# 192 Financial budget of the Jewish community in Galati. 1942-43.

17 pages.

File# 193 Financial budget of the Jewish community in Hunedoara. 1943.

158 pages.

File# 194 Forced labor: taxation of the cards of exemption; financial and personal problems; requests for exemption. 1943. 344 pages.

File# 195 Requests for exemption from forced labor and for material help. List of taxes received for exemption cards. 1943. 34 pages.

File# 196 Situation of Jews working as insurance agents and other businesses and enterprises, which do not have the means to cover the cost of an exemption card. Various problems related to the forced labor. 1943. 501 pages. (Continues of Reel# 13) .

Reel # 13

File# 196 (Continues from Reel# 12) Requests for reduction of taxes. 1943.

501 pages.

File# 197 The war invalids: Instructions and procedures for official recognition; their rights for compensation.

Taxation for exemption from forced labor and snow shoveling: individual requests for reduction or annulment for various reasons. 1943. 328 pages.

File# 198 Taxation for exemption from forced labor and snow shoveling: individual requests for reduction or annulment for various reasons. 1943. 335 pages.

File# 199 Litigation Regarding exemption from nationalization of real estate owned by Jews. 1943. 14 pages.

File# 200 Jews requesting approval for hiring non-Jewish workers or servants.

List of Jewish dentists in district Ilfov.

Financial problems and reports from various districts.

The work at the cemetery from Strada Sevastopol. 1943.

366 pages. (Continues of Reel # 14)

Reel # 14

File# 200 (Continues from Reel # 13). Financial problems and reports from the Jewish communities in district Constanţa. 1943. 366 pages.

File# 201 Brochure containing the list of Jews having cards of exemption from forced labor, by categories. 1943. 4 pages.

File# 202 Personal problems, requests for information, reduction of taxes, rectification of evidence.

The composer Theodor Cosma (Zwiebel). Lists of taxpayers identified. Commissions of appeal in various districts. Reports of their activity. Organization of the general archives. The service of couriers. 1943. 458 pages.

File# 203 Schedule of payments of Jews for forced labor at roadwork in the city of Bucharest. 1943. 32 pages.

File# 204 Financial situation of the Jewish community in Bucharest for December 1943. 1 page.

File# 205 Budget for 1943. 2 pages.

File# 206 Financial report from the Jewish community in Botoşani. 1943. 67pages.

File# 207 Financial report from the Jewish community Buzǎu. 1943.

18. Pages.

File # 208 Financial documents and the budget of the Jewish community in Cernǎuţi. 1943. 24 pages.

File# 209 The budget of the Jewish community in Dorohoi. 1943. 7 pages.

File# 210 Financial balance and budget for various Jewish institutions in Arad. 1943. 53 pages.

File# 211 Schedule of payments for 1943. 15 pages.

File# 212 Balance of payments for November 1943 from the Jewish community in Petroşani . 1943. 2 pages.

Reel # 15

File# 213 Creation of section with classes for sanitary education. Lists of personnel in various Jewish schools. 1943. 132 pages.

File# 214 Budget for year 1943 of the Jewish community Fǎlticeni. 5 pages.

Fie# 215 District office Iaşi Docket of returned files: lists of employees, budgets and balances. 1943. 72 pages.

File# 216 Jewish community Huşi: balances. 1944. 21 pages.

File# 217 Mixed documents from communities Iaşi and Ploieşti. 1944.

10 Pages.

File# 218 Balances from various communities. 1943. 5 pages.

File# 219 Lists of employees related to taxation for exemption from forced labor in various communities, and other accounting activities. 1944. 121 pages.

File# 220 Accounting operations in various communities. 1944. 169 pages.

File# 221 Balances, budgets and accounting operations in Jewish communities and institutions. (a page in German of military nature erroneously inserted). 1944. 47 pages.

File# 222 Financial problems related to forced labor. 1944. 22 pages.

File# 223 Accounting problems related to taxation of the forced labor exemption cards. 1944 76 pages.

File# 224 List of Jews approved for exemption from forced labor and the respective amounts of taxation. 1944. 43 pages.

File# 225 List of Jews approved for exemption from forced labor and the respective amounts of taxation. 1944. 50 pages.

File# 226 List of payments for May 1944. 2 pages.

File# 227 Nominal file cards with handwritten decisions, related to forced labor and taxation. No date. 50 pages.

File# 228 Reports on the activity of the religious sections of the communities in Romania. 1944. 101 pages. (Continues on Reel # 16)

Reel # 16

File# 228 (Continues from Reel # 16). Reports on the activity of the religious sections of the communities in Romania. 1944. 101 pages.

File# 229 September 1940 Dr. Alex Safran took the oath in presence of the Minister of National Education, cults and Arts in accordance with the mosaic religion. Jewish rabbis and their families are released from detention camps. 5 pages.

File# 230 Request from the government: flour for baking matzos for the Jewish population on Passover; exemption of the rabbis from forced labor, exemption from Romanization of the real estate of various Jewish charity institutions.1942. 7 pages.

File# 231 Reglementation of hiring and activity of the temple personnel like cantors. Synagogues in Bucharest and their regime. The situation of some rabbis. 1942. 13 pages.

File# 232 The cemetery on Sevastopol Street. History of this and other cemeteries in the old Bucharest. Inscriptions on monuments. 1942. 49 pages.

File# 233 The function of the rabbis. 1942. 9 pages.

File# 234 Accreditation of rabbis in various communities. 1942. 7 pages.

File# 235 Status and public appearance of rabbis. 1943. 10 pages.

File# 236 Invitation to consecration of a monument at the Filantropia cemetery. 1943. 1 page

File# 237 The Union of Jewish communities of Spanish ritual. 1944.

1 page.

File# 238 Lists of rabbis and students in the Talmud Torah and of temples, synagogues and houses of prayer in Bucharest. No date.

3 pages.

File# 239 The management and personnel of the Jewish community in Focşani. 1942. 1 page.

File# 240 List of medical and administrative personnel in the Hospital “Caritas”.

Administrative personnel of the canteens “G & M Breyer” and “Traian” No. 3. 1942. 13 pages.

File# 241 Organization and operation of the Jewish communities in Hunedoara and surroundings. 1942. 51 pages

File# 242 Organization and operation of medical and sanitary services and the education section of the Centrala. Directives for administration and management. 1942. 185 pages.

File# 243 Personal records. No date. 4 pages.

File# 244 Correspondence. 1943. 1 page.

File# 245 1944. 1 page

File# 246 List of personnel. No date. 2 pages.

File# 247 Various personal data and lists. Pages in Yiddish, Hebrew German and Hungarian. 1941-944. 23 pages.

File# 248 Various newspaper clips of anti-Semitic nature and pro-communist, related to Palestine. (Mixed bag) 1942 – 1944. 121 pages.

File# 249 Excerpts from newspapers. 1942. 1 page.

File# 250 Newspaper clips related to forced labor of Jews. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 251 Document related to forced labor of Jews. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 252 Various correspondence. Statute of organization and operation of the Centrala Evreilor in Romania.Facsimilia from the Monitorul Oficial. List of the personnel of the Centrala. 1942-1943.

104 pages.

File# 253 Appeal to Jewish taxpayers. No date, 2 pages.

File# 254 Activity of the Centrala Evreilor. 1944.112 pages.

File# 255 General view of the situation of the Jews in Hungary. No date.

4 pages.

File# 256 Handwritten letter of denunciation (?). No date. 3 pages.

File# 257 Handwritten request for help. No date. 1 page.

File# 258 Problems related to Jewish real estate. 1942. 26 pages.

File# 259 Correspondence with district offices. 1942. 63 pages.

File# 260 A judicial problem for the community in Fǎlticeni at the Appeals Court. 1942. 8 pages.

File# 261 Litigation on a piece of real estate in district Roman. 1942.

1 page.

File# 262 Taxation dispute with the Finance ministry. 1942. 35 pages.

File# 263 Handling of lawsuits: the presence of Jews in court. 1943.

23 pages. (Continues on Reel # 17)

Reel # 17

File# 263 (Continues from Reel # 16) Results of lawsuits for Jews evacuated from Ploieşti. 1943. 56 pages.

File# 264 Official statements of the interministerial commission regarding the snow cleaning, taxation in lieu of forced labor, the food procurement regimen, financial problems. 1942. 17 pages.

File# 265 Petitions for material help. Laws, regulations, journals of the Council of Ministers, regarding the Jews. 1944. 25pages.

File# 266 List of persons whose files were rejected at appeal. No date.

63 pages.

File# 267 Postal tariffs. 1943. 2 pages.

File# 268 Individual taxations. Honorific officials at BCC. Personnel at BCC. 1943. 25 pages.

File# 269 Report of investigation. 1943. 4 pages.

File# 270 Decisions and recommendations of the administrative consultative commission for transfers and pensions, for medical personnel. 1944. 81 pages.

File# 271 Budget of the Jewish Community in Teiuş. 1942. 1 page.

File# 272 List of persons (?) not easy legible. No date. 17 pages.

File# 273 List of persons (?) not easy legible. No date. 11 pages.

File# 274 Declaration 1944. 2 pages.

File# 275 Idem

File# 276 Files of recipients of winter clothing from forced labor brigades in Bacau. No date. 25 pages.

File# 277 Declaration. 1944. 4 pages

Thru 280

File# 281 Declaration 1944. 7 pages

Thru 286

File# 287 Budget of the Jewish Community Pascani for 1943. 2 pages.

File# 288 Thru 292

File# 293 Declaration for wage earners. No date, 1 page.

Thru 295

File# 296 List of management and of personnel at the Jewish community Cernauti. No date. 3 pages.

File# 297 Jewish community Cernauti. Declaration of domicile. No date. 200 pages.

File# 298 Jewish community Cernauti. Declaration of domicile. No date. 186 pages.

File# 299 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1943. 9 pages.

Thru 303

File# 304 Declaration 1944. 1 page

File# 305

File# 306 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1942. 12 pages.

File# 307 Declaration. 1944. 4 pages.

File# 308 List of Jews in district Dorohoi whose families were deported to Transnistria while they were mobilized in forced labor brigades.

No date. 43 pages.

File# 309 Declaration. 1943. 1 page.

File# 310 Declarations for women. No date. 9 pages.

File# 311 Idem 30 pages

File# 312 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 313 Idem 13 pages.

Reel # 18

File# 314 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1942. 12 pages.

Fille# 315 Idem 31 pages.

File# 316 Request for exemption from forced labor. Facsimile from newspapers, 1942. 25 pages,

File# 317 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1942. 17 pages

Thru 320

File# 321 Review and declaration, 1944, 2 pages.

File# 322 List of Jews which handed over their equipment. 1942. 1 page

File# 323 Idem, 2 pages.

File# 324 List of Jews which only partially handed over their equipment. 1942. 4 pages.

File# 325 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1942.

Thru 373

File# 374 Jewish community Tg. Frumos. Balance 1943 and budget for 1944.

9 pages.

File# 375 Declaration. 1944. 3 pages.

File# 376 Idem, 4 pages.

File# 377 Jews in district Iaşi having exemption cards from forced labor and permits to practice their trade. 1944. 41 pages.

File # 378 Activity account of the statistical section and of the registry office. 1941. 41 pages.

FILE3 379 Activity account of the Jewish community of occidental ritual. 1942. 46 pages.

File# 380 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1942. 5 pages.

File# 381 Idem

File# 382 Declaration for employer. 1942. 24 pages.

Reel # 19

File# 383 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1942. 18 pages.

Thru 388

File# 389 Request for reduction of taxation. 1944. 20 pages.

File# 390 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 44 pages.

Thru 419

File# 420 Declarations for employer. 1942. 163 pages.

File# 421 Declarations. 1943. 9 pages.

File# 422 Request for exemption from forced labor. 1943. 6 pages.

Thru 424

File# 425 Declaration for employer. 1942. 2 pages.

File# 426 List of names (?). 1943. 12 pages.

File# 427 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 16 pages.

File# 428 Idem. 20 pages.

Reel # 20

File# 429 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 12 pages.

Thru 438

File# 439 Appeal against imposition of taxes. 1944. 37 pages

File# 440 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 31 pages.

Thru 442

File# 443 Annulment of cards of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 4 pages.

File# 444 Idem. 5 pages.

File# 445 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 12 pages.

File# 446 Idem. 8 pages.

File# 447 The National Red Cross Society requests extension of exemption from forced labor of Axenfeld George. 1944. 8 pages.

File# 448 Exempted from forced labor. 1943. 4 pages.

Thru 452

File# 453 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 11 pages.

File# 454 Exempted from forced labor. 1943. 4 pages.

File# 455 Idem. 17 pages.

File# 456 Idem 4 pages

Thru 464

File# 465 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 19 pages.

File# 466 Exempted from forced labor. 1943. 4 pages.

Thru 473

File# 474 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 19 pages.

File# 475 Idem

File# 476 Exempted from forced labor. 1943. 4 pages.

Thru 484

File# 485 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 10 pages.

File# 486 Declaration for salary. No date. 1 page

File# 487 Nominal list (?). No date. 6 pages.

File# 488 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 16 pages.

Thru 491

File# 492 Declaration for employer. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 493 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 10 pages.

Thru 496

File# 497 Declaration for employer. 1942. 10 pages.

Thru 523

File# 524 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 1 page.

File$ 525 Idem. 9 pages.

File# 526 Declaration for employer. 1942. 4 pages.

File# 527 Idem

File# 528 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 16 pages.

File# 529 Idem. 10 pages.

Reel # 21

File# 530 Request of exemption from forced labor. 1943. 27 pages.

File# 531 Declaration for employer. 1942. 14 pages.

Thru 536

File# 537 Financial balance. 1943. 1 page.

File# 538 Declaration for employer. 1942. 21 pages.

Thru 561

File# 562 Branch Timiş Torontal. Dockets of returned files. No date.

7 pages.

File# 563 Declaration for employer. 1942. 14 pages.

Thru 565

File# 566 List of civil servants of the Jewish community Sighişoara in possession of exemption from forced labor cards. 1944.

4 pages.

File# 567 Intervention for obtaining an exemption card from forced labor for a Jewish man whose file is incomplete. July 1944. 9 pages.

File# 568 Jewish community Luduş – financial balance. 1943. 1 page

File# 569 Declaration for employer. 1942. 10 pages.

Thru 571 Idem. 4 pages.

File# 572 Activity report of the community Drǎgǎşani. 1943. 1 page.

File# 573 Taxation charts of professionals for the exceptional contribution of 4 billions. No date. 16 pages.

File# 574 Union # 17 of craftspeople, insurance etc complains that the enterprise Jean Bally & Sons did not pay the imposed dues. No date. 1 page.

File# 575 The college of Jewish students. Nominal list of the feminine teaching staff and students . The role and importance of the college. The students are mobilized for work at the Institute of statistics. 1942. 5 pages.

RG25.017 Selected Records of the Cluj Branch of the Romanian National Archives. 1934-1952 People’s Tribunal Cluj

Extent: 9 reels

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Reel #1

File # 1 Accused: Mǎrcuş Graţian. The accused married his wife in 1936, knowing the she is of Jewish origin. After occupation by the Hungarians he divorced her, based on the racial laws. He also denounced her for falsifying civil documents and she lost her job and the pension. In 1945 she denounces him to the People’s Tribunal.

Nominal list of persons tried by the Tribunal. 141 pages.

File# 2 Persons indicted for denouncing and blackmail. 1945. 19 pages.

File# 3 Fasakas Stefan Indicted for maltreatment. 1945.15 pages.

File# 4 Dr. Koczwald Tiberiu for fascist attitude during the Hungarian occupation. Aided in the deportation to Auschwitz of Jewish physicians and their families. 1945. 117 pages.

(Many documents are in Hungarian).

File# 5 Miscellaneous correspondence. Persons charged of misbehavior and brutalities in the various ghettos in the occupied Transilvania. 1945. 39 pages.

File# 6 Ordinances emitted in 1945. 37 pages.

File# 7 Lakatos Andrei indicted for abuse against the Jews. 1946.

45 pages.

File# 11 File of defendants accused of picking out Jews for deportation from various ghettos. 1946. 75 pages.

File# 15 The group of war criminals. Indictments and final speeches of the lawyers.1946. 80 Pages.

File# 21 List of atrocities committed by the Hungarians in various districts of the Northern Ardeal at the evacuation from and during their occupation (1940-1944).

Detailed description of the horrors. (Some texts and copies of posters are in Hungarian) 1946. 67 pages.

No File # List of microfilmed documents for the USHMM.

Reel #2

No File # List of microfilmed documents for the USHMM.

(Continues from Reel #1)

File# 22 Verdicts issued by the Tribunal in 1946. 378 pages.

File# 23 Ordinances emitted in 1946. Nominal lists of persons of various nationalities mobilized for forced labor in various districts the period 1940-1944. Same for internees in camps and Romanians expelled by the Hungarian authorities. 58 pages.

File# 27 Deaky Ludovic is denounced for criminal actions during the Hungarian occupation1945. 100 pages.

File# 28 Farkas Alexandru and Ana indicted for racial hate, denouncing and maltreatment of Jews. 1945. 25 pages.

No File # List of microfilmed documents for the USHMM.

(Continues from Reel #2)

Inspectorate of Gendarmerie Cluj

File# 3 Informative notes and circular orders regarding the irredentist and the legionnaire orders. 1943-1944. 6 pages.

File# 4 Informative activity for 1943. Informative notes regarding the

Legionnaire movement. A number of cover sheets and a single page form December 6 1944, regarding a request for information on a legionnaire camp in Cậmpia Turzii.

File# 25 Orders regarding internment in camps of Hungarians and Germans.

Security historic of the “Chauvin and Racial Manifestations”1944.

13 pages.

File# 54 A document starting with page 4 and containing a number of 45 names starting with # 27 of the fate of persons accused of illegal political activities.

List of addresses and names of war criminals sentenced at the Peoples Tribunals in Bucharest and Cluj, residing in Cluj.1947.

3 pages.

File# 56 (Cover sheet missing) Informative Bulletins. 1947. 9 pages.

File# 75 The irredentist movement; prohibited religious sects. Jews trying to travel to Germany and from there to Palestine. File containing the history of the legionnaire movement.1946 . 8 pages.

Police Inspectorate Cluj

File# 22 Control of the Jews. 1939. 14 pages.

File# 114 Police Directorate Alba Iulia. Numeric and nominal lists of Jews controlled. 1939. 58 pages.

File# 115 Police Directorate Sibiu. Lists of Jews non-citizens. Lists of Numeric and nominal lists of Jews controlled. 1939. 86 pages.

File# 117 Police Precinct Tg. Mureş, Turda. Jews under control missing and deceased. 1939. 110 pages. (Continues on Reel # 3)

Reel # 3

File# 117 (Continues from Reel # 2). Lists of Jews non-citizens residing in other localities. 113 pages.

File# 119 Police Inspectorate province Mureş. Numeric and nominal lists of Jews controlled. 1939. 318 pages.

File# 123 Controls of foreigners (non-citizens). 1940. 127 pages.

General Directorate of Police

File# 306 Residents with Nansen Certificates. 1940. 25 pages.

File# 3420 Control of foreigners. 1944. 15 pages.

File# 15 Security and notes regarding the pursuit of war criminals.


Police Inspectorate Cluj

File# 10 Informative note on the legionnaire detention camp. March 1941. Information received from individual legionnaires. Legionnaire manifests. 1934-1943. 15 pages.

File# 46 Police Precinct Abrud. Information on Zionist organizations. 1947.

60 pages.

File# 47 Police Precinct Abrud. Information on the Saxon population, the Hitlerjugend and other German organizations. 1940. 27 pages.

File# 44 The Jewish problem. 1940-1942. 40 pages.

Reel # 4

No File # Correspondence related to the fate of the real estate taken away from the Jews.

Information on a Zionist organization “Habonim Hahagana Harashit” with camps for Halutzimi. It is assumed to be a secret organization for communist propaganda. 1941. Reports on other

Zionist organizations like “Hanoar Hazioni”. Various problems with Jews: forced labor, possession of radio receivers and typewriters, contact with the rural population. List of the existent Jewish communities.

Information on presumed NKVD agents, some of Jewish origin

1941. 147 pages.

File# 54 The travel of HM the King and a number of dignitaries. Information on the Saxons. 1941. 1 page.

File# 46 The Jewish problem. The action of raising money by the Zionists is forbidden, as well as all other public manifestations. Limitation of the juridical and commercial rights.1940.78 pages.

File# 17 The radio receivers are confiscated from the Jews. Interfaith marriages. 1941. 23 pages.

File# 57 Religious sects, prayer houses, schools. 1941. 1 page.

File# 68 Jews are allowed to hold religious services during the High holidays. 1941. 1 page.

File# 78 The Jewish problem. The Jewish population is accused of abetting

and spreading communist propaganda in Bessarabia under the orders of the Soviet government. Jews refugees from Bessarabia and Bucovina must remain under strict observation. The situation of Jews converted to Christians. 1941. 19 pages.

File# 93 Various localities report problems with Jewish goods. Travel interdictions. Jews converse exclusively in Hungarian. Organization of forced labor brigades. List of hunted Jews whose families were deported to Transnistria. 1941-1942. 185 pages.

File# 108 Suspicious and hunted persons suspected as spies. 1942. 10 pages.

File# 168 The Jewish problem. Forced labor of Jews. Frame of mind of the Jews. Situation of the real estate obtained from the Jews.

Rumors about the German-Hungarian military collaboration

Jews fugitives from Transnistria are returned there.

Reports on Zionist activity. 1943-104. 166 pages.

File# 133 The action of Romanization. Reports on the situation of the legionnaires and the Hungarian irredentists. Report on the internal situation. 1943 -1944. 16 pages. ( Continues on Reel # 5)

Reel # 5

File# 133 ( Continues from Reel # 4). Situation of the Jews in Hungary after the occupation by the German troops. 1944. 6 pages.

File# 84 Miscellaneous. Rumors on the actions supposed to be taken respectively by the Soviets and the Anglo-Americans in the near future. 1944. 1 page.

File# 68 The Jewish problem. The idea that some Jews consider themselves as Karaim is rejected, because Karaim is only a religious sect and they are Jews. In many localities there are no Jews. A number of naval vessels were authorized by Antonescu to transport Jews to Palestine. Jews from Hungary cross illegally the border into Romania. List of Jews evacuated from Hushi

Travel restrictions for Jews are suspended (Sept. 15, 1944).

Jews seize goods from businesses and enterprises in Ardeal with the assistance of Soviet military personnel. 1944. 146 pages.

File# 68 The Jewish problem. Repeal of all legislative anti-Jewish measures from the Diplomatic Instruction Manual.

In pursuit of a chauvinistic Jewish manifest. Sept. 1945.11 pages.

File# 46 The Jewish problem. Illegal communist societies and activity among the Jewish population. 1937. 12 pages

File# 3 Confidential documents. The mood of the population due to the change of government, the activity of the Iron Guard; the congress of the Jewish International Association; the Magyar irredentist movement. Mixed marriages of military personnel. 1938. 15 pages.

File# 46 Citizenship revision of the Jews. Various Jewish problems. Jews listed in the register of nationality. 1938. 57 pages.

File# 58 Regulations for obtaining and losing the Romanian citizenship. 1939. 3 pages.

File# 37 Instructions and dispositions regarding the State security. 1940.

3 pages.

File# 11 Confidential documents. 1940. 5 pages.

File# 46 The Jewish problem. Zionists selling on the street stamps received from Palestine. Jewish sport clubs propagate anti-national ideas. Regulations for public collections by the Jewish organizations. Request for information about the “Rotary Club”. Annulment of authorizations for public performances of Jewish artists and musicians. Nominal lists. Reclamation of religious conversions. 1940. 106 pages.

File# 43 The Jewish problem. Limitation of public functions for Jews. Closing of social and cultural clubs. The Halutzim organizations. The problem of certain Christian sects. Propagation of anti-German rumors regarding the war. The Jewish problem must be solved by the official authorities and not by individual initiative of citizens. Forced labor of the Jews. Order to confiscate pictures taken in Jewish cemeteries during the “Rebeliune”. Travel permits for Jews.1941. 270 pages.

Reel # 6

File# 15 Radio receivers confiscated from the Jews by the legionnaires in the town Aiud. 1941-1942. 49 pages.

File# 20 Theaters, movie houses, artists etc. Total interdiction for Jews to activate. 1943. 1 page.

File# 84 Local information regarding various groups of the population. 1944. 9 pages.

File# 32 Activity and periodical reports. 1944. 20 pages.

File# 362 Inquiry of the cooperative Turda on the activity during the rebeliune. 1941. 3 pages.

File# 1064 Order of arrest for Isidor Halter, engineer at the refinery Astra Romana in Ploiesti. 1941. 9 pages.

File# 605 Reports and informative notes on the Magyar troops, recruits, Jews interned in camps etc. 3500Jews from Cluj are loaded on railroad cars and sent to an unknown destination by the German army. 1943-1944. 18 pages.

File# 2870 Romanian Popular Republic. A Jew coming back from forced labor claims his property and business.

Administration of real estate and goods left by the Jews. 1944.

8 pages. 1946.

File# 2829 Declaration of a Jew in favor of a Hungarian fascist. 1945.

1 page.

File# 2731 Persecution of the Jews. Confrontation of witnesses. 1945.

14 pages. (Most of the text is in Hungarian).

File# 2958 Declarations of Jewish women who were deported in camps. 1945.

16 pages.

File# 2777 Persecution of the Jews by the members of the “Cross and Arrows” party. 1945. 3 pages. (Text in Hungarian).

File# 698 Jews, revision of citizenship. 1939. 545 pages.

File# 18 Minorities, Irredentist propaganda, Revisionism, Jewish activity, Zionism. A Talmudist school. 1939, 2 pages.

File# 28 Icons taken from Jewish store are confiscated. 1940. 2 pages.

File# 13 Control of foreign citizens. 1940. 1 page.

File# 756 Confidential and secret correspondence. 1945. 7 pages

File# 34 Jews, revision of citizenship.1940. 73 pages.(Continues on Reel#7)

Reel # 7

File# 34 (Continues from Reel # 6). Jews, revision of citizenship.1940.

264 pages.

File# 26 Jewish movement – Zionism. The organization “Keren Kayemeth Leisrael” from Chişinǎu has launched the sale of 2600 stamps. 1940. 21 pages.

File# 26 Religious sects. 1938. 1 page

File# 1100 Activity of the legionnaires in the penitentiary Aiud, related to assassination of Jews. 1943. 7 pages.

Reel # 8

File# 22(?) Awards for the members of the National Guards from Ardeal. Gratitude of the Jewish Community in Oradea. 1938. 1 page.

File# 11 Organization of measures for order and security in case of war. Evidence and selection of non-native employees. Council of collaboration. Censorship. 1939. 7 pages.

File# 9 Dismissal of all Jewish employees from community services, inclusive those converted, having a native name, or a Christian spouse. Lists of dismissals. Appeals of dismissed employees. 1940. 185 pages.

File# 158 Prefect’s Office of District Cluj. Racial measures. Administrative action against Jews in communal services that are not listed in the Nationality lists of the community. 1938. 840 pages. (Some documents are in Hungarian and in Gothic German) (Continues on Reel # 9)

Reel # 9

File# 158 (Continues from Reel # 8).Prefect’s Office of District Cluj. Control and revision of the citizenship of Jewish in habitants in various localities of the district. 1938-1939. 655 pages.

Fond# 141 Tribunal Cluj – Prosecutor’s office. Religious sects. 1937. 5 pages.

File# 17 Prefect’s Office district Somesh. Orders relative the party “Nylas”.1941-43. 21 pages, (In Hungarian).

Fond# 138 Magyar General Prosecutor’s Office. 1943-44. 74 pages.(In Hungarian).

Fond# 634 Gendarmerie District Turda. The regimen of the German prisoners. Meeting of regional Jewish leaders. 1946. 4 pages.

Fond# 48 Rural district Cluj. Revision of foreign citizens and the nationality problem. Various local problems. 1937-1944. 19 pages.

Fond# 136 Townhouse Cluj. Collection of citizenship registers. 1938.

301 pages.

RG 25.018 Survey of attitudes among Romanian students regarding the Holocaust, 2002

Extent: ca. 500 pp.--10 microfiche

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Project Division purchased the collection from Mr. Oliver Lustig in Bucharest, Romania in 2003.

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: . Consists of a sociological survey of the attitudes of contemporary Romanian grade school students to the Holocaust, together with pedagogical responses.


Folder 1: Informare: by Oliver Lustig; Basic overview of the project and it’s objectives.

Folder 2: Clasele VIIa si VIIIa: Selected completed questionnaires from Romanian students, classVIIa to VIIIa.

Folder 3: Clasele a-XI-a: Selected completed questionnaires from Romanian students, class a-XI-a.

Folder 4: Clasele a-XII-a: Selected completed questionnaires from Romanian students, class a-XII-a.

Folder 5: Râspunsuri foarte slabe: Selected completed questionnaires deemed weak or insufficient.

Folder 6: Râspunsuri deosebite: Selected completed questionnaires deemed remarkable or exceptional.

Folder 7: Râspunsuri profesorilor: Selected reactions and responses from teachers to the student’s attitudes.

Folder 8: Inspectorate scolare Judetene: Final report of the board of education.

Folder 9: Câteva concluzii: A few conclusions applicable to educators teaching the Holocaust to Romanian grade-school children.

RG 25.019 Selected Records Related to Bessarabia and Bukovina from the Romanian National Archives, 1924-1961 (bulk 1933-1945)

Extent: 65 reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Program Division in July 2004.

Organization and arrangement: Organized by creating agency. Arrangement is chronological

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch. Cite the Romanian National Archives as holder of originals

Scope and content note: Contains records related to the surveillance of Jews and expropriation of their property in the regions of Bessarabia and Bukovina, Romania. Also contains documents related to the surveillance and harassment of other minority groups and members of Protestant denominations.


Reel 1:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 133, 158, 160-161, 194, 197-199, 204, and 251 from 1935. File 177 from 1937. Files 171, 175, 178, and 216 from 1938.

Reel 2:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: File 217 from 1938. File 175 from 1939. Files 29-30 (ends page 48) from 1940.

Reel 3:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: File 30 (beginning page 49) from 1940. Files 35, 90, 135, and 155 (ends page 211) from 1940.

Reel 4:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 155 (beginning page 212), 259, and 266 from 1940. File 19 (ends page 194) from 1941.

Reel 5:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 19 (beginning page 195) and 20 (ends page 195) from 1941.

Reel 6:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 225, 258, and 260 from 1941. File 13 (to page 271) from 1942.

Reel 7:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 13 (beginning page 272), 185-186, and 187 (ends page 158) from 1942.

Reel 8:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 187 (beginning page 159), 188-189, and 190 (ends page 41) from 1942.

Reel 9:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 190 (beginning page 42), 191-192, and 193 (ends page 222) from 1942.

Reel 10:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 193 (beginning page 223), 194-197, and 211 (ends page 74) from 1942.

Reel 11:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: File 211 (beginning page 75) from 1942, files 3 and 87 from 1943.

Reel 12:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 88-89 from 1943, file 62 from 1944, file 91 (ends page 158) from 1944.

Reel 13:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 91 (beginning page 159), and 92-93 from 1944, files 14-15 from 1945.

Reel 14:

Records of the General Directorate of the Police: Files 16, 26, and 44 from 1945. Files 74 and 84 from 1946, and file 100 from 1947.

Reel 15:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 13, 92, 104, 156, 194, and 197 (ends page 194).

Reel 16:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 197 (beginning page 195), 220-221, 225, 244, and 246 (ends page 243).

Reel 17:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 246 (beginning page 244), 250, 255, 258-259, and 260 (ends page 97).

Reel 18:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 260 (beginning page 98), 314-315, 322-323, 325, 337-338, 352, 479, and 556 (ends page 111).

Reel 19:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 556 (beginning page 112), 557-558, and 622 (ends page 121).

Reel 20:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 622 (beginning page 122), 637, 639, 659, and 670 (ends page 207).

Reel 21:

Records from the Regional Inspectorate of the Military Police (Gendarmes) [dates not specified by source archive]: Files 670 (beginning page 208), 673, 707, 708, 740, 741, and 742.

Reel 22:

Records of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Secretary): Files 482 I, 482 II, 483, and 486 (ends page 80) from 1941.

Reel 23:

Records of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Secretary): Files 486 (beginning page 81), 489, 201, 546 I, and 546 II from 1941. File 282 from 1942.

Reel 24:

Records of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Secretary): Files 283 II, 369, 389, 452, 480, and 497 from 1942. File 51 (ends page 105) from 1943.

Reel 25:

Records of the Ministry of the Interior (Home Secretary): Files 51 (beginning page 106), and 52-57 from 1943.

Reel 26:

Records of the Central Committee of the P.C.R. Branch Office: Files 1 from 1938, 1 from 1941, 2 from 1943, 3 from 1943, 29 from 1944, 26-28, 93, 111, 198, 204, and 270-273 from 1945, 8, 15, 17, 60, and 147 from 1946, 12, 49-50, 56, and 95 from 1948, 82, 91, 124, 151, and 153 from 1950, 79, 132, 167, and 174 from 1952, 11 and 23 from 1953, 12, 28, 31, 50, 66-67, 109, 116, 161, 164, and 166 from 1954, 15 from 1958, 10 from 1960, and 58 from 1961.

Reel 27:

Records of the Presidential Council from the Ministry of Records: Files 4 from 1944, 7 from 1945, and 3 from 1947.

Reel 28:

Records of the Military Police (Gendarme) Battalion Chilia Noua: File 10 (ends page 798) from 1941.

Reel 29:

Records of the Military Police (Gendarme) Battalion Chilia Noua: File 10 (beginning page 799) from 1941.

Reel 30:

Municipal records of the town of Cahul: File 69 from 1933, 78 from 1936, 107 from 1941, and 209 from 1943.

Reel 31:

Records of the Prefecture of Police for Chisinau: Files 51 and 53 from 1941.

Reel 32:

Records of the Prefecture of Police for Chisinau: Files 63, 70, and 81 (ends page 125) from 1941.

Reel 33:

Records of the Prefecture of Police for Chisinau: Files 81 (beginning page 126) from 1941, and 111, 142-143, and 193 from 1942.

Reel 34:

Records of the Prefecture of Police for Chisinau: Files 261, 296, and 301 from 1943.

Reel 35:

Records of the Prefecture of Police for Chisinau: File 311 from 1943.

Reel 36:

Administrator of State Property for the town of Varticauti in the Hotin District: Files 1-3 from 1941, files 4-6 from 1942, and file 7 from 1943.

Reel 37:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 3-4 from 1925, file 84 from 1937, file 90 from 1939, and files 112-118 from 1942.

Reel 38:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 119-128 from 1942.

Reel 39:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 129-135 from 1942, and files 138-140 from 1943.

Reel 40:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 141-142 from 1943, file 144 from 1943, file 145 from 1940, files 146-149 from 1925, file 152 from 1935, and file 153 from 1942.

Reel 41:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 198-203 from 1941.

Reel 42:

The Cernauti Appellate Court: Files 204-209 from 1941.

Reel 43:

The Military Court of Chisinau: File 2 from 1943.

Reel 44:

The Ismail Chamber of Commerce and Industry: File 37 from 1942.

Reel 45:

Chisinau Town Hall: File 14 from 1941.

Reel 46:

Tighina Police Precinct: File 5 from 1942, file 10 from 1942, and file 48 from 1944.

Reel 47:

Ismail Police Precinct: File 25 from 1942.

Reel 48:

The Principal Port in Reni: File 48 from 1940.

Reel 49:

The Balti District Court, Branch I-II: Files 10, 40, and 43 from 1938.

Reel 50:

The Cernauti District Court: Files 570 and 576-577 from 1939, files 604-605 from 1943.

Reel 51:

The Cernauti District Court: File 618 from 1939.

Reel 52:

The Hotin District Court: Files 43-44 from 1939.

Reel 53:

The Lapusna District Court, Branch I, II, & III: Files 5-6 from 1934, file 8 from 1935, file 14 from 1939, and file 18 (through page 162) from 1938.

Reel 54:

The Lapusna District Court, Branch I, II, & III: File 18 (beginning page 163) from 1938.

Reel 55:

The Orhei District Court: Files 37-39 from 1938 and file 40 from 1939.

Reel 56:

The Storojinet District Court: File 41 from 1938, file 52 from 1938, and file 53 from 1939.

Reel 57:

The Cetatea Alba District Court, Branch I-II: File 13 from 1933 and file 20 from 1938.

Reel 58:

Magisterial Office of the District Court of Raduti: File 111 from 1942 and 199 from 1942.

Reel 59:

The General Appellate Court of Cernauti: Files 6-8 from 1940, files 75-78, 80, 126-127, and 130 from 1942. Files 131-133 and 151 from 1943. File 155 (through page 185) from 1943.

Reel 60:

The General Appellate Court of Cernauti: File 155 (beginning page 186) from 1943. Files 156 and 170 from 1943. Files 178-179, 193, and 195 from 1944. File 200 (through page 195) from 1944.

Reel 61:

The General Appellate Court of Cernauti: File 200 (beginning page 196) from 1944. Files 207 and 213 from 1944.

Reel 62:

The Cernati Public Court: Files 1-2 from 1941, files 11-12 from 1942, file 15 from 1942, and files 18 and 21 from 1943.

Reel 63:

The Soroca Court: File 17304 from 1933 [begins on frame #5]. File 7208 from 1939 [begins on frame #260. File 2270 from 1938 [begins frame #32]. [Cataloger’s note: The files on this reel appear piecemeal and fragmentary. There are no target sheets delineating the file breaks.]

Reel 64:

The Tighina District Court: File 94 from 1940. File 105 from 1940. File 120 from 1939.

Reel 65:

Town Hall of Noua Sulita in the Hotin District: File 13 from 1943.

RG 25.021 Selected Records Relating to the Holocaust in Romania, 1941-2002

Extent: 106 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Center for the Study of the History of the Jews from Romania, Federation of Jewish Communities filmed selected files from Fond III for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives in 1997. The Archives received a subsequent shipment of six microfilm reels in July 1998, and photocopies of records in Dec. 2004 and Jan. 2005.

Organization and arrangement: Arrangement is thematic; ‚a Fond III from dosar 984-1221 (some files are missing); Fond IV-one file; Fond VI-three files; Fond VII-selected files; Fond X-two files.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records of the Federation of Union of Jewish Communities and the O.S.E. Bucharest branch relating to its relief and aid activities for Jews who were deported to Transnistria and those in Greater Romania. Also contains name lists of Jews originally from Transylvania and interned to the USSR, lists of orphaned children and the victims of the Iasi pogrom, the WJC in Romania information forms on families in Vaslui, Iasi and Burdeni.


Fond III (1940 – 1944)

Reel 1

File III-2 The Jewish Community of Sephardic (Spanish) rite. (CIRSB). Various correspondence.

Memoir regarding the old settlements of Sephardic Jews in the Romanian Principalities; the participation of the Sephardic Jews in the life of the country.

Report of the council of representatives for the year 1940.

Documents from 1880. 1940-42. 91 pages.

File III-3 Jewish Community Bucharest (CEB). Religious education: curriculum of religious and Hebrew classes. Report on teaching staff. 1940-41. 33 pages.

File III-4 CEB. Orphanage Cǎminul Copiilor, Foundation Berkowitz. Statutes of the Foundation. Constitutive and administrative documents. Economical and financial management. Personal data.

1921 -1941.

The German Embassy is looking for documents of children or their relatives (1941).

Register of documents 1941- 1942.

Documents of conversion.

Correspondence with the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland and with the Jewish community in Budapest. Correspondence with the Yiddish Theater and the publication Renaşterea Noastrǎ. 1941. 223 pages.

File III-5 CEB. Lists of payments and pensions. 1941 – 1942. 121 pages.

File III-6 The Jewish Community of Sephardic (Spanish) rite. The cemetery on Sevastopol Street. Documents regarding the giving up of real estate. 7 pages. 1942.

File III-7 CEB. Secretariat. Various correspondence and administrative activities. 1942. 87 pages.

File III-8 CEB. Cultural Department. Activity reports of various sections and institutions. 1940 – 1943.167 pages.

File III-9 CEB. Statistical Department. Lists and data regarding the activity of the Community institutions. Correspondence, various lists. Original documents. 1942 -1943. 81 pages.

File III-10 CEB. Statistical Department. Correspondence; delivering statistical data to institutions under the control or the protection of the Community; memoranda to regional offices. 1943. 105 pages.

File III-10A CEB. Minutes of meetings of the representatives CEB. Budgets of various branches. 1941-1942. 137 pages.

File III-11 CEB. Correspondence with the financial authorities in regard to tax duties. 1938 – 1946. 180 pages.

File III-12 CEB. Religious Department. Correspondence with regional communities and with CEB. 1942 -1943. 102 pages.

File III-28 STRUMA. Commemorations. List of victims. Details revealed in the press about the Struma and Mighila Struma. Personal and general information and data. Articles from newspapers and literature.

1941 -1946. 105 pages.

File III-24 CEB. The case Martha Süsser. Conversion to Jewish religion.

1941 -1950. 10 pages.

File III-34 CEB. Department of Culture – Schools. List of items – Cultural Department. 1938 -1942. Correspondence, meetings, financial aspects and relations. 1938 – 1942. 217 pages.

File III-14 CEB. Secretariat. Correspondence. The hospital Caritas - New Maternity. Religious activities. List of items. The Community budget for 1940 - 1941. 1940. 235 pages

Reel 2

File III-15 CEB. The commission for establishing the salaries of CEB personnel. Lists of personnel by function and seniority.

1941. 33 pages.

File III-16 CER and CEB. Department of Statistics and propaganda. Problems related to taxation. 1938 – 1943. 96 pages.

File III-17 CEB. Duties. Requests for tax reduction. 1943 -1945. 27 pages.

File III-19 CER and CEB. Regional Communities. Correspondence, original documents. 1940 - 1942. 102 pages.

File III-22 Jewish Sephardic Community. Administration of schools and teachers’ appointments. Procurement of clothing for the army.

1942 – 1944. 86 pages.

File III-23 Jewish Sephardic Community. Maintenance of the cemeteries. The new maternity. Excerpts from “Monitorul Comunal”. 1930 – 1946. 22 pages.

File III-29 CEB. Documents related to the clergy from the Old Kingdom and the CER. Medical problems in schools. Teachers Index. 1942 -1944. 70 pages.

File III-32 CER. Money paid by CER at the disposal of the Commissary for Jewish Problems, Radu Lecca. 1943 -1945. 26 pages.(Out of 90).

File III-34 CEB Cultural Department. Reports regarding the activity in schools. 1940 – 1942. 17 pages.

File III-35 CEB Department of Taxation. Department of Propaganda and Statistics. Income and expenses. 1940 -1941. 16 pages.

File III-39 CEB. Correspondence regarding jobs: applications, complaints, requests. Results of tests for students. Financial report. List of deceased in 1941. List of newborn in maternities. Union of Temples and Synagogues. 1932-1946. 211 pages.

File III-42 CEB, Nominal list of the personnel who obtained cards of exemption from forced labor. 1942. 10 pages.

File III-40 CER. Solutions regarding the pensions of previous members of the CER. Creation of inspectors to supervise the equipping of the Jews in the forced labor camps. 1944. 25 pages.

File III-44 Nominal lists of the Jews enrolled in the labor brigades at the disposal of the Bucharest municipality. 1943 – 1944. 55 pages.

File III-45 CER – CEB. Personal files of the CEB employees (documents from the period 1900 – 1948). 1940 – 1944. 59 pages.

File III-46 CER. Request of clothing for the Jews in forced labor camps in Buzǎu, Nehoiashi and Câmpulung-Muscel. 1942. 6 pages.

File III-47 The Talmud-Thora lectures – letter 1944. The litigation CIRSB – Luciano Pergola. 1937. 16 pages.

File III-48 CEB. Administrative problems. Bookkeeping Service – Register of items. Reports and financial analyses. 1942 – 1944. 261 pages.

File III-51 CEB. Personnel Department. Correspondence regarding the CEB personnel. Resolution by the CER in regard to the wages of the physicians working at CEB units. Nominal list for obtaining the card of exemption from forced labor. 1943 – 1944. 114 pages.

File III-52 The special contribution of 4 milliard lei. Nominal lists of forced contributors. 1942. 42 pages.

File III-54 CEB. Decisions regarding the activity and the personnel of the Community. The budget 1942 – 1943. 91 pages.

File III-58 CER district Hunedoara. The statute of the Orthodox Community in Deva. 1942 – 1943. 15 pages.

File III-59 CER. Department of Religion. The Synagogues in Bucharest and in the rest of the country. The Mosaic religion. Forced labor. Memoranda. List of correspondence for the department.

1940 – 1944. 750 pages.(approx)

Reel 3

File III-60 CER. Department of Religion. List of items. 1938 -1950. 496 pages.

File III-61 The Society SACRA, cemeteries, gratis eateries, asylum etc. Commemoration of Jewish heroes. Correspondence with various institutions. Sale of real estate. 1941. 115 pages.

File III-65 CEB, Aid. Various gratis eateries of the CER. 1942 – 1943.

128 pages.

File III-66 The Society SACRA in Bucharest. Correspondence, administrative. 1937. 49 pages.

File III-67 The Society SACRA in Bucharest. Reports of general assemblies; balances and budgets. 1934 – 1944. 47 pages.

File III-68 CEB Social Assistance. The pauper population in Bucharest in 1943 – study. The orphanage “Cǎminul Copiilor” 1917 – 1926. School colonies. Petitions for aid and tax exemptions 1943 – 1948. 1917 – 1949. 60 pages.

File III-69 “Society for protection of Jewish girls and women”. “United school canteens”. Statutes for organization of the Centrala Evreilor of Romania. 1942 – 1947. 50 pages.

File III-72A CEB. Personal files of employees and temporay workers.

1943 -1949. 200 files; 871pages.

Reel 4

File III-75 CEB. Administration. Rating of employees. Correspondence with AJDC and others. Salaries, pensions. Aid for Jews returned from forced labor and from jail. 1944 – 1946. 661 pages.

File III-76 CEB. Employees personal files. 1943 – 1948. 334 pages.

File III-78 CIRSB. Correspondence. Cultural activity. Relations with the Orthodox Church. Personnel problems. 1943. 567 pages.

File III-80 Religious education in Hebrew. Analytical Programs (1921-1922). Religious documents from Temples and Synagogues in Bucharest (1942-1943). 1921 -1943. 92 Pages.

File III-81 CEB. The Jewish Democratic group. Society Dr. W. Filderman. Revision of citizenship (1938-1939). 1933 – 1940. 114 pages.

File III-83 CEB. Section propaganda and statistics. F.Aderca named secretary of the Section. Memorandum of the Jewish artists from the old Yiddish theater. Statutes of operation. Requests for help from writers in Hebrew and Yiddish. The Jewish population in Bucharest. Jewish cultural Institutions.1938 – 1941. 305 pages.

Reel 5

File III-84 The Kindergartens “Aleph-Beth” of the cultural association of Jewish Women. 1939 – 1948. 31 pages.

File III-86 CEB. Social Assistance. Help for the wives of men mobilized in the army. List of mobilized men. 1940. 142 pages.

File III-88 CEB. Production and distribution of the Matzos to schools, orphanages, canteens, asylum etc. 1942. 115 pages.

File III-89 CEB. Aid for intellectuals and for members of the forced labor work brigades. 1942. 15 pages.

File III-90 Trial of Mrs. Ruchla Kerbis for retaining a pair of underwear. 1942. 27 pages.

File III-91 CEB. Jewish institutions. Claims office. 1943 –1949. 34 pages.

File III-92 CEB. Social assistance. Canteens. Correspondence, reports.

1942 – 1943. 44 pages.

File III-93 CEB. Institutions and Associations. Canteens. The society “Datoriile Sfinte”. The great Synagogue and other societies. 1942. 44 pages.

File III-94 CEB. Various philanthropic and religious institutions: Temple Baron Hirsch, societies “Salvarea” “ Dr. Iosif Weissberg and others.

1942 – 1943. 55 pages.

File III-95 Social assistance. Income and expenses. 1943. 86 pages.

File ??? Taxes. Fond of clothing and assistance of evacuees. 1943.

21 pages.

File III-96 CER – CEB Medical Service in schools. Tables, statutes, regulations etc. 1942 – 1943. 206 pages.

File III-97 CEB. Requests for assistance. Help granted (food, matzos, firewood, rent etc). The personnel of CEB. 1938 – 1949. 219 pages,

File III-99 UER (Uniunea Evreilor Romậni). Correspondence with CEB. The history of the Union. 19 pages.

File III-100 CIRSB correspondence. Social assistance: activity, financial matters. 1942. 584 pages.

File III-105 CIRSB.(Jewish Sephardic Community Bucharest) Applications for membership. 1942 – 1944. 14 pages.

File III-106 Documents and writings regarding the activity of rabin Shabetai Djaeh, Statements of activity. Personal data. 1943. 31 pages.

File III-107 The Sephardic Jewish Community. Cultural Department. Bucharest. Correspondence. 1942 – 1943. 27 pages.

File III-109 CIRSB. Census. Application for registering to the census. Inventory of the goods looted by the Legionnaires.1940. 62 pages.

File III-110 CIRSB. Objects and materials from schools, canteens, student homes occupied by the General Commissariat of Refugees from Bucovina and Bessarabia. 1940- 1941. 52 pages.(text illegible)

Reel 6

File III-112 (Most pages are illegible) CISR Secretariat General. Correspondence. Schools.

File III-103 CIRSB. Correspondence from the Jewish Sephardic Community. Opening of new school. Request from the Romanian authorities to transfer the real state properties to the Government. 1941.

189 pages.

File III-1084 The Jewish Sephardic Community, the society SACRA.Giving up the Sevastopol cemetery. Original documents. Commission to coordinate the operations of exhumation, identification and interrment. 1942 - 1945. 249 pages.

File ??? CIRSB. The society SACRA. The Sevastopol cemetery. Original documents, manuscripts. Placement of the funeral monuments. Program of inhumation. 1944. 141 pages.

File III-113 CIRS. Great Rabinate. Correspondence. Dr. Al Safran is installed Chef Rabbi of the UCE. 1937 – 1940. 250 pages.

File III-115 CIRS. Correspondence with Centrala Evreilor and authorities, related to ritual problems, schools, administration and financial activities and operations. Cards of exemption from forced labor for the employees, school teachers and ritual people. 1939 – 1943. 428 pages.

File III-117 CIRS. Schools. Applications for registration and lower taxes. Means for school maintenance. Activity of the committees. 1936 -1943.

120 pages.

File III-118 CIRS. Medical and social assistance of schools and kindergartens during the war. Album with photographs. 1940 – 1944. 23 pages.

File III-121 CIRS. Correspondence. 1940. 750 pages.(Many pages totally illegible).

File III-122 CIRSB. Activity of Hevra Kedosha. Reports. correspondence.

1940 – 1951. 70 pages. .(Many pages totally illegible).

File III-123 CIRSB. The Elias donation. Inventory and evaluation. 1940.

21 pages.

Reel 7

File III-124A CEB. Jewish schools. Activity. Teaching staff. Social assistance. Relations with Jewish associations and societies. Technical lectures. Memoirs. 1943 – 1945. 406 pages.

File III-124B CEB. Jewish schools. Activity. Teaching staff. Evening High school. Organization. 402 pages. 1946.

File III-125 CEB. Financial status. Budgets, balances, credits. List of employees who subscribed to the loan. 1937 -1942. 44 pages.

File III-126 CER. Jewish communities in Bucharest and around the country. General presentation, monographs (Focsani, Odobesti, Braila, Timisoara, Sân Nicolau Mare), statutes, documents related to communities and the Mosaic religion. 1918 – 1943. 347 pages.

File III-127 The orphanage and the asylum for girls of the Union of Israelite women in Bucharest. Activity, personnel, students. 1921- 1946.

257 pages.

File III-128 CEB. Religion Department. The Synagogues of Bucharest. Activity.

Personnel. Lists (1943). Authorizations. Instructions. 1937 – 1943.

119 pages.

File III-129 CIRSB. Institutions and internal problems. Testament Dr. H. Elias. 1940. 30 pages.

File III-131 CER. SACRA Society, Hevra Kedosha, Death certificates etc. 1943. 153 pages.

File III-133 CIRSB. Alphabetic list of parishioners with addresses. 1940.

48 pages.

File III-134 Forced labor. Funds obtained from exemption taxes and their destination. 1942 – 1943. 39 pages.

File III-136 CER – CEB. Financial Department. Administration of the society “Alinarea” .1942 – 1943. 46 pages.

File III-137 CER. Manifests against the previous leaders. 1944. 4 pages.

File III-138 Minutes of meetings 16 Nov. 1939 – 20 May 1941. 188 pages.

File III-140 CEB. Department Religion. Synagogues. Authorizations. Centers: “Malbim-Mishansnuki”, “Cultura Max-Ariel”. The Community from Vinţul de Jos (Alba). Letter addressed to Baron Neumann. Misc.

1942 – 1944 [ 1907, 1945 - 1949]. 41 pages.

File III-141 Reports and annually balances of the society Bezalel Toeles Hamachov (Society for curing illnesses). 1889 – 1940. 32 pages.

Reel 8

File III-141 Reports and annually balances of the society Bezalel Toeles Hamachov (Society for curing illnesses). 1889 – 1940. 32 pages.

(Repeats from Reel # 7 ???)

File III-142 CEB. Cultural Department. Minutes of meetings, manuscripts

1938 -1941. 130 pages.

File III-145 CER correspondence. List of district offices. Number of converted Jews in Cernǎuţi and Dorohoi.

Department schools and culture. Assignment of teachers for the Hebrew language. 1943. 11 pages.

File III-146 Monographs: CEB, Sevastopol cemetery, etc. Activity of the CEB Committee. 1943. 329 pages.

File III-147 CEB. Department of propaganda and statistics. 1938 – 1941.

113 pages.

File III-148 CEB. UER agrees to adhere to CDE. 1944 – 1948. 47 pages

File III-150 CER. Documents of confirmation for the Rabbis Sulita, Hinlau and Stefanesti. 1943. 213 pages.

File III-152 CEB. Administrative and financial Department. Aid for the forced labor brigades. 1943 – 1944. 76 pages.

File III-154 CEB. The military taxation. The estates of the Synagogues. Reports. 1940 – 1941. 42 pages.

File III-155 CEB. Meetings of the Community Representatives, Reports. 1944. 65 pages.

File III-156 CEB. Legislation of the Jewish Sanitary Service. Medical activity and personnel. 1941 – 1943. 79 pages.

File III-158 The Jewish Community in Cluj. Index of Jews deported, living and deceased. 1944 – 1945. 49 pages.

FileIII-162 The Society “HIAS – EMIGDIRECT” board of Directors.

1938 – 1942. 27 pages.

File III-165 CEB. The activity of the Community Office. Assistance, Aid for intellectuals. 1942 – 1945. 151 pages.

File III-166 CEB. Communal sections and institutions. Activity reports. About schools, libraries, cultural, assistance, Help for Transnistria and the forced labor brigades. 1942 – 1944. 175 pages.

File III-168 Statistics. Demographic data. 1870 – 1942. 12 pages.

File III-172 CEB. Activity. Aid to deportees, Synagogues, cultural establishments. 1940 – 1942. 1950. 113 pages.

File III-173 CEB. Management and employees. Conferring citizenship with support from CDE. Protecting some real estate of CDE from nationalization. 1942, 1944, 1948, 50 pages.

File III-174 CEB. Correspondence, Minutes of meetings. 1940, 1942, 1950.

68 pages.

File III-181 CEB. Schools. Activity. Teaching Staff. Aid for students. Subsidizing of canteens. Censoring of books. Sevastopol cemetery. 1923 – 1948. 373 pages.

Reel 9

File III-175 CEB. Nominal lists of the managers of societies and Synagogues. Synopsis on Sevastopol cemetery. 1942, 1948, 1950. 37 pages.

The text of the rest of Reel # 9 is barely readable and could not be deciphered satisfactorily for analysis.

Reel 10

File III-203 CEB. Nominal lists of employees in the months August – December 1944 (in liquidation). 59 pages.

File III-204 FUCE Claims. file. Urban expropriation and other problems related to racial discrimination. 1940 – 1941. 524 pages.

File III-205. CEB. Society SACRA. Correspondence. Activity. 1943 – 1944.

36 pages.

File III-207 CEB. Social assistance. Correspondence with the Council of Patronage. 1940 – 1941. 10 pages.

File III-209A CER. Correspondence with the district office Botosani. 1943.

26 pages.

File III-209B Letters addressed to A. Axelrad Luca, writer. 1903-1946.

72 pages.

File III-211 CEB. Student register. Mixed school No. 8 Apǎrǎtorii Patriei,

1943 – 1944. 23 pages.

File III-214 Administrative – Financial Department. Assistance TBC (Society “Alinarea”) Miscellaneous. 1944. 245 pages.

File III-216 Society SACRA. Schedules of personal payments. The cemetery “Serban Voda” 1939 – 1943. 101pages.

File III-217A CEB. Department Religion, Temples and Synagogues. Inventory movables and real estate. Balances. Correspondence with Statistics Department. 1940 – 1943. 117 pages.

File III-217a CIRSB. Succinct history. Documents. 1940 – 1943. 58 pages.

File III-220 CEB. List of 216 employees. 1944. 34 pages.

File III-222 CEB. Assistance for adults. Distribution of clothing.1943. 83 pages.

File III-225 CEB. Assistance given to intellectuals and others. 1943. 56 pages.

File III-284 Society SACRA. Liquidation of the Sevastopol cemetery. Various correspondence. 1943 – 1944. 82 pages.

File III-285 CIRSB. The Sevastopol cemetery. The Jewish Orthodox Community in Bucharest. Central Office of Romanization, the Inspectorate in Iasi. Reports. Information. 1942 -1944. 49 pages.

File III-286 Efraim Sufrin. Revision of citizenship. 1938. 20 pages.

File III-287 Documents Re. the situation of the Jewish Communities in Northern Ardeal. 1940 – 1944. 57 pages.

File III-288 Documents and notes by Dr. W. Filderman. 1938 – 1942.

149 pages.

File III-289 The history of the Jews in Oradea. 1949 - 1944. 147 pages.

File III-291 The Jewish Communities in Galaţi, Tecuci 122 pages.

Reel 11

File III-292 History of the Jews in the Northern Ardeal 1900 – 1944. The Holocaust. 349 pages.

File III-293 The camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Various articles and descriptions. Excerpts from books and the press.1939 – 1945. 161 pages.

File III-294 A. Schwefelberg. Memories of a Romanian intellectual Jew.

Literature. 1897 – 1963. 98 pages

File III-294 A. Schwefelberg. Memories of a Romanian intellectual Jew.

File III-295 Literature. 1897 – 1963. 98 pages

File III-295 Schwefelberg Arnold. In relation to the case Richter. 1940 – 1944. 33 pages.

File III-296 Repressions against the Jews. 1940 – 1944. 34 pages.

File III-297 Repressions against the Jews. 1940 - 1944. Excerpts from newspapers. No page #,

File III-298 Repressions against the Jews. Reports and documents.

1940 – 1941. 81 pages.

File III-299 Study and proposals on the Jewish problems in Romania by the General Staff on the order of Antonescu. October 1941. Facsimile of booklet. 34 pages, plus 10 pages annexes.

File III-300 Tudor Arghezi – “Baroane”. Excerpts from the press. 1943.

3 pages.

File III-301 Personal documents Sandor Ervin. 1940 -1944. 12 pages.

File III-302 The dress code of students. 1940 – 1944. 7 pages.

File III-303 The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority.

1941 -1945. 49 pages.

File III-304 (Text illegible) in Hungarian. 1940 – 1944 6 pages.

File III-305 CEB. Collection of documents – originals and copies. 1940.

173 pages.

File III-306 CEB. Collection of documents – originals and copies. 1941.

81 pages.

File III-307 CEB. Collection of documents – originals and copies. 1944.

5 pages.

File III-308 Forced labor in Antonescu period. List. 1940 – 1944.

18 pages.

File III-309 The deportations to Transnistria. 1941 – 1944. 75 pages.

File III-310 The emigration of the Jews through the port of Constanta.

1940 – 1946. 70 pages.

File III-311 Struma 24 February 1942. 105 pages.

File III-312 Situation of the Jews in the Antonescu period in the Community Constanta. 1878 -1944. 51 pages.

File III-313 Emigration of the Jews in the Antonescu period. 1941 ß 1944.

116 pages.

File III-314 Forced labor. Recruiting station Dolj. Organization of the forced labor duty of the Jews, 1942 – 1943. 162 pages.

File III-315A CER, Correspondence. Various documents. January 1943.

168 pages.

File III-315B CER, Correspondence. Various documents. February1943.

168 pages.

Reel 12

File III-315C CER. Correspondence. Documents. March 1943. 100 pages.

File III-315D CER. Correspondence. Documents. March- September 1943.

141 pages.

File III-315E CER. Correspondence. Documents. October, November, December 1943. 60 pages.

File III-316 Restrictive measures against the Jews in Sibiu. Advertisement for WIZO. Governmental proclamations 1941 – 1942. 20 pages.

File III-317 Restrictive and oppressive measures against the Jews in Bucovina. October 1941. 13 pages

File III-318 CER. Correspondence with District Baia and Fǎlticeni. January – December 1942. 226 pages.

File III-319 CER. Communities. Repressive measures: deportations, camps. 1942. 137 pages.

File III-319A CER. Various official statements. Repressive measures: deportations, camps. July - September 1942. 92 pages.

File III-319B CER. Various official statements. Repressive measures: deportations, camps. October - December 1942. 91 pages.

File III-320B CER. Correspondence. Documents. July– December 1943.

256 pages.

File III-321 CER. Communities. Repressive measures. Deportations, camps, CNR. 1944, January – September. 150 pages.

File III-322 CER, Correspondence with the Communities. Restrictive and repressive measures. Forced labor. January 1944 - 23 August 1944. 264 pages.

File III-322A Yad Vashem Studies. Jerusalem 1958 – 1993. Studies of the history of the Romanian Jews during Antonescu.

1940 – 1944. 195 pages.

File III-323 Anti-Jewish legislation. Repressive measures. The pogrom in Dorohoi. 1935 -1944. 115 pages.

File III-324 The pogrom in Iasi. Restrictive measures. Documents. Testimonies. Articles. 1941. 79 pages.

File III-325 Restrictive measures. Nominal list of Jews taxed for cards of exemption from forced labor. 1940 – 1944. 47 pages.

Reel 13

File III-326 Camps and anti-Jewish measures. Arrests during the war.

1941 – 1944. 68 pages.

File III-327 Restrictive measures and repression during the Antonescu period. 1941 – 1943. 42 pages.

File III-328 Repressive measures. Camps. Deportation during the Antonescu period. Documents from the State Archives - generously.

1940 – 1944. 68 pages.

File III-290 History of the Jews in Transylvania. Deportations, camps etc.

1943 – 1945. 101 pages. Proclamation of the American Army (in German). Trial of war criminals in Ardeal. Literary texts. Goods taken from Jews in Ardeal.

File III-329 Nominal list of persons interned in various camps in the period 1940 – 1944. 95 pages.

File III-330 The Jews in Northern Ardeal during the Holocaust. Deportations. Testimonies. Articles. 1940 – 1944. 42 pages.

File III-331 Miriam Korber-Bercovici – Jurnal 1941 – 1943. Deportations. Camps, Djurin. 1941 – 1944. 69 pages.

File III-332 Marius Mircu – Humanely humans in inhuman times. The solidarity of the Romanian population. Lecture. 19349 - 1944. 182 pages.

File III-333 The pogrom In Iasi. Repressive actions. Legislation. Documents, Articles. 1940 – 1944. 70 pages.

File III-334 Repressive and restrictive measures against the Jews, Jewish schools. Emigrations. 1940 -1943. 53 pages.

File III-335 CER. Repressive and restrictive measures. Camps. The communities: Bacǎu, Bucharest, Cernǎuţi, Dorohoi, Husi, Iasi, Moghilev and others. 1941 – 1944. 75 pages.

File III-336 CER. Restrictive measures, Forced labor, Miscell. 1943.

103 pages.

File III-337 Restrictive measures against the Jews in Romania. The role of the King mother Elena in combating the crimes against the Jews.

1940 – 1944. 23 pages.

File III-338 Corporations. Taxes and obligations. 1943. 28 pages.

File III-339 CER. Restrictive measures. Helping the Polish refugees, the orphans in Transnistria, Brǎila etc, 1944 – 1945. 81 pages.

File III-340 CER. Schools in various communities. Miscell. 1944. 230 pages.

File III-341 CER. The forced labor. Exemption cards, taxes. Requests for exemption, Bucharest. 1944. 245 pages.

File III-342 CER. CEB. Repressive measures. Verification of registers. The loan of reintegration. 1942. 147 pages.

File III-343 Hospitals and policlinics, Medical staff. 1935 – 1945. 94 pages.

Reel 14

File III-344 CER. Jewish schools. Communities. Restrictive measures. Miscell. 1943. 154 pages.

File III-345 CER. Crafts. Graphics, reports, 1943. 46 pages.

File III-346 CER. Restrictive and repressive measures. Material contributions to CNR. Miscell. 1939 – 1945. 60 pages.

File III-347 Wilhelm Filderman. His life and activity. 1940 – 1944. 11 pages.

File III-348 CER. Forced labor: contribution, taxes, proof of exemption, professional practices and other problems. 1944 January – August. 201 pages.

File III-349 CER. Material contributions. Aid for orphan children of evacuees.

1944. 119 pages.

File III-350A CER. Press review. 1942, April 16 – August 31. 231 pages.

File III-350B CER. Press review. 1942, October 11 – December 31. 194 pages.

