Comprehensive School Safety PlanCarpe Diem High School199 Fair St.Petaluma, CA 94952CDS Code:49-70862-4930103Petaluma City Joint Union High School District2020/2021 School YearDate of Adoption: February 17, 2021TABLE OF CONTENTSEmergency Phone Numbers……………………………………….…………………………2Senate Bill 187 School Safety Plan Required Components…………………..….……….3Assessment of School Climate……………………………………………………………..…4Routine and Emergency Disaster Procedures………………………….………………...…7School Building Disaster Plan……………………………………….………………………..8Emergency Response Guidelines………………………………………...………….8Intruder on Campus………………………………………...……………………….…8Bomb Threat/Threat of Violence………………………………………...……………9Earthquake………………………………...………………………………………...….11Fire………………………………………...………………………………………….….12Loss or Failure of Utilities………………………………………...……………………13Medical Emergency………………………………………...…………………..………14Evacuation /Student Release………………………………………...…..…………...15Drop Procedure………………………………………...…………………………………….…16Pupils and Staff Earthquake Emergency Procedures…………………………………...….17Procedures for Public Agencies Using School Buildings, Grounds and Equipment….…17Child Abuse Reporting Procedures………….……………………………...………………..17Emergency Disaster Adaptations for Pupils With Disabilities…………………………..…18School Discipline Rules………………………………………...…………………………..…18Suspension and Expulsion Policy………………………………………...……………….....18Procedures for Notifying Teachers of Dangerous Pupils……………...…………………...19Discrimination and Harassment Policy…………………………………....……………....…19Procedures of Safe Ingress and Egress of Pupils, Parents, and School Employees...…23Maintaining a Safe and Orderly Environment Conducive to Learning at School………...24Appendices………………………………………...…………………………………………….25Student Discipline Guidelines……………………………………………...…….....… 25District and Site Administration Emergency Phone Tree…………………………..29CDHS (PHS) Emergency Drill Schedule…………………………………………….. 30CDHS Building Evacuation Routes Map………………………………………...…..31CDHS Fire Evacuation & Assembly Areas and Route Map to CGHS………….…32CDHS Earthquake Evacuation & Assembly Areas…………………………………. 33CDHS Daily Bell Schedules………………………………………...…………….…… 341EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERSFor the following emergency services, notify the secretary in the front office:AMBULANCEFIRE DEPARTMENTPOLICE DEPARTMENTOffice staff will place the 911 call. If no office staff is available, reporting party will place the 911 callIMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS:CDHS General Line (Front Office):707-778-4796CDHS Fax Number 707-762-7099District Office707-778-4813EMERGENCY PHONE LINES:-To stop/report school crime:R.E.S.C.Q. Hotline877-570-7770-Youth Crisis Hotline:California Youth Crisis Line800-843-5200-Suicide Prevention Hotline:National Suicide Prevention Lifeline800-273-8255NON-EMERGENCY LINES:Petaluma Police707-778-4372Petaluma Police Dispatch707-762-2727Petaluma Fire707-778-4390Petaluma Valley Hospital707-525-5300American Red Cross800-951-5600MEDIA:KSRO (AM-1350)707-545-3313Press Democrat707-546-2020CDHS Website Utilities/Water Dept.707-778-4546PGE Emergency Line800-743-50002COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL SAFETY PLANSB 187 COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTREQUIRED COMPONENTS:1)Assessment of the current status of school crime committed on the school campus and at school-related functions2)Child abuse reporting procedures3)Routine and Emergency disaster procedures4)Adaptations of routine and emergency disaster procedures for pupils with disabilities5)School building disaster plan6)Drop procedure where each pupil and staff member takes cover under a table or desk, dropping to his or her knees, with the head protected by the arms, and the back to the windows7)Protective measures to be taken before, during, and following an earthquake8)Information to ensure that pupils and both the certificate and classified staff are aware of and properly trained in, the earthquake emergency procedure system9)A procedure to allow a public agency, including the American Red Cross, to use schoolBuildings, grounds, and equipment for mass care and welfare shelters during disastersor other emergencies.10)Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous pupils pursuant to Education Code Section 4907911)Procedures for the safe ingress and egress of pupils, parents, and school employees to and from school12)Information on how the school will maintain a safe and orderly environment conducive to learning at the school13)School discipline rules14)Suspension and expulsion policy15)Discrimination and harassment policy3ITEM #1Assessment of School ClimateSchool Climate Indicators Indicators of school climate and school safety include data on: attendance, completion rates, graduation rates dropout rates suspension rates, expulsion rates, vision and mission statements, and school community perception survey information.Attendance Rates 2016-20172017-20182018-2019CDHS95.295.695.2*Based on school ASAM dataCDHS Completion RateYearDropout Rate (%)All GradesGraduation Rate (%)12th Grade2015-160%100%2016-170%100%2017-180%100%*Given our transient student population, statistics are based on the students ending the year with us.CDHS Graduates/Graduates by EthnicityYearHispanic/LatinoAmerican IndianAsianPacific IslanderFilipinoAfrican AmericanWhiteTwo or More RacesNot ReportedTotal2015-161452016-1777152017-18210 12CDHS Dropout Multi-year SummaryYearCohort Students9-12Cohort GraduatesCohort Graduation Rate(12th Grade)Cohort DropoutsCohort Dropout Rate2015-16285100%00%2016-172815100%00%2017-182313100%00%4Suspension Rate- CDHS (Data may be suppressed (*) to protect student privacy)Ethnicity2015-162016-172017-18Cumulative EnrollmentTotal SuspensionsCumulative EnrollmentTotal SuspensionsCumulative EnrollmentTotal SuspensionsAfrican American******American Indian******Asian******Filipino******Hispanic/Latino140144101Pacific Islander******White269295299Two or More Races******Not Reported******CDHS44**1146**103910*Asterisks indicate either no number or numbers less than 10, therefore numbers may not add up.**Some students may have been suspended more than once.Expulsion Rate- CDHSYearCumulative EnrollmentTotal ExpulsionsExpulsion Rate2015-164400%2016-17461(White)2.2%2017-18391 (White)2.6%Cumulative Enrollment: Cumulative enrollment consists of the total number of unduplicated primary and short-term enrollments within the academic year (July 1 to June 30), regardless of whether the student is enrolled multiple times within a school or district.5Vision and Mission Statements (Adopted September 2018)CDHS/SMHS Vision Statement:Upon graduation, Carpe Diem and Sonoma Mountain High School students will have a personal plan for life after high school, which includes:College and/or Career PlanAcademic Success and EmployabilitySocial and Emotional Well-BeingCDHS/SMHS Mission Statement:Carpe Diem and Sonoma Mountain High Schools provide a personalized approach to education that supports each individual student by engaging them in the development of their vision for future post-secondary success. Our academic approach integrates standards based instruction, technology and the development of 21st century skills. We acknowledge students’ unique personal and educational backgrounds and provide a