

CLAUSES (They connect differently based on type: independent, adj. dependent, or adv. Dependent):


Use this guide to mark your sentences.

(I think that dog is about to mark that cat as his territory.)

n = common noun

N = proper noun

pos n = possessive noun

pron = personal pronoun

nom = nominative

obj = objective

poss = possessive

ref pron = reflexive pronoun

rp = relative pronoun

ind pron = indefinite pronoun

int pron = interrogative pronoun

dem pron = demonstrative pronoun

adj = adjective

art = article

int = interjection

av = action verb

lv = linking verb

hv = helping verb

pres = present tense

past = past tense

f = future tense

pres perf = present perfect tense

past perf = past perfect tense

f perf = future perfect tense

adv = adverb

prep = preposition

cc = coordinating conjunction

sc = subordinating conjunction

cor conj = correlative conjunction

inf = infinitive

ger = gerund

part = participle

Step #1

Parts of Speech

______ = complete subject

s = simple subject

______ = complete predicate

vt = transitive verb

vi = intransitive verb

do = direct object

io = indirect object

pn = predicate nominative

pa = predicate adjective

op = object of preposition

(prep. ph.) = prepositional phrase

adj prep ph = adj prepositional phrase

adv prep ph = adv prepositional phrase

inf ph = infinitive phrase

ger ph = gerund phrase

part ph = participial phrase

app = appositive

app ph = appositive phrase

Step #2

Sentence Parts

& Phrases

ind cl = independent clause

adj dep cl = adjective dependent clause

adv dep cl = adverb dependent clause

ss = simple sentence

cd = compound sentence

cx = complex sentence

dec = declarative sentence

exc = exclamatory sentence

int = interrogative sentence

imp = imperative sentence

[ clause ]

Step #3

Clauses &

Sentence Type

Step #4

Punctuation &


= insert end punctuation

= insert comma or semicolon

= insert apostrophe or quotation marks

__________ = underline/italicize

---- = capitalize







Heaven is never wondering if I’m marking my sentences right.

Step #1 Notes

Parts of Speech

Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #1 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”


✓ shows relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word in the sentence

✓ across, after against, around, at, before, below, between, by, during, except, for, from, in, of, off, on, over, since, through, to, under, until, with, according to, because of, instead of, ….etc.

✓ Fido was sent to obedience school. He earned the top grade in his class.


✓ words used to express emotion, protest or command

✓ can stand either by themselves or as part of a sentence

✓ Mild interjections are usually separated from the rest of the sentence by a coma, but stronger ones may be followed by an exclamation mark.

✓ wow, oh, whoa, etc.


✓ joins words, phrases, and clauses

□ coordinating – FANBOYS

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

□ subordinating – start dependent clauses (must be followed by a subject and verb)

after, since, before, while, because, although, so that, if, when, whenever, as, even though, until, unless, etc.

□ correlative – not only/but also, neither/nor, either/or, both/and


✓ modifies nouns (Fifi has a large bone.) and pronouns (They are curious)

✓ tells Which one? How many? What kind?

✓ includes the articles: a, an, the


✓ modifies adjectives (very smart), verbs (eats quickly), and other adverbs (eats very quickly)

✓ tells How? When? Where? To what extent?

✓ Not is always an adverb


✓ takes the place of a noun

✓ personal (1st person: pronouns having to do with “me”; 2nd person: pronouns having to do with “you”; 3rd person: pronouns having to do with everyone else)

□ singular nominative: I, you, he, she, it

□ plural nominative: we, you, they

□ singular objective: me, you, him, her, it

□ plural objective: us, you, them

□ singular possessive: my, your, his, her, its, mine, yours

□ plural possessive: our, your, their, ours, yours, theirs

✓ reflexive (reflect back to “self”): myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, hisself, ourself, theirselves

✓ relative (start dependent clauses): that, which, who, whom, whose

✓ interrogative (ask a question): Which? Whose” What? Whom? Who?

✓ demonstrative (demonstrate which one): this, that, these, those

✓ indefinite (don’t refer to a particular person or thing): each, either, neither, few, some, all, most, several, few, many, none, one, someone, no one, everyone, anyone, somebody, nobody, everybody, anybody, more, much, another, both, any other, etc.


✓ person, place, thing, idea

✓ common: begins with lower case letter (dog)

✓ proper: begins with capital letter (Fido)

✓ possessive: shows ownership (Sam’s house)

Clauses – A group of words that has a subject and verb. # of simple subjects = # of clauses.

✓ Independent Clause – Can stand alone as a complete sentence (main clause)

□ Every sentence must have at least one independent clause

□ An independent clause does not start with a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun

✓ Dependent Clause – Cannot stand alone as a complete sentence (subordinate clause)

□ Dependent Clauses begin with either subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns

□ If they begin a sentence, place a comma behind them. (Did you see that happen?)

