Texas A&M University
Fall 2012 Graduating Seniors – CollegeLast Modified: 01/24/2013Filter By: Report Subgroup1. When do you expect to graduate from Texas A&M?#AnswerResponse%1December 201228100%2May 201300%3August 201300%4December 201300%5May 201400%6Not sure at this time00%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value1Mean1.00Variance0.00Standard Deviation0.00Total Responses282. What degree will you receive?#AnswerResponse%1BA00%2BS28100%3B.B.A.00%4B.Ed00%5B.L.A.00%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value2Max Value2Mean2.00Variance0.00Standard Deviation0.00Total Responses283. From what college are you graduating?#AnswerResponse%1AG00%2AR00%3BA00%4ED00%5EN00%6GE28100%7LA00%8SC00%9VM00%10GV00%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value6Max Value6Mean6.00Variance0.00Standard Deviation0.00Total Responses284. Did you#AnswerResponse%1enter TAMU as a freshman?1761%2transfer from another school?1139%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.39Variance0.25Standard Deviation0.50Total Responses285. Did you change major while at TAMU?#AnswerResponse%1Yes1864%2No1036%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.36Variance0.24Standard Deviation0.49Total Responses286. Did you take Honors courses or participate in the Honors community?#AnswerResponse%1Yes27%2No2693%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.93Variance0.07Standard Deviation0.26Total Responses287. How many hours of Honors courses did you take while at Texas A&M?#AnswerResponse%13 or less00%24 to 800%39 or more2100%Total2100%StatisticValueMin Value3Max Value3Mean3.00Variance0.00Standard Deviation0.00Total Responses28. Are you graduating with an Honors transcript distinction?#AnswerResponse%1Yes150%2No150%Total2100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.50Variance0.50Standard Deviation0.71Total Responses29. Are/were you a member of any of
the following honor societies? (Please select all that apply):#AnswerResponse%1Phi Beta Kappa1100%2Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society00%3Golden Key International Honour Society00%4National Society of Collegiate Scholars00%5Freshman: Phi Eta Sigma1100%6Sophomore: Lambda Sigma00%7Senior: Cap & Gown-Mortar Board00%8Non-traditional students: Pinnacle Honor Society00%9Accounting: Beta Alpha Psi00%10Aerospace Engineering: Sigma Gamma Tau00%11Agriculture: Gamma Sigma Delta00%12Agriculture & Biomedical Sciences: Alpha Zeta00%13Architecture: Tau Sigma Delta00%14Biology: Beta Beta Beta00%15Biomedical Engineering: Alpha Eta Mu Beta00%16Business Administration: Beta Gamma Sigma00%17Business Management: Sigma Iota Epsilon00%18Chemical Engineering: Omega Chi Epsilon00%19Civil Engineering: Chi Epsilon00%20Communication: Lambda Pi Eta00%21Computer Science: Upsilon Pi Epsilon00%22Construction Science: Sigma Lambda Chi00%23Dance: Nu Alpha Delta00%24Education: Kappa Delta Pi 00%25Electrical Engineering: Eta Kappa Nu00%26Engineering: Tau Beta Pi00%27Engineering Technology: Tau Alpha Pi00%28English: Sigma Tau Delta00%29Floriculture: Pi Alpha Xi00%30Geography: Gamma Theta Upsilon00%31Health: Eta Sigma Gamma00%32Hispanic Studies: Sigma Delta Pi00%33History (international): Phi Alpha Theta00%34Industrial Distribution: Sigma Delta00%35Industrial Engineering: Alpha Pi Mu00%36International Education: Phi Beta Delta00%37Mathematics: Pi Mu Epsilon00%38Mechanical Engineering: Pi Tau Sigma00%39Ocean Engineering: Omega Epsilon00%40Petroleum Engineering: Pi Epsilon Tau00%41Philosophy: Phi Sigma Tau00%42Political Science: Pi Sigma Alpha00%43Pre-Medicine: Alpha Epsilon Delta00%44Psychology: Psi Chi00%45Social Sciences: Pi Gamma Mu00%46Sociology: Alpha Kappa Delta00%47None00%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value5Total Responses110. Did you receive any scholarships or fellowships while you were an undergraduate at Texas A&M?