flexible, supportive learning environment in order to best fit their personal, social/emotional, and educational needs. Our students participate in career explorations through college and career counseling, presentations, field trips and classroom activities. Perception DataStudent Perception InformationStudents from both sites were given this survey within the first month after returning to school. Though several of the students were brand new to us, most were returning students that have intimate knowledge of the schools/program.The student perception data shows overwhelmingly that students are satisfied with their school, teachers, peers and support they are receiving at both sites. For most all questions, the students recorded positive or neutral answers at a rate of 90% or more. It is not atypical that we have more male than female students enrolled in the schools, and pretty typical that we have more Juniors and Seniors enrolled than 9th and 10th grade students. There will always be a couple outliers that will answer to get a reaction, but overall, I am thrilled most students took the survey seriously and feel they are having a positive school experience (which most weren’t prior to their transitions to CDHS or SMHS).Parent Perception InformationParents were asked to participate in this survey during our Back to School night in September. For the parents that were not in attendance, both secretaries emailed an invite and link to the survey so they could participate remotely.Again, the parents’ perception of our schools/program is overwhelmingly positive. Though not as many parents participated as the students did, I am again thrilled to know the parents are expressing themselves positively about the school their students are attending. With this level of support from the homefront, it enables us to have more open and genuine conversations with parents/guardians regarding their students and their social, emotional and academic needs and successes.6ITEM #2Routine and Emergency Disaster ProceduresDisaster Procedures (EC 35295-35297; GC 8607 and 3100)Disaster Plan (See Appendices) emergency contact tree, evacuation plansThe safety of students and staff is a primary concern of Carpe Diem High School. As a small school adjacent to Petaluma High School, our campus is not fenced. We maintain a “closed campus” at break, and our campus is “open” for all students during our lunch period. Teachers regularly review the rules for safe and responsible behavior. Visitors must enter the school through the main door and check in with the secretary prior to having access to our classrooms or students.We revise our School Safety Plan annually (in conjunction with Petaluma High School); it was revised and approved by the School Site Council in February of 2021. The plan includes procedures for emergencies, exit routes, and inventories of emergency supplies. We make the plan available, upon request, and in the school office. We share the plan with all staff during a school-wide staff meeting. In conjunction with Petaluma High School, we practice disaster drills, plus we hold workshops for staff on emergency preparedness annually.In the event of an emergency, parents will be contacted via phone by the school or district office with information and emergency procedures. Parents can assist with this process by ensuring that all emergency contact information is up-to-date on the Aeries portal. We will also use social media as a way to contact parents with up to date information.Emergency procedures and evacuation plans depend on the type of emergency or threat that exists. Our school and district will work with local law enforcement and emergency personnel to determine the best method to maintain the safety of our students during an emergency. Emergency procedures, evacuation plans, and the process of reuniting students with their families are all dependent upon the type of emergency.Parents are asked to wait until they receive instructions from the school, district, or emergency personnel before going to the school campus during an emergency.Students are permitted to use electronic devices in the event of an emergency or disaster (i.e. a lockdown, earthquake or another such event) as determined by the principal or for a health purpose.7ITEM #3 School Building Disaster PlanEmergency Response GuidelinesStep One: Identify the Type of EmergencyWhen an emergency situation occurs, school personnel must quickly determine what initial response actions are required. Determining the appropriate actions to take is a three-step process: I) identify the type of emergency; II) identify the level of emergency; and III) determine immediate action(s) that may be required. Each of these steps is discussed in the following section.Identify the Type of EmergencyThe first step in responding to an emergency is to determine the type of emergency that has occurred. Emergency procedures for the 6 different types of emergencies listed below are provided in this plan.1. Lock Down2. Bomb Threat3. Earthquake4. Fire5. Loss or Failure of Utilities6. Medical Emergency7. Evacuation/Student Release1. Intruder on Campus- Lock DownThis action is necessary when a threat of violence on District property is identified or when directed by law enforcement. It is necessary to prevent a perpetrator(s) of violence from entering occupied areas. During Lockdown, students and staff are to remain in the classrooms or designated locations at all times. A Lockdown may be initiated by the Principal or designee as necessary or upon instructions from the police.Description of action:1. If an emergency occurs that requires occupants to lockdown, the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) at each site must make an announcement on the PA (comprehensive schools) to lockdown inside a building. If the PA system is not available (CDHS) other means of communication (e.g. sending messengers to deliver instructions) must be used.2. If outside, students should proceed to their classrooms if it is safe to do so. If it is not safe, staff must direct students into nearby classrooms or school buildings (e.g., auditorium, library, cafeteria, or gymnasium).83. Once inside, occupants should close and lock all doors. If a door cannot be locked, barricade the door with furniture. Turn off all lights and close all window blinds. Occupants should be seated below window level, toward the middle of a room away from windows and doors and should take cover behind heavy objects (e.g. tables, filing cabinets). Occupants should remain silent.4. School staff and students must remain in the classroom or secured area until further instructions are given by the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) or law enforcement.5. All campus entrances and exits must be locked and no visitors other than appropriate law enforcement or emergency personnel are allowed on campus.6. If safe to do so, the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) should communicate to the district that the site is on Lockdown.2. Bomb Threat/Threat of ViolenceA. Bomb threats are usually received by telephone. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Obtain information with the checklist on the reverse of this sheet.B. Warning:1) Bomb threats are usually received as an anonymous telephone call2) Bomb threats may arrive as a letter or handwritten note, email message, or suspicious packageC. Action:1) Recipient of the threatening telephone calla) Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Do Not Hang Up, even if the caller doesb) Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.c) Notify a coworker via note or hand signals or if in a classroom, contact the office immediately.d) Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist. Write down as much detail as can be remembered. Try to use exact words.e) If the telephone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the display window.f) Attempt to get information on the location of the bomb, and any identifying characteristics of the caller. Have them repeat the messageg) Immediately upon termination of the call, do not hang up, but from a different telephone, call 9-1-1,2) If a bomb threat is received by letter or handwritten note: a) Handle the letter or note as minimally as possible.b) Notify the office or call (access code) 9-1-193) If a bomb threat is received by email:a) Do not delete the email message.b) Notify the office or call (access code) 9-1-14) Bomb or Suspicious Devicea) Do not touch or approach the deviceb) Notify the office immediatelyc) Get students out of the immediate areas and wait for directions from the office.d) Follow principal’s or designee’s instructions for appropriate emergency proceduresBomb Threat ChecklistDate of call Time call began Time caller hung upYour telephone number Extension Number or letters on caller ID Exact wording of the bomb threat:Ask the caller:When is the bomb going to explode? _________________________________________________Where is the bomb right now? _________________________________________________What does the bomb look like? _________________________________________________What kind of bomb is it? _________________________________________________What will cause the bomb to explode? _________________________________________________Did you place the bomb? Yes NoWhy? _________________________________________________What is your name? _________________________________________________Information about the caller:Male Female Estimated age: _________________Accent: ____________________ Familiar Voice, if so who? ______________________________________________103. EarthquakeA. Hazards of ground movement in an earthquake include: items falling from shelves, breaking glass, moving furniture, and building damage and/or collapseB. Warning: Earthquakes usually strike without warning.C. The following actions, as time permits, will be accomplished:1) Inside school building:a) The teacher, or staff member in authority, will implement Action “Duck, Cover, and Hold”.b) Try to avoid glass and falling objects, areas where there are large panels of glass and/or heavy suspended light fixtures.c) Implement Action “Evacuate” when, in the judgment of the staff member, the earthquake is over and tremors have subsided. Special consideration should be given to exit routes as some exits have heavy roof structures over the doorways. Follow the approved route to the assembly area, keep away from trees, power poles, etc. Do not run!d) Take roll and maintain control of students.e) Avoid touching electrical wires and metal objects such as chain link fences.f) Render first aid if necessary.g) Take roll, issue student name tags, alert command center of any injured or missing student(s).h) If possible, the school office will immediately notify appropriate agencies/offices (Call 911) and District Office as per fire drill.i) Do not return to building for any reason until they have been declared safe by authorized official(s).j) The principal or admin. designee will determine the advisability or necessity of Action “Student Release.” Prior approval must be obtained by the superintendent.On school grounds:a) The staff member in authority implements Action “Drop – Take Cover”.b) The safest place is in the open. Stay there until the earthquake is over.c) Move away from buildings, playground equipment, utility poles, signs, trees, metal fences, exposed wires, and wet areas. Do not run!d) Follow procedures d) through i) under “Inside school building”.e) Activate Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) as/if necessary.114. FireFire in Surrounding AreaA. The school principal or designee will announce a shelter in place B. Await further instructions from Petaluma FireC. Follow on site fire procedures:1. Upon discovery of a fire, Teachers or staff will direct all occupants out of the building, signal the fire alarm, and report the fire to the School Administrator.2. The School Administrator will immediately call “911” initiate the EVACUATE BUILDING action. Staff and students will evacuate buildings using the prescribed routes or other safe routes to the Assembly Area.3. In the event of an evacuation, teachers will bring their student roster and take attendance at the Assembly Area to account for students. Teachers will notify the Assembly Area Team of missing students.4. The Fire Suppression and HazMat Team will suppress fires and initiate rescue procedures until the local fire department arrives.5. The Security/Facilities Team will secure the area to prevent unauthorized entry and keep access roads clear for emergency vehicles.6. The Agency Liaison will direct the fire department to the fire and brief fire department official on the situation.7. The Security/Facilities Team will notify the appropriate utility company of damages.8. The School Administrator will notify the District Superintendent of the fire.9. If needed, the School Administrator will notify Bus Dispatch to request buses for staff and student evacuation. 10. Any affected areas will not be reopened until the appropriate agency provides clearance and the School Administrator issues authorization to do so.11. For fires during non-school hours, the School Administrator and the District Superintendent will determine if the school will open the following day.12. All fires, regardless of their size, which are extinguished by school personnel, require a call to the Fire Department to indicate “fire is out.”Fire on School GroundsA. Signal “Evacuation” fire bell. Help Students with Disabilities. Close, but do not lock doors. The office staff takes student emergency cards to the evacuation area.12B. Call 911. (Use a landline if possible, as cell phone contacts CHP).C. Principal notifies (or assigns designee to notify) assistant principals, campus supervisors, support staff, on-campus childcare, and initiate District phone tree by calling 707-778-4890D. Principal activates SEMS Plan as needed.E. If students are in classrooms:1) Evacuate. Close but do not lock doors.2) The teacher takes roll sheets and office staff takes student emergency cards to the evacuation area.3) The teacher takes roll and alerts command center of any student not accounted for (telephone, intercom, walkie talkie, runner or email).F. If students are not in classrooms:1) Reunite with students in the evacuation area 2) Follow the procedure above E. G. Follow the instructions of Law Enforcement and/or other competent authority upon their arrival. Have extra school maps available for authorities.H. All Clear will be signaled by the Principal or their