
Tri County Women’s Centre Presents: A Collaborative Project with NSCC- Social Services A Mental Health and Wellness Guide for Women.Crisis & Mental Health Tips & ResourcesCoping with Covid-19For many of us, Covid-19 is creating an uncertain future. People are worrying about their own health, the health of their loved ones, school, work, and finances. This is an anxious and stressful time for everyone, but it is still important to take time to focus on your mental health and to practice self-care. Taking care of our mental health and well-being can help us be more positive and better cope during this stressful time. TAKE ACTIONBeing proactive can help you take back control and reduce anxiety. Look to trusted organizations and agencies like Nova Scotia Government, Health Canada, and World Health Organization for information about how to reduce your risk of getting sick or passing the illness on to others. For more information, please visit the websites below. Nova Scotia Government: Canada: Health Organization: CARE OF YOURSELF Eat as well As possible. Exercise regularly. Make time for hobbies. Get enough sleep.STAY CONNECTED WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS00 Isolating yourself completely can affect your mood negatively. Try to find ways to connect with the people your care about - You can still reach out by phone, text, or video call.HELP OTHERS IF YOU CAN Ask friends, family members, or neighbours if they need anything, such as groceries or other household needs. Simply checking in with them regularly by phone, text, or video call can make a big difference in their lives.EXPLORE SELF-MANAGEMENT STRATEGIESExplore self-management strategies like mindfulness, yoga, mediation, art, or relaxation techniques to manage anxious thoughts. You can find self-management strategies for anxiety at , and many other places.CUT BACK ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE NEWS Constantly checking for updates or reading sensationalized stories can really take a toll on your mental health. Try to avoid excessive exposure and limit yourself on social media and news stories if they increase your anxiety. If you need to limit conversations, it is okay to set boundaries and tell family members, friends and co-workers that you cannot participate.HAVE A PLANIt’s hard to predict exactly what will happen next but preparing for situations like self-isolation can help reduce some uncertainty about the future. People with pre-existing mental health conditions and /or substance use disorders should continue with treatment as much as possible and be aware of new or worsening symptoms. Mental Health and addictions are still a core component of Nova Scotia’s public health response to Covid-19. The Mental Health provincial crisis line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to anyone experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis or someone concerned about them by calling 1-888-429-8167 (toll free).They Have launched 3 Online tools to help ease your anxiety. A free online Mindfulness challenge that takes just 5 minutes a day. You will learn the basics in mindfulness, a practice that allows a person to focus their attention and be fully present in the moment. A free and private online resource available to Nova Scotians. It includes interactive activities and videos for people currently struggling with their mental health. I CAN (Conquer Anxiety and Nervousness). People looking for help with anxiety and depression can benefit from doing this program. In this program, you will learn to better understand your anxiety. Peer Support Nova Scotia runs an online peer support group for women. Please see details below. How to stay Motivated When You’re Working from HomeGET SHOWERED AND DRESSED FOR WORKWith no co-workers and bosses around, what’s the point of dressing up? Studies suggest that what you wear can impact your daily motivation and productivity. SQUEEZE IN SOME EXERCISEKeep in mind being sedentary isn’t just harmful to your health, it's also detrimental to your discipline and motivation. It’s best to try to use some of your time during the workday to exercise. WORK FROM A DIFFERENT LOCATION ONCE IN A WHILESwitch up your location and get a change of scenery occasionally. Even if it means there will be a slight change in your routine, it can help improve your concentration levels. TURN YOUR DISTRACTIONS INTO REWARDS Instead of getting carried away by these distractions, why not use them as a motivation to finish your work? They can be your micro rewards and they can go a long way to make you feel accomplished. Self-care Practices Self-care practices are important for your physical health as well as your mind and soul and is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. It produces positive feelings, boosts your confidence and self-esteem.Go for a walk: Even if it is only for 15 minutes. Aim for 150 minutes of physical activity every week, but the amount of time you walk