File III-351 CER. Résumés of laws, regulations, ministerial decisions and bulletins of the Council of ministers as published in the official press. 1942. 118 pages.

File III-352 CER. Correspondence with the General Commissariat and other institutions. Forced labor brigades – capacity August – December 1943. 115 pages.

File III-353 CER. Forced labor: contributions, taxation, requests for exemption. 1944. 68 pages.

File III-354 CER. Correspondence. Restrictive and repressive measures. Forced labor, Communities. July, 1943. 219 pages.

File III-355 CER. Correspondence with the regional offices and with authorities. Forced labor brigades. Aid for Transnistria. June – December 1942. 219 pages.

File III-356A CER. Forced labor. Taxes and exemptions. 1943. 298 pages.

Reel 15

File III-356B CER. Forced labor. Taxes and exemptions. 1944. 122 pages.

File III-357 CER. Problems of the Jewish schools. 1942 – 1943. 24 pages.

File III-358 CER. Forced labor. License for professional practice. Lists of exemptions. 1943. 49 pages,

File III-359A CER. Districtual office Dolj. Forced labor, brigades. The community in Craiova. 1943, January – September. 232 pages.

File III-359B CER. Districtual office Dolj. Forced labor, brigades. The community in Craiova. Aid for refugees, deportees and orphans.

1943, October - December. 169 pages.

File III-360 Conway John. Der Holocaust in Ungarn. New controversies and thoughts. Print 1984. 1940 – 1944. 18 pages.

File III-361 Situation of the Jews in Romania and Transnistria in the Antonescu period. Deportations from Transylvania. Lists of emigrants. Nicolae Balan the Metropolit of Transylvania. 1940 – 1944. 142 pages.

File III-362 Deportations to Transnistria from Botosani. File Nr. 26.

1942 – 1943. 14 pages.

File III-363 Deportations to Transnistria from Câmpulung Moldovenesc. Lists of deportees. 1941 – 1945. 61 pages.

File III-364 Deportations from Tg. Mures. Lists of deportees. 1940 – 1944.

95 pages.

File III-365 Evacuations from villages in Bucovina and Northern Moldova. Lists of evacuees. 1941. 148 pages.

File III-366 Alphabetic list of Jews returned from Transnistria and settled in Dorohoi 1940 – 1944. 71 pages.

File III-367 Rado Alexandru, former president of the Jewish Community in Vapnearca . Remembrance of the camps Vapnearca, Olgopol, Balta, Tiraspol and Bersad. 3 copies. 1942 – 1945. 39 pages.

File III-368 Tables, lists and declarations about camps in Transnistria, Statistical material about the Jews from Transylvania and Banat who were deported to Transnistria. 1940 – 1944. 61 pages.

File III-369A The pogrom in Iasi. The confidential report of the Police inspector about what did happen in town. Excerpts from the press.1941.

35 pages.

File III-369B The pogrom in Iasi. Remembrance of a number of survivors. 1941.

107 pages.

File III-370 The camps in Transnsitria. Memories from Rǎbniţa and Olgopol

1940 – 1944. 47 pages.

File III-371 The camps in Transnsitria. Memories from Vapnearka.

1940 – 1944. 68 pages.

File III-372. The camp in Auschwitz. The deportation from Northern Ardeal. 1940 – 1944. 62 pages.

File III-373 The camps in Transnistria: Moghilev, Sargorod, Lucineţ, Tulcin. The children from Transnistria. 1940 – 1944. 126 pages.

File III-374 The camps Tg. Jiu, Vapnearca, Grosolovo. The role of. Col. Sabin Motora, 1940 – 1945. 30 pages.

File III-375 The camps Caracal and Tg, Jiu. 1940 – 1944. 134 pages.

File III-387 Census of the Jews from Suceava who died in Transnistria.

1940 – 1944. 46 pages.

Reel 16

File III-376 Declarations and remembrances of persons who supported the Jews during the Holocaust; The Metropolit Balan, Dumitru N. Mateescu, Sorban and others. 1940 – 1944. 25 pages.

File III-376A Nominal list of persons living in various camps in the period

1940 – 1944. 282 pages.

Fille III-377 Transnistria. Jews sent to Transnistria from the forced labor brigades. Nominal lists for repatriation. Documents indicating the presence at the forced labor brigade. 1942. 64 pages.

File III-378 CEB. Claims department. 1933 – 1938. 173 pages.

File III-379 CEB, Claims department. 1939 – 1942. 129 pages.

File III-380 CEB, Claims department. 1943. 114 pages.

File III-381 CER. Situation of the taxation and estimation of the complaints. Lists of tax rate payers in Bucharest and in the country.

.August 1943. 200 pages.

File III-382 CER. Taxations. Complaints. List of taxpayers. Honorary employees of the CER. 1943, 1-13 September. 284 pages.

File III-383 CER. The situation of the imputable taxations. 1943.

13 – 23 September. 221 pages.

File III-384 CER. Correspondence with Radu Lecca, Commissioner of the Government for prescribing the living conditions of the Jews in Romania. Forced labor. Travel permits. Other restrictive measures. Schools. Aid for Transnistria. 1943. 211 pages.

File III-385. Transnistria. Requests for repatriation. He addresses of FCE and MAI. Inclusive those deported for not being present at forced labor duty. 1942. 101 pages.

File III-388 CER. CEB. Correspondence. Schools. Restrictive actions. Forced labor of the school and college students. 1940 – 1944 Vol. 3.

135 pages.

File III-389A CER. Rejected requests for repatriation from Transnistria.

1942, January – July. 168 pages.

File III-389B CER. Rejected requests for repatriation from Transnistria.

1942, July. 175 pages. (continues of Reel # 17)

Reel 17

File III-389B CER. Rejected requests for repatriation from Transnistria.

1942, July. 175 pages.

File III-390A CER. General Commissary for Jewish problems (Radu Lecca). Restrictive and repressive measures. 1943, June. 182 pages.

File III-390B CER. (Radu Lecca). Restrictive measures. 1943, July - August. 91 pages.

File III-391A Exemption from taxation for forced labor. Licence for professional activity of specialists working at the CFR (railroad) .

1941 – 1943. 87 pages.

File III-391B Exemption from taxation for forced labor. Authorizations for professionals. 1942 – 1944. 173 pages.

File III-392 CER. General Commissary for Jewish problems. Restrictive and repressive measures. Forced labor. Travel permits. Repatriations from Transnistria etc. 1943. 141 pages.

File III-393 CER. CER district offices. Communal institutions, schools - anti-Jewish measures. Aid for Transnistria. Requests for repatriation. Census. 1942 -1942. 109 pages.

File III-394 CER. Requests individual and from institutions for exemption

from forced labor etc. 1942 -1943. 113 pages.

File III-395 CER. The monetary contribution of the Jews during the Antonescu regime. Procedures for the recuperation of the moneys (1945). 1942 –1945. 122 pages.

File III-396 CEB. Correspondence. Schools in Bucharest, Bǎrlad, Iasi.

1942. 81 pages.

File III-397 CER. CEB, Correspondence. 1942 – 1943. 100 pages.

File III-398 CEB. Services: Cashier, statistics, legal status. 1944 – 1946, 1966

85 pages.

File III-401 CER. Correspondence with the Governmental Commissary for Jewish problems and the General Staff. Activating the anti-Jewish measures. July, 1943. 156 pages.

File III-402 CER. District offices. Activating the anti-Jewish measures.Forced labor, monetary contributions. 1942 – 1943. 164 pages.

File III-405 CEB. Cultural department.( Text illegible) 1942. 101 pages.

Reel 18

File III-400A CER. Census. List of Jewish men in Bucharest between the ages of 51 and 63. 1942. 209 pages.

File III-400B CER. Census. List of Jewish men from out of town (“Provincial”) between the ages of 51 and 63. 1942. 310 pages.

File III-400C CER. Census. List of Jewish men in Bucharest born between

June 1 1889 and May 31 1894. 1942. 135 pages.

File III-400E CER. Census. List of Jewish men in Bucharest born between

1892. and 1921. 349 pages.

File III-403 CER. Correspondence with the Government Commissary. District agencies. Enforcing the anti-Jewish dispositions. Requests.

1943 August – December. 456 pages.

File III-406 CEB. Correspondence. Material contributions. Census. 1942.

`` 117 pages.

File III-407 W. Filderman. Anti-Jewish measures. Deportations to Transnistria. 1943. Articles from the Nazi press . 338 pages.

File III-408 CER. Correspondence with the district agencies. Schools. Anti-Jewish ordinances. Aid for Transnistria. 180 pages.

Reel 19

File III-409A Anti-Jewish ordinances. Memorandum addressed to Antonescu by

Jews veterans of WWI. March – October 1941. 140 pages.

File III-409B Anti-Jewish restrictive and oppressive measures . Memorandum addressed to Antonescu by Jews veterans of WWI.

November-December 1941. 116 pages.

File III-410 Anti-Jewish restrictive and oppressive measures. Memorandum addressed to Antonescu by Jews veterans of WWI.

157 pages.

File III-411 Anti-Jewish restrictive and oppressive measures. Taking of hostages. Deportations. Victims. Camps – Ghettos- forced labor brigades. Evacuations, expropriations, Romanization. Restrictions on travel, supplies, wearing of distinctive patch. Forced labor, imposed loan. 1940 – 1944. 139 pages.

File III-412 CER. Department of assistance. Mail service. Communication with Jews deported in Transnistria. 1942. 106 pages.

File III-413 CER. Requests for exemption from forced labor. Travel permits. 1944. 62 pages.

File III-414 CER, Requests for exemption from forced labor. Personal record. 1943. 204 pages.

File III-415 CER. Requests for exemption from forced labor. Personal records. 1943 – 1944. 275 pages.

File III-416 CEB. Nominal lists of employees. Personal files. 1943 – 1948.

190 pages.

File III-417 CIRSB. Register of employees. 1943 -1945. 121 pages.

File III-418 CIRSB. Payrolls of employees. 1943 – 1951. 97 pages.

File III-419 CER. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and license to exercise of profession.1943 – 1944. 206 pages.

File III-420 CER. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and license to exercise of profession.1944. 161 pages. (Continues on Reel # 20)

Reel 20

File III-420 (Continues from Reel # 19). CER. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and license to exercise of profession.1944. 223 pages.

File III-421 CER. Memoranda..(Text illegible). 1943. 72 pages.

File III-422 CER. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and the license to exercise of profession. 1944. 188 pages.

File III-436 CER. Anti-Jewish measures. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and the license to exercise of profession. Travel permits. 1943 - 1944. 84 pages.

File III-437 CER. Anti-Jewish measures. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and lower taxation. 1944. 149 pages.

File III-438 CER. Anti-Jewish measures. Petitions and approvals of exemptions from forced labor and lower taxation. Licenses for exercise of profession. District offices Conatanta, Olt, Bacǎu, Botosani, Bǎrlad. 1943 - 1944. 180 pages.

File III-439 CER. Jewish Community Craiova. Problems and communal institutions. Anti-Jewish measures. Aid for orphaned children from Transnistria. Brigades of forced labor. Deportations to Transnistria. 1943. 282 pages.

File III-440 CER Dolj district. Jewish Community Craiova. Anti-Jewish measures. Correspondence with Transnistria – forced labor. Licenses for exercise of profession. Permits for travel and for change of address. Various petitions, Census. Etc. 1943.

268 pages.

File III-441 Camps and Ghettos in Transnistria. Organization. Material situation of the Jews in Transnistria. Seizing of properties. Requests for repatriation on various pretexts. Evacuation of the Jews from Odessa. Aid for the deportees. Ordinances, instructions etc. 1942. 214 pages.

File III-442 Camps and Ghettos in Transnistria. Living and working conditions of the deportees. Intervention for repatriation of certain categories. Support and help from CER. 1943. 177 pages.

File III-443 CER. Decisions and correspondence with the district offices in Constanta, Bacǎu, Craiova CEB.1942. 42 pages.

File III-444 CER. Correspondence with the Government Commissary. Anti-Jewish measures. Requests for exemption from forced labor; travel permits. Census. Regulation for Transnistria. CER personnel. Professors, physicians. 1942. 146 pages.

File III-445 The Holocaust in Romania and in other countries. Excerpts from the press. 1940 – 1944. 76 pages.

File III-446 Anti-Jewish repressing and restrictive measures. Lists of laws, regulations, journals, decisions and ordinances of the central and local authorities. 1940 – 1944. 47+ 100+ 162 pages.

Reel 21

File III-423 CER. Requests for exemption from forced labor and lower taxation.

Bucharest, Iasi, Giurgiu. 1943 – 1944. 123 pages.

File III-424 Forced labor. The brigades attached to the State Lottery. List of Jews holding cards of exemption from forced labor in Bucharest and in the rest of the country. 1943 – 1944. 207 pages.

File III-425 CER, District Brasov. Forced labor brigades. Exceptional contributions. Delivering clothing to the State. Social assistance. 10943. 391 pages.

File III-426 CER. District Buzǎu. Forced labor. Exemption cards. Contributions. Social assistance. Financial situation. 1943. 156 pages.

File III-427 CER. Forced labor. Exemptions from forced labor. Licenses for exercise of profession. Nominal lists. 1943. 54 pages.

File III-428 CER. Forced labor. Exemptions from forced labor. Licences for

III-429 exercise of profession. Nominal lists. 112 pages.

File III-430 Forced labor. Requests for exemption from it and for licenses of exercise of profession at the CFR. 1943. 33 pages.

File III-431 CER. District offices in Timis Torontal, Buzǎu, Brǎila. Fǎlciu, Files on exemption from forced labor. 1944. 136 pages.

File III-432 CER. Requests for travel permits and change of residence. The aid for Jews in Transnistria. 1942. 153 pages.

File III-433 Anti-Jewish restrictive and repressive measures. Forced labor. The liquidation of the Zionist organizations. Mandatory residence. Requisition and expropriation of goods etc. The German mission in Romania. 1940 – 1944. 323 pages.

File III-434 Emigrants…. (Barely legible). 1942 – 1943. 59 pages.

File III-435 CER. District offices. Anti-Jewish measures. Deportations, forced labor etc. Requests for exemption from forced labor, travel permits, repatriations. Aid for deportees and children in Transnistria.

1942 – 1943. 127 pages.

File ??? ???? (Title page missing) Year 1943. 19 pages.

File ???? ???? (Title page missing) Year 1943. 19 pages.

File III-447 The Holocaust in Romania. Requests for pension by descendants of Jews killed in Transnistria and in the pogrom in Iasi.

1940 – 1944. 23 pages.

File III-448 Sufrin Alexandru, child deported in the camp Birkenau Auschwitz II. 1941 – 1944. 31 pages.

Reel 22

File III-449 CER. District offices Bacǎu, Bǎrlad, Botosani, Dorohoi, P. Neamt, Roman. Anti-Jewish measures. Forced labor brigades etc. 1942.

108 pages.

File III-450 “Iubirea Aproapelui” – society of reciprocal assistance. The society of the Temple “Caritatea”. The society “Prietenia Ocrotirii”. Financial problems and correspondence with CER.1939 – 1942. 36 pages.

File III-451 The cemetery from Strada Sevastopol. The cemetery in Iasi. Devastation and desecration during the Antonescu period. Funeral monuments dedicated to the martyrs of the pogrom in Iasi at the cemeteries in Iasi, Podul Iloaiei, Târgul Frumos. 1941 – 1944.

13 pages and 26 photografs.

File III-452 Emigration. The fate of the boat Struma. Passport of emigration. Excerpts from the press. 1941. 30 pages.

File III-453 Anti-Jewish measures – restrictive and repressive. The Jewish problem. Excerpts from the press. 1940 – 1944. 100 pages.

File III-454 CER. District offices Bucharest and Dorohoi. List of Jews proposed for forced labor brigades born in 1902 – 1924. 114 pages.

File III-455 Camps and ghettos in Transnistria. Evacuations and deportations. Organization. Ordinances of the military authorities. 1941.

60 pages.

File III-456 CER. Activity report 1 September – 31 December 1942 .

1942 – 1943. 74 pages.

File III-457 CEB. Manifests and appeals regarding the activity of CEB during the war and the appeal to the Jews for the anti-fascist battle after 23 august 1944. 1944. 4 pages of prints.

File III-458 The pogrom In Iasi. Lists if Jews evacuates from Iasi to Podul Iloaiei on June 30, 1941. List of Jews deceased in the death trains. Judicial decisions. 1941. 225 pages.

File III-459 CER. Organization. Decisions of the Secretariat General. Administrative organization of the forced labor brigades. Instructions. 1942. 146 pages.

File III-460 CER. District office Bacau. Census of the population having Jewish blood. Correspondence between CER and the district office1942. 308 pages.

File III-461 Organization of the statistic of the Jews and the census of people having Jewish blood. 1942. 24 pages.

File III-462 (Text illegible) CER. Birth rate and mortality of the Jewish population in the municipality of Bucharest. 1924 – 1942.

16 pages.

File III-463 Statistic of professions in the municipality of Bucharest. 1942.

11 pages.

File III-464 Census of people having Jewish blood. Number and size of households in the municipality of Bucharest. 1942. 6 pages.

File III-465 People with Jewish blood categorized by sex, age and age groups

in the municipality of Bucharest. 1942. 16 pages.

File III-466 Marital status of people with Jewish blood in the municipality of Bucharest. 1942. 24 pages.

File III-467 Literacy and degree of education of people with Jewish blood in the municipality of Bucharest. 1942. 14 pages.

File III-468 Romanian citizens with Jewish blood residing out of the country. 1942. 6 pages.

File III-469 Census of people having Jewish blood. Results from the province Bucovina. 1942. 9 pages.

File III-470 The trend of the Jewish population in Romania. 1942. 182 pages.

File III-471 The professional structure of people having Jewish blood.1942.

43 pages.

File III-472 Numerical evolution of the Jewish population. 1930 – 1942.

141 pages.

File III-473 CER. Statistical Department. Census. 1942. 63 pages.

File III-474 CER. . Statistical Department. Census. 1942. 56 pages.

File III-475 CER. The households of inhabitants having Jewish blood. 1942.

`` 124 pages.

File III-477 CER. CEB. Petitions for exemption from forced labor, license for exercise of profession etc. 1944. 184 pages.

Reel 23

File III-476 CEB. Social assistance. Aid given personal and to communal institutions. 1942. 218 pages.

File III-478 CER. Financial Department. CER personnel: appointments, transfers, dismissals. Wages. 1942. 219 pages.

File III-479 CER, Aid for Transnistria. Files of deportees. 1942 – 1944.

378 pages.

File III-480 CER. Jewish sanitary Department. Competitive examination of physicians. 1942 – 1943. 35 pages.

File III-481 CER, Financial Department. Dockets of salaries (nominal) and for the stamp. 1942 – 1944. 86 pages.

File III-482 CER. District branches Severin, Ilfov, Jewish Community Lugoj. Anti-Jewish measures. Forced labor. Contributions. Petitions for lower taxation. Physicians from the CER and sanitary institutions. Lists, Asssistance. 1944. 181 pages.

File III-483 CER. Correspondence with the district branches. Anti-Jewish measures. Petitions for exemption from forced labor, travel permits, the snow shoveling tax, lower contributions. Expropriation, brigades aid. 1942 – 1943. 543 pages.

File III-484 Organizations of Romanian Jews in America. Confederation of Romanian Jews in America and the committee “Romania liberǎ. Personalities, L. Fischer and others. Relations with the Romanian authorities. 1940 – 1944. 38 pages.

File III-485 CER. Forced labor in schools. List of students in Bucharest and the provinces who participate in forced labor brigades. Petitions for exemption. 1943. 190 pages.

File III-488 CER. District offices Bacǎu, Botosani, Covurlui, Putna, Tutova, Tǎrnava Mare. Forced labor. Petitions for exemption and for licenses to exert ones profession.1943 – 1944. 183 pages.

Reel 24

File III-486 CER district Ilfov, CEB. Forced labor in schools. List of students in forced labor brigades. List of students in private schools. 1943.

124 pages.

File III-487 CER districts Covurlui, Brǎila, Bacǎu, Iasi, Dolj (Craiova), Fǎlciu, Cernǎuţi. Forced labor. Petitions for exemption. Jews from Cernǎuţi who did not show the card of exemption from forced labor.

1943 – 1944. 354 pages.

File III-489 CER communities in the country. Various lists: number of women exempted from forced labor; people capable of intellectual work in office and on site; businessmen and craftsmen shop owners; employees of Jewish institutions. 1943. 182 pages.

File III-490 CER. District office Bacǎu. Correspondence with “Gazeta Evreiascǎ”. Forced labor. Employees of CER exempted from forced labor and those at the disposal of the townhouse Bucharest.

1942 – 1944. 167 pages.

File III-491 Deportees from Transnistria repatriated, mainly from the camp Trihati. People from Bucharest refugees. Certificates. Aid.

1940 – 1945. 137 pages.

File III-492 CER. District Tulcea. Forced labor. Requests for exemption. Exceptional contributions. Problems in aiding the exterior forced labor brigades. Emigrants etc. 1943. 222 pages.

File III-493 Deportees in Transnistria from Dorohoi. Vouchers for repatriation. 1941 – 1945. 118 pages.

File III-494 The orphaned children from Transnistria. “Eforia Copilului” Orphanages. Asssistance. Vouchers. 1941 -1945. 48 pages.

File III-495 CER district Tutova – Bǎrlad. Forced labor. Petitions for exemption, Taxes. Exterior labor brigades. Helping them. Financial situation.

1943. 308 pages.

File III-496 CER. District Turda. Forced labor. Petitions for exemption, Taxes. Exterior labor brigades. Helping them. Handing over clothing. Financial situation. 1943. 165 pages.

File III-497 CER. Situation of the sums paid to the Governmental Commissary, Radu Lecca, for various proceedings of the Council of Ministers. Taxes and contributions. 1943 – 1944. 30 pages.

File III-498 CER. District Vaslui. Balances of verification. 1944. 11 pages,

File III-499 CER. District offices (Tarnaveni, Tecuci, Vǎlcea, et al). Forced labor. Exemptions. Contributions. Clothing. Urban expropriation. Et al. 1941 – 1944. 110 pages.

Reel 25


File III-500 CEB. Real estate. Assistance. Personnel. Lists. The team for collection of clothing. Nominal list (1948). 1940 – 1944. 60 pages.

File III-501 CEB. District Bacǎu. Correspondence with the committees and communities in Transnistria. Communication between the internees and their families in Bacǎu. 1942, August – December. 72 pages.

File III-502 CER. Forced labor. Labor brigade PMB. Requests of exemption on medical grounds. Personal files. 1942 – 1943. 139 pages.

File III-503 The legionnaire Rebeliune. Informative Bulletin dated January 23, 1941. The train of death. The camps in Cǎlǎrasi and Osmancea. Exemplary behavior of the commander Petre N. Ionescu. Jews assassinated by legionnaires. 1940 – 1941. 62 pages.

File III-504 Anti-Jewish measures. CER. Census. The camps in Transnistria. The Jewish population in Romania. History of the Jewish Community in Banat. Map of Bessarabia, 1940 – 1944. 67 pages.

File III-506 CNR. Expropriation of Jewish properties. The expropriated houses are rented. Excerpts from the press. 1940- 1944. 78 pages.

File III-507 Jewish Community Cluj-Napoca. 40 years from the Holocaust. 1944 – 1984. Declarations, remembrance. 1940 – 1944. 86 pages.

File III-508 The Holocaust in Transylvania: documents, photographs, press excerpts about camps and deportees. Jewish notes. Materials in Romanian and Hungarian. 1940 – 1944. 60 pages.

File III-509 Testimonies from the period of the Holocaust. About the Jewish colleges (Nina Cassian). Deportation to Transnistria. The Holocaust in Bessarabia. 1940 – 1944. 14 pages.

File III-510 CER, District office Brǎila. Solicitor’s Office. Real estate; goods; the loan of reintegration (reintregire); infringement; Missing from the forced labor etc. Correspondence with CER-Bucharest.

1942 – 1943. 289 pages.

File III-512 The World Organization of the Jews from Bucovina. List of Holocaust victims compiled according to information obtained from relatives. 1940 – 1944. 79 pages.

File III-513 Texts written in the camps in Transnistria (Moghilev) by various authors. 1941 – 1944. 82 pages.

File III-514 Indictment of a group of 186 accused persons, 76 of whom are from Tg. Muresh. 1941. 115 pages.(in Hungarian).

File III-515 CER. District Dolj. The Jewish Community in Craiova. Organization, Institutions, worship. Activity. Anti-Jewish measures. Real estate. 1943. 204 + 134 pages.

File III-516 CER District Dolj. CE in Craiova. Anti-Jewish measures. Forced labor. Labor brigades: internal, local, external and from Transnistria. Requests for exemption and for licenses of free exercise of profession. Administrative etc. 1943. 508 pages.

File III-517 CER District Dolj. CE in Craiova. Forced labor . Exemption Cards and requests for. 1944. 268 pages (Continues on Reel # 26 ???)

Accretion of photocopies (2005)

Box 37


Folder 1: Fond III

File 1185-1188

Centrala Evreilor. Forced labor detachment “Sevastapol Cemetary” [1941]

Name list of Transylvanian Jews (Ardeal, Aflati, Azi) interned in USSR POW Camps (Federatiuon of Union Jewish Communities) [c.1940]

Centrala Evreilor of Bucharest. Name list of former N. Transylvania deportees living in Arad [1941-1944?]

Name list of orphaned children in Buzau [c. 1940]


Folder 2-3: Fond III (cont.)

File 1189 Centrala Evreilor, Assistance Section—The Joint—Assistance and aid to the impoverished: food, clothing, and medical assistance. [1942]


Folder 4: Fond III (cont.)

File 1190-1193

Golta District—Mastovoi and Acmecaetca localities—Work camps, ghettos [1943]

Major Ioan D. Popescu—Documents re: the attitude and rescue action of certain Jews deported to Tiraspol [2000]

Centrala Evreilor, Research Directorate—Status of Jews, Forced Labor, Reports concerning laws and regulations [1942-1944]

Centrala Evreilor of Focsani, Putna District—Activities 30 March 1942 to 31 December 1943


Folder 5: Fond III (cont.)

File 1196, 1197

Deva camp internments; Deportations to Transnistria from Botosani and other towns [1941-1943?]

Shlomo David—Forced Labor, Refugees, Situation of Jewish Families, Statistical Calculations [1941-1943?]

RG-25.021*005 [oversize] Box 37A

Folder 6: Fond III (cont.)

File 1199 Register and name list, Iasi Pogrom


Folder 7: Fond III (cont.)

File 1200, 1201, 1203, 1204

Ploiesti Secret Police—Name list of hostages (Orasul, Ploiesti, Iasi) [1941?]

Iasi Pogrom—List of dead Jews [1941]

Correspondence—Jews deported to Transnistria [1944]

A.C.M.E.O.R.—Bogdanovca 1941-2002—Tel Aviv Memorial ceremony 23 December, 2002


Folder 8-9: Fond III (cont.)

File 1205(c) (2 folders) WJC in Romania—Suffering of Jewish Families in Galata—Names O-Z [1945]

Box 38

RG-25.021*007 (Cont.)

Folder 10-15: Fond III (cont.)

File 1205(c) (6 folders) WJC in Romania—Suffering of Jewish Families in Galata—Names O-Z [1945]

Box 39

RG-25.021*007 (Cont.)

Folder 16-17: Fond III (cont.)

File 1205(c) (2 folders) WJC in Romania—Suffering of Jewish Families in Galata—Names O-Z [1945]

RG-25.021*008 [oversized] Box 39A

Folder 18: Fond III (cont.)

File 1208 Centrala Evreilor of Roman—General Statistics [1942]


Folder 19: Fond III (cont.)

File 1210 Local and exterior forced labor detachments—Bucharest, Baldouinesti, Braila, Iasi, Galata, Barlad [1943-1945]


Folder 20-21: Fond III (cont.)

File 1211 (2 folders) Roman—Taxes for Jews, Forced Labor [1942]


Folder 22-23: Fond III (cont.)

File 1212 (2 folders) Roman—Jewish Community, section for social assistance [1942]

Box 39A

Box 40


Folder 25-26: Fond III (cont.)

File 1213 Roman—Jewish Community, section for social assistance [1942]


Folder 27: Fond III (cont.)

File 1214 Roman—Jewish Community, section for religion [1942]


Folder 28: Fond III (cont.)

File 1216 Centrala Evreilor of Roman—Jews moved from villages in Roman District to Roman [1941?]


Folder 28-30: Fond III (cont.)

File 1217 Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Anti-Jewish measures, decrees re: payment of fines, Jews who gave objects [1941]


Folder 31: Fond III (cont.)

File 1218 Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Anti-Jewish measures, forced labor, extension of exemption cards, circulars, name lists [1944]

Box 41

RG-25.021*016 (cont.)

Folder 32: Fond III (cont.)

File 1218 Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Anti-Jewish measures, forced labor, extension of exemption cards, circulars, name lists [1944]


Folder 31-33

File 1219 Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Forced labor, travel authorizations [1942-1944]


Folder 34: Fond III, cont.

File 1220-1221

Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Anti-Jewish measures, forced labor, Military taxes [1944]

Centrala Evreilor (Tarnava Mare)—Law 390 of 1944—laundry for the Army [1944]


Folder 35-37: Fond III, cont.

File 1222 Office of Tarnava district, Central Evreilor—various topics re: Community problems [1942]

Box 42


Folder 38: Fond IV

File 220 Centrala Evreilor (Bucharest)—Elementary School for Boys No. 9



Folder 39: Fond VI

File 89 OSE (Suceava)—Correspondence, List of assisted children [1946-1949]


Folder 40-41: Fond VI (cont.)

File 90 (2 folders) OSE (Suceava)—List of assistance items [1947-1949]


Folder 42: Fond VI (cont.)

File 236 OSE—Social cards [1948]

Box 43

RG-25.021*023 (cont.)

Folder 43-44:Fond VI (cont.)

File 236 OSE—Social cards [1948]


Folder 45: Fond VII

File 188 OSE—Statistics on assisted children [1947-1949]


Folder 46-47: Fond VII (cont.)

File 190 OSE—Activities, relations with the Joint, Hostels,

adoption and emigration, School for Social Assistance, staff [1947]


Folder 48-49: Fond VII (cont.)

File 192 OSE—Relations with Joint, activities, delegates, staff


Box 44


Folder 50: Fond VII (cont.)

File 206, 246

OSE—Name lists, inventories [1947, 1949]

OSE—Orphaned repatriated children, Impoverished persons [1946]


Folder 51-53: Fond VII (cont.)

File 276 OSE—Activities [1947]


Folder 54-55: Fond VII (cont.)

File 277 OSE—Idem, “school assistance” [1948-1949]

Box 45

RG-25.021*029 (cont.)

Folder 56: Fond VII (cont.)

File 277 OSE—Idem, “School assistance” [1948-1949]


Folder 57: Fond VII (cont.)

File 283 OSE—International help [1947-1948]


Folder 58-59: Fond VII (cont.)

File 328 The Joint--- Assistance given [1948]


Folder 60: Fond VII (cont.)

File 346 The Joint and OSE—Staff info [1949]


Folder 61: Fond VII (cont.)

File 347 The Joint and OSE—Activities [1949]

Box 46

Folder 62: Fond VII (cont.)

File 347 The Joint and OSE—Activities [1949]


Folder 63: Fond VII (cont.)

File 351 The Joint and OSE—Medicine Distribution to FUCE [1949-1950]


Folder 64: Fond VII (cont.)

File 356 Centrala Evreilor (Bucharest)—Activities [1947, 1949-1950]


Folder 65-67: Fond VII (cont.)

File 366A (3 folders) The Joint and OSE—Medicine Distribution [1949]

Folder 68-69: Fond VII (cont.)

File 366B (2 folders) OSE—Medicine Distribution [1949]

Box 47


Folder 70-73: Fond VII (cont.)

File 375 (4 folders) OSE—Food Donations, 1949


Folder 74: Fond VII (cont.)

File 376 The Joint and OSE—Activities [1948-1949]


Folder 75-76: Fond VII (cont.)

File 377 The Joint and OSE—Reports and people [1949]

Box 48

Folder 77: Fond VII (cont.)

File 377 The Joint and OSE—Reports and people [1949]


Folder 78-79: Fond VII (cont.)

File 378 The Joint and OSE—Institutions/people assisted [1949]


Folder 80-81: Fond VII (cont.)

File 379 The Joint and OSE—Orthopedic devices (Bucharest) [1949]

Box 49


Folder 82: Fond VII (cont.)

File 379 The Joint and OSE—Orthopedic devices (Bucharest) [1949]


Folder 83: Fond VII (cont.)

File 417 OSE and Centrala Evreilor (Bucharest)—Summer Camps [1947]


Folder 84-85: Fond VII (cont.)

File 434 FCE—Finances, accounts, balances [1949-1950]


Folder 86-88: Fond VII (cont.)

File 493 OSE (Timisoara)—Activities, cases of children [1947-1948]


Folder 89: Fond VII (cont.)

File 498 OSE (Bucharest)—Budget, organizations [1947-1948]


Folder 90-92: Fond VII (cont.)

File 516 OSE (Bucharest)—Reports re: assistance to children [1948]

Box 50

Folder 93-95: Fond VII (cont.)

File 516 OSE (Bucharest)—Reports re: assistance to children [1948]


Folder 96-98: Fond VII (cont.)

File 517 OSE (Bucharest)—Reports re: assistance to children [1948]


Folder 99-100: Fond VII (cont.)

File 518 OSE (Bucharest)—Assistance to Children


Folder 101-102: Fond VII (cont.)

File 529 OSE (various)—Orphanages, canteens, health centers, activities [1947]

Box 51

Folder 103-105: Fond VII (cont.)

File 529 OSE (various)—Orphanages, canteens, health centers, activities [1947]


Folder 106: Fond VII (cont.)

File 540, 542

OSE—Beginning of organization to assist orphaned children [1945-1946]

OSE—Staff in the country [1948]


Folder 107-108: Fond VII (cont.)

File 564 OSE—Inspection reports, name list of Bucharest employees [1947-1949]


Folder 109: Fond VII (cont.)

File 569 OSE Medical-Social Center—Name registry [1949-1950]

Box 52

RG-25.021*052, cont.

Folder 110-111: Fond VII (cont.)

File 569 OSE Medical-Social Center—Name registry [1949-1950]


Folder 112-114: Fond VII (cont.)

File 602 (3 folders) OSE Medical-Social Center—Food distributed [1950]


Folder 115-116: Fond VII (cont.)

File 631 FCE—inventories of goods kept by Jewish community after liquidation of OSE, The Joint [1949-1951]


Folder 117: Fond X

File 2 OSE (Sinaia)—“villa Casuta” building—deeds, plans [1947]


Folder 118: Fond X (cont.)

File 45 OSE (Bucharest)—Buildings rented [1946-1950]

Box 53


Folder 1: Fond III

File 11

Folder 2: Fond III

File 11


Folder 1: Fond III

File 17


Folder 1: Fond III

File 22


Folder 1: Fond III

File 23


Folder 1: Fond III

File 32


Folder 1 and Folder 2: Fond III

File 39


Folder 1: Fond III

File 1206a

Folder 2: Fond III

File 1206a

Box 54

Folder 3: Fond III

File 1206a

Folder 4: Fond III

File 1206a


Folder 1-4: Fond III

File 1206b


Folder 1: Fond III

File 1206c

Box 55

Folder 2 -5: Fond III

File 1206c


Folder 1-3: Fond III

File 1206d

Box 56

Folder 4: Fond III

File 1206d


Folder 1-4: Fond III

File 1206e


Folder 1of 5: Fond III

File 1209a

Box 57

Folder 2-5: Fond III

File 1209a


Folder 1-2: Fond III

File 1209b

Box 58


Folder 1-4: Fond III

File 1209c


Folder 1 of 4: Fond III

File 1209d

Box 59

Folder 2-4: Fond III

File 1209d


Folder 1of 4: Fond III

File 1209e

Folder 2of 4: Fond III

File 1209e

Box 60

Folder 3 and 4: Fond III

File 1209e


Folder 1-4: Fond III

File 1209f

Box 61


Folder 1-5: Fond III

File 1215a


Folder 1of 3: Fond III

File 1215b

Box 62

Folder 2 -3: Fond III

File 1215b

RG 25.022 Selected Records of the Romanian Ministry of Justice, 1940-1944

Extent: 12 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, From the Romanian National Archives; Inventory: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in June 2005. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Program Division in June 2005.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records related to the Iron Guard, reviews of citizenship, seizures of Jewish property, decrees concerning servants of Jews and trade with Jews, status of foreign Jews, and the return of Jewish goods.


Reel 1



104-II/1940 continued on Reel 2

Reel 2


28-I/1941 Regarding Iron Guard

28-II/1941 ""

28-III/1941 "" . Continued on Reel 3

Reel 3.


29-I/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

29-II/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

30-I/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

Reel 4

30-II/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

30-III/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

33/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard. Continued on Reel 5

Reel 5

33/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

35/1941 Regarding the Iron Guard

109/1941 Regarding citizen review

114-I/1941 Regarding citizenship

114-II/1941 Regarding citizenship

115/1941 Regarding seizure of goods. Continued on Reel 6

Reel 6

115/1941 Regarding seizure of goods.

124-I/1941 Regarding looting in Iron Guard rebellion

124-II/1941 Regarding looting in Iron Guard rebellion

124-III/1941 Regarding looting in Iron Guard rebellion. Continued on Reel 7

Reel 7

124-III/1941 Regarding looting in Iron Guard rebellion.

127/1941 Continued on Reel 8

Reel 8


140/1941 Regarding juridical status

144/1941 Regarding servants of Jews

5-I/1942 Regarding trade with Jews in Galati, Botosani

5-II/1942 Regarding trade with Jews in Galati, Botosani

12/1942 Regarding Transnistria

93-I/1942 Regarding financial irregularities. Continued on next reel

Reel 9

cont. 93-II/1942 Regarding financial irregularities.

39/1943 Continued on Reel 10

Reel 10



84-II/1943 Continued on Reel 11


Reel 11

111/1943 Regarding status of Jews, sabotage, speculation

8-I/1944 Continued on Reel 12

Reel 12



110/1944 Regarding Romizare, status of foreign Jews

114/1944 Regarding return of Jewish goods and citizenship

Rg 25.023 Selected Records of the Romanian Ministry of Interior, 1910-1957

Acc. 2005.227

Extent: 142 microfilm reels

Provenance: From the Romanian State Archives; The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in June 2005.

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: Romanian

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content: This collection contains police reports from various areas of Romania, as well as letters and complaints to local police, newspaper clippings, tables, telegrams, situation reports and correspondence. Documents relate to the activities and leaders of many political parties or movements and their leaders, including: Iron Guard, Agrarian Union Party, National Christian Party, Peasant Party, Everything for the Fatherland Party, and The National Front of Rebirth. Some police reports relate to activities of student organizations and movements, including Hitler Jugend, and cultural organizations, including Association of Jewish Women. Other topics include: religious sects, relations with USSR, Bulgarian irredentists, relations between the Army and the population, Jewish leader Filderman, surveillance of foreigners from Germany and Hungary who applied for citizenship, diplomatic relations with other countries, abuses against Jews, references to the "Jewish problem," occupation of Bessarabia by USSR and Transylvania by Hungary, and postwar reports on Legionnaires who emigrated.


Reel 131

File 1/1916: 1938. Police repots on the Iron Guard (IG) movement, "Everything for the Fatherland” party, legionnaire propaganda, surveillance of their underground activity by the government, and the organization of the IG. Legion's internal correspondence, telegrams, incitements to revolt addressed to Legion members (peasants, student, and workers), and press articles

File 2/1916: 1916-1918: Documents on WWI orders, plans, maps, songs, poems and records; 1950's, Many notes of Securitate on various persons

File 2/1916 II: 1950’s: Info notes of Securitate on the surveillance of correspondence sent to various prisons

File 3/1918: 1940's: articles from the German press on the Romanian political situation; 1940's, Decrees and laws of the Antonescu regime; 1940's, Articles from press of many countries. Reports of various legations (diplomatic) of Italy and Great Britain on the Legionnaire movement and the Antonescu regime

Reel 132

File 3/1918: Articles from the foreign press; interviews with Antonescu

File 3/1919: 1936-1937: National Christian Party (NCP) and antisemitic (AS) appeals

File 4/1919: n.d. Lists with the Ministry of Interior officers who have seen this file; Lists with files sent to Justice/Martial Court

File 1/1922 I: Reports on Assoc. of Christian Students; Notes on telephone calls; List of members of NCP; AS propaganda made by NCP and its leader; Notes of the Iasi police about AS conf. held by NCP

File 1/1922 II: 1919-1927-1928: Reports on student movements; AS incidents; AS articles in the student press; Riots in the Bucharest University with AS actions against Jewish students; propaganda in favor of limiting the number of Jewish students; Report on activity of religious sects; Manifesto against Hitlerism signed by a group of Christian students, written in German and Romanian

File 2/1922: 1922-1925: Activities of the NCP; Articles from the foreign press; interviews with Antonescu

Reel 133

File 2/1922 II: 1922-1925: Police reports on NCP and on Cuza's meetings with leading Antisemites; NCP propaganda in orthodox churches in Moldova; Reports on AS incidents, including fights between Jewish and non-Jewish students; Vandalization of Jewish cemeteries and house in Moldova; Measures to be taken by the police to prevent AS activities; Articles on the AS Congress in Budapest; Reports on Jewish cultural association

File 3/1922: 1938-1939: Documents of the various professional associations, banks

File 3/1922 II: 1939: Internal documents of Iasi University; Status of mutual assistance and sport associations

File 4/1922: 1922-1946: Legionnaires’ activity; Students' manifestos; 1923, Order for confiscation of all publications of the League of National Christian Defense; 1925, AS article signed by Cuza; 1939, Articles from French press; Notes and reports of police about the National Front of Rebirth activity; Internal correspondence of the IG; 1940, Notes on various reports of diplomatic missions (Hungary, Italy) about the new regime; 1940’s Italian articles about the Legionnaire movement

File 4/1922 II: 1940: Article from the Italian press

Reel 134

File 4/1922 II: (End of dosar started on previous reel.); 1940, Receipts and payments by the commander of the Legionnaires in Brasov, and songs of the Legion; Activity of the Legion in Bessarabia; List of members in Bessarabia by profession; Notes on the Legion members who are railroad workers; 1941, Notes of Min. Int. re Hungarian and Bulgarian minorities; 1943, Statistics and situation of the Legion; Reports on Legion underground activities, and on members in prison and those who became communists; 1945, Illegal material spread by Legionnaires throughout Romania; 1946, Report of Legion activities and their members

File 1/1923: 1938: Detailed presentation regarding IG activity sent by director of the police to the prefect of Cetatea Alba; 1923, Surveilance of Cuza's activity; 1924, Note about the Zionist congress to be held in Oradia Mare;1925, Samples from AS newspaper "Para"

File 2/1923: 1925 Letter of Romanian students for the trial of Codreanu, (founder of IG); Notes on student movements in Moldova; Anti-Semitic incidents in Baia Mare;1926-1927, Reports on LANC activity; 1929, Internal orders, IG; 1944, Article in Romania Libera on imprisonment of former Legionnaires

File 3/1923: n.d. Status of Romanian national fascist group; 1936, Note on Radu Budisteanu. Activity of the "Everything for the Fatherland" Party; 1940, Request of police to use former Legionnaires as informers; List of Legionnaires imprisoned; 1938, Note on Communist Party activity

File 1/1924: n.d. Propaganda materials brought into Jilava prison by Legionnaires; 1925, Situation of Jewish students at the University of Iasi; 1928, Articles on student movements; 1940 Articles in Cuvantul

Reel 135

File 1/1924: End of dosar started on previous reel. See above.

File 2/1924: 1924: Notes of police on ultranationalist magazine, National Defence; Anti-Semitic and nationalist articles from this magazine; 1925, Anti-Semitic manifestos sent by this magazine to priests and other clerics; 1926, Notes and telegrams on LANC activity; National Christian Party. Anti-Semitic propaganda; 1937, Article in Cernowitz paper "Kikes and Communism."

File 1/1925: 1925: Reports and telegrams on LANC activity; Articles in Adevarul; 1926, Anti-Semitic song "Moldova and A.C. Cuza"; Reports on Anti-Semitic incidents, street fights, etc

File 8/1925: Report on student movement; 1927, Notes and telegrams on students' meetings

File 2/1926: Information on LANC congress in Iasi; Anti-Semitic incidents after the congress; 1927 Idem

File 3/1926: Materials on LANC

Reel 136

File 3/1926: End of dosar started on previous reel. See above.

File I/1926; Volume 5: 1926: Report on LANC; Codreanau's anti-Semitic speeches; Priests and students involvement in the movement; Anti-Semitic songs; 1927, translation of article published in Philadelphia

File II/1926; Volume 5: 1927: Report on LANC's 213 branches in Moldova; Name lists of members by counties; Press articles

File 6/1927: 1928: Press articles on student movements and on Mussolini; 1931, Student congress in Sibiu; Riots after the congress; 1932, Press articles on student movements

Reel 137

File 6/1927: End of dosar started on previous reel. See above.

File 9/1927: 1927-1933: Ministry of Interior (MI) information on situation of the civilian population; Reports on LANC; Articles from foreign press on Romanian anti-Semitism

File 6/1928: 1931: MI information on situation of the civilian population; Information on student strike; Report on "Everything for the Fatherland" party; 1943, Report on Legionnaires' secret activity in prison

File 4/1929

1929: Notes of the Police on IG surveillance; IG manifesto in favor of Arab Palestinians

File 5/1929

1931-1934: National and international congresses of Romanian Christian students

Reel 138

File 5/1929: End of dosar started on previous reel. See above.

File 6/1929:1929: Reports on student riots; 1941 Reports on IG movement before and during the rebellion; Orders for surveillance of Legionnaires and their relatives; 1945, Notes on IG activity after August 23, 1944; Notes on Romanian collaboration with the Soviet institutions; 1935, Freemasonry in Romania.

File 9/1929: Documents (In Romanian and French) on Romanian Freemasonry/Lists of members of various organizations

File 2/1930: Notes on LANC and IG activity and on student movements

File 3/1930: 1933: Freemasonry in Romania

File 4/1930: Telegrams on LANC activity; Articles in the nationalist press

File 5/1930: Press articles on IG

Reel 139

File 5/1930: End of dosar started on previous reel. See above.

File 6/1930: 1927 IG propaganda; 1930, Internal correspondence of IG members; 1930, Press articles on LANC and IG; 1930, Activity of Legionary students

File 7/1930: 1934: Notes on IG activity; 1942, Report on IG underground activity and surveillance; 1934, Foreign press on IG; 1934, Information on student movements; 1934, Trial of I.G. Duca assassination by IG members.

File 9/1930: 1930: Report on anti-Semitic propaganda material; 1930, anti-Semitic incidents among students; 1930, Notes on LANC and IG activity/press

Reel 140

File 9/1930: End of dosar started on previous reel.

1930: Lists by name, address, profession of IG members in Focsani and Galati; 1930, IG internal regulation concerning the organization of the “nests” (5 pages). Document intended to be spread among students from Secondary Schools; 1930, Notes and telegrams on Student congress in Braila and on Codreanu’s intention to extend the Legionary movement in Bessarabia

File 10/1930: 1930: Notes on AS incidents and AS statements in the Romanian Parliament; 1945, Notes on the hiding places of Legionnaires/fascists; 1938, Appeal of the “Macedonian-Romanian” Legionary students on the situation of Romanian population from Cadrilater; 1943, Memoirs to the Ministry of Interior of 14 Legionnaires imprisoned in Targu-Jiu, asking to be released from prison; 1941, 1942, 1943, Lists of Legionnaires interned in Targu-Jiu camp; n.d. (after August 23, 1944?) List of German and of ethnic German prisoners in Targu-Jiu.

File 11/1930: 1930: Excerpts from the legionary press; 1937, Articles from Cruciada Romanismului magazine; 1935, Information/notes on various journalists and publications; 1939, Note on Mircea Eliade’s private conversation on IG; 1941, 1942, Notes on propaganda and support provided to the IG by some artists and intellectuals; 1941, Note on the activity during the rebellion of some Legionnaires from the Ministry of National Economy; 1945, Excerpts from the press on IG.

File 12/1930: 1930, 1931: Notes and reports on LANC activity, meetings, etc; n.d. Article of Priest I. Popescu against Cuza; 1930, Note on “LANC campaign against the philo-Semites priests”; Excerpts from LANC publications

Reel 141

File 12/1930: End of dosar started on previous reel; 1931, Reports an LANC activity and propaganda 1931; Brief presentation of LANC, containing its program and position towards the Jews, relationships between Cuza and Hitler followers, attempts of reconciliation with IG (16 pages); 1931, Excerpts from LANC newspapers

File 13/1930:1931: Yearly report on LANC’s activity; List of the meetings of student organizations during 1931; Excerpts from Apararea Nationala. LANC AS material for electoral campaign (leaflets, cartoons); 1931, Cuza’s address to Orthodox priests to fight along LANC and not to defend Jews; 1931, Notes on AS incidents, cemetery desecration, stealing of Torah scrolls; 1931, Translated article from Jewish press in Riga on Jews from Transylvania; 1931, Articles from Nationalistul and Sentinela LANC publications, Cuza’s booklet “Cuzismul. Definitii. Teze. Antiteze”, Gh. Bratianu’s AS speech in Parliament and other AS writings; 1932, Articles from Svastica, Actiunea Romana and Chemarea.

File 2/1931: n.d. IG propaganda material (cartoons, leaflets, songs)1934; Report on LANC activity between January 1st – August 1st, 1934 (10 pages); 1934, Translated article from Der Tag Jewish magazine published in New York on the situation of the Romanian Jewry (7 pages)

File 4/1931:1934: Reports on LANC decreasing influence in Suceava County, on the internal fights among members as well as on this organization meetings and conferences

Reel 142

File 4/1931: End of dosar started on previous reel; 1934, Documents concerning LANC activity and meetings throughout the country; 1934, Note on LANC effort to attract the Ukrainian minority from Bukovina

File 5/1931: 1938: Notes on the surveillance of the activity of the universities

File 1/1931: 1932: Legionary magazine Straja Neamului in Tutova county. It contains the anti-Semitic poem “De ce esti crestin” (Why are you a Christian); 1932, Note of Sibiu Police on IG local propaganda; 1932, Notes on the order issued by the Government to ban the IG organizations and on IG counter-reaction to this order; 1932, Reports on IG clandestine propaganda; n.d. Telegram on fight among LANC members in Siret.

File 2/1932: Notes of the Police on the Romanian press

File 3/1932:1932: Note on the IG organization in Transylvania; n.d. Guidelines for LANC and IG internal organization; 1933, Notes on LANC meetings, AS conferences held by its members, etc

File 4/1932:1932: Notes on LANC activity (meetings, press, AS leaflets, leaders’ surveillance); 1932 Notes on Resita and Anina workers’ agitations; 1932, Notes on students’ manifestations in Iasi; 1932. Excerpts from: Viitorul, Cuvantul, Adevarul, Neamul Romanesc, Tara Noastra, Universul; 1932, Note on anti anti-Semitic brochure published by lawyer Iancu Klein

RG 25.024 Selected Records of the Romanian Ministry of Work, Health, and Social Protection – Central Office of Romanianization (Aryanization), 1939-1944

Acc. 2005.226

Extent: 100 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Archives Program Division in June 2005.

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is chronological. Reels 1-2: Inventory 2526 (1939-1940); Reels 2-29: Inventory 2528 (1943-1944); Reels 30-40: Inventory 2528 (1943-1944)

Language: Romanian

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content: Contains material of the Central Office of Romanianization (the OCR) under the Ministry of Work, Health and Social Protection, concerning the Romanianization of personnel of various private enterprises, the sacking of Jews, the hiring of ethnic Romanians in their stead, and "doubling"-the practice of having the sacked worker continue on for a time to teach the new worker his job. Included are proposals to accelerate "Romanianization"; a draft law to that effect; explicatory memoranda about it; the structure of the personnel of the OCR; its budgetary expenses; draft law on Romanianization of personnel in North Bucovina and Bessarabia; the "Jewish question" in general and denunciation of Jews by ethnic Romanians, activity reports of the OCR to the Ministry of Labor; requests by refugees and other ethnic Romanians to be "placed" in various jobs; and denunciations of Jews by ethnic Romanians. Also contains correspondence of OCR with various governmental bodies, individual companies, and private persons concerning Romanianization; collections of news clippings concerning Romanianization; inspection of individual companies concerning Romanianization; and correspondence of OCR with individual companies and private persons.


Reels Inv. No. Files Location of the finding aid

on the microfilm

Reels 1-2. Inv. 2526 Files 730/1940 to 733/1941 Start of Reel 1

Reels 2-18 Inv. 2527 Files 687/1942 to 788/1941 In the middle of Reel 2

Reels 18-29 Inv. 2527 Files 625/1942 to 670/1942 In the middle of Reel 18

Reels 30-37 Inv. 2528 Files 568/1943 to 623/1943 No finding aid. *

Reels 37-40 Inv. 2528 Files 392/1944 to 407/1944 In the middle of Reel 37

Reels 41-100 ……

The collection is divided into three inventories, summarized as follows:

NOTE: The OCR should not be confused with the "Undersecretariat of Romanianization, Colonialization, and Inventory," which was an organization more powerful than OCR. It dealt with private property of those who had been forcibly moved, the inventorying of that property to maintain a list of property available, and the handing over of the property to ethnic Romanians, who were to colonize the land. The Undersecretariat, headed by General Dragoş and later by General Zwiedeneck (sp.?), consisted of a National Center of Romanianization and a Planning Office.

Reels 1-2

Inventory 2526

1939-1940; These reels contain materials of the Central Office of Romanianization (the OCR) under the Ministry of Work, Health and Social Protection, concerning the Romanianization of personnel of various private enterprises, the sacking of Jews, the hiring of ethnic Romanians in their stead, and "doubling"—the practice of having the sacked worker continue on for a time to teach the new worker his job.

Included are: Activity reports of the OCR to the Ministry of Labor; requests by refugees and other ethnic Romanians to be "placed" in various jobs; and denunciations of Jews by ethnic Romanians.

Files are mostly 1940-1941, but some materials from later.

Reels 2-29

Inventory 2527

1941-1942; The same kind of material as in the previous inventory, but mostly 1941-1942. Included: Proposal to accelerate “Romanianization” a draft law to that effect; explicatory memoranda about it; the structure of the personnel of the OCR; its budgetary expenses; draft law on Romanianization of personnel in North Bucovina and Bessarabia; the "Jewish question" in general and denunciation of Jews by ethnic Romanians.

Reels 30-40

Inventory 2528

1943-1944; Correspondence of OCR with various governmental bodies, individual companies, and private persons concerning Romanianization; other matters; collections of news clippings concerning Romanianization; inspection of individual companies concerning Romanianization; andcorrespondence of OCR with individual companies and private persons.

Note: The OCR should not be confused with the "Undersecretariat of Romanianization, Colonialization, and Inventory," which was an organization more powerful than OCR. It dealt with private property of those who had been forcibly moved, the inventorying of that property to maintain a list of property available, and the handing over of the property to ethnic Romanians who were to colonize the land. The Undersecretariat, headed by General Dragoş and later by General Zwiedeneck (sp.?), consisted of a National Center of Romanianization and a Planning Office.

Reel 41:


Direcţia Farmaciilor (Inventar – f. 162v.-163)

183 (1940-1941)

Cereri, rapoarte, procese-verbale, adrese referitoare la: concluziile desprinse în urma inspectării unor farmacii de către inspectori ai Inspectoratului General Farmaceutic; înlocuirea personalului evreiesc; acordarea titlului de farmacist diriginte; autorizaţii de funcţionare; transferări, concesiuni sau închideri provizorii de farmacii; solicitări de concedii.

Reel 42:

Serviciul Organizării şi Ocrotirii Muncii (Inventar – f. 167-181)

260. (1940)

Corespondenţă cu Breasla Patronilor Meseriaşi şi Sifonari din Ţinutul Timiş, Timişoara, privind respectarea dispoziţiilor Legii breslelor, alegerea noului comitet de conducere, potrivit dispoziţiilor art. 8 din statutul evreilor din 9 august 1940, cu procese-verbale, tabel nominal cu persoanele care compun comitetul de direcţie al breslei.

308. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă, memorii în legătură cu salarizarea, problema lucrătorilor concentraţi angajaţi provizoriu, probleme ale muncitorilor din petrol din Ţinutul Bucegi, studiu asupra necesităţii unui nou regim de reprezentare şi organizare profesională şi socială pentru meseriile româneşti, reclamaţii, etc., cu: rapoarte ale comisarului de românizare de pe lângă diferite firme, concedieri pentru propagandă legionară, instrucţiuni privind muncile de toamnă cu premilitarii rurali, propunere a legionarilor din cadrul Societăţii Comunale a Tramvaielor Bucureşti, referat cu privire la situaţia evreilor de la fabrica de geamuri Scăeni, etc.

Reel 43:

Serviciul Contractelor de Muncă (Inventar – f. 181-193v.)

342. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă cu Inspectoratul General al Muncii Bucureşti cu privire la majorarea salariilor, neacordarea concediilor de odihnă, aplicarea deciziei pentru stabilirea salariilor minimale, plata ajutorului de concentrare, reclamaţii şi nemulţumiri ale muncitorilor din diferite întreprinderi, reclamaţia muncitorilor de la Filatura Românească de Bumbac împotriva evreilor din conducerea societăţii.

Reel 43-44:

344. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă referitoare la instituirea comisiilor pentru stabilirea salariilor minimale de pe lângă Inspectoratul Muncii Braşov, conflicte de muncă privind salarizarea, ancheta Comisarului de Românizare la Uzinle Ceramice Ploieşti, cu declaraţii şi referate.

359. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă cu Inspectoratul Muncii Iaşi în legătură cu reclamaţii înaintate de către unele bresle şi muncitori contra întreprinderilor sau instituţiilor pentru neplata salariilor, concedieri abuzive, concedierea evreilor, ancheta întreprinsă în acest sens.

Reel 44-45:

360. (1940-1941)

Conflicte individuale şi colective de muncă între muncitori şi întreprinderile forestiere, fabrici de postav, hârtie şi celuloză din raza Subinspectoratului Muncii Bacău în legătură cu salariile, concedieri, aplanări de conflicte, concedierea evreilor conform legilor în vigoare.

Reel 45:

388. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă cu privire la calificarea şi atribuţiile maiştrilor sondori şi ale maiştrilor sondori-şefi, problema desfiinţării biletelor de 5 lei la autobuzele comunale din Braşov, acordarea concediilor de odihnă, majorarea salariilor, memoriu privind sosirea în porturile noastre, în vara anului 1939, a unor grupuri de evrei din Germania, Austria etc., care urmau să fie transportaţi în Palestina, plata ajutorului de concentrare, cereri ale evreilor de reprimire în serviciu, concedieri şi derogări de la legea duratei muncii şi a repausului duminical, înlocuirea personalului unguresc din întreprinderi cu români, renunţarea la personalul evreiesc, etc.

389. (1940-1941)

Corespondenţă cu diferite Direcţii din Minister, Inspectorate ale Muncii din ţară, Oficiul Central de Românizare, în legătură cu înfiinţarea căminelor internat pentru ucenici şi a şcolilor de ucenici pentru fii de săteni, aplicarea legii duratei muncii, aplanarea conflictelor de muncă, reclamaţii, înlocuirea evreilor în întreprinderi cu personal românesc, cereri ale evreilor de reintegrare în serviciu, rapoarte, etc.

400. (1940-1941)

Memoriu, referate, declaraţii în legătură cu ancheta întreprinsă la Bacău, la întreprinderea A. Isvoranu S.A., al cărei director, căpitan Blănărescu, a manifestat o atitudine antimuncitorească şi de favorizare a patronilor evrei.

Reel 45-46:

414. (1940)

Corespondenţă şi rapoarte ale comisarilor de românizare privind situaţia lucrătorilor de la întreprinderile: Postăvăria Română, Noua Filatură de Bumbac, Metalica, Jacquard; întreprinderi hoteliere, uzine metalurgice etc. Corespondenţă referitoare la personalul întreprinderilor, proporţia lucrătorilor români, evrei şi alte naţionalităţi, salarizare, cu tabele.

415. (1940)

Rapoarte ale comisarilor speciali care activau pe lângă Banca de Credit Român, întreprinderile Ganz, N. Malaxa, Matalurgica Bucureşti, “Mira”-Fabrica de Cauciuc din Jilava, Steaua Română etc., referitoare la românizarea personalului (la Banca de Credit Român funcţionarii fiind cu preponderenţă evrei), desfiinţarea Casei de Economii a Personalului de la Steaua Română, Câmpina.

416. (1940)

Recomandări şi cereri pentru angajări având în vedere legea pentru românizarea personalului străin din întreprinderi; dare de seamă a conducătorului special de pe lângă întreprinderea “Steaua Română”, Câmpina.

420. (1940)

Corespondenţă cu Comisia Muncii din Portul Constanţa şi Inspectoratul Muncii Constanţa cu privire la excluderea de la muncă a unui număr de muncitori de naţionalitate turcă, conflictul colectiv de muncă dintre căruţaşii cooperaţiei “Micul Ajutor” şi ptroni, etc.

Reel 47:



Fond Ministerul Muncii, Sănătăţii şi Ocrotirilor Sociale. 1941-1942.

Inv. nr. 2527

Fond mare; organizat pe ani, pe Direcţii şi Servicii.

1941 (Inventar – f. 1-163v./1-330)

Direcţia Personal

14 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Afacerilor Străine, Casa Centrală a Asigurărilor Sociale. Camera de Muncă Braşov în legătură cu funcţionarii de origine etnică maghiară din Minister, cu propunerile pentru decorarea cu ordinele Steaua României, Coroana României, Serviciul Credincios, pe anul 1941; tabel nominal cu evreii decoraţi cu diferite medalii şi decoraţii care le-au fost acordate începând de la 1 ianuarie 1918.

23 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă cu alte direcţii din Minister şi cu Colegiul Medicilor privind numiri de membri în Comisiile interimare ale Colegiului Medicilor, diferite secţii judeţene, dreptul unor medici evrei de a practica medicina; ……………… ……….. ………… ………………… ……….. ……………… ………….

27 (1941)

Corespondenţă, decizii, decrete, referate în legătură cu numiri şi mişcări de personal, punere în disponibilitate, deschiderea pe seama Ministerului Muncii a unui credit extraordinar special, în sumă de 50.000.000 lei, pentru acoperirea cheltuielor necesare aplicării Decretului-Lege de românizare a personalului în întreprinderi, cu: Decret-Lege, tabel cu personalul Oficiului Central de Românizare, tabel cu funcţionarii Casei Personalului din Ministerul Muncii puşi în disponibilitate etc.

28 (1941)

Corespondenţă cu Inspectoratele Muncii din Suceava, Bârlad, Arad, Târgovişte, Craiova etc. în legătură cu mişcarea legionară din 21-23 ianuarie 1941, participarea unor funcţionari la aceste evenimente, cu rapoarte, tabele cu funcţionarii Inspectoratelor, declaraţii.

29 (1941)

Corespondenţă, circulare, decizii în legătură cu instituirea unei Comisii de anchetă pentru stabilirea vinovăţiei funcţionarilor care au participat la mişcarea legionară din ianuarie 1941.

48 (1941)

Corespondenţă cu Camera de Muncă Craiova, Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, alte direcţii din Minister referitoare la cererile unor funcţionari de a cumpăra sau a fi împroprietăriţi cu imobile provenite din exproprierea bunurilor urbane evreieşti.

Reel 47-48:

49 (1941) (215 p.)

Declaraţii ale personalului medical, sanitar auxiliar şi administrativ din Serviciul Sanitar al jud. Prahova, dacă a fost sau nu a fost înscris în mişcarea legionară; tabel cu cele 228 persoane care au dat declaraţii.

Reel 48:

58 (1941)

Tabele şi declaraţii ale personalului din Direcţia “Muncă şi Lumină” (serviciul central, corp de inspecţie, revistă şi teatru) în legătură cu activitatea în organizaţiile legionare şi implicarea în rebeliunea legionară din 21-23 ianuarie 1941.

Reel 49:

Direcţia Cabinet

59 (1941-1943)

Rapoarte, procese-verbale, corespondenţă referitoare la: situaţia industriei casnice, românizarea personalului din întreprinderi, ajutoarele de boală acordate lucrătorilor, înfiinţarea de cămine de ucenici, activitatea Direcţiei “Muncă şi Lumină”, propunerile Ministerului în legătură cu problema vagabonzilor, trimiterea de meseriaşi români care să ocupe atelierele rămase libere prin evacuarea evreilor din Basarabia şi Bucovina, regimul de salarizare al muncitorilor de la Uzinele de explozivi din Ucea de Sus, jud. Făgăraş, cererea Ministerului de a i se atribui imobilul evreiesc din Craiova, str. Calomfirescu nr. 40.

61 (1941) (383 p.)

Dări de seamă, referat, buletine şi note informative referitoare la mişcarea muncitorească în general şi la starea de spirit şi conflictele de muncă apărute la o serie de întreprinderi, cum ar fi: Fabrica de Avioane “Set”, Uzinele Reşiţa, Fabrica de Spirt din Timişoara, Uzinele Malaxa, Uzina Nădrag, organizarea activităţii în întreprinderile militarizate, activitatea Comisiei judeţene Romanaţi pentru revizuirea evreilor de la munca obligatorie de folos obştesc, rechiziţionarea unor imobile evreieşti din Bucureşti etc.

