
 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS — HRM SECONDARY ACADEMY?What are your office hours?Our normal office hours are 8:00 am – 3:00 pm on Monday through Wednesday.What is the objective of this ministry? We purpose to assist homeschooling families in the Godly education of their students through affordable classes. Our goal is for each student to reach his or her God-given potential while emphasizing Christian values. We strive to help develop academic and spiritual disciplines in your students that will benefit them for life. Academic standards are set high in order to prepare students for college and success wherever God leads them.What is the philosophy of the ministry? Our classes are an extension of your homeschool. Home Run Ministries is a partner with your family in the education of your students. Parent participation in the monitoring of the student’s studies is vitally important to the success of the student and the program. Do I have to sign my child up for all four academic class periods??Parents may register their students for any number of classes they wish. Tuition payments are calculated per class. Also, as we have a college-type schedule (3 hr per week plus homework), it is suggested that you consider carefully the load your student will be able to carry. It is generally suggested that 6th grade students may only be able to handle 1-2 classes with students being able to add more to the schedule in subsequent years. More driven or experienced students may be able to handle more.Do you have a list of classes you generally offer?Fundamentals of Eng.Intermediate English 1&2HS English 1&2HS English 3&4Spanish 1Spanish 2Latin Beginning MathBasic Math Pre-AlgebraAlgebra 1Geometry Algebra 2Pre-CalHealth & PEGeneral ScienceMS Intermediate SciencePhysical Science BiologyPhysicsChemistryAnatomy & Physiology Middle Sch. World HistGeographyWorld HistoryU.S. HistoryGovernmentEconomicsVarious Electives?Do I have to pay tuition on a monthly payment plan?Parents have two choices of tuition payments.??Parents may pay tuition either in seven monthly payments or one annual payment of tuition prior to the beginning of the school year at a considerable savings off the monthly tuition price.??When parents register their students, they indicate which payment plan they have chosen.?The non-refundable registration fee and any placement tests as well as the writing workshop for new English students are paid at the time of registration—before July 31. The book fee and science lab fees are also paid by July 31, and the tuition is paid by whichever of the two payment plans the family chooses.?What are the steps to enrolling a new student?After joining the website on the HRM Secondary Academy registration page there will be step by step information for new student registration. ?Where do the classes meet?All academic classes meet in the Kingwood, Texas, area.?Does my child have to be enrolled in HRM Secondary Academy to take the Stanford Achievement Test in May?Registering for the Stanford Achievement Test in May is optional for both HRM Secondary Academy students and other homeschooling students who do not attend HRM programs. There is a charge in either case. Annual registration takes place by March 15th. You must join the website to register.?Are you a testing site for the Scholastic Aptitude Test?No, Home Run Ministries does not operate a testing site for the Scholastic Aptitude Test, also abbreviated SAT, or the PSAT, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.???What are the dates of the holidays HRM Secondary Academy will observe so that we can plan our vacation trips? What about inclement weather?HRM Secondary Academy will observe the same major holidays as the Humble Independent School District. Students and teachers will have the entire week of Thanksgiving, approximately three weeks at Christmas, and one week of spring break as well as Easter Monday.??Once you join the website, the entire schedule is on the website. HRM also generally follows most Humble ISD closings and delayed openings, but families should join the Remind app for each program for notifications.?Which English class should my student take each year?Before beginning English at the Secondary Academy, students take a placement assessment to determine their starting point. Then students spend at least one year in each level of English classes; however, most students will complete 2 years at each level. Classes at each level can be taken in either order. The sequence of English classes is as follows: (1) Fundamentals of English(2) Intermediate English 1&2(3) HS English 1&2(4) HS English 3&4Each level covers different literature and other materials in the two-year rotation; therefore, a student who takes a level for the second year will have an opportunity to mature in vocabulary development and to master skills in reading comprehension, grammar, and writing. The class descriptions offer suggested grade levels for each course.?Who prepares the student’s high school transcript?Parents prepare the high school transcript using the report cards provided by HRM Secondary Academy and any documentation of courses taken