□ Function as either an adverb or an adjective.

o Adverb

• Usually starts with a subordinating conjunction

• Acts like an adverb

• Buddha will eat whenever I feed him. (modifies eat)

o Buddha will eat is an independent clause.

o Adjective

• Usually starts with a relative pronoun

• Acts like an adjective

• Buddha likes the bed that contains orthopedic foam. (modifies bed)

o Buddha likes the bed is an independent clause.

✓ Sentence Types

□ Simple sentence – one independent clause

□ Compound sentence – two or more independent clauses

□ Complex sentence – one independent clause + one or more dependent clauses

□ Compound/Complex sentence – two independent clauses + one or more dependent clauses

✓ Sentence Purpose

□ A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends in a period

□ An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends in a question mark

□ An imperative sentence gives a command and ends in a period

□ An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feelings and ends in an exclamation point. All of the above can be exclamatory if they express strong feelings and end in exclamation points.

Complete Subject – part of sentence about which something is being said

✓ Simple Subject – main word or group of words within the complete subject

□ must be noun, pronoun, gerund, or infinitive

□ can never be in a prepositional phrase

□ There and here are never the subject of a sentence. There are dogs in here. (dogs is the subject)

□ The subject can be an understood you. Don’t pet the dog. (You don’t do it.)

Complete Predicate – part of sentence that says something about the subject

✓ Verb (simple predicate) a verb form will always be part of the complete predicate and may be complete predicate

□ transitive: takes a direct object Bruno loves baseballs. (baseballs is the direct object of the verb loves)

□ intransitive: does not take a direct object Bruno runs fast.

□ All linking verbs are intransitive.

Compliment – completes the meaning of the subject and verb

✓ direct object – a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb and follows the verb

□ Is never found within a prepositional phrase

□ Find it by saying, “subject,” “verb,” “what?”

(I like dogs. “I” “like” “what?” dogs is the direct object)

✓ indirect object – a noun or pronoun that comes before the direct object

□ Is never found within a prepositional phrase

□ Find it by saying, , “subject,” “verb,” “direct object,” “to or for whom or what?”

(He threw me the ball. “He” “threw” “ball” “to whom?” me is the indirect object)

✓ predicate nominative – a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames the subject

□ Find it by saying, “subject,” “linking verb,” “what?”

(He is a good dog. “He” “is” “what?” dog is the predicate nominative)

✓ predicate adjective – an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject

□ Find it by saying, “subject,” “linking verb,” “what?”

(She is quiet. “She” “is” “what?” quiet is the predicate adjective)

Appositive/Appositive Phrase – Noun or pronoun that follows and renames another noun or pronoun.

□ My dog Spike hates squirrels. John, my little brother, is scared of Spike.

Prepositional Phrase – group of words beginning with a preposition and ending with a noun or pronoun

□ Can act as an adjective (I wanted a dog with short hair.) or an adverb (I found him in the office)

Object of Preposition – Noun or pronoun that follows a preposition and answers the question, “What?”

□ (The dog is in the house. “in what?” house is the object of the preposition)

□ If there is no object, then it’s not a preposition: Please come in. (In is an adverb in this sentence)

Infinitive Phrase – infinitive plus its modifiers and objects

□ He only likes to chew authentic rawhide bones.

Step #2 Notes

Sentence Parts & Phrases

Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #2 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”

Verbal – not a unique part of speech

✓ verb forms that do not actually function as verbs

□ gerund – verb ending in ing that functions as a noun

o Sleeping is my favorite pastime. (subject)

o I enjoy swimming (direct object)

o I wear glasses for reading. (object of preposition

□ participle – verb ending in ing, ed, or other past tense ending that functions as an adjective

o I wear reading glasses.

o Undaunted, I faced my archenemy.

o Even the unwritten rules of the class were clearly understood by everyone.

□ Infinitive – to + verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb

o I like to sleep. (noun)

o My couch is the best place to sleep. (adj.)

o I need glasses to recognize my students. (adv.)

Step #1 Notes

Parts of Speech


✓ Shows action or expresses state of being

✓ Types

□ action – shows action: She wrote a note.

□ linking – links two words together

o is, be, am, are, was, were, been, being, appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste

o Language Arts is my favorite class (LA = favorite class)

o The bone tastes wonderful. (bone = wonderful)

The dog tastes the bone. (action)

□ helping – “helps” an action verb or linking verb

o is, be, am, are, was, were, been, being, will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must, have, has, had, do, does, did, ought

o If a verb phrase has four verbs, the first three are helping. If it has three verbs, the first two are helping…etc.

o We have been digging for bones all day. (Digging is action.)

o He will be warm in his new dog house. (Be is linking)

✓ Tenses – indicate the time that is associated with verb.

□ present – happening now I walk.

□ past – happened previously I walked

□ future – will happen in the future I will walk.

□ present perfect – have or has plus past participle I have walked.

□ past perfect – had plus the past participle I had walked.

□ future perfect – will have or shall have plus past participle I will have walked.

□ present progressive – Present tense to be plus present participle I am walking.

□ past progressive – past tense to be plus present participle I was walking.

