Mental Health Association of Portland

Unity Advisory Council (UAC)

Meeting Minutes

DATE: Jan 11, 2016

PRESENT: Chris Farentinos, John Custer, Colleen Welsh, Patricia TenEyck, Michele Veenker, Holden Leung, Lakeesha Dumas, Ann Kasper, Greg Ellis, Jon

Betlinski, Sharon Meieran, Mark Lewinsohn, Mary Claire Buckley, Lindsay MacLean, Mehera Christian, Rick Ralston

Absent: Kevin Fitts, Nicole Mobley, Sara Hatch

| Subject |Discussion |Action |Responsible |

| Introductions |Spent very meaningful time learning about each other and recognizing the value of bringing this diverse group | | |

| |together as a Unity Advisory Council (UAC). | | |

|Purpose |The purpose of the UAC is to be a bi-directional forum for communication and for providing advice, recommendations | | |

| |and engagement in problem solving with the intent of improving services for patients, families and the community at | | |

| |Unity Center. | | |

| |The UAC will provide input and advice rather than make decisions. | | |

| |There will be a feedback loop so the UAC knows the outcome of their input | | |

|Unity Leadership Structure |Unity is a service and satellite of Legacy Emanuel Hospital | | |

| |Physicians will be OHSU employees. The remainder of the staff will be Legacy staff. | | |

| |Unity will have almost 500 FTE’s | | |

| |Unity Board of Managers is the ultimate decision-making group: Has three representatives from each partner | | |

| |organization (Legacy, OHSU, Adventist, Kaiser) | | |

| |Unity’s Vice President (it was just announced last week that Chris Farentinos has been hired as the VP) will oversee| | |

| |all Unity but a Chief Medical Officer will have direct oversight of the medical staff. | | |

| |The Director of Unity Services will oversee Social Workers, Therapy dept staff, Peer Support Coordinator, and Intake|See attached corrected organizational chart | |

| |Specialists | | |

| |The Director of Patient Care will oversee nurse managers | | |

| |Have workgroups working on each area (architecture, Communications, Care Model, etc. (see attached). The | | |

| |Transitions of Care workgroup will be a key group working on co-location of organizations at Unity to participate in| | |

| |collaboration as patients move from Unity into the community | | |

| |For the UAC, Chris and John Custer will be co-chairs of this group but they are interested in a peer joining them as| | |

| |a co-chair to help set the monthly agenda. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Please let Chris know if you are interested in|Peers |

| | |being a peer co-chair | |

|Possible Topics for UAC |Design of the Peer program |Let Chris and Rick know if you have other |All |

|Discussion and Input |Integration of mental health and addictions services |ideas for topics you would like to discuss | |

| |Metrics (safety, seclusion and restraints, repeat customers) | | |

| |Architecture | | |

|Commitments |Group members are asked for a 1 year commitment to the UAC. The group will meet 10 times in 2016, not meeting in |Rick will send cancellations for the currently|Rick |

| |Aug or Dec. |scheduled Aug and Dec mtgs | |

|Other Possible Group Members |Chris asked if there are others who should be included in this Council. |Send ideas of other possible group members to |All |

| | |Rick/Chris | |

|Next Steps |Review Draft By-Laws (see attached) in preparation for the Feb meeting | All |

| |Jan 27 meeting will be cancelled as well as the Aug and Dec meetings. |Rick |


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