#AnswerResponse%1Yes829%2No2071%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.71Variance0.21Standard Deviation0.46Total Responses2811. Please indicate which scholarships or fellowships you received. (Check all that apply by holding "Ctrl" key on PC or command key on Mac.)#AnswerResponse%1? President's Endowed250%2? President's Achievement125%3 ? Academic Achievement 00%4 ? Lechner Scholarship 125%5 ? McFadden Scholarship 00%6 ? National Merit 250%7 ? Barbara S. and Julian B. "Barry" Coon 00%8 ? DruEtta C. and Morris G. Coon 00%9 ? William James Crenan '49 00%10 ? Lucille Dougherty 00%11 ? Joseph H. Emmert, Jr. '69 00%12 ? Melvin Hamilton '71 00%13 ? Crawford and Hattie Jackson Foundation 00%14 ? Katherine Ann Keller Memorial Scholarship 00%15 ? Lola Mae & Charles LaMotte Memorial Scholarship 00%16 ? Annie Lee and Robert H. Schultz 00%17 ? William A. Triche and Homer A. Triche 00%18 ? Emily & Robert Walker '45 00%19 ? John Todd Willis '44 00%20 ? Randall C. Shepard '71 00%21 ? J. W. Birdwell '28 00%22 ? John C. Calhoun III 00%23 ? Jessica Jon Chancellor Memorial Lifeline Scholarship 00%24 ? John B. and Ora Mae Dougherty Memorial LifeLines Scholarship 00%25 ? Hugo F. Elmendorf 00%26 ? Jr. MD '44 Lifelines Scholarship 00%27 ? Patricia & William Gordon '67 in the Howard L. Gravett Scholars Program 00%28 ? Richard B. Grant '29 00%29 ? Howard Gravett 00%30 ? Juilia Ball Lee 00%31 ? HR Lewis 00%32 ? Lifelines Endowed Scholarship Program 00%33 ? Susan Luehr '84 Endowed Lifelines Scholarship 00%34 ? Walter S. McGregor '38 Lifelines Memorial Scholarship 00%35 ? Woodie Bennett Mike Scholarship in the Howard L. Gravett Scholars Program 00%36 ? Jerry R. Jones 00%37 ? William E. Wheeler '46 Lifelines 00%38 ? Southeast Texas Health Professionals Lifelines 00%39 ? George Reichel '70 in the Howard Gravett Scholarship Program 00%40 ? Patsy Ruth & Delma P. Posey '59 00%41 ? Jack Orrick '45 Lifelines 00%42 ? Corps 21 Scholarship 00%43 ? General Rudder Corps Scholarship 00%44 ? Sul Ross/Corps Scholarship 00%45 ? Chester Reed Scholarships 00%46 ? Academic Excellence Award 250%47? Honors Incentive Award00%48? Regents00%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value46Total Responses412. If you received other honors or awards while an undergraduate at Texas A&M, please list them here:Award 1Award 2Award 3Award 4Phi Beta KappaGeographic Honor SocietyFaye & Eddie V. Gray Endowed Scholarship (Geosciences)Crocker ScholarshipLubrizol ScholarshipStatisticValueTotal Responses313. Did you participate in any of the following High-Impact Experiences? (Please select all that apply):#AnswerResponse%1First-Year Seminar414%2Common Intellectual Experience14%3Learning Community311%4Writing-Intensive Course2071%5Collaborative Assignment or Project1036%6Undergraduate Research621%7Diversity/Global Learning27%8Internship1036%9Service Learning, Community-Based Learning311%10Capstone Course or Project1036%11None518%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value11Total Responses2814. Please indicate the type of research you engaged in.#Question491Student WorkerVolunteerMean1Research 141051.202Research 211021.503Research 310011.004Research 400000.00StatisticResearch 1Research 2Research 3Research 4Min Value111-Max Value221-Mean1.201.501.000.00Variance0.200.500.000.00Standard Deviation0.450.710.000.00Total Responses521015. Research Supervior and DepartmentDefault - Research 1SupervisorDepartmentDavid CairnsGEOGNiallSloweyConleeAtmoDebbie Thomas OceanographyJohn KesslerOceanographyDefault - Research 2SupervisorDepartmentJohn KesslerOceanographyDefault - Research 3SupervisorDepartmentDefault - Research 4SupervisorDepartmentStatisticResearch 1Research 2Research 3Research 4Min Value----Max Value----Total Responses----16. Did you make any presentations
or publications as an undergraduate?#AnswerResponse%1Yes117%2No583%Total6100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.83Variance0.17Standard Deviation0.41Total Responses617. Please list your presentations and/or publications below.
