Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

Pilates #347– Mission College/Carla Lubow, Instructor

Anaerobic exercise is basically the opposite of aerobic exercise. Anaerobic means "without oxygen," while "aerobic" means "with oxygen." The main difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the duration and intensity level of the activities. Both types of exercise are essential for losing weight, however, so you should try to incorporate both into your physical fitness routine.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise involves physical activities that make you move your large muscle groups and breathe more deeply, with your heart pumping harder. Aerobic exercise not only strengthens the major muscles in your buttocks, legs and arms, but it also strengthens your lungs and heart.

Aerobic exercise relies on an increased supply of oxygen through your cardiopulmonary system. Walking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming and dancing are all good examples of aerobic exercise. Other examples of aerobic exercise include running, bicycling, hiking and certain sports that involve running like soccer and basketball.

Anaerobic Exercise

Unlike aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise relies on your muscles' strength instead of oxygen flow through your bloodstream. Anaerobic exercise can involve high-impact physical activities that demand short spurts of muscle strength, as in sprinting. Weightlifting and Pilates are good example of anaerobic exercise.

Anaerobic exercise like weightlifting uses energy produced by your body's metabolism and doesn't require oxygen. Because oxygen isn't involved in supplying your body's energy to perform anaerobic exercises, these activities are usually performed in very short durations. If you perform anaerobic exercises for longer time periods, your body begins producing lactic acid, a byproduct that can cause muscle fatigue. The variations in duration and intensity are what determine whether an exercise is aerobic or anaerobic.

Wellness and Wellbeing

For fitness, weight loss and overall health, you should combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise like Pilates, weight training or resistance exercise, and stretching into your physical-fitness routine. It is recommended should alternate a balanced combination of 45 minutes 3 days per week of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise along with anaerobic exercise like Pilates and strength training. While aerobic exercise can assist in weight loss as it burns calories, anaerobic exercise can also help you to burn calories and reduce your body fat as it builds lean muscle mass which, in turn increases your metabolism.


To reduce your risks for injuries and increase your chances of sticking to your fitness routine, you should start out slowly with both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Begin with lower intensities, gradually increasing the intensity as your fitness level improves. For aerobic exercise, you can aim to reach and sustain your target heart rate for up to 30 minutes during each workout. You should always consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine.


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