Reel 50:

62 (1941)

Corespondenţă cu Camerele de Muncă din Bucureşti şi din ţară referitoare la participarea sau neparticiparea salariaţilor la mişcarea legionară şi la rebeliunea din 21-23 ianuarie 1941, cu declaraţii personale pe această temă.

63 (1941-1942)

Corespondeţă cu Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri, diverse direcţii din Minister referitoare la……….. ……. ……. ………dificultăţile românizării în întreprinderi şi formele de eschivare folosite de evrei, funcţionarea detaşamentelor de lucru pentru munca de folos obştesc prestată de evrei şi normele ce trebuiau aplicate; rapoarte de activitate ale Direcţiei Muncii (decembrie 1941) şi Direcţiei Personal (noiembrie 1941); comunicate ale Consiliului de Miniştri cu dispoziţii asupra activităţii economice, salarizării, aprovizionării, combaterii speculei, organizării procesului de învăţământ, înlocuirii muncii de folos obştesc cu plata unei taxe fixe şi a unei cote din venitul contribuabililor evrei, etc.

Reel 50-51:

64 (1941-1942) (187 p.)

Texte ale unor legi şi decrete, legi precum şi proiecte pentru modificarea şi abrogarea unor articole din ele; Decret-lege asupra regimului muncii în timp de război, Lege pentru organizarea Casei Construcţiilor, Decret-lege pentru românizarea personalului din întreprinderi, Decret-lege privitor la organizarea şcolilor de ucenici; studiu şi propuneri asupra organizări taberelor de muncă cu internaţii din lagăre şi cu evreii; .……… ……… ………. ………. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. ………….

66 (1941) (399 p.)

Memorii, referate, rapoarte, adrese referitoare la situaţia ucenicilor din întreprinderi, la trimiterea de ucenici în Germania pentru pregătirea profesională, la solicitarea unor patroni şi întreprinderi de a li se permite să folosească personal evreiesc, exceptat de la munca de folos obştesc, conform decretului-lege 3985/1940, …………. …….. ………….. ………….. ………… ………. ………

Reel 52:

67 (1941-1942) (534 p.)

……………. …………… …………….. ………….. ………………………….. …………….. ……………… …………………… ……………… …………….. …………………. ………. Decret-lege pentru înfiinţarea şi organizarea Inspectoratului general al taberelor şi coloniilor de muncă obligatorie de folos obştesc.

Reel 53:

68 (1941) (669 p.)

……………..……………. …………… …………….. ………….. ………………………….. …………….. ……………… …………………… ……………… …………….. …………………. ………. Decret-lege pentru modificarea şi completarea decretului-lege pentru românizarea personalului din întreprinderi publicat în Monitorul Oficial 270/1940.

Reel 54:

69 (1941) (351 p.)

Rapoarte, referate, situaţii, situaţii în legătură cu: ………….. …………… …………. ……….. ………… ……………….. …………. ………activitatea Comisiei pentru revizuirea evreilor de la munca de folos obştesc Municipiul B ucureşti, ………………………………. …………… …………….. ………….. ………………………….. …………….. ……………… …………………… ……………… …………….. …………………. ………. ……………… ……………… …………… ……………………………

Reel 54-55:

70 (1941)

Rapoarte, referate, dări de seamă, decizii referitoare la activitatea Ministerului şi a unora din Direcţiile şi Serviciile ce-l compun, la căminele de ucenici de la Reşiţa şi Sibiu, la activitatea comisiilor judeţene din Tulcea, Constanţa, Dolj, Bucureşti, Vaslui etc., instituite pentru revizuirea evreilor trimişi la munca obligatorie de folos obştesc şi la modul de aplicare a legii românizării, ……………… ………… ………… ……….. …………………… ……………….. ……………….. ………………… ……………………. ………………………. ……………… ………….. …………… …………. ……….. …………

Reel 55-56:

71 (1941-1942) (435 p.)

Memorii, rapoarte, cereri, decizii, adrese legate de: ………………. …………. ………, aplicarea legii românizării, ……………… ……….. …………………… ……………….. ……………….. ………………… ……………………. ………………………. ……………… ………….. …………… …………. ……….. ………… ………………..

Reel 56:

74 (1941-1942) (1556 p.)

Memorii, referate, rapoarte, note informative, decizii, cereri la: activitatea Ministerului în Basarabia şi Bucovina, dar şi pe ansamblu, taberele şi detaşamentele de muncă din Bucureşti, numiri în funcţii, devenite vacante prin concedierea evreilor, normele pentru întrebuinţarea evreilor în taberele de muncă, rezultate din conferinţa ţinută la Ministerul Apărării Naţionale în 4 septembrie 1941, …………………… ………… ………., activitatea comisiilor judeţene Turda şi Baia instituite pentru revizuirea situaţiei evreilor chemaţi la muncă obligatorie de folos obştesc, consecinţele aplicării legii românizării în unele întreprinderi bucureştene; declaraţii ale personalului din serviciile centrale şi exterioare privind averea, participarea la organizaţiile francmasonice, căsătoria cu evrei (evreice), cu anexarea unor certificate de origine etnică şi naţionalitate.

Reel 57-58:

77 (1941) (675 p.)

Dări de seamă, rapoarte, buletine şi note informative (ale Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei, Inspectoratului General al Jandarmeriei) referitoare la: activitatea Ministerului Muncii, Sănătăţii şi Ocrotirilor Sociale pe lunile mai şi iulie 1941, lipsa muncitorilor calificaţi în Cernăuţi, starea de spirit a muncitorilor din Capitală, Arad. Timişoara, Petroşani şi alte localităţi, nemulţumirile legate de salarizare, mărirea preţurilor, înlocuirea bruscă şi aproape totală a personalului evreiesc din întreprinderi, concedieri, activitatea Comisiei judeţene Arad, instituită pentru revizuirea situaţiei evreilor chemaţi la muncă obligatorie de folos obştesc; constatările Comandamentului Militar al Capitalei făcute în legătură cu producţia întreprinderilor militarizate din Capitală şi comunele suburbane.

Reel 58-59:

79 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă cu Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri, Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei, direcţii şi servicii din Minister referitoare la: realizările Subsecretariatului de Stat al Muncii, activitatea Camerelor de Muncă Ploieşti şi Bucureşti, ……………………….. …………… ………….. …………… …………. …………………….., piedici întâlnite cu ocazia aplicării decretului-lege de românizare în Bacău şi modul cum se execută munca de folos obştesc, inspecţii făcute în legătură cu românizarea la întreprinderile economice din Constanţa şi Tulcea, germanizarea unor societăţi de asigurare din ţară, ……………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ………… ………………. ……………… …………………… Procesul-verbal al Conferinţei din 20 decembrie 1941 cu privire la termenul de expulzare, 31 decembrie 1941, al salariaţilor supuşi străini şi evrei din întreprinderile judeţene şi comunale din ţară.

Reel 59-60:

80 (1941) (726 p.)

Memorii, rapoarte, referate, decizii, cereri referitoara la activitatea Ministerului şi a unor direcţii şi servicii ce-l compun (iulie-octombrie 1941), numiri de personal; detaşări, avansări, pedepse aplicate, activitatea Oficiului Central de Românizare între 27 ianuarie-5 iulie 1941, cu tabelul firmelor valorificate, ……… …………. …………… ………… …………… …………… …………… ………… ………… …………. ……………….modul cum s-a făcut românizarea la Întreprinderea “S. Filderman” din Bacău; …………………….. ………………. ………

Reel 60-61:

85 (1941)

………………… ………………………… ……………………. ……………………. ……………. ………… ………………. …………………. ………………………. …………………… ……………. ………………. ……………….., memoriul evreului Ioan Beligrădeanu din Bucureşti, funcţionar al S.A. “Concordia” de a fi menţionat în serviciu.

87 (1941-1942)

Referate, note, tabele, decizii referitoare la: activitatea medicală pe noiembrie 1942 în întreaga ţară, modul cum s-a realizat revizuirea evreilor ce au fost scutiţi de munca de folos obştesc, în anul 1941, …………….. …………… ……………. …………… ………… ……….. …………. …………. ………………….. …………. ………… ………… ………………… ……………………….. ………………….. …………

88 (1941)

Corespondenţă cu Preşedinţiei Consiliului de Miniştri, Casa Construcţiilor, direcţii şi servicii din Minister legate de ……………… …………. …………. …………………………. ……………… …………….. ………….. …………………………………………, instrucţiunile generala nr. 31200/8 august 1941 de modul cum se vor aplica dispoziţiile regulamentului asupra Decretului-lege relativ la statutul militar al evreilor, publicat în Monitorul Oficial nr. 164/14 iulie 1941.

Reel 62:

Serviciul Organizării şi Ocrotirii Muncii

248 (1941)

Corespondenţă şi tabele cu imobilele evreieşti situate în staţiuni balneo-climaterice care se pretează a fi amenajate în case de odihnă pentru funcţionari şi muncitori.

249 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă referitoare la propunerile instituţiilor Ministerului Muncii de a se instala în imobilele evreieşti cu anexarea de tabele şi planuri ale unor imobile.

Reel 63:

Serviciul Conflictelor şi Contractelor de Muncă

296 (1941)

Corespondenţă cu Subinspectoratul Muncii Giurgiu, note informative, ordine referitoare la: propuneri privind organizarea muncii în porturi, instrucţiunile Oficiului Central de Românizare pentru inspectorii speciali de control, în vederea aplicării decretului-lege de românizarea personalului din întreprinderi, îndepărtarea funcţionarilor de origine etnică străină de la birourile de mobilizarea şi a personalului de serviciu, de origine maghiară, de la hoteluri, blocuri, restaurante.

317 (1941-1942)

Raportul Subinspectoratului Muncii Bârlad prin care face cunoscut faptul că, prin închiderea întreprinderilor industriale din oraş cu conducere evreiască în proporţie de 85%, muncitorii români vor rămâne şomeri.

319 (1941-1942)

Rapoarte de activitate, procese-verbale de inspecţiile întreprinse de reprezentanţii Inspectoratului Muncii Iaşi la instituţii din Iaşi şi Brăila, notă telefonică de urmările rebeliunii iudeo-comuniste din Iaşi, din noaptea de 26 spre 27 iunie 1941, semnalarea unor conflicte de muncă individuale şi colective şi măsurile luate pentru aplanarea unora dintre ele.

404 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă cu Comisia Muncii din Portul Brăila, referate, tabele referitoare la conflictele colective de muncă, la rechiziţionarea imobilului evreiesc al fraţilor Wender din Brăila, str. Misiţii nr. 6 pentru a fi transformat într-un cămin de adăpost al muncitorilor din port, probleme de personal.

Serviciul Plasării, Şomajului şi Migraţiilor

456 (1941-1942)

Corespondenţă cu Administraţia Basarabiei, Primăria oraşului Chişinău, tabele referitoare la: personalul de serviciu casnic plasat în oraşul Chişinău prin Oficiul de Plasare, publicaţia de scoatere la licitaţie a morilor ţărăneşti şi fabricilor evreieşti, oficiile de plasare din ţară şi avizelor lor etc.

469 (1941-1942)

Decizii, referate, tabele în legătură cu: personalul Oficiilor de plasare din ţară, reglementarea dreptului de folosire de către evrei a servitorilor creştini, activitatea Oficiului de plasare din Turnu Severin, probleme de personal.

540 (1941)

Ordine circulare, decizii, corespondenţă cu Oficiul de plasare Chişinău în legătură cu trimiterea unor situaţii despre braţele de muncă disponibile, repartizarea de personal bugetar şi temporar din Directoratul Muncii şi Asigurărilor Sociale din Chişinău, administrarea bunurilor intrate în patrimoniul statului de către Directoratul Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului.

Reel 64:

843 (1941)

Corespondenţa din luna martie 1941, proces-verbal, memoriu referitoare la: concesiuni, transferări, vânzări şi închirieri de farmacii, eliberarea unor certificate de farmacist diriginte; inspectarea unor farmacii; situaţia farmaciştilor neproprietari ardeleni şi particularităţile procesului de românizare a farmaciilor din Ardeal.

846 (1941)

Rapoarte, procese-verbale, buletine de analiză, cereri, adrese referitoare la: concesiuni de farmacii, verificarea compoziţiei unor medicamente; inspectarea de farmacii; numele farmaciştilor trimişi în Basarabia şi Bucovina pentru punerea în funcţionare a farmaciilor publice, procesul de românizare a unor farmacii, instrucţiuni pentru funcţionarea şi aprovizionarea farmaciilor de pe lângă spitalele de zonă interioară etc.

Reel 64-65:

858 (1941)

Proiectul deciziei ministeriale ce priveşte întocmirea cazierelor farmaciştilor şi droghiştilor; referat şi corespondenţă în legătură cu exproprierea fabricii “Olex” din Bucureşti, fostă proprietate evreiască.

860 (1941)

Referate, corespondenţă în legătură cu: închiderea unor farmacii, ai căror proprietari evrei au fost închişi în lagăre; farmacişti detaşaţi la Spitalele de Stat din Moldova şi Bucovina pentru a completa secţiile de farmacii ale acestor spitale; aprobarea unor concedii de boală farmaciştilor; aprobări de vânzări, cumpărări, schimbări, concesii de farmacii.

Reel 65-66:

863 (1941)

Corespondenţă, cu anexarea unor acte personale, privind cererile unor farmacişti de a li se repartiza farmacii evreieşti; aprobări de concedii, concesiuni, arendări, transferări sau închideri de farmacii.

Reel 66:

864 (1941)

Tabele, cereri, adrese referitoare la: farmacişti arieni reuşiţi la examenul de capacitate din 1935, care n-au luat concesii; concesiunile de farmacii urbane devenite vacante; transferări, concesii de farmacii; aprobări de concedii.

Reel 66-67:

870 (1941)

Decizie, circulare, cereri, adrese referitoare la: numiri de farmacişti, în calitate de comisari speciali pe lângă farmacii evreieşti; modul de trecere ăn Basarabia şi Bucovina, cercetarea unor reclamaţii, aprobări pentru prezentarea la concursul de concesiuni de farmacii, autorizaţii de înfiinţare sau redeschidere de farmacii.

871 (1941)

Corespondenţă, cu anexarea unor acte personale, în legătură cu: lichidarea unor farmacii evreieşti; concesiuni, transferări, succesiuni de farmacii, recunoaşterea calităţii de diriginte administrator de farmacie.

875 (1941)

Extrase după acte de stare civilă înaintate de farmacişti din jud. Alba şi Argeş pentru a dovedi că nu sunt evrei.

Reel 67-68:

901 (1941)

Corespondenţă în legătură cu recunoaşterea unor persoane ca diriginţi administratori ai unor drogherii evreieşti, farmacii şi sepozite de medicamente; obţinerea unor concesii de farmacii; înfiinţarea unor depozite de medicamente, mutări de drogherii, transformarea drogheriilor în farmacii, proces-verbal de predare-primire a drogheriei “Schmiedt et Fontin” din Bucureşti şi inventarul medicamentelor deţinute.

Reel 68:

992 (1941)

Decizie, decret, referate, cereri, adrese în legătură cu: concesiuni de farmacii, aprobări de concesii, numirea comisarilor speciali pe lângă farmaciile publice evreieşti şi retribuţia lor, arendarea titlului de farmacist diriginte etc.

999 (1941-1942)

Decrete-lege privind: reglementarea concesiilor de farmacii, drogherii, depozite de medicamente, laboratoarea şi fabrici de produse medicamentoase aparţinând evreilor; prelungirea termenului de lichidare a farmaciilor evreieşti; reglementarea examenului pentru calsificare farmaciilor.

1942 (Inventar – f. 164-276v./1-226)

Direcţia Personal

6 (1942)

Tabele, rapoarte, corespondenţă privind: ……………… ………. ……….. ……….. ………. …….., evreii internaţi şi rechiziţionaţi pentru munca de folos obştesc la instituţii sanitare din Bucureşti, Buzău etc, ………………….. …………. ………… ………… ………….. ……………….. ………….. ……………….. ……………… ……………………… ……………………………

18 (1942-1943)

Note informative, decizii, corespondenţă referitoare la: persecuţiile contra medicilor români rămaşi în teritoriile cedate Ungariei………….. ……….. ……….. ………. ………… ………… ………… ……….., cercetarea reclamaţiilor făcute împotriva unor medici dentişti evrei care practică medicina în mediul rural.

Reel 69:

Direcţia Cabinet

65 (1942)

…………….. ………………. …………….…………… …………….. …………… ………….. ………………situaţia procesului de românizare în Cernăuţi, ………………… ……………… ……………… …………… …………… ………….. ………. …………………… ………………… ………………… …………….. …………… ……………

69 (1942)

………………… ……………… ……………… …………… …………… ………….. ………. …………………… ………………… ………………… …………….. românizarea comerţului şi industriei de pielărie, ………………… ……………… ……………… …………… …………… ………….. ………. …………………… ………………… ………

71 (1942)

Raportul Comisiei de Anchetă cuprinzând concluziile cercetărilor întreprinse la fabrica de uleiuri vegetale “Fleming” din Galaţi în urma denunţului privind procesul de românizare şi modul de conducere a întreprinderii de către Alexandru Dinerman.

72 (1942)

Dări de seamă, rapoarte, corespondenţă referitoare la: activitatea Inspectoratului Regional Craiova şi Camerei de Muncă Bucureşti; rechiziţionarea de imobile evreieşti; concluziile inspectării instituţiilor dependente de Ministerul Muncii din Iaşi, Bârlad, Huşi, Tulcea, Calafat etc.; ………………. ……………….. ………………….. ………………. …………. ………………. …………… …………… ………….. …………. ……….

Reel 70:

79 (1942)

………………… ……………… ……………… …………… …………… ………….. ………. …………………… ………………… ………………… …………….., internarea în lagăr a unor evrei care au sabotat opera de românizare a întreprinderilor; …………….. ………..

Reel 70-71:

81 (1942)

Referate, corespondenţă privind ocrotirea şi salarizarea ucenicilor, majorarea salariilor lucrătorilor şi funcţionarilor particulari evrei, rezolvarea unor petiţii; convenţia încheiată cu Guvernul Reichului German cu privire la regimul de asigurări sociale ce se aplică muncitorilor autorizaţi să plece în Germania la lucru şi specializare.

Reel 71:

82 (1942)

Rapoarte, tabele, corespondenţă referitoare la: activitatea Departamentului Muncii, stadiul organizării coloniilor pentru vagabonzi, anchetarea lucrărilor de românizare de la Inspectoratul special de control Iaşi, concluziile inspecţiilor la Craiova, Reşiţa, Anina; pregătirea şi calificarea profesională industrială, păstrarea şi protejarea mâinii de lucru calificate din industrii, evreii aprobaţi la revizuire şi scutiţi de munca de folos obştesc deşi au fost angajaţi la întreprinderi după publicarea legii de românizare, evreii din oraşul Vaslui scutiţi de munca obligatorie etc.

Serviciul Organizării şi Ocrotirii Muncii

204 (1942)

Tabele, proces-verbal, cereri privind plasarea meseriaşilor români în atelierele rămase libere în Moldova şi ţinuturile dezrobite, prin îndepărtarea evreilor şi numărul absolvenţilor liceelor industriale din ţară, la 15 martie 1942

Reel 71-72:

215 (1942)

Procese-verbale ale conferinţelor ţinute de Ministerul Muncii cu directorii şi şefii de serviciu din Minister în care s-au dezbătut probleme ca: situaţia căminelor de ucenici, desfăşurarea procesului de românizare, …………………. ……………., situaţia imobilelor rechiziţionate de la evrei, ……………. ………….. …………………….

Reel 72:

257 (1942-1943)

Corespondenţă cu Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri referitoare la: …………… …………………. …….., situaţia meseriaşilor români din Dorohoi, ……………. ……….., cererile unor meseriaşi români de a se stabili în Basarabia şi Bucovina, …………. …………. ………….. …………. …………. ………., evidenţa imobilelor în care au fost ateliere şi au rămas scule de pe urma evreilor meseriaşi şi evacuaţi din Dorohoi etc.

259 (1942-1943)

…………… ……………….. ………….. …………… ……………. …………………….., repartizarea la lucru a evreilor la Şcoala de Perfecţionare în Artele Grafice, ……………………… ……………………….

264 (1942)

Corespondenţă în legătură cu solicitările unor români de a fi colonizaţi în Moldova, Basarabia şi Bucovina sau de a li se atribui ateliere, din cele rămase libere de la evrei.

293 (1942)

Adrese şi aviz favorabil pentru constituirea Asociaţiei comercianţilor, industriaşilor şi meseriaşilor români din Basarabia.

Serviciul Plasării, Şomajului şi Migraţiilor

518 (1942)

Referate, cupuri din ziare, adrese privind problema emigrării evreilor din România.

Reel 72-73:

531 (1942-1943)

Revizuirea situaţiei supuşilor străini şi acte privind românizarea personalului firmei Gabor Traian et Comp. din Arad.

Reel 73:

550 (1942-1943)

Corespondenţă cu Oficiul de Plasare Lugoj legată de probleme de personal, procurarea de lemne de foc şi imprimate; tabele cu patronii evrei care au servitori creştini.

Reel 73-74:

553 (1942)

Tabele, cereri, adrese în legătură cu autorizarea evreilor de a angaja sau menţine în serviciul lor personal casnic creştin.

Reel 74:

Fondul Muncii

619 (1942-1943)

Decizii, rapoarte, facturi, borderouri referitoare la: numiri de personal la Oficiul de Românizare, acordarea de credite pentru cheltuieli de personal şi material în legătură cu organizarea şi funcţionarea Inspectoratului General al Taberelor şi Coloanelor de Muncă Obligatorie de Folos Obştesc şi bugetul de executarea cheltuielilor pe exerciţiul 1942-1943 al acestui Inspectorat, dotarea Căminului de Ucenici nr. 1 cu diverse obiecte de inventar.

Reel 75:

621 (1942-1943)

Conturi de gestiune ale Inspectoratului General al Taberelor şi Coloanelor de Muncă Obligatorie de Folos Obştesc.

Reel 75-76:

734 (1942)

…………………. …………… ……………… …………….. ………………. ………………. ………..; memoriul farmaciştilor din Bucovina şi Basarabia de Nord asupra necesităţii menţinerii personalului evreiesc în farmaciile acestor provincii.

Reel 76-77:

735 (1942)

Corespondenţă şi acte personale referitoare la procesul de românizare a farmaciilor evreieşti, deschideri şi închideri de farmacii, aprobări de concedii medicale.

N.B. Există multe dosare care se referă la concesiuni de farmacii, fără să se spună că erau “farmacii evreieşti”.

Reel 77:


Fond Ministerul Muncii, Sănătăţii şi Ocrotirilor Sociale. 1943-1944.

Inv. nr. 2528

Reel 77-78:

Fond mare; organizat pe ani, pe Direcţii şi Servicii.

1943 (Inventar – f. 1-157v./1-318)

Direcţia Personal


Corespondenţă cu Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri, serviciile sanitare ale judeţelor, Comisiile pentru revizuirea evreilor, decizii, tabele referitoare la: …………… …………., scutirea de muncă obligatorie a unor medici şi tehnicieni dentişti evrei, …………. ………….. …………… …………. ………… ………………. ……………… ……………………. ………………… ……………….. …………….. …………….. …………. …………….. …….

Reel 78:-79:


Tabele, corespondenţă, planuri referitoare la: ratificarea unor examine de medic de către Comisia Administrativă; înfiinţarea Policlinicii Societăţii Naţionale de Cruce Roşie a României, pe lângă Colegiul pentru studenţii evrei; acordarea de autorizaţii pentru funcţionarea unor dispensare şi ambulatorii evreieşti; acordarea de gradaţii de merit personalului tehnic sanitar superior din C.C.A.S.

Reel 79-80:

Direcţia Cabinet

40. (1943-1944)

Note informative, rapoarte, corespondenţă cu P.C.M. şi direcţii din Minister cu privire la: ……………. …………… ………. ………. ……… ……… ……… ……., situaţia personalului evreiesc de la fabrica “Bistriţa” din Piatra Neamţ şi de la alte întreprinderi, diferite cazuri de camuflaj comercial, ……………… …………….. ……………. ………….. …………….. …………….. …………….. …………… ………… ………… ………………..

Reel 80:


Buletine contrainformative, dări de seamă, rapoarte, corespondenţă legate de: …………………………., situaţia imobilelor evreilor preluate de Ministerul Muncii de la C.N.R. în oraşul Brăila, ………….. ……….. …………… …………….. …………….. …………… …………… ………………. …………………. …………….. ………………. ……………. …………………… ……………… …………….. ……

Reel 80-81:

50. (1943-1944)

Rapoarte, memorii, corespondenţă cu P.C.M. referitoare la: ……….. …………. …………. ………………., rezultatul discuţiilor care au avut loc în şedinţa Conferinţei pentru problemele evreieşti din 11 decembrie 1943, studiul privind dublarea personalului evreiesc de la întreprinderile militare, întocmit de Comandamentul Militar al Capitalei.

Reel 81:

52. (1943-1944)

Rapoarte, note informative, corespondenţă în legătură cu: ancheta întreprinsă la Industriile Chimice Forestiere din Holboca, jud. Iaşi asupra muncii prestate de evrei, în cadrul muncii de folos obştesc şi întrebuinţării la munci grele a unor copii români în vârstă de 12-16 ani; …………….. ………….. ………… …………………….. ……………………. ………………………. ……………………………….. ………………. ……………………… ……………. ………………..

Reel 81-82:

53. (1943-1944)

Buletine informative, rapoarte, corespondenţă asupra activităţii Ministerului pe luna septembrie 1943, dispoziţiile Mareşalului Ion Antonescu în legătură cu rapoartele asupra gestiunii Comisariatului General pentru Evrei şi a Centralei Evreilor din România; ………. ………….. ………….. ………………… …………… ………….. …………. ……….. ………..

Reel 82:

55. (1943-1944)

Communicate şi ordine ale P.C.M., rapoarte, corespondenţă referitoare la: programul de activitate al Inspectoratului General al Taberelor şi Coloanelor de Muncă Obligatorie de Folos Obştesc pe anul 1944-1945; ……………………… …………… ………….. ………. …………….; evidenţierea unităţilor militare, administraţiilor şi întreprinderilor civile care s-a remarcat cu ocazia vizitării de către Mareşalul Antonescu a regiunilor Doneţului, Crimeii şi Transnistriei.

56. (1943-1944)

Decizii, tabele, rapoarte, corespondenţă referitoare la: problema românizării; …………. ……….. ……….. ………… ………. ………………….; instrucţiunile pentru comisia constituită în scopul examinării cererilor de revizuire a femeilor evreice, din punct de vedere al exercitării profesiei şi scutirii de munca obligatorie; …………… ………… ……………….. ………………….. ……….

Reel 82-83:

61. (1943-1944)

Rapoarte, note informative, cereri, adrese legate de: …………. ………… ………. ………. …………. ………. ……………., situaţia angajaţilor evrei de la fabrica “Textila” din Iaşi; problema românizării în general; proiectul de decret-lege pentru înfiinţarea Comisariatului General al Evreilor.

Reel 83-84:

Serviciul Organizării şi Ocrotirii Muncii

330. (1943-1944)

Tabele, dări de seamă, corespondenţă privind recensământul meseriaşilor români, evrei şi de alte naţionalităţi din jud. Prahova, Buzău, Muscel şi activitatea birourilor militare de meseriaşi de pe lângă Oficiile Camerelor de Muncă Târgovişte, Ploieşti.

Reel 84:

387. (1943-1944)

Tabele, dări de seamă, corespondenţă cu Camera de Muncă Bacău referitoare la: recensământul meseriaşilor din oraşul şi jud. Roman pe anul 1943; meseriaşii evrei din oraşul Roman; meseriaşii români din oraşul Botoşani care s-au înscris în registrele de evidenţă ale Biroului militar, până la 10 decembrie 1943; activitatea Birourilor militare de meseriaşi de pe lângă Camerele de Muncă Bacău şi Roman, meseriaşii aflaţi în oraşul Fălticeni; meseriaşii români şi evrei înscrişi la Biroul Militar de meseriaşi Roman în intervalul 10 februarie – 10 martie 1944.

Reel 85:

Serviciul Conflictelor şi Contractelor de Muncă


Buletine contrainformative, tabele, corespondenţă privind starea de spirit, salarizarea şi alte informaţii în legătură cu lucrătorii din întreprinderile militarizate şi cu dublarea şi îndepărtarea personalului evreiesc.


Rapoarte şi corespondenţă cu Direcţia Cabinetului referitoare la situaţia imobilelor evreieşti atribuite C.N.R. pentru instituţiile din Galaţi şi Constanţa ale Ministerului Muncii, evacuarea arhivei în zonele din vestul ţării, …………….. ……… ……… ……….

Serviciul Plasării, Şomajului şi Migraţiilor

441. (1943-1944)

Decizii ministeriale, circulare, adrese privind: ………….. ……………. ……….. ………. ……………, imobilele preluate de la C.N.R. necesare instituţiilor pendinte de Ministerul Muncii.

453. (1943)

Corespondenţă cu Oficiul de Studii şi Statistică relativă la executarea ordinului mareşalului Ion Antonescu cu privire la reglementarea angajării sau menţinerii personalului creştin în serviciul evreilor.

Reel 85-86:

Inspectoratul General al Taberelor şi Coloanelor de Muncă

651. (1943)

Decizii, borderouri, state de plată, adrese către Fondul Muncii referitoare la: …………….. ……….. …….., plata alocaţiei în bani pentru evreii concentraţi la munca de folos obştesc în taberele de muncă şi pentru cei concentraţi la Inspectorat; …………. ……. …………. …………

Reel 86:

653. (1943-1944)

Regulamentul pentru organizarea şi disciplina Taberelor de muncă obligatorie; tabele nominale cu internaţii în Tabăra “Cornul Măgurii” Codlea, jud. Braşov; meniu săptămânal.

Direcţia Farmaciilor


Corespondenţă, acte personale referitoare la: ………… ………. ………………. ……….. ………… ………… ……….., procese-verbale de inventariere a farmaciei evreieşti Widernic din com. Ciolăneşti, jud. Teleorman, ……………………

Reel 86-87:

862. (1943)

Corespondenţă şi acte personale privind exceptarea de la expropriere a unor farmacii evreieşti; ……………… …………….. ………….. ………. ……… ………….. ……………. ………. ………… ………. ………………. ………..

865. (1943)

Corespondenţă şi tabele cu privire la farmacişti creştini neproprietari din diferite oraşe şi judeţe din ţară.

Reel 88:

870. (1943)

Corespondenţă şi acte personale în legătură cu: succesiuni, redeschideri şi lichidări de farmacii; situaţia farmaciilor din Timişoara; interdicţia folosirii personalului evreiesc în farmaciile creştine, ………….. …………. ………………. ………… ………….. ………………. ……………… ……… …………….. ………….. ………. ……… …………..

Reel 88-89:

882. (1943)

……………………….. referitor la succesiuni, deschideri şi lichidări de farmacii, la îndepărtarea personalului evreiesc din farmacii şi unele reclamaţii legate de orarul de lucru.

Reel 89:

887. (1943)

Corespondenţă referitoare la: …………… ………. ……… ……… ……… …….. …….. instrucţiunile de aplicarea legii 59/1943 relativă la sancţionarea evreilor nesupuşi la chemare sau dezertori de la munca obligatorie.

Reel 89-90:

891. (1943)

Corespondenţă şi acte personale referitoare la: concesiuni de farmacii; închiderea farmaciilor conduse de evrei; ……….. …….. ……… ………. …….. …………..

Reel 90:

1944 (Inventar – f. 160-264/1-209)

Direcţia Personal

7. (1944)

Decizii, foi calificative, cereri, adrese referitoare la numiri provizorii şi definitive de personal sanitar, transferări, disponibilizări, permisii, condedii, reprimirea în serviciu a medicilor şi farmaciştilor care au fost îndepărtaţi în baza măsurilor rasiale, ……… ……. …… ……… ………. ………… ………. ………… ……….. ………. ……… …….. …….

Reel 90-92:

8. (1944-1945)

Decizii, publicaţiune, adrese în legătură cu ………………. ………. ………. …………., regulamentele concursurilor şi rezultatul examenului pentru spitalele evreieşti din Bucureşti, din 15 noiembrie 1943 – 15 ianurie 1944.

17. (1944-1945)

Decizii, tabele, corespondenţă cu direcţii şi servicii din Minister referitoare la ………….. ………….. ………… ………… ………… …………. ……………., dispoziţiile pentru constituirea şi funcţionarea comisiilor mixte prevăzute de art. 7 din decretul-lege pentru abrogarea măsurilor legislative antievreieşti, ………….. ……….. ………. ……….. ………. ……….. ……… ………. ………. …………… …………. ……….. ………. …………………

Reel 92-93:

Direcţia Cabinet

32. (1944)

Note informative, corespondenţă în legătură cu ……………… ……… …….. …….. …….. ……… …………. ………. …… ……………, situaţia evreilor folosiţi în întreprinderi, cazuri de camuflaj comercial, ……………… ……… ………… ………….. …………….. ………………… ……………….. …………….. …………………………… …….

Reel 93-94:

34. (1944)

Note informative, referate, cereri, adrese relative la ………… …………… ……….. ………… …………….. …………. ………….. …………. ……………, cercetarea unor firme care serveau interesele evreilor, etc.

Reel 94-95:

Serviciul Contractelor de Muncă

166. (1944-1945)

Decizii, referate, corespondenţă referitoare la dispoziţiile pentru constituirea şi funcţionarea comisiilor mixte prevăzute în decretul-lege pentru abrogarea măsurilor legislative antievreieşti, numirea preşedinţilor şi delegaţilor comisiilor şi modul concret de aplicare a decretului în diverse întreprinderi; ……………… ………….. ……………. ………..

Reel 95:

Serviciul Plasării, Şomajului şi Migraţiilor


Decizii, referate, instrucţiuni, cereri, corespondenţă cu Oficiile de plasare relative la modul de aplicare a legii 461/1944 de abrogare a măsurilor legislative antievreieşti.

237. (1944)

Cereri însoţite de referate şi acte personale în legătură cu autorizarea evreilor de a angaja sau menţine în serviciul lor casnic sau în cabinetele medicale personal creştin.

Reel 96:

244. (1944)

Referate, tabele, corespondenţă, acte personale relative la cererile evreilor de a obţine autorizaţii de angajare sau de menţineri în serviciu a personalului casnic creştin.

258. (1944)

Cereri ale medicilor evrei de a fi autorizaţi să angajeze personal casnic creştin pentru nevoile cabinetelor lor, cu referate, declaraţii şi acte personale.

Reel 97:


Cereri ale evreilor de a fi autorizaţi să angajeze sau să menţină în serviciul personal casnic creştin, cu corespondenţă şi acte personale.


Cereri ale medicilor evrei din Arad de a li se elibera autorizaţii pentru a angaja personal creştin, cu declaraţii şi dovezi eliberate de Asociaţia Profesională a Medicilor Evrei din Arad.


Cereri ale unor medici evrei din Bucureşti, Arad, Bacău şi Mediaş de a fi autorizaţi să angajeze sau să menţină în serviciul lor personal casnic creştin, cu certificate, declaraţii extrase din registrele stării civile.

Administraţia Comercială şi Exploatarea Muncii în Tabere şi Colonii de Muncă


Stat şi ordonanţe de plată, referate asupra plăţii salariilor personalului cu contract din Administraţia Exterioară a taberelor şi coloniilor de muncă, personalului cu ziua şi a celui evreiesc, concentrat pentru lucru; situaţia materialului lemnos alfat în depozitul Bolta.

Reel 97 (cont.):



Fond Ministerul Muncii, Sănătăţii şi Ocrotirilor Sociale. 1945-1946.

Inv. nr. 2529

Fond mare; organizat pe ani, pe Direcţii şi Servicii.

1945 (Inventar – f. 1-143v./1-286)

Direcţia Contencios


Referate, delegaţii, citaţii, adrese asupra cererii făcută de Asociaţia “Kidus Aschem”, cu sediul în Iaşi, de a se constitui ca o persoană juridică.


Jurnale ale Consiliului de Miniştri, referate, tabele, procese-verbale, corespondenţă privitoare la situaţia imobilelor preluate de Minister de la Centrul Naţional de Românizare.

66. (1945)

Circulare şi adrese referitoare la achitarea drepturilor evreilor care au prestat muncă obligatorie în detaşamente locale şi externe, ………………….. ………………. ……………. …………… …………. ……….. ………………….. …………………………. ……………….. ……………… ………… …

Reel 97-98:


Referate şi corespondenţă cu Tribunalul Special pentru judecarea celor vinovaţi de dezastrul ţării, alte Direcţii din Minister legate de strângerea de documente privind activitatea în favoarea Germaniei, a foştilor miniştri C. Dănulescu şi I. D. Enescu.

Reel 98:


Procese-verbale, rapoarte, jurnale ale Consiliului de Miniştri referitoare la imobilele preluate de la C.N.R. de către Ministerul Muncii şi la propunerile de expropriere, pentru utilitate publică a unora dintre aceste imobile.

Direcţia Pregătirii şi Calificării Profesionale

354. (1945-1946)

Corespondenţă cu Inspectoratul Regional al Muncii Brăila, Camera de Muncă Brăila referitoare la……….. ……… ………… ……….. ………. ……….. ………. ……… …………plata texelor pentru titlurile de capacitate şi la eliberarea duplicatelor solicitate de evrei.

1946 (Inventar – f. 144-250/1-250)

Direcţia Contencios

165. (1946)

Cererea Asociaţiei Foştilor Deportaţi în Transnistria pentru personalitate juridică.

Direcţia Bunurilor


Corespondenţă, referate cu privire la……….situaţia imobilelor care au fost în administraţia C.N.R. şi care sunt deţinute de Ministerul Muncii sub formă de rechiziţie, plata chiriei acestor imobile.

Reel 98-99:

Direcţia Generală a Asistenţei


Cereri şi corespondenţă referitoare la eliberarea articolelor de îmbrăcăminte şi încălţăminte din stocul “Joint” din depozitul Direcţiei Economatului, aprovizioarea unităţilor de asistenţă cu materiale “Joint” şi alimente.

Reel 99:

927. (1946-1947)

Procese-verbale şi recipise de primire ale Comisiei de triere şi receptare a materialelor “Joint” privind predarea acestui material Secţiei “Joint”.


Referate, procese-verbale referitoare la situaţia materialelor manipulate de Secţia “Joint”, trierea şi predarea materialelor secţiilor respective, depozitarea şi păstrarea acestora.

Reel 99-100:


Corespondenţă în legătură cu înfiinţarea coloniei Carme Sylva şi dotarea acesteia cu cazarmament, alimente etc. procurarea alimentelor pentru Preventoriul Timişul de Jos, cereri şi aprobări privind eliberarea articolelor de îmbrăcăminte şi încălţăminte din stocul “Joint”, eliberarea din depozitul Economatului a alimentelor şi materialelor necesare unităţilor de asistenţă.

Reel 100:

Inspectoratul Muncii Regiunea III Bucureşti


Corespondenţă, proces-verbal privind conflictul colectiv de muncă dintre firma O.R.A.T. din Bucureşti şi marinarii civili de pe vasul “Smirny”, transportul emigranţilor evrei care plecau ilegal, cu contract de înrolare al firmei O.R.A.T. şi al comandantului vasului, Dumitru Niculescu, concluzii scrise ale delegaţilor salariaţilor în conflict cu Societatea O.R.A.T., supliment de note scrise depuse de Societatea O.R.A.T.

RG-25.025 Selected Records from the Collections of the Vaslui Branch of the Romanian National

Archive, 1940-1953

Extent: 15 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, From the Romanian State Archives, Vaslui Branch; Inventory: 1, 4, 6, 86, 842, 843, 932, 935. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in June 2005.

Organization and arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: In Romanian

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions including selected records from the mayors offices of Vaslui and Bârlad; the prefecture of Vaslui district; the police headquarters of Vaslui and of Bârlad; the gendarmerie of Vaslui; the Tutova district office of the Centrala Evreilor; and the Jewish Community in Bârlad. Also included are postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Vaslui and Bârlad.


Fond Primăria oraşului Vaslui. 1909-1968.

Fond nr. 4

Inv. nr. 4

Reel 1

1940: 20/1940 (1940) (-)

Liste de naţionalităţi (străinii din oraşe).

29/1940 (1940) (170 p.)

Lucrări referitoare la mobilizarea agricolă, munca de folos obştesc.

61/1940 (1940-1941) (97 p.)

Lucrări privind exproprierea fostului cimitir evreiesc.

1941: 7/1941 (1941) (39 p.)

Lucrări privind recensământul populaţiei şi diferite statistici privind firmele comerciale şi industriale.

8/1941 (1941) (64 p.)

Lucrări privind recensământul caselor evreieşti din Vaslui în vederea exproprierii.

19/1941 (1941) (28 p.)

Planurile proprietăţilor evreieşti ce urmează a fi trecute în patrimoniul Statului.

Reel 1, 2

29/1941 (1941) (840 p.)

Cereri referitoare la obţinerea unor certificate privind cetăţenia.

Reel 2

46/1941 (1941) (191 p.)

Corespondenţă privind munca de folos obştesc.

ANDJ Vaslui

Fond Primăria oraşului Bârlad. 1932-1949.

Fond nr. 6

Inv. nr. 6

1938: 24/1938 (1938) (86 p.)

Cererile cetăţenilor pentru a obţine cetăţenia română.

25/1938 (1938) (256 p.)

Corespondenţă privitoare la obţinerea cetăţeniei române.

Reel 3

3/1939 (1939) (15 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Comunitatea Israelită referitoare la alegerea membrilor epitropiei comunităţii.

28/1940 (1940) (3 p.)

Corespondenţă referitoare la ştergerea unor cetăţeni din registrul de naţionalitate.

27/1941 (1941) (43 p.)

Corespondenţă cu diferite trimiteri referitoare la obţinerea cetăţeniei române.

42/1941 (1941) (3)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, declaraţia de opţiune referitoare la pierderea cetăţeniei române.

59/1941 (1941) (45 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri, Prefectura judeţului, tabele cu imobilele evreieşti, referitoare la exproprierea proprietăţilor evreieşti.

84/1941 (1941) (30 p.)

Tabele cu prezenţa la serviciu pentru munca de folos obştesc.

95/1941 (1941) (53 p.)

Inventarul de luarea în primire a bunurilor Cantinei nr. 1 din str. Regală şi ajutorul legionar.

96/1941 (1941) (5 p.)

ajutorul legionar

97/1941 (1941) (59 p.)

ajutorul legionar

98/1941 (1941) (15 p.)

ajutorul legionar

99/1941 (1941) (25 p.)

Acte de cheltuieli efectuate cu cantina nr. 2 Adolf Hitler şi nr. 3.

100/1941 (1941) (10 p.)

ajutorul legionar

101/1941 (1941) (2 p.)

Acte cheltuieli din fondul Adolf Hitler.

155/1941 (1941) (7 p.)

Corespondenţă referitoare la inventarierea celor 3 cantine legionare.

32/1942 (1942) (201 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Prefectura judeţului Tutova, Centrala Evreilor din România, Oficiul Judeţean Tutova, tabele cu evrei, Marele Stat Major referitor la munca de folos obştesc.

39/1942 (1942) (41 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Centrul Naţional de Românizare şi Inspectoratul special de românizare Bârlad referitoare la funcţionarea firmelor evreieşti şi lichidarea materialului lemnos aflat în pădurile C.N.R.-ului.

7/1948 (1948) (19 p.)

Eliberări de certificate de naţionalitate (tabel).

11/1948 (1948) (494 p.)

Corespondenţă referitoare la obţinerea cetăţeniei române.

Reel 4

Fond Poliţia oraşuli Vaslui. 1907-1948.

Fond nr. 84

Inv. nr. 84



Autorizaţii de călătorie pe C.F.R. pentru evrei.

Fond Poliţia oraşului Bârlad. 1900-1948.

Fond nr. 86

Inv. nr. 86


58/1940 (1940)

Evidenţa celor ce li s-a ridicat naţionalitatea română, începând cu 10 ianuarie 1941, conform Ordinului în rezoluţie Nr. 82/1941, pus pe Ordinul Inspectoratului Regional de Poliţie Galaţi Nr. 18174/940.

70/1940 (1940)

Acte privitoare la supuşii străini apatrizi, evrei care au devenit cetăţeni români.


78/1941 (1941)

Instrucţiuni, ordine şi măsuri în legătură cu munca administrativă a Poliţiei oraşului Bârlad.

Tabele de evreii folosiţi în munca de folos obştesc.

Măsuri de Poliţie administrativă, munca în industrie, comerţ etc., pe anul 1941-1942.

79/1941 (1941)

Lucrări în legătură cu înscrierea persoanelor din oraşul Bârlad şi a persoanelor venite din alte localităţi pe anul 1941-1942.


86/1944 (1944)

Corespondenţă în legătură cu diverse probleme: pensionari, refugiaţii din Transnistria, ocupări de imobile, aprovizionarea morilor cu combustibil, eliberări paşapoarte, locuinţele C.N.R.

Reel 6

Fond Legiunea de jandarmi Vaslui. 1923-1949.

Fond nr. 91

Inv. nr. 91

Inventar, p. 50-58: Legiunea de Jandarmi Vaslui – 188 dosare.

De aici următoarele dosare:

3/1941 (1941)

Ordine şi tabele cu privire la evacuarea evreilor de pe raza Legiunii pe 1941.

68/1945 (1945)

Corespondenţă privind problemele sectelor religioase pe 1945.

Reel 7

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Bârlad. 1941-1948.

Fond nr. 842

Inv. nr. 842

6 u.a., aranjate pe ani.

Copiat integral.


1/1941 (1941-1942) (370 p.)

Corespondenţa Comunităţii Evreilor cu Batalionul 3 administrativ Galaţi în vederea strângerii unor stocuri de îmbrăcăminte, încălţăminte.


1/1942 (1942) (52 p.)

Tabele nominale, procese verbale ale secţiilor financiare ale Comunităţii Evreilor pentru fixarea contribuţiei către Comunitatea Evreilor Bârlad – 17 iunie 1942.

2/1942 (1942-1943) (145 p.)

Declaraţii şi certificate pentru stabilirea taxei pentru eliberarea carnetelor de scutire de muncă obligatorie şi exercitarea profesiunii, tabele nominale cu evreii scutiţi de muncă obligatorie, corespondenţă diversă.


1/1943 (1943) (14 p.)

Cereri pentru diminuarea contribuţiei şi declaraţii prin care se obligă a plăti contribuţia către Comunitatea Evreilor Bârlad.


1/1945 (1945-1946) (19 p.)

Tabele nominale cu evreii repatriaţi din U.R.S.S., cu persoane care au primit ajutoare băneşti în 1946.


1/1948 (1 p.)

Dispensarul şi Spitalul Comunităţii Evreilor Bârlad (fotografii interior şi exterior).

Reel 8

Fond Centrala Evreilor din România – Oficiul Judeţean Tutova. 1942-1943.

Fond nr. 843

Inv. nr. 843

4 u.a., aranjate pe ani.

Copiat integral.


1/1942 (1942) (98 p.)

Corespondenţă diversă referitoare la organizarea şi conducerea Oficiului Tutova; tabele nominale cu profesorii Liceului teoretic din Bârlad, cu evreii solicitaţi la muncă obligatorie.

2/1942 (1942) (52 p.)

Corespondenţă (ordine) referitoare la repartizarea evreilor la munca obligatorie, colectarea de îmbrăcăminte şi încălţăminte pentru evreii din detaşamentul Prut şi Bolgrad; tabele nominale cu evreii scutiţi de muncă şi cu cei repartizaţi pentru M.F.O. – Detaşamentul Bolgrad.

3/1942 (1942-1947) (805 p.)

Declaraţii pentru primirea carnetelor de scutire de muncă, regulamente, borderouri cu donaţiile evreilor pentru ajutorarea celor săraci, procese verbale încheiate în şedinţele Cooperativei de Credit şi Economii Bârlad; tabele nominale cu evreii scutiţi de muncă obligatorie, tabele nominale cu copiii repatriaţi (Bucovina de Nord).


1/1943 (1943) (73 p.)

Registru de corespondenţă.

Reel 9

Fond Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Vaslui. 1946-1952.

Fond nr. 933

Inv. nr. 970

14 u.a.

Copiat integral.

1. (1946-1947) (48 p.)

Rapoarte şi procese verbale.

2. (1948) (185 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate.

3. (1948) (99 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale, instrucţiuni, circulare.

4. (1949) (122 p.)

Rapoarte, planuri de activitate.

Reel 9, 10

5. (1949) (197 p.)

Instrucţiuni, circulări, procese verbale.

6. (1950) (164 p.)

Planuri de muncă, rapoarte.

7. (1950) (143 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale.

8. (1951) (182 p.)

Planuri generale de muncă, rapoarte.

9. (1951) (256 p.)

Rapoarte, planuri de muncă.

10. (1951) (98 p.)

Registre procese verbale.

Reel 10, 11

11. (1952) (120 p.)

Planuri de muncă, rapoarte.

Reel 11

12. (1952) (57 p.)

Planuri de muncă, dări de seamă, procese verbale.

13. (1952) (125 p.)

Rapoarte, plan de muncă raion Vaslui.

14. (1953) (63 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate, plan de muncă, procese verbale.

Reel 12

Fond Prefectura judeţului Vaslui. 1862-1950.

Fond nr. 1

Inv. nr. 1


9/1939 (34 p.)

Dosar privitor la cercetările făcute cu ocazia alegerilor comunităţii evreieşti din Codăeşti.


3/1941 (39 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Economiei Naţionale referitoare la munca de folos obştesc.

4/1941 (31 p.)

Corespondenţă confidenţială privind mişcarea legionară.

53/1941 (75 p.)

Dosar referitor la culte religioase (adventişti, baptişti, calendarul îndreptat).

59/1941 (282 p.)

Dosar privind exproprierea şi inventarierea averilor evreieşti.

60/1941 (959 p.)

Dosar privind exproprierea şi inventarierea bunurilor forestiere, averile rurale evreieşti, magazine.

Reel 13


25/1942 (12 p.)

Corespondenţă privitoare la lucrările efectuate prin munca evreilor.


53/1943 (1943-1944) (347 p.)

Dosar referitor la bunurile evreieşti, românizarea lor, colonizare, refugiaţi etc.


82/1944 (5 p.)

Dosar privind bunurile evreieşti, lucrări în legătură cu restituirea lor.


36/1945 (1945-1946) (26 p.)

Dosar referitor la aparatele de radio confiscate.

113/1945 (1945-1946) (45 p.)


135/1945 (1945) (368 p.)

Dosar referitor la adventişti, evanghelişti etc.

136/1945 (1945) (43 p.)

Dosar referitor la bunuri evreieşti, românizare, colonizare, refugiaţi.


89/1948 (25 p.)

Dosar cu acte privitoare la cultele religioase (adventişti, evanghelişti).

Reel 14

Fond Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Bârlad. 1945-1953.

Fond nr. 932

Inv. nr. 969

22 u.a., numerotate în continuare.

Copiat integral.

1. (1945) (26 p.)

Procese verbale, rapoarte, adrese 12.08.-14.12.1945.

2. (1947) (69 p.)

Rapoarte, statistici, procese verbale 1.08.-30.12.1947.

3. (1948) (15 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate 1.04.- 30.12.1948.

4. (1948) (100 p.)

Circulări şi instrucţiuni 1.01.-30.12.1948.

5. (1948) (69 p.)

Rapoarte, planuri de muncă, procese verbale 1.01.-15.12.1948.

6. (1948) (109 p.)

Rapoarte, planuri de muncă, adrese 1.01.-30.12.1948.

7. (1949) (77 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate.

8. (1949) (130 p.)

Planuri de muncă, rapoarte 1.01.-30.12.1950.

9. (1949) (32 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale 1.01.-30.12.1950.

10. (1950-1951) (96 p.)

Procese verbale 8.06.1950.-13.01.1951.

11. (1950) (94 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate.

12. (1950) (47 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate.

Reel 14, 15

13. (1951) (257 p.)

Procese verbale, plan de muncă, rapoarte 1.01.-31.12.1951.

Reel 15

14. (1951) (80 p.)

Procese verbale 14.01.-3.11.1951.

15. (1951) (262 p.)

Rapoarte de activitate 1.01.-30.12.1951.

16. (1951-52) (97 p.)

Procese verbale 10.11.1951.-12.11.1952.

17. (1952) (179 p.)

Rapoarte, dări de seamă 1.01.-30.12.1952.

18. (1952) (132 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale 1.01.-30.12.1952.

19. (1952-1953) (99 p.)

Procese verbale ale şedinţelor de birou 18.11.1952.-3.03.1953.

20. (1953) (46 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale, rapoare, informări 1.01.-1.03 1953.

21. (1953) (131 p.)

Planuri de muncă, rapoarte 1.01.-30.12.1953.

22. (1953) (33 p.)

Planuri de muncă, procese verbale 1.01.-24.03.1953.

RG 25.026 Selected Records from the Collections of the Timiş Branch of the Romanian National

Archive 1940-1953

Extent: 8 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, From the Romanian State Archives, Timiş Branch; Inventory: 173, 186, 222, 573, 649, 828, 830, 1346, 1347. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in June 2005.

Organization and arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. They include selected records from the prefectures of the Timis-Torontal and Severin districts, the police headquarters of Timisoara, the gendarmerie of Timis-Torontal district and of Severin district, and police headquarters of Orasului Lugoj.

Inventory/Reel List:

Reel 1

Fond Prefectura Judeţului Timiş-Torontal. 1938-1944.

Fond nr. 69

Inv. nr. 173


Fond Prefectura Judeţului Timiş-Torontal. 1945-1948

Fond nr. 69

Inv. nr. 186


Reel 2

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara. 1927-1948.

Fond nr. 160

Inv. nr. 222


Reel 3

Fond Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Timişoara. 1934-1948.

Fond nr. 424

Inv. nr. 649


Reel 4

Fond Legiunea de Jandarmi Timiş-Torontal. 1939-1949.

Fond nr. 161

Inv. nr. 573


Reel 5

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Oraşului Lugoj. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 192

Inv. nr. 830


Reel 6

Fond Legiunea de Jandarmi Severin. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 193

Inv. nr. 828


Reel 7

Fond Prefectura judeţului Severin. 1919-1937.

Fond nr. 223

Inv. nr. 1346


Reels 7 & 8

Fond Prefectura judeţului Severin. 1938-1950.

Fond nr. 223

Inv. nr. 1347


The following inventories are on the diskette, but nothing was microfilmed from them:

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara. 1931-1948.

Fond nr. 160

Inv. nr. 650


Fond Comitetul Democratic Evreiesc Timişoara. 1944-1953.

Fond nr. 456

Inv. nr. 706


Fond Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Timişoara. 1930-1948.

Fond nr. 424

Inv. nr. 1076


Fond Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara. 1931-1947.

Fond nr. 160

Inv. nr. 1196



Fond Prefectura Judeţului Timiş-Torontal. 1938-1944.

Reel 1

Fond nr. 69

Inv. nr. 173

Fond mare. Aranjat pe ani.


39/1938 (1938) (137 p.)

Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne, Ministerului Justiţiei, tabele despre evreii înscrişi în registrele de cetăţenie, declaraţii autentice privind optări pentru cetăţenia română şi renunţări la supuşenia străină, avize ale contenciosului judeţean, procese verbale privind constatări în legătură cu cetăţenia unor persoane, ordine ale prefecturii către pretori, rapoarte ale pretorilor către prefectură, rapoarte ale preturilor către Ministerul de Interne şi al Justiţiei, extrase din registrele de stare civilă ale unor cetăţeni, cereri, declaraţii în legătură cu revizuirea situaţiei de cetăţenie ale unor cetăţeni, referate etc.

61/1938 (1938) (7 p.)

Referate, circulări privind probleme sanitar-veterinare ca: ………………………. …………….. ………, ordonanţa Municipiului Timişoara privind interzicerea tăierilor rituale şi desfiinţare a abatoarelor particulare.


6/1939 (1939) (134 p.)

Ordine confidenţiale ale Ministerului de Interne şi ale Ţinutului Timiş privind: ………………. …………, instrucţiuni pentru tratamentul care să fie aplicat populaţiei din rândurile minorităţilor naţionale (evrei), …………. …………. ………… ………… …………., ordin confidenţial al Ţinutului Timiş privind interzicerea eliberării certificatelor pentru populaţia de origine etnică evreiască, despre domiciliul de baştină al ascendenţilor lor.

25/1939 (1939) (206 p.)

Ordine al Ministerului de Interne şi al Justiţiei, privind îndrumări, instrucţiuni de interpretare a dispoziţiilor legale din legea pentru dobândirea şi pierderea cetăţeniei române, acte personale şi declaraţii autentice fiscale, privind dobândirea, pierderea cetăţeniei şi înscrisuri ulterioare în registrul de cetăţenie. Referinţe privind persoane care au cerut recunoaşterea cetăţeniei române. Declaraţii legalizate în străinătate de organele Ministerului de Externe. Corespondenţă cu primăriile comunale privind probleme de cetăţenie, referate, etc.


7/1940 (1940) (324 p.)

Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne privind: ……………. ……….., controlul şi supravegherea supuşilor străini şi a minoritarilor refugiaţi din Cadrilater. Controlul şi supravegherea evreilor şi circulaţia lor prin ţară. ……………….. Verificarea prin legionari a populaţiei evreieşti. Instrucţiuni privind verificarea supuşilor străini. Broşura în limba germană cu statutul de organizare a Grupului Etnic German din România. Manifestările din 3.IX. şi procese verbale despre constatarea pagubelor. Vizita generalului Huehmlein, conducătorul tineretului german. Manifestarea din 13.IX. a tineretului legionar. …………….. ……………………….

10/1940 (1940) (51 p.)

Evreii expropriaţi. Ordine şi dispoziţiuni privind exproprierea bunurilor evreieşti. Tabele nominale despre evreii ale căror bunuri rurale (terenuri agricole, vii păduri) inclusiv exploatările forestiere, mori şi alte bunuri industriale au fost expropriate şi trecute în patrimoniul statului. Rapoarte ale pretorilor, ordin al Ministerului Economiei Naţionale privind aşezarea refugiaţilor şi coloniştilor pe moşiile evreieşti expropriate. Procese verbale despre constituirea comisiilor de expropriere şi inventarierea bunurilor expropriate. Reclamaţiuni, cercetări, etc.

11/1940 (1940) (72 p.)

Administrarea bunurilor evreieşti. Procese verbale despre verificarea bunurilor expropriate de la evrei. Reclamaţia locuitorilor din comuna Vizma, procese verbale de cercetare, încheieri judecătoreşti, referate, etc.

12/1940 (1940) (50 p.)

Tabele pe categorii de proprietăţi despre bunurile evreieşti trecute în patrimoniul statului. Ordin al Ministerului Justiţiei privitor la cercetarea şi verificarea vânzărilor făcute de evrei către sătenii creştini şi neoperate în cărţile funduare, tabele nominale, rapoarte ale pretorilor, rapoarte ale Camerei de Agricultură, etc.

34/1940 (1940) (365 p.)

Cetăţenia. Vol. I.

Ordin al Ministerului de Interne privind cetăţenii români de origine etnică ungară şi exercitarea dreptului de opţiune pentru cetăţenia ungară …………………….. ………… ………… ……. Instrucţiuni ale Ministerului de Interne privind interpretarea unor dispoziţiuni ale legii referitoare la înscrierea în listele de cetăţenie şi a românilor din America. …………… ……….. ……….. Ordine, declaraţii, corespondenţă privind germanii originari din Basarabia care optează pentru cetăţenia română. ……………………… ……….. ……… ………. ………

35/1940 (1940) (325 p.)

Cetăţenia. Vol. II.

Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne expediate comunelor prin Prefectura judeţului privind înscrierea în registrele de naţionalitate a locuitorilor care s-au stabilit în Vechiul Regat şi care au devenit cetăţeni români prin anexarea teritoriilor. Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne şi Justiţiei, corespondenţa prefecturii, Legiunii de Jandarmi, preturilor şi primăriilor referitoare la retragerea cetăţeniei române a indivizilor care au fugit din ţară trecând frontiera în mod clandestin şi fraudulos. Reglementarea formelor de retragere a cetăţeniei române a indivizilor care au fugit în mod clandestin şi fraudulos din ţară. Acte întocmite de posturile de jandarmi, rapoarte ale comunelor, tabele, circulare, etc.

88/1940 (1940) (124 p.)

( Culte (+ secte)

107/1940 (24.04 – 7.12.1940) (25 p.)

Legi rasiale. Ordine şi circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: Adunarea de fonduri de către organizaţiile sioniste. Oprirea exodului evreilor de la ţară la oraş. Ridicarea carnetelor CFR de la funcţionarii evrei, îndepărtaţi din serviciu. Proprietarii evrei nu pot angaja în localurile lor decât artişti şi muzicanţi evrei. Trecerea proprietăţilor rurale evreieşti în proprietatea statului.

110/1940 (5.10.1940 – 30.04.1943) (3 p.)

Crime şi atrocităţi săvârşite în comuna Ip, judeţul Sălaj de armata ungară, conform relatărilor scrise de preotul Pavel Pordea.


3/1941 (13.01 – 28.12. 1941) (81 p.)

Rapoarte informative ale pretorilor şi procese verbale din inspecţiile făcute, privind ………………. …………….. ……………. ……………… ……….. ……………. ……………….. Reprimirea evreilor excluşi din comerţul rural.

12/1941 (31.01 – 14.10.1941) (21 p.)

Instrucţiuni, ordine, circulări, privind eliberarea paşapoartelor, aplicarea vizei de plecare în străinătate de Chestura de Poliţie. Pe paşapoartele cetăţenilor evrei să se facă în prima pagină în colţul din stânga menţiunea „evreu”. …………………………….. ……………….. ……………. ……………….. …………..

18/1941 (13.01 – 17.12.1941) (32 p.)

Ordine, circulări şi corespondenţă privind: expedierea armamentului confiscat de la evrei la Depozitul de Armament Târgovişte. Radierea din Barou a avocaţilor evrei, fixarea cartierelor obligatorii pentru evrei. Interzicerea participării evreilor la licitaţiile publice, care au ca obiect de vânzare exploatare de material lemnos din pădure. Aplicarea şi ridicarea sigiliilor de la toate intrările locuinţelor evreilor internaţi în lagăre sau evacuaţi. Vol. I.

19/1941 (19.05 – 18.08.1941) (542 p.)

Ordine, circulări şi corespondenţă privind: Confiscarea aparatelor de radiorecepţie de la evrei şi depozitarea lor la Prefectura şi Chestura Municipiului Timişoara. Ordinele de ridicarea aparatelor de radio nu se aplică evreilor supuşi străini. Repartizarea aparatelor de radio şi distribuirea lor unităţilor militare, poliţiei din capitala judeţului, preturilor din judeţ, prefecturei judeţului, liceului militar din Timişoara, Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie, spitalelor militare germane, Companiei de Pompieri Timişoara, căminelor culturale din judeţ, şcolilor primare din comune şi oraşe, liceelor şi gimnaziilor comerciale şi industriale, spitalelor militare din zone interioare, căminelor culturale din judeţul Romanaţi, şcolilor primare din judeţele Romanaţi, Vâlcea, căminelor culturale din judeţele Vâlcea şi Mehedinţi, Regiunei I Aeriene, Com. A.I.A. Sibiu, prefecturilor judeţelor Vâlcea, Gorj, Mehedinţi, Dolj şi altor instituţii civile şi unităţi militare. Vol. II.

Situaţii ale aparatelor de radio ridicate.

20/1941 (23.04 – 17.06.1941) (630 p.)

Procese verbale de ridicarea aparatelor de radio confiscate de la evrei şi procese verbale de predarea aparatelor de radio-recepţie beneficiarilor cărora li s-au repartizat aparate, …… ordinele date de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne. Vol. III.

27/1941 (8.01 – 20.12.1941) (131 p.)

Instrucţiuni, ordine, circulări primite de la organele centrale şi transmise ………… în subordine privind: ………………. …………. ………..; exproprierea bunurilor evreieşti, ………… ……….. ………. ……….. ………. ……….. …………. ………. ……………. ……………… …………………..

29/1941 (8.01- 22.01.1941) (488 p.)

( dobândirea şi pierderea cetăţeniei române.

85/1941 (23.01 – 5.12.1941) (44 p.)

Instrucţiuni, ordine şi circulări privind: ………………………… ……… pericolul bolilor …………… Să se interneze în lagăre în Moldova vagabonzii şi ţiganii nomazi, fără locuinţă stabilă…………… …………. ………… …………. ………….. ………….. ………. ……….

89/1941 (3.01 – 30.10.1941) (60 p.)

Instrucţiuni, ordine şi circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: …………………… ………… …………….. …………. Situaţii de arendarea dreptului de vânătoare în toate pădurile şi moşiile expropriate de la evrei. ………….. ……….. ………. ……… …………..

97/1941 (19.06 – 30.09.1941) (243 p.)

Instrucţiuni, ordine şi circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: …………………… ………….. …………… ……………… ……………. …………; Preluarea din gospodăriile evreilor evacuaţi din teritoriul rural a alimentelor ce se pot altera. ………………… ……… …….. ………. ………. ……… ……. ……… ……… ………. ……… …….. …………….

104/1941 (7.12.1940 – 12.05.1941) (473 p.)

Mişcarea legionară. Ordine şi circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: …………. ……………….. ………… …………… [totul se referă la mişcarea legionară] …………… Vol. I.

105/1941 (13.06.1941 – 8.06.1943) (366 p.)

(Idem. Vol. II.

106/1941 (11.07.1941 – 11.06.1943) (709 p.)

(Idem. Vol. III.


17/1942 (2.01 – 26.06.1943) (422 p.)

