

Planning a Presentation using PowerPoint

Your PowerPoint Slide: Your Presentation

What the audience sees. What you say to the audience.




Slide #1 Title Page

• Introduce your topic. Be clear and creative.

Capture the attention of the audience!

• Introduce yourself. Be happy and excited to speak to us all. Look at everyone in the audience.

• Explain why you are here talking to us about your human rights topic.

Affordable Housing: A Human Right for all

[pic]By: Student Name

For: Ms. Teacher Course Code

Nov. 18, 2012

Slide #2 WHAT is the Issue?

• Explain what happened

• Use bullet points (point form – no sentences) and include only the most important points on the slide.

• Make sure the information is relevant, interesting, and correct! Define difficult vocab words.

• Discrimination & affordable housing

• Recent University Of British Columbia Study

• Immigrants and others face many barriers

Slide #3: When and Where did this happen?

• Briefly explain when and where this


• Make sure the information is relevant, interesting, and correct.

Slide #4: Who is involved?

• Who are the main people in the reading?

• Is a group or organization involved?

• Who can help?


Freedom from: -discrimination

Housing (22)

Slide #6 WHY is this important?

• Show us an image that relates to your newspaper article

• Keep the class interested as you continue to explain your news story.

• Remember to explain the most important points only, not the smaller details.


• Source and caption

• Discrimination affordable


• Recent Ont. Human Rights Commission Study

• Single moms, aboriginal moms, transgendered

• Sexual harassment

Slide #5 HOW does this relate

to Declaration & Charter?

Explain how this relates to Human Rights.

Explain why these rights are important.

• Well paying jobs a solution?


Brown, Jennifer. “Some Landlords are Still Discriminating.”

Toronto Star. 30 Aug. 2008: CL07.

Saleh Ambah, Faiza. “Saudi Women Lobby to Drive.” Toronto Star. 29 Sept 2008: 22.

Slide #8 Bibliography or Works Cited

• List all of the sources that you got information from, as well as all of the places you got pictures and images (books, websites, encyclopaedias, etc.)

• The Bibliography can be in small font so that all of the sources fit on one or two slides.

• Thank your audience

Slide #7 Solutions and conclusion

• What are some possible solutions?

If you were a humanitarian, what would you do? What recommendations can you make?

• Thank the class for listening, and ask if there are any questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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