
AESOP Handbook: Properly Securing and Documenting Substitute Teachers

Teacher, Teacher Aide, and Teacher Assistant Version

The following information will serve to inform you of District procedures regarding the use of substitutes and AESOP, as well as assist you in properly entering absences into AESOP. Review the attached information carefully and share with the appropriate staff.

|Table of Contents |

| |

|AESOP Contact Information 2 |

|Login – Username and PIN Numbers 2 |

|Recording an Absence 2 |

|Recording an Out-going Telephone Message for Substitutes 2 |

|Authorization for Substitutes 2 |

|Absence Reasons and Accounting Codes 3 |

|Personal Leave 3 |

|Personal Leave for Board Business 3 |

|Substitutes for Teachers 4 |

|Substitutes for Teachers Aides and Assistants 4 |

|Itinerant Teachers – Entering Absences into AESOP 4 |

|Correcting or Changing an Absence in AESOP 5 |

|Training 5 |

|Appendix 6 |

AESOP Contact Information

If you need assistance with AESOP or securing a substitute, notify Dorothy Johnson (dajohnson@) or Molly Zizzo (mzizzo@). In the event of an emergency, call 816-3515 or 816-3519. A Human Resources representative will be available at this telephone number from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

Login – Username and PIN Numbers

If you have misplaced your username or PIN Number for AESOP, please see your principal, or their AESOP designee.

Recording an Absence

All absences of Teachers, Teacher Aides, Teaching Assistants, and other instructional staff members must be reported using AESOP, even if a substitute is not required. You may either call 1-800-942-3767 or use the online system at to enter the absence. Both the online and telephonic systems are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week for your convenience. All absences must be recorded in AESOP, regardless of whether a substitute is needed or not (see section, Authorization for Substitutes).

Recording an Out-going Telephone Message for Substitutes

All teachers are required to have the proper voice recording on file to ensure optimal results from Aesop. The voice recording is played to substitutes when the automated system is describing an available assignment. You have the ability voice record your name, title, and location. Format: first & last name, grade level, subject matter, and location.

The voice recording is especially important for itinerant teachers; having a message with their full assignment alerts the sub that they will be accepting a job which will include travel.

Example: “Joe Doe 1st Grade, School 1” or “Jane Doe 8th Grade Social Studies, at school #2 from 8:00 am – 10:00 am and school #3 from 10:45 am – 2:35 pm.”

To complete your voice recording, please do the following:

Step 1: Call the automated telephone system at 1-800-94-AESOP or 1-800-942-3767. When prompted to enter your ID, enter 11780 followed by the # key. Next enter your Pin number followed by the # key. After entering your Pin, the automated system will welcome you to the Voice-Recording menu.

Step 2: Follow the prompts to record your name, title and location. The ID number that the system will ask you for is the "Recording ID" found in the upper left corner of (next to your name) on your Aesop profile page.

Authorization for Substitutes

All absences must be recorded in AESOP, regardless of whether a substitute is needed or not.

The following school employee groups are entitled to receive a substitute in their absence:

• Teachers – sometimes eligible*

• Teacher aides – always eligible

• Teacher assistants – always eligible

* Refer to the “Substitute Authorization Charts” in the appendix for a detailed listing of which teachers are entitled to a substitute.

All school employees must use the AESOP substitute calling system for reporting and filling teacher, teacher aide, and teacher assistant, even if a substitute is not required (for example, (a) school psychologists must use AESOP to record their absence even though they never get a substitute or (b) a substitute is not required when an employee is absent on a Superintendent’s Conference Day).

Absence Reasons and Accounting Codes

Proper use of AESOP Accounting Codes (Acc. Code) allows users to draw compensation from the appropriate fund line when securing a substitute. For most Board Business and Professional Learning Opportunities, the substitute costs should be covered through a grant and not the Operations and Management fund. It is imperative that AESOP is used properly in every instance.

Each school has their own accounting code that is used for most absences. In addition to the school’s accounting code, there are other permanent codes, as well as professional learning opportunity codes corresponding to events in the Professional Growth System (PGS) which are added regularly. The definition, directions for use and approval process for all of the accounting codes are listed on the chart in the appendix, “AESOP Absence Reasons and Accounting Codes”.

Personal Leave

The contractual personal leave time and approval process is as follows:

|Collective Bargaining Group |Number of Personal Leave Days |Application for Short-Term Absence/Leave from Regular Duty Approved by: |

|BEST |3 |Principal |

|BTF |5 |Principal |

|PCTEA |5 |Principal |

Principals may opt to use the AESOP Personal Leave approval process as their only means of notification of a request for personal leave for teachers and teacher aides and assistants. If your principal chooses this option as a school policy, they will communicate it to you.