each day can vary. What counts is that you’re moving your body.Breathing: Try the technique called diaphragmatic breathing. Lie down on your back and put your hands on your abdominal region. When you breathe in, make your belly rise. And when you breathe out, your belly should fall. Stay in that position and take 10 deep breaths.Yoga: Improve your mental health as is associated with a reduction in anxiety, depression and overall stress levels. Spending time on your mat can benefit your brain, heart, and bones. Yoga is even beneficial for children!Sleep: Getting a good night's rest helps to cultivate mental wellness. Going to bed early means that you’re likely to rise early, and sunlight can be enjoyed for longer. Exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of serotonin. This is a hormone that boosts mood and helps you feel calm.Mindfulness is important for teens as well. It can increase their ability to regulate their emotions as well as feeling compassion. It is also is considered an effective treatment of people with anxiety and ADHD.Yoga for children has so many benefits. It enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. Yoga even improves memory in children and builds self-esteem! Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.10 Health Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation: Get better sleepMake progress toward your weight-loss goalsLower your stress levelsDecrease loneliness in seniorsBanish temporary negative feelingsImprove attentionManage chronic painHelp prevent depression relapseAt Home Activities to do during QuarantineRead a Book:?Before Quarantine, you might not have?had enough time to?catch up on some reading, let alone read a whole book.?Quarantine gives you the perfect chance?to?catch up on some lost reading or to begin an entirely new book, and?with the internet, you can purchase audiobooks, so you can sit back, relax while somebody reads you?an exciting book.?Learn a New Recipe:?While working, you may have only had time to just prepare?simple meals like a sandwich, soup or leftovers from?your last supper.?Learning new recipes helps you explore?your culinary tastes, and makes for much more interesting meals, and once Quarantine is lifted, you can show your recipe to your friends and family.??Discover a new band:?You may already know what type of music you like, you may listen to?a specific band or genre quite often?already, but there?are many?other bands out there?waiting to be found,?who make great music that could appeal to you, they might even become your favorite band in the future.??Learn a new language:?Learning a whole new language can be tough. Languages are complex?and can take a very long time to master, but why not give it a shot??Challenging yourself into doing something as difficult as this?can give you a big sense?accomplishment, as well as open?many doors,?like?as job opportunities.??Go out for a drive or a walk:?Going out for a nice drive or a nice walk is a good way to?relieve?any stress caused by this epidemic.?It clears the mind?and gives?you time to reflect on things.???Video chat with your friend:?You may not be able to get together with your friends?in person, but that?cannot?stop?you from?getting together?online in a video chat.??Catch up on some cleaning:?During quarantine,?you may notice some things that you might not have seen before,?dust on the TV,?stains on the furniture,?Once all the cleaning is done, you can?rest easy knowing all the cleaning is done.??Practicing?Yoga:?Yoga?is?both?good exercise?and a good way to relax.?It helps you relieve stress?and anxiety, helps you?sleep,?and it can increase strength. There are many online?yoga classes you can access?directly from your phone.???Catch up on some TV:?One day while you were bored, you?might have started?watching a show but because of your work schedule, you might not have had time to?watch an episode or two.?You can?catch up on that show you like or start a new show entirely.?Practice Self-Care: Even during quarantine,?it's?important not to burn yourself out, whether you’re working online or offline.?Warm baths,?Meditation,?short naps,?soak in the sun, do what makes you feel relaxed?so you can relieve the stress this pandemic has been causing.??Domestic Violence and AbuseCOVID-19 AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. WHAT THE HEALTH SECTOR CAN DOViolence against women remains a major threat to global public health and women’s health during emergencies. Violence against women is highly prevalent. Intimate partner violence is the most common form of violence. Globally 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical and or/ sexual violence by any perpetrator in their lifetime. Most of this is intimate partner violence.Violence against women tends to increase during every type of emergency, including epidemics. Older women and women with disabilities are likely to have additional risks and needs. Women who are displaced, refugees, and