
Name: ___________________

Adventure of Huckleberry Finn


Assignment Overview: Hopefully after our close reading and discussion of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn you recognize what a valuable piece of literature this has become as representative of American realism. Perhaps the best way to demonstrate your mastery of Huck Finn is to collaborate with a few of your classmates and create a project as directed by the below guidelines. Groups are limited to three members and please consider group members wisely—you will more than likely have to make arrangements to meet outside of school and must choose students with whom you will be able to join.

Option one: Talk shows have always been amongst the most popular on television. One of the leading reasons for this popularity is the desire to see how individuals handle emotions and still try to think logically until the conflict is resolved. You must create a script for a talk show that discusses whether or not Huck Finn is racist. Essentially, does Huck Finn help or harm race relations? Keep in mind that it is important to spend equal amounts of time supporting each side in a non-biased, objective approach. In your paper you must include the following:

A) Opening statements by both parties: 15 points

B) Two questions (posed by the host)

to be answered by both candidates: 50 points

C) References and direct quotations from Huck Finn

to be supported and explained

(minimum of three): 20 points

D) Closing comments: 15 points

Total: 100 points

Option two: How many hours have you spent thinking: I love the adventure, setting, and themes of Mark Twain’s work, but I wish there was an easier way to learn about them? Why not take the chance and create a game that will allow others to have an easier time with Huck Finn? How would you play the game? How many people could play? What is the object of the game? You are to create a complete game, meaning that one could walk into a toy store, purchase the game and be able to play it as soon as they arrived home. Therefore, you must include the game board and pieces (if applicable), the instructions, and the objective. Feel free to use a real game as a model, but remember that this game is to be designed so that one can better understand the story of Huck Finn as anti-slavery literature (I don’t think Twister or Hungry, Hungry Hippos would really be an option). If you decide to choose this project, it must include the following:

A) Clear objectives

B) Clear instructions 30 points

C) Game board/pieces

D) Must somehow incorporate at least five of the following:

Moral Development of Huck

Jim’s role as father figure

River symbolic of freedom

Examples of Satire

Tom/Buck as a foil to Huck???? 70 pts.

Pap as a father figure

Role of Women

Dialects and language

Duke and the King

Option three: Writer David Bradley notes that many have criticized the ending of Huck Finn but “none of them has [sic] been able to suggest—much less write—a better ending… They failed for the same reason that Twain wrote the ending as he did: America has never been able to write a better ending. America has never been able to write any ending at all.” What do you think he means? Imagine you are Mark Twain’s editor and write Twain a letter explaining why and how he should change the ending. Then, rewrite the ending and compare your version to the original.

A) Letter to Mark Twain 20 points

a. Business formal

b. Formal Voice

B) Rewritten ending 40 points

a. Minimum 2 pages

b. Realistic portrayal

C) Comparison to original 40 points

Cite specific examples

Third person

100 points

Option four: Create a newspaper (print or digital) that relates some of the events that take place in Huck Finn. Choose one of the settings in which major action takes place; you might set your paper in Huck’s hometown, in the area of the Grangerford plantation, in Peter Wilks’s hometown, or in the area of the Phelps’s farm. Divide your newspaper into sections including news stories, social or feature news, and editorials. Retell the events that happened in this setting in your newspaper, using the details provided in the story or adding others from your imagination. You may want to add other features, such as letters to the editor, a gossip column, horoscopes, or an advice column.

A) News Stories 20 points

B) Social/feature news 20 points

C) Editorials 20 points

D) Additional articles 20 points

E) Layout and design 20 points

100 points

Option five: In nearly every class at the university level, when one is doing research or writing a paper, he/she is expected to use journal articles to support his/her thesis. A journal is a type of magazine that publishes articles that have a strong intellectual basis and raise issues that are important within varying academic circles. Essentially, a journal article is almost always considered a very credible source and offers solid support to nearly any argument one is trying to sustain through their thesis. Needless to say; many intellectuals have questioned the importance of Huck Finn and many articles have been written. You are to read one article (ask me for the article) and write an analysis of the article in conjunction with Huck Finn. Please note, although this may seem like an easy assignment, the context of most journal articles is usually quite rigorous and requires careful reading. If you choose this option, do not wait until the last night to begin to read the article, although they are not usually very long, I suggest that you begin reading immediately. After reading the article your analysis must include:

A) A summary of the journal article

Including a minimum of three references:

At least one direct quotation and one

paraphrased quotation, the other is your choice 40 points

B) A connection to Huck Finn: 20 points

C) A personal reaction to the issues raised in the article: 20 points

D) Any changes in assumption or opinion made after

reading the article: 20 points

Total: 100 points

Option Six: If none of the above options appealed to you, and you feel that you have an idea that you want to use for the unit project, turn in a written proposal to me that details exactly what it is you would like to do. After considering the proposal, I will meet with you to further discuss the possibilities. I understand that it is sometimes hard to find a project that appeals to your senses and am more than willing to allow you to work on something of your own choice. But keep in mind; I expect your project to maintain the same intellectual rigor of the other options. If I feel your project is a solid idea but needs a little bit more depth to ensure your success on the unit assessment, we will discuss this during the conference.

Good Luck!

Important Dates and Responsibilities:

Friday, December 20, 2013: Identify group members, come up with a meeting plan, alert Lulis

Monday, January 13, 2014: Project Due


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