designee.I. Principal debriefs staff, parents/community (Blackboard Connect, etc.) and students. J. Follow Student Release Procedures (if directed by Superintendent)5. Loss or Failure of UtilitiesThis procedure addresses situations involving a loss of water, power or other utility on school grounds. This procedure should also be used in the event of the discovery of a gas leak, an exposed electrical line, or a break in sewer lines. For more detailed information, review the District’s All Hazard Mitigation Plan.Procedure1. If water or an electrical line is broken, an effort should be made to turn off water or power to the affected area and to notify the School Administrator immediately.2. Upon notice of loss of utilities, the School Administrator will initiate appropriate Immediate Response Actions, which may include SHELTER-IN-PLACE, or EVACUATE BUILDING.3. The School Administrator will notify the school site custodian and Maintenance & Operations Department and will provide the location and nature of emergency. Appropriate personnel will also be notified at the discretion of the School Administrator.134. The Maintenance & Operations Department, working with school administration, will contact the affected utility company to determine whether their assistance is required and the potential length of time service will be interrupted.5. The School Administrator will notify the District Superintendent of the loss of utility service.6. As needed, school emergency supplies will be utilized to compensate for the loss of a utility.7. If the loss of utilities may generate a risk of explosion, such as a gas leak, refer to Section Explosion/Risk of Explosion. Procedure - In the event of loss of water:a. Principal will contact Superintendent. Superintendent will send designee to school site to assess school needs and feasibility of keeping school open.b. Toilets: Maintenance and Operations may install portable toilets. During an emergency when M&O would be unable to access school site a temporary toilet may be made in each classroom by using a trash receptacle, plastic bags, and where privacy is afforded).c. Drinking Water: Principal will provide water stored for earthquake supplies that will be accessed and distributed to students and staff.d. Food Service: Principal or Superintendent will contact the Director of Nutrition and Food Services to assess the possibility of providing food for students and staff.e. Principals should purchase food and water for up to three days for students and staff. This food will be rotated annually by the Director of Food and Nutrition Services. Principal should contact the Director of Food and Nutrition Services to arrange for purchase and rotation.6. Medical EmergencyIn the case of a medical emergency, the school will:-Secure the student and surrounding area, immobilize student if necessary-Call 911 for emergency response-Notify school nurse immediately after calling 911-Use Epipen or Narcan as symptoms indicate-Notify parent/guardian immediately 147. Evacuation/Student ReleaseEvacuation - On Site - This action is taken after the decision is made that it is unsafe to remain in the building.Description of Action1. In the event of a fire within a building, the staff member who discovers the fire should initiate a fire alarm.2. School staff must instruct occupants to evacuate the building, in accordance with the school site evacuation plan and using designated routes, and assemble in their assigned assembly area.3. School staff must take their student rosters when leaving the building and take attendance once the class is assembled in a safe location. Similarly, the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) should make a proper accounting of all staff once the evacuation is complete.4. Once assembled, school staff and students will stay in place until further instructions are given.Evacuation – Off-Site Relocation - This action is taken after a decision is made that it is unsafe to remain on the campus and evacuation to an off-site assembly area is required.Description of Action1. If an off-campus evacuation is necessary, the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) will make an announcement on the Public Address system (comprehensive sites). If the PA system is not available, other means of communication (e.g. sending messengers to deliver instructions) must be used.2. The District’s Emergency Operation Center (EOC), in collaboration with the Incident Commander (Principal or designee), will determine the safest method for evacuating the campus. The EOC Transportation Director is responsible for identifying appropriate evacuation routes.3. School staff shall secure student rosters when leaving the classroom and take attendance once the class is assembled in a predesignated safe location.4. Once assembled off-campus, school staff and students will stay in place until the clearance is received to return to their school or parent-child reunification is complete.Student Release – This action is taken after a decision to release students has been made. The following procedures shall be followed in releasing pupils in the event of an emergency or disaster:Description of Action1. The principal or designee shall receive authorization from the District EOC and/or Superintendent or designee before releasing pupils.2. Individual pupils shall not leave a school site without receiving permission from the Incident Commander (Principal or designee)153. Staff shall release pupils only to persons authorized on the pupil emergency card.4. In absence of an emergency card or in an emergency in which reference to the emergency card is impossible, individual pupils shall be released, upon presentation of identification, to parents/guardians, persons authorized by the parents/guardians, or to authorized persons representing public agencies that may take responsibility, when necessary, for the safety of the pupil.5. The principal or designee shall record the release of all pupils.All Clear - This action is taken to notify school staff that normal school operations can resume.Description of Action1. The Incident Commander (Principal or designee) will make an announcement on the Public Address system (comprehensive sites). If the PA system is not available, other means of communication (e.g. sending messengers to deliver instructions) must be used.2. This action signifies the emergency is over.3. If appropriate, teachers should immediately begin discussions and activities to address students’ fears, anxieties, and other concerns.ITEM #3 Drop ProcedureDrop, Cover, and Hold- This action is taken to protect students and staff from falling debris.Description of Action:1. Upon the first indication of an earthquake, students and staff should immediately drop, cover and hold on.2. If inside, school staff must instruct students to drop under their desks and cover their heads with their arms and hands, while holding onto the desk. For those students and staff who are physically unable to drop into a protected position under a table or desk, they should remain seated or, if possible, move to an interior wall away from windows and heavy objects, and cover their heads and arms.3. If outside, school staff must instruct students to drop to the ground, place their heads between