Personal Leave for Board Business

The Application for Short-Term Absence/Leave from Regular Duty does not have to be submitted for leave to attend a professional learning opportunity that has been entered into AESOP and has a matching Acc. Code (unless your school has a different policy and the principal has directed you accordingly). However, if there is no existing professional learning opportunity and matching Acc. Code in AESOP, the Application for Short-Term Absence/Leave from Regular Duty for Board Business must be submitted to your Community Superintendent for approval. Examples of Personal Leave for Board Business which must be submitted to your Community Superintendent are union business, guided observations, chaperoning long-term field trips, and travel to conferences or seminars.

Substitutes for Teachers

The information below reviews the guidelines for hiring substitute teachers. Refer to the chart in the appendix, “AESOP Absence Reasons and Accounting Codes”, for information on how to enter the absence into AESOP.


A full-day substitute is hired when a teacher who qualifies for a substitute is absent for a full-day.

A half-day substitute is hired when a teacher who qualifies for a substitute is absent for a half-day.

Long-term Substitutes:

In compliance with federal and state guidelines, all long-term substitute teachers (more than five days) must be certified in the area to which they are assigned to teach.

In the event that a teacher is going to be out for more than four weeks, a temporary teacher must be hired as a replacement. A request for a temporary teacher must be made to your Community Superintendent (copied to Angela Cullen), who will notify the appropriate Director or Supervisor to initiate the teacher replacement process.

Substitutes for Teachers Aides and Assistants

The information below reviews the guidelines for hiring substitute teachers aides and assistants. Refer to the chart in the appendix, “AESOP Absence Reasons and Accounting Codes”, for information on how to enter the absence into AESOP.


A full-day substitute is hired when a teacher aide or assistant who qualifies for a substitute is absent for a full-day.

A half-day substitute is hired when a teacher aide or assistant who qualifies for a substitute is absent for a half-day.

Itinerant Teachers – Entering Absences into AESOP

There are two types of schedules for itinerant teachers:

1. Changing schools according to letter days (A – F):

• Log into AESOP ( “Create Absence”

• Enter date(s), choose which school the teacher will be absent from and enter the Appropriate Absence Reason and Acc. Code

• If the Itinerant is going to be absent more than one day at the same school in that schedule, in the lower left corner, check only the days of the week that will be affected at that school

• If the Itinerant is going to be absent from both schools, a separate absence following the above steps should be followed for the other school for the specific days of absence

• Click “Save”

2. Changing schools within the same day:

• Log into AESOP ( “Create Absence”

• After the date(s) is entered, hold down the “Ctrl” key and highlight both schools

• Enter the Appropriate Absence Reason and Acc. Code

• Under “Absence Type”, click on custom, then, click on “next” on the bottom of the screen

• This screen will show an absence for each school; you must click on “Absence Type”, choosing Half Day AM for the morning assignment and Half Day PM for the afternoon assignment, making sure that the correct times are reflected in each absence for each school on this screen (if the times are not correct, please send an email to Dorothy Johnson (dajohnson@) and Molly Zizzo (mzizzo@) with the corrections – and include the correct times in the “Notes” section of the absence until the times are corrected in AESOP)

• Click “Save”

If you have an itinerant assignment, please be sure that is clearly stated in your AESOP voice recording (see Recording and Out-going Telephone Message for Substitutes). This will ensure that the substitute accepting your assignment is aware that may be required to travel.

Correcting or Changing an Absence in AESOP

Absences may be modified at the school level within 48 hours of the absence. If you have an error that must be corrected outside this window, please communicate it to your principal, or their AESOP designee.


Training links are available on the AESOP user home page in the section, “User Guide”. Contact Angela Cullen at 816-3635 or acullen@ if one-on-one or group training sessions are needed.



|AESOP Absence Reason |Definition |Directions for use |Who approves the Personal |Statement of |

| | | |Leave Form? |Service code to be |

| | | | |used |

| | |AESOP Acc. Code |Additional remarks required | | |

| | | |to be entered into the | | |

| | | |“Notes” section | | |

|Absent with Leave |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who is taking a day without pay|School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |N |

| |(when the employees leave time has been exhausted); employee has permission from | | | | |

| |their principal to be off without pay | | | | |

|Absent without Leave |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who has provided no |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |D |

| |notification of absence (AWOL) | | | | |

|Administrative Absence –|To be used to secure a substitute teacher when directed by Human Resources to |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |G |

|No Charge (with pay) |place a teacher, teacher assistant, or teacher aide on leave, usually during an | | | | |

| |investigation | | | | |

|Bereavement |To be used to secure a substitute when bereavement falls within contractual |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |F |