□ future progressive –will be plus present participle I will be walking.

□ present perfect progressive – have/has been plus present participle I have been walking

□ past perfect progressive – had been plus present participle I had been walking

□ future perfect progressive – will have been plus present participle I will have been walking

Step #3 Notes

Clauses & Sentence Type

Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #3 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”

Clauses – A group of words that has a subject and verb. # of simple subjects = # of clauses.

✓ Independent Clause – Can stand alone as a complete sentence (main clause)

□ Every sentence must have at least one independent clause

□ An independent clause does not start with a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun

✓ Dependent Clause – Cannot stand alone as a complete sentence (subordinate clause)

□ Dependent Clauses begin with either subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns

□ If they begin a sentence, place a comma behind them. (Did you see that happen?)

□ Function as either an adverb or an adjective.

o Adverb

• Usually starts with a subordinating conjunction

• Acts like an adverb

• Buddha will eat whenever I feed him. (modifies eat)

o Buddha will eat is an independent clause.

o Adjective

• Usually starts with a relative pronoun

• Acts like an adjective

• Buddha likes the bed that contains orthopedic foam. (modifies bed)

o Buddha likes the bed is an independent clause.

✓ Sentence Types

□ Simple sentence – one independent clause

□ Compound sentence – two or more independent clauses

□ Complex sentence – one independent clause + one or more dependent clauses

□ Compound/Complex sentence – two independent clauses + one or more dependent clauses

✓ Sentence Purpose

□ A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends in a period

□ An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends in a question mark

□ An imperative sentence gives a command and ends in a period

□ An exclamatory sentence expresses strong feelings and ends in an exclamation point. All of the above can be exclamatory if they express strong feelings and end in exclamation points.

Step #3 Notes

Clauses & Sentence Type

Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #3 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”

Capitalization – Capitalize proper nouns, proper adjectives, and the first word of each sentence.


✓ Joins two clauses without a coordinating conjunction

□ I eat the steak; Buddha eats the bone.

□ Buddha loves table-scraps; however, he must wait for us to finish our meal first.

✓ Can be used in series with commas for clarity

□ We visited Nassau, Bahamas; Fairbanks, Alaska; and Vancouver, British Columbia this summer while on vacation.


✓ Use apostrophes to make words possessive and to make contractions.

✓ Don’t use apostrophes to make words plural.

✓ Possessive pronouns don’t use apostrophes. (hers, its, ours, yours, theirs, etc.)

✓ Make sure you actually have a real word before you ad the apostrophe. (children’s home, not childrens’ home)

✓ If the word is plural and ends in s, add apostrophe only. (dogs’ owners)

✓ Treat singular nouns ending in s just like any other singular noun. (boss’s house, Brutus’s bone)

Quotation Marks

✓ Quote titles of short things: short stories, poems, songs, articles, movies, etc.

(Underline titles of novels)

✓ Quote dialogue and words copied from other sources.

✓ Commas and periods that follow quoted words always go inside closing quotation marks.

□ (I said, “Come in the house.”)

✓ Colons and semicolons that follow quoted words always go outside closing quotation marks

□ (We’re just “friends”; we don’t date.)

✓ Use single quotation marks only to enclose quotes within quotes.

✓ Use double quotation marks in all other situations.

Comma Rules on Reverse

Step #4 Notes

Punctuation & Capitalization

Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #4 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”

In case you were wondering, I am the Buddha. I have no idea what my buddy Grimm is talking about, but this street creeps me out too.

Comma Rules

✓ dependent clause, independent clause (When I toss Buddha a bone, he catches it.)

✓ independent clause, cc independent clause (I like lean meat, and Buddha likes fat.)

✓ introductory participial phrase, (Flying down the hall, he snatched the ball and ran into the wall.)

✓ lengthy introductory prepositional phrase, (At the beginning of summer, I always sleep late.)

✓ , nonessential appositive, (We read The Call of the Wild, a novel, in class.

We read the novel The Call of the Wild in class.)

✓ , nonessential adjective clause, (Mrs. Owens, who owns dog, is nice.

Not all teachers who own dogs are nice.)

✓ items, in, series (Buddha will eat bugs, lizards, and anything else he can catch.)

✓ adjectives, in , series (He enjoys a warm, fuzzy bed)

✓ , noun of direct address, (Buddha, time to go to bed. Don’t pee on that, Buddha!)

✓ day of wee, month date, year, (There is a teacher workday Monday, October 10, 2005,

for all schools in Fulton County)

✓ city, state, (I have taught in Alpharetta, Georgia, for the last six years.)

✓ introductory word, (Well, I hope you can apply all of these comma rules.)

✓ , interrupter, (My dog, I believe, is the coolest among the D.O.G. dogs.)

Step #5 Notes


Refer to this page of notes when completing

Step #5 for the current D.O.G. sentence that needs to be “fixed.”





















will get





hv av

























will eat












Connect adjective and adverb dependent

clauses to what they describe.







































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