their knees, and cover their heads with their arms and hands. For students and staff who are physically unable to drop to the ground, they should take action to cover their heads with their arms and hands.4. In the event of a major earthquake and after the initial shaking has stopped completely, the Incident Commander (Principal or designee) must make an announcement on the Public Address (PA) system to ensure that all building occupants have evacuated. If the PA system is not available other means of communication (e.g., sending messengers to deliver instructions) must be used.16ITEM #4Pupils and Staff Aware of and Trained in Earthquake Emergency ProceduresEarthquake and other drills are practiced in conjunction with Petaluma High School. Our earthquake drill this year was held on Thursday, September 5, 2019. All students and staff, including the administrator, have been trained on, and participate in the drill. Students and staff are directed to take cover and stay in place until the all clear direction has been given by PHS administration or emergency personnel. Communications are relayed through the school-wide walkie-talkies, cell phones, and/or landlines. Once the event has been deemed stable, and the “All Clear” announcement has been made, the staff will escort the students to the outside assembly area to await further instructions.ITEM #5Procedure Allowing Public Agencies, Including American Red Cross, To Use School Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment for Mass Care During Disasters and EmergenciesPublic Agency Use of School Buildings for Emergency Shelters: This is a function of the Petaluma City Schools district administration.ITEM #6Child Abuse Reporting ProceduresChild Abuse Reporting Procedures (EC 35294.2 [a] [2]; PC 11166)The Board of Education recognizes that child abuse has severe consequences and that the district has a responsibility to protect students by facilitating the prompt reporting of known and suspected incidents of child abuse. The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures for the identification and reporting of such incidents in accordance with the law.(cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan)Employees who are mandated reporters, as defined by law and administrative regulation, are obligated to report all known or suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect. Mandated reporters shall not investigate any suspected incidents but rather shall cooperate with agencies responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases of child abuse and neglect.The Superintendent or designee shall provide training regarding the reporting duties of mandated reporters. In the event that training is not provided to mandated reporters, the Superintendent or designee shall report to the California Department of Education the reasons that such training is not provided. (Penal Code 11165.7)17ITEM #7Adaptations of Routine and Emergency Disaster Procedures for Pupils With DisabilitiesAdaptations of disaster proceduresIn the event we have a student with a disability needing assistance during routine or emergency disaster proceedings, students and/or adults in attendance will be assigned to help student(s) needing assistance. Ingress and egress routes are all ADA compliant, therefore, wheelchairs, guide dogs, crutches and other forms of assistance should not hinder any individuals from accessing safe routes when a crisis or emergency drills come into play.ITEM #8School Discipline RulesSchool Discipline Rules and Consequences (EC 35291 and EC 35291.5) Carpe Diem High School Student Conduct CodeSee Appendices: Petaluma City Schools Student Discipline Guidelines Conduct Code ProceduresCarpe Diem High School will follow the Petaluma City Schools Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline.During student enrollment, families are provided with the school’s website information where the student handbook resides. General rules are also outlined during an intake meeting with the Principal prior to the student’s start date. The student handbook outlines much of the expected student behavior while the student is enrolled in CDHS. If the family does not have technology access, a hard copy of the handbook will be provided upon request. When an event occurs that is a violation of school or district rules, the Principal will be notified, at which time he will investigate allegations and assign disciplinary measures as consistent with our district’s Student Discipline Guidelines. If possible, students facing larger disciplinary action will be referred to our Intervention/Diversion Program through Mentor Me/Petaluma People Services, which is restorative by nature.ITEM #9Suspension and Expulsion PolicySchool Suspension, Expulsion and Mandatory Expulsion GuidelinesSee Appendices: Petaluma City Schools Student Discipline Guidelines California Education Code 48900 allows the superintendent and/or the principal/designee of a school 18to suspend or recommend for expulsion a student for any infraction of the following rules while on school grounds, going to or coming from school, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, or during or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity, or when an off-campus behavior negatively impacts or disrupts the school environment. The designated consequences are guidelines for our district schools. Alternatives to suspensions are used at times when viewed by school administration as a better deterrent. However, any of the listed offenses, when the conduct is of an extreme nature, may result in a suspension of up to 5 days or a recommendation for expulsion for the first or second offense.ITEM #10Procedures to notify Teachers of Dangerous Pupils Pursuant to Education Code Section 49079Procedures to Notify Teachers of Dangerous Pupils (EC 49079)The Principal or designee shall ensure that employees are informed, in accordance with law, regarding crimes and offenses by students who may pose a danger in the classroom. When any individual directs violence against an employee and the employee so notifies the principal or designee, the principal or designee shall take steps to ensure that appropriate legal measures are instituted. When the employee notifies the principal or designee of a threat of bodily harm, the Principal or designee shall take appropriate measures to enable the employee to request assistance if a threat occurs on school grounds. The principal or designee shall ensure that employees are trained in crisis prevention and intervention techniques in order to protect themselves and students. Staff development may include training in classroom management, effective communication techniques and crisis resolution. Every year, the district’s Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, along with the PTF union president, meet with every school and all staff members to review Provisions For A Safe Classroom in order to assure teachers know their rights in this regard.ITEM #11Discrimination and Harassment PolicySexual Harassment Policies (EC 212.6 [b])The district designates the following individual(s) as the responsible employee(s) to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and California Education Code 234.1, as well as to investigate and resolve sexual harassment complaints under AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures. The coordinator/compliance officer(s) may be contacted at:Liz Chacon, Assistant Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent Student Services200 Douglas Street, Petaluma CA 94952 (707) 778-4960<lchacon@>19Carpe Diem High School’s Title IX Officer: Maureen DeLeon, teacher<mdeleon@>(cf. 