(Journal/conference, year):Text ResponseStudent research weekStatisticValueTotal Responses118. Did you participate in any research internships or research fellowships away from Texas A&M while you were an undergraduate student?#AnswerResponse%1Yes414%2No2486%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.86Variance0.13Standard Deviation0.36Total Responses2819. Please list the names of Programs, Locations, and Source of Support.Default - 2011/2012ProgramLocationSource of SupportInternational Service ProgramBelizeL.T. Jordan InstituteDefault - 2010/2011ProgramLocationSource of SupportNAPO HESHouston TxDefault - 2009/2010ProgramLocationSource of SupportHES MEGPL Malabo, E. G. Default - 2008/2009ProgramLocationSource of SupportInternshipBakersfield, CAChevron Corp.Default - Pre 2008ProgramLocationSource of SupportStatistic2011/20122010/20112009/20102008/2009Pre 2008Min Value-----Max Value-----Total Responses-----20. Please?choose the duration for each internship.#QuestionLess than 1 month1 to 3 months4 to 6 months7 to 9 months10 to 12 monthsMean12011/20120100123.5022010/20110100123.5032009/20100100012.0042008/20090100012.005Pre 20080000000.00Statistic2011/20122010/20112009/20102008/2009Pre 2008Min Value2222-Max Value5522-Mean3.503.502.002.000.00Variance4.504.500.000.000.00Standard Deviation2. Responses2211021. While a student at Texas A&M, did you work at a part-time or full-time job?#AnswerResponse%1Yes2071%2No829%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.29Variance0.21Standard Deviation0.46Total Responses2822. Did you work. . . ?#AnswerResponse%1On campus?735%2Off campus?1470%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Total Responses2023. How many semesters did you work while you were in school? Do not count any semesters during which you were not enrolled in classes at A&M (e.g. summers in which you did not take classes.)#AnswerResponse%1115%22420%33630%44210%55315%6600%77315%8800%9900%101015%111100%121200%13more than 1200%Total20100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value10Mean4.05Variance5.10Standard Deviation2.26Total Responses2024. On average, how many hours a week did you work? (If you worked in more than one semester, please give the average of the semester in which you worked the most.)#AnswerResponse%11 to 715%28 to 14525%315 to 21945%422 to 28315%529 or more210%Total20100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value5Mean3.00Variance1.05Standard Deviation1.03Total Responses2025. We would like to know what kind of work you performed and if it was related in any way to what you studied at A&M. Please check all that apply.#Questiontype of workrelated to my studies1- Advertising/publishing0002- Academic support2243- Agricultural0004- Animal care0005- Clerical/ administrative support3036- Child care2137- Financial0008- Information technology/technical support3259- Laboratory/research work12310- Manual/physical labor41511- Medical/medical support00012- Retail50513- Restaurant30314- Writing/editing00015- Sports/fitness10116- Recreation20217- Other (please specify)7310- Other (please specify)transportationSustainability Tutoring kids struggling in their coursesGIS mappingtheaterTransit driverTransportationStatistic- Advertising/publishing- Academic support- Agricultural- Animal care- Clerical/ administrative support- Child care- Financial- Information technology/technical support- Laboratory/research work- Manual/physical labor- Medical/medical support- Retail- Restaurant- Writing/editing- Sports/fitness- Recreation- Other (please specify)Min Value-1--11-111-11-111Max Value-2--12-222-11-112Total Responses0200320324053012726. What were the primary factors for your working while in school? (select the best three.)#AnswerResponse%1- Career exploration420%2- Earn money to support myself1260%3- Earn extra spending money1260%4- Job experience1365%5- Help me with time management315%6- An advisor/faculty member/mentor suggested that I work210%7- My family expected me to work525%8- I enjoy working420%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value8Total Responses2027. Based on your experience, would you recommend that students work part-time while in school?#AnswerResponse%1Yes1470%2No630%Total20100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.30Variance0.22Standard Deviation0.47Total Responses2028. A&M's Contribution to your ability #QuestionVery muchQuite a bitSomeVery littleNoneMean1Write effectively. 117541282.182Speak effectively. 712711282.183Create original ideas and/or products. 512920282.294Solve complex , real-world problems. 1112221281.935See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. 67942282.616Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. 158230281.757Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. 169120281.618Interpret quantitative data. 187110271.449Reason mathematically. 713701282.1110Locate, screen and organize information. 139501281.8211Articulate the impact of technology on society. 99640282.1812Behave ethically. 153541282.0413Predict the consequences of my own actions. 146530281.8914Respect cultural and ethnic differences. 136441282.0715Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. 128332282.1116Work effectively as part of a team. 1310221281.8617Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. 