Ordine şi circulări, cereri cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: cereri înaintate de şcoli şi instituţii pentru a li se repartiza aparate de radio confiscate de la evrei. Cereri de restituirea aparatelor de radio confiscate. Restituiri de aparate de radio. Tablou despre cetăţenii de origine etnică străină suspecţi, pentru care se propune confiscarea aparatelor de radio depozitate la Prefectura judeţului Timiş-Torontal. Tabloul celor care nu au aparate de radio. Ridicarea aparatelor de radio de către delegaţii Subsecretariatului de Stat al Educaţiei Extraşcolare, conform tabloului, iar restul se repartizează Ministerului Apărării Naţionale şi Ministerului Sănătăţii Publice. Proces verbal de predarea aparatelor de radio delegatului Ministerului Apărării Naţionale şi delegatului Ministerului Sănătăţii. Redarea aparatelor de radio evreilor cetăţeni străini, care urmează să fie supravegheaţi, iar în cazul când vor fi prinşi în flagrant de nerespectarea dispoziţiunilor de siguranţă luată, să fie din nou confiscate. Deciziuni de confiscare a aparatelor de radio de la cetăţenii propuşi de Chestura de Poliţie.

Vol. I.

18/1942 (17.06.1942 – 14.01.1943) (566 p.)

(Idem (aparate de radio). Vol. II.

19/1942 (19.02.1942 – 13.04.1943) (493 p.)

Ordine, circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: Înfiinţarea, organizarea, încadrarea, conducerea şi controlul taberelor de muncă cu evrei. Norme de continuarea muncii obligatorii de folos obştesc cu evreii. Extras din instrucţiunile generale nr. 55.500 al Marelui Stat Major privind munca obligatorie a evreilor, îmbrăcămintea, asistenţa medicală, drepturile, regimul de lucru, controlul activităţii lor. Tabel de lucrările executate de detaşamentele evreieşti de lucru în raza Ocolului Lipova. Tabele de lucrătorii evrei ce fac parte din detaşamentele de lucru din Freidorf, Serviciul Tehnic al Prefecturii, Dragşina, Sinersig, Banloc, Deta, Lucareţ. Vol. III.

55/1942 (15.02 – 14.12.1942) (54 p.)


Instrucţiuni, ordine, circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă privind: Instrucţiuni pentru alegerea şi formarea grupelor de colonişti ce trebuie aşezate în Basarabia de Sud. Colonizări în sudul Basarabiei. Tablou despre refugiaţii expulzaţi, foşti colonişti sau necolonişti şi despre locuitorii din judeţul Timiş-Torontal, cari doreau a fi stabiliţi în Basarabia de Sud. Interzicerea plecării din judeţ spre Basarabia a locuitorilor, în afară de persoanele a căror plecare a fost aprobată formal de subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului. Oprirea plecării în Basarabia a plugarilor refugiaţi din Ardealul de Nord şi a micilor agricultori refugiaţi din Cadrilater.


13/1943 (8.01 – 21.09.1943) (511 p.)

Confidenţiale secrete, în rezoluţie, rezolvate de Cabinetul prefectului.

Ordine, rapoarte şi informaţii cu corespondenţa respectivă privind diferite probleme confidenţiale şi secrete relative la: mişcarea legionară, …………………. ……….. ………… ………….. …………….. Afiş expus în vitrina cafenelei „Wien” în contra evreilor şi bolşevismului. ………………….. ………………….. Spargerea vitrinelor şi geamurilor de la mai multe case particulare evreieşti de către tinerii germani ………… ………… ……….. ………. ………….. …………. ……….. ……………. ………….. …………. ………… …………. …………… ……………….. ……….. ……….. ………… ……….. ………

49/1943 (18.05 – 19.11.1943) (64 p.)


Ordine, circulări, cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: schimbul facultativ între cetăţenii români de origine etnică bulgară şi cetăţenii bulgari de origine etnică română. Interzicerea îndrumării locuitorilor fără forme legale pentru colonizare în Basarabia. Păncăricean Ion şi Iosif reclamă pământul C.N.R. din comuna Soca. Registrele parcelelor din foile de carte funduară şi cadastru pentru coloniştii din Herneacova, din hotarul comunei Ianova, Sălciua Nouă, din comuna Stanciova.

117/1943 (…..1943) (35 p.)

( secte religioase


9/1944 (17.01 – 23.10.1944) (97 p.)

Ordinea şi liniştea publică

Note şi rapoarte informative, cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: …………… ……………….. …………….. ………………….. Note informative în care se arată tratamentul românilor şi evreilor din Ardealul de Nord, aplicat de autorităţile maghiare. Acţiunea partizanilor sârbi, care trec frontiera în România. Populaţia maghiară a primt ordin să se înscrie în P.C.R. ………………. ……………… ……………. ………….. ……….. ……….. ………… ………….. ………..

13/1944 (4.02.1944 – 10.04.1945) (24 p.)


Ordine, adrese, cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: …………………. …………. ………. ………. Evreii care solicită paşapoarte de emigrare urmează ca odată cu depunerea actelor să depună şi declaraţie autentificată, prin care să declare că odată plecaţi, nu se vor mai întoarce în ţară. ………… ………… ……… ………. ………. …….. ………………. ………………. ……………… …………… …………….

53/1944 (29.01 – 30.12.1944) (119 p.)

Legi rasiale – evrei – munca obligatorie

Repartizări de evrei pentru munca obligatorie la Prefectura judeţului. Schimbarea de domiciliu. Plasarea evreilor sinistraţi. Circulaţia evreilor. Restituirea aparatelor confiscate de la evrei. Desfiinţarea muncii obligatorii şi lăsarea evreilor la vatră. Clarificarea ultimului domiciliu a unor evrei, veniţi din Ungaria după 23 august 1944.


17/1945 (2.04 – 2.08.1945) (184 p.)

Legi rasiale

Ordine, adrese, cereri, cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: Restituirea aparatelor de radio. Prelungirea termenului şederii în ţară a evreilor refugiaţi din Budapesta şi din lagărele din Iugoslavia până la 20.04.1945. Deplasarea ţiganilor spoitori şi căldărari. Păstrarea stocurilor de îmbrăcăminte predate de evrei.

35/1945 (7.01 – 26.11.1945) (5 p.)


Ordine, cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: Cetăţenii domiciliaţi în Belgia în anul 1940 şi dispăruţi în urma războiului.

121/1945 (13.05 – 7.12.1945) (15 p.)

Monumente istorice şi ale naturii

Iniţiativa prefectului judeţului Timiş-Torontal pentru ridicarea unei statui lui I.V. Stalin şi apelul către Asociaţia Fabricanţilor din Banat. Reînscrierea pe plăcile comemorative de numele cetăţenilor de origine etnică evrei, care şi-au lăsat sângele în război. Săpături arheologice. Ridicarea unui monument eroilor ruşi, în comuna Variaş. Dezvelirea monumentului eroilor ruşi, construit în comuna Ciavoş, pentru amintirea soldaţilor sovietici căzuţi eroic pe teritoriul comunei în luptele din 1944.


8/1946 (10.01 – 28.12.1946) (301 p.)

Ordinea şi liniştea publică

…….. ……… ……. …….. …….. ……… ……… …….. …….. …….. …….. ……… ………. ……….. ……….. ……….. Distrugerea mormintelor evreieşti din comuna Periamde către răufăcători necunoscuţi………………….. ………. …… …… …… ……. …… …… ……. …… …… …… ……. ……. …….. …… …………. …………… …………….. ………… ………. ………. …….

59/1946 (3.01 – 18.03.1946) (258 p.)

Cetăţenia română

Ordine şi circulări cu corespondenţa respectivă, privind: Misiunea SUA din Bucureşti cere să i se remită un certificat de identitate a d-nei Hehn Ecaterina şi al fiului ei Ioan, paşaport cu fotografie a amândorura sub sigiliul autorităţii emitente. Stabilirea cetăţeniei americane a lui Savu Oarsa. Misiunea SUA Bucureşti, în vederea înmatriculării lui Thereza Barbara Gillisch ca cetăţeană americană, solicită certificatul de identitate şi dacă a activat în Grupul Etnic German. Aceeaşi misiune în vederea înmatriculării lui George Cumpănaş, solicită date, dacă numitul a cerut cetăţenia română, dacă a votat la alegeri şi la plebiscit. Acordarea cetăţeniei române evreilor din Vechiul Regat, dacă îndeplinesc condiţiile prevăzute în Decretul lege nr. 2085/1919 pe baza unei declaraţiuni adresată Judecătoriilor sau Tribunalelor de domiciliu în termen de 2 luni. Misiunea SUA din Bucureşti în vederea înmatriculării ca cetăţeni americani a persoanelor ce li s-au prezentat în acest an, solicită de la autorităţile locale certificate de identitate cu fotografii şi anumite relaţii de activitatea lor în ţară, precum şi dacă n-au dobândit cumva cetăţenia română, n-au depus jurământul de credinţă României sau altei ţări străine. Reglementarea cetăţeniei locuitorilor din Ardealul de Nord. Modul cum se stabileşte naţionalitatea şi originea etnică. În actualul regim democratic vocabularul politic nu admite noţiunile de cetăţenie şi naţionalitate. Conceptele de origine etnică sunt străine de ordinea democratică şi interzisă de legile în vigoare.

Vol. I.


20/1947 (7.04.1947) (3 p.)

Naţionalizări. Trecerea bunurilor ce au aparţinut tuturor condamnaţilor de război pentru crime de război sau dezastrul ţării, prin efectul sentinţelor Tribunalelor Poporului din Bucureşti şi Cluj, în patrimoniul statului.


25/1948 (12.07.1948 – 22.02.1949) (11 p.)

Conservarea şi preluarea bunurilor rămase în urma evreilor decedaţi fără moştenitor; Bunurile absenteistului Dr. Jianu Drăgan.

Reel 2

ANDJ Timiş

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara. 1927-1948.

Fond nr. 160

Inv. nr. 222

553 u.a., numerotate în continuare.

7 (1933) (24 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte şi corespondenţă a Chesturii Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara în legătură cu activitatea Gărzii de Fier şi a LANC.

43 (1936) (90 p.)

( secte religioase

143 (1940) (40 p.)

Ordine şi note telefonice primite de Circ. I Poliţie din subordinea Chesturii Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoar privitoare la urmărirea indivizilor suspecţi, contrabandă, hoţi, atitudinea faţă de evrei şi alte naţionalităţi, etc.

194 (1941 decembrie – 1942 noiembrie) (80 p.)

Ordine şi dispoziţii ale Chesturii Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoar asupra regimului vânzării alimentelor, reprimării speculei, tratamentului faţă de armata germană, comercianţilor evrei, îndatoririle poliţiei în actualele împrejurări, etc.

195 (1941 martie - iulie) (13 p.)

Rapoarte ale Chesturii privind unele incidente petrecute în Timişoara, printre care vopsirea cu însemne specifice a unor case locuite de evrei.

210 (1941 ianuarie - martie) (252 p.)

Ordine, ordine circulare, rapoarte, corespondenţă şi situaţii privind evidenţa evreilor din Timişoara, intrări şi ieşiri de supuşi străini, aprobarea unor călătorii în străinătate a cetăţenilor români, funcţionarea magazinelor şi a comerţului, vizite oficiale, confiscarea aparatelor de radio de la evrei.

211 (1941 martie - iunie) (197 p.)

Idem ca 210.

212 (1941 iunie - august) (138 p.)

Idem, ca 210 şi 211.

213 (august - noiembrie) (107 p.)

Idem, ca 210-212.

228 (1942 aprilie – august; 1943 februarie) (32 p.)

Ordine emise de Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei Bucureşti şi Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Timişoara, despre date de Primăria municipiului Timişoara şi tabele privind recensământul evreilor, colectarea plantelor medicinale, ……………… …………. …………. ……….. …………. …………… ..………

238 (1942 mai) (13 p.)

Ordine de poliţie privind dispoziţii date în legătură cu sărbătorirea zilei de 10 Mai; festivitatea decernării diplomei de Doctor Honoris Causa prof. Fritz Hofmann din Breslau; şi serbării zilei de 14 mai – Ziua eroilor.

245 (1942 august)

Proces verbal încheiat cu ocazia contravenţiei săvârşite de două evreice că au cumpărat zarzavaturi din piaţă înainte de ora 10.

262 (1942-1943) (65 p.)

Ordine emise de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, dări de seamă şi rapoarte întocmite de comisariatele şi detaşamentele de poliţie referitoare la suspendarea repausului duminical, sustragerea unor evrei de la munca de folos obştesc, norme în legătură cu arborarea drapelelor, măsuri pentru învingerea greutăţilor de război, măsuri contra fabricării rachiului clandestin.

267 (1942-1943) (19 p.)

Ordine circulare emise de Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei, Direcţia Judiciară referitoare la întocmirea buletinelor statistice cu foaia statistică; fotografierea infractorilor; intrarea în lagăr a evreilor implicaţi în afaceri, măsuri ce trebuie luate contra jafurilor şi sabotajelor economice, deportarea ţiganilor recidivişti în Transnistria.

312 (1943) (237 p.)

Ordine şi ordine circulare primite de Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoar referitoare la populaţia evreiască, evacuarea ţiganilor, abateri în serviciu ale poliţiştilor, pedepse disciplinare, nemulţumiri ale populaţiei, speculă ilicită.

318 (1943-1944) (43 p.)

Ordine emise de Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Timişoara, instrucţiuni de la Marele Stat Major, ordine de zi şi rapoarte referitoare la sancţionarea evreilor nesupuşi la munca obligatorie, ……………… ………. …….. …………. ……….. ………… ………… …………… ………..

343 (1944 martie - septembrie) (56 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte, tabele nominale, stat de plată şi corespondenţă cu firme industriale din Timişoara referitoare la starea de spirit a populaţiei sărace, privind concentrările, munca obligatorie a evreilor şi germanilor, subofiţerii în rezervă, dezertori, etc.

378 (1944-1945) (64 p.)

Ordine emise de Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei şi Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Timişoara şi tabele nominale referitoare la: ……… ………… ……….. ………… ……….. ……….. …………., colectarea rufăriei pentru armată, evrei pentru munca obligatorie.

Reel 3

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Municipiului Timişoara. 1934-1948.

Fond nr. 424

Inv. nr. 649

294 dosare, numerotate în continuare.

4 (1939) (72 p.)

Ordine circulare şi instrucţiuni ale Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei referitoare la supuşii străini din ţară, relaţii cu aceştia şi ambasadele străine pe problema cetăţenilor.

5 (1940 ian. – iun.) (181 p.)

Ordine şi circulare, rapoarte şi situaţii privind supuşii străini intraţi şi ieşiţi din ţară, expulzări, problema cetăţeniei române, trecerea frauduloasă peste frontieră, etc.

8 (1941 ian. – iun.) (212 p.)

Ordine primite, rapoarte însoţite de tabele numerice şi nominale privind evidenţa şi controlul supuşilor străini aflaţi pe raza de competenţă a Inspectoratului Regional de Poliţie Timişoara.

9 (1941 ian. – apr.) (66 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte şi corespondenţă în legătură cu supuşii străini intraţi şi prezenţi în raza Inspectoratului Regional de Poliţie Timişoara fără forme legale, pierderi de cetăţenii, refugiaţi din Ardealul de Nord şi Iugoslavia, etc.

10 (1941 febr. – aug.) (73 p.)

Corespondenţă în legătură cu aplicarea Legii pentru înfiinţarea Cărţilor de imobil şi Biroului populaţiei; tabel nominal de evreii stabiliţi până la data de 15 mai 1941 în oraşele Timişoara, Arad, Lugoj, Oraviţa şi Beiuş.

24 (1941) (17 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte şi situaţii în legătură cu funcţionarea staţiilor de radio aflate în posesia Inspectoratului şi a repartizării unor aparate de radio confiscate de la evrei.

79 (1942-1943) (247 p.)

(retrageri de cetăţenie, cetăţeni străini

90 (1943 mai – dec.) (34 p.)

(supuşii străini

91 (1943) (61 p.)

(supuşi străini, retragerea cetăţeniei române.

98 (1943-1944 ian.) (61 p.)

(supuşi străini.

107 (1943-1944) (44 p.)

Ordine emise de Corpul 7 Armată, rapoarte întocmite de Inspectoratul Regional de Jandarmi Timişoara, Poliţia de reşedinţă Oraviţa, Legiunea de jandarmi Lugoj referitoare la întrebuinţarea evreilor la muncile obligatorii, arborarea steagurilor naţionale cu ocazia serbării naţionale de la 22 iunie 1943, asigurarea securităţii CEC-ului, înfiinţarea de posturi fixe de control în Jupalnic.

255 (1947 iul. – aug.) (282 p.)

Dări de seamă, rapoarte informative şi tabele nominale referitoare la treceri frauduloase ale frontierei din Ungaria în România; cetăţeni români care au imobile în Ungaria; solicitări carnete de liberă trecere la muncile agricole în Ungaria; germani întorşi de la munca obligatorie în U.R.S.S.; evidenţa cetăţenilor intraţi şi ieşiţi prin punctele de frontieră; evrei repatriaţi din U.R.S.S.; cetăţeni români de origine cehă sau slovacă din Orşova care se repatriază în Cehoslovacia.

Reel 4

Fond Legiunea de Jandarmi Timiş-Torontal. 1939-1949.

Fond nr. 161

Inv. nr. 573

258 u.a., numerotate în continuare.

22 (1941) (304 p.)

( rebeliunea legionară

23 (1941) (337 p.)

( rebeliunea legionară

24 (1941) (283 p.)

( mişcarea legionară

25 (1941) (260 p.)

( mişcarea legionară

26 (1941) (202 p.)

( rebeliunea legionară

27 (1941) (398 p.)

( mişcarea hitleristă (în Banat)

39 (1941) (26 p.)

Procese verbale, note informative şi tabele nominale întocmite de posturile de jandarmi în subordine referitoare la exproprieri de bunuri evreieşti, muncă obligatorie, ridicarea aparatelor de radio.

64 (1942) (20 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte, situaţii nominale şi numerice privitoare la impunerea evreilor la muncă obligatorie.

66 (1942) (25 p.)

Rapoarte, tabele nominale privind numărul ţiganilor din localităţi, dezertori ţigani, infracţiunile pe care le săvârşesc.

83 (1943) (10 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte în legătură cu trimiterea şi folosirea evreilor la munca obligatorie.

84 (1943) (31 p.)

Ordine, rapoarte în legătură cu urmărirea ţiganilor nesupuşi la concentrare, specula şi comerţul ilicit, alte acte antisociale săvârşite de ţigani.

90 (1944) (5 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Secţia de Jandarmi Deta privind activitatea legionarilor din Banatul iugoslav.

95 (1944) (193 p.)

Procese verbale, tabele nominale şi corespondenţă întocmite de jandarmii în subordine referitoare la locuitori de origine etnică germană care au fost propuşi pentru internarea în lagăr fiind ostili siguranţei statului, unii fiind conducători înfocaţi.

115 (1944) (32 p.)

Ordin circular dat de Legiunea de Jandarmi, procese verbale şi corespondenţă întocmită de posturile de jandarmi în subordine privind problema evreiască manifestată prin călătorii fără autorizaţii, stabilirea de domicilii, comerţ cu cai, găzduirea de evrei fără aprobare.

223 (1947) (20 p.)

Ordine de informaţii date de Legiunea de Jandarmi, note informative şi corespondenţă întocmită de posturile de jandarmi subordonate privind dispoziţia primită de evrei de la conducerea evreiască din Bucureşti ca să se retragă din P.C.R.

Reel 5

Fond Chestura Poliţiei Oraşului Lugoj. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 192

Inv. nr. 830

205 u.a., numerotate în continuare.

30 (1935-1942)

Ordine, rapoarte, corespondenţă, acte justificative privind cumpărarea şi vânzarea automobilului aparţinând lui Horia Sima.

69 (1941)

Ordine, rapoarte, tabele privind acordarea sau pierderea cetăţeniei române şi urmărirea suspecţilor străini.

70 (1941 – 1942 ian.)

(Rebeliunea legionară în judeţul Severin.

74 (1941 aug.)

Ordine, rapoarte şi tabele nominale cu cetăţenii de origine evreiască din raza oraşului Lugoj ce urmează a fi recrutaţi urgent în armată.

75 (1941)

Ordine privind mânuirea corespondenţei secrete şi tabel cu imobilele aparţinând evreilor din oraşul Lugoj.

103 (1941-1942)

Ordine, rapoarte şi tabele privind evacuarea şi deportarea ţiganilor din judeţ.

113 (1943)

Ordine, rapoarte privind activitatea Grupului Etnic German din Lugoj.

Reel 6

Fond Legiunea de Jandarmi Severin. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 193

Inv. nr. 828


1/1936 (1936-1945)

Ordine, rapoarte, situaţii statistice privind identificarea şi urmărirea membrilor Gărzii de Fier.

4/1936 (1936-1941)

( secta nazarineană


16/1940 (1940)

Ordine, rapoarte, situaţii privind mişcarea iredentei ungare, a Grupului Etnic German, a evreilor.


19/1941 (1941)

Ordine, rapoarte, note informative, situaţii privind desfăşurarea Rebeliunii legionare în judeţul Severin în perioada 21-24.01.1941.

39/1941 (1941-1942)

Ordine, ordine telefonice, procese verbale, tabele ale posturilor de jandarmi înaintat Legiunii de Jandarmi Severin privind evacuarea evreilor şi ridicarea aparatelor de radio de la ei.

40/1940 (1941)

Situaţii statistice cu aparatele de radio.

41/1940 (1941)

Situaţii statistice cu sectanţii din raza judeţului Severin.

42/1941 (1941-1946)

Tabele nominale cu evreii din al doilea război mondial.


20/1942 (1942)

Ordin circular privind evidenţa şi controlul ţiganilor.

42/1942 (iunie 1942)

Ordine şi rapoarte în legătură cu întreprinderea textilă Eşelniţa, proprietate a evreului Strausz Ludovic.

48/1942 (1942)

Sinteze informative privind propaganda naţională, atitudinea faţă de curentele extremiste, activitatea politică a diferitelor organizaţii, comentarii asupra situaţiei internaţionale, sistarea deportării evreilor, problema legionară etc.

71/1942 (1942)

Tabel cu cărţile germane editate în Germania după anul 1933 şi care nu au voie să fie răspândite în ţară.


48/1943 (1943)

Corespondenţă privind activitatea medicilor evrei care sunt concentraţi în lagărele de prizonieri pentru a le asigura asistenţă medicală.

51/1943 (1943)

Cerere şi corespondenţă a ing. Kellner Ernest, din întreprinderea Mundos-Borlova-Armeniş relativ la asimilarea lui şi a familiei ca cetăţean român.

57/1943 (1943)

Ordine, rapoarte şi tabele privind regimul şi tratamentul evreilor aflaţi în judeţul Severin.

68/1943 (1943)

Ordine M.I. referitoare la retragerea autorizaţiilor de călătorie pe CFR date evreilor şi la reţinerea de lenjerie la un locuitor evreu din Găvojdia.


101/1944 (1944)

Adrese şi tabele cu locuitorii deţinători de aparate de radio din raza posturilor şi cei cărora li s-au confiscat aparatele de radio conform dispoziţiilor superioare, tabele cu invalizii din raza postului Coşteiu.


95/1946 (1946)

Ordine, rapoarte, note informative privind starea de spirit a populaţiei, evidenţa refugiaţilor evrei din Basarabia şi Bucovina.

Reel 6

Fond Legiunea de Jandarmi Severin. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 193

Inv. nr. 828


1/1936 (1936-1945)

Ordine, rapoarte, situaţii statistice privind identificarea şi urmărirea membrilor Gărzii de Fier.

4/1936 (1936-1941)

( secta nazarineană


16/1940 (1940)

Ordine, rapoarte, situaţii privind mişcarea iredentei ungare, a Grupului Etnic German, a evreilor.


19/1941 (1941)

Ordine, rapoarte, note informative, situaţii privind desfăşurarea Rebeliunii legionare în judeţul Severin în perioada 21-24.01.1941.

39/1941 (1941-1942)

Ordine, ordine telefonice, procese verbale, tabele ale posturilor de jandarmi înaintat Legiunii de Jandarmi Severin privind evacuarea evreilor şi ridicarea aparatelor de radio de la ei.

40/1940 (1941)

Situaţii statistice cu aparatele de radio.

41/1940 (1941)

Situaţii statistice cu sectanţii din raza judeţului Severin.

42/1941 (1941-1946)

Tabele nominale cu evreii din al doilea război mondial.


20/1942 (1942)

Ordin circular privind evidenţa şi controlul ţiganilor.

42/1942 (iunie 1942)

Ordine şi rapoarte în legătură cu întreprinderea textilă Eşelniţa, proprietate a evreului Strausz Ludovic.

48/1942 (1942)

Sinteze informative privind propaganda naţională, atitudinea faţă de curentele extremiste, activitatea politică a diferitelor organizaţii, comentarii asupra situaţiei internaţionale, sistarea deportării evreilor, problema legionară etc.

71/1942 (1942)

Tabel cu cărţile germane editate în Germania după anul 1933 şi care nu au voie să fie răspândite în ţară.


48/1943 (1943)

Corespondenţă privind activitatea medicilor evrei care sunt concentraţi în lagărele de prizonieri pentru a le asigura asistenţă medicală.

51/1943 (1943)

Cerere şi corespondenţă a ing. Kellner Ernest, din întreprinderea Mundos-Borlova-Armeniş relativ la asimilarea lui şi a familiei ca cetăţean român.

57/1943 (1943)

Ordine, rapoarte şi tabele privind regimul şi tratamentul evreilor aflaţi în judeţul Severin.

68/1943 (1943)

Ordine M.I. referitoare la retragerea autorizaţiilor de călătorie pe CFR date evreilor şi la reţinerea de lenjerie la un locuitor evreu din Găvojdia.


101/1944 (1944)

Adrese şi tabele cu locuitorii deţinători de aparate de radio din raza posturilor şi cei cărora li s-au confiscat aparatele de radio conform dispoziţiilor superioare, tabele cu invalizii din raza postului Coşteiu.


95/1946 (1946)

Ordine, rapoarte, note informative privind starea de spirit a populaţiei, evidenţa refugiaţilor evrei din Basarabia şi Bucovina.

Reel 7

Fond Prefectura judeţului Severin. 1919-1937.; 1938-1950

Fond nr. 223

Inv. nr. 1346


18/1935 (1935)

Adresa Comitetului Local Lugoj pentru ajutorarea germanilor din Basarabia, rapoarte ale Comitetului Local Lugoj privind înfiinţarea filialei Lugoj a Asociaţiei romilor, pendinte de Uniunea Generală a Romilor din România.

19/1935 (1935)

Adresă a Comunităţii evreilor din Caransebeş prin care se solicită prefecturii sprijin în soluţionarea unor probleme interne de organizare.


23/1936 (1936)

Memoriul medicului din Bethhausen privind starea de spirit a populaţiei din comună, rapoarte ale pretorilor, corespondenţă cu organele poliţieneşti privind arderea în public la Făget a ziarelor “Dimineaţa” şi “Adevărul” de către un grup de intelectuali, împiedicarea acţiunilor de dezordine ale grupărilor antisemite, cenzura presei.

25/1936 (1936)

Adresa Ministerului de Interne prin care se transmite cererea Uniunii Generale a Romilor din Româniapentru vânzarea a 500.000 cărămizi pentru colectarea de fonduri.

26/1936 (1936)

Ordine circulare ale Ministerului de Interne pentru interzicerea difuzării unor publicaţii legionare difuzate la Grupul studenţesc de la Tg. Mureş.

42/1936 (1936-1937)

Ordine circulare şi raport privind împiedicarea vagabondajului ţiganilor nomazi.


6/1937 (1937)

Ordine, rapoarte, circulare şi corespondenţă referitoare la revizuireea înscrierilor în registrul de naţionalitate. Tabel nominal cu cei propuşi pentru revizuire.

17/1937 (1937)

Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne referitoare la fondurile strânse de organizaţiile sioniste. Instalarea taberei sioniste la Căvăran.


7/1938 (1938)

Ordine, rapoarte, tabele, instrucţiuni, decizii, corespondenţă privind situaţia cetăţeniei evreilor şi acelor fără cetăţenie din comunele judeţului.

11/1938 (1938-1939)

(mişcarea legionară

21/1938 (1938)

Ordine şi telegrame ale Ministerului de Interne privind Regulamentul de funcţionare a Comisariatului General pentru Minorităţi, modalităţi de aprobare a şedinţelor Uniunii Comunităţii Evreieşti din Vechiul Regat.

22/1938 (1938)

Ordine, instrucţiuni, rapoarte, situaţii şi corespondenţă referitoare la populaţia şi comunităţile evreieşti din ţară, activitatea Noii organizaţii sioniste.

24/1938 (1938)

Cererea coloniştilor ţigani din Măguri pentru amenajarea unui cimitir.

69/1938 (1938)

Ordine, rapoarte şi situaţii privind înscrierile populaţiei în registrele de naţionalitate la primării.

Reel 7 and 8

70/1938 (1938)

Rapoarte şi tabele cuprinzând căsătoriile mixte, treceri de la o confesiune la alta.

198/1938 (1938-1940)

(cultele religioase şi sectele din judeţ

70/1938 (1938)

Rapoarte şi tabele cuprinzând căsătoriile mixte, treceri de la o confesiune la alta.

198/1938 (1938-1940)

(cultele religioase şi sectele din judeţ

199/1938 (1938)

(cultele religioase şi sectele din judeţ

Reel 8

209/1938 (1938)

Ordin circular al Ministerului de Interne la trecerea de la religia mozaică la cea ortodoxă.

210/1938 (1938)


211/1938 (1938)


213/1938 (1938)

(secte religioase din judeţ


28/1939 (1939)

Notă informativă şi proces verbal privind activitatea propagandistică a Comunităţii Evreieşti.

136/1939 (1939-1943)

Instrucţiuni, circulare, rapoarte privind combaterea epidemiei de tifos exantematic cu măsuri referitoare la ţigani corturari, refugiaţi bolnavi, etc.


1/1940 (1940)

Raport informativ privind atitudinea populaţiei germane faţă de o eventuală venire a lui Hitler la Timişoara, nesiguranţa în care se simt cetăţenii evrei, speranţele cetăţenilor de origine maghiară în legătură cu cedarea Ardealului, corespondenţă privind situaţia juridică a evreilor, situaţii statistice privind populaţia de origine maghiară din judeţ.

23/1940 (1940)

Notă informativă a Diviziei 19 Infanterie referitoare la mişcarea legionară românească în Iugoslavia.

32/1940 (1940-1941)

Note informative, rapoarte, situaţii, tabele şi corespondenţă referitoare la populaţia evreiască din ţară, măsuri restrictive luate împotriva ei.

34/1940 (1940)

Ordine, rapoarte, note informative declaraţii şi corespondenţă referitoare la populaţia germană şi activitatea G.E.G. din judeţul Severin, plecarea tinerilor germani în Germania.

90/1940 (1940)

Ordine circulare privind interzicerea căsătoriilor dintre funcţionarii publici români cu persoane de altă etnie decât cea română.

98/1940 (1940)

Cererea muncitorilor de la Întreprinderea forestieră din Zăvoi adresată mişcării legionare privind mărirea salariilor.


22/1941 (1941-1945)

Rapoarte ale Poliţiei de reşedinţă Lugoj privind nemulţumirea populaţiei în ceea ce priveşte aprovizionarea cu alimente, procese verbale, tabele, plângeri privind confiscarea aparatelor de radio de la evrei, restituirea lor.

23/1941 (1941-1943)

Ordine, rapoarte, tabele, reclamaţii şi corespondenţă referitoare la: exproprierea şi administrarea unor averi ale evreilor şi limitarea unor drepturi ale acestora; imobilele şi proprietăţile evreieşti din oraşele Lugoj, Orşova, exproprierea unor proprietăţi evreieşti.


10/1942 (1942)

Ordine, rapoarte, tabel şi corespondenţă referitoare la: administrarea şi răscumpărarea bunurilor evreieşti şi a lucrărilor executate cu meseriaşi evrei, imobilele expropriate de la evrei, tabel cu evrei apţi de muncă.


5/1943 (1943)

Ordine ale Ministerului de Interne pentru excluderea evreilor de la licitaţii.

36/1943 (1943)

(asociaţiile religioase din judeţ.


2/1946 (1946)

Ordine, rapoarte referitoare la cererea lui Hriscu Pavel din Rusca Montană privind botezarea copilului său de către M.S. Regele Mihai I, acordarea dreptului de cetăţenie română evreilor.

3/1946 (1946)

Ordin circular al Ministerului de Interne pentru sprijinirea de către autorităţi a cetăţenilor repatriaţi din URSS.


11/1948 (1948)

Instrucţiuni, ordine circulare, telegrame, situaţii privind “criminalii de război” judecaţi de Tribunalele Poporului din Bucureşti şi Cluj, trecerea în patrimoniul statului în baza Legii nr. 312 din 1945 persoanele care şi-au pierdut cetăţenia română conform Decretului nr. 162.

RG 25.027 Selected records from Sabin Manuila collection

Extent: 1 reel, 35 mm

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the collection from the Romanian National Archives , Inventory XIII.209.

Restrictions on use: No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note:



Contains records related to the fate of Romanies ("Gypsies) in Romania as well as related to the forced labor of Jews. 30 pp of documents in Romanian.

RG 25.028 Selected Records from Collections of the Mureş Branch of the Romanian National

Archives, 1933-1950

Extent: 19 microfilm reels, 35 mm.

Provenance: United States Holocaust Museum International Archives, From the Romanian State Archives, Mureş Branch ; Inventory: 57, 189, 309, 310, 415, 459, 884, 1110, 1323. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in June 2005.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Includes records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. Contains orders to arrest war criminals, investigations into alleged war criminals, surveillance of nomadic Roma, reports on deportation of Jews to Auschwitz, military taxes owed by Jews, surveillance of the Iron Guards, confiscation of Jewish property, treatment of arrested British and American POWs, and correspondence concerning the "Jewish problem". The collection includes selected records from the Legion of Gendarmes of Mureş, the Mayorship of Tirgu-Mureş, and the Prefecture of Mureş district, the Prefecture of Târnava Mare, The Commissariat of Police in Reghin district, and various other gendarme headquarters. It also includes selected postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Târnaveni, in the district of Târnava Micâ; and of Mureş district.

Inventory in Romanian:

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Legiunea de jandarmi a judeţului Mureş. 1945-1949.

nr. inv. 57

Fond mare. Aranjat pe Sectoare de Jandarmi şi, în cadrul acestora, pe Posturi de Jandarmi.

Reel 1

A. Legiunea de jandarmi a jud. Mureş. 1. Biroul comandament şi mobilizare.

2 (1944-1946) (79 f.)

Ordine de la eşaloanele superioare privind urmărirea unor criminali de război, foşti legionari şi a infractorilor, aplicarea Convenţiei de Armistiţiu, etc.

4 (1945-1946) (135)

Ordine de la eşaloanele superioare privind organizarea serviciului de informaţii, urmărirea unor criminali de război, foşti legionari şi a infractorilor, aplicarea Convenţiei de Armistiţiu etc.

A. Legiunea de jandarmi a jud. Mureş. 2. Biroul adjutanturei şi evidenţei.

84/a (1945) (618)

Procese-verbale, tabele şi altă corespondenţă privind dezertarea soldaţilor din armata hitleristă, comportarea autorităţilor maghiare în perioada 1940-1944 şi alte probleme.

Reel 2

A. Legiunea de jandarmi a jud. Mureş. 3. Biroul Poliţiei.

103 (1944-1945) (613)

Ordine, instrucţiuni şi rapoarte în leg. cu urmărirea foştilor legionari, a cetăţenilor români refugiaţi cu armata hitleristă şi a criminalilor de război etc.

Reel 3

115 (1945) (213)

Buletine de urmărire a unor evadaţi, foşti legionari, criminali de război etc.

123 (1946) (89)

Buletine de urmărire pt. descoperirea unor infractori, dezertori, dispăruţi, criminali de război sau de altă natură etc.

147 (1947) (49)

Buletine de urmărire pt. descoperirea unor infractori, dispăruţi, criminali de război sau de altă natură.

148 (1947-1948) (409)

Ordine, declaraţii, procese-verbale şi altă corespondenţă privind evidenţa şi urmărirea cetăţenilor străini, a criminalilor de război, dezertorilor etc.

162 (1948) (59)

Buletine de urmărire pt. descoperirea unor infractori, dezertori, dispăruţi, criminali de război sau de altă natură.

Sectorul de jandarmi Band

216 (1945-1946) (333)

Ordine, circulare, situaţii şi altă corespondenţă în leg. cu manifestările iredentiste maghiare, cetăţeni români internaţi în lagăre şi închisori între 1940-1944, cetăţeni străini rămaşi sau stabiliţi după 23 august 1944 în Ardealul de Nord, identificarea conducătorilor, membrilor şi propagandiştilor organizaţiilor legionare şi fasciste Nylos Keresztes, Megujhados Part, şi activitatea lor.

Postul de jandarmi Band

225 (1945-1946) (65)

Ordine circulare cu privire la formarea detaşamentelor de lucru, organizarea raziilor, supravegherea persoanelor eliberate din lagărele de internare şi a criminalilor de război, precum şi tabele cu cetăţenii străini, pretorii şi notarii care au funcţionat între 1940-1944, cetăţenii români asasinaţi în timpul retragerii armatelor maghiare (1944).

Reel 3, 4

Postul de jandarmi Căpuşu de Câmpie

232 (1945) (138)

Ordine şi altă corespondenţă referit. la repatrierea cetăţenilor sovietici, urmărirea criminalilor de război şi a spionilor germani, evidenţa demobilizaţilor, preobleme administrative, organizarea pazei etc.

Reel 4

234 (1948) (615)

Ordine şi altă corespondenţă privitoare la organizarea arhivei, urmărirea criminalilor de război, a bandelor teroriste şi a evadaţilor, portul uniformei militare, evidenţa recruţilor din 1946-1947 etc.

Postul de jandarmi Dileu Vechi

235 (1945) (178)

Ordine, procese-verbale, note informative şi altă corespondenţă despre urmărirea criminalilor de război, a mişcărilor foştilor legionari, a cetăţenilor străini şi a paraşutiştilor, arestarea evadaţilor, predarea şi primirea postului, asociaţiile culturale şi profesionale, rechiziţiile, demobilizarea, activitatea informativă etc.

Sectorul de jandarmi Deda

258 (1948) (11)

Ordine, situaţii, note infrormative şi altă corespondenţă în leg. cu evidenţa ofiţerilor de rezervă şi a ţiganilor nomazi, urmărirea reacţionarilor şi a sabotajelor, organizarea serviciului poliţienesc, probleme administrative şi altele.

Reel 5, 6

260 (1948-1949) (1036)

Legi, ordine, instrucţiuni, planuri, dări de seamă şi altă corespondenţă privind urmărirea criminalilor de război şi a propagandei reacţionare, circulaţia produselor ţărăneşti, starea de spirit a populaţiei, nereguli constatate la inspecţie, patrulare şi circulaţia pe şosele publice, probleme administrative şi altele.

Postul de jandarmi Dămieni

329 (1947-1948) (577)

Ordine, circulări, dovezi şi altă corespondenţă în leg. cu urmărirea agitatorilor pt. plecarea tineretului în Ungaria, a foştilor legionari, a sectelor religioase, a membrilor Comitetului Tătarilor din Crimeea şi a infractorilor, permise de port armă, probleme administrativ-gospodăreşti etc.

Reel 6

330 (1947-1948) (41)

Ordine şi altă corespondenţă privind planificarea muncii, organizaţiile religioase subverisive (“Uniţii Romei”), cetăţenii străini, percheziţiile imobiliare, urmărirea ţiganilor nomazi, a paraşutiştilor, teroriştilor etc. şi întocmirea evidenţei moşierilor, speculanţilor, comercianţilor şi a altora.

334 (1948-1949) (311)

Ordine, circulare, rapoarte şi altă corespondenţă în legătură cu urmărirea criminalilor de război, a manifestărilor duşmănoase statului (sabotaje, crime, propagandă etc.) şi a infractorilor, probleme administrativ-gospodăreşti, colectarea cerealelor şi alte probleme.

Reel 6, 7

Postul de jandarmi Acăţari

385 (1946-1947) (859)

Ordine circulare ale Legiunii de Jandarmi şi rapoarte ale postului referitoare la: urmărirea populaţiei germane şi a cetăţenilor străini, activitatea gărzilor zdrenţăroşilor, răspândirea manifestelor reacţionare, crimele săvârşite în timpul războiului în lagărul de concentrare Acăţari, identificarea foştilor legionari, organizarea activităţii postului, numărul populaţiei pe naţionalităţi, colectarea cerealelor etc.

387 (1947-1948) (585)

Ordine, instrucţiuni şi corespondenţă a Legiunii de Jandarmi, tribunal şi Pretura plăşii în leg. cu aprovizionarea trupei, permise de port armă, scoaterea din arhivă a actelor cu caracter fascist şi antisovietic, urmărirea infractorilor, plasarea tractoarelor, amenajarea cimitirelor eroilor, plata salariilor, etc.

Postul de jandarmi Dămieni

409 (1948) (313)

Ordine, instrucţiuni şi altă corespondenţă privind urmărirea criminalilor de război şi a altor infractori, educaţia politică a jandarmilor, combaterea speculei, probleme administrative etc.

Reel 7

Postul de jandarmi Corunca

433 (1948) (17)

Ordine şi instrucţiuni, referate, tabele şi altă corespondenţă în leg. cu comportarea ofiţerilor şi subofiţerilor, predarea corespondenţei la Siguranţă, refacerea căilor de comunicaţie, urmărirea ţiganilor nomazi, planuri de acţiune, etc.

Postul de jandarmi Ernei

441 (1948) (18)

Ordine privind instruirea jandarmilor, urmărirea ţiganilor nomazi, evidenţa rezerviştilor, supravegherea cultelor religioase, identificarea elementelor reacţionare, etc.

Postul de jandarmi Sângeorgiu de Mureş

468 (-) (-)

Ordine, instrucţiuni, rapoarte şi altă corespondenţă privind urmărirea infranctorilor şi încheierea actelor, supravegherea cetăţenilor repatriaţi şi a celor străini, distrugerea cărţilor, broşurilor şi regulamentelor reacţionare din biblioteci şi arhivă, colectări, nereguli constatate la inspecţii şi alte probleme.

Postul de jandarmi Chiheru

511 (1948-1949) (42)

Ordine circulare privind urmărirea infractorilor, activitatea sectelor religioase, a paraşutiştilor şi ţiganilor nomazi, paza secţiilor de votare, organizarea servciului de informare, secretul corespondenţei, etc.

Postul de jandarmi Batoş

545 (1946-1947) (857)

Ordine, circulare, reclamaţii, declaraţii şi tabele referitoare la transferarea subofiţerilor, urmărirea criminalilor de război, spionilor, trădătorilor, saşilor plecaţi din comună, germanilor evadaţi, etc.

Sectorul de jandarmi Râciu

586 (1946-1947) (1072)

Ordine, instrucţiuni, rapoarte şi altă corespondenţă privind programul de instrucţie, urmărirea unor infractori, evidenţa evreilor repatriaţi, sprijinirea achiziţiilor în contul armiatiţiului, transferări şi drepturile băneşti ale subofiţerilor, încorporări şi alte probleme.

Postul de jandarmi Şincai

613 (1946) (72)

Ordine, instrucţiuni, tabele şi altă corespondenţă privind situaţia populaţiei în timpul războiului (comportarea autorităţilor hortiste, deportarea populaţiei în lagăre) şi alte probleme.

Postul de jandarmi Sângeorgiu de Pădure

651 (1946-1947) (124)

Procese-verbale, declaraţii şi altă corespondenţă în leg. cu anchetarea unor infracţiuni (furt, abandonarea familiei, conflicte în leg. cu aplicarea reformei agrare, deportarea evreilor la Auschwitz etc.).

Sectorul de jandarmi Teaca

660 (1946) (83)

Ordine, planuri de acţiune şi rapoarte privind colonizarea saşilor şi secuilor, şovinismul maghiar şi mişcarea antidemocratică.

664 (1946-1947) (61)

Ordine şi planuri de acţiune privind urmărirea elementelor iredentiste, profasciste şi a sectelor religioase interzise, precum şi declaraţii cu privire la administraţia maghiară din 1940-1944.

Postul de jandarmi Bilbor

739 (1947-1948) (1122)

Decrete, ordine circulare şi altă corespondenţă privind încorporarea, organizarea spectacolelor muzicale, călătoria pe CFR, urmărirea dezertorilor, a cetăţenilor străini, foştilor legionari, sectelor religioase interzise, organizaţiilor subversive, campaniile agricole, evrei plecaţi, organizarea pazei, etc.

Postul de jandarmi Gălăuţaş

751 (1947) (1000)

Decrete, informări, procese-verbale şi altă corespondenţă privind urmărirea cetăţenilor străini, a sectelor religioase interzise şi a foştilor hortişti, organizarea activităţii postului.

Fond Avocatura Statului Târnava Mare. 1922-1944.

nr. inv. 309

75 u.a.; aranjate de la 1 la 75.

70 (1943) (-)

Proces: Administraţia financiară a jud. Târnava Mare c/a lui Ernest Heilper pt. achitarea taxelor militare datorate de evrei.

Fond Prefectura judeţului Mureş. Materiale documentare (create de) C.A.S.B.I.

nr. inv. 310

363 u.a.; aranjate de la 1 la 363.

1 (1945) (86 f.)

Lucrări de administrare a bunurilor absenteiştilor; cereri de locuinţă, de repartizări de cereale, de numiri de administratori etc.

2 (1945) (117)

Cereri pt. restituiri de mobiliere, scoateri de averi din inventarele CASBI, etc.

3 (1945) (118)

Numiri de administratori pt. evidenţa mobiliarelor, cereri de repartizări de mobiliere etc.

4 (1945) (114)

Vânzări de materiale sechestrate, cereri de scoatere de pe lista absenteiştilor, repartizări de mobiliere etc.

6 (1945) (115)

Restituirea bunurilor personale şi numirea de administratori asupra bunurilor inamice.

7 (1945) (68)

Punerea în vânzare a caselor absenteiştilor, restituirea de mobiliere, numiri de funcţionari şi administratori, etc.

8 (1945) (101)

Cereri şi plângeri în leg. cu bunurile proprii.

9 (1945) (41)

Tabelul mobilierului absenteiştilor şi situaţia întreprinderilor comerciale din diferite oraşe.

10 (1945) (111)

Bunuri rămase de absenteişti şi ridicate de armata sovietică şi inventarierea averii.

11 (1945) (55)

Scoaterea averilor încadrate în art. 8 din Convenţia de Armistiţiu.

12 (1945) (70)

Scoaterea averii de sub sechestru, restituirea mobilierului şi numirii de custozi etc.


Urmează alte dosare: acelaşi conţinut.


21 (1945) (124)

Inventarierea şi recensământul bunurilor părăsite, aparţinând germanilor, ungurilor conf. art. 8 din Convenţia de Armistiţiu.


Urmează alte dosare: acelaşi conţinut.


150 (1946) (122)

Situaţia întocmirii dosarelor absenteiştilor saşi, înscrierea bunurilor saşilor, inventarierea mobilierului şi situaţia bunurilor rurale.


Urmează alte dosare: acelaşi conţinut.


226 (1946) (212)

Fişe ale cetăţenilor absenteişti şi fişe pt. averea persoanelor încadrate în art. 8 din Convenţia de Armistiţiu.

227 (1946) (161)

Idem. …………


Urmează alte dosare: acelaşi conţinut.


318 (1949) (161)

Trecerea bunurilor imobile în patrimoniul Comunităţii Democratice Evreieşti, Uniunii Tineretului Muncitoresc, M.A.I., etc.


Urmează alte dosare: acelaşi conţinut.


Reel 8

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Legiunea de jandarmi Târnava Mare. 1933-1949.

nr. inv. 330

În total: 184 u.a., numerotate de la 1 la 184.

1 (1933-1942) (20 f.)

Evidenţa persoanelor cu orientări fasciste, iredentiste maghiare, absenteişti, reformaţi etc. – Postul Vânători.

2 (1943) (23)

Registru de evidenţă a persoanelor cuprinse în diferite organizaţii politice şi religioase (secte) – Postul Daia.

3 (1943) (6)

Idem – Postul Saschid.

4 (1943) (9)

Idem – Postul Criş.

8 (1945) (330)

Mişcarea iredentistă maghiară, aplicarea reformei agrare, mişcările extremiste ale grupurilor etnice german şi maghiar, rapoarte ale posturilor de jandarmi despre starea de spirit a populaţiei, manifestări politice extremiste, transfugi.

9 (1945) (562)

Prigoniri, tratarea acestora, rapoarte ale secţiilor privind raziile efectuate, dări de seamă asupra “gărzilor cetăţeneşti”, grupe de militari germani care activează clandestin, trimiteri de persoane în URSS în detaşamentele de muncă, reîntoarceri a persoanelor care au făcut parte din cadrul armatei germane, furturi.

11 (1945) (1367)

Coresp. cu forurile superioare şi subordonate privind Chestiunile fasciste şi hitleriste (tabele nominale ale membrilor grupului etnic german, absenteiştilor, repatrieri, manifestări contra ideilor fasciste, etc.).

11/a (1945) (301)

Problema legionară.

12 (1945) (683)

Ordine şi instrucţiuni ale forurilor superioare, coresp. cu organele subordonate refer. la regimul persoanelor străine din ţară.

13 (1945) (1315)

Ordine şi instrucţiuni ale forurilor superioare, coresp. cu organele subordonate referit. la internarea în lagăre a unor persoane de origine etnică neromână (rapoarte, tabele nominale, situaţii, etc.).

16 (1945) (637)

Tabele, situaţii, evidenţe privind bunurile rămase de la armata germană şi Grupul Etnic German.

19 (1945) (-)

Postul de jandarmi Saschiz. Evidenţa bărbaţilor de origine săsească din com.Saschiz care s-au înrolat în armata germană.

20 (1945) (44)

Postul de jandarmi Copşa Mică. Mişcarea fascistă antidemocratică (hitlerişti, legionari, şovinişti, extremişti, sabotori, instigatori, etc.).

21 (1945-1946) (1066)

Tabele, situaţii privind trimiterea saşilor la muncă în URSS; persoane internate în lagăr.

24 (1945-1946) (-)

Postul de jandarmi Saschiz. Evidenţă, situaţii, tabele nominale privind popul. săsească (absenteişti, repatrieri, etc.).

Reel 8, 9

26 (1945-1946) (988)

Ordine şi dispoziţii ale forurilor superioar, coresp. cu organele subordonate referitoare la: mişc. legionară, fascistă, iredentistă maghiară (istoricul acestor mişcări extremiste, hărţi cu centrele acestor mişcări), urmărirea persoanelor suspecte, cercetări.

29 (1945-1946) (498)

Coresp. cu organele subordonate privind popul. de origine săsească (trimiteri la muncă în URSS, absenteiştii, repatrieri, etc.).

30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 45, 52, 75, 76, 81

( Germani (+ maghiari).


( Secte.




( Supuşii străini.


( Germani.

140 (1948-1949) (100)

Sectorul de jandarmi Agnita. Ordine ale forurilor superioare privind administraţia internă, ţiganii nomazi, disciplina internă, campania electorală, absenteiştii, sprijinirea lucrărilor agricole.

167, 168, 169, 170

( Germani.

În unele dosare, nenotate aici, există referiri la sectele religioase.

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Prefectura judeţului Târnava Mare. 1921-1944.

nr. inv. 415

1934: nimic util.

1935: nimic util.



Tablouri cuprinzând nr. locuitorilor din comunele judeţului după naţionalităţi şi nr. alegătorilor pe naţionalităţi pt. Camera Deputaţilor.

Reel 9


( Legionari.


( Legionari.


Rapoarte, situaţii ale organelor în subordine privind aplicarea legilor pt. dobândirea şi pierderea cetăţeniei române.


Ordine ale M.I. privind interzicerea practicii ghicitului.


Rapoarte ale administraţiilor locale privind căsătoriile mixte.


Coresp. cu Ministerul Instrucţiunii şi Cultelor privind acordarea de autorizaţii pt. funcţionarea diferitelor culte religioase.


( Mişcarea legionară.


Ordine ale M.I. privind populaţia minoritară.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate privind refugiaţii polonezi, rechiziţii pt. armată.


Coresp. cu organele superioare, circulare privind asasinarea ninistrului de interne Armand Călinescu.

Reel 10


Ordinul M.I., coresp. cu jud. Mureş privind funcţionarea centrelor asociaţiei “Noua Organizaţie Sionistă”.


Coresp. cu organele în subordine privind statistici ale credincioşilor pe confesiuni.


Ordinul M.I. privind reaportul dintre autorităţile de stat şi preoţii confesiunilor minoritare.


Ordine ale M.I., coresp. cu subunităţile în subordine, rapoarte privind revizirea cetăţeniei.

Reel 10, 11



Ordine date de M.I. privind: Identificarea agenţilor propagandişti ai Partidului Comunist, măsuri contra organizaţiilor paramilitare ale tinerilor minoritari; Ordinea publică şi siguranţa statului; Problema evreilor; Prezentarea raporturilor dintre români şi unguri, activitatea unugurilor în teritoriul rămas României, activitatea legionarilor, tablouri privind funcţionarii poliţiei din judeţ.

Reel 11


Buletin cotrainformativ trimis Biroului statistic militar Cluj privind starea de spirit a populaţiei (româneşti, maghiare, săseşti şi evreieşti), curentele sociale, politice, religioase, manifestări dăunătoare statului (defetism, terorism, sabotaj, spionaj), activitatea diferitelor foste partide, propaganda comunistă, activitatea Gărzii de Fier atât din sate cât şi din oraşele judeţului.


Procese-verbale dresate la Sighişoara şi Mediaş cu privire la combaterea propagandei maghiare, în ceea ce priveşte afirmaţiile maltratării ungurilor; declaraţii ale unor cetăţeni români privind felul cum au fost trataţi de autorităţile maghiare şi populaţia maghiară până în momentul când au fost expulzaţi.


Acte ref. la cedarea teritoriului către Ungaria. Ordine date de prefect pt. oprirea transportării din terit. rămas în terit. cedat Ungariei a obiectelor de artă, lucrări de valoare, biblioteci, arhive care aparţineau instituţiilor de stat, ale administraţiei locale. Ordin dat de prefect comandantului Legiunii de Jandarmi pt. a opri pe locuitorii maghiari fugiţi în Ungaria de a se mai înapoia în România pt. a dezvolta o acţiune şovină. Tabele cu locuitorii din Sighişoara care au trecut în teritoriul cedat. Ordine către pretori pt. a opri orice represalii împotriva maghiarilor. Declaraţii ale românilor refugiaţi din teritoriile cedate Ungariei (alungaţi din comune, bătuţi, etc.). Tabele cu personalul de origine maghiară care a fost concediat de către întreprinderile industriale.


Lucrări, situaţii privind evacuarea teritoriului cedat Ungariei. Vol. I. ………….. ……….


Idem. Vol. II.


Tablouri privind cetăţenii români care au părăsit ţara în mod clandestin.


Coresp. priv. la funcţionarii judeţului: incidentele dintre saşii şi românii din Sighişoara; …… …….. ……. ……….. …… tablouri cu funcţionarii evacuaţi din Bucov. şi Basar. transferaţi în instituţiile judeţului.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele în subordine priv. interzicerea tuturor colectelor publice de bani lansate de asociaţiile evreieşti şi confiscarea lor.


( Refugiaţii din Bas. şi Bucov.


( Refugiaţii din Bas. şi Bucov.

Reel 12


Situaţii priv. populaţia judeţului arătate pe comune şi naţionalităţi, arătându-se şi procentul.


Ordine ale M.I. priv. problema refugiaţilor polonezi. Liste cu ofiţerii polonezi fugiţi din lagărele de internare, tablou cu localităţile în care au voie să se stabilească refugiaţii polonezi.


Ordinul Ministerului Colonizării priv. inventarierea şi preluarea proprietăţilor evreieşti, cuprinzând proprietăţile evreieşti din judeţ.


Coresp. cu Asociaţia Uniunii Generale a Romilor din România şi cu organele în subordine priv. organizarea subcentrelor romilor în acest judeţ.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi cu organele în subordine priv. presupusa arestare a unor locuitori saşi.


Ordinul M.I. priv. aprobarea organizaţiilor sioniste de a aduce fonduri.


Tabele, evidenţe priv. personalul administrativ din judeţ (notari, primari); tablou cuprinzând notariatele din judeţ pe plăşi; tabele cuprinzând procentele populaţiei română şi săsească din comunele judeţului.


( Refugiaţii.


( Legionarii.


Situaţii, cereri, evidenţe ajutoare, permise de trecere, priv. populaţia refugiată din Basarabia.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi subordonate priv. populaţia maghiară şi evreiască din judeţ, treceri peste frontieră.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi subordonate priv. populaţia săsească.


( Legionari.

Reel 12, 13


( Legionari.

Reel 13, 14


Ordine, instrucţiuni, situaţii privind exproprierea evreilor şi bulgarilor expropriaţi (sic!).

Reel 14


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi cele inferioare priv. evacuarea, preluarea averilor evreilor evacuaţi.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi cele subordonate privind folosirea evreilor la diferite munci.


Ordine ale M.I. şi Min.Ec.Naţ. privind bunurile germanilor repatriaţi.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate privind coloniile maghiare create în perioada 1900-1916.


Ordinul Min. Muncii priv. recrutarea lucrătorilor ce urmează a fi angajaţi pt. lucru şi specializare în întreprinderile şi uzinele de stat din Germania.


( …; regimul trupelor germane în Rom., etc.


Ordinul M.I. către prefecţi şi comandantul lagărelor Tg.-Jiu şi Dumbrăveni, privind obligativitatea evreilor croitori şi cismari de a lucra în cadrul armatei (statistica lor).

Reel 14, 15


Ordine ale M.I., rapoarte, situaţii, statistici priv. cultele religioase din judeţ.


Evidenţe privind ajutorarea popul. refugiate din Bas. şi Bucov.


Evidenţa persoanelor care trăiesc în concubinaj.


Registrul actelor confidenţiale ale prefecturii. (Notă pe Inventar: Trecute la Pretura Dumbrăveni nr. 75)


Coresp. confidenţială a prefectului priv. la populaţia săsească din judeţ.


Coresp. confidenţială a prefectului priv. la populaţia maghiară.


Coresp. confidenţială a prefectului priv. raporturile autorităţilor române cu armata germană din judeţ.


Coresp. confidenţială a prefectului ref. la evrei.


Coresp. confidenţială a prefectului priv. sechestrarea aparatelor de radio.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele în subordine privind ajutorarea popul. refugiate din Bas. şi Bucov.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi subordonate priv. controlul supuşilor bulgari.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi subordonate priv. repatrierea unor persoane de naţionalit. Maghiară în Ungaria. Vol. I.


Idem. Vol. II.


Tabele nominale de persoanele de cetăţenie română din teritoriile deslipite aflate în comunele din judeţ.

Reel 15, 16


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate privind evacuarea şi sechestrarea averilor evreilor din mediul rural.


Situaţia averilor absenteiştilot unguri după dictatul de la Viena.


Tabele, situaţii, evidenţe privind munca de folos obştesc efectuată prin prestaţii.


Tabele privind lucrările executate prin prestaţii în judeţ.


Planuri de lucru de folos obştesc.


Coresp. cu organele superioare şi cele în subordine privind problema schimbului de populaţie între Rom. şi Bulg., tabele cu numele persoanelor care urmau să plece în Bulgaria.


Tabele, situaţii privind refugiaţii ajutaţi de către Prefectura judeţului din fondurile pt. asistenţa pt. refugiaţi.


Ordine date de M.I. privind organizarea regimului evreilor, zonele interzise pt. evrei.


Ordinul Comisarului Guvernului pt. Transilvania de Nord, coresp. cu organele în subordine privind administrarea averilor românilor refugiaţi din Ardealul de Nord.


Ordinul Comisarului General al refugiaţilor privind culegerea materialului documentar asupra refugiaţilor.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi cu organele în subordine privind: aprobarea cererii grupului etnic german din România pt. organizarea unui ajutor agricol, …


Instrucţiuni date de Subsecretariatul se Stat al Românizării, Colonizării privind combaterea camuflării bunurilor, drepturilor şi intereselor evreieşti; circulara Institutului Centra de Statistică priv. recensământul orfanilor; instrucţiuni date de CEC privind sărbătorirea zilei de 31 oct. – ziua economiei; ordinul M.I. privind împărţirea Rfegiunii Autonome de Stat (sic!) în 4 inspectorate regionale etc.


Raport înaintat M.I. privind situaţia bunurilor aparţinând Centrului Naţional de Românizare.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi cu organele în subordine priv. plasarea refugiaţilor la muncă şi mutarea refugiaţilor dintr-o localitate în alta.


Coresp. Comisariatului General al Refugiaţilor privind acordarea de îmbrăcăminte refugiaţilor.


Tablou cu actele justificative de cheltuieli pt. ajutorarea popul. refugiate şi stabilite în raza jud. din fondul de 50.000 lei.


Coresp. cu organele în subordine priv. organizarea echipelor pt. munca de folos obştesc.

Notă: Nu am scos tot ce priveşte munca de folos obştesc.


Coresp. cu Comisariatul Central al Refugiaţilor din Nordul Transilvaniei şi cu organele în subordine privind situaţia refugiaţilor.


Coresp. cu organele superioare privind comerţul ambulant.


Tabele nominale cu familii aparţinând diferitelor culte existente în judeţ.


Tabele cu funcţionarii de origine etnică maghiară.


Tabele cu familiile care aparţin confesiunii evanghelice luterane din comunele plăşii Agnita.


Tabelele cultelor evanghelic luteran, romano-catolic din comunele plăşii Mediaş.


Tabelele familiilor evanghelicilor luterani din comunele plăşii Rupea.


Tabelele familiilor romano-catolice şi reformate din plasa Sighişoara.


Convenţiune între guv. Reichului german şi guv. României priv. la înrolarea în armata germană SS a cetăţenilor români de origine etnică germană.


Coresp. confidenţială cu Leg. de Jandarmi privind starea de spirit a populaţiei săseşti.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate privind starea de spirit a popul. maghiare.


Coresp. confidenţială cu M.I. şi organele subordonate priv. situaţia bunurilor părăsite de refugiaţii maghiari.


Coresp. confidenţială cu M.I. şi organele subordonate primită după 23 august [1944] priv. refugiaţii unguri şi saşi, ordinea publică, aprovizionarea armatei sovietice, etc.


Coresp. confidenţială cu M.I. şi organele subordonate priv. munca de folos obştesc, încadrări de funcţionari, plasarea în posturi a refugiaţilor.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate priv. colonizarea în Basarabia.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate priv. repatrierea cetăţenilor sovietici.

Notă: Există şi alte dosare ref. la refugiaţi: 16, 17, 29, 60, …


Coresp. cu organele subordonate, instrucţiuni priv. arestarea şi tratamentul aplicat aviatorilor anglo-americani prizonieri.


Coresp. cu M.I. şi organele subordonate priv. drepturile de ajutor a cetăţenilor români de origine etnică germană înrolaţi în armata germană.

Notă: Alte dosare ref. la armata germană: 74,

Reel 16

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Prefectura Judeţului Mureş. Prefect. 1942-1944.

nr. inv. 459


Probleme politice; partide politice, evrei, discriminări rasiale, români, politica naţională, excluderea de la drepturi generale cetăţeneşti, cercetări poliţieneşti.

Lb. magh.


Evidenţă despre bunurile imobile ale bisericii greco-catolice.

Lb. magh.


Agricultură, politica agrară, cedări de pământuri luate de la proprietari prin reforma agrară din 1921, organizări de exporiţii agricole etc.

Lb. magh.


Medici: neprimirea în corpul medical sau excluderea unor medici (evrei).

Lb. magh.


Înfiinţarea unor organe locale ale partidelor profasciste, fasciste şi naţionaliste maghiare, propagandă naţionalistă maghiară etc.

Lb. magh.


Rapoarte privind mişcările populaţiei româneşti.

Lb. magh.


Sănătate, verificarea medicilor (evrei) în vederea primirii lor în Corpul medicilor, numiri etc.

Lb. magh.


Reîncetăţeniri, avizări.

Lb. magh.


Activitarea organizaţiilor “Levente”; pregătirea premilitară, înfiinţări de comitete locale de “Levente”.

Lb. magh.

Reel 16, 17


Problema evreiască: deportarea, cereri de scutire de deportare, distribuirea averilor evreieşti etc.

Lb. magh.


Partide şi organizaţii: desfiinţarea partidului “Kisgazda”, sprijinirea unor societăţi şi uniuni, propagandă prorăzboinică.

Lb. magh.

Reel 17

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Comisariatul de Poliţie Reghin. 1944-1949.

nr. inv. 884

148 u.a.; aranjate de la 1 la 148.

A. Biroul de Siguranţă

11 (1945) (23 f.)

Lucrări, coresp. şi evidenţe privind mişc. legionară în zona de activitate a biroului.

13 (1945) (167)

Coresp. şi lucrări privind urmărirea şi luarea în evidenţă a factorilor mişcării iredentiste maghiare.

15 (1945) (277)

Lucrări de evidenţe privind problema germană a hitlerismului.

21 (1945) (8)

Coresp. privind regimul sectelor religioase din judeţ.

22 (1945) (11)

Coresp. privind Comunitatea evreiască din Reghin.

32 (1946) (60)

Coresp. privind regimul sectelor religioase din şcoli.