| |guidelines; all other bereavement must be submitted as personal leave | | | | |

|Board Business |To be used to secure a substitute for Board Business when no other AESOP Acc. |School accounting code |Specific Board business, ie. |Community Superintendent |G |

| |code exists (ie. chaperoning long-term field trips and travel to conference and | |“Chaperoning a field trip to | | |

| |seminars) | |France” | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Note regarding field trips: substitute teachers are not permitted for teachers | | | | |

| |who are on short-term field trips, but a substitute teacher may be hired for a | | | | |

| |teacher who is on a long-term field trip, provided approval is obtained prior to | | | | |

| |the field trip from your Community Superintendent; substitute teachers requests | | | | |

| |should be sent via email with all pertinent details included; if approved, a | | | | |

| |Personal Leave form for Board Business must be forwarded to your Community | | | | |

| |Superintendent prior to entering the day in AESOP | | | | |

|Board Business |Teacher filling in as an administrator |School accounting code |Teacher will indicate the |Principal |G |

| |To be used to secure a substitute for a teacher who is acting as a substitute | |name of the administrator for| | |

| |school administrator; the administrator enters the appropriate absence with “NO | |whom they are acting | | |

| |SUB REQUIRED”; the teacher enters the absence as Board Business and secures a | | | | |

| |substitute to cover their classroom duties while they are an acting | | | | |

| |administrator | | | | |

|Breast/Prost. Screening |To be used to secure a substitute for a half day for a mammogram or prostrate |School accounting code |None required |No P.L required |G |

| |screening; employees are entitled to one half day per year for this purpose | | | | |

|BTF Sick Bank |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who has been placed in the BTF |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |B |

| |Sick Bank when approved by the BTF and directed by Human Resources | | | | |

|CSE Coverage |To be used to secure a substitute for CSE meetings, IEP writing, and Annual |CSE Coverage |Indicate student[s] name in |Principal |G |

| |Reviews; this code remains open all school year Substitute teachers may be hired | |the Notes section | | |

| |for special education teachers to complete Annual Reviews and for the general | | | | |

| |education teacher who sits on the review committee; CSE chairs are encouraged to | | | | |

| |plan multiple Annual Reviews/CSE Meetings on the same day to maximize the use of | | | | |

| |substitute teachers; The CSE chair is responsible to ensure that the absence is | | | | |

| |entered into AESOP and the substitute for both the special education teacher | | | | |

| |and/or general education teacher has a schedule in place for the day | | | | |

|CTE – Work Site |To be used to secure a substitute by CTE teachers who take students on work site |CTE – Work Site Visitations |None required |Supervisor or Director of CTE|G |

|Visitations |visits; this code remains open all school year | | | | |

|Exam Administration |To be used to secure a substitute only when directed by a Teaching and Learning |Exam Administration |Indicate student[s] name in |Principal |G |

| |Director or Supervisor when class coverage is needed for the classroom teacher to| |the Notes section | | |

| |administer an exam (may include the NYSESLAT, Regents, science assessments, | | | | |

| |etc.); this code opens and closes depending upon approval of your Community | | | | |

| |Superintendent; school administrators are notified by a Teaching and Learning | | | | |

| |Director or Supervisor when and for what reason this code is being activated | | | | |

|Family Medical Leave |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who has been approved to use |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |A |

| |time under the Family Medical Leave Act when directed/approved by Human | | | | |

| |Resources; Clarification: this is not the same as taking a sick day to care for a| | | | |

| |family member; if an employee is taking a sick day to care for a child or spouse,| | | | |

| |it would be marked in AESOP as absence reason – illness, and marked on the | | | | |

| |Statement of Service as “CODE R: SICK LEAVE – RELATIVE (SPECIFY)” | | | | |

|Formal Suspension – REG |To be used to secure a substitute for formal suspension hearings involving |Formal Suspension – REG ED |Indicate student[s] name in |Principal |G |

|ED |general education students; this code remains open all school year | |the Notes section | | |

|Formal Suspension – SP |To be used to secure a substitute for formal suspension hearings involving |Formal Suspension – SP ED |Indicate student[s] name in |Principal |G |

|ED |special education students; this code remains open all school year | |the Notes section | | |

|Illness |To be used to secure a substitute in the case of illness of the employee or a |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |A |

| |family member in the employees care | | | | |

|Jury Duty |To be used to secure a substitute when a teacher is called to State or Federal |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |J |

| |jury duty | | | | |

|Leadership Academy |To be used to secure a substitute for attendance at a Leadership Academy |Leadership Academy |Indicate the name of the |Community Superintendent |G |