159310281.6418Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. 1212400281.7119Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. 107911282.1420Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. 53974283.0721Discuss scientific principles and methods. 1310500281.7122Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. 108433282.32#QuestionVery muchQuite a bitSomeVery littleNoneMean1Write effectively. 39.29%25.00%17.86%14.29%3.57%282.182Speak effectively. 25.00%42.86%25.00%3.57%3.57%282.183Create original ideas and/or products. 17.86%42.86%32.14%7.14%0.00%282.294Solve complex , real-world problems. 39.29%42.86%7.14%7.14%3.57%281.935See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. 21.43%25.00%32.14%14.29%7.14%282.616Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. 53.57%28.57%7.14%10.71%0.00%281.757Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. 57.14%32.14%3.57%7.14%0.00%281.618Interpret quantitative data. 66.67%25.93%3.70%3.70%0.00%271.449Reason mathematically. 25.00%46.43%25.00%0.00%3.57%282.1110Locate, screen and organize information. 46.43%32.14%17.86%0.00%3.57%281.8211Articulate the impact of technology on society. 32.14%32.14%21.43%14.29%0.00%282.1812Behave ethically. 53.57%10.71%17.86%14.29%3.57%282.0413Predict the consequences of my own actions. 50.00%21.43%17.86%10.71%0.00%281.8914Respect cultural and ethnic differences. 46.43%21.43%14.29%14.29%3.57%282.0715Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. 42.86%28.57%10.71%10.71%7.14%282.1116Work effectively as part of a team. 46.43%35.71%7.14%7.14%3.57%281.8617Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. 53.57%32.14%10.71%3.57%0.00%281.6418Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. 42.86%42.86%14.29%0.00%0.00%281.7119Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. 35.71%25.00%32.14%3.57%3.57%282.1420Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. 17.86%10.71%32.14%25.00%14.29%283.0721Discuss scientific principles and methods. 46.43%35.71%17.86%0.00%0.00%281.7122Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. 35.71%28.57%14.29%10.71%10.71%282.32StatisticWrite effectively. Speak effectively. Create original ideas and/or products. Solve complex , real-world problems. See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. Interpret quantitative data. Reason mathematically. Locate, screen and organize information. Articulate the impact of technology on society. Behave ethically. Predict the consequences of my own actions. Respect cultural and ethnic differences. Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. Work effectively as part of a team. Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. Discuss scientific principles and methods. Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. Min Value1111111111111111111111Max Value5545544455454555435535Mean2. Deviation1.220.980.851. Responses2828282828282827282828282828282828282828282829. Importance for your future success#QuestionVery importantImportantSomewhat importantOf little importanceNot at all importantMean1Write effectively. 154200211.382Speak effectively. 170400211.383Create original ideas and/or products. 105600211.814Solve complex , real-world problems. 174000211.195See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. 74640212.336Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. 116310211.717Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. 146100211.388Interpret quantitative data. 153300211.439Reason mathematically. 84900212.0510Locate, screen and organize information. 123510211.7611Articulate the impact of technology on society. 57621212.3812Behave ethically. 181200211.2413Predict the consequences of my own actions. 143400211.5214Respect cultural and ethnic differences. 136020211.5715Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. 155010211.3816Work effectively as part of a team. 182100211.1917Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. 144210211.5218Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. 144300211.4819Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. 98400211.7620Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. 42933212.9521Discuss scientific principles and methods. 106500211.7622Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. 125310211.67#QuestionVery importantImportantSomewhat importantOf little importanceNot at all importantMean1Write effectively. 71.43%19.05%9.52%0.00%0.00%211.382Speak effectively. 80.95%0.00%19.05%0.00%0.00%211.383Create original ideas and/or products. 47.62%23.81%28.57%0.00%0.00%211.814Solve complex , real-world problems. 80.95%19.05%0.00%0.00%0.00%211.195See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. 33.33%19.05%28.57%19.05%0.00%212.336Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. 52.38%28.57%14.29%4.76%0.00%211.717Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. 66.67%28.57%4.76%0.00%0.00%211.388Interpret quantitative data. 71.43%14.29%14.29%0.00%0.00%211.439Reason mathematically. 38.10%19.05%42.86%0.00%0.00%212.0510Locate, screen and organize information. 57.14%14.29%23.81%4.76%0.00%211.7611Articulate the impact of technology on society. 23.81%33.33%28.57%9.52%4.76%212.3812Behave ethically. 