living in conflict-affected areas are particularly vulnerable.Although data are scare, reports from china, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries suggest an increase in domestic violence cases since the Covid-19 outbreak. The health impacts of violence, particularly intimate partner/ domestic violence, on women and their children, are significant. Violence against women can result in injuries and serios physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health problems, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and unplanned pregnancies.HOW COVID-19 CAN EXACERBATE RISKS OF VIOLENCE FOR WOMENThe lowlihood that women in an abusive relationship and their children will be exposed to violence is dramatically increased, as family members spend more time in close contact and families cope with additional stress and potential economic or job loss. Women may have less contact with family and friends who may provide them with support and protection against violence. Women bear the brunt of increased care work during the epidemic. School closure further exacerbate this burden and place more stress on them.The disruption of livelihoods and ability to earn a living including for women (many of whom are informal wage workers), will decrease access to basic needs and services, increasing stress on families, with the potential to exacerbate conflicts and violence. As resources become scarce, women may be at greater risk for experiencing economic abuse, Perpetrators of abuse may use restrictions due to Covid-19 to exercise power and control over their partners to reduce access to services, help, and psychological support from both formal and informal networks.Perpetrators may also restrict access to necessary items such as soap and hand sanitizer.Perpetrators may exert control by spreading misinformation about the disease and stigmatize partners. Access to vital sexual and reproductive health services, including women subjected to violence, will likely become limited. Other services such as hotlines, crisis centres, shelters, legal aid, and protection services may also be scaled back, further reducing access to the few sources of help that women in abusive relationships might have.CHECKLIST OF WHAT TO TAKE WHEN LEAVING AN ABUSIVE SITUATION Identification for yourself and children: birth certificates, SIN cards, passports, immigration papers, driver licence. Valuables & keepsakes: important jewelry, small family heirlooms, pictures, small toys, books, and comfort items for children.Important personal papers: marriage certificate, custody orders, restraining orders, work permits, records of police reports, or other evidence of abuse.Medication: one month’s supply of medication for you and children, and a copy of all medication prescriptions.Keys: house and car keys, safety deposit box or post box key.Funds: cash, debit card, credit card, cheques.Financial documents: housing documents (mortgage statement or rental agreement), account numbers, investment papers, tax returns, (past two years), car registration and insurance information. Phone numbers: important numbers and addresses of family, close friends, lawyer, local shelters, and helplines. Health insurance cards and medical records.Many records are online. If you do not have the ability and access, try to store any family heirlooms in a safety deposit box or another safe space before you leave. If you are experiencing domestic abuse or violence, there is help. Please contact the Juniper House 24 Hour Crisis Line at 1 (800) 266-4087 or (902) 742-8689. For more information please visit Helpful Apps for Mental Health and Wellness With technology being such a prominent part of our society today, many people are always carrying their smartphone. These are just a few suggestions of health and wellness apps that you can access on your smartphone and may find helpful to implement into your day, but there are many more apps available on all platforms that are worth trying and may be a better fit for you!1071880412404Daylio Journal: A daily journal where you are able to track your mood and daily activities using icons and notes. This app is easy to use and has the format of a calendar which makes it easier to track your progress and habits.00Daylio Journal: A daily journal where you are able to track your mood and daily activities using icons and notes. This app is easy to use and has the format of a calendar which makes it easier to track your progress and habits.1071245505807I Am: Positive affirmations can help empower us, build self-esteem and change negative thought patterns. “I Am” allows you to choose and set daily intentions that are delivered throughout the day00I Am: Positive affirmations can help empower us, build self-esteem and change negative thought patterns. “I Am” allows you to choose and set daily intentions that are delivered throughout the day1071880498129Sleep Cycle: Sleep Cycle allows you to track your sleeping patterns to better