| | | |Academy which will be | | |

| | | |attended | | |

|Military Leave |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who is on an approved Military |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |M |

| |Leave when directed by Human Resources | | | | |

|Personal Leave |To be used to secure a substitute for a personal leave day |School accounting code |None required |Principal |P |

|Principal/Asst. |To be used to secure a substitute for Principal and Asst. Principal Coaches to |Principal/Asst. Principal |Indicate the name of the |Community Superintendent |G |

|Principal Coaching |conduct coaching sessions and shadowing |Coaching |Principal(s) or Asst. | | |

| | | |Principal(s) being coached | | |

|Prof. Development |To be used to secure a substitute when a teacher is going to attend an approved |Specific Professional |None required |Principal |G |

| |professional learning opportunity; acc. Codes are created for each Professional |Learning Opportunity Codes | | | |

| |Learning Opportunity (PLO) developed for teachers and administrators; if an acc. | | | | |

| |code does not exist for a PLO, your clerical staff must contact the person in | | | | |

| |charge of the PLO to remind them to notify Staff Development at 816-3048, ext. | | | | |

| |8764. The PLO should have already been entered into PGS and been approved by | | | | |

| |finance for these funds to be used. AESOP acc. code; these codes change | | | | |

| |regularly depending on the PLO being offered | | | | |

|Suspended with Pay |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who has been suspended with pay|School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |S |

| |when directed by Human Resources or the Legal Department | | | | |

|Suspended WO Pay |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who has been suspended without |School accounting code |None required |No P.L. required |T |

| |pay when directed by Human Resources or the Legal Department | | | | |

|Test Scoring Training |To be used to secure a substitute only when directed by a Teaching and Learning |Test Scoring Training |Indicate the name of the |Principal |G |

| |Director or Supervisor to attend a test scoring training session; this code opens| |training in the Notes section| | |

| |and closes depending upon approval of your Community Superintendent | | | | |

|Union Business |To be used to secure a substitute to attend Union business |School accounting code |None required |Community Superintendent |U |

|Workers Compensation |To be used to secure a substitute for an employee who is on an approved Workers |None required |None required |No P.L. required |C |

| |Compensation Leave when directed by Human Resources | | | | |

|Other |All other situations must be approved by your Community Superintendent |




|Pre-Kindergarten |Yes |

|Kindergarten |Yes |

|Grade 1 |Yes |

|Grade 2 |Yes |

|Grade 3 |Yes |

|Grade 4 |Yes |

|Grade 5 |Yes |

|Grade 6 |Yes |

|Grade 7 & 8 English |Yes |

|Grade 7 & 8 Mathematics |Yes |

|Grade 7 & 8 Science |Yes |

|Grade 7 & 8 Social Studies |Yes |


|Consultant Teacher |Yes |

|Educational Tester |No |

|Hearing Impaired |Yes |

|Integrated Co-Teacher |Yes |

|Psychologist |No |

|Resource Teacher |Yes |

|School Counselor |No |

|Self-Contained Teacher |Yes |

|Social Worker |No |

|Speech |(Yes, but arranged by Pam Lorber only) |


|Art |Yes |

|Attendance |No |

|Coach (subject areas) |No |

|English as a Second Language |Yes |

|Gifted and Talented Resource |Yes |

|Home & Careers |Yes |

|Instrumental Music |No |

|Languages Other than English |Yes |

|Librarian |No |

|Physical Education/Health |Yes |

|Program Coordinator/Helping Teacher |No |

|School Counselors |No |

|Technology |Yes |

|Title I Guidance |No |

|Title I Mathematics |Yes |

|Title I Reading |Yes |

|Vocal Music |Yes |

GRADES 9 – 12


|Business |Yes |

|Career and Technical Education |Yes |

|English |Yes |

|Math |Yes |

|Science |Yes |

|Social Studies |Yes |


|Consultant Teacher |Yes |

|Educational Tester |No |

|Hearing Impaired |Yes |

|Integrated Co-Teacher |Yes |

|Psychologist |No |

|Resource Teacher |Yes |

|School Counselor |No |

|Self-Contained Teacher |Yes |

|Social Worker |No |

|Speech |(Yes, but arranged by Pam Lorber only) |


|Art |Yes |

|Attendance |No |

|Coaches (subject area) |No |

|English as a Second Language |Yes |

|Gifted and Talented Resource |Yes |

|Health |Yes |

|Instrumental Music |Yes |

|Languages Other than English |Yes |

|Librarian |No |

|Physical Education |Yes |

|Program Coordinator/Helping Teacher |No |

|School Counselors |No |

|Title I Guidance |No |

|Title I Mathematics |Yes |

|Title I Reading |Yes |

|Vocal Music |Yes |


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