85.71%4.76%9.52%0.00%0.00%211.2413Predict the consequences of my own actions. 66.67%14.29%19.05%0.00%0.00%211.5214Respect cultural and ethnic differences. 61.90%28.57%0.00%9.52%0.00%211.5715Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. 71.43%23.81%0.00%4.76%0.00%211.3816Work effectively as part of a team. 85.71%9.52%4.76%0.00%0.00%211.1917Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. 66.67%19.05%9.52%4.76%0.00%211.5218Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. 66.67%19.05%14.29%0.00%0.00%211.4819Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. 42.86%38.10%19.05%0.00%0.00%211.7620Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. 19.05%9.52%42.86%14.29%14.29%212.9521Discuss scientific principles and methods. 47.62%28.57%23.81%0.00%0.00%211.7622Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. 57.14%23.81%14.29%4.76%0.00%211.67StatisticWrite effectively. Speak effectively. Create original ideas and/or products. Solve complex , real-world problems. See the importance of history for understanding the present as well as the past. Recognize the limitations of inferences and assumptions in science. Draw conclusions after weighing evidence, facts and ideas. Interpret quantitative data. Reason mathematically. Locate, screen and organize information. Articulate the impact of technology on society. Behave ethically. Predict the consequences of my own actions. Respect cultural and ethnic differences. Work effectively in a diverse and global environment. Work effectively as part of a team. Articulate the current research and problems in my field of study. Apply the appropriate methodology to the problems in my field. Integrate knowledge from outside my field of study. Appreciate fine arts, music and literature. Discuss scientific principles and methods. Lead a team of individuals with backgrounds different from my own. Min Value1111111111111111111111Max Value3332443334533443433534Mean1.381.381.811.192.331.711.381.432.051.762.381.241.521.571.381.191.521.481.762.951.761.67Variance0.450.650.760.161.330.810.350.560.850.991.250.390.660.860.550.260.760.560.591.650.690.83Standard Deviation0.670.800.870.401.150.900.590.750.921.001.120.620.810.930.740.510.870.750.771.280.830.91Total Responses2121212121212121212121212121212121212121212130. My education in the undergraduate programs in the College of Geosciences at Texas A&M#QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly DisagreeMean1prepared me for my future career515611282.212taught me to analyse/collect/interpret data1112310271.783taught me strong oral communication skills 513910282.214taught me strong written communication skills 917200281.755taught me strong quantitative skills 1213210281.716gave me hands-on research experience with faculty and/or grad students 713422282.257was an overall positive professional experience 1512100281.508was an overall positive personal experience 1810000281.36Statisticprepared me for my future careertaught me to analyse/collect/interpret datataught me strong oral communication skills taught me strong written communication skills taught me strong quantitative skills gave me hands-on research experience with faculty and/or grad students was an overall positive professional experience was an overall positive personal experience Min Value11111111Max Value54434532Mean2.211.782.211.751.712.251.501.36Variance0.840.640.620.340.581.310.330.24Standard Deviation0.920.800.790.590.761.140.580.49Total Responses282728282828282831. Faculty in my program#QuestionStrongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly DisagreeMean1showed respect for me and other students 199000281.322challenged me 1413100281.543were accessible 1414000281.504provided useful advising/mentoring 1114300281.71Statisticshowed respect for me and other students challenged me were accessible provided useful advising/mentoring Min Value1111Max Value2323Mean1.321.541.501.71Variance0.230.330.260.43Standard Deviation0.480.580.510.66Total Responses2828282832. Which of your courses in your major?do you believe will be most beneficial to your career?Text ResponseIntro to env. Geoscience Engineering GeologyGEOG 430, GEOS 405Geop 413GEOS 405, GEOG 430, GEOG 380HydrogeologyGEOG 390, GEOG 450, GEOG 332, GEOG 304435: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology (Dynamics 2)GEOG 405GEOG 380 Workshop in Environmental StudiesHydrology, sed-stratGEOS 405, GEOG 390Practical Weather ForecastingGEOS 405GEOS 405, GEOG 390GeologyWeather ForecastingPetroleum Geology, Field Camp, Sedimentology and StratigraphyField campGEOS 450, GEOG 442, GEOG 390, GEOS 470Geography EducationEngineering Geology, Sed Strat, Field Methods, Field CampGIS Principles, GIS Practicum, Advance GIS, Structural GeologyBESC 367Field campStatisticValueTotal Responses2633. Which of your courses in your major?do you believe will be least beneficial to your career?Text ResponseBusiness math 1 and 2MinerologyOCNG 251, ATMO 202Climate changeGEOG 420, GEOG 311463: Air Pollution (it was the least relevant to me, was still a good course)LiteratureGEOG 360 Natural HazardsIgneous & metamorphicOCNG 401ClimatologyGEOS 105 GEOG 420EconIntroduction to MeteorologyDifferential Equations, Multivariable Calculus, PaleobiologyEngeniering Geology NoneIgneous and Metamorphic Petrology, GeochemistryHistory