

Chapter 2

Multiple Choice:

1. The three F’s of Program Planning are

a. Flexibility, fluidity, and formation

b. Formation, functionality, fluidity

c. Fluidity, functionality, flexibility

d. Functionality, freedom, flexibility

2. The PRECEDE-PROCEED Model is comprised of how many phases?

a. Five

b. Seven

c. Nine

d. Ten

3. Phase 1 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, which seeks to subjectively define the quality of life of those in the priority population is called

a. Epidemiological Assessment

b. Behavioral and Environmental Assessment

c. Administrative and Policy Assessment

d. Social Assessment

4. Predisposing factors can be altered through

a. Punishment

b. Indirect Communication

c. Direct Communication

d. Reinforcing factors

5. Jeff refuses to wear a seatbelt because his friends will tease him. This is an example of

a. A reinforcing factor

b. An enabling factor

c. A predisposing factor

d. None of the above

6. Disability, discomfort, fertility, fitness, and morbidity are examples of data derived from

a. Behavioral assessment

b. Environmental assessment

c. Administrative assessment

d. Epidemiological assessment

7. Determining what resources are available for a program would occur during what phase of the PRECECE-PROCEED Model?

a. Environmental Assessment

b. Administrative and policy assessment

c. Epidemiological assessment

d. Educational assessment

8. The Match framework is recognized for emphasizing program

a. Implementation

b. Evaluation

c. Planning

d. Assessment

9. The planning model that is designed to be applied when behavioral and environmental risk and protective factors for disease or injury are generally known, and when general priorities for action have been determined, thus providing a convenient way to turn to the corner from needs assessment and priority setting to the development of effective program is



c. CDCynergy


10. Individuals that exert influence or control over the personal or environmental conditions that are related to the target health and behavior goals are referred to as

a. TIAs- temperamental intervention actions

b. TIAs- targets of the intervention actions

c. IBC’s- Individual behavioral controllers

d. EIB’s-environmental influencers of behavior

11. Because they focus on priority audiences, rely heavily on consumer data for decision making, and attempt to continually return to the consumer for feedback and program improvement, the two models that capture the critical characteristics of health communication and social marketing are

a. CDCynergy and SMART


c. CDCynergy and MATCH


12. The central focus of the SMART model is

a. Planners

b. Stakeholders

c. Constituents

d. Consumers


13. Health promotion programs should be created based on a systematic planning model.

a. True

b. False

14. The most widely known model in program planning is the SWOT Analysis

a. True

b. False

15. It is appropriate to sometimes use a combination of models to plan a program.

a. True

b. False

16. Like the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, MATCH’s evaluation component also includes process impact and outcome evaluations.

a. True

b. False

17. Social Marketing is the use of strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions to enhance health.

a. True

b. False

18. Social Marketing is limited to narrow intervention, such as communication or advertising strategies.

a. True

b. False

19. CDCynergy is perhaps the most comprehensive and theoretically based health communication planning model.

a. True

b. False

20. Barriers or vehicles created mainly by societal forces make up enabling factors.

a. True

b. False

21. An example of a behavioral risk factor for lung cancer is smoking

a. True

b. False

22. An example of an environmental risk factor for lung cancer is second hand smoke.

a. True

b. False


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