42 (1946) (182)

Coresp. privind Comunitatea evreiască din Reghin.

52 (1946) (301)

Coresp. privind organizarea mişcării iredentiste ungureşti care pregăteşte ofensiva împotriva Ardealului ca parte componentă a României.

59 (1946-1947) (13)

Anchetă împotriva calomniatorilor lui Franc Emil, subprimar în Reghin, preşedintele Comunităţii evreieşti, etc.

65 (1947-1948) (81)

Coresp. privind urmărirea şi luarea în evidenţă a mişc. iredentiste maghiare.

78 (1947-1948) (34)

Coresp. privind organizarea unui recensăm. ilegal al populaţiei maghiare din Transilvania ordonat de guvernul de la Budapesta în scopul susţinerii revendicărilor asupra Transilvaniei.

95 (1947-1948) (15)

Urmărirea criminalilor de război.

Arhivele Naţionale – Direcţia Judeţeană Mureş

Fond Pretura plăşii Teaca. 1940.

nr. inv. 1110

1 u.a.

1 (2 f.)

Sentinţa de internare în lagărul nr. 101 Tg. Mureş a lui Câmpian Şandor şi 6 însoţitori.

Reel 18 (not described); Reel 19 (not described)

RG 25.032 General Directorate of Passports Office Records, 1939-1944

Extent: 7 microfilm reels, 35 mm

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives,The General Directorate of Passports Office Romania, formerly the General Directorate of Police - Archive of Emigration, and a branch of the Romanian Ministry of the Interior is the custodian of the original records. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the microfilm via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum International Programs Division in July 1999.

Organization and arrangement: Arranged thematically.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records from the General Directorate of Passports Office related to Jewish emigration to Palestine from Romania. Includes a name list of Romanian Jews who traveled to Palestine on the ships "Kasbek, "Mefkure," "Morina," "Selahadin," "Toros," and "Bulbul."

Reel 1:

Dosar # G-le

Vol 16, Jur. 301 – 320, 1940 – 1944

Individual applications for passports by Jews from all around the country, now residing in Bucharest, i.e. Jews from: Chernovitz, Iassi, Galati, Dorohoi, Orhei, Ploiesti, Roman, Radauti, Suceava, Sculeni, Balti, Chishinau.

Dossar # 88

Vol 125, 1938 –1939.

Applications for passports.

Reel 2:

Dossar # 88 (Continued from Reel 1.)

Vol 125, 1938 –1939.

Applications for passports.

Reel 3:

Dossar # 42 – 46

Vols. 4 – 9. 1944.

Passport applications name list. (881 entries)

Dosar # 47794

Vol. IX, 1944.

The following lists the many difficult requirements the above applicants had to submit with their applications:

Certificate of authenticity that he (applicant) is really the person he says he is;

1. Military Bulletin or Certificate of Exemption from military service for whatever reason.

2. Birth certificate, or when registered at birth, a sworn affidavit by the parents witnessed by 2 neighbors who lived at that address at that time, plus a copy of the Rabbinical registration.

3. Bulletin of registration in the Population bureau.

4. Notarized parental consent for underage applicant for his emigration to Palestine.

5. Marriage certificate or Certificate of celibacy.

6. Certificate of nationality, ethnic origin, religion, citizen of what state, birthplace.

7. Certificate of good character and conduct issued by local Tribunal that applicant had not been involved in any adjudication for last 5 years.

8. Certificate of voter registration and one showing that he owes no taxes or that he paid his taxes for the last 5 years.

9. Power of attorney to represent applicant in the various localities since he now resides in Bucharest where application is submitted, or vice-versa.

10. Applicant must indicate that passport is for travel to Asia, Africa or America and that once he leaves Romania he/she will not return, except if anything extra ordinary happens in the first 10 days.

11. Photographs (2) plus description of personal characteristics, such as: Age, Height, Hair(color), Forehead, Eyes(color), Eyebrows(color), Nose(size), Mouth, Chin(shape), Face(shape), Complexion, Special Signs, Ethnicity and Occupation.

Reel 4:

Dosar # 47794 Vol. IX, 1944.

Continuing Reel 3, of additional individual applicants.

Dosar # 47957 Vols. I-IV.

1. List of 51 names residing in Bucharest applying for a collective passport to depart on vessel “Bubul”

2. List of 88 names residing in Bucharest applying for collective passport to depart on vessel “Bulbul”

3. List of 321 names applying for a collective passport to depart on vessel “Bulbul”

4. List of 155 people going by train from Bucharest to depart on vessel “Bulbul”

5. List of 204 people going by train from Bucharest to depart on vessel “Bulbul”

6. Lists of 105 and one of 321 departing on vessel “Mefkur”

7. Lists of: 252, 176, and 155 departing on vessel Mefkur”

8. List of 170 departing on vessel “Morina”

9. List of 478 on collective passport for travel on vessel “Bulbul” – 2 August,


Reel 5:

Dosar # 47957 (Continued from Reel 4) Vol. IV.

1. Application for a collective passport for 416 emigrants departing on vessel “Bulbul”

2. List of 1028 names departing 2 August, 1944 on vessel “Morina”

3. List of 51 names departing August 1944 by vessel “Maritza”

Reel 6:

Dosar #47958 Vol. V, 1944.

1. List of 29 names departing 27 July, 1944, on vessel “Morina”

Dosar # 48216 1944.

2. Lists of 500, 448,and 1200 names departing on vessel “Smirny” 1944.

3. Table of 722 names equal numbers from Poland and Hungary plus a few from Czechoslovakia. No date or vessel listed.

4. List of 250 orphans from all over Romania now residing in Bucharest. No vessel listed.

5. List of 1120 names, no departure date or vessel name listed.

Dosar # 48959 Vol. V. 1944

1. List of emigrants on vessel “Selahadin” departing 25 October, 1944 under the auspices of the Red

Cross: 529, 84, 152, and 541 names.

2. List of emigrants for departure on vessel ”Toros” on 2 December,1944.

3. 177 orphans and 1522 adults.

Dosar # 49080 Vol I.1944.

1. Telegram from Constanza: Today, December 3, 1944, we report that 902 Jewish emigrants left for Palestine on “Toros” via Istanbul.

Reel 7:

Continuation of Dosar #49080 from Reel 6, Vol. 1. 1944.

2. List of 365 emigrants and another list of 252 emigrants left for Palestine on “Toros” on January 2, 1945.

3. Requests to the Interior Ministry concerning copies of certificates of birth and marriage form

individuals who left Romania on “Toros”.

Dosar # 470.000 Vol.96, 1939.

The Central Office of Palestine is requesting lists of individuals who have been issued passports.

Dosar #G-le vol. 102,1939.

Additional requests by the Central Office of Palestine of list of individuals who have been issued passports.

RG-25.033 Stalinist Trials of Romanian Zionists, 1946-1956 (bulk 1951-1952)

Extent: 31 reels, 16 mm

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, From the Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania (SRI).

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: There are the following restrictions on use. Cite Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania (SRI) as holder of originals. Documents, as well as the information contained within them are to be used solely for research and education for the purpose of establishing the historical truth regarding the events that occurred in the period 1933-1945. Knowingly using the documents in a manner that might infringe on the rights, individual liberties, and legitimate interests of the citizens of Romania, or prejudice the national security of Romania or its relations with third states constitutes infringement.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and content note: Contains records related to the Stalinist trials of Romanian Zionists. Contains information on Zionist leaders who were under the Securitatea's investigation and the Stalinist trial of Avram Leiba Zissu and Misu Benevenisti. Also includes data relating to the activities of Centrala Evreilor (Romanian Judenrat) and to World War II and post-war Jewish emigration.

Inventory/Reel list:

Reel 1:

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 1. List of documents of people under arrest: Edgar Kanner, Sloma Sitnovitzer, Pascu Sechter, Max Horowitz, Marcel Tabacaru, Zoltan Hirsch, from the revisionist organization. List of 38 persons who entertained compromising relations with the above. Reports of interrogations. 1950-52. 409 pages.

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 2. List of documents of people under arrest: Edgar Kanner, Sloma Sitnovitzer, Pascu Sechter, Max Horowitz, and Marcel Tabacaru from the revisionist organization. Documents from various phases of the trial including sentencing. 1953-56. 239 pages.

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 3. List of documents of people under arrest: Edgar Kanner, Sloma Sitnovitzer, Pascu Sechter, Max Horowitz, and Marcel Tabacaru from the revisionist organization. Declarations of witnesses. Appeals of sentencing. 1955-56. 162 pages.

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 4. List of documents of people under arrest: Edgar Kanner and Sloma Sitarovitzer from the revisionist organization. Documents created during incarceration. 1950-51. 251 pages.

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 5. List of documents of people under arrest: Pascu Sechter and Max Horowitz from the revisionist organization. Documents created during incarceration. 1953-54. 484 pages.

File #14796 . Operating archive. Vol. 6. List of documents of people under arrest: Marcel Tabacaru, from the revisionist organization. Documents and literature regarding the Zionist organization. 1948-51. 250 pages.

File #14796. Operating archive. Vol. 7. Document concerning the pardoning the first four individuals. July, 1956. List of documents of people under arrest: Max Horowitz and others from the revisionist organization. 1948–1951. 308 pages.

Reel 2:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 1. Menachen Permo and others. List of persons who entertained compromising relations with the above. Register of 648 judicial documents. Lists of 41 Zionists with date of arrest: Dan Iesanu, Theodor Loewenstein, Cornel Iancu, Mayer Rudich, Iancu Mendelovici, Louis Dulberg, Moise Schwartz, Mayer Schwartz, Leon Itzkar, Mordco-Haim Burstein, Isac Itzkar, Shmaie-Avni Staimetz, Reghina Nussen, Andrei-Ezra Fleischer, Iancu Brenner, Ina (née Klainer Riza) Cilan, Sami Grumberg, Max-Silo Wohl, Mircea Negrea, Sinel Aizicovici, Emil-Eli Edelstein, Isaia Tumarkin, Iosif Ebercohn, Bernard Rorlich, Sami Iakerkaner, Marcu-Moca Antler, Sigmund Spiegel, Frederich Osterer, Oscar Gronich, Carol Wexler, Rashela Michailovici, Shura (Blima) Lupu, Hugo Nacht, Moise Balkirsh, Simgitza Leibovici, Israel Stein, Scarlat Iancu, Itzig-Moses Schmidt, Menachem Fermo, Armand Gabai, and Dezideriu Weitzen. Documents of interrogations of these are in Vols. 1 through 11. 1950-52. 585 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 2. Documents of multiple interrogations (continuation) and confrontation of witnesses. 1951-52. 621 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 3. Documents of interrogation (continuation). 1951-52. 363 pages.

Reel 3:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 3. Documents of interrogation (continuation).

Iancu Brenner declares repeatedly that a number of Israeli diplomats have transferred gold and jewelry out of the country. 1951-53. 235 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 4. Documents of interrogation (continuation). 1952-53. 488 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 5. Documents of interrogation (continuation). The problem with the CDE relative to emigration. 1952-53. 454 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 6. Documents of interrogation (continuation).1952-53. 437 pages.

Reel 4:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 7. Documents of interrogation. Engineer Friedrich Osterer, Jean Cohen and others.1952 -1954. 643 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 8. Documents of interrogation: Simigita Leibovici, Israel Stein, Scarlat Iancu, and Itzik Moses Schmidt. Jews in Transylvania. Information about the Yiddish association “IKUF”. 1951-53. 590 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 9. Documents of interrogation: Dan Iesanu and others. Rachel Michailovici was sentenced to a jail term of four years. After three years and two months preventive detention she asks to be freed until her appeal is adjudicated; her request was rejected in July 1954. Numerous other requests, many based on health problems. Individual indictment of the 57 Zionists arrested, beginning with Dr. Cornel Iancu, in groups related to their respective acts of contravention. Motion of appeal for each individual sentenced. 1953–55. 428 pages.

Reel 5:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 10. Submittal for judgment of the individual appeals. February 1955. Admission of the appeals. Tribunal decision delayed to July 1955. Final decision of the Tribunal for each individual defendant. 498 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 11. Various legal documents following the tribunal decision. 1956. 421 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 12. Register of documents from, Vols. 12 – 14. Documents of individual interrogations and of witnesses. 1952-53. (Somewhat illegible). 319 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 13. Various legal documents and appeals of detainees. 1952-53. 436 pages.

Reel 6:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 14. Indictment Of the first 22 Zionists from above list, for the crime of high treason and more. Sentencing. 1954-55. 528 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 15. List of 41 jailed persons from file 16345. Vols. 12 – 17. Documents of repeated interrogations. 1956. 502 pages

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 16. Documents of repeated interrogations. 1952-1953. 574 pages.

Reel 7:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 17. Documents of repeated interrogation. 1952–53. 502 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 18. Informative notes on Zionist organizations and numerous Jews identified as Zionists. Some are put under observation. 1946–1949. 514 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 19. Personal files for Dan Iesanu, Mayer Rudich, Louis Dulberg, Samoil Steinmetz, and Sami Grumberg. 1954.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 20. Personal files for Sinel Aizicovici, Emil Edelstein, Isaia Tumarchin, Iosif Ebercorn, Bernard Rohrlich, Sami Iakerkaner, Marcu Antler, Sigmund Spighel, Friedrich Osterer, and Oscar Gronich. 1955. 309 pages.

Reel 8:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 20 (continues from Reel # 7). Personal files for Wexler, Carol; Stein, Israel; and Schmidt, Itzhak Moses. 1954. 409 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 21. Dan Iesanu and others’ repeated interrogations. 1953. Personal files: Simigita Leibovici, Sura Lupu, Moise Balkirsh, and Hugo Nacht. Died in jail: Iancu Scarlat, and Moise Schwartz. 1954. 335 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 22. Numerous declarations of Rasela (Rachel) Michalovici related to contacts of her husband Jean Cohen with the British and on other activities. List of one hundred persons that figure in her declarations. 1952. Personal file of Rachela Michailovici, and Armand Gabai. 382 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 23. Personal files of Carol Wechsler and Sami Grumberg (See one file in Vol. 19). Sava Iovanovici interrogation, appeals of various detainees. Declarations of Melania Iancu regarding money from the Joint and other important matters. Extensive material related to her. 1951-52. 483 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 24. Interrogation of Armand Gabai, Oscar Gronich, Iosif Fermo, and Max Wohl. 1952. Personal file of Menachem Fermo (son of Iosif). 1954. 215 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 25. Declarations of Andrei Reza Fleischer (employee of the Israeli Legation). Furnishes lists of friends and acquaintances. Information on illegal activity at the Legation. 1952. 437 pages.

Reel 9:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 26. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Reghina Nusen (employee of the Israeli Legation). 1952. 280 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 27. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Smaie Avni Staimetz (employee of the Israeli Legation). 1952. 276 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 28. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Mircea Negrea. 1952. 292 pages

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 29. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Isaia Tumarchin (employee of the Israeli Legation). 1952. 302 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 30. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Sami Grumberg and Riza (Cilan)Bleiner. 1952. 217 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 31. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Iancu Brenner and Theodor Lowenstein. 1952. (For Brenner see Vol. 3, Reel #3) List of the entire personnel of the Israeli Legation. 335 pages.

Reel 10:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 31. (Somewhat illegible) Personal file Iancu Brenner and Theodor Lowenstein. 1952. (Continuation from Reel # 9) Declarations and interrogations of Mr. Lowenstein regarding his contacts with the personnel of the Israeli Legation. 1952. 163 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 32. Personal file Dan Ieseanu. Declarations and interrogations. 1952. 351 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 33. Personal files Isak Iitzkar and Moise Meir Schwartz. Declarations and interrogations. 1952-1953. 287 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 34. Personal file Mordco (Haim) Burstein. He was tutoring the children of the Israeli Legation staff. 1952. 248 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 35. Personal file Cornel Iancu. Interrogations related to his personal acquaintances and connections, his relations with the authorities and manipulation of funds, social activity. Answers to questions related to his patients and his relations with German people from the Embassy and with Dr. Gingold during the Antonescu regime, and patients from the higher echelons of Romanian government and society. Apologizes for having unknowingly fed information to the Israeli Legation. Reaction against the “Centrala Evreilor” that was clearly anti-Jewish. 1950-52. 282 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 36. Personal file Cornel Ionescu (The name of the file is incorrect. It should be Iancu, i.e. a continuation from Vol, 36). Relations and contacts with the Israeli Legation. Continuous interrogation on numerous subjects. 1950-52. 312 pages.

Reel 11:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 37. Personal file Leon Itzkar. Declarations and interrogations. 1952. 297 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 38. Personal file Leon Itzkar. (Continuation from Vol. 27). Contacts between Zionist leaders and the Romanian Government concerning the ORT schools. 1953. 285 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 39. Personal files Louis Dulberg and others. Declarations and interrogations on collaboration with the National Tarananesc Romanian political party, the Ichud organization. 1952. 252 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 40. Personal file Sigmund Spiegel. Declarations and interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952. 362 pages.

Reel 12:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 41. Personal files Bernard Rorlich, Marcu (Moca) Antler and others. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952-1953. 345 pages.

File #16345. Operating Archive. Vol. 42. Personal file Israel Stein. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952-1953. 182 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 43. Personal files of Moise Balkirsh, Iancu Scarlat, and Israel Stein. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952-1953. 332 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 44. Personal file Simigita (Gita) Leibovici. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952- 1953. 263 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 45. Personal file Itzig Moses Schmidt. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation. 1952. 281 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 46. Personal file of Adolf (Dolfi) Hersh. Interrogations related to Zionist activity and connections with the Israeli Legation, such as preparing false documents for “shlihim” coming illegal to Romania and organizing illegal transports to Israel. 1950-1953. 136 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 47. Personal file of Theodor Loevenstein and others. Synthesis of inquiries related to the Zionist group up to 25 August 1950, 12 pages. Idem 25 August–15 September 1950, 9 pages. Idem, 12 July–23 November 1950, 29 pages. Idem, 12 July 1950–8 February 1951, 32 pages. Idem 9-14 February 1951, 5 pages. Idem 15–22 February 1951, 3 pages. Idem 23 February–23 March 1951. 1 page (?). Idem 24 February–24 March 1951, 7 pages. Idem 24 March 1951–9 April 1951, 6 pages. Synthesis of inquiries related to escaping Romania by a number of Zionist leaders, 20 pages. Clandestine communications between the jailed Zionists and free Zionists and with the Israeli Legation. Also contacts with the British spy center in Turkey. Synthesis of inquiries related to the Zionist problem from 10 July 1950 to 12 March 1952. 13 pages. Total pages 351.

Reel 13:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 47. (Continues from Reel # 12). Synthesis of inquiries related to the Zionist problem from 10 July 1950 to 12 March 1952 (Continuation). Mostly related to transfer of information to the Israeli Legation, 157 pages. Planning the interrogations for finalizing the inquiries on a group of Zionist leaders. 68 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 48. (Continues from Vol. 47). Name index (53 names). Synthesis containing “the results of the research up to the present date related to the criminal activity of a group of spies for the Anglo-American espionage services and the Israeli Legation, recruited from the ranks of previous Zionist leaders.” Individual points of accusation and conclusions for each of these persons. Report from 25 February 1954 indicates a number of 57 persons presently in jail. List of charges for each of them. List of sentences dated 31 March 1954. Additional list of persons indicted on espionage for the state of Israel dated 12 August 1954. 522 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 49 (Continues from Vol. 48). 1952. Detailed information on the activity related to transfer of information to the Israeli Legation. 409 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 50. Individual file of Maier Rudich. 1952. 227 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 51. Individual file of Sami Iakerkaner. Declarations and interrogation. 1959-52. 231 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 52. Individual file of Sami Iakerkaner. (Continues from Vol. 51). Declarations and interrogation. 1952-53. 296 pages.

Reel 14:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 53. Individual file of Iancu Mendelovici. Declarations and interrogation. 1952. 278 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 54. Individual file of Iancu Mendelovici. (Continues from Vol. 53). Declarations and interrogation. 1952 . 242 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 55. Individual file of Carol Wexler. Declarations and interrogation. 1952-53. 135 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 56. Individual file of Rahela Michailovici. Declarations and interrogation. 1952. 300 pages.

Reel 15:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 57. Individual file of Rahela Michailovici, (Continues from Vol. 56). Declarations and interrogation. 1952. 422 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 58. Individual of file Rahela Michailovici. (Continues from Vol. 57). Declarations and interrogation. 1952–1953. 588 pages.

Reel 16:

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 61. Sami Grumberg and others arrested for the crime of high treason. Documents related to returning objects confiscated before their incarceration. 1954. 177 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 62. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Iosif Ebercorn and ten others. 1954-55. 238 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 63. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Shmaie Avni Steinmetz and four others. 1954-55. 177 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 64. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Simigita Leibovici and three others. 1954-55. 80 pages

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 65. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Menachem Fermo. 1956. 19 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 66. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Marcu Antler (Adler?). 1956. 10 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 67. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Dezideriu Weitzen. 1956. 16 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 68. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents of all judicial procedures against, and personal belongings of, Armand Gabai. 1956. 9 pages.

File #16345. Operating archive. Vol. 69. Control file containing lists and the location of the documents and judicial procedures against Adolf Hirsch. He worked at the Israeli Legation and in 1953 was arrested and interrogated. He was released and in 1958 his trial was again opened. He left for Israel together with his mother in 1961. 457 pages.

Reel 17:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 1. Investigation files for Misu Benvenisti, Avram Leiba Zissu, Jean Cohen, Moritz Moscovici, Melania Iancu, Zoltan Hirsch, Benjamin Beer, Moritz Weiss, Erich Haas, Ladislau Haber, Carol Reiter, Stefan Kun, and Charles Philippe Gyr. List of 113 documents in Volumes 1 through 8. Data on arrest of the above. List of 15 persons having compromising connections with the arrested. Interrogations of Misu Benvenisti and persons or parties related, Ion Mihalache and Iuliu Maniu from the National Taranist party. Aggresive interrogations. Interrogation of Avram Leiba Zissu; received a diploma (sic) for aiding the British during WW2. Interrogation of Jean Cohen, Moritz Moscovici, and Iancu Melania. 1952. 616 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 2. (Continues from Vol. 1). Interrogation of Iancu Mella, Zoltan Hirsch, and Benjamin Beer. 1952. 390 pages.

Reel 18:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 2. (Continues from Reel # 17). Interrogation of Benjamin Beer mostly on industrial espionage for the Israeli Legation. 1952. 560 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 3. Interrogation of Moritz Weiss. He distributed money received from the Israeli Legation to families of arrested Zionists and to members of various organizations. Interrogation of Erich Haas, Ladislau Haber, Carol Reiter, and Stefan Kun. Philippe Charles Gyr couriered letters to Istanbul for the Zionists, he was also connected with the Gestapo. Information about the “Rebeliune”. 1952. 619 pages.

Reel 19:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 4. Brochures and newspaper advertisements mostly related to the industry and commerce in Romania. 19(?). 402 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 5. File for Misu Benvenisti. Over one hundred arrest warrants for Zionist leaders. 1950 -52. 128 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 6. File for Misu Benvenisti. Indictments of the first thirteen arrested persons. Interrogations. Trial and sentencing. Appeals of the accused. Motions for annulment of the sentences. Rejection of the appeals by the tribunal. Various legal documents for the accused. 1954. 596 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 7. Revision of accused Stefan Kun. 190 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 8. Rejection of appeal by Jean Cohen. Various judicial documents. 1955-56. 88 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 9. Documents relative to Avram Leiba Zissu; personal, political and other activities from 1935 to present. 112 pages.

Reel 20:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 10 (Title sheet missing). Register of documents in Vols. 10 through 59. List of accused with indication of location of their documents. Interrogation documents of Avram Leiba Zissu. 1951–1952. 246 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 11. Interrogation documents of Avram Leiba Zissu. Among other subjects, an entire list of Jewish and non-Jewish personalities from the arts, literature, science, public and political life, and diplomats living and deceased. Also persons presently in Israel and members of the Israeli Legation.1951–1952. 304 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 12. Interrogation documents of Avram Leiba Zissu. 1951-1952. 249 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 13. Interrogation documents related to the material situation and the business functions of Avram Leiba Zissu. Aggressive interrogation between Zissu and Benvenisti. Declarations of witnesses related to the armistice from 23 August 1944. Declarations of Azra Berkovitz and others related to the political activity of the Jewish party before WW2. Various judicial documents including sentencing. 1951-1952. 326 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 14. Interrogation documents of Ladislau Haber related to the Zionist activity in Transylvania and Banat. Confrontation with Ludovic Weiss. 1952-1953. 298 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 15. Interrogation documents of Ladislau Haber related to the Zionist activity in Transylvania and Banat. Various judicial documents. 1952-53. 262 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 16. Interrogation documents of Moritz Weiss, employee of the Israeli Legation, related to money he received from the Legation. Various judicial documents. 1952. 299 pages.

Reel 21:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 16 (Continues from Reel # 20). Interrogation documents of Moritz Weiss, working at the Israeli Legation. Various judicial documents. 1952. 182 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 17. Interrogation documents Zoltan Hirsch related to his activity and contacts with the Israeli Legation.

1949–1952. 329 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol.18. (Continues from Vol. 17). Interrogation documents Zoltan Hirsch related to his activity and contacts with the Israeli Legation and with the Security services. 1951–1952. 323 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 19. (Continues from Vol. 18) Interrogation documents Zoltan Hirsch related to his activity and contacts with the Israeli Legation and with the “Shlihim”. Various judicial documents . 1951–1952. 429 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 20. Interrogation documents of Carol Reiter related to his Zionist activity. Various judicial documents. 1951–1952. 135 pages.

Reel 22:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 20. (Continues from Reel # 21). Interrogation documents of Carol Reiter related to his Zionist activity. 1952. 211 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 21. Interrogation documents of Carol Reiter related to his Zionist activity. 1952. 342 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 22. Interrogation documents of Dr. Erich Haas related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the Israeli Legation. 1952. 250 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 23. Interrogation documents of Dr. Erich Haas related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the Israeli Legation. 1952. 334 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 24. Interrogation documents of Dr. Erich Haas related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the Israeli Legation. 1952. 240 pages.

Reel 23:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 24. (Continues from Reel # 22). Interrogation documents of Dr. Erich Haas related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the Israeli Legation. Various judicial documents 1952. 257 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 25. Interrogation documents of Stefan Kun related to his Zionist activity in Transylvania and his relations with the Israeli Legation and with his instructions from Israel. 1952. 321 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 26. Interrogation documents of Stefan Kun related to his Zionist activity in Transylvania and his relations with the Israeli Legation and with his instructions from Israel. 1952. 350 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 27. Interrogation documents of Stefan Kun related to his Zionist activity in Transylvania and his relations with the Israeli Legation and with his instructions from Israel. 1952. 348 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 28. Interrogation documents of Jean Cohen related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the Israeli Legation. Conflict between Avram Leiba Zissu and Benvenisti related to connections with the Antonescu authorities. Relations with Prof. Hatieganu and Prof. Zane. 1951. 101 pages.

Reel 24:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 32. Interrogation documents of Moritz Moscovici working at the Israeli Legation. Transport of immigrants to Israel. 1952. 15 pages. (Out of order).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 28. (Continues from Reel # 23) Interrogation documents of Jean Cohen related to his Zionist activity. Declares having lied in the previous interrogations. Gives list of people he knew and/or collaborated with, such as employees of the Romanian Academy where he was working. 1952. 135 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 29. Interrogation documents of Jean Cohen related to his Zionist activity and his relations with the handlers from Israel. 1951-1952. 316 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 30. Interrogation documents of Jean Cohen related to his Zionist activity. The CDE and emigration. 1952. 304 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 31. Interrogation documents Moritz Moscovici working at the Israeli Legation, related to his Zionist activity. Gives information about the members of the Jewish Executive. 1952. 205 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 32. (No title sheet). Interrogation documents of Moritz Moscovici working at the Israeli Legation, related to his Zionist activity. 1952. 170 pages.

Reel 25:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 32. (Continues from Reel # 24). Interrogation documents of Moritz Moscovici working at the Israeli Legation, related to his Zionist activity. 1951-52. 172 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 33. Interrogation documents of Moritz Moscovici working at the Israeli Legation, related to his Zionist activity. 1951-52. 364 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 34. Interrogation documents of Charles Philippe Gyr, a Swiss journalist with connections at the German Embassy. Smuggled correspondence for Jews. Long list of prominent people beginning with the Gestapo, the Romanian authorities and politicians, down to Zionist leaders. 1950-52. 366 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 35. Interrogation documents of Charles Philippe Gyr. 1950-52. 330 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 36. Interrogation documents of Charles Philippe Gyr. 1950-52. 242 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 37. Interrogation documents of Benjamin Beer. 1952. 39 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

Reel 26:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 37. Interrogation documents of Benjamin Beer. 1952. (Continues fron Reel # 25). 1952. 205 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 38. Interrogation documents of Benjamin Beer. 1952. (Continues fron Reel # 25). 1952. 314 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 39. Interrogation documents of Benjamin Beer. 1952. (Continues fron Reel # 25). 1952. 328 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 40. Interrogation documents of Benjamin Beer. Various judicial documents. 1952. 363 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

Clandestine transfer of goods 1952. 260 pages. (Note: the poor quality of the film makes the text hard to read).

Reel 27:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 41. Interrogation documents Jean Cohen. (Continues from Reel # 26). Contacts with the Romanian authorities. 1952. 30 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 42. Interrogation documents Jean Cohen. Cohen’s Zionist activity after 1944 and his relations with the Israeli Legation. Cohen’s relations with Filderman. 1952. 298 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 43. Interrogation documents Jean Cohen. Structure and nature of Zionist organizations. 1952. 352 pages.

File #16385.Operating archive. Vol. 44. Interrogation documents Jean Cohen. Contacts with various persons and transmittal of information. Declarations of various persons under arrest: Ion Florin Begnescu, Rachel Michailovici, AVRAM LEIBA Zissu, Misu Benvenisti, Mela Iancu and others. 1952. 354 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 45. Interrogation documents Misu Benvenisti to include additional elements previously omitted. His reaction to the CDE. His relations with Ben Gurion. The conferences in Montreux of the World Jewish Congress. Synopsis of questions and persons present during interrogations. 1950. 283 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 46. Interrogation documents Misu Benvenisti. Comments on his declarations and his relations with Agami from the Israeli Legation. Criticizes the Israeli government. Tries to justify his actions. 1950–51. 284 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 47. Interrogation documents Misu Benvenisti. Gives additional information on his contacts. Confrontation with Radu Lecca, and with AVRAM LEIBA Zissu; a very sharp exchange of opinions with the latter. 1951. 344 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol.48. Interrogation documents Misu Benvenisti. Gives additional information on his contacts and the exchange of correspondence with Istanbul. 1952. 281 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 49. Interrogation documents of Misu Benvenisti on his occupation, his role in the Zionist movement, and his espionage activity. 1952. 330 pages.

Reel 28:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 50. Interrogation documents of Misu Benvenisti, related to the Centrala Evreilor. Organization of the espionage activity. 1952. 390 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 51. Interrogation documents of Misu Benvenisti, related to his connections with the Israeli Legation and his instructions. 1952. 390 pages. Declarations of various personalities related to Misu Benvenisti and his activity. Judicial documents, among them the decree of pardon for Misu Benvenisti, Jean Cohen, and Avram Leiba Zissu. File of Melania Iancu, judicial papers of arrest and release. 1954. Idem: Jean Cohen. Interrogation documents of: Nicolae Schonfeld, Ludovic Gardos, Stefan Krausz, Magda Weissberger, Sidonia Steiner, Magdalena Szigheti, Eugen Rona, Ija Salomon and others related to the Zionist movement in Transylvania. 1952-54. 533 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 52. Interrogation documents Charles Philipp Gyr. Arrested on May 23, 1950 for document irregularity, for hiding a Nazi officer and for espionage. Border and other problems with Hungary. Reports on “Karl Gyr” Swiss engineer in Romania from 1924, regarding his contacts with various personalities. Excerpts from Swiss newspapers. Agitates for closer ties between Switzerland and Germany. His espionage connections with the German engineer Theodor Dermer, in Romania since 1933 and his brother Andreas Dermer. Copy of a Swiss monthly from Oct. 1935, with an article by Karl Gyr : “Youth organizations in Romania”. Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch. 1952. 120 pages.

Reel 29:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 52. (Continues from Reel# 28). Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch on his knowledge of and relations with the Israeli Legation and information transmitted to them. Informative note on Arnold Dagani. List of persons mentioned in the file. 1952. 270 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol.53. Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch regarding his contacts with Halevi from the Israeli Legation. Reports of secret informants on a number of Zionists. Report on discussions and meetings of Zoltan Hirsch after his release in 1951. List of family members and acquaintances at home and abroad. 1952. 400 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol.56. Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch and others. Personal data of: Itzhac Tessler, Anghel Dascalu, Dr. Theodor Loevenstein, Moise Moscovici, Misu Benvenisti, Iosif Gheller, Dr. Heinrich Igner, Iesanu Dan, Dr. Simion Zalman, Shmaiahu Schmidt, Dr. Iancu Cornel, Jacob Ebercorn, Tin(?) Issacson, Chaim Kraft, Iacob Schapira, Bercis Kaufman, Dr. Efraim Aizicovivi, Jean Cohen, Israel Leiwandman, Bernard Rohrlich, Sami Iakercaner, Mela Iancy, Sigismund Spiegel, David Rabinovici, Adam Israel, Isai Stassel, Leon Neciu, David Haimovici and many others. 1052. 410 pages.

Reel 30:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 55. Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch (Starts with pg. 230, in the middle of a document at p. 44, from July 1949). 225 pages. 1949.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 56. (58). Interrogation of Zoltan Hirsch, regarding

the Zionist movement after its dissolution, 1949 Declarations of Zoltan Hirsch and Avram Leiba Zissu, 1952. Judicial documents Karl Gyr. 1954. 446 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 57. Interrogation of Benjamin Beer. List of persons he received information from. Connections with the Israeli Legation. Interrogation of Paula Beer, his sister-in-law. 312 pages. 1952-53.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 58. Excerpts from declarations of Moti Moscovici. 1951-52. Informative notes on: Andrei Aczel, Wilhelm Fisher, Gheorghe Zane, and others. Personal file on Jean Cohen. Result of investigation. List of persons to interrogate. 1951-52. 350 pages.

Reel 31:

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 58. (Continues from Reel # 30). Interrogation of Jean Cohen, Benjamin Beer, Zoltan Hirsch. 1952. 216 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 59. Misu Benvenisti and Jean Cohen. Informative notes and documents related to the activity of various Jewish organizations in 1947. Interrogation of Zionists: Moritz Weiss, Shmaia Steinmetz. Report on the interrogation of Misu Benvenisti. 1952. 223 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 60. Control file: Misu Benvenisti, Avram Leiba Zissu, Jean Cohen, Moritz Moscovici, Melania Iancu, Zoltan Hirsch, Benjamin Beer. March 3, 1954. 270 pages.

File #16385. Operating archive. Vol. 61. Control file: Moritz Weiss, Erich Haas, Ladislau Haber, Carol Reiter, Stefan Kon, Charles Gyr. March 3, 1954. 272 pages.

RG 25.038 Selected Records from Ministerul de Razboi – Cabinetul Ministrului

[ Romanian Ministry of War, Council of Ministers ]

Acc. 2006.269

Extent: 3 microfilm reels


Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Romanian National Archive ( Bucharest, Inventory 22238 )

Restrictions on access:

Restriction on use:

Preferred Citation:

Scope and Content:


Reel 1 files:

64/1940 Iasi, Jews, 4th Army

65/1941-1942 Jews, 4th Army

135/1939-1940 Corps 3rd Army movement, Chisinau ( 1939-1940)

163/1927 Antisemitism

167/1937-1939 Iasi

1970/1939-1941 Jews and relatives

Reel 2 files:

173/1941 Jews, curfew, wearing the star

176/1942 Jewish forced labor

232/1941-1942 Jews

240/1944 list of Jews who did forced labor; Neamt; (1941-1944)

Reel 2 ( end ) and Reel 3 ( start )

152/1943-1944, pp 1-121 “Vspnisska” camp

Reel 3 file

152/1943-1944, pp 122-477 Idem

RG 25.039 Selected records from Ministerul Economiei Naţionale, 1900 -1952

Acc. 2006.270

Extent: 33 microfilm reels

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, From the Romanian State Archives, Fond Ministry of National Economy. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in January 2006.

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: Romanian

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives branch.

Scope and Content: Contains selected records from Ministry of National Economy. Records include following subjects: implementation of legislation regarding Jewish and non-Jewish staff of industries; expropriation of Jewish goods; the anti-Semitic polices of the Iron Guards; Iron Guard control of Jewish companies; surveillance of Jewish commerce; regulations concerning food packages sent to Jews in Transnistria; reports on Jewish commerce; forced labor of Jews in Ilia, in the Hunedoara district; aryanization of Jewish enterprises; memos of W. Filderman about the Jewish star (star of David); orders concerning forced labor of Jews; reports concerning confiscation of Jewish property in the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" and in Slovakia; reports on the situation of Jews in Vaslui district; situation report on Jewish citizenship; confiscation of Jewish property, including abandoned commercial property and Jewish stores; and aryanization of personnel; regulations regarding Jewish-owned companies and confiscation of Jewish companies; ayranization of land; transfer of money to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; deliveries of goods and tools to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; packages of food for the Jews working in forced labor in Transnistria; interdiction of commerce between Jews and peasants in Moldova; interdiction of participation of Jews in public auctions; illegal dealings in Suceava in goods formerly belonging to Jews; and commerce in Moghilev; disbanding of the government directorate of ayranization; table of Volksdeutsche arrested by Romanian soviet detachments and put to work at forced labor; and aid to 500 Jews from Northern Transylvania who were in Switzerland; reacceptance of Jewish employees into the Ministry of Public Works; help for 500 Jews originally from North Transylvania, now in Switzerland; confiscation of goods of ethnic Germans; liquidation of the center for Romanianization; annulment of the legislation which created the center for Romanianization; and the question of Jewish emigration to Palestine.


Inventories nos. 2262, 2263, and 2264 to documents of the Ministry of National Economy

ANIC-2262.doc (Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale)

Fond Ministerul Economiei Naţionale. 1939-1940.

nr. inv. 2262




12. (1939-1940) (209)

Rapoarte ale ataşatului comercial al Rom. în Cehoslovacia, în leg. cu rel. dintre cele două ţări; noua convenţie ceho-română, semnată la Berlin la 20 mai 1939; decretul privind averile evreilor din teritoriul Protectoratului Boemiei şi Moraviei; stabilirea de preţuri, etc.

35. (1939-1941) (322)

Acorduri comerciale încheiate între Rom. şi Cehoslovacia; …..; înfiinţarea Centralei Evreilor, cu sediul la Bratislava; ………………..îndepărtarea evreilor din viaţa economică a Slovaciei; ……….

47. (1939-1941) (89)

Coresp. în legătură cu decizia comitetului de devize al BNR asupra valorilor pe care le posedă refugiaţii polonezi care părăsesc ţara noastră; cereri de devize pt. particulari; preschimbarea emisiunii vechi de zloţi polonezi ai Băncii Poloniei, cu noua emisiune pt. Guvernământul de ocupaţie germană în Polonia; existenţa banilor nemţeşti la ţigani; trafic de vlaută practicat de evrei; contrabandă cu aur, etc.




DIRECŢIA MATERIILOR PRIME (Inventar, p. 54-56): -

DIRECŢIA MINELOR (Inventar, p. 56-97): -


DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 102-111): -


1. (1939) (49)

Dare de seamă asupra activităţii Comisiei pt. utilizarea personalului român în întreprinderi, pe raza Inspectoratului XII. industrial; rapoarte, referate, privind starea de spirit; coresp. referit. la aplicarea Legii pt. utilizarea personalului român în întreprinderi.

2. (1939) (28)

Jurnalul Comisiei pt. încadrarea personalului român în întreprinderi, referit. la aplicarea de avertismente, amenzi întreprinderilor contraveniente, vol. I.

3. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. II.

4. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. III.

5. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. IV.

6. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. V.

7. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. VI.

8. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. VII.

9. (1939) (-)

Idem, vol. VIII.

DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 112-117): -


DIRECŢIA SECRETARIAT (Inventar, p. 1-19):

41. (1940) (349)

Buletine informative, privind activ. comercială, exproprierea bunurilor ce aparţineau evreilor; situaţia Camerelor de Comerţ din ţară; starea de spirit a populaţiei.

45. (1940) (57)

Cupuri din ziarele vremii privind refacerea Bas. şi Bucov., aşezarea industriei în Bas; declaraţiile lui Alex. Constant asupra politicii interne şi externe şi fundamentele ideologice ale Statului Naţional Legionar; armonizarea raporturilor dintre fisc şi contribuabili, etc.

46. (1940) (777)

Buletine informative ale DGP şi Siguranţei Statului, privind manifestul şi apelul generaţiei naţionaliste de la 1927; reînfiinţarea Uniunii Naţionale a Studenţilor Creştini Români; informaţii despre…… …….. ……. …….. ……. …….. …….. …….. ……… ……. ……….. ……….. ………… ………… acţiunile evreilor în leg. cu măsurile antisemite; situaţia populaţiei româneşti din teritoriile cedate Ungariei; ……….. ……

48. (1940) (120)

Coresp. între PCM şi MecN, referitor la executarea hotărârilor luate de gen. I. Antonescu, privind…. ……… ………… ………… ………… ………… ……… ; politica antisemită şi de românizare; …………; politica antisemită a regimului; ……….. ……… ………. ….. ……….. ………. ………… ……….. …………………… ………………. …………. ………..

50. (1940) (243)

Raport către poliţia legionară, privind acţiunile întreprinse de legionari în fabrica “Munca Textilă” şi sabotarea acestora de către comunişti; cores. refer. la politica antisemită, numirea în comisiile de românizare; bilanţurile unor întreprinderi, etc.

59. (1940) (192)

Decrete-legi privind fixarea atribuţiilor Subsecretariatului de Stat al Colonizării populaţiei evacuate; …………… ……………. ……………….. ……………… …………. …………. ……….. ………….; înfiinţarea Comisariatului general al românilor din teritoriile evacuate; ………….. ……….. ………. ………… ………. …….. ………

60. (1940) (175)

Decrete-legi, proiecte de lege pt. …………… ……… ……….. …………. ………… ……. ………..; înfiinţarea Oficiului lânii; strângerea materiei prime necesară industriilor prelucrătoare de lână; fixarea atribuţiilor Subsecretariatului de Stat al colonizării şi populaţiei evacuate; emigrarea evreilor şi situaţia juridică a evreilor din Rom., etc.

63. (1940-1947) (-)

Proiect de lege privind cetăţenia română a persoanelor care au intrat în Rom. în temeiul Tratatului dintre Rom. şi Bulgaria semnat la Craiova la 7 sept. 1940; .………. ……………. ………….. …………… …………… …………. ……….. ; situaţia românilor macedoneni stabiliţi în Rom.; rolul Societăţii de cultură macedo-română.


5. (1940) (188)

Decizii ale Comisiei pentru încadrarea personalului în întreprinderi, referitoare la sancţionarea unor patroni de fabrici, ateliere pt. abateri de la dispoziţiile art. 8 al. b din legea pentru utilizarea personalului românesc în întreprinderi, vol. I.

6. (1940) (184)

Idem, vol. II.

33. (1940) (87)

Memoriu asupra………………….propuneri……….. coresp. referitoare la ……. ………. ……… promovarea unei politici antisemite de către unii reprezentanţi ai burgheziei; …….


1. (1940-1943) (61)

Expunere de motive, anteproiect de lege pt. reglem. comerţului ambulant, al bâlciurilor şi lichidărilor de mărfuri, a comerţului ambulant şi a profesiei de comis voiajor; ……….. ……. ……….. ……….

63. (1940-1941) (191)

Memorii, coresp., situaţii, cupuri din ziare, privind înfiinţarea unui serviciu de orientare zilnică asupra preţurilor pe piaţa mondială, încurajarea elementelor româneşti în comerţ;

revizuirea procentajului salariaţilor străini din întreprinderi; politica antisemită din întreprinderile comerciale; informarea MecN către PCM asupra stării juridice a evreilor din Rom.; acţiunile mişcării legionare de a prelua forţat firmele evreieşti; propuneri de naţionalizarea comerţului, etc.

66. (1940-1941) (120)

Decrete, memorii, referate, coresp. privind ……. ……….. ………. ………; starea juridică a evreilor; ……….. ……….. ………………… ……………. …………. ………….

78. (1940-1941) (217)

Coresp., memorii, privind ….. …….. …….. ; încadrarea personalului românesc; ……. ….. ………; controlul firmelor evreieşti; acordarea de împrumuturi pt. dezvoltarea comerţului; funcţionarea poliţiei economice legionare, etc.

79. (1940) (146)

Tabele cu firmele societăţilor în nume colectiv sau în comandită, aparţinând total sau în parte cetăţenilor români de origine etnică maghiară, înscrise în Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie.


1. (1940-1946) (363)

Coresp. adresată MecN de către Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară în leg. cu ….. …. …….; comerţul evreiesc, firme înregistrate; …… ……. …….

Urmează multe dosare privitor la firme; pe Camere de Comerţ şi Industrie. Alfabetic.



4. (1940-1941) (69)

Coresp. în leg. cu expedierea în străinătate a unor colete de alimente fără cedarea de devize; trimiterea de colete prizonierilor francezi din Germania; permise lunare de export pentru prizonierii de război internaţi în lagărele din Germania; expedierea de pachete cu alimente evreilor din Transilvania; elevilor de la şcoala militară din Germania.


DIRECŢIA CONTROLULUI (Inventar, p. 70-71): -


1. (1940) (193)

Rapoarte ale ataşaţilor comerciali în diferite ţări (Bulgaria, Grecia, Portugalia, Cehoslovacia, Elveţia) privind …….. ………… ………. ………. ………. ……….. ……… …… ……… situaţia evreilor ce activează în viaţa economică şi financiară; ……. ………

23. (1940-1942) (341)

Rapoarte ale agenţiei econ. a Rom. în Cehoslovacia, în leg. cu schimburile comerciale între cele două ţări, …….. …….. ………… ……… ………. ………. ………. ……………….. ………………….. depozite de bani aparţinând evreilor; dirijarea economiei evreieşti bugetare; prestarea de muncă obligatorie, etc.

24. (1940) (199)

Rapoarte ale ataşatului comercial al Rom. în Cehoslovacia, în leg. cu ………. ………… …….. …….. prestarea de muncă obligatorie de către evrei şi ţigani; ……… ……….. ……..; legislaţia privind problema evreiască în Slavacia; ……… ………. ………. ….

51. (1940-1941) (326)

Rapoarte, note, coresp. în leg. cu relaţiile comerciale dintre Rom. şi Iugoslavia …… ………… …………. ………… ……….. ……… interzicerea evreilor de a face comerţ cu produse alimentare [în Iugoslavia]; ………


DIRECŢIA MINELOR (Inventar, p. 99-135): -

DIRECŢIA PETROLULUI (Inventar, p. 135-154): -

DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 154-161): -


DIRECŢIA M.O.N.T. (Inventar, p. 164-168): -

DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 168-176): -

ANIC-2263.doc (Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale)

Fond Ministerul Economiei Naţionale. 1941-1942.

nr. inv. 2263


DIRECŢIA SECRETARIAT (Inventar, p. 1-28):

29 (1941) (229)

Coresp. între Camerele de Comerţ şi Ind. din ţară şi MEN în leg. cu aplicarea ordinului circular privind aplicarea Legii pt. reglem. exercitării comerţului, constatarea contravenienţelor la lege; situaţia comerţului exercitat de firme evreieşti, starea juridică a cetăţenilor evrei.

30 (1941) (219)

Coresp. între MEN şi diferite instituţii din ţară, în leg. cu efectuarea de importuri de materii prime; reglementarea problemelor evreieşti în Rom.; înfiinţarea unui birou al emigrărilor; decret-lege pt. stabilirea schimburilor cu străinătatea; prelungirea termenului pt. negocierea devizelor; observaţii asupra ultimelor dispoziţii legale relativ la acţiuni şi societăţi anonime; act constitutiv şi Statutul Societăţii Franco-Române de petrol “Columbia”; tabel al acţionarilor societăţii, etc.

32 (1941) (52)

Comunicate ale PCM trimise MEN ref. la situaţia internă, proclamaţia gen. I. Antonescu cu ocazia recensământului general al ţării; reprimarea sabotajului ec.; bugetul pe a. 1941; scris. lui Horia Sima adresată lui I. Antonescu cât şi răspunsul acestuia din 22 martie 1941 şi respectiv 10 aprilie 1941.

34 (1941) (36)

Declaraţii ale salariaţilor MEN, ref. la participarea la mişc. legionară.

35 (1941) (209)

Declaraţii ale personalului Direcţiei Organizaţiilor Profesionale, ale Comerţului, Industriei şi Meşteşugurilor, privind averea personală, funcţia ce o au în cadrul direcţiei.

37 (1941) (70)

Buletine informative ale I.G.J. ref. la activitatea unor funcţionari legionari; ………… ……..; concedierea unor lucrători participanţi la rebeliunea legionară; ….... ……..

42 (1941-1943) (35)

xpunere de motive şi proiecte de lege privind centralizarea, organizarea şi efectuarea unei conduceri (sic!) întrebuinţarea practică a evreilor din ţară; lichidarea bunurilor evreieşti şi pregătirea emigrării acestora din ţară; decret-lege privitor la creanţele ipotecare aparţinând evreilor; corespondenţă primită din partea Legaţiei din Vichy, privind acţiunea de ştampilare a titlurilor aparţinând societăţilor petroliere româneşti în Franţa; date asupra planului de înzestrare a economiei naţionale franceze.

43 (1941-1943) (213)

….. ……… ……… ……… ………. ……… ……… ……….. ……………… …………. …………… ………………….. ………. ; refacerea comerţului românesc în Basarabia şi Bucovina; ………… …………..; mutarea taberei de concentrare a evreilor de la Ilia, jud. Hunedoara; …………. …………… ……………… …………….. ……………. …………. …….

45 (1941-1942) (202)

Decrete-lege privind măsuri de activare a vieţii economice în Bas. şi Buc. de Nord; finanţarea, românizarea întreprinderilor comerciale şi industriale; ……….. …………….. ………… ……………. ……………… …………….. …………….. ………….. ………………

46 (1941-1942) (140)

………… ……………..; trecerea Institutului Central de Statistică la PCM; buletine informative privind situaţia internă; activitatea comunistă, a bandelor legionare; pagube săvârşite în timpul 21-24 ianuarie 1941; …………. ……….; lichidarea comisiilor de românizare; ……………………………

47 (1941) (323)

………….. …………….. ……………. …………; memoriul lui W. Filderman, preşed. Federaţiei Uniunilor de comunităţi evreieşti din ţară, referitor la introducerea obligativităţii purtării semnului distinctiv de către popul. evreiască; ……… ……….. ………. ………; ordonanţă privind constituirea detaşamenetelor de lucrători evrei pt. prestarea de munci de folos obştesc.

50 (1941) (152)

Cores. între PCM şi MEN privind: …………….. ……. …….. ………. …………. ………… …………. ……….. ……………. ……; starea juridică a locuitorilor evrei din România; …….. ………… …………… …………. ………… …………; articolul “Bazele românizării economiei” apărut în ziarul “Universul” din 19 iunie 1941.

52 (1941-1942) (144)

……….. ………. ……..; notă asupra averii statului din com. Sebeş, jud. Alba şi politica antisemită a regimului; românizarea întreprinderilor evreieşti şi trecerea acestora în mâna legionarilor; ………….. ……………… ………….. ……………

54 (1941) (75)

Memorii ale unor întreprinderi din ţară, adresate MEN, referitor la concedierea lucrătorilor evrei; situaţii statistice privind situaţia personalului pe naţionalităţi.

55 (1941) (246)

Declaraţii ale funcţionarilor salariaţi ai Direcţiilor Organizaţiilor Profesionale ale Comerţului, Industriei şi Meşteşugurilor, referitor la modul în care şi-au petrecut timpul în zilele de 21-24 ianuarie 1941.

60 (1941) (58)

Tabele cu funcţionarii care au fost înscrişi în mişcarea legionară şi care fac parte din MEN.

61 (1941) (175)

Coresp. între MEN şi Camerele de Comerţ din ţară, privind informări în leg. cu participarea salariaţilor la rebeliunea din 21-24 ianuarie 1941.

64 (1941) (155)

Note informative privind: ……….. ………. ……….. ………….. ………… ………….. …..; memoriul comunităţilor evreieşti asupra situaţiei populaţiei de origine evreiască din jud. Vaslui; scutirea de muncă a unor lucrători evrei; ……….

65 (1941) (391)

………..; informaţii privind activitatea unor legionari la Uzinele Mărgineanca, jud. Prahova; ………………….; românizarea comerţului; protocolul introducerii organizaţiei TODT în România; …………………

66 (1941) (41)

Coresp. între MAI şi MEN referitor la constituirea consiliului de prefectură; simularea unor transferuri de fonduri comerciale evreieşti asupra soţiilor unor funcţionari publici; …. …….. ……… ……… ………

67 (1941-1942) (93)

Memorii adresate lui I. Antonescu şi PCM, referitoare la reglementarea comerţului ambulant şi eliberarea cărţuliilor pentru exercitarea comerţului, ……… …………., situaţia evreilor care au cetăţenia străină; ………..

68 (1941) (53)

Coresp. între Direcţiile din minister şi Direcţia Personalului Secretariatului, ref. la colectele sau reţinerile din salariu, pt. fosta organizaţie “Ajutorul Legionar”.

69 (1941) (161)

……………. ……………. ……………. ……………………….; materialul documentar în vederea întocmirii unui proiect de decret pt. unificarea dispoziţiilor legale în materie de românizare; ……………

70 (1941) (154)

…….. ………. ……… ………. ……; referat asupra atribuţiilor comisarilor speciali pt. românizarea vieţii economice; instituirea muncii obşteşti pentru evrei; ……. ……… ………. ……… ………. ………..

72 (1941) (53)

Coresp. între MEN şi prefecturi, privind măsurile luate împotriva participanţilor la rebeliunea legionară din 21-24 ianuarie 1941.

73 (1941-1942) (77)

Circulare ale Min. de Finanţe privind………………; referat privind constituirea unei comisii de anchetă pt. stabilirea măsurilor împotriva participanţilor la mişc. legionară din 21-23 ianuarie 1941.

75 (1941) (118)

Coresp. între MAN şi Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară ref. la activitatea funcţionarilor în zilele de 21-23 ianuarie 1941; măsuri ale prefecturilor judeţene pt. restabilirea ordinii publice, vol. I.

76 (1941) (184)

Idem, vol. II.

77 (1941) (303)

Idem, vol. III.

78 (1941) (210)

Idem, vol. IV.

79 (1941) (167)

Decizii, tabele, corespondenţă privind numirea comisarilor speciali de românizare pe lângă firmele industriale şi comerciale, conform Decretului-lege 3122/14 sept. 1940.

DIRECŢIA INDUSTRIEI (Invenatar, p. 28-39):

41 (1941) (25)

Raportul ing. G. Ioaniţiu, referitor la situaţia industriilor din Bas. şi Bucov. de Nord pe ramuri de producţie; consideraţii asupra industriei din Bas. şi Buc. de Nord; referat asupra memoriului industriaşilor şi comercianţilor din Bucov., înaintat mareş. Ion Antonescu, în leg. cu situaţia existentă în această provincie.



67 (1941-1942) (161)

Coresp., memorii privind predarea unor firme evreieşti din Bas., Bucov. şi Transn., care urmează a fi repartizate unor administratori din Rom.

68 (1941) (35)

Decret-lege pt. revizuirea unor convenţii de vânzare-cumpărare intervenite între comercianţii evrei şi românii de origine etnică, de la 4 sept. 1940 – 24 ian. 1941; memorii cuprinzând date referitoare la patrimoniul legionar; situaţia aprovizionării în Ardeal; referat privind întreprinderile comerciale şi industriale sub raportul originii etnice; buletine informative, privind noul regim al preţurilor.

72 (1941-1942) (105)

Decret-lege privitor la preluarea şi punerea în activitate a unor întreprinderi comerciale aparţinând evreilor şi lăsate în părăsire; cores. privind organizarea evreilor; preluarea magazinelor evreieşti de către olteni; situaţia firmelor înmatriculate în Basarabia; ordonanţe asupra comerţului cu piei de miel Karakul şi Metis Karakul.

78 (1941) (109)

Memoriu, coresp. privind autorizarea călătoriilor în Bas. şi Bucov., pt. românizarea comerţului; reactivarea vieţii economice.

79 (1941) (486)

Cores. cu Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie, bursele de mărfuri, privind participarea funcţionarilor MEN la rebeliunea legionară din 21-24 ian. 1941; abuz de autoritate şi samavolniciile comise de legionari; rapoarte ale comisarilor de românizare a întreprinderilor şi comerţului; dezvoltarea producţiei în Bas. şi Bucov.

80 (1941-1942) (325)

Decret-lege privitor la preluarea şi punerea în activitate a unor întreprinderi comerciale aparţinând evreilor şi lăsate în nelucrare, românizarea personalului din întreprinderi şi înlesnirea emigrării evreilor, etc.

83 (1941-1944) (44)

…….. …………. ………… ………… …………… ………… coresp. referitoare la susţinerea intereselor Camerei de Comerţ şi Industrie Bacău în procesele comercianţilor evrei, care nu sunt cetăţeni români, radierea unor firme aparţinând evreilor care nu sunt cetăţeni români; memoriul Directoratului Economiei Naţionale, la legea 156, publicată în M.O. din 16 martie 1943, privitor la autorizarea continuării comerţului în Bas. şi Buc. de Nord.

86 (1941) (381)

Procese-verbale, coresp., tabele privind capitalul întreprinderilor; acţionari, statute, bilanţuri încheiate la 31 dec.; decizia MEN referitoare la utilizarea personalului românesc; limitarea participării cetăţenilor străini în întreprinderi; modificarea procentului salariaţilor străini; legea pt. controlul personalului străin din întreprinderi.

87 (1941) (193)

Referate, procese-verbale, coresp. privind acţiunea de românizare a întreprinderilor, capitalul social, membrii Consiliului de Administraţie, acţiuni şi acţionari.

88 (1941) (253)

Procese-verbale, declaraţii privind preluarea magazinelor evreieşti de către negustorii români.

89 (1941) (-)

Coresp. referitoare la scutirea de mobilizare a unor comercianţi, în vederea preluării comerţului de la evrei. Vol. I.

90 (1941-1942) (-)

Idem, vol. II.


1 (1941) (78)

Rapoarte, referate, memorii înaintate MEN de către Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară, în leg. cu exercitarea atribuţiilor stabilite acestor organe de circumscripţii, aplicarea legii fiscale; activitatea firmelor evreieşti; continuarea comerţului acestor firme; cerceri pt. românizarea firmelor evreieşti; condiţii pt. radierea firmelor.

2 (1941-1942) (37)

Raport privind activitatea Direcţiei Organizaţiilor Profesionale; realizările Direcţiei Comerţului Interior de la 6 sept. 1942; referat asupra românizării comerţului; măsuri luate de MEN pt. îmbunătăţirea activităţii comerciale în ţară.

3 (1941) (37)

………… ………… …………….. situaţia comercianţilor angrosişti evrei, din diferite oraşe, …………….. ……………

106 (1941) (22)

Coresp. în leg. cu răspunsurile Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară la circulara MEN – Serviciul pt. înregistrarea firmelor, referitor la situţia farmaciilor din ţară deţinute de evrei.

108 (1941-1947) (74)

Memorii, coresp. în leg. cu preluarea de către cetăţenii români a unor firme proprietatea unor cetăţeni evrei.

109 (1941-1945) (175)

Memorii, coresp. privind contestaţii ale proprietarilor de firme împotriva hotărârei Comitetului de Direcţie al Camerei de Comerţ şi Industrie Lugoj, prin care nu le autorizează exercitarea comerţului din cauza originii etnice; avizarea comerţului, radierea sau suspendarea acestuia.

142 (1941-1947) (37)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Piatra Neamţ.

143 (1941-1947) (146)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Ploieşti.

144 (1941-1947) (24)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Piteşti.

145 (1941-1944) (39)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Roman.

146 (1941-1947) (7)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Rm. Vâlcea.

147 (1941-1944) (19)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Slatina.

148 (1941-1946) (298)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Timişoara. Vol. I.

149 (1941-1943) (198)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Timişoara. Vol. II.

150 (1941) (27)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Tr. Măgurele.

151 (1941-1944) (34)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Tr. Severin.

152 (1941-1943) (18)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Vaslui.

153 (1941-1948) (366)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, litera C.

154 (1941-1947) (264)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele D, E.

155 (1941-1947) (374)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele G-I.

156 (1941-1947) (409)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele G-J.

157 (1941-1945) (79)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele L.

158 (1941-1946) (194)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele M.

159 (1941-1946) (147)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele N-O.

160 (1941-1946) (345)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele P-R.

161 (1941-1944) (134)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele R.

162 (1941-1945) (238)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele S.

163 (1941-1945) (163)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele T.

164 (1941-1946) (119)

Idem, privind Camera de Comeţ şi Industrie Bucureşti, literele V-Z.





DIRECŢIA CONTROLULUI (Inventar, p. 138-139): -

DIRECŢIA GENERALĂ A MINELOR (Inventar, p. 139-169): -

DIRECŢIA PETROLULUI (Inventar, p. 169-197): -


DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 201-204): -

DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 204-210): -


DIRECŢIA SECRETARIAT (Inventar, p. 1-49):

2 (1942) (83)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN privind alocarea de fonduri pt. ajutorarea comercianţilor din Bas.; politica generală a preţurilor; politica antisemită a guv. Antonescu; lipsa materiilor prime; decret-lege pt. românizarea presonalului din întreprinderi; rapoarte asupra situaţiei Băncii Ardelene S.A. din Cluj şi a filialelor sale; ……. …………. …………… …………. ………………… ……………………… ………………… …………..

3 (1942) (130)

Coresp. între PCM şi Delegaţia economică a guvernului referit. la românizarea întreprinderilor ……. ……………. ……………… …………….. ……………… …………….. …………. ……………. ………….. …….. convertirea în bani a obligaţiei evreilor de a presta muncă de folos obştesc; situaţia românilor din Serbia, etc.

14 (1942-1944) (102)

Memorii, referate privind ………………………hotărârea Delegaţiei Economice a guvernului în privinţa propunerii Centralei evreilor de a colecta suma de lei de la evreii scutiţi de muncă, pt. ajutorarea familiilor evreilor ce execută muncă de folos obştesc; ………….. …………………. ……………… ……………….. …………….. …………….. ………………………… …………

32 (1942) (65)

Memoriul Centralei Runiunilor Asociaţiei meseriaşilor, comercianţilor, industriaşilor şi muncitorilor români din Timişoara, adresat prof. Ion. N. Fintescu – ministrul Economiei Naţionale –, în leg. cu intenţia de românizare a vieţii economice şi aportul adus de asociaţie; rapoarte, coresp. privind întreţinerea gărzilor militare în întreprinderi; ………… ……….; asocierea personalului evreiesc de la Societatea Carpatina; ………. …….. ………….. …………… …………..

33 (1942) (93)

Decret-lege pt. derogarea de la dispoziţiile art. 57-81, 168, 171 din Codul Funcţionarilor Publici; ………… …………… …………… …….. Situaţia pădurilor ce au aparţinut evreilor şi care au fost trecute în proprietatea C.N.R.; …………. …………. …………… ………….. …

42 (1942) (107)

Rapoarte, referate, memorii, note, coresp. privind: ……….. ………. ……… atitudinea antisemită în Societatea Romanofir; ……….. ………… ………… ………… …………. ….. ……….

58 (1942) (122)

Raportul Directorului Economiei Naţionale din Bucovina eliberată; plângerea negustorilor români din Cetatea Albă în leg. cu procurarea de mărfuri; dare de seamă asupra activităţii comerciale desfăşurată în Basarabia; numărul comercianţilor necesari pe specialităţi şi localităţi; eliberarea de autorizaţii pt. exercitarea comerţului de la Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Bălţi; notă asupra proiectului de lege pt. unele măsuri legislative privind Bas. şi Bucov. de Nord; situaţia fabricilor rămase în Basarabia şi Buc. de Nord; pirderile suferite prin cedarea de teritorii în 1940; memoriul lui Eugen Pavelescu adresat lui Mihai Antonescu, referitor la crearea unei economii pur româneşti; politica antisemită în dom. economic; decizie de înfiinţare a Direcţiei Românizării şi Administrării Bunurilor Statului din Provincia Bucovina; harta industriei mari din Basarabia.

62 (1942) (64)

Coresp. între MEN şi PCM referit. la ………. ……….. ………. ………. ……… ……… ……… ………. deportarea evreilor care se opun măsurilor luate de guvern; …….

96 (1942) (16)

Lucrarea ing. Ath. Vovu, intitulată “Fascismul, o concepţie de viaţă nouă şi constructivă despre popor şi despre stat”, publicată la Bucureşti, 1942.

106 (1942) (24)

Declaraţii ale avocaţilor din cadrul MEN, în leg. cu folosirea timpului în perioada rebeliunii legionare.

108 (1942) (54)

Coresp. privind anchetarea lui Al. Corban, verificator la Direcţia Măsuri, Greutăţi şi Metale Preţioase, acuzat pt. simpatizarea mişcării legionare.

114 (1942-1943) (52)

Coresp. privind întrebuinţarea evreilor pt. munca de folos obştesc; instrucţiuni refer. la munca obligatorie a evreilor, conf. ord. M.St.M. nr. 55.500 din 27 mai 1942; aplicarea legii 59, publicată în M.O. nr. 28 din 3 febr. 1943, relativ la sancţionarea evreilor nesupuşi la chemare sau dezertorii de la munca obligatorie.