and Nature of Geography, Resources and the EnvironmentPaleobiologyGeography coursesDifferential EquationsStatisticValueTotal Responses2334. If you are in the BA program, how do you believe your minor field and your selection of core courses will be beneficial to your career?Text ResponseN/AStatisticValueTotal Responses135. What will be your fondest memory of your experience in the program?Text ResponseField TripsUndergrard ResearchGoing to Australia on a study abroad program. Field Camp. It required a synthesis of all of our geologic knowledge. Managed to be extremely challenging, but still fun.Field CampThe people and their likeness to family.Field campStatisticValueTotal Responses736. What will be your worst memory of your experience in the program?Text ResponseHard TestsPaleobiology. Rote memorization at its finest. Every exam was a brain dump, and none of my fellow classmates feel like they have gained anything from that course.my Palenontology class Late nights spent in the lab, studying for exams.Field campStatisticValueTotal Responses537. What would you change about the program?Text ResponseTell students about research, and make it easier to get ahead after graduationmore geop class for undergraduatesThe program needs more application to realy world problems in industry. Make paleobiology an elective, and Petroleum Geology required. In this day and age with our local (read: Houston is an hour away) economy so heavily based on oil and gas, we should be required to learn more about the industry that the majority of us will end up working in.i feel the classes are a bit scatter... you get a little test of everything and this makes it a little bit hard for you to decide a specific field. Some people are more physical oriented and i thing they be given classes that are oriented toward physical geology other are more chemical oriented and they care more about rock chemistry than physical processes, and they should be exposed to more of this classes as undergrads. Offer classes more than once a yearThe amount of labs for 3 credit hour courses. The amount of work for the 3 credit hour class is proportional to a 4 credit hour class.Field campStatisticValueTotal Responses838. What plans do you have for further education after graduation?#AnswerResponse%1Graduate or professional school full time725%2Graduate or professional school part time414%3Pursue another Bachelor's degree00%4Specialized job training or certification414%5No educational plans for the immediate future1346%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value5Mean3.43Variance3.07Standard Deviation1.75Total Responses2839. What are your plans for graduate or professional school?#QuestionI have been accepted and plan to attend.I have applied and am still waiting for a final decision.I intend to apply in the future.Mean1Professional school (e.g., law, business,library, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.)00113.002Allied health professions school (e.g.,nursing, medical technology, physicians assistant, etc.)00000.003Graduate school (M.S., M.A., Ph.D, Ed.D.)06392.33StatisticProfessional school (e.g., law, business,library, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, etc.)Allied health professions school (e.g.,nursing, medical technology, physicians assistant, etc.)Graduate school (M.S., M.A., Ph.D, Ed.D.)Min Value3-2Max Value3-3Mean3.000.002.33Variance0.000.000.25Standard Deviation0.000.000.50Total Responses10940. In which field(s) do you plan to pursue a Master's Degree or Doctorate degree? Check all that apply.#QuestionMaster's DegreeDoctorate Degree1Agriculture (01) 0002Agricultural Sciences (02) 0003Natural Resources (03) 0004Architecture (04) 0005Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies (05) 0006Marketing Operations (08) 0007Communication, Journalism and Related Programs (09) 0008Communications Technologies (10) 0009Computer and Information Sciences (11) 00010Personal and Culinary Services (12) 00011Education (13) 00012Engineering (14) 11213Foreign Languages and Literatures (16) 00014Family and Consumer Sciences (19) 00015Home Economics (20) 00016Legal Studies (22) 00017English and Literature (23) 00018Liberal Arts General Studies (24) 00019Library Science (25) 00020Biological and Biomedical Sciences (26) 00021Mathematics and Statistics (27) 00022Military Technologies (29) 00023Interdisciplinary Studies (30) 00024Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies (31) 00025Philosophy and Religious Studies (38) 00026Theology and Religious Studies (39) 00027Physical Sciences (40) 00028Science Technologies (41) 00029Psychology (42) 00030Security Services (43) 00031Public Administration (44) 00032Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Studies) (45) 00033Construction Trades (46) 00034Mechanical and Repair Technologies (47) 00035Precision Production (48) 00036Transportation (49) 00037Visual and Performing Arts (50) 00038Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Health Services, Allied Health, Nursing, Public Health, etc.) (51) 00039Business Management (52) 00040History (54) 00041Atmospheric Sciences (55)00042Geography (56)10143Oceanography (57)01144Geosciences (58)10145Geology (59)41546Geophysics (60)01147Envioronmental Science (61)000StatisticAgriculture (01) Agricultural Sciences (02) Natural Resources (03) Architecture (04) Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies (05) Marketing Operations (08) Communication, Journalism and Related Programs (09) Communications Technologies (10) Computer and Information Sciences (11) Personal and Culinary Services (12) Education (13) Engineering (14) Foreign Languages and Literatures (16) Family and Consumer Sciences (19) Home Economics (20) Legal Studies (22) English and Literature (23) Liberal Arts General Studies (24) Library Science (25) Biological and Biomedical Sciences (26) Mathematics and Statistics (27) Military Technologies (29) Interdisciplinary Studies (30) Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies (31) Philosophy and Religious Studies (38) Theology and Religious Studies (39) Physical Sciences (40) Science Technologies (41) Psychology (42) Security Services (43) Public Administration (44) Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, Urban Studies) (45) Construction Trades (46) Mechanical and Repair Technologies (47) Precision Production (48) Transportation (49) Visual and Performing Arts (50) Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences (Medicine, Dentistry, Health Services, Allied Health, Nursing, Public Health, etc.) (51) Business Management (52) History (54) Atmospheric Sciences (55)Geography (56)Oceanography (57)Geosciences (58)Geology (59)Geophysics (60)Envioronmental Science (61)Min Value-----------1-----------------------------12112-Max Value-----------2-----------------------------12122-Total Responses0000000000010000000000000000000000000000011151041. My area is not listed.???Other Master'sOther DoctorateHydrogeologyStatisticValueTotal Responses142. Is this field related to your undergraduate major?#AnswerResponse%1Yes, same field as major233%2Yes, related to major467%3No, not related00%Total6100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.67Variance0.27Standard Deviation0.52Total Responses643. Which institution will you be attending? NameLocationDepartmentFieldUniversity of OklahomaNorman, OKElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of TexasAustin, TexasGeologyUniversity of HoustonHouston, TXGEOLStatisticValueTotal Responses344. Do you plan to work full or part time while pursuing your degree?#AnswerResponse%1Yes, I expect to work as a teaching or research assistant in my graduate program233%2Yes, I expect to find a job at the institution117%3Yes, I expect to work full time outside the institution233%4Yes, I expect to work part time outside the institution00%5No, I do not plan to work while in graduate school117%Total6100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value5Mean2.50Variance2.30Standard Deviation1.52Total Responses645. What are your employment plans after graduation?#AnswerResponse%1Nothing definite at this point1042%2Private for-profit corporation/company/group-practice1042%3Self-employed, own business, or professional practice (non-group)00%4Government (non-military) or other public institution or agency28%5Teaching, library or educational administration00%6Active military00%7Volunteer with a government (Peace Corps, Americorps), faith-based, or international organization14%8Other (Please specify)14%Total24100%Other (Please specify)Continuing research at TAMUStatisticValueMin Value1Max Value8Mean2.21Variance3.39Standard Deviation1.84Total Responses2446. Which business/industry sector will you most likely be employed in?#AnswerResponse%1Architecture and engineering 110%2 Arts, design, entertainment, sports and media 00%3 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance 00%4 Business and financial/accounting 00%5 Community and social services 00%6 Computer and mathematical 00%7 Construction and extraction 00%8 Energy 440%9 Environmental 440%10 Farming, fishing and forestry 00%11 Food preparation and serving related 00%12 Healthcare/medical 110%13 Homemaker 00%14 Law enforcement 00%15 Legal 00%16 Life, physical, and social sciences 00%17 Management 00%18 Marketing and sales 00%19 Office and administrative support 00%20 Personal care and service 00%21 Training and personnel 00%22 Transportation 00%23 Other (Please specify) 00%Total10100% Other (Please specify) StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value12Mean8.10Variance7.66Standard Deviation2.77Total Responses1047. What branch of government/service?#AnswerResponse%1U.S. Federal150%2U.S. State00%3U.S. Local150%4Foreign (non-U.S.) government entity00%5Non-governmental organization (NGO)00%Total2100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value3Mean2.00Variance2.00Standard Deviation1.41Total Responses248. How well do you think your academic program prepared you for the job market?#AnswerResponse%1Very well18%2Generally well1185%3Ambivalent00%4Inadequate18%5Very inadequate00%Total13100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value4Mean2.08Variance0.41Standard Deviation0.64Total Responses1349. Have you received any offers of employment after graduation?#AnswerResponse%1Yes862%2No538%Total13100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.38Variance0.26Standard Deviation0.51Total Responses1350. How many offers did you receive?
Number and percent of offers received by graduates.