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures)Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, unwanted requests for sexual favors, or other unwanted verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made against another person of the same or opposite sex in the educational setting, under any of the following conditions: (Education Code 212.5; 5 CCR 4916)1. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of a student's academic status or progress. 2. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by a student is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the student.3. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the student's academic performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.4. Submission to or rejection of the conduct by the student is used as the basis for any decision affecting the student regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through any district program or activity.(cf. 5131 - Conduct)(cf. 5131.2 - Bullying)(cf. 5137 - Positive School Climate)(cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination/Harassment)(cf. 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction)Examples of types of conduct which are prohibited in the district and which may constitute sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:1. Unwelcome leering, sexual flirtations, or propositions2. Unwelcome sexual slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or sexually degrading descriptions3. Graphic verbal comments about an individual's body or overly personal conversation4. Sexual jokes, derogatory posters, notes, stories, cartoons, drawings, pictures, obscene gestures, or computer-generated images of a sexual nature5. Spreading sexual rumors6. Teasing or sexual remarks about students enrolled in a predominantly single-sex class207. Massaging, grabbing, fondling, stroking, or brushing the body8. Touching an individual's body or clothes in a sexual way9. Impeding or blocking movements or any physical interference with school activities when directed at an individual on the basis of sex10. Displaying sexually suggestive objects11. Sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual coercion12. Electronic communications containing comments, words, or images described aboveAny prohibited conduct that occurs off-campus or outside of school-related or school-sponsored programs or activities will be regarded as sexual harassment in violation of district policy if it has a continuing effect on or creates a hostile school environment for the complainant or victim of the conduct.Reporting Process and Complaint Investigation and ResolutionAny student who believes that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment or who has witnessed sexual harassment is strongly encouraged to report the incident to his/her teacher, the principal, or any other available school employee. Within one school day of receiving such a report, the school employee shall forward the report to the principal or the district's compliance officer identified in AR 1312.3. In addition, any school employee who observes an incident of sexual harassment involving a student shall, within one school day, report his/her observation to the principal or a district compliance officer. The employee shall take these actions, whether or not the alleged victim files a complaint.When a report or complaint of sexual harassment involves off-campus conduct, the principal shall assess whether the conduct may create or contribute to the creation of a hostile school environment. If he/she determines that a hostile environment may be created, the complaint shall be investigated and resolved in the same manner as if the prohibited conduct occurred at school.When a verbal or informal report of sexual harassment is submitted, the principal or compliance officer shall inform the student or parent/guardian of the right to file a formal written complaint in accordance with the district's uniform complaint procedures. Regardless of whether a formal complaint is filed, the principal or compliance officer shall take steps to investigate the allegations and, if sexual harassment is found, shall take prompt action to stop it, prevent a recurrence, and address any continuing effects.If a complaint of sexual harassment is initially submitted to the principal, he/she shall, within two school days, forward the report to the compliance officer to initiate an investigation of the complaint. The compliance officer shall contact the complainant and investigate and resolve the complaint in accordance with law and district procedures specified in AR 1312.3.21In investigating a sexual harassment complaint, evidence of past sexual relationships of the victim shall not be considered, except to the extent that such evidence may relate to the victim's prior relationship with the respondent.In any case of sexual harassment involving the principal, compliance officer, or any other person to whom the incident would ordinarily be reported or filed, the report may instead be submitted to the Superintendent or designee who shall determine who will investigate the complaint.Confidentiality (cf. 5141.4 - Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting) All complaints and allegations of sexual harassment shall be kept confidential except as necessary to carry out the investigation or take other subsequent necessary action. (5 CCR 4964)However, when a complainant or victim of sexual harassment notifies the district of the harassment but requests confidentiality, the compliance officer shall inform him/her that the request may limit the district's ability to investigate the harassment or take other necessary action. When honoring a request for confidentiality, the district will nevertheless take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the request.When a complainant or victim of sexual harassment notifies the district of the harassment but requests that the district not pursue an investigation, the district will determine whether or not it can honor such a request while still providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students.