Mrs. Kleinsorge, Principal - Anclote Elementary School

68707064008000390334562877703610 Madison StreetNew Port Richey, FL 346652aes.pasco.k12.fl.usancloteelementary003610 Madison StreetNew Port Richey, FL 346652aes.pasco.k12.fl.usancloteelementary39979606038850Anclote Elementary School00Anclote Elementary School39941505718175 00 40100253086100School Hours:Free Breakfast for All Students: 9:20- 9:40Students may enter theclassroom: 9:30Start of the School Day 9:40Tardy Bell: 9:40Note: Students should arrive atschool no earlier that 9:15.Students arriving after 9:45 willbe marked as tardy.00School Hours:Free Breakfast for All Students: 9:20- 9:40Students may enter theclassroom: 9:30Start of the School Day 9:40Tardy Bell: 9:40Note: Students should arrive atschool no earlier that 9:15.Students arriving after 9:45 willbe marked as tardy.4010025640080Anclote Elementary School“Anchored in Success”AES Mission:At Anclote Elementary ourstaff, parents, and communityare committed to providing aquality education for allstudents to become lifelonglearners and responsibleindividuals.0Anclote Elementary School“Anchored in Success”AES Mission:At Anclote Elementary ourstaff, parents, and communityare committed to providing aquality education for allstudents to become lifelonglearners and responsibleindividuals.73628255772150Mrs. Kleinsorge, PrincipalMrs. Pitkoff, Assistant Principal00Mrs. Kleinsorge, PrincipalMrs. Pitkoff, Assistant Principal73533005299075 00 734822048006002016-2017002016-201773520302565400007353300640080Anclote Elementary Parent Involvement Plan00Anclote Elementary Parent Involvement Plan6400803873500Make sure to attend the Open House and Annual Title I Meeting to meet with your child’s teacher and learn more about Title IReview the Family Involvement PlanReview and Sign the Family/School CompactLook for more information about other Family Events and Academic Nights00Make sure to attend the Open House and Annual Title I Meeting to meet with your child’s teacher and learn more about Title IReview the Family Involvement PlanReview and Sign the Family/School CompactLook for more information about other Family Events and Academic Nights6400803086100Open House and Annual Title I MeetingHeld in September00Open House and Annual Title I MeetingHeld in September6400802282825Events00Events69037201244600Each year AES develops a Parent Involvement Plan in conjunction with the input of parent surveys and various groups such as the School Advisory Council (SAC) and Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).Parent surveys were completed at the end of last year to collect input from parents on activities, trainings, and materials needed to help their children succeed. Results of parent surveys are reviewed by the SAC when developing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the Parent Involvement Plan (PIP). Using this data the members of the SAC committee will consider how to use Title I and State Lottery funds to improve school programs.Parent involvement is essential to helping our students succeed. Through various activities, such as our School Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organization, parents provide essential feedback to assist in our school’s improvements. We also encourage you to complete post-event surveys at the conclusion of most of our school-wide events, as well as a final survey at the end of the school year. Your input is important to us. Links to both the School Improvement Plan and the Parent Involvement Plan can be found on our school website.00Each year AES develops a Parent Involvement Plan in conjunction with the input of parent surveys and various groups such as the School Advisory Council (SAC) and Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).Parent surveys were completed at the end of last year to collect input from parents on activities, trainings, and materials needed to help their children succeed. Results of parent surveys are reviewed by the SAC when developing the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and the Parent Involvement Plan (PIP). Using this data the members of the SAC committee will consider how to use Title I and State Lottery funds to improve school programs.Parent involvement is essential to helping our students succeed. Through various activities, such as our School Advisory Council and Parent Teacher Organization, parents provide essential feedback to assist in our school’s improvements. We also encourage you to complete post-event surveys at the conclusion of most of our school-wide events, as well as a final survey at the end of the school year. Your input is important to us. Links to both the School Improvement Plan and the Parent Involvement Plan can be found on our school website.6903720640080Parent Involvement Plan00Parent Involvement Plan6400803736340In response to parent input, Anclote Elementary continues to refine our school programs and events. The school continues to provide flexible meeting and training times throughout the year by scheduling morning, afternoon, and evening meetings and workshops. These opportunities are in response to parent input.Student of the Month CelebrationFamily Resource CenterAcademic NightsFacebook0In response to parent input, Anclote Elementary continues to refine our school programs and events. The school continues to provide flexible meeting and training times throughout the year by scheduling morning, afternoon, and evening meetings and workshops. These opportunities are in response to parent input.Student of the Month CelebrationFamily Resource CenterAcademic NightsFacebook388620034817056400803096260How does AES use parent input?00How does AES use parent input?66040064008000165608063881000 ................

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