
University Curriculum Committee

Proposal for Course Change

|1. Is this a Liberal Studies or Diversity Course? |Liberal Studies | Diversity | Both |

| | | | | |

|2. Course change effective beginning of what term and year? |Fall 2008 |

|(ex. Spring 2008, Summer 2008) See effective dates schedule. | |

| |

|3. College |SBS |4. Academic Unit |Women’s and Gender Studies |

| |

|5. Current course subject/catalog number |All offerings with WST prefix |

| |

|6. Current catalog title, course description, and units. (Copy and paste from current on-line academic catalog). |

|WST 150 Women, Information and Technology (3) |

|WST 191 Women, Gender Identity and Ethnicity (3) |

|WST 191H Women, Gender Identity, and Ethnicity - Honors (3) |

|WST 199 Modular Learning Experience (1-3) |

|WST 199H Modular Learning Experience - Honors |

|WST 200 Introduction to Women’s Studies (3) |

|WST 201 Women’s Studies Events Lab (1) |

|WST 215 Making “Real Men”: Masculinities in the United States (3) |

|WST260 Third World Women (3) |

|WST 260H Third World Women – Honors (3) |

|WST 300 W Feminist Theories (3) |

|WST 301 Women, Health and Healing (3) |

|WST 350W History and Historiography of Feminist Movements (3) |

|WST 360 Transnational Feminisms (3) |

|WST 375W Feminist Methodology, Interpretation, and Critique (3) |

|WST 391 Special Topics in Women’s Studies (3) |

|WST 392 Special Topics in Women’s Studies: Humanities (3) |

|WST 392H Special Topics in Women’s Studies: Humanities (3) |

|WST 393 Special Topics in Women’s Studies: Arts (3) |

|WST 394 Special Topics in Women’s Studies: Social Sciences (3) |

|WST 394H Special Topics in Women’s Studies: Social Sciences – Honors (3) |

|WST 399 Modular Learning Experience (1-3) |

|WST 408 Fieldwork Experience (1-12) |

|WST 465 Directed Readings in Women’s Studies (3) |

|WST 485 Undergraduate Research (3) |

|WST 491C Women’s Studies Research (3) |

|WST 495C Women’s Studies Bails Essay (1) |

|WST 497 Independent Study (1-6) |

|WST 499 Contemporary Developments (1-3) |

| |

|7. Is course currently cross-listed or co-convened? yes |x | no |x | |

| If yes, list course |WST 191 (with Ethnic Studies) ES 191 | | |

| Will this continue? |yes | |

| |

|8. Is course an elective? | |or required for an academic plan/subplan? | | |

| If required, for what academic plan/subplan? |Includes both electives and required courses | |

| If required, also submit Proposal for New Plan or Plan Change. |

| |

|9. Will other courses or academic units, be affected by this change? (Consider prerequisites, degree |

| requirements, etc.) yes |X |no | | |

| If yes, explain in the justification and provide supporting documentation from the affected departments. |

| |

|10. Does this change affect community college articulation? |yes | |no | | |

| If yes, explain how in the justification and provide supporting documentation from the affected institutions. |

| |

| Is the course a Common Course as defined by your Articulation Task Force? yes | |no | |

| If yes, has the change been approved by the Articulation Task Force? yes | |no | | |

| |

| If this course has been listed in the Course Equivalency Guide, should that listing | |

| |be left as is, | | | | or be revised? | | |

| If revised, how should it be revised? |All WST equivalencies need to change to WGS |


| |

|11. a. Proposed course subject /catalog |WGS 150 |b. Proposed units |3 |

|number |WGS 191 | | |

| |WGS 191 H | | |

| |WGS 199 | | |

| |WGS 200 Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies Events Lab | | |

| |WGS 201 Women’s Gender Studies Events Lab | | |

| |WGS 215 | | |

| |WGS 260 | | |

| |WGS 260H | | |

| |WGS 300W | | |

| |WGS 301 | | |

| |WGS 350W | | |

| |WGS 360 | | |

| |WGS 375W | | |

| |WGS 391, Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies | | |

| |WGS 392 Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: | | |

| |WGS 392H Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies Humanities | | |

| |WGS 393 Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: Arts | | |

| |WGS 394 Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: Social Studies | | |

| |WGS 394H Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies: Social Sciences-Honors | | |

| |WGS 399 | | |

| |WGS 408, | | |

| |WGS 465 Directed Readings in Women’s and Gender Studies | | |

| |WGS 485 | | |

| |WGS 491C Women’s and Gender Studies Research | | |

| |WGS 495C Women’s and Gender Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Essay | | |

| |WGS 497 | | |

| |WGS 499 | | |

| 11c. If subject/catalog number change, is there a course fee attached to the current subject/catalog |