# Offers? %
? ? ? ?1 ? 62.500
? ? ? ?2 ? 12.500
? ? ? ?3 ? 12.500
? ? ? ?4 ? 12.500
?StatisticValueTotal Responses851. What was the salary range of the highest offer you received?#AnswerResponse%1$30,000/year or less114%2$30,001 to $40,000/year229%3$40,001 to $50,000/year00%4$50,001 to $60,000/year114%5more than $60,000/year343%Total7100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value5Mean3.43Variance2.95Standard Deviation1.72Total Responses752. In what state will you be employed?Five of eight graduates will be employed in Texas.53. How likely is it that your job will require travel or relocation outside the United States in the next five years?#AnswerResponse%1Very likely00%2Likely114%3Unlikely457%4Definitely not229%Total7100%StatisticValueMin Value2Max Value4Mean3.14Variance0.48Standard Deviation0.69Total Responses754. Is your prospective position related to your undergraduate field(s) of study?#AnswerResponse%1Yes, same field as major450%2Yes, related to major225%3No, not related225%4Not applicable (unemployed, etc.)00%Total8100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value3Mean1.75Variance0.79Standard Deviation0.89Total Responses855. Have you lived, studied, or worked outside of the United States since leaving high school?#AnswerResponse%1Yes932%2No1968%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.68Variance0.23Standard Deviation0.48Total Responses2856. Which of the following describe your foreign experience? Please indicate all that apply.#AnswerResponse%1Internship or co-op222%2Reciprocal exchange00%3Study abroad778%4Field trip00%5Employment not affiliated with an academic institution00%6Non-academic program111%7Other (please specify)00%Other (please specify)StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value6Total Responses957. How well do you think your international experience has prepared you for the next step in either starting a career or furthering your education?#AnswerResponse%1Very well333%2Generally well333%3Neither well nor inadequately (neutral)222%4Inadequate111%5Very inadequate00%Total9100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value4Mean2.11Variance1.11Standard Deviation1.05Total Responses958. Which of these are reasons why you have not gone abroad? Please indicate all that apply.#AnswerResponse%1No one encouraged me to do it 633%2It would delay my graduation 844%3Did not fit my degree plan 950%4Not beneficial to my career 633%5Too expensive 1161%6My financial aid didn't cover costs 211%7Needed to work instead 739%8Family worried about my leaving the U.S. 16%9Political tensions/fear of terrorism 00%10I don't speak any language but English 528%11Don't want to leave Texas or the U.S. 00%12Other (please specify)16%Other (please specify)I wasn't exposed to any opportunities.StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value12Total Responses1859. At the time you graduate, approximately what will be the total amount borrowed to finance your undergraduate education that you are personally responsible for repaying?#AnswerResponse%1none1554%2$1 to 9,999414%3$10,000 to 19,99900%4$20,000 to 29,999311%5$30,000 to 39,99914%6$40,000 to 49,99927%7$50,000 or more27%8Unable to estimate14%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value8Mean2.64Variance5.28Standard Deviation2.30Total Responses2860. Reflecting back, do you now think that the benefits you have received from attending Texas A&M were worth the financial costs to you and your family? #AnswerResponse%1Yes, definitely2175%2Maybe, but not sure725%3No, definitely not00%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value2Mean1.25Variance0.19Standard Deviation0.44Total Responses2861. How confident are you of success in your future?#AnswerResponse%1Bring it on!725%2I think I'll do well.1864%3Uncertain311%4Not quite ready00%5Not ready at all00%Total28100%StatisticValueMin Value1Max Value3Mean1.86Variance0.35Standard Deviation0.59Total Responses2862. Please give us your thoughts on how well Texas A&M prepared you for the future.Responses are available on request from Mark Troy.StatisticValueTotal Responses1063. Please provide an e-mail address that will be valid after graduation. This will be used by your college and department to keep you up to date on what's happening to your teachers and fellow students in you major department. Your address will not be sold or used for any other commercial purposes. Texas A&M respects your privacy.EmailEcogrl@reecekick@stephanie_grotte@indiaman1824@yahoo.co.injdmeans13@hollysmith218@hilarycooksley@swh452@john.lake.aux@bhillin0324@nick_1509@katb@austin.sehayden12@briguzman701@neo.tamu.eduhjh4runner@nicolsonp@jaredpocock1579@adrian.kahn@doralluvia@ mebbole@cacraig11@robledog23@lsmithpchn@llondono12@StatisticValueTotal Responses2464. genderValueTotalF17M1165. primaryMajorValueTotalENST4GEOL7GEOP1GEOG6ENGS7METR366. primaryMajorDeptValueTotalGEOG10GEPL8CLGE7ATMO3
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