understand how you sleep. This app also has an alarm feature which wakes you up gently while you’re in a light sleep.0Sleep Cycle: Sleep Cycle allows you to track your sleeping patterns to better understand how you sleep. This app also has an alarm feature which wakes you up gently while you’re in a light sleep.1071880498475What’s Up: “What’s Up?” is an app that utilizes methods from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy to help people cope with Anxiety, Depression, Stress & Anger.0What’s Up: “What’s Up?” is an app that utilizes methods from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy to help people cope with Anxiety, Depression, Stress & Anger.1071880-96404Stoic.: This app acts as a mental health tracker for mood tracking, journaling, meditations, and reflection. It also prepares small mental exercises each day that may help with boosting your mood and coping with stress.0Stoic.: This app acts as a mental health tracker for mood tracking, journaling, meditations, and reflection. It also prepares small mental exercises each day that may help with boosting your mood and coping with stress.1071880187729Drink Water Reminder N Tracker: Drinking water is essential in life and vital to our health, but it is also something that can be hard to remember to do. This app will use information you provide to calculate the approximate amount of water you should be drinking each day and will send you reminders throughout the day to drink water.00Drink Water Reminder N Tracker: Drinking water is essential in life and vital to our health, but it is also something that can be hard to remember to do. This app will use information you provide to calculate the approximate amount of water you should be drinking each day and will send you reminders throughout the day to drink water.107188015240Habit: Habit can help you create and maintain good habits to aid you in achieving goals, it also has graphs and statistics to show you how your habits have improved overtime.Habit: Habit can help you create and maintain good habits to aid you in achieving goals, it also has graphs and statistics to show you how your habits have improved overtime.1071880502285Simple Habit: This app offers guided mindfulness and meditation, daily motivation, and guided sleep sessions to help you relax and improve focus.Simple Habit: This app offers guided mindfulness and meditation, daily motivation, and guided sleep sessions to help you relax and improve focus.1071245506268Relax Melodies: Relax Melodies provides endless sounds and music as well as guided meditation to help you relax and sleep. This app also has a feature where you can make and mix your own relaxing sounds.Relax Melodies: Relax Melodies provides endless sounds and music as well as guided meditation to help you relax and sleep. This app also has a feature where you can make and mix your own relaxing sounds.* Most apps available on iTunes and Google Play*Other Women Centres in Nova ScotiaWomen’s Connect is the provincial association for women centres in Nova Scotia. They provide a strong and united voice for women’s centres across the province. They work closely with community agencies and government to support women in our communities. From support counselling to advocating for gender quality, they are here to help. The nine women’s centres work together to support women in communities across the province. Staff provide one-to-one, confidential support counselling and systems navigation support, as well as a variety other services and supports. Women can reach out to receive services or simply to make a kind and supportive connection. During the time of social distancing, their services are available remotely by, email, texting and video chat.You can find more information on their website at womenconnect.ca to find our more about their services and to connect with a women’s centre in your area.Anitigonish Womens Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Service Association204 Kirk Place, 219 Main St.Antigonish NS B2G 2C1Tel: (902) 863-6221Website: Email: info@awrcsasa.ca Every Women’s Centre21 Trinity Ave.Sydney NS B1P 4Z4Tel: (902) 567-1212Email: womenscenre@ns.sympatico.ca LEA Place Women’s Resource Centre222709 Hwy#7, P.O. Box 245Sheet Harbour NS B0J 3B0Tel: (902) 885-2668Website: Email: leaplace@ns.sympatico.ca Pictou County Women’s Resource & Sexual Assault Centre503 South Frederick St.New Glasgow NS B2H 3P3Tel: (902) 921-4647Website: womenscentre.ca Email: pcwc@womenscentre.ca Second Story Women’s Centre18 Dufferin St.P.O. Box 821Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0Tel: (902) 640-3044Website: secondstory.caEmail: info@secondstory.caThe Lotus Centre: A Resource for Women67 Dominion St.Truro NS B2N 3P2Tel: (902) 895-4295Website: Email: admin@ The Women’s Place Resource Centre228 St. George St.Annapolis Royal NS B0S1A0Tel: (902) 532-1898Website: : edwpec@eastlink.ca ................

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