|number that needs to be moved?  Yes No X |

|If yes, please attach a Justification Form for Instructional Fees indicating the new course subject/catalog |

|number change. |

| d. Proposed to co-convene with | |

| (Must be approved by UGC prior to bringing to UCC. Both course syllabi must | |Date approved by UGC |      |

|be presented.) | | | |

| e. Proposed to cross-list with |

| (Please submit a single cross-listed syllabus that will be used for all |      |

|cross-listed courses.) | |

| f. Proposed long course title |

| (max 100 characters including spaces) |Same as above |

| g. Proposed short course title |

| (max 30 characters including spaces) |

| h. Proposed catalog course description (max. 30 words, excluding requisites) |Same as above |

|same as current descriptions except for WGS 495. Separate paperwork follows. | |

| i. Proposed grading option: Letter grade X Pass/Fail or Both |

| (If both, the course may only be offered one way for each respective section.) same as currently configured |

| |

| j. May course be repeated for additional units ? yes no |

| j.1. If yes, maximum units allowed? |

| j.2. If yes, may course be repeated for additional units in the same term? (ex.|      | |

|BIO 300, PES 100) | | |

| |

|k. Please check ONE of the following that most appropriately describes the proposed course change(s): |

| |

|Lecture w/0 unit embedded lab |

|Lecture only X |

|Lab only |

|Clinical |

|Research |

| |

| |

| |

|Seminar |

|Field Studies |

|Independent Study |

|Activity |

|Supervision |

| |

| |

| l. Proposed prerequisites (must be completed before) |

| |Same |

| m. Proposed corequisites (must be completed with) |

| |same |

| n. If course has no requisites, will all sections of the course require: (If course has pre or co requisite, skip to question 12) |

| |

|13. Approvals |

| |

|Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate) Date |

|Chair of college curriculum committee Date |

|Dean of college Date |

|For Committee use only |

| |

|For University Curriculum Committee Date |

| |

|Action taken: |

| | |approved as submitted | |approved as modified | |

|Note: Submit original to associate provost’s office. That office will provide copies to college dean, department chair, and Academic Information Office. |

| |

|Only utilize form if proposing course for LIBERAL STUDIES designation. |

| |


| |

|Contact name:       Contact email:       |

|Dept. Chair name:       Dept. Chair email:       |

|College Contact name :       College Contact email:       |

| |

|1. This course is a Single section Multi-section |

|2. List names of faculty who may teach this course:       |

|3. Section enrollment cap:       |

| |

|If this course is being submitted for approval as a new LIBERAL STUDIES course, please complete questions 4-7. |

|OR |

|If this course is being submitted for approval as a new JUNIOR LEVEL WRITING course, please complete questions 10-11. |

|OR |

|If this course is being submitted for approval as a new SENIOR CAPSTONE course, please complete questions 11 - 14. |

| |


|4. Thematic Focus (check all that apply): If a topics course, must apply to ALL sections. |

|Environmental Consciousness Technology and Its Impact Valuing the Diversity of Human Experience |

| |

|5. Distribution Block (check one): If a topics course, must apply to ALL sections. |

|Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry Cultural Understanding Lab Science |

|Science/Applied Science Social and Political Worlds |

| |

|6. Skills (check two): If a topics course, must apply to ALL sections. |

| |

|Creative Thinking Critical Reading Effective Oral Communication Effective Writing Critical Thinking |

|Ethical Reasoning Quantitative/Spatial Analysis Scientific Inquiry Use of Technology |

| |

|7. Is this a topics course? Yes No |

|If YES, please complete questions 34-36. If NO, please go to question 42. |

| |


|8. Identify the Student Learning Outcomes that will be found in ALL topic syllabi offered under this course number.       |

| |

|9. Explain by what method(s) Student Learning Outcomes will be assessed in ALL topic syllabi offered under this course number. |

|      |

| |

|36. Please attach an example of a Topic Syllabus offered under this course number. |

| |

|GO TO question 42 |

NEW JUNIOR LEVEL WRITING COURSE (refer to question 19)

10. To which degree programs offered by your department/academic unit does this proposal apply?      

11. Do you intend to offer ABC 300 and ABC 300W? yes no

If no, please submit a course delete form for the ABC 300.

NEW SENIOR CAPSTONE COURSE (refer to question 19)

12. To which degree programs offered by your department/academic unit does this proposal apply?      

13. Does this proposal replace or modify an existing course or experience? yes no

If yes, which course(s)?      