at home or elsewhere.??Do you have school dances, clubs, sports, etc.??Home Run Ministries assists homeschooling families with the academic needs of their students.??Parents make the arrangements for all instruction, hobbies, sports, and other activities. There is a local “Dance Committee” that provides opportunities for student formals that advertises through HRM. You can join the Home Run Ministries FB page or a local support group for more information about social activities. ?When should I register for the next school year?The HRM Secondary Academy registration period begins in early April and ends July 31 for the following school year.??Since there is a discount for early registration, most families prefer to register before May 31 in order to benefit from the early registration discount and to be sure students get into the courses they need.??The non-refundable registration fee is due upon receipt of the emailed invoice. Many courses fill up before the end of the early registration period.?What do the students do when they don’t have a class?During class periods when students do not take classes, they must either be picked up by one of their parents or be enrolled and present in a study hall, for which there is a charge.?Do you serve lunch?Students bring their lunches if they need or want to have lunch on campus between their second and third period classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.??Even though there is no lunch preparation service, students may use a refrigerator in the kitchen to store their lunches and may microwave them if they want a hot meal.??Student drivers, with written parental permission, may go off campus for lunch. A parent group sometimes offers carryout meals as a fundraiser. Participation is optional. ?Do you offer scholarships?There are limited, partial scholarship funds available for tuition, only on the basis of financial need. Those wishing to apply for a partial scholarship must submit an application before June 1 for the upcoming school year. Applications may be obtained by emailing AnneTrapani@ . Can a student participate in both the HRM Secondary Academy and Super Friday?Yes, a student may register for both HRM Secondary Academy and Super Friday classes.??Choices of Super Friday classes and times are listed on the website, and registration for Super Friday classes is handled by Dawn Pruyn, Super Friday Dean. (dawnpruyn@?)?Does the HRM Secondary Academy teach Christian doctrine?Home Run Ministries is a Christian organization, and the Statement of Faith as well as the Statement of Purpose is available on the website.??When a question about a disputable doctrine arises, we refer the student to his family’s and church’s interpretation for further clarification.??We attempt primarily to focus on Christian beliefs we hold in common.?May I visit one or more classes?You are welcome to visit classes if you have called or emailed to schedule an appointment. Please call the office at 281-533-3599 or email karengriswold@. ?When do you do the interviewing and placements?Placements are scheduled at the mutual convenience of the tester and the family after the family has submitted all the requested registration components and has participated in the interview (Some placements will be held before New Student Family Interviews, for the convenience of the parents).??Interviews are scheduled from late May through July at the mutual convenience of the interviewers and the family. Both interviews and placements will be completed as soon as possible so that schedule changes can be made if necessary and materials purchased for classes. Placements may be waived, based on the recommendation of the teacher, for students who have just completed the 5th grade year of math and/or English with the HRM Elementary Academy.?Does my new student have to attend the HRM Writing Boot Camp in August?If your child is a new English student at HRM Secondary Academy, he or she is required to attend the HRM Writing Boot Camp in August the week before school begins.??Please plan your vacation schedules accordingly. An exception may be made, based on teacher recommendations, for students attending the 5th grade year English classes of HRM Elementary Academy.Are HRM Secondary Academy classes accredited through the state of Texas?No, we offer complete instruction classes with report cards, but as we do not offer a complete program for graduation, we are not accredited. Other educational institutions may or may not accept course work completed at HRM Secondary Academy based on the student’s knowledge of the subject.?Do you offer bus service for student transportation?No, we don’t offer bus service, but we can refer families to other families living in the same vicinity for carpooling purposes.?Do you accept special education students?Most of the HRM Secondary Academy teachers are not trained in special education techniques.??The faculty and administration are happy to include special education students if a student can succeed in our middle and high school level classes with only minor modifications.?Revised 3/10/21 ................

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