DIRECŢIA INDUSTRIEI (Inventar, p. 49-65):

28 (1942) (80)

Studiu privind economia românească în anul 1942 (situaţia industriei, comerţului, românizarea comerţului şi industriei; comerţul exterior, finanţele; transporturile şi căile de comunicaţie, etc.

93 (1942) (228)

Situaţia contingentului de celofibră în ianuarie 1942 şi repartizarea la filaturile de bumbac; situaţia întreprinderilor textile cu capital englez sau american, capital evreiesc; ……… …………….. …………….. ……………………. ………………………….. ………….


DIRECŢIA MATERIILOR PRIME (Inventar, p. 68-70): -


71 (1942-1943) (66)

Cores. între Min. Ind. şi Comerţului şi Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară în leg. cu regimul firmelor ai căror proprietari sunt evrei; circulări ale Ministerului în acest sens.

73 (1942-1946) (68)

Cores. în leg. cu determinarea originii etnice a acţionarilor U.D.R.; exercitarea comerţului de către cetăţenii de origine străină; românizarea comerţului prin organizarea cursurilor de ucenici, …………. ………… ………. …………………. ……


129 (1942) (299)

Memorii, cores. privind cereri de preluarea firmelor de comerţ ce au aparţinut evreilor şi trecerea acestora în regim de societăţi în nume colectiv; avize ale Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului, Direcţia Românizării. Vol. I.

130 (1942) (252)

Idem. Vol. II.

131 (1942-1945) (309)

Memorii, referate, corespondenţă în leg. cu românizarea unor firme aparţinând cetăţenilor evrei; constituirea de societăţi; legalizarea activităţii firmelor comerciale preluate de la cetăţenii români; etc. Vol. I.

132 (1942-1945) (207)

Idem. Vol. II.

133 (1942-1945) (243)

Idem. Vol. III.

134 (1942-1944) (415)

Memorii, corespondenţă privind autorizarea unor cetăţeni de origine străină de a practica comerţul în diferite oraşe din ţară; radierea unor firme; preluarea unor firme evreieşti de către români, în procesul de românizare a comerţului.

135 (1942-1943) (404)

Memorii, coresp. privind cererile unor comercianţi de naţionalitate străină, de a fi autorizaţi să-şi exercite profesia, să-şi extindă obiectul comerţului sau să-şi înceteze activitatea.

136 (1942-1947) (283)

Memorii, referate, coresp. în leg. cu autorizarea de către Camera de Comerţ şi Ind. Braşov de exercitare a comerţului de către persoane de naţionalitate străină. Vol. I.

137 (1942) (190)

Idem. Vol. II.

138 (1942-1945) (230)

Memorii, referate, privind autorizarea radierii unor firme comerciale înmatriculate la Cam. de Comerţ şi Ind. Arad.

139 (1941-1945) (213)

Memorii, referate, privind autorizarea radierii unor firme comerciale înmatriculate la Cam. de Comerţ şi Ind. Tr. Măgurele.




1 (1942-1943) (45)

Memoriul Oficiului Naţional de Comerţ SAR adresat Cons. de Miniştri în leg. cu relaţiile economice cu Germania; exercitarea comerţului în exclusivitate prin firme evreieşti; note informative asupra importului de materii prime şi a exportului de cereale; camuflarea unor firme evreieşti.

7 (1942) (10)

Coresp. în leg. cu expedierea de colete soldaţilor belgieni aflaţi prizonieri în Germania prin intermediul Crucii Roşii din România; expedierea de formulare pt. recenzarea evreilor supuşi statului român.


DIRECŢIA MINELOR (Inventar, p. 154-177): -

DIRECŢIA PETROLULUI (Inventar, p. 178-190): -


DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 192-196): -

DIRECŢIA MOBILIZĂRII (Inventar, p. 197-237): -

DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 237-241): -

ANIC-2264.doc (Arhivele Naţionale Istorice Centrale)

Fond Ministerul Economiei Naţionale. 1943-1944.

nr. inv. 2264


DIRECŢIA SECRETARIAT (Inventar, p. 1-65):

1 (1943) (79)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN privind………….. ………. ………… ……….. …………. …….. ………… ………românizarea Institutului de Credit Românesc; …………… …………. ………….. …………….

2 (1943) (341)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului interministerial al MEN referitor la ………… ….ajutorarea românilor din Banatul sârbesc şi Timoc; ……….. ……….. ………… ……… ……..românizarea comerţului; …………… …………. ……….acordarea de credite pt. arendaşii moşiilor expropriate de la evrei; ……….. ………. …………… ……… …………… …….

5 (1943) (96)

Note informative, referate, rapoarte, buletine privind ………… ………….. ………….. …………… …………………….. ……………transfer de monedă (lei) pt. evreii aflaţi în lagărele din Transnistria; ……………; repartizarea către Consiliul de partaj a unor bunuri din Transnistria; îndepărtarea din viaţa economică a unui mare număr de evrei, etc.

6 (1943) (154)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN: note, rapoarte privind mersul administrării bunurilor românizate din Basarabia şi Bucov.; …………….. …………….. …………………. ………… ………… ………………crearea unui organ care să acorde evreilor autorizaţie de acţionar în întreprinderi; aprovizionarea evreilor din Moldova; trasarea noii frontiere dintre Rom. şi Ungaria; activitatea legionară a unor persoane din MEN; politica antisemită; ……………..

7 (1943) (153)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Comisiei Interministeriale, privind…….. ………. ……….. …….livrarea de materiale şi unelte pt. evreii din Transnistria; ………

8 (1943) (222)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului Interministerial, referitor la activitatea controlorilor şi comisarilor speciali de pe lângă întreprinderi; folosirea prizonierilor ruşi la muncile agricole; ………………..despăgubirea creditorilor evrei expropriaţi de C.N.R.; ………………. ………………..

11 (1943) (137)

Coresp. între Guvernământul Transnistriei – Direcţia Economică şi MEN, referitor la…….. ………. ……………. ………… …….repararea şi conservarea bunurilor rămase de la evreii evacuaţi şi de la germanii repatriaţi din Bucov., etc.

12 (1943) (145)

Rapoarte, referate, acte informative privind……… …………. …………. ………….. …aducerea din Transnistria a doi specialişti evrei necesari SAR “Cartonul Românesc”; comunicatul Asociaţiei refugiaţilor din Ardealul de Nord, referitor la atitudinea Dr. I. V. Vancea, avocat, expulzat din Cluj de către autorităţile maghiare.

15 (1943) (87)

Coresp., note informative privind convocarea adunării generale a societăţii “Nistriana”; nemulţumirile salariaţilor………; ……………….; examinarea problemei transporturilor de lei de către evreii aflaţi în lagărele din Transnistria; ………. ……….. ……. ………. ……………….. …………..

16 (1943) (90)

Coresp., note, referate, în leg. cu ………………….înfiinţarea de cooperative în centrele româneşti din Macedonia şi Timocul sârbesc; …………………..; creşterea personalului evreiesc în întreprinderi; politica antisemită a conducătorului militar al întreprinderii moara “România Mare”; ………….; românizarea comerţului făcut de ţărani în Moldova; ……… …………… …………… ……….. ………………..

18 (1943) (206)

Coresp. între MEN şi Min. de Finanţe în leg. cu …………. ………………… …………….. …………………..ajutorarea românilor din Timoc; expedierea de colete pt. evreii din detaşamentele de lucru din Transnistria; ajutoarea sinistraţilor de pe urma bombardamentelor; ajutorarea refugiaţilor din Caucaz care au adus folos regimului german în timpul ocupaţiei oraşului Kislovdsk, etc.

19 (1943) (295)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului interministerial al MEN, referitor la ……………. ……….. ……………. ……………. ……………… ………….. interzicerea comerţului evreiesc cu ţăranii din Moldova; conservarea bunurilor rămase de la evreii evacuaţi şi germanii repatriaţi din Basarabia, etc.

20 (1943) (248)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului interministerial referitor la aprovizionarea cu cereale a românilor din Ardealul de Nord; ………………; expedierea de colete şi bani pt. evreii din Transnistria; ………..; credite pt. arendaşii bunurilor evreieşti; …………. ………….

21 (1943) (301)

Procese-verbale ale Cons. interministerial din cadrul MEN referitor la ………… ………… ………….……… ………………înlăturarea firmelor evreieşti de la licitaţii; ………….. …………. ………………… …………………. …………………..

25 (1943) (169)

Rapoarte, note, coresp. privind……….. ………….; atitudinea antisemită în domeniul comerţului în Moldova; ……………… ……………. ……………… ………….. ………. ………….. ………………………… ………. ………………… ………………………. …………………………. ……………….

26 (1943) (142)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN referitor la ……………….aprobarea a 20 vagoane de porumb pt. populaţia din Bucovina şi populaţia huţulană; ……………………..; repatrierea românilor refugiaţi în Germania care au locuit în Basarabia înainte de declanşarea războiului; finanţarea opererei de românizare a Institutului de Credit Românesc; modalităţile de plată a bunurilor trecute în patrimoniul statului, în baza legilor de românizare; ……………… ……………………. ……………….. …………………………

28 (1943) (184)

Coresp. între MEN şi diferite instituţii, note informative asupra activităţii evreului Alberth Beher, cetăţean francez, în leg. cu culegerea de informaţii; ………………….; tabel cu creanţele mai importante ale debitorilor evrei din Basarabia şi Bucovina de Nord ale căror bunuri au intrat în patrimoniul statului; funcţionarea comisiei pt. evaluarea şi inventarierea obiectelor şi valorilor provenind de la evreii din Bas. şi Bucov.; anularea creanţelor(?) de scutire de muncă obligatorie şi exercitarea profesiunii; dispoziţia comunităţii maghiare din România, în leg. cu interzicerea înstrăinării vitelor aparţinând minoritarilor unguri; evacuarea industriilor din Transn.; stabilirea valorii bunurilor germanilor repatriaţi în Reich, etc.

29 (1943) (83)

Note informative privind……. ………………… ………………. ………….. …………… ……..înregistrarea bunurilor din Basarabia; ………….. ……; camuflarea comerţului evreiesc, etc.

32 (1943) (78)

Referate, rapoarte, memorii, procese-verbale privind cererea societăţii “Filmul Românesc” de a alege un nou consiliu de administraţie în locul celui dizolvat după evenimentele din ianuarie 1941 şi acţiunile frauduloase (societatea înfiinţată în nov. 1940 cu denumirea “Filmul Legionar”, având 256 fondatori membri ai mişcării legionare, preşedinte Nichifor Crainic).

33 (1943) (45)

Circulară a Băncii Româneşti în leg. cu ……………. …………… …………… …………..transferul de lei pt. evreii aflaţi în lagărele din Transnistria; situaţia băncilor româneşti în Ardealul de Nord, în urma arbitrajului de la Viena; memoriul Uniunii Generale a Micilor Industriaşi şi Meseriaşi, referitor la consecinţele reintrării capitalului evreiesc în industrie; ……………..

37 (1943) (82)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului Interministerial din MEN referitoare la …………; situaţia evreilor din întreprinderi; …………………….. ………….. ………….

38 (1943) (286)

Procese-verbale al şedinţelor Cons. Interministerial din MEN referit. la unificarea cumpărăturilor din străinătate; extinderea activităţii ministerelor în Bas. şi Bucov. de Nord; acordarea împrumuturilor pt. românizare; problema armenilor din România, a evreilor supuşi străini, etc.

39 (1943) (365)

Coresp., referate, rapoarte, note privind vizita unui specialist german la rafinăriile din ţară; comenzi de muniţie în Elveţia; situaţia evreilor în comerţul şi industria de cherestea din jud. Neamţ; concedierea lucrătorilor de la Fabrica Mociorniţa; proces-verbal încheiat la Budapesta la 20-22 oct. 1943, referitor la cooperativele române din Ungaria şi a cooperativele maghiare din România; evacuarea unor întreprinderi din Transnistria; situaţia proprietăţilor evreieşti trecute în patrimoniul C.N.R.; exploatarea stufului în Delta Dunării, etc.

41 (1943) (393)

Note informative privind…………. ………………….. ……….; ştiri interne privind………; politica antisemită; existenţa capitalului străin în industria românească; ……… ……………… …………….. ………………. ………………. ………………… ……..

45 (1943) (179)

Note, referate, rapoarte, coresp. privind ………. ………… ………………….. …………….. ………………………. ………………………………….. ………conducerea de către evrei a întreprinderii “Noris” SAR; organizarea şi activitatea economatului general, etc.

47 (1943) (155)

Coresp. între MEN şi Departamentul Guvernatorul Civila al Transnistriei, privind ……….. ………………….. ………..tabele de materialele utilizate la muncă de evreii din Transnistria; ………………………..

49 (1943) (379)

Note informative înaintate MEN referitoare la ……………… ……. …………… ………. ………….; camuflarea capitalului evreiesc sub nume româneşti; ………………… ………………… ……………. …………

50 (1943) (316)

Note informative înaintate MEN ref. la exportul de petrol……………. ………….. …………. …………………. ………………………… …………… ……….; clientela evreiască a Băncii Româneşti, etc.

53 (1943) (143)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN ref. la ……………… ……………….. …………… ………….. ……………….. ……….problema românilor din Transilv. de Nord; conservarea bunurilor rămase de la germanii repatriaţi din Basarabia, Bucovina; …………………. ………..; ajutorarea populaţiei româneşti din Serbia; ………. …………..

54 (1943) (98)

Situaţia răspunsurilor la circulara Ministerului Justiţiei nr. 130.744 din 1 oct. 1942 prin care s-a cerut Parchetelor, Curţilor de Apel şi Tribunalelor informaţii şi date statistice asupra mersului românizării; ………….. ………….. …………. ………… ………. ………. …….

55 (1943) (104)

Situaţii şi corespondenţă privind ………….. …………….. ………… ………. …………. …………. …………………. ……….situaţiei evreilor din întreprinderi, etc.

57 (1943) (226)

Procese-verbale ale Consiliului Interministerial din cadrul MEN privind …………. ……… ……………. ………….interzicerea comerţului evreiesc cu ţăranii din Moldova; mişcarea cooperatistă maghiară din Ardeal; finanţarea românizării prin Institutul de Credit Român, etc.

66 (1943) (71)

Raportul Ministrului de Finanţe A. Neagu, intitulat “Problema alcoolului şi propuneri pt. o nouă politică a statului în materie de alcool”; rezumatul discuţiilor care au avut loc la Cabinetul Militar al lui I. Antonescu pt. problemele evreieşti; …………… …………… ……… …………….. ………….. ……………. …………

71 (1943) (105)

Coresp., avize, note, procese-verbale privind……. ………… …………….. ………….. ……….. …………………….sabotarea intereselor comerciale româneşti de către saşi; ………… ……. ……………. …… …………

73 (1943) (33)

Coresp. între Economatul General al Funcţionarilor şi MEN, referitor la ……….. ……….. …………….interzicerea participării elementului evreiesc la licitaţiile publice; aprovizionarea românilor din Timoc şi Banatul Sârbesc; …………

78 (1943) (330)

Note informative ale Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei, privind Consfătuirea lucrătorilor textilişti; camuflarea unor firme comerciale aparţinând evreilor; trafic de aur; comerţ clandestin cu produse farmaceutice; dificultăţi întâmpinate în românizarea firmelor.

80 (1943) (45)

Memorii depuse de G.C. Badea, director al administraţiei comerciale a M.A.T. ref. la destituirea din funcţie, internarea în lagărul din Tg. Jiu, fiind acuzat de politică legionară.

81 (1943) (166)

Rapoarte ale comisarilor speciali de pe lângă bursele de mărfuri şi întreprinderi referitoare la ……….. ……….. …………… ……..camuflarea firmelor evreieşti; ………; existenţa unor foşti legionari ca salariaţi în cadrul unor societăţi; ……… ………..

83 (1943) (76)

Coresp. între PCM. şi MEN ref. la întrebuinţarea lucrătorilor unguri de către Societatea de gaz metan Mediaş; vămuirea animalelor vii importate din Transnistria; aprovizionarea cu cherestea a Basarabiei; camuflarea firmelor şi românizarea firmelor evreieşti; predarea fabricilor evacuate din Transnistria; raport cuprinzând acuzaţiile aduse directorului românizării din cadrul Guvernământului Basarabiei, etc.

86 (1943) (123)

Decret-lege privitor la răspunderea persoanelor numite de autorităţile publice pe lângă diverse întreprinderi publice şi particulare; referat în leg. cu atribuţiile comisarilor speciali numiţi pe lângă diverse întreprinderi în conform. cu decretul 3122/19 sept. 1940.

87 (1943) (28)

Îndreptar al inventarierii patrimoniului public, avuţiile statului, provinciilor, comunelor, judeţelor şi altor instituţii publice şi de utilitate publică, editat sub îngrijirea Direcţiei Inventarului Avuţiilor Publice din Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului de pe lângă PCM.

113 (1943) (49)

Note informative către MEN ref. la …….. …………. ………… ………… ………. ……… ………. ……… ………… ………….. …………….. ……………… ……………

……………… ilegalităţile comise de membrii din comisia de administrare a bunurilor evreieşti din Suceava; ………………

DIRECŢIA INDUSTRIEI (Inventar, p. 66-76):


Numeroase dosare se referă la anchetele Institutului Central de Statistică: date statistice privind judeţele.


54 (1943) (453)

Circulare, rapoarte, corespond. privind românizarea firmelor comerciale şi industriale; situaţia comercianţilor evrei şi a firmelor acestora; circulaţia materiilor prime; fabricarea mărfurilor; rapoarte ale comisarilor economici de pe lângă firme, etc.

DIRECŢIA MATERIILOR PRIME (Inventar, p. 76-79): -


7 (1943) (248)

Cupuri din ziare privind……………activitatea grupului etnic german; ……….; prestarea muncii obligatori de către evrei; ……………. ………… ……….. …….

15 (1943) (102)

Cupuri din ziarele “Argus”, “Universul” privind ………….. …….politica socială a industriei italiene; ……………………………; conferinţa Dr. Al. Vaida Voevod despre “Principiile fundamentale ale naţional-socialismului”; vizita lui Von Killinger la Fundaţia Carol I; ………………..; hotărârile Comisiei speciale pt. judecarea firmelor evreieşti care lucrează sub nume camuflate; ………………

17 (1943) (154)

Cupuri din ziarele “Argus”, “Curentul”, “Viaţa” ref. la ……….. ……… ………………. …………. ……………… ……….românizarea personalului din întreprinderile particulare; vizita lui I. Antonescu la Cernăuţi; convorbirile dintre I. Antonescu şi Hitler; …………………….

19 (1943) (434)

Rapoarte, note, referate privind ………… ………… ……….. ……….. ……….. ………. ………….. românizarea Industriei Textile S.A. Lugoj; ……………; situaţia industriilor din Odessa; rezolvarea problemelor evreieşti în Transnistria de către Comisia

Interministerială; …………..; camuflarea unor firme evreieşti; repercusiunile economice ale înrolării germanilor etnici în armata germană S.S., etc.

22 (1943) (497)

Procese-verbale şi extrase ale proveselor-verbale ale şedinţelor delegaţiei economice privind…………. ………….. …………………… …….. …….executarea podului peste Nistru la Rezina; …………..; amenajarea şantierelor în vederea utilizării la muncă a evreilor; folosirea prizonierilor la muncile agricole; ……………. …………. ………………. ……..

24 (1943) (311)

Note informative privind……………………..camuflarea firmelor evreieşti; ………….. ………… ……………. …………. ……………… …………………… ………….politica antisemită în comerţ, etc.

26 (1943) (332)

Note informative în leg. cu trafic de valută în ghetoul de la Moghilău; acţionarii societăţii “Malaxa”; numulţumirile provocate de expropriere, etc.


3 (1943-1944) (152)

Rapoarte ale comisarilor speciali pe lângă firmele comerciale, conţinând date asupra vânzărilor; greutăţi întâmpinate în aprovizionarea cu produse; respectarea ordinului de românizare a personalului întreprinderi, etc.

47 (1943-1944) (220)

Expunerea de motive şi anteproiect de lege asupra burselor de valori mobiliare şi de schimb; rapoarte ale comitetului guvernului de pe lângă Bursa de efecte, acţiuni şi schimb din Bucureşti, procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Consiliului de Administraţie a agenţilor oficiali de schimb, politica antisemită, etc.

49 (1943-1944) (-)

Idem (ca la dos. 51), privind activitatea Inspectoratului comercial Sibiu.

50 (1943-1944) (-)

Idem (ca la dos. 51), privind activitatea Inspectoratului comercial Constanţa.

51 (1943-1944) (161)

Rapoarte de control asupra activităţii Inspectoratului comercial Galaţi; oferte pt. închirierea magazinelor evreieşti; proiect pt. organizarea serviciilor Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie Brăila; rapoart asupra activităţii Inspectoratului comercial regional Galaţi şi activitatea Camerielor de Comerţ şi industrie din regiune în 1943, etc.

52 (1993-1944) (63)

Idem (ca la dos. 51), privind Inspectoratul comercial regional Iaşi.

53 (1943) (147)

Idem (ca la dos. 51), privind Inspectoratul comercial regional Timişoara.

54 (1943) (50)

Idem (ca la dos. 51), privind activitatea Inspectoratului regional Craiova.

55 (1943-1944) (94)

Anteproiect de lege pt. reglementarea comerţului ambulant şi a profesiunii de comis-voiajor şi a lichidărilor de mărfuri; observaţii aduse de Prefectura Poliţiei Capitalei; legea comerţului ambulant din 1884; decizie pt. instituirea unei comisii pt. revizuirea legii; corespondenţă în leg. cu aplicarea legii sabotajului economic şi a legii pt. circulaţia mărfurilor; ordonanţă pt. stabilirea mărfurilor care fac obiectul comerţului ambulant, etc.

64 (1943) (44)

Referate, coresp. privind organizarea generală a învăţământului profesional; observaţii şi propuneri în leg. cu pregătirea viitorilor comercianţi români; anteproiect de lege pt. înfiinţarea consiliului de îndrumare şi susţinere a absolvenţilor învăţământului superior.

69 (1943-1944) (90)

Coresp. între MEN şi Guvernământul Bucovinei referitor la cereri pt. exercitarea comerţului, eliminarea elementului evreiesc, radierea firmelor evreieşti din Bas. şi Bucov. de Nord; colaborarea cu Camerele de Comerţ din Basarabia, bugetul pe exerciţiul 1942-1943 a Camerei de Comerţ Hotin.

70 (1943) (18)

Raportul Legaţiei Române din Budapesta ref. la acţiunea guvernului ungar pt. industrializarea Transilvaniei de Nord; referat asupra situaţiei din Ardeal la 1918 şi înfăptuirile româneşti până la 1940; informaţii şi propuneri pt. românizarea vieţii econ. d.p.d.v. patronal şi al salariaţilor.

71 (1943-1944) (46)

Decizie, procese-verbale privind îndepărtarea din viaţa economică a personalului evreiesc; prestarea de muncă obligatorie; situaţia evreilor din întreprinderi.

72 (1942-1944) (106)

Decret-lege pt. declararea obligatorie a caracterului creştin al firmelor comerciale, referate, rapoarte, situaţii, corespondenţă privind situaţia firmelor înmatriculate în Basarabia; determinarea originii etnice a acţionarilor U.D.R., organizarea exercitării comerţului cu alimente şi mărunţişuri în pieţe în raza Camerei de Comerţ Chişinău, numirea mijlocitorilor oficiali, raporet de activitate al Camerei de Comerţ Cernăuţi.

74 (1941) (17)

Referat asupra rapoartelor Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie din ţară, referitor la aplicarea decretului-lege pt. reglementarea stării juridice a locuitorilor evrei din România, etc.

75 (1943) (57)

Buletine informative asupra comerţului în Galaţi; activitatea de organizare a inspectoratelor comerciale; atribuţiile inspectoratelor de românizare; ……………. ………. ………………. ……..


5 (1943-1944) (157)

Decret-lege pt. reînamtricularea unor comercianţi, persoane fizice; memoriul Consiliului General Evreesc, adresat Ministrului Economiei, în legătură cu radierea unor firme aparţinând evreilor; ……….. …………………….. ……………… …………… …………… ……………. ……..

6 (1943-1944) (46)

Memorii, coresp. în leg. cu cereri ale unor firme din Basarabia de a primi autorizaţii de încetare a activităţii; restrângerea comerţului; funcţionarea firmelor evreieşti sub nume de camuflaj; închiderea sucursalelor unor mari firme, etc.

7 (1943-1944) (472)

Declaraţii ale firmelor din jud. Ialomiţa în leg. cu obiectul întreprinderii, data înfiinţării, numele proprietarului, originea etnică, valoarea capitalului, valoarea imobilului, rentabilitatea, etc.

Notă: Urmează multe dosare care se referă la firme, alfabetic, pe judeţe/Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie.

60 (1943) (200)

Memorii adresate Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului; coresp. în leg. cu românizarea unor firme evreieşti de către comercianţi români.

61 (1943) (241)

Coresp. privind românizarea firmelor comerciale aparţinând evreilor; autorizarea acestor acţiuni de către Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului.

Notă: Urmează multe dosare, pe judeţe/Camerele de Comerţ şi Industrie. Se referă la autorizarea exercitării comerţului de către persoane de naţionalitate străină.





DIRECŢIA CONTROLULUI (Inventar, p. 164-166): -

DIRECŢIA MINELOR (Inventar, p. 166-196): -

DIRECŢIA PETROLULUI (Inventar, p. 196-208): -


DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 210-216): -


DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 264-279): -


DIRECŢIA SECRETARIAT (Inventar, p. 1-40):

21 (1944) (71)

Decret-lege privind…………… …………………… ……..desfiinţarea Comitetului general pt. preluarea, conservarea şi administrarea unor bunuri; desfiinţarea Direcţiei Generale a Românizării; ……………… …………………. ………………… ……………….. ……………….; desfiinţarea Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Invenatarului; …………….

35 (1944) (123)

Coresp. între MEN şi MAN referitor la ………………..; înlăturarea evreilor ca furnizori şi de la licitaţiile de mărfuri; ……………… ……………… ………………….. …………… ………………… ………………………………………. ……………………… ……………

41 (1944) (78)

Raport privind ancheta întreprinsă din ordinul lui I. Antonescu la minele Comăneşti-Bacău; măsuri pt. îmbunătăţirea situaţiei muncitorilor; preluarea activităţilor (sic) evreieşti ale Societăţii Carpatina; …………… …………… ……………. ………………. …………… ……………… ………….. ………………. ………………….. ………….

47 (1944) (82)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Delegaţiei Economice a Guvernului privind……………… ……; reprimirea evreilor foşti funcţionari la Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice şi Comunicaţiilor C.F.R.; ………………. …………………; transferul capitalurilor supuşilor elveţieni repatriaţi provizoriu; rechiziţionarea de către trupele sovietice a unor mărfuri proprietate elveţiană; ………………………….

53 (1944) (158)

Rapoarte, referate, note, coresp. privind modul de acoperire a cheltuielilor de evacuare; ………. …………. ………..; evacuarea firmelor evreieşti; …………. ……………….. …………… ………………. ……………………………………. ……………..

60 (1944) (41)

Tabel nominal de cetăţeni români de origine etnică germană ridicaţi din Capitală de către autorităţile române şi sovietice pt. a presta muncă obligatorie.

66 (1944) (69)

Coresp. referit. la…………………. ………….. ………………. …………….. ….., importul de mărfuri din Turcia în compensaţie cu ajutorarea celor 500 de evrei originari din Transilvania de Nord stabiliţi în Elveţia; …………….. …………….. …….; crearea unui organ pt. autorizarea evreilor de a activa în întreprinderi, etc.

67 (1944) (136)

Coresp. privind…………….. ………. ………. ……….. …………. ………, ajutorarea huţanilor şi a populaţiei româneşti din Bucovina; …………………………; politica antisemită pt. negustori; ………………. ………………… ………………… ……………..

69 (1944) (194)

Procese-verbale, ordinea de zi a şedinţelor Consiliului Interministerial privind……….. ……….. …………….. ………….. …………… …………….. ………….. ………….. …………. ……..; admiterea firmelor cu coproprietari evrei la licitaţiile publice; ajutorarea populaţiei din Banatul sârbesc.

74 (1944) (161)

Buletine informative asupra………………… ………, atitudinea evreilor condamnaţi şi aflaţi în închisori; situaţia populaţiei evacuate din Transnistria; …………. ……….. ………. ………. ……………………………….. ………………….

75 (1944) (237)

Convenţia de armistiţiu…………; decrete pt. …………….. ……………, urmărirea şi sancţionarea celor vinovaţi de dezastrul ţării; urmărirea şi pedepsirea criminalilor şi a profitorilor de război; înfiinţarea Comisariatului General pt. administrarea şi lichidarea bunurilor grupului etnic german; funcţionarea şi lichidarea Dir. Generale a Centrului Naţional de Românizare; ……………. ………… …………. …………………… ………… ………….. ………………….. ………… …………………. …………….

79 (1944) (134)

……………… ………….. ……………………… ……………….. ………………… ……………… ………………. ………………. …………; inventarierea bunurilor supuşilor germani şi ungari plecaţi din ţară cu armata germană, etc.

88 (1944) (109)

Memoriul învăţătorului N. Georgescu asresat MEN în care înfăţişează atrocităţile săvârşite de unguri în Ardeal; tabel cu salariaţii Guvernământului Basarabiei şi al Bucovinei; date personale.

89 (1944) (196)

Memorii, referate, coresp. privind…………. ……….. ………… ………… ……….. ……. ……… ………….; nota asupra art. 7 din decretul-lege privitor la starea juridică a locuitorilor evrei din România.

91 (1944) (164)

Coresp., note, privind…………. ……………… …………. …………. …………… ………… ………… ………………; evacuarea arhivei fostului Guvernământ al Trasnistriei; ………………. ……….. …………….. ……………….. ……………….. ……………. ……………. ………..

99 (1944) (137)

Proiectul de decret-lege privitor la abrogarea legilor de trecere în patrimoniul statului a unor bunuri aparţinând evreilor şi pt. lichidarea patrimoniului C.N.R.; referat şi raport explicativ asupra proiectului de decret-lege.

101 (1944) (28)

Coresp. între MEN şi Prefectura Poliţiei Capitalei, ref. la persoane care au activat sau simpatizat cu mişcarea legionară.

DIRECŢIA INDUSTRIEI (Inventar, p. 40-47): -



3 (1944) (83)

Procese-verbale ale şedinţelor Camerei de Comerţ şi Industrie Bacău: autorizarea exercitării comerţului; înlocuirea din funcţie a personalului evreiesc; …………. ………… ………….. ……………. ……….. ………… …………………… …..

Notă: Există dosar pt. fiecare judeţ/Cameră de Comerţ şi Industrie.

50 (1944-1945) (40)

Rapoarte, note, informaţii privind …………….. …….., ocrotirea elementului românesc în comerţul transilvănean; …………….; memoriu pt. alcătuirea legii de anulare a actelor de vânzare forţată pt. bunurile evreieşti; …………………

53 (1944) (82)

Coresp. între PCM şi MEN privind evacuarea Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie din Basarabia şi Bucovina; dificultăţi întâmpinate de Guvernământul Bucovinei în dezvoltarea comerţului, etc.


Notă: Numerotarea vine în continuare, după dosarele din capitulul anterior.

61 (1944) (252)

Situaţii privind firmele înscrise şi firmele radiate în perioada 1944-1946 de la Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Alba Iulia. Vol. I.

62 (1944) (266)

Idem, vol. II, perioada 1944-1948: firmele evreieşti, reînmatriculate la Camera de Comerţ şi Ind. Alba Iulia, etc.

63 (1944) (45)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Arad.

64 (1944) (118)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Bacău.

65 (1944) (31)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Bârlad.

66 (1944) (471)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Botoşani.

67 (1944) (349)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Braşov.

68 (1944) (172)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Brăila.

69 (1944) (44)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Buzău.

70 (1944) (14)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Bălţi.

71 (1944) (96)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Caracal.

72 (1944) (14)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Caliacra.

73 (1944) (50)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Călăraşi.

74 (1944) (98)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Cernăuţi.

75 (1944) (5)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Craiova.

76 (1944) (96)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Cluj.

77 (1944) (380)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Constanţa, vol. I.

78 (1944) (114)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Constanţa, vol. II.

79 (1944) (231)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Craiova.

80 (1944) (181)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Deva.

81 (1944) (41)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Focşani.

82 (1944) (117)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Galaţi.

83 (1944) (106)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Giurgiu.

84 (1944) (7)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Hotin.

85 (1944) (138)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Huşi.

86 (1944) (140)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Iaşi.

87 (1944) (8)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Ismail.

88 (1944) (146)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Severin.

89 (1944) (27)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Oradea.

90 (1944) (78)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Piatra Neamţ.

91 (1944) (83)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Piteşti.

92 (1944) (39)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Ploieşti.

93 (1944) (259)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Rm. Sărat.

94 (1944) (65)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Rm. Vâlcea.

95 (1944) (75)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Roman.

96 (1944) (131)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Satu Mare.

97 (1944) (221)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Sibiu.

98 (1944) (74)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Slatina.

99 (1944) (10)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Soroca.

100 (1944) (3)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Storojineţ.

101 (1944) (26)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Suceava.

102 (1944) (184)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Târgovişte, vol. I.

103 (1944) (264)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Târgovişte, vol. II.

104 (1944) (358)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tg. Mureş.

105 (1944) (286)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tecuci.

106 (1944) (291)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Timişoara, vol. I.

107 (1944) (227)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Timişoara, vol. II.

108 (1944) (320)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Timişoara, vol. III.

109 (1944) (2)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tighina.

110 (1944) (194)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tulcea.

111 (1944) (109)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tr. Măgurele.

112 (1944) (64)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Tr. Severin.

113 (1944) (36)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Vaslui.

114 (1944) (18)

Idem, Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie Zalău.


Notă: Există multe dosare ale firmelor, alfabetic.

38 (1944-1945) (90)

Memorii, coresp. adresate MEN în leg. cu cererea pt. autorizarea exercitării comerţului în diferite localităţi din ţară, de către cetăţeni de origine străină.

39 (1944-1946) (101)

Memorii, coresp. privind cererea unor comerciaţi de altă naţionalitate decât români, de a fi autorizaţi să exercite comerţ în România, a unor comercianţi refugiaţi din Basarabia de a reînmatricule firmele în diferite oraşe din ţară.

41 (1944-1947) (208)

Memorii, coresp. în leg. cu cererile unor comercianţi de naţionalitate străină pt. a fi autorizaţi să-şi exercite profesia în ţara noastră.

42 (1944-1946) (452)


43 (1944-1946) (305)

Memorii, avize ale Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie, coresp. în leg. cu autorizarea exercitării comerţului de către persoane de naţionalitate străină, constituirea de societăţi anonime, etc.






Notă: Cele mai multe dosare ( Restituirea bunurilor aduse din URSS sau evacuate din Basarabia, Bucovina şi Transnistria.

DIRECŢIA GENERALĂ A MINELOR (Inventar, p. 111-129): -

DIRECŢIA PETROLULUI (Inventar, p. 129-138): -

DIRECŢIA REDEVENŢELOR (Inventar, p. 138-139 ): -

DIRECŢIA ENERGIEI (Inventar, p. 139-140): -

DIRECŢIA MOBILIZĂRII (Inventar, p. 140-174): -

DIRECŢIA CONTABILITĂŢII (Inventar, p. 174-185): -

RG 25.040 Selected Records from Collections of the Bacău branch of the Romanian National Archives, 1921-1953

Acc. 2006.271

Extent: 89 microfilm reels

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archive, From the Romanian State Archives. Records were generated by the Bacău district prefecture, the Mayor of Bacău, and the Bacău police. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Project in July 2006.

Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on Access.

Restrictions on Use: No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: Romanian

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content: This collection contains selected records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions. It includes records from the Jewish communities of the following localities: Bacău (from 1935 to 1950), and Moineşti, and Tg. Ocna (from prewar to 1945). Records include memos, inventories of assets, budgets, donations, local Jewish newspapers, publications, school correspondence, a census of Jewish children, health correspondence, the Jewish theater, aid to the sick, aid to students, aid for pesach, a history of the Jewish community written in 1942, the situation of rabbis and the condition of synagogues; issues of Jewish citizenship, special taxes on Jews, anti-Semitic propaganda, and local and general elections; forced Jewish labor, name lists of Jews who were deported, and Jews who died in the war at the front; aid to refugees from Bessarabia and Bukovina, requests for aid, correspondence with the US, aid to Jews who returned from Transnistria, and correspondence with the Joint Distribution Committee.


Fond Prefectura judeţului Bacău. 1838-1950

Fond nr. 17, Inv. nr. 1395

Fond Primăria oraşului Bacău. 1931-1950

Fond nr. 19, Inv. nr. 1654

Fond Primăria oraşului Bacău. 1938-1950

Fond nr. 19, Inv. nr. 1657

Fond Poliţia oraşului Bacău. 1896-1950

Fond nr. 602, Inv. nr. 2037

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Bacău. 1907-1950

Fond nr. 9, Inv. nr. 2046

788 u.a. (14,50 m.l.); aranjate pe ani.

Inventarul (103 p.) xerocopiat integral.

Pentru comandă, am notat anii 1935-1950.

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Moineşti. 1939-1945.

Fond nr. 814, Inv. nr. 2056

8 u.a., aranjate pe ani.

Inventarul copiat integral.

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Tg. Ocna. 1932-1945

Fond nr. 813, Inv. nr. 2057

9 u.a., aranjate pe ani.

Inventarul copiat integral.

Fond Prefectura judeţului Bacău. 1838-1950


24/1938 (1938) (5 p.)

Instrucţiuni în legătură cu controlul cetăţenilor străini (evrei) organizaţi în comunitatea izraelită.

114/1938 (1938) (24 p.)

Corespondenţa Prefecturii judeţului Bacău cu ................ ...................., Ministerul Cultelor şi Artelor referitoare la: ............ ………….. …………., alegerea conducerii comunităţii izraelite în oraşul Moineşti.

4/1939 (1939) (20 p.)

Ordine confidenţiale de la Rezidenţa regală a Ţinutului Prut, note informative privind starea de spirit a populaţiei din judeţ. Nemulţumiri ale populaţiei cauzate de autorităţile comunale. Interzicerea colindării satelor de către evrei, în vederea cumpărării diverselor produse alimentare.

38/1939 (1939) (47 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul de Interne referitoare la: dobândirea sau pierderea cetăţeniei române, tabele de cetăţenii omişi din registrele de naţionalitate română şi care înainte de Unire au locuit în una din provinciile alipite la România.

124/1940 (1940) (69 p.)

Corespondenţă referitoare la activitatea mişcării legionare din judeţ; abuzurile săvârşite, probleme financiare ale acestei mişcări, justificarea sumelor încasate de la populaţie sau confiscate de la evrei.

256/1940 (1940) (12 p.)

Un ordin de la Ministerul de Interne referitor la …………. …………. …………. ……., condamnarea unui evreu care s-a sustras de la serviciul militar.

17/1941 (1941) (168 p.)

Rapoartele primăriilor către Prefectura judeţului Bacău privind îndeplinirea ordinului de citire al dării de seamă referitoare la rebeliunea legionară din 20-23 ianuarie 1941, atitudinea populaţiei din judeţ faţă de aceasta.

30/1941 (1941) (250 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul de Interne şi instituţiile din judeţ privind confiscarea aparatelor de radio de la evrei, distribuirea la şcoli, cămine culturale, primării, unităţi militare.

50/1941 (1941) (304 p.) fila 1-52

Greve ale evreilor patroni din Bacău pentru a fi scutiţi de munca de folos obştesc, tabele cu lucrătorii evrei aflaţi în întreprinderile şi firmele acestora în 1941.


50/1941 (1941) (304 p.), FILA 53-304

Greve ale evreilor patroni din Bacău pentru a fi scutiţi de munca de folos obştesc, tabele cu lucrătorii evrei aflaţi în întreprinderile şi firmele acestora în 1941.

51/1941 (1941) (61 p.)

Corespondenţă, cereri ale evreilor care solicită să fie scutiţi de munca de folos obştesc fiind proprietari de întreprinderi şi comercianţi.

52/1941 (1941) (148 p.)

Cereri ale evreilor pentru înapoierea aparatelor de radio confiscate, justificând prin diverse brevete şi acte obţinute în timpul războiului de independenţă, războiului din 1912-1913 şi primul război mondial.

41/1941 (1941) (38 p.)

Corespondenţă şi procese-verbale încheiate de membrii Oficiului judeţean Bacău pentru românizarea personalului din întreprinderi privind repartizarea şi clasarea personalului disponibil în locul evreilor.

47/1941 (1941) (156 p.)

Corespondenţa Prefectuii cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, preturi, primării privind evacuarea evreilor din comunele urbane nereşedinţă şi comunele rurale ale judeţului Bacău în oraşul Bacău, cereri ale diferiţilor cetăţeni pentru ocuparea imobilelor proprietatea evreilor, tabele de evrei evacuaţi, memoriu al celor evacuaţi.

48/1941 (1941) (343 p.)

Idem, privind măsurilor de folosire a evreilor în muncile de folos obştesc. Cereri ale acestora de a fi scutiţi de aceste munci, tabele de evreii din Bacău între 18-60 ani.

57/1941 (1941) (56 p.), FILA 1-67

Corespondenţă, ordine, tabele referitoare la îndeplinirea sarcinilor de revin prefecturii în legătură cu ajutorarea refugiaţilor, muncile agricole, salarizarea primarului. Măsuri de prinderea indivizilor supuşi [străini?] acuzaţi de spionaj. Tabele de magazinele confiscate de la evrei etc.


57/1941 (1941) (56 p.), VOL I 68-200, VOL II

Corespondenţă, ordine, tabele referitoare la îndeplinirea sarcinilor de revin prefecturii în legătură cu ajutorarea refugiaţilor, muncile agricole, salarizarea primarului. Măsuri de prinderea indivizilor supuşi [străini?] acuzaţi de spionaj. Tabele de magazinele confiscate de la evrei etc.

59/1941 (1941) (382 p.)

Cereri ale evreilor patroni de întreprinderi şi firme comerciale de a fi scutiţi de munca obştească.

60/1941 (1941) (108 p.)

Corespondenţa Prefecturii cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, primării, preturi, Legiunea de Jandarmi Bacău, Ministerul Economiei Naţionale privind ……….. …..…., activitatea legionară, evacuarea evreilor din judeţul Bacău, folosirea evreilor la muncă, ……… ………. ……….. ……….. ………… …………. ……………. ……….., memoriul comercianţilor români din Tg. Ocna către mareşalul Antonescu.

83/1941 (1941) (57 p.)

Corespondenţa Prefecturii cu comunele din plasa Oituz şi ordine de la Ministerul de Interne referitoare la: ……….. ………… ………… …………. ……., închirierea localurilor comerciale în urma evacuării evreilor.

27/1942 (1942) (43 p.)

Circulare, instrucţiuni, corespondenţă între Ministerul de Interne şi Prefectura Bacău, tabele în legătură cu confiscarea aparatelor de radio de la evrei şi români suspecţi.

41/1942 (1942) (41 p.)

Cereri de ajutorare ale locuitorilor săraci din oraşul Bacău şi ale evreilor din acelaşi oraş de a fi scutiţi de concentrări.

56/1942 (1942) (41 p.)

Corespondenţă între Prefectura judeţului Bacău, Ministerul Afcerilor Interne, Primăria Bacău, Poliţia oraşului Bacău, referitoare la munca de folos obştesc efectuată de evrei.

70/1942 (1942) (146 p.), FILA 1-29

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Legiunea de Jandarmi Bacău, Chestura Poliţiei Bacău, ordine, cereri referitoare la: situaţia evreilor concentraţi. Instrucţiuni generale obligatorii pentru munca de folos obştesc, instigarea muncitorilor de către legionari, ………… …………. ………… ………… …………… Grafice privind realizarea muncii de folos obştesc. ………………


70/1942 (1942) (146 p.) , FILA 30146

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Legiunea de Jandarmi Bacău, Chestura Poliţiei Bacău, ordine, cereri referitoare la: situaţia evreilor concentraţi. Instrucţiuni generale obligatorii pentru munca de folos obştesc, instigarea muncitorilor de către legionari, ………… …………. ………… ………… …………… Grafice privind realizarea muncii de folos obştesc. ……………… …………………….

20/1943 (1943) (209 p.)

Procese-verbale de inspecţie a comunelor de către pretorii plăşilor din judeţ. Tabele cu evreii care au prestat muncă de folos obştesc.

28/1943 (1943) (-)

Note informative, dări de seamă privind situaţia evreilor, unele măsuri luate împotriva lor, situaţia de la graniţa maghiară, situaţia românilor din teritoriul cedat Ungariei. Proces-verbal al Consiliului de colaborare al Prefecturii. Procese-verbale de inspectare a şcoalelor judeţului.

36/1945 (1945) (52 p.)

[Corespondenţa Prefecturii judeţului Bacău cu Primăria Bacău, preturile din judeţ] privind ………………. Sioniştii democraţi şi Blocul Palestina Muncitoare cheamă evreii din Bacău la o adunare, ………. ……….. ………. ………… ……………………………

39/1945 (1945) (26 p.)

Corespondenţa Prefecturii judeţului Bacău cu Primăria Bacău, preturile din judeţ privind numiri de primari şi notari, reclamaţii împotriva unor primari, formarea Blocului “Palestina Muncitoare”, sărbătorirea intrării în Berlin a trupelor sovietice, procese-verbale de inspecţie din partea pretorilor.

49/1945 (1945) (41 p.)

Idem, privind reclamaţia Fabricii de Piele Herman Abramovici din Bacău împotriva Fabricii Fiderman pentru nerestituirea unor maşini, ……………… ……………. …………, ancheta Congresului mondial evreiesc. ………………………

82/1945 (1945) (101 p.)

Idem, privind ……………… ……………. ……….. Organizaţia sionistă socialistă “Gordonia” din Tg. Ocna cere autorizaţie pentru a da un festival artistic. ………….. ………… …………. …….

83/1945 (1945) (109 p.)

Idem, privind ……………… …………….. ………….. …….…. Certificate doveditoare privind evacuarea evreilor din comunele judeţului, ……………………

95/1945 (1945) (39 p.)

Idem, ……………. asasinarea agentului de poliţie Herşcovici, …………… ……… …….…….

108/1945 (1945) (13 p.)

Cereri ale evreilor pentru a reintra în proprietăţile de unde au fost scoşi.

371/1945 (1945) (62 p.) ???

Corespondenţa Prefecturii cu Ministerul Afacerilor Interne privind epurarea Corpului didactic. Tabele nominale de profesori şi învăţători care au avut activitate legionară.

287/1947 (1947) (44 p.) ??

Corespondenţă referitoare la criminalii de război din ţară şi confiscarea averilor acestora.

Fond Primăria oraşului Bacău. 1938-1950.


(= rola 1 )

39/1936 (1936) (8 p.)

Corespondenţă privind acordarea subvenţiilor comunităţii izraelite.

36/1939 (1939) (2 p.)

Subvenţie comunităţii izraelite pentru întreţinere.

39/1940 (1940) (2 p.)

Cumpărarea terenului pentru cimitirul evreiesc de către comunitatea izraelită.

50/1941 (1941) (7 p.)

Folosirea muncii evreilor în lucrările de interes obştesc.

32/1942 (1942) (42 p.)

Muncă de folos obştesc. Rechiziţionarea evreilor pentru diferite munci.

37/1942 (1942) (5 p.)

Închirierea de la Centrul Naţional de Românizare a imobilului B. Jakerkaber din strada Ioniţă Sturza nr. 5.

47/1942 (1942) (8 p.)

Lucrări privitoare la munca de folos obştesc. Rechiziţionarea evreilor pentru diferite munci în oraşul Bacău.

7/1943 (1943) (85 p.), FILA 1-66

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Economiei Naţionale şi Centrul Naţional de Românizare. referitoare la administrarea imobilelor proprietatea C.N.R., conducta de funcţionare a fabricii de cherestea Kendler, moara de stat fostă Filderman, cultivarea terenurilor virane.


(=Rola 2)

7/1943 (1943) (85 p.), FILA 67-85

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Economiei Naţionale şi Centrul Naţional de Românizare. referitoare la administrarea imobilelor proprietatea C.N.R., conducta de funcţionare a fabricii de cherestea Kendler, moara de stat fostă Filderman, cultivarea terenurilor virane.

12/1943 (1943) (283 p.)

Lucrări privitoare la planul anual de lucrări prin prestaţie efectuată de evrei.

39/1943 (1939 – N.B. Aşa apare în Inventar.) (387 p.)

Recensământul populaţiei oraşului Bacău.

48/1943 (1943) (113 p.)

Instrucţiuni referitoare la funcţionarea echipelor de muncă de folos obştesc şi apărarea pasivă, tabele nominale de aceste echipe, tabele de meseriaşi întocmite de MONT.

51/1943 (1943) (61 p.)

Corespondenţă şi ordonanţe referitoare la stabilirea preţului pâinii pentru evrei, cotizaţii C.A.S., proces de daune cu societatea agricolă Şerbăneşti.

53/1943 (1943) (17 p.)

Situaţii statistice privind mişcarea populaţiei din oraş.

58/1943 (1943) (22 p.)

Predarea gestiunii bunurilor aparţinând C.N.R. către primării şi prefecturi.

2/1944 (1944) (19 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Subsecretariatul de Stat al Aprovizionării, cu Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului, privind aprovizionarea oraşului, situaţia terenurilor.

23/1944 (1944) (104 p.)

Diverse lucrări. Evacuarea bunurilor comunale în oraşul Slatina şi judeţul Olt. Evrei care au executat muncă de folos obştesc la secţia L 4 C.F.R. Tabele cu imobilele care nu au numere.

37/1944 (1944) (54 p.), FILA 1-21

Ajutorarea azilului de bătrâni, ordine privind asigurarea curăţeniei oraşului, înscrierea evreilor în controalele armatei, deschiderea unui atelier mecanic, tabele de evreii născuţi între 1922-1924, etc.


37/1944 (1944) (54 p.), FILA 22-54

Ajutorarea azilului de bătrâni, ordine privind asigurarea curăţeniei oraşului, înscrierea evreilor în controalele armatei, deschiderea unui atelier mecanic, tabele de evreii născuţi între 1922-1924, etc.

51/1944 (1944) (10 p.)

Corespondenţă privind cumpărarea de cărămidă, repararea imobilelor care aparţin C.N.R.-ului, ordine şi circulare.

55/1944 (1944) (29 p.)

Program anual de lucrări prin prestaţii şi muncă de folos obştesc.

56/1944 (1944) (37 p.)

MONT şi confidenţiale. Construirea a două bazine de apă. Reparaţii la şcolile primare. State de plată a evreilor.

29/1945 (1945) (10 p.)

Situaţii statistice privind populaţia pe confesiuni.

21/1946 (1946) (5 p.)

Corespondenţă confidenţială privind întocmirea lucrărilor de mobilizare pentru lucru şi restituirea aparatelor de radio.

18/1949 (1949) (4 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice referitoare la situaţia materială a unor evrei ce urmau şcoala de picheri.

13 (1941) (97 p.)

Corespondenţă între Ministerul Afacerilor Interne şi Primăria Bacău referitoare la trecerea imobilelor urbane evreieşti în patrimoniul statului, tablou al proprietăţilor evreieşti clădite şi neclădite din oraşul Bacău; planuri ale unor imobile evreieşti din Bacău.

Fond Poliţia oraşului Bacău. 1896-1950.


40/1940 (1940) (645 p.)

Corespondenţă cu comisariatele din judeţ cu privire la confiscarea aparatelor de radio de la evrei, reclamaţii ale acestora, procese verbale de confiscare, tabele cu cetăţenii de la care s-au confiscat aparatele de radio.

9/1941 (1941) (18 p.)

Circulare generale cu privire la reprimarea sabotajului, legea privind înfiinţarea unui registru al comerţului, tabele cu negustorii şi comercianţii din Bacău, extras din ziarul „Univesrul”.

30/1941 (1941) (-)

Tabele cu evreii refugiaţi din Basarabia şi Bucovina.

31/1941 (1941) (187 p.)

Corespondenţă cu autorităţile locale referitoare la evreii care prestează muncă obştească, tabele cu aceştia.

32/1941 (1941-1942) (51 p.)

Corespondenţă şi tabele cu evreii care au prestat munci în folosul obştesc.


(=Rola 2 )

33/1941 (1941-1942) (227 p.)

Tabele nominale ale evreilor revizuiţi pentru munca obştească.

34/1941 (1941) (377 p.)

Cereri ale evreilor privind scutirea executării muncii obşteşti, scutiri medicale, tabele de revizuire.

35/1941 (1941) (103 p.), FILA 1-17

Corespondenţa Poliţiei Bacău cu Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Iaşi, autorităţile locale privind evacuarea evreilor din Tg. Ocna, Moineşti şi comunele rurale, tabele cu aceştia.


(=Rola 3 )

35/1941 (1941) (103 p.), FILA 18

Corespondenţa Poliţiei Bacău cu Inspectoratul Regional de Poliţie Iaşi, autorităţile locale privind evacuarea evreilor din Tg. Ocna, Moineşti şi comunele rurale, tabele cu aceştia.

36/1941 (1941-1942) (789 p.)

Corespondenţa Poliţiei Bacău cu forurile superioare şi unităţile din subordine privind arestarea evreilor, internarea acestora în lagăre, tabele cu evreii arestaţi.

37/1941 (1941) (556 p.), FILA 1-171

Corespondenţa Poliţiei Bacău cu forurile superioare şi cu comisariatele de poliţie din subordine cu privire la desfăşurarea rebeliunii legionare, tabele cu legionari, urmărirea şi reprimarea activităţii legionare (vol. I).


(=Rola 4 )

37/1941 (1941) (556 p.), FILA 172

Corespondenţa Poliţiei Bacău cu forurile superioare şi cu comisariatele de poliţie din subordine cu privire la desfăşurarea rebeliunii legionare, tabele cu legionari, urmărirea şi reprimarea activităţii legionare (vol. I).

38/1941 (1941) (434 p.)

Idem. Vol. II.

43/1941 (1941-1943) (453 p.), FILA 1-395

Note informative întocmite de agentul de poliţie Gheorghiu Albin.


(=Rola 5 )

43/1941 (1941-1943) (453 p.), FILA 396

Note informative întocmite de agentul de poliţie Gheorghiu Albin.

44/1941 (1941-1942) (191 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Comisariatul Circumscripţiei IV de Poliţie, ordine primite de la Ministerul de Interne privind întocmirea de situaţii, fixarea preţurilor maximale, situaţia imobilelor lăsate de evrei, tabele cu proprietarii de terenuri de pe raza Comisariatului IV, cu proprietarii de localuri.

28/1942 (1942-1943) (107 p.)

Situaţii privind concentrările, manevrele, infracţiuni, tabele nominale cu evreii trimişi la munci în folosul obştesc.

32/1942 (1942) (432 p.)

Ordine, corespondenţă cu privire la mobilizare, rechiziţii, tabele cu evreii repartizaţi la munci obşteşti.

35/1942 (1942) (151 p.), FILA 1-124

Corespondenţă cu autorităţile locale cu privire la situaţia evreilor care au obţinut decizii de categoria a II-a pe bază de certificate false cu privire la participarea la războiul din 1916-1918.


(=Rola 6)

35/1942 (1942) (151 p.), FILA 125

Corespondenţă cu autorităţile locale cu privire la situaţia evreilor care au obţinut decizii de categoria a II-a pe bază de certificate false cu privire la participarea la războiul din 1916-1918.


(=Rola 7)

24/1943 (1943) (704 p.), FILA 290

Corespondenţă cu Corpul V Armată, Prefectura judeţului Bacău, unele unităţi de jandarmerie şi poliţie privind urmărirea şi reprimarea acţiunilor evreieşti.

25/1943 (1943-1944) (371 p.)

Note informative, corespondenţă cu privire la urmărirea evreilor, tabele cu aceştia.

26/1943 (1943) (-), FILA 1-117

Corespondenţă cu autorităţile locale, cu armata cu privire la urmărirea evreilor.


(=Rola 8 )

26/1943 (1943) (-), FILA 118

Corespondenţă cu autorităţile locale, cu armata cu privire la urmărirea evreilor.

30/1944 (1944-1945) (86 p.)

Procese verbale, cereri privind inventarierea bunurilor foste proprietăţi ale Centrului Naţional de Românizare, ale celor refugiaţi.

39/1944 (1944-1945) (326 p.)

Corespondenţă cu comisariatele din oraş cu privire la situaţia imobilelor ocupate, anchete privind ocuparea imobilelor, reclamaţii ale cetăţenilor cu privire la imobile.

40/1944 (1944-1945) (195 p.)

Procese verbale de luare în evidenţă a bunurilor din imobile, cereri ale cetăţenilor pentru inventarierea bunurilor, reclamaţii privind furturile de bunuri.

20/1948 (1948) (120 p.)

Sentinţe civile în legătură cu evreii care au căpătat cetăţenia română.

121/1948 (1948) (28 p.)

Articole publicate de C. Sturzu în ziarul „Moldova” din Bacău în perioada 1942–1944.

Inventar, p. 128-180: CAZIERE PAŞAPOARTE. Alfabetic. Cca. 35 nume pe pagină. Aproape toate persoanele au nume evreiesc.

Inventar, p. 181-187: CAZIERE INFRACTORI. Alfabetic. Apar şi nume evreieşti.

Inventar, p. 187-209: CAZIERE PERSONAL. Alfabetic. Puţine nume evreieşti.

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Bacău. 1907-1950


(=Rola 1 )

1/1935 (1935) (269 p.)

2/1935 (1935-1936) (193 p.)

3/1935 (1935) (36 p.)

4/1935 (1935-1936) (95 p.)


(=Rola 2)

5/1935 (1935) (19 p.)

6/1935 (1935-1936) (30 p.)

7/1935 (1935) (70 p.)

8/1935 (1935-1936) (50 p.)

9/1935 (1935-1936) (51 p.)

10/1935 (1935-1936) (114 p.)

11/1935 (1935-1936) (125 p.)

12/1935 (1935-1936) (119 p.)

13/1935 (1935-1936) (70 p.)

14/1935 (1935-1936) (164 p.)

15/1935 (1935) (21 p.)

16/1935 (1935-1936) (23 p.)

17/1935 (1935-1936) (55 p.)


(=Rola 3)

18/1935 (1935) (15 p.)

19/1935 (1935) (5 p.)

20/1935 (1935-1936) (43 p.)

21/1935 (1935-1936) (7 p.)

22/1935 (1935-1937) (105 p.)

1/1936 (1936-1937) (22 p.)

2/1936 (1936-1937) (27 p.)

3/1936 (1936-1937) (117 p.)

4/1936 (1936-1937) (103 p.)

5/1936 (1936-1937) (92 p.)

6/1936 (1936-1937) (84 p.)

7/1936 (1936) (30 p.)

8/1936 (1936-1937) (55 p.)

9/1936 (1936-1937) (39 p.)

10/1936 (1936) (5 p.)

11/1936 (1936-1937) (74 p.)

12/1936 (1936-1937) (4 p.)

13/1936 (1936-1937) (73 p.), FILA 1-15


(=Rola 4)

13/1936 (1936-1937) (73 p.)

14/1936 (1936) (2 p.)

15/1936 (1936-1937) (24 p.)

16/1936 (1936) (6 p.)

1/1937 (1937) (67 p.)

2/1937 (1937-1938) (25 p.)

3/1937 (1937) (28 p.)

4/1937 (1937-1938) (73 p.)

5/1937 (1937-1938) (11 p.)

6/1937 (1937-1938) (65 p.)

7/1937 (1937-1938) (59 p.)

8/1937 (1937-1938) (32 p.)

9/1937 (1937-1938) (9 p.)

10/1937 (1937-1938) (6 p.)

11/1937 (1937-1938) (66 p.)

12/1937 (1937-1938) (22 p.)

13/1937 (1937-1938) (61 p.)

14/1937 (1937) (6 p.)

15/1937 (1937) (2 p.)

16/1937 (1937) (-)

17/1937 (1937-1938) (40 p.)

1/1938 (1938) (12 p.)

2/1938 (1938-1939) (40 p.)

3/1938 (1938-1939) (12 p.)

4/1938 (1938-1939) (70 p.)

5/1938 (1938-1939) (37 p.)

6/1938 (1938) (109 p.) , fila 1-45


(=Rola 5)

6/1938 (1938) (109 p.), fila 46-113

7/1938 (1938-1939) (51 p.)

8/1938 (1938-1939) (100 p.)

9/1938 (1938) (40 p.)

10/1938 (1938-1939) (40 p.)

1/1939 (1939-1940) (210 p.)

2/1939 (1939-1940) (32 p.)

3/1939 (1939-1940) (77 p.)

4/1939 (1939-1940) (83 p.)

5/1939 (1939) (53 p.)

6/1939 (1939-1940) (91 p.)

7/1939 (1939-1943) (269 p.), fila 1-34


(=Rola 6)

7/1939 (1939-1943) (269 p.) , fila 35-269

8/1939 (1939) (448 p.)

9/1939 (1939) (86 p.)

10/1939 (1939-1940) (13 p.)

11/1939 (1939) (46 p.)

12/1939 (1939-1940) (44 p.)

13/1939 (1939) (41 p.)

14/1939 (1939-1940) (10 p.)

15/1939 (1939) (68 p.)


(=Rola 7)

16/1939 (1939) (30 p.)

17/1939 (1939) (43 p.)

18/1939 (1939) (15 p.)

19/1939 (1939) (25 p.)

20/1939 (1939) (10 p.)

21/1939 (1939-1940) (14 p.)

22/1939 (1939-1940) (70 p.)

23/1939 (1939-1940) (60 p.)

24/1939 (1939) (6 p.)

25/1939 (1939-1940) (71 p.)

26/1939 (1939-1940) (177 p.)

27/1939 (1939) (16 p.)

28/1939 (1939) (70 p.)

29/1939 (1939) (446 p.), fila 1-329


(=Rola 8)

29/1939 (1939) (446 p.), fila 330

30/1939 (1939) (4 p.)

31/1939 (1939) (422 p.)

32/1939 (1939) (13 p.)

33/1939 (1939-1940) (116 p.)

34/1939 (1939) (-)

35/1939 (1939) (-)

36/1939 (1939) (476 p.), fila 1-410


(=Rola 9)

36/1939 (1939) (476 p.), fila 411

37/1939 (1939) (2 p.)

38/1939 (1939) (53 p.)

39/1939 (1939) (53 p.)

40/1939 (1939) (28 p.)

41/1939 (1939) (111 p.)

42/1939 (1939) (122 p.)

43/1939 (1939) (121 p.)

44/1939 (1939) (99 p.)

45/1939 (1939-1940) (50 p.)

46/1939 (1939-1940) (140 p.)

1/1940 (1940-1941) (55 p.)

2/1940 (1940-1941) (175 p.), fila 70


(=Rola 10)

2/1940 (1940-1941) (175 p.), fila 71

3/1940 (1940-1941) (130 p.)

4/1940 (1940) (204 p.)

5/1940 (1940-1941) (18 p.)

6/1940 (1940-1941) (111 p.)

7/1940 (1940-1941) (18 p.)

8/1940 (1940-1941) (74 p.)

9/1940 (1940-1941) (22 p.)

10/1940 (1940-1941) (43 p.)

11/1940 (1940) (51 p.)

12/1940 (1940-1941) (30 p.)

13/1940 (1940) (297 p.), fila 1-165


(=Rola 11)

13/1940 (1940) (297 p.), fila 166

14/1940 (1940-1941) (35 p.)

15/1940 (1940) (28 p.)

16/1940 (1940-1941) (31 p.)

17/1940 (1940-1941) (68 p.)

18/1940 (1940) (76 p.)

19/1940 (1940-1941) (293 p.)

20/1940 (1940-1941) (69 p.)

21/1940 (1940-1941) (160 p.), fila 1-131


(=Rola 12)

21/1940 (1940-1941) (160 p.), fila 132

22/1940 (1940-1942) (40 p.)

23/1940 (1940-1941) (122 p.)

24/1940 (1940-1941) (120 p.)

25/1940 (1940-1941) (41 p.)

26/1940 (1940-1941) (120 p.)

27/1940 (1940-1941) (372 p.), fila 1-282


(=Rola 13)

27/1940 (1940-1941) (372 p.), fila 283

28/1940 (1940-1941) (406 p.)

1/1941 (1941-1942) (145 p.)

2/1941 (1941-1942) (260 p.)

3/1941 (1941) (261 p.), fila 1-51


(=Rola 14)

3/1941 (1941) (261 p.), fila 52

4/1941 (1941-1942) (300 p.)

5/1941 (1941) (551 p.)

6/1941 (1941-1942) (392 p.), fila 1-332


(=Rola 15)

6/1941 (1941-1942) (392 p.), fila 333

7/1941 (1941-1942) (453 p.)

8/1941 (1941) (250 p.)

9/1941 (1941) (259 p.)

10/1941 (1941-1942) (206 p.), fila 1-84


(=Rola 16)

10/1941 (1941-1942) (206 p.), fila 85

11/1941 (1941) (264 p.)

12/1941 (1941-1942) (195 p.)

13/1941 (1941-1942) (13 p.)

14/1941 (1941-1942) (260 p.)

15/1941 (1941) (267 p.), fila 1-87


(=Rola 17)

15/1941 (1941) (267 p.), fila 88-

16/1941 (1941) (256 p.)