14. Do you intend to offer ABC 400 and ABC 400C? yes no

If no, please submit a course delete form for the ABC 400.

|CEG - Summer 2007 to Spring 2008 |Advanced Query   |   CEG Home |

39 Matches Found

|Inst. [pic] |Course [pic] |ASU [pic] |NAU [pic] |UA [pic] |

|Year [pic] | | | | |

|Maricopa |WST 105 (3) |Summer I 2007 and beyond: |WST 191 also satisfies: |Elective Credit   |

|2007-08 |Women of Color in America |WST Departmental Elective,|Cultural Understanding | |

| | |Cultural Diversity (C)   |[CU] and Ethnic   | |

|ASU |ASU Poly : |  |WST 200 also satisfies: |  |

|2007-08 |WST 100 (3) | |Social and Political | |

| |WOMEN AND SOCIETY | |Worlds [SPW]   | |

|ASU |WST 100 (3) |  |WST 200 also satisfies: |W S Departmental Elective |

|2007-08 |WOMEN AND SOCIETY | |Social and Political |  |

| | | |Worlds [SPW]   | |

|Mohave |WST 101 (3) |WST 100, Social and |WST 200 also satisfies: |This course is currently |

|2007-08 |INTRODUCTION TO WOMEN`S STUDI |Behavioral Sciences (SB), |Social and Political |under evaluation.   |

| | |Cultural Diversity (C)   |Worlds [SPW]   | |

|ASU |WST 300 (3) |  |WST 200 also satisfies: |W S Departmental Elective |

|2007-08 |WOMEN/CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY | |Social and Political |  |

| | | |Worlds [SPW]   | |

|Maricopa |AJS 128 (3) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Non Transferable   |

|2007-08 |Law and Violence Against Wome |  |  | |

|Yavapai |WST 101L (1) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Elective Credit   |


|Maricopa |WST 195 (3) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Elective Credit   |

|2007-08 |PREP SOC RESEARCH IN WOMEN`S |  |  | |

|Maricopa |WST 261 (3) |ENG Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |AIS Departmental Elective |

|2007-08 |NATIVE WOMEN`S LIT: THE AMERI |  |  |  |

|Maricopa |WST 282AB (2) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Non Transferable   |

|2007-08 |VOL WOMEN`S STUDIES:SER LEARN |  |  | |

|Maricopa |WST 286 (3) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Elective Credit   |

|2007-08 |WOMEN & HEALTH:BODY/MIND/SPIR |  |  | |

|Maricopa |WST 294AB (3) |WSH Departmental Elective,|WST Departmental Elective |ENGL Departmental Elective|

|2007-08 |WOMEN WRITERS:CAN, MID EST, I |[ASU West: WST |  |  |

| | |Departmental Elective]   | | |

|Maricopa |WST 294AD (3) |WSH Departmental Elective,|WST Departmental Elective |ENGL Departmental Elective|

|2007-08 |WOMEN WRITERS:RUS,SCAN,WST CE |[ASU West: WST |  |  |

| | |Departmental Elective]   | | |

|Yavapai |WST 299 (1) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |W S Departmental Elective |


|Maricopa |HUM 209 (3) |WSH Departmental Elective,|WST Departmental Elective |M AR Departmental Elective|

|2007-08 |Women and Films |[ASU West: WST |also satisfies: Aesthetic |  |

| | |Departmental Elective], |and Humanistic Inquiry | |

| | |Humanities and Fine Arts |[AHI]   | |

| | |(HU), Historical Awareness| | |

| | |(H), Cultural Diversity | | |

| | |(C)   | | |

|Maricopa |WST 209 (3) |WSH Departmental Elective,|WST Departmental Elective |M AR Departmental Elective|

|2007-08 |Women and Films |[ASU West: WST |also satisfies: Aesthetic |  |

| | |Departmental Elective], |and Humanistic Inquiry | |

| | |Humanities and Fine Arts |[AHI]   | |

| | |(HU), Historical Awareness| | |

| | |(H), Cultural Diversity | | |

| | |(C)   | | |

|Maricopa |WST 120 (3) |WST Departmental Elective |WST Departmental Elective |Elective Credit   |

|2007-08 |Gender, Class, and Race |  |also satisfies: Cultural | |

| | | |Understanding [CU]   | |

|Yavapai |WST 253 (3) |HST Departmental Elective,|WST Departmental Elective |This course is currently |

|2007-08 |HISTORY OF WOMEN IN THE UNITE |[ASU West: HIS Dept |also satisfies: HIS 295, |under evaluation.   |

| | |Elective], Cultural |Cultural Understanding | |

| | |Diversity (C)   |[CU]   | |

|Yavapai |WST 236 (3) |Elective Credit   |WST Departmental Elective |PSYC Departmental Elective|

|2007-08 |PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN | |also satisfies: Social and|  |

| | | |Political Worlds [SPW]   | |


Only fill in what is changing.

If information is remaining the same, leave the section blank.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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