(cf. 4119.23/4219.23/4319.23 - Unauthorized Release of Confidential/Privileged Information) (cf. 5125 - Student Records)Response Pending InvestigationWhen an incident of sexual harassment is reported, the principal or designee, in consultation with the compliance officer, shall determine whether interim measures are necessary pending the results of the investigation. The principal/designee or compliance officer shall take immediate measures necessary to stop the harassment and protect students and/or ensure their access to the educational program. Such measures may include placing the individuals involved in separate classes or transferring a student to a class taught by a different teacher, in accordance with law and Board policy. The school should notify the individual who was harassed of his/her options to avoid contact with the alleged harasser and allow the complainant to change academic and extracurricular arrangements as appropriate. The school should also ensure that the complainant is aware of the resources and assistance, such as counseling, that are available to him/her. As appropriate, such actions shall be considered even when a student chooses to not file a formal complaint or the sexual harassment occurs off school grounds or outside school-sponsored or school- related programs or activities.NotificationsA copy of the district's sexual harassment policy and regulation shall:221. Be included in the notifications that are sent to parents/guardians at the beginning of each school year (Education Code 48980; 5 CCR 4917)(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)2. Be displayed in a prominent location in the main administrative building or another area where notices of district rules, regulations, procedures, and standards of conduct are posted, including school websites (Education Code 231.5)A copy of the district's sexual harassment policy and regulation shall be posted on district and school web sites and, when available, on district-supported social media.(cf. 1113 - District and School Websites) (cf. 1114 - District-Sponsored Social Media)3. Be provided as part of any orientation program conducted for new students at the beginning of each quarter, semester, or summer session (Education Code 231.5)4. Appear in any school or district publication that sets forth the school's or district's comprehensive rules, regulations, procedures, and standards of conduct (Education Code 231.5)5. Be included in the student handbook6. Be provided to employees and employee organizations Regulation PETALUMA CITY SCHOOLSapproved: August 17, 1993 Petaluma, Californiarevised: June 25, 2002revised: December 9, 2014revised: December 11, 2018ITEM #12Procedures for the Safe Ingress and Egress of Pupils, Parents, and School EmployeesProcedures for safe ingress and egressWhile Carpe Diem High School is located adjacent to Petaluma High School, students enter the campus from three main areas:The main office is located at the southwest end of the main PHS parking lot, adjacent to the Wildlife Museum. Most students that drive will access our school from this area, along with students walking to our school from the northeast direction. Some of the students that live in the neighborhood behind PHS, to the southwest, will cut through the PHS football field and access our school from that area.Students that live to the northwest of PHS, often enter through the tennis court/basketball court area, and take the pathway through the PHS campus. 23All students and visitors will pass through the office area of CDHS upon entry. Any person that is not a student, is required to check in with the secretary prior to being permitted further access to students and staff.ITEM #13Maintaining a Safe and Orderly Environment Conducive to Learning at SchoolCarpe Diem High School provides administrative, counseling, and other support services for students. Our staff includes one administrator (principal), four 1.0 teachers, one .25 teacher, one mental health counselor and a Lead Guidance Counselor who oversees counseling interns. Comprehensive campus supervisors (at PHS) are available to help when needed.. Outside agencies assist with student empowerment, such as community circles (Side by Side) and Youth Thrive, to support students of diverse backgrounds and challenges. District and school policies promote diversity and personal/social responsibility. School discipline strategies contain elements of conflict resolution, intervention, and counseling for anger management and drug and vape use. A student handbook is available online to both students and parents throughout the school year detailing site and district behavior expectations and strategies. The handbook contains the district discipline plan with Education Code pertaining to discipline and sexual harassment. Teacher and staff training in areas of students and campus safety, drug use trends and counseling support are provided annually by the Director of Student Services. The Principal provides information regarding campus safety throughout the year at regularly scheduled staff meetings (2X per month, minimum).Funded by a grant the District has been assigned a School Resource Officer from Petaluma Police Department24Appendices:STUDENT DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES - PETALUMA CITY SCHOOLS - GRADE 7-12California Education Code 48900 allows the Superintendent and/or a school administrator / designee to suspend or recommend for expulsion a student for any infraction of the following rules while on school grounds, during the lunch period whether on or off the campus, during a school sponsored activity, and when an off-campus behavior negatively impacts or disrupts the school environment. The consequences are guidelines for our 7-12 schools. Alternatives to suspension can be used at times when viewed by the administration as a better deterrent; however, any of the listed offenses, when the conduct is of an extreme nature, may result in a suspension of up to 5 days and a recommendation for expulsion.E.C. 48900 OFFENSEFIRST OFFENSESECOND OFFENSEADDITIONAL OFFENSES(a)(1) CAUSED, ATTEMPTED TO CAUSE, OR THREATENED TO CAUSE PHYSICAL INJURY TO ANOTHER PERSON (Fighting)(a)(2) WILLFULLY USED FORCEAssault, battery, causing serious physical injury (one-way injury or harm)Propelling any object (includes spitting)3-5 day suspension / notify Petaluma Police Department(PPD)5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion 3-5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion / notify PPDDetention / Saturday SchoolDetention / Saturday School1-5 day suspension(b) POSSESSED, SOLD OR OTHERWISE FURNISHED ANY FIREARM, KNIFE, EXPLOSIVE, OR OTHER DANGEROUS OBJECTFireworks or firecrackers5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion / notify PPD3-5 day suspension5 day suspension / refer for expulsion5 day suspension / refer for expulsion(c) UNLAWFULLY POSSESSED, USED, OR BEEN UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE, OR AN INTOXICANT OF ANY KIND, NOT INCLUDING TOBACCO AND NICOTINE (SEE (h))3-5 day suspension4-5 day suspension / contract / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD(d) REPRESENTED A LIQUID, SUBSTANCE, OR MATERIAL AS A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE OR INTOXICANT AND UNLAWFULLY OFFERED, ARRANGED, SOLD OR NEGOTIATED TO SELL THE OBJECT, OR OTHERWISE FURNISHED THE OBJECT TO ANY PERSON5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion / notify PPD(e) COMMITTED OR ATTEMPTED TO COMMITROBBERY OR EXTORTION5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion / notify PPD(f) CAUSED OR ATTEMPTED TO CAUSE DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY OR PRIVATE PROPERTY1-5 day suspension / notify PPD / refer for expulsion3-5 day suspension / notify to PPD / refer for expulsion5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify to PPD(g) STOLE OR ATTEMPTED TO STEAL SCHOOL PROPERTY OR PRIVATE PROPERTY1-5 day suspension / notify PPD / refer for expulsion3-5 day suspension / notify PPD / refer for