17/1941 (1941) (250 p.)

18/1941 (1941) (258 p.)

19/1941 (1941) (259 p.), fila 1-219


(=Rola 18)

19/1941 (1941) (259 p.), fila 220-

20/1941 (1941) (251 p.)

21/1941 (1941-1942) (110 p.)

22/1941 (1941-1942) (194 p.)

23/1941 (1941-1942) (411 p.)

24/1941 (1941) (17 p.)

25/1941 (1941-1942) (59 p.), fila 1-33


(=Rola 19)

25/1941 (1941-1942) (59 p.), fila 34-

26/1941 (1941) (125 p.)

27/1941 (1941) (59 p.)

28/1941 (1941-1942) (54 p.)

29/1941 (1941-1942) (26 p.)

30/1941 (1941) (30 p.)

31/1941 (1941-1942) (30 p.)

32/1941 (1941) (4 p.)

33/1941 (1941-1942) (38 p.)

34/1941 (1941) (18 p.)

35/1941 (1941-1942) (117 p.)

36/1941 (1941) (161 p.)

37/1941 (1941-1942) (25 p.)

38/1941 (1941) (9 p.)

39/1941 (1941) (55 p.)

40/1941 (1941-1942) (92 p.)

41/1941 (1941) (23 p.)


(=Rola 20) (876 cadre )

42/1941 (1941-1942) (35 p.)

43/1941 (1941-1942) (26 p.)

44/1941 (1941-1942) (40 p.)

45/1941 (1941) (51 p.)

46/1941 (1941-1942) (-)

47/1941 (1941) (50 p.)

48/1941 (1941) (105 p.)

49/1941 (1941-1942) (149 p.)

50/1941 (1941) (21 p.)

51/1941 (1941) (147 p.)

52/1941 (1941-1942) (30 p.)

53/1941 (1941-1942) (45 p.)

54/1941 (1941-1942) (149 p.)

55/1941 (1941) (13 p.)

56/1941 (1941-1944) (50 p.) , fila 1-34


(=Rola 21)

56/1941 (1941-1944) (50 p.) , fila 35

57/1941 (1941) (117 p.)

58/1941 (1941) (21 p.)

59/1941 (1941-1942) (192 p.)

60/1941 (1941-1942) (59 p.)

61/1941 (1942) (76 p.)

62/1941 (1941-1944) (198 p.), fila 1-127


(=Rola 22)

62/1941 (1941-1944) (198 p.), fila 128

63/1941 (1941-1942) (300 p.)

64/1941 (1941-1942) (15 p.)

1/1942 (1942) (131 p.), vol I


(=Rola 23)

1/1942 (1942) (131 p.), vol II

2/1942 (1942-1943) (137 p.)

3/1942 (1942) (214 p.)

4/1942 (1942) (163 p.)

5/1942 (1942) (7 p.)


(=Rola 24)

6/1942 (1942) (101 p.)

7/1942 (1942) (12 p.)

8/1942 (1942) (69 p.)

9/1942 (1942) (493 p.)

10/1942 (1942) (13 p.)

11/1942 (1942) (154 p.)

12/1942 (1942) (200 p.)


(=Rola 25)

13/1942 (1942) (66 p.)

14/1942 (1942) (256 p.)

15/1942 (1942) (213 p.)

16/1942 (1942) (73 p.)

17/1942 (1942) (38 p.)

18/1942 (1942) (93 p.)

19/1942 (1942) (40 p.)

20/1942 (1942) (22 p.)

21/1942 (1942-1943) (356 p.), fila 1-230


(=Rola 26)

21/1942 (1942-1943) (356 p.), fila 231

22/1942 (1942) (49 p.)

23/1942 (1942) (42 p.)

24/1942 (1942) (24 p.)

25/1942 (1942) (58 p.)

26/1942 (1942) (85 p.)

27/1942 (1942) (425 p.)


(=Rola 27) (1171 cadre)

28/1942 (1942) (423 p.)

29/1942 (1942) (500 p.)


(=Rola 28)

30/1942 (1942) (26 p.)

31/1942 (1942) (38 p.)

32/1942 (1942) (580 p.)

33/1942 (1942) (24 p.)

34/1942 (1942-1943) (220 p.)

35/1942 (1942) (16 p.)

36/1942 (1942-1943) (468 p.), fila 1-131


(=Rola 29)

36/1942 (1942-1943) (468 p.), fila 132

37/1942 (1942-1943) (67 p.)

38/1942 (1942) (31 p.)

39/1942 (1942-1943) (42 p.)

40/1942 (1942) (42 p.)

41/1942 (1942) (43 p.)

42/1942 (1942-1943) (36 p.)

43/1942 (1942) (6 p.)

44/1942 (1942-1943) (180 p.)

45/1942 (1942) (25 p.)

46/1942 (1942-1943) (13 p.)

47/1942 (1942-1945) (88 p.)

48/1942 (1942-1943) (99 p.), fila 1-30


(=Rola 30)

48/1942 (1942-1943) (99 p.) , fila 31-

49/1942 (1942-1945) (152 p.)

50/1942 (1942-1944) (58 p.)

51/1942 (1942) (60 p.)

52/1942 (1942) (30 p.)

53/1942 (1942) (78 p.)

54/1942 (1942-1943) (149 p.)


(=Rola 31) ( 612cadre )

55/1942 (1942-1943) (138 p.)

56/1942 (1942) (190 p.)

57/1942 (1942-1945) (239 p.)

58/1942 (1942-1945) (248 p.)


(=Rola 32)

59/1942 (1942-1945) (200 p.)

60/1942 (1942-1945) (226 p.)

61/1942 (1942-1945) (248 p.)


(=Rola 33)

61/1942 (1942-1945) (248 p.) , fila 1583-

1/1943 (1943) (319 p.)

2/1943 (1943) (16 p.)

3/1943 (1943) (10 p.)

4/1943 (1943) (85 p.)

5/1943 (1943) (314 p.), fila 1-201


(=Rola 34)

5/1943 (1943) (314 p.), fila 202-

6/1943 (1943) (14 p.)

7/1943 (1943) (60 p.)

8/1943 (1943) (443 p.)

9/1943 (1943) (228 p.), fila 1-140


(=Rola 35)

9/1943 (1943) (228 p.), fila 141-

10/1943 (1943-1944) (43 p.)

11/1943 (1943) (83 p.)

12/1943 (1943) (43 p.)

13/1943 (1943) (54 p.)

14/1943 (1943) (28 p.)

15/1943 (1943) (573 p.)

16/1943 (1943) (532 p.), fila 1-160


(=Rola 36)

16/1943 (1943) (532 p.), fila 161-

17/1943 (1943) (497 p.)

18/1943 (1943) (200 p.), fila 1-30


(=Rola 37)

18/1943 (1943) (200 p.), fila 31-

19/1943 (1943) (532 p.)

20/1943 (1943) (462 p.), fila 1-190


(=Rola 38)

20/1943 (1943) (462 p.), fila 191-

21/1943 (1943) (503 p.)


(=Rola 39)

22/1943 (1943) (431 p.)

23/1943 (1943) (569 p.), fila 1-259


(=Rola 40)

23/1943 (1943) (569 p.), fila 260-

24/1943 (1943) (530 p.), fila 1-480


(=Rola 41)

24/1943 (1943) (530 p.), fila 481-

25/1943 (1943) (16 p.)

26/1943 (1943) (12 p.)

27/1943 (1943) (52 p.)

28/1943 (1943) (30 p.)

29/1943 (1943) (147 p.)

30/1943 (1943) (47 p.)

31/1943 (1943-1944) (25 p.)

32/1943 (1943) (5 p.)

33/1943 (1943) (4 p.)

34/1943 (1943-1944) (28 p.)

35/1943 (1943-1944) (5 p.)

36/1943 (1943-1944) (2 p.)

37/1943 (1943) (7 p.)

38/1943 (1943) (11 p.)

39/1943 (1943) (3 p.)

40/1943 (1943-1944) (11 p.)

41/1943 (1943-1944) (148 p.)

42/1943 (1943-1944) (15 p.)

43/1943 (1943) (50 p.)

44/1943 (1943) (199 p.), fila 1-12


(=Rola 42)

44/1943 (1943) (199 p.), fila 13-

45/1943 (1943) (200 p.)

46/1943 (1943) (109 p.)

47/1943 (1943) (187 p.), fila 1-172


(=Rola 43)

47/1943 (1943) (187 p.), fila 173-

48/1943 (1943) (168 p.)

49/1943 (1943) (150 p.)

50/1943 (1943-1944) (399 p.), fila 1-343


(=Rola 44)

50/1943 (1943-1944) (399 p.), fila 344-

1/1944 (1944) (476 p.)

2/1944 (1944) (195 p.)

3/1944 (1944) (254 p.)

4/1944 (1944) (-), fila 1-83


(=Rola 45)

4/1944 (1944) (-), fila 84

5/1944 (1944) (199 p.)

6/1944 (1944) (7 p.)

7/1944 (1944) (275 p.)

8/1944 (1944) (72 p.)

9/1944 (1944) (182 p.), fila 1-165


(=Rola 46)

9/1944 (1944) (182 p.), fila 166-

10/1944 (1944) (131 p.)

11/1944 (1944) (15 p.)

12/1944 (1944) (263 p.)

13/1944 (1944) (8 p.)

14/1944 (1944) (52 p.)

15/1944 (1944) (10 p.)

16/1944 (1944) (8 p.)

17/1944 (1944) (10 p.)

18/1944 (1944) (138 p.)

19/1944 (1944) (9 p.)

20/1944 (1944) (55 p.)

21/1944 (1944) (35 p.)

22/1944 (1944) (90 p.)

23/1944 (1944) (26 p.)

24/1944 (1944) (477 p.), fila 1-39


(=Rola 47)

24/1944 (1944) (477 p.), fila 40-

25/1944 (1944) (459 p.), fila 1-340


(=Rola 48)

25/1944 (1944) (459 p.), fila 341-

26/1944 (1944) (456 p.)

27/1944 (1944) (564 p.), fila 1-155


(=Rola 49)

27/1944 (1944) (564 p.), fila 156-

28/1944 (1944) (438 p.), fila 1-327


(=Rola 50)

28/1944 (1944) (438 p.), fila 328

29/1944 (1944) (442 p.)

30/1944 (1944) (506 p.), fila 1-145


(=Rola 51)

30/1944 (1944) (506 p.), fila 146

31/1944 (1944) (443 p.), fila 1-260


(=Rola 52)

31/1944 (1944) (443 p.), fila 261-


(=Rola 53)

32/1944 (1944) (541 p.)

33/1944 (1944) (544 p.)

34/1944 (1944) (73 p.)

35/1944 (1944) (204 p.)

36/1944 (1944) (12 p.)

37/1944 (1944) (14 p.)

38/1944 (1944) (30 p.)

39/1944 (1944) (17 p.)

40/1944 (1944) (35 p.)

41/1944 (1944) (7 p.)

42/1944 (1944) (12 p.)

43/1944 (1944) (271 p.)


(=Rola 54)

44/1944 (1944) (14 p.)

45/1944 (1944-1945) (27 p.)

46/1944 (1944) (21 p.)

47/1944 (1944) (22 p.)

48/1944 (1944) (15 p.)

49/1944 (1944) (62 p.)

50/1944 (1944) (18 p.)

51/1944 (1944) (68 p.)

52/1944 (1944) (82 p.)

53/1944 (1944) (73 p.)

54/1944 (1944) (103 p.)

55/1944 (1944) (69 p.)

56/1944 (1944) (103 p.), fila 1-38


(=Rola 55)

56/1944 (1944) (103 p.), fila 39-

57/1944 (1944) (200 p.)

58/1944 (1944) (197 p.)

59/1944 (1944) (34 p.)

60/1944 (1944) (195 p.)

61/1944 (1944) (187 p.), fila 1-50


(=Rola 56)

61/1944 (1944) (187 p.), fila 51-

62/1944 (1944-1946) (192 p.)

63/1944 (1944) (199 p.)

64/1944 (1944) (196 p.)

65/1944 (1944) (289 p.), fila 1-15


(=Rola 57)

65/1944 (1944) (289 p.), fila 16-

66/1944 (1944) (29 p.)

67/1944 (1944) (275 p.)

1/1945 (1945) (292 p.), fila 1-235


(=Rola 58)

1/1945 (1945) (292 p.), fila 236-

2/1945 (1945) (266 p.)

3/1945 (1945) (221 p.)

4/1945 (1945) (61 p.)

5/1945 (1945) (17 p.)

6/1945 (1945) (56 p.)

7/1945 (1945) (199 p.), fila 1-188


(=Rola 59)

7/1945 (1945) (199 p.), fila 189

9/1945 (1945) (75 p.)

9/1945 (1945) (37 p.)

10/1945 (1945) (7 p.)

11/1945 (1945) (17 p.)

12/1945 (1945-1947) (23 p.)

13/1945 (1945) (-)

14/1945 (1945) (286 p.)

15/1945 (1945) (185 p.)

16/1945 (1945) (185 p.)

17/1945 (1945) (13 p.)

18/1945 (1945) (44 p.)

19/1945 (1945) (-)

20/1945 (1945-1946) (100 p.), fila 1-15


(=Rola 60)

20/1945 (1945-1946) (100 p.), fila 16-

21/1945 (1945) (104 p.)

22/1945 (1945) (99 p.)

1/1946 (1946) (23 p.)

2/1946 (1946) (62 p.)

3/1946 (1946) (17 p.)

4/1946 (1946) (53 p.)

5/1946 (1946) (272 p.), fila 1-20


(=Rola 61)

5/1946 (1946) (272 p.), fila 21-

6/1946 (1946) (39 p.)

7/1946 (1946) (97 p.)

8/1946 (1946) (338 p.)

9/1946 (1946) (6 p.)

10/1946 (1946-1947) (69 p.)

11/1946 (1946) (2 p.)

12/1946 (1946) (300 p.)

13/1946 (1946-1947) (36 p.), fila 1-20


(=Rola 62)

13/1946 (1946-1947) (36 p.), fila 21

14/1946 (1946-1947) (176 p.)

15/1946 (1946-1947) (48 p.)

16/1946 (1946-1948) (200 p.)

17/1946 (1946-1948) (200 p.), fila 1-128


(=Rola 63)

17/1946 (1946-1948) (200 p.), fila 129-

18/1946 (1946-1947) (149 p.)

19/1946 (1946) (176 p.)

20/1946 (1946) (300 p.), fila 1-122


(=Rola 64)

20/1946 (1946) (300 p.), fila 123-

21/1946 (1946) (300 p.)

1/1947 (1947) (82 p.)

2/1947 (1947) (57 p.)

3/1947 (1947) (110 p.)

4/1947 (1947) (56 p.)

5/1947 (1947) (240 p.)

6/1947 (1947) (42 p.)

7/1947 (1947) (72 p.)

8/1947 (1947) (49 p.)

9/1947 (1947) (142 p.), fila 1-79


(=Rola 65)

9/1947 (1947) (142 p.), fila 80-

10/1947 (1947) (12 p.)

11/1947 (1947) (14 p.)

12/1947 (1947) (9 p.)

13/1947 (1947) (83 p.)

14/1947 (1947) (87 p.)

15/1947 (1947) (51 p.)

16/1947 (1947) (35 p.)

17/1947 (1947) (9 p.)

18/1947 (1947) (53 p.)

19/1947 (1947) (13 p.)

20/1947 (1947) (28 p.)

21/1947 (1947) (47 p.)

22/1947 (1947) (8 p.)

23/1947 (1947) (146 p.)

24/1947 (1947) (101 p.)

25/1947 (1947-1948) (131 p.), fila 1-67


(=Rola 66)

25/1947 (1947-1948) (131 p.), fila 68-

26/1947 (1947) (199 p.)

27/1947 (1947) (299 p.)

28/1947 (1947-1949) (173 p.), fila 1-10


(=Rola 67)

28/1947 (1947-1949) (173 p.), fila 11-

1/1948 (1948) (99 p.)

2/1948 (1948) (255 p.)

3/1948 (1948) (37 p.)

4/1948 (1948) (2 p.)

5/1948 (1948) (163 p.)

6/1948 (1948) (228 p.)


(=Rola 68)

7/1948 (1948) (73 p.), fila 1-

9/1948 (1948) (226 p.)

9/1948 (1948) (44 p.)

10/1948 (1948) (11 p.)

11/1948 (1948) (17 p.)

12/1948 (1948) (19 p.)

13/1948 (1948) (18 p.)

14/1948 (1948) (17 p.)

15/1948 (1948) (12 p.)

16/1948 (1948) (9 p.)

17/1948 (1948) (10 p.)

18/1948 (1948) (20 p.)

19/1948 (1948) (9 p.)

20/1948 (1948) (19 p.)

21/1948 (1948) (30 p.)

22/1948 (1948) (10 p.)

23/1948 (1948) (6 p.)

24/1948 (1948) (10 p.)

25/1948 (1948) (17 p.)

26/1948 (1948-1949) (130 p.)

27/1948 (1948) (50 p.)

28/1948 (1948) (16 p.)

29/1948 (1948) (60 p.)

30/1948 (1948) (26 p.)

31/1948 (1948) (238 p.), fila 1-100


(=Rola 69)

31/1948 (1948) (238 p.), fila 101-

32/1948 (1948-1949) (-)

1/1949 (1949) (273 p.)

2/1949 (1949) (247 p.), fila 1-73


(=Rola 70)

2/1949 (1949) (247 p.), fila 74-

3/1949 (1949) (49 p.)

4/1949 (1949) (6 p.)

5/1949 (1949) (107 p.)

6/1949 (1949) (19 p.)

7/1949 (1949) (188 p.)

8/1949 (1949) (85 p.)

9/1949 (1949) (26 p.)

10/1949 (1949) (7 p.)

11/1949 (1949) (40 p.)

12/1949 (1949) (9 p.)

13/1949 (1949) (5 p.)

1/1950 (1950) (200 p.)

2/1950 (1950) (214 p.), vol II, fila 1-25


(=Rola 71)

2/1950 (1950) (214 p.), vol II, fila 26

3/1950 (1950) (185 p.)

4/1950 (1950) (222 p.)

5/1950 (1950) (154 p.)

6/1950 (1950) (100 p.)

7/1950 (1950) (28 p.)

8/1950 (1950) (29 p.)

9/1950 (1950) (21 p.)

10/1950 (1950) (12 p.)

11/1950 (1950) (13 p.)

12/1950 (1950) (9 p.)

13/1950 (1950) (38 p.)

14/1950 (1950) (111 p.), fila 1-43


(=Rola 72)

14/1950 (1950) (111 p.), fila 44-

15/1950 (1950) (149 p.)

16/1950 (1950) (92 p.)

17/1950 (1950) (155 p.)

18/1950 (1950) (-)

19/1950 (1888-1952) (-)

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Moineşti. 1939-1945


(=Rola 1)

1/1939 (1939) (42 p.)

Cereri adresate Comunităţii Evreieşti Moineşti de către unii membri ai acesteia privind probleme de învăţământ şi funcţionarea şcolii.

2/1939 (1939) (33 p.)

Cartea de imobil a clădirilor ce aparţineau Comunităţii Evreieşti din Moineşti.

1/1940 (1940-1941) (20 p.)

State de plata personalului.

1/1941 (1941) (14 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Federaţia Uniunilor de Comunităţi Evreieşti din România privind şcoala israelită din Moineşti.

2/1941 (1941) (160 p.)

Mandate cu state de plată.

1/1942 (1942-1943) (61 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Comunitatea Evreiască din Bacău privind funcţionarea şcolii din Moineşti, încasarea contribuţiei, tabele şi situaţii de personal salariat.

2/1942 (1942-1945) (249 p.)

Registru rol general de contribuţii directe.


Inventarul vechi al fondului.

Fond Comunitatea Evreilor Tg. Ocna. 1932-1945


(=Rola 1)

1/1932 (1932-1941) (315 p.)

Situaţia veniturilor, cheltuielilor, debitorilor către Comunitatea Evreilor din Tg. Ocna şi Banca Trotuşul din aceeaşi localitate.

1/1934 (1934-1941) (139 p.

Borderou de impozite încasate în anii 1934-1941.

1/1935 (1935-1941) (446 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România, Primăria Tg. Ocna, Comunitatea Evreilor Bacău, alte comunităţi din ţară, Prefectura judeţului Bacău referitoare la situaţia economică a evreilor din Tg. Ocna, aprovizionarea cu lemne, organizarea şi conducerea comunităţii, buget, organizarea festivităţilor cu ocazia diferitelor aniversări.

1/1938 (1938-1941) (109 p.)

Corespondenţa cu Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din Rromânia, Primăria Tg. Ocna, Comunitatea Evreilor Bacău, alte comunităţi din ţară, Prefectura judeţului Bacău referitoare la situaţia evreilor din Tg. Ocna, istoricul şcolii israelito-române mixte, angajarea unui profesor pentru predarea limbii ebraice, tabel cu elevii care doresc să urmeze cursurile Liceului evreiesc din Bacău, cereri pentru acordarea de ajutoare, bunurile comunităţii, rechiziţionarea acestora.

1/1938 (1938-1949) (93 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România, Primăria Tg. Ocna, Comunitatea Evreilor Bacău, alte comunităţi din ţară, Prefectura judeţului Bacău privind sinagogile, istoricul acestora, bisericile ortodoxe şi catolice din Tg. Ocna, tabel cu evreii din comunitatea Căiuţi concentraţi, acordarea de ajutoare.

(Lb. română şi ebraică)

3/1938 (1938-1939) (35 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Primăria Tg. Ocna, Administraţia Financiară Bacău, Ministerul de Finanţe referitoare la înfiinţarea băii comunităţii, întreţinerea ei.

4/1938 (1938-1940) (25 p.)

Corespondenţă cu Uniunea Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România privind plata impozitelor, tabloul de comunităţile evreieşti din Vechiul Regat, de bunurile comunităţilor evreieşti din Tg. Ocna, achitarea de debite.

1/1938 (1942-1945) (249 p.)

Registre cu rolul general de contribuţii directe.


Inventarul vechi al fondului.

RG 25.041 Selected Records of Prefecture of Police of the Capital ( Bucharest )

Acc. 2007.2

Extent: 1 microfilm reels


Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives,

Restrictions on access:

Restriction on use:

Preferred Citation:

Scope and Content:



1939/42, -50, -67

1940/2, -44, -63, -92, -97, -98, -99, -100, -101, -102

1941/3, -4, -12, -15, -17, -18, -39, -50, -59, -65, -77, -84, -104, -110, -118, -129

1942/1, -5, -7, -33, -45, -63, -67, -78, -80


The contents:

Surveillance of Jews and Jewish organizations; Jewish student movement; Zionists; Sephardic Jews; lists of temples and synagogs in Bucharest; immigration of Jewish children to Palestine; the surveillance of Jews Bassarabia and Bukovina; anti-Jewish laws an regulations and their application; forced labor of Jews in Bucharest and elsewhere; confiscation of radios from Jews; confiscation of property; Centrala Evreilor; Jewa who movede to Bucharest after February 1940; surveillance of synagogs and prayer rooms; surveillance of Freemasons and reports on them; the Iron Guard rebellion; requests to avoid “ayranization”, Jewish firms and reports on their staff; lists of Jews deported to Transnistria; name lists of internees from Targu Jiu; liberation from the camps.

RG 25.046 Records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Special Information Service of

Romania [Serviciul Special de Informatii], 1920-1949

Acc. 2007.136

Extent: 20 microfilm reels

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Records from Romanian National Archives collection: Presedentia Consiliului de Ministri, Serviciul Special de Informaţii. Fond nr. 1021. Inv. nr. 2379. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received the filmed collection from the Romanian State Archives via the United States Holocaust Museum International Archives Program in June 2007.

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on use: Restrictions on use. No use for commercial purposes.

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: In Romanian.

Preferred citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and content note: This collection contains reports on surveillance by the secret police, Serviciul Special de Informaţii, concerning Romanian Jewish organizations and reports on Jewish leadership, as well as antisemitic organizations and publications, the wartime repression of Jews, and the wartime "aryanization" (confiscation) of Jewish property.


Fond Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri – Serviciul Special de Informaţii. 1920-1949.

Fond nr. 1021

Inv. nr. 2379


1/1926 (1926-1934)

Note informative ale Direcţiei Poliţiei şi Siguranţei Generale, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Serviciului Special de Informaţii cu privire la manifestaţii studenţeşti, acţiuni legionare şi comuniste în rândul studenţilor, incidente între elevii şi studenţii români şi evrei, constituirea Comitetului Frontului Studenţesc Democrat, semnalarea simpatiilor politice ale unor profesori universtitari, adunarea generală a studenţilor basarabeni, activitatea cercului studenţesc creştin de studii corporatiste, ş.a.

4/1926 (1926-1946)

Note informative ale SSI şi Direcţiei Poliţiei şi Siguranţei Generale, însoţite de cupuri din ziare, acte constitutive şi statute, referitoare la activitatatea unor asociaţii: ………… …………. …………. ………….. ………….. …………. ………… ………. ………. …….. Asociaţia pentru salvarea evreilor deportaţi de germani din Europa Occidentală, ş.a. (Orig., copii.)

2/1933 (1933-1945)

Note informative ale SSI şi Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei referitoarea la activitatea diferitelor organizaţii evreieşti de pe teritoriul României: Cercul literar şi artistic al tineretului evreiesc; Cercul “Libertatea”, organizaţia sionistă “Bar Bino”; Societatea “Armonia”; Federaţia Societăţilor de Ajutor Mutual; Asociaţia pentru Cultură şi Filantropie; Societatea corpului didactic evreesc; diferite organizaţii de femei, ş.a. (Orig., copii.)

18/1934 (1934-1939)

Note informative ale SSI însoţite de cupuri din ziare, scrisori, articole cenzurate din presă în legătură cu problema românizării barourilor, congresul Asociaţiei Avocaţilor Creştini, alegerile pentru consiliul Uniunii Generale a Avocaţilor, suspendarea avocaţilor evrei din barourile din ţară, nemulţumiri faţă de taxa de timbru judiciar, dizolvarea organelor de conducere ale organizaţiilor avocaţilor, ş.a. (Orig., copii.)

29/1935 (1935-1938)

Exemplare din ziarele „L’Action Française“, „L’Action antimaçonique“ et „L’Antijuif“, organe de propagandă contra societăţilor secrete şi acţiunilor cercurilor evreieşti. (Copii, lb. franc.)

47/1935 (1935-1946)

Note informative ale SSI şi Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei însoţite de cupuri din ziare referitor la activitatea unor organizaţii: Legiunea Muncii Naţional Creştine, Liga Creştinilor Basarabeni, Liga Drepturilor Omului, Liga contra cametei, Liga generală a meseriaşilor, Liga română a învăţământului ş.a.

17/1936 (1936-1947)

Note informative ale SSI şi corespondenţa cu Secţia a II-a a Marelui Stat Major referitor la activitatea organizaţiei sioniste de tineret Gordonia. (Orig., copii lb. română, ebraică, germană)

6/1937 (1937-1944)

Note informative ale SSI şi Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi cupuri din ziare referitor la legea pentru înfiinţarea şi orgnizarea muncii de folos obştesc, folosirea evreilor la această muncă, refuzul minoritarilor din Delta Dunării şi sudul Basarabiei de a participa ş.a. (Orig., copii.)

42/1937 (1937-1947)

Note informative ale SSI, telegrame, hărţi şi cupuri din ziare în legătură cu căile de comunicaţie din Ungaria, tratamentul românilor din Ardealul cedat, politica dusă de evrei; studiul intitulat „Protestantismul maghiar şi persecuţia evreilor“; informaţii despre relaţiile româno-ungare în Transilvania după revenirea acesteia la România.


42/1937 (1937-1947) , VOL I, FILA 92

Note informative ale SSI, telegrame, hărţi şi cupuri din ziare în legătură cu căile de comunicaţie din Ungaria, tratamentul românilor din Ardealul cedat, politica dusă de evrei; studiul intitulat „Protestantismul maghiar şi persecuţia evreilor“; informaţii despre relaţiile româno-ungare în Transilvania după revenirea acesteia la România.

44/937 (1937-1943)

Note informative ale SSI şi cupuri din presă referitor la atitudinea Ungariei faţă de problema evreiască şi la situaţia românilor din Ardealul cedat. (Orig., copii, fotocopii, limba rom., magh., engl.)


44/937 (1937-1943) , VOL II, FILA 349

Note informative ale SSI şi cupuri din presă referitor la atitudinea Ungariei faţă de problema evreiască şi la situaţia românilor din Ardealul cedat. (Orig., copii, fotocopii, limba rom., magh., engl.)

61/1937 (1937-1940)

Note informative şi articole din presă referitor la activitatea Asociaţiei medicilor creştini şi la pregătirea medicilor români.

62/1937 (1937-1944)

Note informative ale SSI şi cupuri din ziare referitor la activitatea Asociaţiei Naţionale a Ziariştilor Români; tabele cu ziariştii din judeţele Lăpuşna, Tighina şi Cetatea Albă posesori de permise C.F.R., ş.a.

65/1937 (1937-1940)

Note informative ale SSI referitor la activitatea Serviciului Mondial – Institut internaţional pentru lămurirea problemelor evreieşti cu sediul la Frankfurt. (Copii, lb. rom., franc.)

74/1937 (1937-1942)

Referate şi note informative ale SSI despre românizarea personalului de la Societatea de Voiaj Germană „Hamburg-America-Line“. (Orig., copii.)

93/1937 (1937-1939)

Buletine de informaţii „Nouvelles Internationales“ cuprinzând date referitoare la situaţia internaţională, acţiunile şi statutul evreilor în Europa ş.a.

1/1939 (1939-1941)

Rapoarte, dări de seamă………. …….. …………… ……….. …………. ………… ……….. ……… ……… …….. ……. ………., note privind supravegherea activităţii organizaţiilor evreieşti din România.


1/1939 (1939-1941) , FILA 219

Rapoarte, dări de seamă………. …….. …………… ……….. …………. ………… ……….. ……… ……… …….. ……. ………., note privind supravegherea activităţii organizaţiilor evreieşti din România.

30/1939 (1939-1947)

Referate, note informative şi radiograme ale SSI şi corespondenţa cu Ministerul Afacerilor Străine, Ministerul Aerului şi Marinei, Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei şi Crucea Roşie Internaţională referitoare la emigrarea evreilor din România în Palestina. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., franc.)

31/1939 (1939-1944)

Memorii, rapoarte, note informative, tabele alcătuite de SSI, Institutul Central de Statistică, Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei referitoare la situaţia juridică a evreilor din Transilvania omişi din listele de naţionalitate română, taxe cerute pentru scutirea de muncă obligatorie şi sustragerea de la aceasta; studiul „Problema evreiască în România, iulie 1940“, situaţia evreilor de alte naţionalităţi intraţi clandestin în ţară, informaţii cu privire la evreii suspectaţi de activitate comunistă, ş.a.

71/1939 (1939-1942)

Legea 2/1939 privind apărarea naţională a Ungariei; note informative ale SSI însoţite de ordine ale Ministerului Honvezilor referitor la recrutări din armata ungară, situaţia militară a evreilor şi a românilor din Ardealul cedat ş.a.


71/1939 (1939-1942) , VOL I, FILA 60

Legea 2/1939 privind apărarea naţională a Ungariei; note informative ale SSI însoţite de ordine ale Ministerului Honvezilor referitor la recrutări din armata ungară, situaţia militară a evreilor şi a românilor din Ardealul cedat ş.a.


Note informative, adrese, referate ale SSI însoţite de corespondenţă cu Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei şi cupuri din ziare, tabele şi situaţii referitoare la internarea evreilor în lagărele de concentrare precum şi fixarea domiciliului pentru străinii aflaţi în ţară; tabel nominal cu comuniştii semnalaţi de SSI care urmau a fi internaţi în lagărul de la Târgu Jiu, cu refugiaţii polonezi, etc.


55/1940, VOL II

Note informative, adrese, referate ale SSI însoţite de corespondenţă cu Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei şi cupuri din ziare, tabele şi situaţii referitoare la internarea evreilor în lagărele de concentrare precum şi fixarea domiciliului pentru străinii aflaţi în ţară; tabel nominal cu comuniştii semnalaţi de SSI care urmau a fi internaţi în lagărul de la Târgu Jiu, cu refugiaţii polonezi, etc.

14/1941 (1941-1943)

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale SSI, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Ministerului Apărării Naţionale însoţite de cupuri din ziare referitor la organizarea muncii de folos obştesc. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., magh.)


14/1941 (1941-1943) , VOL II, FILA 217

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale SSI, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Ministerului Apărării Naţionale însoţite de cupuri din ziare referitor la organizarea muncii de folos obştesc. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., magh.)

90/1941 (1941-1943)

Note şi referate ale Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului referitor la administrarea bunurilor agricole şi exproprierea imobilelor evreieşti de către Centrul Naţional de Românizare; tabele cu imobilele subînchiriate de CNR; apropierea funcţionarilor CNR.

91/1941 (1941-1943)

Rapoarte şi referate înaintate de Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului şi Directoratul Chişinău al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului referitor la inventarierea şi administrarea bunurilor intrate în patrimoniul statului, verificarea gestiunii primăriilor şi întreprinderilor industriale ş.a.


91/1941 (1941-1943) , FILA 184

Rapoarte şi referate înaintate de Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului şi Directoratul Chişinău al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului referitor la inventarierea şi administrarea bunurilor intrate în patrimoniul statului, verificarea gestiunii primăriilor şi întreprinderilor industriale ş.a.

92/1941 (1941-1943)

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale Oficiului de Documentare şi Control şi comisiilor judeţene pentru administrarea bunurilor statului cu privire la administrarea şi repartizarea bunurilor preluate de stat de la evrei, emigranţi şi repatriaţi; memoriul anticarilor evrei. Procese-verbale şi inventare de imobile, ş.a.

Anexă: Studiul lui G.D. Florescu „Un inel domnesc din veacul al XVI-lea“.

93/1941 (1941-1943)

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative trimise la Serviciul de Control şi Anchete şi de Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului Preşedinţiei Consiliului de Miniştri referitor la administrarea bunurilor evreieşti, închirierea clădirilor de către Centrul Naţional de Românizare, măsuri luate pentru românizarea economiei ş.a.


93/1941 (1941-1943) , FILA 186

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative trimise la Serviciul de Control şi Anchete şi de Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului Preşedinţiei Consiliului de Miniştri referitor la administrarea bunurilor evreieşti, închirierea clădirilor de către Centrul Naţional de Românizare, măsuri luate pentru românizarea economiei ş.a.

94/1941 (1941-1943) , VOL I SI II

Referate şi note ale Serviciului de Anchete şi centrelor de informare din ţară înaintate de Subsecretariatului de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului şi Ministerului de Interne referitor la administrarea bunurilor agricole de către Centrul Naţional de Românizare, românizarea vieţii economice în Banat ş.a.

98/1941 (1941-1944)

Corespondenţă între Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri şi Ministerul Justiţiei însoţită de memorii şi cereri referitoare la solicitările făcute de unii minoritari evrei de a fi asimilaţi cu românii.


101/1941 (1941-1946)

Schimb de scrisori între mareşalul Ion Antonescu şi dr. Wilhelm Filderman, preşedintele Comunităţii Evreieşti din România în legătură cu acţiunile minoritarilor evrei; rapoarte privind activitatea Comunităţii Evreieşti; organizarea evreilor după 1941 şi neînţelegerile ivite, activitatea politică a acestora etc. (Orig., copii.)

156/1941 (1941)

Note informative ale SSI, corespondenţă cu Direcţia Generală a Poliţiei şi Subsecretariatul de Stat al Presei şi Propagandei însoţite de articole cenzurate referitor la activitatea publicaţiei evreieşti bilunare „Înfrăţirea“ şi la directorul acesteia, I.M. Schwartz.

182/1941 (1941-1944)

Rapoarte ale Serviciului de Control şi Anchete din cadrul Preşedinţiei Consiliului de Miniştri însoţite de declaraţii, procese-verbale, memorii referitor la situaţia românizării de la fabrica de spirt Timişoara şi la starea de spirit a muncitorilor.

3/1942 (1942)

Notă privind istoricul Societăţii de import-export „Burlon“; note informative privind evreii evadaţi din ghetoul Chişinău. (Orig.)

9/1942 (1942-1944)

Rapoarte, note privind situaţia internă şi externă a României: situaţia pe frontul de Est şi Nord; măsuri împotriva populaţiei evreieşti din Iaşi.

23/1942 (1942-1943)

Note informative ale SSI referitoare la situaţia politică internă: activitatea Partidului Naţional Ţărănesc şi Partidului Naţional Liberal, întrunirile legionarilor …………… ………… ………… ……….. ……………. ………….date despre evreii deportaţi în Transnistria; note informative privind tratamentul aplicat tinerilor români plecaţi la specializare în GErmania; ………….. (Copii.)

28/1942 (1942-1945)

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale SSI, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Marelui Stat Major însoţite de foi de internare, buletine medicale, cupuri de presă referitor la organizarea taberelor de muncă de folos obştesc, sustragerea de la munca obligatorie, deportarea în Transnistria a evreilor ş.a. (Orig., copii.)


28/1942 (1942-1945) VOL I, FILA 155

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale SSI, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Marelui Stat Major însoţite de foi de internare, buletine medicale, cupuri de presă referitor la organizarea taberelor de muncă de folos obştesc, sustragerea de la munca obligatorie, deportarea în Transnistria a evreilor ş.a. (Orig., copii.)

29/1942 (1942-1947)

Rapoarte şi note informative ale SSI şi primăriilor diferitelor oraşe însoţite de procese-verbale şi declaraţii referitor la activitatea desfăşurată de autorităţile locale în legătură cu aprovizionarea; tabele cu imobilele cedate de Centrul Naţional al Românizării sinistraţilor din Moldova ş.a.

Anexe: Buletine oficiale.

Legea privind reconstrucţia oraşului Panciu distrus de cutremur.

(Orig., copii, fotografii.)


29/1942 (1942-1947) , VOL I, FILA 153

Rapoarte şi note informative ale SSI şi primăriilor diferitelor oraşe însoţite de procese-verbale şi declaraţii referitor la activitatea desfăşurată de autorităţile locale în legătură cu aprovizionarea; tabele cu imobilele cedate de Centrul Naţional al Românizării sinistraţilor din Moldova ş.a.

Anexe: Buletine oficiale.

Legea privind reconstrucţia oraşului Panciu distrus de cutremur.

(Orig., copii, fotografii.)

59/1942 (1942-1944)

Note informative ale SSI şi Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi corespondenţă cu Subsecretariatul de Stat al Românizării, Colonizării şi Inventarului referitor la exodul populaţiei din Nordul Transilvaniei şi adresele unde se află, situaţia refugiaţilor din Transnistria. (Orig., copii.)

60/1942 (1942 aprilie)

Buletin contrainformativ al Rezidenţei Basarabiei, pe luna aprilie 1942, conţinând date referitoare la acţiuni de spionaj , sabotaj, mişcarea comunistă şi cea legionară, problema evreiască, sectele religioase şi starea economică a acestei provincii.

68/1942 (1942)

Note informative ale SSI şi ale Prefecturii Poliţiei Capitalei în legătură cu Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc: activitatea conducătorilor partidului, atitudinea faţă de problema evreiască, organizarea propagandei, reorganizarea partidului, referiri la activitatea Cooperativei Refugiaţilor din Bucureşti ş.a. (Copii.)


89/1942 (1942)

Note informative ale SSI, Direcţiei Generale a Poliţiei şi Inspectoratului General al Jandarmeriei referitoare la………………… …….. ……… ……………… ……….. …………….. ………………… ……………. …………; regulamentul privind înfiinţarea unui comisariat pentru reglementarea problemei evreieşti; ………… ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………. ………. ……… ……….. ……… ……………… …………..

135/1942 (1942)

Schiţă cu situaţia ghetouriulor din Transnistria. (Orig.)

139/1942 (1942-1944)

Rapoarte, referate şi note informative ale SSI însoţite de articole din presă cu privire la situaţia şi administrarea imobilelor de către Centrul Naţional de Românizare; înregistrarea bunurilor din Basarabia; tabele cu inspectorii CNR, anchete asupra clădirilor închiriate de CNR Bacău ş.a. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., germ.)

7/1943 (1943-1945)

Rapoarte şi note ale SSI, corespondenţă cu Agentura Frontului de Est şi cu Centrul nr. 3 Odessa referitor la evenimentele din Transnistria: atacuri aeriene, acţiuni ale partizanilor şi paraşutiştilor, măsuri de control instituite la frontieră, date despre funcţionarii din administraţia transnistriană, deportări de evrei ş.a. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., germ.)


7/1943 (1943-1945) , FILA 53

Rapoarte şi note ale SSI, corespondenţă cu Agentura Frontului de Est şi cu Centrul nr. 3 Odessa referitor la evenimentele din Transnistria: atacuri aeriene, acţiuni ale partizanilor şi paraşutiştilor, măsuri de control instituite la frontieră, date despre funcţionarii din administraţia transnistriană, deportări de evrei ş.a. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., germ.)

23/1943 (1943 apr.)

Note şi sinteze informative ale SSI referitor la activitatea partidelor politice şi a conducătorilor acestora; scrisori ale lui Iuliu Maniu în legătură cu …………. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………; memoriul lui Maniu adresat străinătăţii în legătură cu violarea dispoziţiilor dictatului de la Viena de către maghiari, situaţia evreilor din România, fişe personale ale unor membri ai PNŢ ş.a. (Copii, lb. rom., franc.)

24/1943 (1943-1944)

Note informative ale SSI referitor la situaţia politică internă a României; activitatea partidelor politice, situaţia evreilor, dizolvarea Internaţionalei a III-a, acţiuni întreprinse pentru formarea Blocului Partidelor Democratice, situaţia operaţiunilor de pe front, înaintarea trupelor sovietice ş.a.

66/1943 (1943-1944)

Referate, note şi corespondenţă între Cabinetul vicepreşedintelui Consiliului de Miniştri şi Ministerul Justiţiei, Ministerul Economiei Naţionale şi Centrala Evreilor referitor la evreii propuşi pentru asimilarea cu cetăţenii români; radierea firmelor tipografice şi fotografice ale unor evrei etc.


66/1943 (1943-1944) , FILA 51

Referate, note şi corespondenţă între Cabinetul vicepreşedintelui Consiliului de Miniştri şi Ministerul Justiţiei, Ministerul Economiei Naţionale şi Centrala Evreilor referitor la evreii propuşi pentru asimilarea cu cetăţenii români; radierea firmelor tipografice şi fotografice ale unor evrei etc.

71/1943 (1943)

Note informative ale SSI, referate şi corespondenţă referitor la ing. Gherş Davidovici, care a dorit repatrierea în Basarabia după ocuparea acesteia de către URSS.

97/1943 (1943-1947)

Note şi sinteze informative ale SSI, ………. …….. ………… ………….. ……, referitor la politica internă şi externă a Ungariei; …………… ………………. …………….. …………… …………… ………….. ………… ……………. …………… ………………………. ……………. ………………………..

Anexă: fotocopia după “Documents of World Jewish Congress New York; Antisemitism in Rumania – Extracts from the Rumanian Press in recent months on the progess of the movement in Rumania (October 1943)”.


106/1943 (1943-1944)

Note informative ale SSI comunicate Ministerului Economiei Naţionale şi Centrului Naţional de Românizare referitor la activitatea societăţii cinematografice “Cineromit”.

2/1944 (1944)

Note informative ale SSI, ……….. ………. ………… …………. ………… ……….. ………. ……… …….. …….retragerea trupelor române din Crimeea, evacuarea ministerelor, tabele cu evreii din zona Cernăuţi ş.a.

41/1944 (1944)

Memoriul dr. N. Gingold, fostul preşedinte al Centralei Evreilor din România, în legăură cu activitatea sa mai sus menţionată. (Copii, fotocopii.)

16/1945 (1945-1947)

Rapoarte şi note informative ale SSI referitoare la situaţia politică internă; activitatea legionară; protestele orgnaizaţiilor sioniste contra Cărţii Albe Engleze referitoare la stabilirea emigrării populaţiei evreieşti în Palestina; activitatea fruntaşilor liberali şi naţional-ţărănişti; semnalarea unor membri ai masoneriei şi relaţiile lor cu străinătatea ş.a.


108/1945 (1945)

Dosar personal conţinând cerere, referate, declaraţii, corespondenţă între SSI şi Preşedinţia Consiliului de Miniştri cu privire la activitatea ing. Siegfried Jagendorf, fost preşedinte al Comunităţii evreilor deportaţi din Moghilev. (Orig., copii.)

109/1945 (1945)

Dosar personal conţinând memoriu, referate, corespondenţă şi declaraţii privind activitatea dr. W. Filderman ca preşedinţe al Federaţiei Uniunii Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România; corespondenţă cu C.I.C. Brătianu; studiu asupra problemei evreieşti din România. (Copii, fotocopii.)

110/1945 (1945)

Tabele nominale cu numele evreilor deportaţi din diverse regiuni ale ţării în lagărele din Transnistria. (Copii.)

111/1945 (1945)

Planuri de situaţie ale unor proprietăţi din Bucureşti deţinute de A. Grunberg, M. Leibovici, Frischlander, Nanu-Marin. (Copii.)

125/1945 (1945-1946)

Telegrame ale agenţiilor internaţionale de presă şi cupuri din ziare cuprinzând informaţii referitoare la Palestina; discuţiile privind crearea unui stat evreiesc, împiedicarea imigrării ilegale de evrei în regiune, conferinţa de la Londra pentru dezbaterea problemelor între arabi şi evrei, cererile Congresului Mondial al Evreilor, Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti, atitudinea Vaticanului şi a URSS faţă de situaţia din această zonă ş.a. (Copii, lb. rom., franc.)


125/1945 (1945-1946), VOL II, FILA 130

Telegrame ale agenţiilor internaţionale de presă şi cupuri din ziare cuprinzând informaţii referitoare la Palestina; discuţiile privind crearea unui stat evreiesc, împiedicarea imigrării ilegale de evrei în regiune, conferinţa de la Londra pentru dezbaterea problemelor între arabi şi evrei, cererile Congresului Mondial al Evreilor, Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti, atitudinea Vaticanului şi a URSS faţă de situaţia din această zonă ş.a. (Copii, lb. rom., franc.)

143/1945 (1945-1947)

Telegrame şi corespondenţă referitoare la activitatea Organizaţiei “Antal Mark” pentru apărarea intereselor studenţilor din Cluj, precum şi a celorlalte centre studenţeşti din Târgu Mureş şi Bucureşti; tabele cu studenţii evrei care au primit ajutoare de la organizaţiile evreieşti, diverse instituţii din ţară şi “Joint”; acţiuni ale Comitetului Democratic Evreiesc, regionala Cluj de organizare a tineretului evreiesc. (Orig., copii, tipărituri, lb. magh., engl.)

63/1946 (1946-1948)

Note şi fişe întocmite de SSI referitoare la activitatea Bisericii Luterane din Norvegia sub conducerea pastorului Magne Solheim având drept scop convertirea evreilor la creştinism.

65/1946 (1946 febr. 18)

Traducerea unui articol din “Press Commentary Magazine” din New York referitor la situaţia evreilor din România.

80/1946 (1946)

Note informative ale SSI, telegrame ale agenţiilor internaţionale de presă şi cupuri din ziare referitoare la situaţia Palestinei, atitudinea Marilor Puteri faţă de problema evreiască, acţiunile teroriste, greve, nemulţumirile arabilor şi ale evreilor, organizaţiile politice evreieşti şi activitatea lor ş.a. (Copii.)


80/1946 (1946), VOL I, FILA 186

Note informative ale SSI, telegrame ale agenţiilor internaţionale de presă şi cupuri din ziare referitoare la situaţia Palestinei, atitudinea Marilor Puteri faţă de problema evreiască, acţiunile teroriste, greve, nemulţumirile arabilor şi ale evreilor, organizaţiile politice evreieşti şi activitatea lor ş.a. (Copii.)

81/1946 (1946-1948)

Studii şi note ale SSI însoţite de articole din presă referitoare la situaţia politică şi economică a Palestinei; activitatea partidelor politice şi a grupărilor teroriste ale evreilor, crearea statului Israel şi atitudinea Marilor Puteri, discutarea la ONU a problemelor palestiniene ş.a. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., franc.)


81/1946 (1946-1948), FILA 65

Studii şi note ale SSI însoţite de articole din presă referitoare la situaţia politică şi economică a Palestinei; activitatea partidelor politice şi a grupărilor teroriste ale evreilor, crearea statului Israel şi atitudinea Marilor Puteri, discutarea la ONU a problemelor palestiniene ş.a. (Orig., copii, lb. rom., franc.)

32/1947 (1947-1948)

Telegrame, note, cereri, tabele şi corespondenţă referitoare la activitatea organizaţiei “Antal Mark” pentru apărarea intereselor studenţilor din Cluj; ajutoare acordate de organizaţia “Join””; tabele nominale de studenţi bursieri de la Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj; fişe personale ale unor studenţi; semnalarea unor ajutoare [oferite] de diferite organizaţii şi întreprinderi evreieşti.

Anexe: broşuri în lb. magh.

(Copii, tipărituri, lb. magh., ebraică, franc.

RG 31.006 Government of the Province of Bukovina

Extent: 37 reels)

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Ukraine. Cernivtsi Regional Archive

Organization and arrangement:


Preferred citation:

Scope and content note: .


Fond 307

Reel 1. Correspondence concerning exemptions of Jews from evacuation to Transnistria.

Reel 2. The same as in reel 1.

Reel 3. Verifications of the behavior of individual Jews during Soviet occupation. Lists of Jews requisitioned for forced labor and those who work at various enterprises.

Chilean Jews and correspondence with Chilean consulate on this issue.

Request from Jews for exemptions from deportation to Transnistria.

Newspaper “Bucovina’ from August 14 1942. Achievements of the administration of the province since liberation in 1941. Romanization and colonization. Lists of Jews requisitioned by the Army for forced labor in Cernauti county.

Reel 3. Government of the Province of Bucovina. Office of Jewish affairs of the Cernauti County.

Correespondece concerning legal status of individual Jews. 1942-43.

Documents of the Jewish Community Cernauti. Buget of the Community (1942-1943 ).

Ordinance N 30 forbidding Jews to circulation in Cernauti “without well-justified interests.”

Documents of the professional association of the Jewish doctors of Cernauti.

Withdrawal of the identity cards from Jews. (September 1942).

Ordinance N 943. Star of David.

Jews baptized during the Soviet occupation.

The situation of Jews converted to Catholicism.

Reel 4. Instructions for the application of ordinance Nr. 50000/1941 for the issuance for authorization for the employment of Jewish labor. Lists of Jews sentenced or admonished (“preveniti”) by the Martial Courts.

Report on the evacuation of Jews from Radauti. Acceptance of their properties in custody. Jews allowed to stay in the town of Radauti, lists.

Evacuation from Suceava. Peasants try to steal Jewish properties.

Names of Jews who were not evacuated from Cimpuling with the indication of reasons.

Prefect of Hotin requests exemptions from evacuation for forty Jews “for the needs of the county.”

Resolution of Antonescu to stop the evacuation of children of Jews and Christians and of the Jews baptized long ago as well as of those “who have been really good Romanians.”

Prefect of Dorohoi county explains that the evacuation of Jews was effected in way that allows that the “economic life of the province do not die out.” Only those Jews “strictly necessary” were selected. Representative of the National Center for Romanization blames him for “damaging Romanization.”

Reel 5.

Organization of the Ghetto of Cernauti, deportations and issuance of authorization for traveling by railroads. 1941.

File #10. Instructions concerning railroads and requests from employers for the employment of Jews.

Lists of Communist Jews.

Governor Calotescu, October 10, 1941: “It was decided to deport all Jews.”

Unsigned memorandum (written above by hand: “suggestions of the German consul”) concerning economic importance of Jews and impossibility to dseport them all at once for economic considerations. October 16, 1941.

Program of the revision of Jews.

Mayor’s report on the deportation of Jews, November 1941, statistics.

Report on the procedure and method of the evacuation of Jews.

Complaints that too many enterprises and intellectuals request exemptions from the evacuation of Jews. Statistics.

Reel 6.

Correspondnce on the census of the inhabitants having Jewish blood. Authorizations for traveling by railroads. Stars of David. 1942.

Jewish community reporting on their experience under the Soviets.

Jews who are in the rural territory in the Cernauti county, July 1942 and in the Bukovina province.

Taxes and money transfers to Transnistria.

The Star of David and certificates for Jews. Collections of goods from Jews. Census.

Functionaries requisitioned for work at Centrala Evreilor Cernauti.

Requests from individual Jews to be allowed not to wear the Star of David.

Ethnic Romanians’ declaration in favor of individual Jews.

Reel 7.

Fond 307 Opis # 3. File # 113. The Government of Bucovina province. Requests of employers for exemptions from deportations of individual Jewish specialists. 1943.

In Mayors’ office Jews are not allowed to work.

File #114. Requests from Jewish specialists for certificates exempting them from forced labor. Centrala Evreilor Cernauti supports those requests.

File # 125. The same as in “114.

File #142. Jews married to Cristians.

File#156. List of Jews exempted from evacuation to Transnistria due to their old age. 1942.

File # 157. Baptized Jews from Hotin county.

File #162. Reports of Gendarmerie, Police and border guards units on the “state of spirit of the local population”, June 1942.

File #137. Lists of the baptized Jews of Cernauti county, 1943.

Jews of Hotin county, 1943.

File #139. Jews of the Hotin County, whether baptized or not. 1943.

File # 75. Correspondence concerning work permits, change of addresses, requisition for forced labor exemption from concentration camps.

Doc. #1677. “great majority of the Jews was welcoming the Soviets.”

Doc. 9170/42. One Romanian woman expresses her gratitude to a particular Jew who helped her study her trade.

Reel 8. Fond 307 Opis 3 File# 64. 1942. Minutes and information of a Commission formed to effect the census of the population with Jewish blood. Lists of inhabitants with Jewish blood.

File # 68. The same as above.

File # 69. Lists of Jews of Cernauti city, 1942.

File # 70. The same as in # 69.

File # 74. Corresspondencxe between the Mayors’ Office Cernauti and Police Office, Cernauti concerning apartments of Jews exemp[ted from evacuation to Transnistria.

File # 77. Declarations of Jews from Cernauti city concerning composition of their families. 1942.

File # 107. The same as in # 77.

File # 108. Jews of the city of Cernauti married to Christians, lists.

Reel 9.

Fond 325. Opis 1 # 2986. Jewish religious community, the city of Sniatin. Request termination of the expulsion of Jews who emigrate from Poland to tha country.

Fond 307 Op. 3 #68. Census, 1941.

#2174. Correspondence concerning liberation of individual Jews from concentration camps.

#55. Lists of Jews from Cernauti deported to Transnistria.

Fond 307 Opis 1 #2140 Jews requesting liberation of their relatives from the concentration camps.

# 207 Correspondence with military garrison Cernauti concerning the prohibition for Zionists to conduct propaganda in favor of emigration to Palestine in the province.

#210. Directorate of the National Economy of the Province and the requesition of Jewish designers to work for the exibition.

#238. Correspondence with the Committee of Ministers concerning cremation of the dead bodies of Jews.

#242. money transfers to Jews interned in the concentration camp Edinet.

#244. report of the Sub-Directotor of the Military Cabinet of the Government concerning the procedures of the deportation of Jews. July 1942.

# 245. Report of the chief physician of the Cernauti tuberculosis hospital on brutal treatment in the concentration camp Sagadura. June 1942. (Jews who are dying are deported to the camp.)

#246. Report of the Military Cabinet on the situation in the Edinet camp.

#248. Correspondence with the Directorate of Romanization, Colonization and Inventory concerning the sale of movables of the deported Jews. December 1941. Minister of Justice protests against the wholesale expropriation of Jewish properties: “absurd idea,” “this was not a scope of Romanization.”

Permission for state functionaries and officers to buy Jewish movables via “muitual understanding” procedures with the Jews.

#292. Report of the Governor of the Province on Jews deported and those punished for the collaboration with the Soviets. December 1942.

#411. Creation of the office of apartments in Cernauti (to dispose of the immovable property of those deported). Complains of interventions of “philo-Semitic Romanians” in favor of Jews. Cristescu, chief of the General Headquarters bureau in Cernauti is accused of favoring Jews. New redaction of the Rules concerning property disposal.

#413. Officers are forbidden to rent apartments from Jews. 1942.

#1242. Rules of provisioning of Jews in Bukovina.

#1256. Arrests of persons transferring money to Jews in Transnistria.

# 1254. General Dragalina, Governor, proposes to create a Commission to register Jewish refugees from Poland who are to be deported to General Gouvernemanet. 28 August 1943.

#1943. Denunciation of a Jew who refused to wear the Star of David. 1943. Police Commissar refutes this allegation.

#517. Requisition of sewing machines from Jews.

#513. Jews from Poland clandestinely coming to Bukovina are deported back to Transnistria.

#35 Lists of payments to Jews requisitioned for forced labor.

#3876 Rules comncerning procedure to procure Jewish property.

#3340 Star of David regulations. 1942.

#2952. The same as #3340.

#58. Census of persons with Jewish bood. Various documents related to it. 1942.

# 62. The same as in #58.

#61. The same as in #62.

#59. The same as in #61.

#51. File on two Jews deported to Transnistria for collaboration with the Soviets. 1943They were communists even before 1940 and welcome the Soviets in 1940. Investigation brings contradictory results but the decision is against them.

#52. Deportation of Jews to Transnistria. Police correspondence. 1942. Lists of those deported.

# 39. Lists of Jews requisitioned for forced labor at German consulate, Cernauti.

#57. Centrakla Evreilor Cernauti, Census, 1942.

Fond 307. Opis 2. #3. Government of the Provincve requests monthly reports on works effected by requisitioned Jews.

Fond 325. Opis 1. #3078. Centrala Evreilor Cernauti. Lists of Jews requisitioned for forced labor.

Fond – illegible. Opis 3. #56. Lists of deported Jews.

Fond 325. Opis 1. #3079. Census lists, 1943. Declarations of Jews who were registered during it.

Fond 307. Opis 3. #9. Lists of Jews exempted from deportations with indication of a reason for non-deportation (age, invalids of war, those with merits, etc.) September 1942.

#2384. Lists of Jewish physicians of Cernauti who are to be deported to Transnistria.

Reel 10. Fond 307. Opis 1.

#12.Investigation of a denunciation of two Gendarme officers accused of looting Jewish property in Stanesti commune Storojineti county. This denunciation is refuted by the investigation. 1942.

#71. Correspondence of life-stock of the Jews from Cernauti county, 1942. Commune authorities have already partially distributed those animals to the locals.

#72. Authorizations for work to be issued to Jews employed in private enterprise, Cernauti and Storojinet counties, 1941-1942. Requests from enterprises.

#100. Subscription to the war loan by Jews.

#521. Two Jews from Dorohoi county denounced by a Romanian woman for waging anti-Romanian propaganda. 1942.

#129. Romanians from Seret that shoes that were requisitioned from deported Jews are being transported to Radauti to be auctioned.

#180. Jewish pharmacists working in Cernauti.

#148. Two Romanians are given money awards fro denouncing Jews who were falsifying documents for exemptions from the deportation to Transnistria.

#124. Jews requisitioned to effect census. 1942.

#215. Two Jews requisioned to work for the regiment stationed in the Province. 1942.

#216. Jews are forbideden to work in the pharmacies. 1942.

#225. Documents for Jews working in the Governor’s Office.

#228. Presidency of the Council of Ministers forbids the creation of the Society f baptized Jews in Bukovina.

#239. Salaries for Jews requisitioned fro work at private enterprises.

#471. Data on Jewish firms left by those Jews that were deported. Some of them looted by the locals. Data. Statistics.

#509. A case of an inhabitant of the Mendicauti commune was denounced as looter of Jewish property. 1942. Hotin county. Denunciation is refuted by the investigation.

#522. former Jewish school at Dorohoi to be requisitioned fro the needs of the Army.

#607. Metropolis of Bukovina requests linen of deported Jews.

#653. Correspondence concerning baptized Jews.

##654. Jews converted to Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Lists. 1942. Jews working on the installation of the telephone cable.

#1181. One Jew sentenced for saying Red Army will come soon.

#1240. Two Jews executed for bearing arms.

#1253. Romanian functionary asking permission to be treated by a Jewish doctor.

#1354. Jews detained in camps for espionage activity.

#1954. Jews to be court-martialed for socializing with Romanians. 1943.

#2141. Employers asking for work permits for Jews. 1941.

#2163. Romanian employees complain that their Jewish colleagues are treated advantageously.

#2167. Sub- prefect of Cernauti county asks permission for his child to be treated by a Jew doctor. 1942.

#2170. Jews of Cernauti requisitioned fro forced labor at Governor’s office.

#2181. Electric bulbs from Synagogue to be requisitioned and installed at Governor’s Office.

#2246. Correspondence concerning transfer of Sadagura camp to Edinet commune.

#2366. Jews are forbidden to be baptized. 1942.

#2407. Jews requisitioned for work in public institutions.

#2426. Order to register Jewish properties in Cernauti.

#2428. Lists of Jews requisitioned for forced labor by Governor’s Office, 1941-1942.

#2728. Article concerning Jewish properties in Bukovina in “Universul”, June 13, 1942 saying those properties should be used for “hign national goal.” Governor Colotescu considers publication of this article “inopportune.”

#2730. Press communiqué on documents to be presented by employers who intend to request the requisition of Jews to work at their enterprises.

#2731. The same as #2730.

#2732. Request to permit the circulation of Jewish pare in Bokovina. Request is accepted. 1942.

#2733. Jews requisitioned fro the collection of Soviet literature. 1942.

#2886. Governor’s order concerning rules of circulation of Jews in Bukovina. 1942.

#2954. Three Jews requisitioned for work in the workshop sewing clothes for functionaries working in the Government of the Province.

#2955. Correspondence with the Ministry of labor concerning the requisition of Jews to be employed in the hairdressers and sewing workshops.

#2956. Requests for the requisition of Jews to work in sewing workshops for functionaries. Lists.

#2957. One Jew to be requisitioned for work in the workshop of the Government.

#2959. Request from the Economic Department of the Government to extend exemptions fro Jews employed in the workshops of the Government. Lists.

#2960. Requests for exemptions for two Jewish designers needed for National Theatre in Cernauti. 1942.

#3096. Lists of Jews requisitioned for forced labor by the Government of the province. 1941. Rules.

#3119. Jewish doctors requisitioned for work in the clinic of the Government.

#3120. Correspondence with the military authorities concerning requisition of Jews to work for the Government of Bukovina. Lists. 1942.

#3174. Synagogue to be remade in Orthodox Church.

#3177. Correspondence concerning the need to cancel the sale by a Jewish doctor of a clinic to a Romanian doctor in order for this clinic might be requisitioned for the needs of the army. 1942.

#3300. Jews convert en masse to Christianity.

#3355. Correspondence concerning the payment of state pension to the former state functionaries.

#3361. The same as #3355. Antonescu’s resolution: only Jewish community should pay those pensions and not the State. 1941.

#3614. Ethnic composition of the Cernauti city population, September 17, 1941. Diagram.

#3616. Diagrams on the mortality of the population of Cernauti, July-December 1941. Mostly illegible.

#3624. Report on the activity of the General Administrative Inspector, Bukovina, October-December 1941.

#4053. Jews in Bukovina, October 23, 1941. Statistics.

Opis 2

#129. Days worked by Jews requisitioned by the Government. Lists. 1941.

#130. The same as #129.

#134. Jews requisitioned for work in the Government’s office, lists with families. 1941.

#137. The same as in #134, 1942.

#139. German and Romanian soldiers are forbidden to communicate with Jews. 1941.

#149. The same as in #137, 1941.

#141. The same as in 149. 1941.

#143. The regime of Ghetto and camps.

Reel 11. Fond 307. Opis 3.

#53. Requests for Jews for exemptions from the deportations and correspondence with enterprises concerning this issue., Jew Grumberg Iosif, officer in the Romanian Army in 1940 in Bukovina, recounts his experience in 1940 (local population engages in looting before the Soviets come) and asks for exemption.

Factory of spirits remains without specialists, Ministry’s of Finance relevant department protests.

The lists of Jews evacuated and those exempted from evacuation from the city of Radauti, 1942, May.

#60. Census of inhabitants with Jewish blood. Minutes of Commission effecting the census.

Reel 12.

Beginning unidentified. Then continuation of Fond 38 Opis 6 File 332 from page 86. Various correspondence. Surveillance of Jews, especially of their correspondence, 1943. Certificates of requisition of individual Jews. 1943. Jewish employees ask for increase of payment for their work, 1943.

Reel 13.

Fond 30. Opis 4.

# 19. Edinita camp, April- November 1942. List of Jews of the camp of Edinita which are to be evacuated with the first transport to Transnistria, July 1942. List of Jews freed from the camp on the Governor’s order. Various documents concerning individual Jews.

#20. Correspondence between the Police Department Ceranuti and Jewish Community Cernauti on money transferred by the letter to the Jews interned in the camps of Transnistria.

#21. Surveilance of correspondence between Jews in Transnistria and their relatives in Bukovina and Romania. 1942.

#22a. Evacuation of Jews from their departments in Cernauti, 1942, June. Repots.

#24. Looting of the Jewish apartments of Cernauti, investigation of, correspondence on. 1942, June – 1943, March. Looting by Romanian police, gendarmes, etc.

Reel 14.

Fond 30, Opis 4 # 35. 1943. Order on passing Dniester and Prut rivers. November 1943- March 1944. General Headquarters. Secret Order on the fight against sabotage and terrorism. Population is in panic and want to flee to Romania. Jews fleeing from Galicia are no more repatriated.

