Date Adverbs Worksheets - Your Home Teacher




Adverbs Worksheets

Complete the sentences 1. He swims __________. 2. He ran __________. 3. She spoke __________. 4. He __________ gets me.

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs tell the information about an action is done like how, when and where.

5. She plays the piano __________.

6. She will plant her garden __________.

7. The children love to play __________.

8. She arrived __________ for the meeting.

9. The movie is starting __________.

10.This spaghetti is __________ delicious.

Outside Quite

Well Nicely

Totally Quickly

Here Now

Early Beautifully




Adverbs Worksheets

Complete the sentences

An adverb is a word that 11. He smiled __________. describes a verb, an

12. I laughed __________.

adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs tell the

information about an 13. Tom is very __________. action is done like how,

when and where. 14. Phillip sings __________.

15. He is __________ late.

16.. She waited __________ in line.

17. She __________ tells a lie

18. He __________ comes here.

19. __________, he succeeded.

20. The old man walks __________.


Slowly Luckily Very Patiently

Generally Nervously Loudly Warmly Frequently




Adverbs Worksheets

Complete the sentences An adverb is a word that

21. Put your bag ________. describes a verb, an adjective, or another

22. Honey is very ________. adverb. Adverbs tell the information about an

23. She smiled __________. action is done like how, when and where.

24 I will _________ help you.

25. The woman is __________ pretty.

26.He __________ drank the water.

27. It rained __________ yesterday.

28. She __________ read the letter.

29. I am __________ stating the facts.

30. I __________ accepted the job offer.

Happily Simply Eagerly Very Cheerfully

Quickly Carefully Heavily There


Answer keys

1. Well. 2. Quickly. 3. Nicely. 4. Totally. 5. Beautifully. 6. Here. 7. Outside. 8. Early. 9. Now. 10. Quite. 11. Warmly. 12. Nervously. 13. Very. 14. Loudly. 15. Generally. 16. Patiently. 17. Never. 18. Frequently, 19. Luckily. 20. Slowly. 21. There. 22. Very. 23. Cheerfully. 24. Happily. 25. Quite. 26. Quickly. 27. Heavily. 28. Carefully. 29. Simply. 30. Eagerly.


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