expulsion5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD(h) POSSESSED, OR USED TOBACCO, OR ANY PRODUCTS CONTAINING TOBACCO OR NICOTINE PRODUCTSdetention / Saturday School / up to 3 day suspension / referral to intervention counseling2-4 day suspension / contract3-5 day suspension / contract(i) COMMITTED AN OBSCENE ACT OR ENGAGED IN HABITUAL PROFANITY OR VULGARITY (PC 415.5)Detention / Saturday School / suspension / notify PPD1-3 day suspension5 day suspension / alternate placement(j) HAD UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF, AND UNLAWFULLY OFFERED, ARRANGED, OR NEGOTIATED TO SELL ANY DRUG PARAPHERNALIA, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 11014.5 OF THE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDrefer for expulsion / notify PPDE.C. 48900 OFFENSEFIRST OFFENSESECOND OFFENSEADDITIONAL OFFENSES(k) DISRUPTED SCHOOL ACTIVITIES OR OTHERWISE WILLFULLY DEFIED THE VALID AUTHORITY OF SCHOOL OFFICIALS ENGAGED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR DUTIES(1) Violating teacher’s written classroom rules-- behavior expectations(2) Parking in unauthorized area / parking without a permit(3) Reckless-careless driving on or around campus. Riding in open back of pickup.(4) Possession of electronic signaling devices and other disruptive devices to include: cell phones, radios, pagers, games, tape or CD players, laser pointers, permanent markers, cigarette lighters, matches(5) Violation of dress code including obscene remarks or pictures on clothing(6) DEFIANCE OF AUTHORITY:Violation of detention proceduresViolation of In-House Separation procedures Violation of Saturday School proceduresCuts/leaving class without permissionViolation of closed campus policy / leaving class without permissionRiding skateboards or bicycles on campusIgnoring or refusing to follow directive given by staff memberFailing to identify oneself to school staff on requestGiving false information to school personnel through forged notes, passes and telephone callsVerbal upbraiding or insulting of school personnelViolation of policies regarding gang activity and apparelTampering with the alarm system or emergency equipment / false alarmsHabitual truancy (declared with official letter)On or adjacent to any district campus while on suspensionSlurs, (racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, handicapped, etc.)Cheating, plagiarism, altering grades, gradebooks or tampering with electronic grading systemsViolation of District Acceptable Use Policy for computer/network /Internet useStudent / teacher / administrator conference / detention1-2 day class suspension per E.C. 48910Detention / Saturday School / conference / 1-5 day suspensionTowing cars / parent notifica- tion / loss of parking privilegesParent notified with detention / Saturday SchoolSaturday School / 1-5 day suspensionDetention / Saturday School / suspension and notify PPD3 day suspension / notify PPDSuspension or alternate placement / notify PPDItems confiscated and returned to parents / DetentionSuspensionSuspension or alternate placementStudent asked to remove item or sent home to changeDetention / Saturday SchoolSuspensionDetention / Saturday School1-3 day suspension1-5 day suspension1 day suspension3 day suspension3-5 day suspension2 day suspension2-3 day suspension2-3 day suspension1 day detention / Saturday School2 days detention / Saturday School / SARTSARBDetention / Saturday School1-3 day suspension3-5 day suspensionDetentionDetentionConfiscate, return to parents, loss of useSaturday School / 1-5 day suspension3-5 day suspension5 day suspension / refer for expulsion1-5 day suspension3-5 day suspension5 day suspensionSaturday School, 1-3 day suspension3-5 day suspension5 day suspension 1-5 day suspension / refer for expulsion and/or removal from that teacher’s class3-5 day suspension/refer for expulsionAlternate placement or expulsion procedures1 day suspension / notify PPD3-5 day Suspension / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD3-5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPD5 day suspension / refer for expulsion / notify PPDLoss of privileges / pull work permit / SART / inform DARefer to SARBRefer to SARB / involuntary transfer1-5 day suspension / alternate placement / notify PPD3-5 day suspension / alternate placement/ notify PPD / refer for expulsion5 day suspension / notify PPD / refer for expulsionDetention / Saturday School3-5 day suspension5 day suspension / alternate placement / refer for expulsionReceive failing grade for the assignment / contractReceive failing grade for course / suspension5 day suspension / refer for expulsionLoss of computer/network/ Internet use min. 2 weeks /AU contract1 day suspension / Loss of computer/network/Internet use min. 6 wks.1-3 day suspension / loss of computer/network/Internet use min. 6 weeks28 DISTRICT AND SITE ADMINISTRATION EMERGENCY CONTACT TREE29Carpe Diem High School’s Emergency Drill Schedule in Conjunction With:*Due to COVID 19 and distance learning, a new drill schedule was not fully developed for 20-21.Petaluma High SchoolEmergency Drill WeekTuesday, September 3rd (B-Day):● Fire Drill? during 5th period. (Evacuation)~Don’t forget to print out your attendance sheet for the period and to place them in your redemergency bag with the red and green colored paper. Bring your emergency bag for any evacuation.Wednesday, September 4th (A-Day):● Teacher Incapacitation Drill? – All day.Thursday, September 5th (B-Day):● Earthquake Drill? during 4th period. (Evacuation)~ A series of PA announcements will be made during the drill instructing students and staff. ~ Teachers grab your emergency bags and follow the map out to the Football Field.Friday, September 6th (A-Day):● Lockdown Drill? during 1st period. (NO Evacuation)~ A series of PA announcements will be made during the lockdown.~ Students need to be silent and don’t open doors for anyone as we will be tugging on door handles. ~Don’t forget to lock classroom and lab doors...we don’t want the intruder getting into a classroom or building.30CARPE DIEM HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING EVACUATION ROUTES31CARPE DIEM HIGH SCHOOL FIRE EVACUATION TO PHS32CARPE DIEM HIGH SCHOOL EARTHQUAKE EVACUATION TO PHS FOOTBALL FIELD33Carpe Diem & Sonoma Mountain High Schools2020-2021 Bell SchedulesRegular Bell Schedule (M,T,Th,F)Period 1Core 19:00-9:4545 min.Period 2Core 29:45-10:3045 min.Nutrition Break10:30-10:50(20 min.)Period 3Walk (PE)10:50-11:2030 min.Period 4Elective11:20-12:2060 min.Lunch12:20-1:00(40 min)Period 5Core 31:00-1:4040 min.Period 6Core 41:40-2:2040 min.Period 7Study Skills2:20-2:4525 min.Period 8Tutorial2:45-3:3045 min.Total330 min.Wednesday/Shortened Day Schedule Period 1Core 19:00-9:5050 min.Period 2Core 29:50-10:4050 min.Period 3Walk (PE)10:40-11:0020 min.Period 4Core 311:00-11:4040 min.Period 5Core 411:40-12:2040 min.Nutrition Break12:20-12:40(20 min.)Period 6Study Skills12:40-1:2040 min.Period 7Tutorial1:20-2:0040 min.Total280 min.2020-2021 Bell Schedules (Distance Learning)Period 1 Core 18:45-9:4560 min.Break9:45-10:00(15 min.)Period 2 Core 210:00-11:0060 min.Break11:00-11:15(15 min.)Period 3 Elective11:15-12:0045 min.Period 4 Study Skills12:00-12:3030 min.Total195 min.34 ................
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