#36. Investigations in in Bukovina, 1943-February 1944. Lists of those detained. Instructions on the verification of Jews.

#43. Evacuation of Jews to Transnistria. April 1943 – January 1944. Correspondence. Instructions of the Ministry of Interior. Plans to evacuate Jews to the county centers, their abrogation. Jews suspected of subversive activity.

#44. August-December 1943. Correspondence concerning evacuation of Jews suspected of collaborating with the Soviets in 1940-1941.

#45. Evacuation of 11 members of Dorohoi Jewish community. August 1943.

#50. Ethnic composition of the cities, 1943, April-May. Agricultural works statistics (per commune).

#554. One Jew deported to Edinet camp, file, due to the refusal to wear Star of David sign. (Caught without it in March 1943). Governor permits him not to wear it when he goes out of Cernauti, otherwise he must wear it. He was not evacuated.

#561. One Jew deported from Dorohoi, March 1943.

#62. One Jew is deported from Cernauti to Edinit due to having expired travel document. To be detained 20 days. March-August 1943. Sacks factory testifies that his travel was necessary for production reasons an d asks for his release.

#70. Verification of political loyalty of one Jew, 18 August 1941. Denounced by another Jew.

#74. One Jew accused of spreading false rumors. Denounced by a Romanian. April 1943.

# 76. One Jew deported to Vapniarka from Rascov, February 1943. Concerning events in 1942.

#81. February-March 1944. One Jew from Cernauti deported to Transnistria for violating regime for Jews.

#82. One Jew deported from Cernauti for refusal to implement forced labor. July 1943-January 1944.

#83. The same as in #81, December 43-Jan. 44.

#84. The same as above. Feb. 44.

#85. The same as above. August 1943.

#87. Verification of a political loyalty of a Jew. August 1941.

#88. One Jew accused of collaboration with the NKVD. August 1941.

#89. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor, October 1941.

#90. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor, October 1943.

#91. One Jew accused of Communist activity. August 1941.

Reel 15.

Fond 30. Opis 4. #92. One Jew from Storojinet accused of breaking regime for Jews. October 1943.

#93. One Jew accused of collaboration with the NKVD. July-August 1941. Denounced by a Romanian.

#94. One Jew accused of collaboration with the NKVD. July 1941-November 1941.

#95. One Jew deported for insulting a Romanian. October 1942-Jan. 1943.

#105. One Jew deported for working in a factory without authorization. July 1943.

#106. The same as in #92. Jan.-Aug. 1943.

#113. A group of Jews accused of collaboration with the Soviets. August 1941.

#116. October 1943. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor. October 1943.

#120. The same as above. March 1941.

#121. One Jew accused of communist activity. August 1941.

#124. One Jew from Cernauti escaped from concentration camp. July 1942.

#125. One Jew deported from Cernauti “for negligence.” December 1943.

#131. One deported from Cernauti for breaking regime for Jews.

#132. Correspondence concerning release of a Jew from concentration camp. Sept. 1942.

#133. two Jews escaping forced labor. October 1942-February 1943.

#134. Jewess interned in camp for theft. August-September 1941.

#136. Jew accused of collaboration with the NKVD.

#137. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. August. 1943.

#138. The same ass above, October 1943.

# 139. The same ass above, February 1943.

#140. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor, October 1943.

#143. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, February 1944.

#144. The same as above, March 1944.

#151. One Jew accused of working without authorization, March 1943.

#161. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, October 1943.

#163. A group of Jewish leaders interned (reasons unclear), August 1943.

#164. One Jew interned in camp for cursing Hitler (Jan. 1944).

#166. One Jew accused of collaboration with the NKVD. October 1941.

#167. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. July 1943.

#168. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. September 1943.

#169. One Jew accused of collaboration with the Soviets in 1940. February 1942.

#170. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. May 1943.

#173. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. Dec.1943-Jan. 1944.

#174. One Jew accused of cursing Hitler. Jan. 1944.

#175. One Jew accused of collaboration with the Soviets, Dec. 1942.

#180. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, March 1944.

#182. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, August 1943.

#185. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, July 1943.

#178. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews, October 1943.

#179. One Jewess to be released from camp on the request of a Jewish community. May-June 1943.

#215. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor. October 1943.

#230. Primpretor of the district Secureni accused of embezzlement of Jewish property. July 1942 – February 1943.

#261. March 1943. One Jew is deported from Cernauti to camp because he is healthy and there is no need for him to stay in the hospital.

#262. April 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#263. August 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#264. April-May 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#270. 11leaders of the Jewish community of Dorohoi deported. August 1943.

#272. December 1942-Jan.1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#319. One Jew is deported for calling doctor to another Jew. Jan.-March 1943.

#320. One Jew is deported for trying to go clandestinely to Bucharest. January 1944.

#327. One Jew accused of avoiding forced labor. Jan. 1943.

#322. Feb. 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#324. One Jew suspected of collaboration with NKVD. September –October 1941.

#325. One Jew is deported for trying to go clandestinely to Bucharest. Dec. 1943-Jan. 1944.

#334. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. October-Nov. 1943.

#335. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. October 1943 – January 1944.

#344. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. October-November 1943.

#345. March-May 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#347. December 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#348. Investigation of a Jew who fled with the Soviet Army and came back. March 1944.

#349. September 1943. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews.

#350. One Jew is accused of collaboration with the Soviets. February-April 1943.

#356. One Christian is accused of collaboration with a Jew without a work permit, October-December 1943. He is denounced by another Christian.

#357. One Jew is accused of avoiding forced labor. October 1943.

#371. No authorization is issued for evacuation of two Jews, January-February 1943.

#374. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. Nov.-Dec. 1943.

#375. One Jew is accused of helping another Jew to go clandestinely to Bucharest, February 1944.

#80. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. Dec. 1943- Jan. 9144.

#386. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. September 1942.

#394. One Jew is accused of avoiding forced labor. Sep.-Nov. 1943.

#396. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. October 1943.

#401. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. February 1944.

# 403. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. February 1944.

#405. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. Feb. 1944.

#406. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. February 1944.

# 411. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. August-September 1943.

#412. One Jew accused of breaking regime for Jews. May-December 1943.

#413. January –February 1943. One Jew fled from camp.

#431. One Jew interned for working without authorization. October-November 1943.

#436. One Jew is interned for avoiding implementing service obligations. September –November 1943.

#437. One Jew is detained for helping another Jew to flee. March 1944.

#446. One Jew is detained for speculation. August 1943.

Also ## 448, 449, 451, 457, 458, 459, 460, 463, 464, 465, 468, 470, 479, 480, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 497, 498, 500, 502, 503, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 514, 517, 518, 519, 566, 571.

#481. One Jew detained for buying woods. March-May 1943.

#489. One Jew is accuse for collaboration with the Soviets during their rule. February 1944.

#519. One Jew detained for extending time of his travel without authorization.

#573. A group of Christians and Jews accused of working in People’s Tribunal Cernauti in 1940-1941. August – October 1941. Technical workers mainly.

#577. One Jew accused of denouncing Christians to the Soviets. August 1941.

#588. One Jew accused for “clandestinely professing tailoring profession.” May-June 1943.

#593. One Jew accused for impious attitude towards Romanian National Flag. February 1943.

#595. One Jew accused of Lese Majeste. April 1942.

#596. One Jew accused for helping another Jew to pass border with Galicia.

#597. One Jew accused for collaboration with the Soviets in 1940-1941. October 1942.

Also ##600. 601.

#605. One Jew accused of spreading rumors. Jan. 1944.

#621. One Jew is suspected of Communist activity. October 1941.

Also ## 633, 634, 636, 637, 641, 645, 646.

Fond 30 Opis 4 #663.

#921. A group of Jews deported to Poland (“to the place of their residence”).

#977. One Jew denounced by Christians because he accused them of poaching.

Reel 17.

The same as in reel 16.

Fond 15. Opis 6. #36a Prefecture, Cernauti county. Information bulletins, 1941. “Moods of the local population.” July 1941. Population welcome Romanian troops. Surprisingly, the same is true about Ukrainian minority. Only an infinitely small part of “rascals” which was privileged by Soviets is discontented. They used to denounce Romanians for money.

Ukrainian guards and self-governing bodies. Capitalist and proletarian Jews. Alarmism. Romanian craftsmen discontented that requisitioned Jews crawl them out.

Administrative personnel, Cernauti county.

#22. Requisitioning for forced labor of Jewish tailors, shoemakers, etc. July 1941. For the Army. Order for Jews to register. August 19, 1941.

Jews cannot travel from one locality to another, order. October 1941.

#52. Police, Cernauti county.

List of Jews deported top Transnistria. August 1942. Information. Number of Communist sympathizers grows, especially among Jews.

p. 261. Special hours for Jews to buy foods.

Many documents illegible.

Chilean consul engages in rescue efforts. He is denounced.

Reel 18.

Fond 38 Opis 6 #192. Correspondence of the police chestura Cernauti with Province inspectorate Bukovina on Jews’ internment and release, their regime in the city, Jews’ forced labor, surveillance of them. September 1942-March 1943.

List of Jews used in Jan. 1943 for snow removal in Cernauti.

Instruction concerning punishment of Jews avoiding forced labor. March 1943.

Passes for Jews.

Reel 19.

Continuation of file from above (?). Files of individual Jews. Verification of their political loyalty. Jews’ request for change of residence.

Fond 38 Opis 6 #193. Correspondence of the police chestura Cernauti with county police offices on Jews’ internment and release from camps, surveillance over Jews, change of residence, etc. Many documents illegible.

p. Positions of Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches concerning baptize of Jews.

Directorate of National Economy needs a 24 Jews that cannot be substituted.

List of Jews staying in Cernauti hospital, May 1943.

Lists of Jews converted to Catholithism, March 1942, per communes.

p. 641. Police chesture Cernauti informs on the regime of Jews in its territory, August 1942.

Centrala Evreilor. Restoration of Romanian citizenship of inhabitants of Bessartabia and Northern Bukovina. Regime of properties administered by the National Center fort Romanization in those territories. Procedure to sell and lease those properties. Interpretation of the relevant law.

Information Bulletin of the Centrala N. 28 May 26 1942.

Manifesto of a Romanians, “group of invalids” demanding punishment for Romanians engaging in “camouflage.” August 1942.

Jews engaging in espionage activity use Maghiar language. August 1942.

General Headquarters introduce more severe punishment for Jews who avoid forced labor. Their families are to be deported to Transnistria.

List of Jews employed in the enterprise “Caurom” and in the detachment Regiment 4.

Reel 20.

Continuation of the file from reel 19.

List of Jews registered with the obligation to leave the country for good with the Romanian Tourist agency.

Census of the population with Jewish blood. Report. Various documents.

Directorate of the National Economy requests release of Jews detained for breaking regime for Jews because they are specialists and have authorization for work.

Investigation of a Romanian accused of “having relations with Jews in Transnistria.”

Regulations concerning forced labor of Jews, June 1942. Procedure to decide upon requests for specialists. The use of Jewesses. Sanctions.

Instructions concerning the use of Jews in work detachments. Poorly legible.

Fond 38 Opis 6 #237. Deportation of Jews who arrived to Bessarabia and Bukovina after June 1940. Correspondence. Lists.

#238. Authorizations for the travel of Jews to Bucharest and other Romanian cities. Police correspondence. October 1942-February 1944.

# 329. Police correspondence concerning travel permits for Jews. January1943 – June 1943.

An entrepreneur requests a permission for a Jew not to wear a Star of David sign.

Society for Romanian Culture and Arts requests requisition of Jews to work in its typography.

Recommended refusal for Jews to use their private dwellings for religious purposes.

List of Jews whom travel is allowed.

Procedure to organize Jewish emigration from Transnistria. Payments to be made by Jews to obtain permit to emigrate. Lists.

Addendum to above. 1942.

An enterprise requests cancellation of an order for deportation of a Jew for not wearing Star of David sign due to his economic importance. 1942.

Interpretation of the Ministry of Labor of the Law of September 20 1942 concerning prohibition for Christians to work as servants for Jews.

Permits for travel. Requests from enterprises for travel permits.

A Christian woman requests permission to work as a servant for Jews, having no other source of income.

Reel 21.

Fond 38. Opis 8. #13. File on Jews who falsified official documents.

Fond 653. Opis 1 #103. Soviet Extraordinary Commission. July 1945. Trajan Popovici, Mayor of Cernauti personally commands executions. Killings, torture, etc. List of citizens repatriated to Cernauti. List of those killed by occupiers with indication of ethnicity (almost exclusively Jews.) Letters from Jews from Transnistria to their relatives in Bukovina asking for help. (Russian).

. List of Soviet citizens deported in Fascist Slavery in Germany with indication of ethnicity (July 5 1945). 50.000 deported. Names of 1.053 identified, the names of the rest impossible to identify.

Information of damages inflicted by the occupiers. Declarations of Jews concerning goods that were confiscated from them.

Fond 1061. Opis 1 #2. Letters from Jews from concentration camps in Transnistria to their relatives in Bukovina. (German).

#1. The same as above.

Fond 38. Opis 6. #1332. Correspondence between Police Chestura Cernauti with Centrala Evreilor on postal transfers to Transnistria, on deportations, ,on Jews who failed to return from Old Kingdom from the East. September 1943 – February 1944. List of money transfers to Tulcin.

Reel 22.

Continuation of Fond 38 Opis 6 #329 from p. 565.

Jews’ travel permits.

Denunciation of a group of Jewish women hiding from deportation.

Romanian firm requesting travel permit for a Jewish employee. April 1943.

List of baptized Jews from Cernauti, March 1941-May 1943. List of Jews from Cernauti who emigrated to Palestine. Order of the Minister of the Interior concerning issuance of travel authorization for Jews. May 1943.

List of Jews of Cernauti who were supposed to be deported but disappeared. List of Jews who avoided forced labor. Documents relating to the surveillance of individual Jews.

Requests from Romanian enterprises for Jewish specialists. Amy 1943. List of Jews who emigrated to Palestine.

List of personnel of enterprises in Cernauti with indication of ethnicity.

Fond 38 Opis 6 #462. File of a Jewish woman who escaped from Obodovca camp.

#576. Jews accused of Communist activity, August 1941.

Files of individual Jews accused of Communist activity, of not wearing Star of David sign, lese majeste (1943), insulting Antonescu and Hitler, anti-Romanian moods, defeatism, 1941-1943.

#152. Correspondence of the police chestura with the Cernauti police inspectorate (very interesting file!) concerning Jews interned in Sadagura camp for Communist activity. August 1941 – May 1942 “… is not susceptible to any law, but being a Communist sympathizer must be interned.” List of Jews from the camp Videle, Vlasca county who are sent to the Government of Bukovina, n.d.

#28. Statute of the society of Jewish students, Cernauti, n.d.

# Investigation of a Jew suspected of disloyalty.

#73. Correspondenmce concerning medical treatment of Jews sent from the camp to the town of Sadagura. List of Jews, September 1941.

#79. List of Soviet citizens deported to camp in Edinet.

#38. List of suspected Jews of Cernauti under police surveillance. N.D. Illegible.

#13. A group of Jews accused of falsifying official documents. N.d.

Reel 23.

Fond 38 Opis 4 #18. regional Police Inspectorate Cernauti. General Headquarters instruction on Jews’ forced labor. Report on deportation of Jews from Suceava to Transnistria. Correspondence with police bodies on deportation of Jews and their surveillance. October 1942 – January 1943. Christian insists one Jew to be evacuated to occupy his apartment. Orders to deport Jews who break regime of forced labor. Christians suspicious of Jews request their deportation. Enterprises requesting release of arrested Jews.

Summary of evacuation, one page. Response to CBBT inquiry. September 7, 1942.

Jews arrested in November 1942. Summary. List of Jews to be evacuated with the 2nd lat, n.d. Many documents illegible.

Reel 24.

Fond 307. Opis 3 # 90. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#24. List of Jews of Cernauti requisitioned for forced labor in Mayor’s Office, Cernauti, 1942.

#97. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

Reel 25.

Fond 307. Opis 3 # 98. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#101. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#102. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#102. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#99. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#104. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti on composition of their families. 1942. (Census of persons with Jewish blood).

#115. Jews requesting exemptions from forced labor. 1943. Romanians certify.

#117. Jews requesting exemptions from forced labor. 1943. Romanians certify.

Reel 26.

#120. Jews requesting exemptions from forced labor. 1943. Romanians certify.

#126. Lists of Jews of Cernauti exempted from forced labor. 1943.

#127. Information on the Jewish population of Cernauti by age and profession.

Jews from Dorohoi declarting composition of their families. No file information.

#131. The same as above., 1943.

#134. Jews from Radauti county declaring composition of their families. 1943.

#135. Jews of Cernauti declaring composition of their families. N.d. Mostly illegible.

#136. List of Jews of Dorohoi (having both Jewish parents). 1943.

#138. List of baptized Jews of Radauti (having both Jewish parents).1943.

#140. List of Jews of Storojinet county (having both Jewish parents). 1943.

#141. List of Jews from Suceava county (having both Jewish parents). 1943.

#138. List of Jews who arrived to Dorohoi after June 28, 1940. 1941-1944.

#List of Jews of Darohoi town. 1941.

#276. Baptized Jew’s request to be rehired by the municipality turned down. 1942.

Fond 307 Opis 2 #12. List of Jewish craftsmen whose permit for work in the Governor’s office is extended. 1942.

#23. Various documents concerning requisition of Jews for work in the workshops of the Governor’s Office. 1943. Many illegible. Registry of salary payments.

#68. List of Jews requisitioned for work in the workshop of the Governor’s Office. 1942.

#126. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

#127. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

#128. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

#131. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

#132. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

#133. Registry of works performed by requisitioned Jews. 1941.

Reel 27.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #76. Government of Bukovina. Correspondence and other documents concerning regime of Jews in the city, deportations to camps, etc. 1942-1943. Surveillance of Jews.

One or several Romanians denouncing Jews that were deported and allowed to come back. Poorly legible. November 1941 (?).

Requests from entrepreneurs for Jewish specialists.

One Jewish woman to be interned for 15 days for not wearing Star of David sign, though she is ill. Her illness, however, is found to be non-contagious.Police chief tries to cover her, governor if furious.

A firm, being unable to obtain an authorization to employ a Jew, employs him clandestinely. Jew is deported.

List of Jews who were not found at their addresses.

Jews who fled from detachments for forced labor, January 1943.

Reel 28.

Fond 307. Opis 3 #16. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Correspondence and other documents concerning requisition of Jews for work in private and public enterprises. 1941-1942.

Numbers of skilled Jewish workers, per categories, in Cernauti, July 1942.

Statistics concerning Romaniztion of enterprises in Cernauti.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry proposes to get rid of all Jews. List of Jews employed by public and private enterprises but whose further employment is deemed unnecessary by the Chamber. Mostly illegible. 398 people.

List of Jews of 18-80 years exempted from forced labor. November 1942. Illegible.

Instructions concerning implementation of control over Jews. 1943.

Plan of control operation by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. List of Jews employed per firms and enterprises.

Reports of various control missions.

Chamber of Labor ascertains that doublers do nor really learn their crafts. February 1943.

List of Jews requisitioned for forced labor in private enterprises. Requests from enterprises for Jewish specialists. February 1943.

List of Jews requisitioned for forced labor in private enterprises. Requests from enterprises for Jewish labor.

List of fired Jews.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #17. Reports, lists and correspondence concerning requisition of Jewish specialists fro work in public and private institutions and enterprises. 1942-1943. Lists of Jews requested by the Patronage Council. July 1942.

List of Jews from Patronage Council who can be deported being “useless.” N.d.

Propaganda service requests requisition of 11 Jews who possess foreign languages. Industrial Lycee requests requisition of a group of Jews for a period of one month. September 1942.

Many pages illegible.

General Headquarters instructions concerning packages to be sent to Jews in Transnistria. They should not be “to the detriment of the national economy.” October 1942.

Cernauti Mayor’s Office requesting requisition of Jewish doctors, October 1942. “In principal” this is against law but the “situation is exceptional.”

Provincial Government informs General Headquarters in Bucharest that it tries already for a year to get rid of Jews, has already deported 90.000 but it co it immediately. Exemptions are approved not in favor of Jews, but in the interest of national economy. The situation of the province is “absolutely special” and is recognized as such by Marshall Antonescu.

Governmet of Bukovinma in conflict with the Territorial Unit (“cercul teritorial”) of the Army N 9. Government insists it is his exclusive responsibility to employ Jews.

Roman Catholic Church from Cernauti request registration of a Catholic Jew as a violinist. August 1942.

Mayor’s Office, Gura Humoruluii requests requisition of Jewish tinsmiths for work. Army refuses: it needs them. November 1942.

List of Jews exempted from forced labor for medical reasons.

Reel 29. Continuation of file from reel 28 (?).

Patronage Council, administration of establishments and goods from Bukovina. Request for Jewish specialists and craftsmen; Jews made disposable. November 1942. (Annexes are lacking).

Requests from enterprises for Jewish labor.

Rules concerning data to be supplied together with request for Jewish labor. December 1942

Jews requested by Centrala Evreilor, Cernauti, for work.

Instruction concerning collection of used objects from Jews.

New regime for Jews, December 8, 1942. Order of the Council of Ministers.

General Headquarters are against the use of Jewish doctors in the Army.

Modification of the regime of Jews. December 1942.

List of Jews requisitioned by General Headquarters, Cernauti, June 1943.

Jews requisitioned by the Mayor’s Office, Cernauti, January 1943.

Jewish doctors requisitioned for Mayor’s office, medical office, January 1943.

Instructions concerning employment of Jewish doctors.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #illegible. Correspondence, orders and requests concerning requisition of Jewish specialists for forced labor in commercial and industrial firms. 1942, 1943. Many documents illegible.

Firm fires a Jewish employee found listening to radio.

Jews requisitioned for work at Romanian Orthodox Center, Cvernauti, October 1942. Partly illegible.

Jewess requisitioned for work as a notary at the Mayor’s Office Cernauti, October 1943.

Order of Governor Colotescu concerning employment of Jewish labor, August 1942. Employment cannot last more than three months in commerce and more than 6 months in industrial enterprises.

Reel 30.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #405. From page 405. Requests from enterprises for Jewish specialists.

Newspapers Viata September 15, 1942; Ultima ora, September 1942.

List of Jews requisitioned for forced labor by various agencies of the provincial government.

[Somewhere here a new file begins, but it is not clear and what the number is, possibly Fond 307 Opis 3 #19].

Veterinary Jewish doctor needed for veterinary clinic, Cernauti, June 1942.

Reel 31.

Continuation of the file from Reel 30 (?).

List of Jews requisitioned for forced labor by various military units, Martial Court (to repair its building, etc.). 1942.

General Headquarters’ instructions on the procedure to deport Jews to Transnistria, July 1942.

Correspondence between provincial government and the Army concerning responsibility over Jewish forced labor.

Government of Bukovina refuses to allow its Jewish specialists to be used in Bessarabia.

Ordinance of the Governor concerning the use of the Jewish forced labor. August 1942.

Instructions concerning the use of Jewish forced labor. August 1942.

List of Jews exempted from forced labor for medical reasons. 1942, Cernauti.

Resolution of Antonescu concerning organization of forced labor of Jews. To send to Transnistria those Jews avoiding forced labor.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #20. Government of the province of Bukovina. Instructions, lists, correspondence and other materials concerning requisition of Jewish workers for forced labor. 1942.

Requests for Jewish specialists from various enterprises.

Press release N 1 of the Ministry of the Interior concerning issuance of exemptions from forced labor and authorizations to work in accordance with profession, October 27, 1942.

Press release N2. Hours during which Jews can buy foods.

Other press releases. Until the end of 1943.

Governor Colotescu approves requisition of Jewish specialists for Zharozhani sugar factory, June 1942 (?).

Reel 32. Continuation of file from reel 31 (?)>

Requests for Jewish specialists from enterprises. Spring 1943. lists.

Jews fleeing from forced labor are executed. February 1943.

Instruction s of the General Headquarters concerning the execution of Law N 28 of February 3, 1943 on punishment of Jews fleeing forced labor.

Practically all requests are approved.

List of Jews fired by the firms, to be used for forced labor by the Army. March 1943. 931 people. In general employed 2554, those who are to be fired 931, stay employed 1623. March-April 1943. List of Jews employed by various enterprises, April 1943.

List of Jews distributed for work at private enterprises in 1942.

Army is interested in Romanization because Jews are released to be used for forced labor by the Army.

Jews used by the Army for forced labor in February 1943, illegible.

Fond 307. Opis 3 #26 List of Jewish designers requisitioned. 1942.

#27. Jews requisitioned for work in the finance administration, Cernauti.

#28. Jews requisitioned for work in the spirits’ factories.

#29. Jews requisitioned for work in the postal service and telegraph.

#30. Jews requisitioned for work in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

#31. Jews requisitioned for work in the sanitary clinic.

#32-38. Jews requisitioned for work on the railways.

#40-46. Jews requisitioned for work in the various governmental agencies.

#47. Governments of the Province of Bukovina. Correspondence with the prefecture Dorohoi on the deportation of Jews to concentration camps.

Instruction of who is liable for deportation and procedure thereof. June 1942.

List of Jews of Dorohoi taken hostages and which are prepoared to be deported. April 1942.

Numbers of Jews of Dorohoi who were deported and those who stay.

List of those deported.

#54. Lists of Jewish functionaries of the Jewish community of Dorohoi whom Community ask to exempt from deportation. 14 pages. 1942. This request is rejected on the ground that Jews thrown out of the economy are to be deported “to other territories.”

List of baptized Jews of Dorohoi and those married to Christians. List of Jewish invalids and veterans of wars, Dorohoi.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #71. Travel permits for Jews requisitioned for work at private and public enterprises. 1942. Many illegible. 1942, Spring-Summer. Requests for Jewish specialists from enterprises.

Reel 33. Continuation of the file fr4om previous reel (?), from p. 231.

Requests for travel permits for Jews from their employers.

Employers compete for Jewish labor.

Directorate of Romanization requests Jewish labor for handling woods. May 1942.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #72. requests for travel permits for Jewish emploees from their employers. 1042. Many illegible. Summer 1942. Requests for the permission to employ Jews.

Reel 34. Continuation of the file from reel 33 (?).

Rules concerning contribution to be paid by Jewish community, Cernauti, n.d. Poorly legible.

Budget of the Jewish community Cernauti (July1 1942-March 31 1943). Personnel of the Community.

Ministry of the Interior forbids travel of Jews from Bukovina otherwise than with the authorization of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. N.d.

Instruction concerning travel of Jews by railways staring from January 25 1942. (February 1942). Poorly legible.

Nevertheless Governor Colotescu continued to issue travel permits.

Directorate of the Romanization requests labor of Jewish specialists to effect some work. October 1942.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #73. government of the Province of Bukovina. Issuance of travel permits for Jews. 1943. Poorly legible.

Romanian population agitatede against the employment of Jews, n.d. (1942?).

Prefect orders to take preventive measures.

Reel 35. Continuation of the file from reel 34 (?).

Denunciation of a Jew by Christian.

Jew requisitioned for work at a factory attacked by Christian workers.

Invetsigation of a Jew not wearing a Star of David.

Minister of Interior to the Governor of Bokovina. Ministers explains that Jews cannot be stopped form traveling in wagons-lits as soon as they pay. March 1943.

Rivalry between the Ministry of Interior and the Government of the priocvince concerning the right of surveillance of travel of Jews.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #78. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#79. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#80. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#81. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

Reel 36. Continuation of the file from reel 35.

#82. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#83. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#84. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

# 85. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#86. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#87. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#88. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#89. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#90. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

#91. Government of the Province of Bukovina. Declarations of Jews of Cernauti concerning composition of their families. 1942.

Reel 37.

Fond 307 Opis 1 #235. Investigation of a group of Jews concerning their alleged conversion to Christianity. 1941.

#236. One Jewish doctor from Vatra Dornei town illegally practicing his profession. 1942.

#237 Christian pharmacist request permission to employ Jewish specialist.

#240 Order to deport to concentration camps all members of religious sects. June 1942.

#243. Verification of identities of a group of Jewish craftsmen requisitioned for forced labor. 1942.

#255. two Jews deported for illegal travel to Bucharest.


#268. Government to the Army: stop deporting Jews who are exempted from deportation, otherwise deportation will be stopped. 1942.

#276. Jews from Dorohoi request different treatment from Jews from Bessarabia and Bukovina. Denounce “reproachable acts” of the latter. Resolution of the Governor. July 1942..

#497. Police of Radauti reports on the discontent of the local Romanian population over the procedure to auction former properties of deported Jews and Germans who left for Germany. Alleged corruption of representatives of N.C.R.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #3. Police reports on the”moods of the local population,” 1941, 942.

Police from the town of Deva reports on the looting by Romanian officers of Jewish houses perpetrated by the latter at the entrance of the Romanian Army in the town.

Reports of looting of Jewish properties.

Gendarme officers are suspect.

Reports on inventory of Jewish properties in the town of Vijnita, 1941.

Investigation of illegal corruption of Jewish properties in the said town.

In the town of Suceava, deportation of Jews led to collapse of commerce. Local population is discontented.

Local population of Solea (?) agitated against settlers from Dobrogea. November 18, 1941.

Intermediaries are guilty for lack of foods.

Data on deportation from Dorohoi, November 1941.

Ukrainians, dissatisfied with German attitude towards them, decide to wait and see.

Activity of Ukrainians.

Romanian population of Suceava is discontent that it cannot obtain Jewish goods.

Romanian population of Suceava is discontent with the “unforeseen consequences” of the deportation of Jews.

Romanians working at the factory Cernauti are agitated suspecting that its director is “really” a Jew. January 1942.

Ukrainian Banderist movement.

Ukrainians become more moderate due to change in Hitler’s attitude towards them.

Lack of efficiency of commercial schools in Suceava: no one graduate of any use.

Precarious material situation of Jews of Cernauti, February 1942.

Romanians cannot take place of Jews.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #4. Government of the province of Bukovina. Correspondence with the Council of Ministers concerning moods of the local population and Ukrainian National Movement in Bukovina, 1941-1942.

Romanian farmers are discontented that former Jewsih land properties were lease to ethnic Armenians.

90% of Ukrainians served Soviets.

It is of extreme importance to substitute Jewish pharmacists and doctors with Romanian ones. The former must go. (Author unclear0.

Disposition of the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Ovidiu Valdescu concerning Jewish goods, legal sitruation of them. November 15, 1941.

Exerts from report of Alexianu, Governor of Transnistria, concerning hygienic problems of Jews deported to Transnistrai: they are too numerous. November 1941.

Order of Antonescu to suspend deportation of Jews during winter. November 1941.

Surveillance of Ukrainian leaders. Information.

Note to German Consul concerning Ukrtainian National Movement. Ukrainians accused of collaborating with Jews under Soviets. N.d.

List of deputies elected to the USSR Supreme Soviet, MSSR Supreme Soviet. Many Ukrainians.

Resolution of Antonescu concerning “Banderist nests.”

Fond 307 Opis 3 #5. Correspondence of Cernauti Police General Directorate with the Ministry of Interior concerning the moods of the local population, 1941-1942.

Results of the distribution of former Jewish apartments to those who requested them. October 1941. Population is generally satisfied.

Denunciation of Trajan Popovici, Mayor of Cernauti, and Major Pop, for their Judeo-philia. October 1941.

Affirmation that craftsmen are deported, others exempted from deportation for bribes. October 1941.

Illegal commerce in Ghetto Cernauti.

Somebody “Inspector General” caught looting Jewish house.

Ion Antonescu’s resolution: “lack of food to be explained by comparison with other countries.”

Fond 307 Opis 3 #6. Monthly police reports, Cernauti, on the moods of the local population. 1941-1942.

Romanian population awaits radical solution of this Jewish problem.

Statistics of deportations.

Economic situation. Progress.

December 1941. Deepening anti-Semitism of the locals. Statistics.

Commerce is non-exoistent.

Fond 307 Opis 3 #3. Illegible.

Fond 307 Opis # #11. Police reports on Romanian population’s moods, economy, etc. 1942-1943. Ilegible.

RG 54.001 Selected Records from the National Archives of Moldova, 1941-1944

Acc. 1993.A.0064

Extent: 24 microfilm reels.

Provenance: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum obtained the records from the National Archives of Moldova, Chisinau.

Restrictions on Access: No restrictions on access.

Restrictions on Use:

Organization and Arrangement: Arrangement is thematic.

Language: Romanian, Russian

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content: Contains various documents relating to internment of Jews in several ghettos in Romania and Bessarabia; administration of the Chisinau ghetto (including census information); the ghetto in Balti; the ghetto in Soroca; activities of the police in the Chisinau ghetto; disposal of Jewish property; deportations of Jews from Bessarabia to Transnistria; and executions of Romanian Jews. It is dated from 1941 to 1944.


Reel 1:

Fond 706.1 Ministerial Board (Consiliul de Mini(tri), Office for Bessarabia, Bucovina and Transnistria.

File 22 Memoranda regarding the Jewish problem in Bessarabia.

List of contents. Rules and regulations for the organization of Ghettos. Results of inspections of military personnel accused of accepting bribes and favoring Jews in the Ghettos. Orders and instructions for deportation of Jews from the Ghettos to the Bug river. Confiscation of gold, jewelry and currency and handling by the National Bank agents and the military of those goods. Handling and administration of Jewish assets left after their evacuation. Fall 1941. (127 pages).

File 23 Documents regarding inspections performed in Bessarabia and Bucovina, 1941.. Memorandum and documents related to the request of Traian Popovici, mayor of Cern(u(i for an audience with Antonescu.(85 pages). Report on investigation in Chi(in(u, December 1941; Antonescu presiding. Criminal acts and rapacity of the military toward the Jews (11 pages). Report of inspection in Bessarabia and Bucovina. Additional political report on Bucovina and Bessarabia. Attitude of the Ukrainian population who request Bucovina to remain attached to the Ukraine (215pages).

File 68 Report on trip to Bessarabia and Bucovina on 24-28 Oct. 1941. Economical, administrative and cultural situation, handling of properties and assets left from the Jews.

(115 pages).

File 69 Inquiry of the administration of the Ghetto Chi(in(u: statistical data; violations and criminal acts committed by the military in the Ghetto and at the evacuation and transport of the Jews to Transnistria; a number of Jews are helped to escape from the Ghetto with their families by German military in exchange for big sums of money. 1941.(82 pages).

File 550 Government of Bucovina. Report to Ministerial Board on military and political situation, dated Jan. 1944. (15 pages).

File 559 Part 1. Stenogram Excerpts of Economic Council meeting presided by Mihai Antonescu, and other meetings relative to administration of Bessarabia and Bucovina on July-October, 1941. (285 pages).

File 559 Part 2. Stenogram Excerpts of Economic Council and other meetings relative to administration of Bessarabia Bucovina and Transnistria on October-December, 1941. (280 pages).

File 628 Vol. I and II. Handling of inventory left by deported Jews in Bessarabia and Bucovina. 1942. (5 & 4 pages).

File 822 a. Report of general Potopeanu on handling of agricultural products from Transnistria and related documents (35 pages). b. Visit of Apostolic Nuncio in Transnistria and Bucovina in April 1943 (37 pages).

c. Ordinances regarding Jews in Odessa, 1942, (13 pages).

File 1115 Report on situation in Odessa, inclusive Jewish population. Fall 1941. (12 pages).

Reel 2:

Fond 666.2 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Siguran(a in Bessarabia.

File 165 Internment of Jews in Camps and Ghettos. Rules and regulations for treatment of Jews. Statistical data and lists of Jews in district Orhei of Bessarabia. Report on creation of a Camp for the 312 Jews left in Orhei. Copies of documents regarding the Jewish population for the entire province. July-November 1941. (401pages).

File 262 Documents regarding various restrictions for Jews. The problem of Jewish origin. Jews converted to other religions. The Jewish labor brigades: insubordination punishable by deportation to Transnistria. Most documents are from the Police Headquarters Orhei. 1942-1943. (250 pages).

Fond 693.2 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Central Siguran(a.

File 299 Internment of Jews in Camps. 1941. Rules and regulations for treatment of Jews. Statistical data and lists of Jews in district Tighina. Copies of documents regarding Jewish population for the entire province. July-November 1941. (389 pages).

Reel 3:

Fond 694.3 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Police B(l(i.

File 108 Auctioning off Jewish properties. 1941-1942. (633 pages).

Reel 4:

Fond 694.3 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Police B(l(i.

File 109 Auctioning off Jewish properties. 1941-1942. Internment of 2164 Jews (p.88). (Continues from Reel # 3) (933 pages).

File 132 Administrative documents and directives (4 pages)

Reel 5:

Fond 694.3 Ministry of Internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Police B(l(i.

File 142 Activity related to internment of Jews in camps and using them for labor by both Romanians and Germans. List of Jews in Camp R(u(el; lists of Jews by trade. All Jews from Camps in B(l(i were transferred in September(?) 1941 to a Camp in M(rcule(ti, district Soroca. (471 pages).

Fond 696.1 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Siguran(a.

File 31 The Jews in District Soroca. Lists of Jews who were active in various Bolshevik organizations. On 11 August, 1941 all Jews were evacuated to a camp. Only 51 Jews, men and women, were left in town working for the Germans and under their control. (361 pages).

File 32 Nominal lists of Jews for year 1941 in Soroca: in the camps, working for the Germans, by occupation etc. Interrogation of Jews suspected of collaboration with the Soviets (266 pages).

File 84 Situation of Jews in Soroca. Problem of mixed marriages and conversions. Situations of Jews from West of Dnjestr working in labor brigades in Bessarabia. (168 pages).

Reel 6:

Fond 696.1 Ministry of internal Affairs. Inspectorate of Police. Archives of the Siguran(a

File 84 (Continuation from Reel #5). Situation of Jews in Soroca. Problem of mixed marriages and conversions. Situations of Jews from West of Dnjestr working in labor brigades in Bessarabia. Copies of ordinances from the Army and from civil authorities regarding treatment of Jews.(167 pages).

File 157 Situation of Jews in Soroca. Problem of mixed marriages and

conversions. Copies of ordinances from the Army and from civil authorities regarding treatment of Jews. List of Jews who emigrated to Palestine or other countries, from various regions of Romania, 1943. Lists of Jews in labor brigades working East of the Dnjestr. Reports on trainloads with Jews coming from Transnistria. (Two sections). (345 pages).

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters Chisinau. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 6586 Copies of ordinances from the Army and from civil authorities regarding treatment of Jews. Jewish work brigades in Chi(in(u. Report on killings of Jews by the GESTAPO (Nota informativ( pp.33,34). The ghetto in Chi(in(u. (325 pages).

Reel 7:

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 6586 (Continues from Reel # 6) The ghetto in Chi(in(u. Pursuit of Jews known or denounced as having collaborated with the Bolsheviks. Mixed marriages and conversions. Reports asserting that Jewish elements had an undignified behavior during the retreat of the Romanians from Bessarabia in 1940. Report by the Siguran(a on atrocities committed on October 8, 1941, when a convoy of ca 2,000 Jews were evacuated. They were robbed and then executed.(pp.85-86). Reports on the living conditions and the mood of the Jews in the ghetto. (382 pages).

File 6588 (Continues from File 6586). The Ghetto in Chi(in(u. Pursuit of Jews known or denounced as having collaborated with the Bolsheviks. Mixed marriages and conversions. (199 pages)

File 6590 Continues from File 6588). The ghetto in Chi(in(u. Pursuit of Jews known or denounced as having collaborated with the Bolsheviks. Mixed marriages and conversions. List of Jews living outside of the Ghetto.(273 pages).

File 6591 Continues from File 6590). The ghetto in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. List of Jews living outside of the Ghetto.(262 pages).

Reel 8:

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 6592 (Continues from File 6591). The Ghetto in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. List of Jews interned in the Ghetto. List of Jews in the hospital.(260 pages).

File 6923 (Continues from File 6592). The Ghetto in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. List of Jews converted to Catholicism after February, 1942. List of Jews who did participate at the census. List of 27 Jews deported to Transnistria on July, 1942. (421 pages).

Reel 9:

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 6923 (Continues from reel # 8) The Ghetto in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. List of Jews left in the Municipality Chi(in(u. List of Jews in labor brigades coming from the Old Kingdom. (521 pages).

Reel 10:

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 6924 (Continues from Reel # 9). The Ghetto in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. Problems of the Jewish labor brigades stationed in Bessarabia. List of Jews left in the Municipality Chi(in(u. (606 pages).

Fond 680.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 4473 The Jews in Chi(inau. Mixed marriages and conversions. Jews deported to Transnistria. Problems of the Jewish labor brigades stationed in Bessarabia. Copy of Order from Army General Staff regarding the Jews in labor brigades. List of Gypsies to be deported for reasons of State security(Two sections) (I- 244 pages, II-202 pages).

Reel 11:

Fond 680.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 4473 (Continues from Reel # 10) The Jews in Chi(in(u. Mixed marriages and conversions. Jews deported to Transnistria. Problems of the Jewish labor brigades stationed in Bessarabia. Copy of Order from Army General Staff regarding the Jews in labor brigades. Jews in labor brigades must be isolated from the civil population. Lists of Gypsies and of Romanian vagrants under police surveillance. (Three sections). (III- 144 pages. IV= 164 pages, V- 130 pages).

File 4474 The Jews in Bessarabia. Mixed marriages and conversions. Lists of Jews who did convert. Information regarding the activity of the Group headed by Filderman. Census of Jews. List of Jews deported to Transnistria and handling of their assets and homes. (Two sections). ( I - 207 pages; II 221 pages).

Reel 12:

Fond 680.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 4474 (Continues from Reel # 11) The Jews in Bessarabia. Mixed marriages and conversions. Lists of Jews who did convert. Census of Jews; lists of Jews counted. Lists of Jews from West of the Prut who settled in Bessarabia. Deportation of 301 Jews in July 1942. Jews in labor brigades in Bessarabia.

(Two sections). (II - 227 pages; III - 153 pages).

File 4475 The Jews in Bessarabia. Mixed marriages and conversions. Lists of Jews who did convert. Census of Jews; lists of Jews counted. Lists of Jews from West of the Prut who settled in Bessarabia. Smuggling of letters and money into Transnistria.

(Three sections). (I-229 pages; II-237 pages; III-244 pages).

Reel 13:

Fond 680.1 Police Headquarters Chi(in(u. Office of the Siguran(a.

File 4475 (Continues from Reel # 12) Routine weekly Reports of the various sections of the Siguranta in Bessarabia. (166 pages)

File 4476 Lists of Jews living in the Ghetto and in the city of Chi(in(u. List of Jews in the territory of Bessarabia. Problem of mixed marriages. Jews converted to other religions. Transfer of money to Jews in Transnistria. Couriers intercepted with money and various objects received from Jews in Bucharest for their relatives in Transnistria.(Three sections) (I - 212 pages , II - 229 pages , III - 230 pages).

Reel 14:

Fond 1026/2 Extraordinary State Investigation Commission. Text in Russian.

13. Crimes against Jews in northern Bessarabia, with name list. 153 pages

15 Handwritten list of people shot in Petreui, probably Jews by type of name (Russian).

Oversized pages, probably each two frames. Drurtoi village in Balti district.

16. List of people killed in a village. July 1941. 4 pages

21. Statements of witnesses. Scattered references to Jews. 123 pages.

31. Rabnita report. Name lists of victims and witnesses. 33 pages.

32. Tiraspol report. 62 pages.

Reel 15:

Fond 666.1 Prefectura (Government) of District Orheiu, Bessarabia

File 260 Transmit various orders from the Army General Headquarters to sub-authorities: Police Headquarters, Notary Publics, the Army Garrison, in relation to various administrative measures for handling unexploded bombs and other war material, lists of industrial plants and shops, categories of population: war invalids, widows and orphans, Jews in the ages 19-50, Jewish and gentile craftsmen, police activity. Lists of Jews from various districts in Romania who were missing from forced labor units. 267 pages. Aug 1941 - Apr l942.

Fond 666.2 Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police headquarters, Archive.

File 325.1 The Jewish Problem 1943/44. Reports on Jews who have crossed the Dnjestr to and from Transnistria in the territory of the district Orhei. Also the use of Romanian civil and military personnel by Jews for courier services, or fraudulent escape from Transnistria. List of areas restricted to Jews in the territory of Romania. Document regarding evacuation of “heimatlos” Jews (of German origin). List of baptized Jews or persons with Jewish blood. Rumors of spreading pictures of Jabotinski for Zionist propaganda by the youth organization Trumpeldor in Bucharest. Lists of Jews from various districts in Romania who emigrated to Palestine. Request from the central authorities to test the mood of the Jewish population. Also request to provide lists of Jews and those with Jewish blood. Regulation of information exchange between Jews in Transnistria and those in Romania. List of Jews who received visas of return from the Romanian Consulate in Berlin. (N. R. Another document mentioned that they will be handed over to the Police in Cernauti, who will evacuate them to Transnistria. Yet another document dated July 4, 1943 allows them to settle in towns in Moldova). Situation of Jews who fled from Poland into Romania after 1940. Lists of Jews who emigrated from Transylvania to other countries than Palestine. 209 pages.

File 325.2 The Jewish Problem 1943/44. Reports on Jews who have crossed the Dnjestr to and from Transnistria in the territory of the district Orhei. Situation of Jews who fled from Poland into Romania after 1940. Dispositions regarding Jews in forced labor units. Gypsies from Transnistria communicating with relatives in Romania. Request to provide lists of Jews and those with Jewish blood. Regulations regarding mixed marriages. Jews controlling businesses under formal Romanian ownership. Travel of Jews on Railroads. List of Jews escaped from Transnistria. Reports on agitation against the rich Jews who are not sent to forced labor. Regulations with regard to a number of 2,000 Jewish children to be repatriated from Transnistria. 228 pages.

File 347 Record of baptized Jews and with Jewish blood. 3 pages

Fond 679.1 Police headquarters ChiÕin|u.

File 659.3 Investigation of two Romanians who carried letters from the Ghetto to relatives in Romania. Information on Jews having forged identity and baptismal documents. List of Jews living in Chisinau. In households where the wife is of Jewish origin the radio receivers will be confiscated, to prevent information to be given to the Jews. March 1942. 269 pages.

File 692.2 Problems related to the Jews living in various Ghettos in the Chisinau region. Investigation of baptism made by Evangelical priests. The census of the Jewish population in Chisinau. List of Jews who sent their census forms to the Centrala Evreilor in Bucharest. Lists of Jews baptized by various Christian denominations. 1942. 349 pages.

Reel 16:

Fond 679.1 Police headquarters ChiÕin|u. Vol. II.

File 692.2 By order from Antonescu, all Jews from the “Vechiul Regat” who remained under Russian occupation may return home. In April 29, 1942 there are 208 Jews in the Ghetto, half of whom are starving. The catholic and evangelical parishes offer short courses for baptism. Tension among Jews. 59 Jews mentally insane are sent to a camp. Situation of abandoned Jewish and gentile children. Information on Jews having forged identity and baptismal documents. Interdiction of Jews to travel on Wagons Lits. On May 20, 1942 all Jews without permit and the mentally insane from hospitals were sent by railroad to station Viedevka, Transnistria. Detailed description of the evacuation. List of 173 Jews left in Chisinau. List of 224 sane and 48 mentally insane Jews evacuated to Transnistria. The Police station in the Ghetto was liquidated. A search in a Jewish house in the ghetto unearthed a box containing jewelry in the value of 25 million lei and 800.000 lei in cash. 1942. 423 pages.

File 721.9 Vol.1, 1943. List of Jews living in Chisinau on April 6, May 8, and July 4, 1943. The Jews from Germany (Heimatlos) to be identified and recorded. Rumors about a national-socialist atheist sect “Die Taube,” anti-Christian. Jews who were on the list of the Soviet Embassy in Bucharest, to be evacuated to Transnistria. List of areas restricted to Jews in the territory of Romania. List of Jews who were baptized after March 22(?), 1941. Lists of Jews from various districts in Romania who emigrated to Palestine, and in various other countries. Desecration of the Jewish cemetery by soldiers of a military Unit: grating dismantled and then sold, diggings at the headstones (denied by local authorities). 958 pages

Reel 17:

Fond 679.1 Police Headquarters ChiÕin|u.

File 7220 Police and Siguranta activity related to verification of ethnic origin, of legality of baptismal of Jews, of Jews with falsified documents. Restrictions on travel by railroad. 1944. 288 pages.

Fond 680.1 Police headquarters ChiÕin|u

File 136 Payment of informants. Document regarding evacuation of “heimatlos” Jews (of German origin). Rumors of spreading pictures of Jabotinski for Zionist propaganda by the youth organization Trumpeldor in Bucharest. Various reports from the police station in Chilia Noua. Restrictions on travel of baptized Jews. Information on a Ukrainian nationalist organization directed against the Germans and the Bolsheviks, headed by an ex-captain of the czarist army.

Report from the German agency “Transcontinent” by an agent, shows that due to the brutal behavior of the German army, the attitude of the population in Galicia and the Ukraine has reversed and they consider the German occupation worse than the communists. Romanian troops had to intervene in Galicia to disarm young Ukrainians, mostly intellectuals. The agent met the same situation in Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina, because of the attitude of the Romanian authorities, which protect and prefer only the Romanians.

Lists of persons that registered for evacuation if needed (196 families). 1943. 171 pages.

File 4229 Investigation of contacts between Jews recently relocated in the Ghetto and Romanians, for favors, in exchange for money and jewelry. 1942. 47 pages.

File 4230.1 THE Jewish problem, August 1941 . Creation of camps for the Jews from the countryside. Organization of work brigades by specialties for various repair works in town. In Chisinau a Ghetto will be created. Various other dispositions. Migration of Jews over the Dnjestr from the Ukraine into Bessarabia. Reports of utilizing the Jewish workforce from the camp in various Districts. In some camps the number of interned Jews is given. Ordinance to wear the yellow star; order later rescinded.

All rabbis and presidents of Jewish Communities will be kept hostages in order to receive dispositions from Mr.Filderman with regard to the upcoming loan from the Ministry of Finance.

Nominal lists of Jews in the camps in district Tighina (total 76

persons). Wires describing the misery and deaths of the convoys of Jews driven to and from various camps.

The story of a chaplain captain who bragged to have shot 32 Jews (letter from the Chief of Police: Major, (illegible) addressed to the Prefect of District Chilia on August 4, 1941).

List of camps and number of Jews interned (Sept. 1941) in various districts. 322 pages.

File 4230.2 Regulations regarding the Jews in the Ghetto. October 9. 1941- report on the evacuation of the Ghetto. Groups of 2,500 Jews are driven by foot over the Dnjestr. Also the procedures for handling of the goods left by the Jews. October 10, 1941- Report to Martial Court, re: a Jewish woman and an officer dig out boxes in the yard of her house in the ghetto. October 11, 1941 - Evacuation delayed because of unrest in the ghetto. Information on evacuation of Jews in other districts. List of camps and ghettos in the district Ismail.

Investigation of the communist organization MOPR and its members in the district Soroca during the Soviet occupation.

Report on the activity of the Jewish element (elementul jid|nesc) during the Soviet occupation and the damages inflicted during the retreat in June 1941 (signed by the chief of police Orheiu). Inventory of valuables taken from the Jews of Chilia noua on 9/30 and 10/1, 1941 (Nominal ). Damaging pictures are taken of convoys crossing the Dnjestr. Situation of the camps in Northern Bessarabia on October 25, 1941. Use of Jews by the German army, mainly in Bucovina. 306 pages.

File 4634.1. Search for Jews escaped from the camp Golta. Movement of Jew from forced labor units. Categories of Jews to return from Transnistria (Dec. 1943).

On December 24, 1943 a trainload of 1677 Jews return to Dorohoi. December 25, 3 carloads with 144 Jews return to various cities in Romania via Dorohoi. 3 Jan. 1944, 122 Jews from the camp Balta, Transnistria return to Dorohoi. 219 pages.

File 4634.2 The Jewish problem 1944. Jan 14 - 5 Jews from Balta return to Dorohoi. Jan. 13 - 31 Jews from Golta-Transnistria travel to Timisoara and Arad. Jan. 16- 28 Jews from Balta return to Dorohoi. Jan 21 - 50 Jews from Tiraspol and Golta return to various cities in Romania. Baptized Jewish women recognized as Christians. 210 pages.

Reel 18:

Fond 680 Police headquarters ChiÕin|u - The Jewish Problem

File 4635.1 Analysis and number of Jews and mixed marriages in various cities in Bessarabia. List of Jews living in Chisinau on July 1, 1943 (183 persons). List of Jews and of baptized Jews in district B|lÛi on July 7, 1943. List of Jews with German visas for return to Romania. Situation and list of Jews in district Cetatea Alba. Same for Cahul. List of professional and craftspeople in Chisinau on July 15, 1943. 282 pages.

File 4635.2 List of Jews in Ismail. Investigations of ethnic origin. Orders and restrictions for Jews in forced labor units working in Bessarabia. Investigation of various persons on the authenticity of their documents. 260 pages.

File 4636.1 Jews to be sent to camps in Transnistria. Information on transports of Jews from forced labor units in and out of Bessarabia. Text of a song performed by the Jews in the forced labor units. 1942/43. 271 pages.

File 4636.2 A mobile agent from the Army General Staff was caught in Otaci with a sum of 2 million lei and numerous letters addressed to Jews in Moghilev-Transnistria. In public places appeared labels with strong antisemitic character. Considered as provocative, the authorities order the finding and arrest of the perpetrators. A number of caricatures with antisemitic and anti Western character and images of fraternity with the German army were distributed mistakenly by a member of the Propaganda Office of the Army General Staff. They are manufactured in Germany and come in the shape of a 20-page brochure.

Copy after a sticker found in Timisoara with character anti-Semitic, and anti-Bolshevik. 277pages.

File 4637.1 Reports on movement of Jews from forced labor units to and from Bessarabia. Investigations of ethnic origin. 282 pages,

File 4637.2 List of Jews who escaped from the camp Golta-Transnistria dated October 28, 1943. (42 persons). 281 pages.

Reel 19:

Fond 680 Police headquarters ChiÕin|u - The Jewish Problem.1943-44

File 4638 Police action for apprehension of the peddlers of caricatures with character anti-Semitic originated in Germany. Lists of Jews and with Jewish blood in various districts in Bessarabia. Police looking after a manifest titled: “Publicat Rom>nilor, s| p|r|seasc| bunurile evreeÕti urgent .“ Evacuation of Jews and with Jewish blood from non-residential towns. 245 pages.

File 4639 Lists of Jews deported to Transnistria, during 1941 and 1942, of Jews not deported and of Polish citizens. For some districts there are detailed data on the camps before the evacuation. Info regarding return of children from Transnistria: numerical data by districts, organization of transports and final destinations.

77 pages.

File 4640 Listings of the Jews in Bessarabia: Jews from Chisinau deported to Transnistria (204 persons); Jews left in Chisinau (178). Persons with Jewish blood in the districts of Bessarabia on November 1.1943 (335). Lists of Jews in various cities in Bessarabia. Map of Bessarabia indicating the number of Jews by districts. 28 pages.

File 4641 Lists of Jews in forced labor units from various districts in Romania, 1943, doing roadwork East of the Pruth. 58 pages.

File 4680.1 Police and Siguranta investigation of Jews in problems of conversion and baptism and of conformation to the laws and ordinances. Reference to a member of the anti-Semitic National-Christian party who torched the synagogue in Balti. Born out of wedlock, he was raised by a Jewish family. Rebaptized in 1942; officially still recognized as a Jew. List of Jews baptized after 1941. 256 pages.

File 4680.2 List of Jews from the territory of the 7-th Army Corps who emigrated to Palestine. Lists of Jews in various cities in Bessarabia. List of Jewish writers and their works that are prohibited from distribution and barred in schools and offices. 243 pages.

File 4805.1 The Jewish problem. Investigation of Jews suspected as having been in the service of the NKVD, or were politically active during the soviet occupation; mostly based on malevolent information. Transfer of money to Jews in Transnistria. 1941. 308 pages.

File 4805.2 Investigation of Jews related to activities during the Soviet occupation and to the ethnic origin. Nominal report of Romanians receiving postcards from deportees in Transnistria. 1941. 303 pages.

File 4929. History and organization of the “Free Masons society” and its connections with the Jewish organization “Bnai Brith.” Also the history and nominal list of prominent personalities members of the free Masons in Romania. 29 pages.

Reel 20:

Fond 694.3 Police Headquarters B|lÛi - The Jewish Problem

File 141 On September 1941 there are no more Jews in the district Balti. Jews caught after that date were sent to camps in other districts. Dispositions for mixed marriages, the wife having converted. Order to confiscate pictures taken at the Jewish cemetery during the execution of the Jews “who did participate in the rebellion in June”, and of convoys of Jews crossing the Dnjestr. 477 pages.

File 176, Documents regarding persons who were authorized to occupy the homes left by deported Jews. 1943. 313pages.

File 211.1 Investigation of ethnic origin and of mixed marriages, due to reports from informants. Preparations for the census of the Jews. List of Jews in forced labor units in the district. 426 pages.

File 211.2 Investigation of reports from informants regarding the ethnic origin and the occupation of persons with Jewish blood or presumed so. Jewish craftspeople present for work in the district. Also complaints for the “too good” treatment given the Jews from the forced labor units; also their contacts with the local population. List of Jews in the forced labor unit. 432 pages.

Reel 21:

Fond 694.3 Police Headquarters B|lÛi. History of the Ethnic Minorities

File 269 A detailed description of the origins, numbers and occupations, cultural, political and religious organizations of the Jews, number and present occupation of baptized Jews living in the district. Also Armenians, Polish, Ukrainians, Russians, Lipovans, Bulgarians. Local characteristics of each minority and directions to follow according to them. 39 pages.

File 274.1 The Jewish problem. Investigation of reports from informants regarding the ethnic origin and the occupation of persons with Jewish blood or presumed so, and of the interaction with the Jews from the forced labor units. 353 pages.

File 274.2 Movement of Jews from the forced labor units. Orders to intensify their surveillance on contact with the population. List of Jews who escaped from the camps in Golta, Transnistria. 321 pages.

Fond 697.1 Police Headquarters Cahul.

File 20 Lists of Jews in the camp on July 22, 1941. 25 pages.

File 41 The Jewish movement. Definition of the various categories of “Jew”. Problems of mixed marriages. List of persons with Jewish blood. Instructions for the census of the Jewish population. List of unemployed Gypsies who represent a public calamity. 325 pages.

File 105 The Jewish movement. List of Jews converted to Christianity. Jews with passport from other countries. Information on the contacts of the communist cells with their comrades in camps and prisons. The central committee of the communist party did request from its members detailed information on war material being produced in various factories. 203 pages.

Fond 706.3 Center # 3 Odessa - subcenter Tiraspol

File 24 There are suspicions that among the Jewish physicians working for the Government Transnistria are some communist elements. These physicians come also in contact with the Jews in the Ghettos and in various places they are working, with the purpose to collect information on the way they are treated and on their living conditions. This is done for the purpose of spreading tendentious and alarmist rumors back in Romania . 34 pages.

Fond 1026.2 The entire text is in Russian language

File 325.1 Statistics on number of persons killed in Kishinev as a result of German war crimes. List of Germans and collaborators accused of war crimes in Kishinev. Reports by Kishinev City Commission Investigating War Crimes. Statements by witnesses on war crimes. 1944. 247 pages

File 325.2 Statements by witnesses on war crimes. Reports of Kishinev City Commission Investigating War Crimes. 1944. 234 pages

Reel 22:

Fond 1607.1 Inspectorate General of Gendarmery. Service of the Grand Pretor.

File 2.1 Problems related to military justice: handling of goods left by deported Jews, products found in the Kolkhozes, like wine and cereals, rules regulating the traffic of food products into Romania by military personnel. Reports on livestock transported from Ukraine into Romania by military units. Order of battle for the evacuation of the ghettos of Chisinau and Southern Bessarabia and transportation of the Jews East of the Dnjestr -distances ad routes to be followed. Table of dates and competence of the convoys; also timetable for crossing the Dnjestr. A German officer complains against Romanian soldiers for bad behavior towards the German population in the village Blumentahl and for taking away livestock. Information on the explosion that occurred at the Romanian Army Headquarters in Odessa on October 22, 1941. 296 pages.

File 2.2 Circular Order given by Antonescu with regard to the attitude and behavior of the Romanian military personnel in the occupied territories towards the local population.

` Synthetic study of the mood and the problems existent at the Inspectorate of Gendarmery in Cern|uÛi. October 19441. Same for the Inspectorate ChiÕin|u.

Lists of materials, furniture etc confiscated, stolen or captured and transferred from Bessarabia into Moldova in various periods of time. Same for automobiles. 306 pages.

File 3.1 Components and organization of a Gendarmery battalion in wartime. Lists of personnel of various services, inclusive police units. List of Jews identified as communists in the city of Roman. Organization of the postal service and the censorship in Bessarabia. Reports on killing and robbing of Jews by military persons. Instructions for the administration of Bessarabia and the Northern Bucovina. 323 pages.

File 3.2 Order to collect and destroy all material and books with communist character in libraries and private homes. On July 16, 17 a great number of Jews has accumulated in various camps in district Balti and there is nobody to guard them or to feed them. Reply to above report: the Jewish communities should feed them and they should be used for forced labor. 334 pages.

File 3.3 List of the legionnaires from district Iassy sentenced for participation in the rebellion on Jan 21-23, 1941. The sentences were suspended. July 27, 1941 - Complete interdiction of travel for Jews. 355 pages.

Reel 23:

Jewish Selfhelp Office for the Generalgouvernment

Note: Al material is in Polish language with very little in German and in Yiddish. It apparently refers to aid received by the Jews from international help organizations. Copyright: Jewish Institute of History.

Reel 24:

Jewish Selfhelp Office for the Generalgouvernment

Note: All material is in Polish language with very little in German and in Yiddish. It apparently refers to aid received by the Jews from international help organizations. Copyright: Jewish Institute of History.

1993.a.0018 Selected Records from the Romanian Information Service, 1936-1984

Extent: 43 microfilm reels (16mm)

Language: Romanian, Hungarian, Yiddish, Hebrew

Provenance: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives, Serviciul Roman de Informatii (SRI)

Restrictions on access: No restrictions on access.

Restriction on use: No restrictions on use.

Preferred Citation: Standard citation for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collections Division, Archives Branch.

Scope and Content:


Reel 174

Dosar 54140

Volume 1, Pages 1-91

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Dosar 54140

Volumes 1 - 9, Pages 91-154

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Dosar 54140

Volumes 9-16, Pages 151-158

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Dosar 54140

Volumes 17-22, Pages 1-310

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Volumes 22-28, Pages 311-400

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Volumes 29-35, Pages 1-306

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Volumes 35-41, Pages 307-260

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Volumes 41-47, Pages 261-392

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Volumes 47-53, Pages 393-460

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Volumes 54-60, Pages 1-40

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Volumes 60-66, Pages 41-342

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Volumes 66-74, Pages 343-94

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Volumes 74-84, Pages 95-165

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Volumes 84-93, Pages 166-250

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Volumes 94-103, Pages 1-143

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Volumes 103-111, Pages 144-226

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Volumes 111-119, Pages 227-116

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Volumes 119-127, Pages 117-131

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Volumes 127-136, Pages 132-72

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Volumes 131-144, Pages 73-321

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Volumes 145-152, Pages 1-39

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Volumes 152-160, Pages 39-48

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Volumes 160-168, Pages 46-52

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Volumes 168-176, Pages 52-145

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Volumes 176-185, Pages 145-34

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Volumes 185-193; Pages 29-267

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Volumes 193-202, Pages 266-64

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Volumes 202-211, Pages 63-19

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Volumes 211-219, Pages 18-252

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Volumes 219-227, Pages 251-136

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Volumes 227-237, Pages 135-35

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Volumes 237-246, Pages 33-81

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Volumes 246-257, Pages 78-122

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Volumes 257-267, Pages 121-46

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Volumes 267-276, Pages 46-54

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Volumes 276-285, Pages 53-74

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Volumes 285-294, Pages 73-128

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Volumes 294-304, Pages 124-26

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Volumes 304-312, Pages 25-68

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Dosar 54140

Volumes 312-320, Pages 66-144

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Dosar 54140

Volumes 320-327, Pages 143-450

Reel 215

Dosar (file)

File 2763

Joint and ICRC (International Red Cross) aid to local Jews. Filderman's name on documents as president for Romania of the Joint. 1945, 326 p

File 2766

Tables showing distribution of aid from the Joint, with name lists. Data include d.o.b., p.p.b., date entered Romania if refugee, present address, and the like. 1945, 131 p

File 2767

Idem. 1946, 131 p

File 2904

The organization of Jewish aid 1948-1950; documents relating to Securitate investigatios of the Joint. 1948-1950, 21 p

File 2905

Ministry of Foreign affairs documents; correspondence with the American legation in Bucharest concerning the activities of the Joint. Ministry of Interior 1946 permit allowing the Joint to function. Investigations by regular police of persons connected with the Joint. 1946-1949, 211 p

File 9715, Volume 3

Documents of the Joint including receipts signed by individuals receiving aid. 1944-1947, 637 p

Reel 215 -216

File 9715, Volume 3

Continued from p 482 to end.

File 9767, Volume 1

Problem of "nationalist" Jewish organizations. Lists of persons receiving aid and how much is in the form of provisions, e.g., sugar and soup. Correspondence, including case of deportees returning, who may receive clothes and loans. 1947, 302 p

File 9767, Volume 2

Correspondence, incl. "Centrala Evreilor" 1945, concerning aid to Jews. Letters of inquiry from abroad concerning fate of indivual Romanian Jews. 1945--, 320 p

Reel 217-222

Auschnitt, Max Leading Jewish industrialist.


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