PDF Absence Management Supervisor Guide

Absence Management Supervisor Guide

Types of Absence

FMLA Personal State Leaves

Medical Military Short-Term Disability

FMLA time vs. LTS and PTO

All Leaves of absence (LOA) are unpaid. However, when involving an employee's own serious health condition, the employee is required by ARUP to use all grandfathered Long Term Sick (LTS) benefits before taking time off without pay. The employee can then choose to use PTO (or go unpaid) after the grandfathered LTS benefits are exhausted. Employees must communicate intent to use PTO before their LOA or time will default to unpaid.

For other types of FMLA (i.e., care of a newborn or newly adopted child, care of a sick family member, etc.) grandfathered LTS benefits are not available. The employee can choose to use PTO (or go unpaid) during this absence.

Medical absence: Employee's own serious health condition: Approved Disability, 60% pay from Lincoln: o 8th day for illness or injury or 1st day of hospitalization (if sooner) Pay from ARUP o 100% from grandfathered LTS (40% if hospitalized before day 8) until expired then the employee can choose to use PTO or go unpaid Supervisor will enter into TC1 40% based off the schedule listed below Family members (parent, spouse or child) serious health condition: No disability benefits available Pay from ARUP o Choose to use 100% PTO or go unpaid Supervisor to enter pay into TC1

Personal absence: Employee gone for personal reasons, not illness Pay from ARUP o 100% PTO until exhausted Supervisor to enter pay into TC1

Acute Illness (cold, flu, tooth pulled, etc.): Employees own illness First two consecutive days PTO or unpaid Third consecutive day grandfathered LTS o Must submit a Request for LTS form and Dr. note to HR o If no available grandfathered LTS, employees may use PTO or go unpaid


*FMLA ? Own Illness or pregnancy

*FMLA ? Family (parent, spouse, child, adoption or foster child) *FMLA ? Bonding for father

Pay Type

Grandfathered LTS, then choice of PTO or unpaid Choice of PTO only or unpaid Choice of PTO only or unpaid

Absence Type

Intermittent or continuous Intermittent or continuous Continuous

*FMLA ? Exigency or care of injured service member Military (USERRA)

Medical (MLOA) ? Own Illness

Personal (PLOA) *Job protected

Choice of PTO only or unpaid Choice of PTO only or unpaid Grandfathered LTS, then choice of PTO or unpaid PTO only

Intermittent or continuous Continuous



1. Hourly and Salaried employees are paid PTO, grandfathered LTS and regular work hours differently, unless the salaried employee is using intermittent or reduced FMLA. In this case, salaried employees are considered hourly and paid as such and must clock in and out for the duration of the absence.

Hourly employee


FMLA or Leave Time

Paid Time

Employee missed 3 hours on Monday for 3 hours documented his own serious health condition

Employee missed 2 hours and 12 minutes 2 hours 12 minutes to take her parent to an appointment. documented FMLA has been approved

Employee calls in stating they will be 1 hour late, they are using FMLA time for their own serious health condition. Feeling well, they work 1 hour later to make up time. (supervisor's approval, of course)

1 hour documented

Pay 3 hours of LTS. If no LTS, employee can choose to use PTO or go unpaid. Do not pay more than scheduled hours. 2 hours and 12 minutes of PTO to be paid if the employee chooses. Do not pay more than scheduled hours. LTS is only for the employee's serious health condition. If employee is at scheduled hours for that day, no LTS would be paid however, the employee still needs to report the 1 hour of leave to Lincoln.

Salaried employees and intermittent LOA (see CORP-Policy-0299)


FMLA or Leave Time

Paid Time

Sally is salaried and on an intermittent LOA. She normally works 8 hours a day but on Tuesday, she only worked 4 hours. How is her regular time and PTO/LTS hours configured? Bertha is salaried and on an intermittent LOA. She normally works 8 hours a day but on Wednesday she worked 1 hour then went home. How is her regular and PTO/LTS configured? Joshua is salaried and on an intermittent LOA. He works 8 hours a day but is out of PTO and LTS. He works 2 hours on Friday

4 hours documented 7 hours documented 6 hours documented

4 hours of regular pay, 4 hours of LTS. If out of LTS, PTO if employee chooses or unpaid.

1 hour of regular pay, 7 hours of LTS. If out of LTS, PTO if employee chooses or unpaid.

2 hours of regular pay, no PTO or LTS.

then goes home. How is his regular time and PTO/LTS configured? George is salaried and on an intermittent LOA. He normally works 8 hours a day but on Monday he only works 6 hours. How is his regular time and PTO/LTS hours configured? Alisa is salaried and on an intermittent LOA. She normally works 8 hours a day. Her dr. certified her to miss 2 hours a day due to treatments. Today she worked 3 hours, took 2 hours of FMLA time then took the rest of the time as PTO.

2 hours documented 2 hours documented

6 hours of regular pay, 2 hours LTS. If out of LTS, PTO if employee chooses or unpaid.

3 hours of regular pay, 2 hours LTS. If out of LTS, PTO if employee chooses or unpaid. Then 3 hours of PTO for PTO time.

Supervisors have access to the Lincoln website to view their employees leave information and to enter paid time off into TC-1.

Entering Leave Time in TC-1 Master Menu

1. Open the employee's timecard and click on

2. Select


3. Next to the reason code box click on the

4. Select

and click on the

5. Uncheck the Use Sch Pay Info box, make sure the Paid box is checked and enter the number of leave hours into the Hours box

6. Select the date of the absence

7. This is how the screen should appear:

8. Click 9. Verify the employee's timecard looks correct and approve their time

Scheduled hrs/wk 40 36 35 32 31 30 25 20

How to pay an employee on Short-Term Disability

40% from G. LTS. (PTO use optional)

16 14.4 14 12.8 12.4 12 10 8

Things to consider

1. If you currently have leads or workflows that receive "notice for leave of absence" emails, you may want to consider setting up a "rule" for them in Outlook.

2. Tell employees to report leave time missed to you, their supervisor, per ARUP policy and they need to also report the missed time to Lincoln within 2 business days to ensure accurate tracking of their leave time and to avoid untimely reporting consequences.

3. Requests for LTS (for an employee's acute illness lasting no more than 4 days) will continue to be paid through the Benefits Team with a doctor's note and request for LTS form.

4. When an employee returns to work from a medically related situation for themselves, they must give their supervisor a fitness for duty form before they can work.

5. Use the mobile app or desk computer to view the status of existing claims, entering a new claim or adding intermittent time for an employee.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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