Dear Parent/Guardian,

Please review the information contained in this brochure with your child.

• Ask your child to tell you the school expectations.

• Ask your child to discuss examples of ways that he/she can use these expectations to help them to learn and participate at school.

• Discuss ways that these expectations can be used at home and in the community.

Once you have talked with your child about the school expectations and how they relate to both education and life skills, please sign your name and have your child sign in the spaces provided. Please return the signed form to your child’s teacher.


Parent/Guardian Signature


Student Signature




Hornets leave a positive STING by:

Acting Responsibly

Exercising Safety

Showing Respect


Lunchroom Expectations

Acting Responsibly

• Line up quietly and wait patiently

• Walk through line and be seated

• Clean up eating area

Exercising Safety

• Keep hands, feet, and objects/food to self

• Ask permission to share food and leave seat

Showing Respect

• Follow directions from all staff members

• Use quiet voices

• Use good manners


Playground Expectations

Acting Responsibly

• Report problems to adult

• Take care of playground and equipment

Exercising Safety

• Use playground equipment correctly

• Ask permission to leave playground

• Dress for weather and activities

Showing Respect

• Follow directions from all staff members

• Use good manners

Hallway Expectations

Acting Responsibly

• Go directly to/from class

• Take care of your school

Exercising Safety

• Walk quietly on the right side

• Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Showing Respect

• Use quiet voices

• Use good manners

• Follow directions from all staff members


Bathroom Expectations

Acting Responsibly

• Report problems to adult

• Keep bathroom clean

• Take care of business and quickly return to class

Exercising Safety

• Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

• Wash hands with soap

• Use bathroom designated for you

Showing Respect

• Follow directions from all staff members

• Respect the privacy of others


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