Adverb Worksheet for Grade 9 - Your Home Teacher

Adverb Worksheet for Grade 9

Name : ________________

Adverb Worksheet

Q. Rewrite the sentences with the given adverbs 1. She has gone to Australia (never)

________________________________________________ 2. I forgot my test date. (completely)

________________________________________________ 3. He went out. (quickly)

________________________________________________ 4. I guess I ate. (in a hurry).

________________________________________________ 5. They may disclose the mistake. (at once)

________________________________________________ 6. The Teacher told us not to waste our time. (often)

________________________________________________ 7. Are you a teacher? (even)


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Name : ________________

Adverb Worksheet

Q. Rewrite the sentences with the given adverbs 8. I have completed my poem. (almost)

________________________________________________ 9. Could you please switch the projector? (off)

________________________________________________ 10. I go to swimming classes every Monday. (usually)

________________________________________________ 11. We go to our native place in summer. (usually).

________________________________________________ 12. She will meet me tomorrow. (probably)


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