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?MOVING TO HIGHER OPPORTUNITY: EXPLORINGOPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR HOUSING MOBILITYMontgomery County Community CollegeJanuary 9, 2014Presentation by Mary E. BellManager, Demographic & Economic Analysis Delaware Valley Regional Planning CommissionDVRPC and HousingMetropolitan planning organization for the Greater Philadelphia region (two states, nine counties, 353 municipalities)DVRPC builds consensus on improving transportation, promoting smart growth, protecting the environment, and enhancing the economy, shaping the way we live, work, and play.Previous housing work includes studies on affordable homeownership, rental housing, homelessness, and public/assisted housing.Primary interest is the relative location of housing, jobs, and services and the resulting impact on the regional transportation network – people need to be able to access jobs and services.The Mismatch Between Housing and Jobs: A 2011 Updateand Discussion on Achieving BalanceAssessed the region’s housing stock and socio-economiccharacteristics:HousingSocio-economicsLocationIncomeOccupancyPovertyTenureRaceCostEthnicityAffordabilityHousehold typePublic and assisted housingIndicators of potential disadvantageForeclosure riskTax base per capitaCompared housing location and cost to employment locations andtransportation access.Recommended potential alternatives for addressing the mismatchbetween affordable housing, jobs, and services.Source: 2007-2011 American Community SurveyFigure 3:$489 to $750 $750 to $1,000 $1,000 to $1,250$1,250 to $1,500Greater than $1,500"Median rent including utilities0 5 10 20Milesd DELAWARE VALLEY0 vrpcREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSIONSeptember 2013Source: US Census Bureau 2007-2011 American Community Survey Five-Year EstimatesMedian Rent of Renter-Occupied Housing*Figure 4:Percentage of Households Paying 35% or More of Their Income for HousingCommunities with the Greatest Number of Units with MonthlyRental Costs (including utilities) less than $1,249Municipality/ CountyUnitsMunicipality/ CountyUnitsPhiladelphia City/ Philadelphia210,172Bristol Township/ Bucks3,916Camden City/ Camden12,162Pottstown Borough/ Montgomery3,648Trenton City/ Mercer11,928Cheltenham Township/ Montgomery3,364Upper Darby Borough/ Delaware10,165Maple Shade Township/ Burlington2,978Bensalem Township/ Bucks6,764Abington Township/ Montgomery2,866Chester City/ Delaware6,170Upper Moreland/ Montgomery2,858Hamilton Township/ Mercer6,081West Chester Borough/ Chester2,810Norristown Borough/ Montgomery5,688Cherry Hill Township/ Camden2,806Lindenwold Borough/ Camden4,035Falls Township/ Bucks2,677Gloucester Township/ Camden3,969Voorhees Township/ Camden2,663Source: 2007-2011 American Community SurveyEnvironmental Justice at DVRPCEnvironmental justice: the fair treatment and meaningful involvementof all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income withrespect to the development, implementation, and enforcement ofenvironmental laws, regulations, and policies.DVRPC is charged with evaluating plans and programs forenvironmental justice (EJ) sensitivity, including:examining the allocation of benefits and burdens (both current andfuture);ensuring that minority and low-income communities are treatedequitably in the provision of transportation services and projects;and,providing ample opportunity for full participation for minority andlow-income communities to advise the MPO during its planning anddecision-making process.Environmental Justice at DVRPCUsing Census data, DVRC maps the locations of potentiallydisadvantaged populations, including:non-Hispanic minorities;Hispanics;Households with limited English proficiency (LEP);persons with a physical disability;elderly over 75 years of age;carless households;female heads of household with child; andhouseholds living in poverty.151638076835038798526428704051302002790County BoundaryPercent of Households by Tract (2010)0 - 5.85%5.86 - 11.71%Percent of CountyBucks (PA) 5.22%Burlington (NJ) 5.46%Montgomery (PA) 5.89%Chester (PA) 5.91%Gloucester (NJ) 7.75%Delaware (PA) 9.06%Mercer (NJ) 9.83%Camden (NJ) ttt11.04%Regional Threshold 11.72%

Philadelphia (PA)14MiEesRegional Threshold: 11.72%11.72 - 17.57%le17.58 - 23.43%23.44 - 100%23.37% Sources: U.S. Census. DVRPC.0 vrpd DELAWARE VALLEYcREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSIONMontgomery, .''' 41111,t0 4 Ail 0 E' Ip-41,A.4111111 11,4 "P?lie "I-- We#40`1141100 . -irmiraz aip.,-,4,w...—..41,.. ektap?e:mags.A Ivens,- oil kikA, Delawar ?I,X?? --;" Illrz7M?916_ 44( vpot, rif''? ??..?ST}CamdenPANJGloucesterConcentrations of Households in Poverty39687575882569437253840480dDELAWARE VALLEY0 vrpcREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSIONor yBurlingtonCDCounty BoundaryPercent of Households by Tract (2010)0 - 4.49%4.50 - 8.99%4'9.00 - 13.49%4'13.50- 17.99%Jr18.00- 100%Percent of CountyChester (PA) Bucks (PA) Montgomery (PA) Burlington (NJ) Gloucester (NJ)Delaware (PA) fi Regional ThresholdMercer (NJ) fi Camden (NJ) fi Ph ladelpha (PA)4.86%5.18%5.80%7.03%7.84%8.69%9.0%9.11%10.51%MI 13.91%40. 0 1I MilesT 14Sources: U.S. Census, DVRPC.Regional Threshold: 9.0%Female Head of Household with Child Population ConcentrationsNon-Hispanic Minority Population Concentrations147Miles51.10%Sources. U.S. Census, DVRPC.dDELAWARE VALLEYOVrpeREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSION1/401104Burlingtonik?Gloucester0 County BoundaryPercent of Population by Tract (2010)0 - 13.61%13.62 - 27.22%27.23 - 40.83% le 40.84 - 54.44%54.45 - 100%Percent of CountyBucks (PA) 8.48%Chester (PA) 11.07%

Gloucester (NJ) Montgomery (PA) Burlington (NJ) Delaware (PA) Camden (NJ) Regional Threshold Mercer (NJ) Philadelphia (PA)Regional Threshold: 27.23%13.79%15.97%22.39%24.92%25.18%27.23%29.81%3879851173480427355033559753445510430403019354807683508077201356360\ortarDelawareJLP. Otte I ph i a14474rair-7Peat Atit#A4wMontgomerydDELAWARE VALLEYOVrpeREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSIONChester*IVPercent of CountyGloucester (NJ} 1.37%Bucks (PA) 1.63%Delaware (PA) r 1.74%Burlington (NJ) 2.03%Montgomery (PA) ! 2.16%Chester (PA) : 2.44%Regional Threshold 3.24%Camden (NJ) 1 4.33%Philadelphia (PA) 5.04%Mercer (NJ) i. 5.79%0 County BoundaryPercent of Population* by Tract (2010)- 1.61%1.62 - 3.23%Regional Threshold: 3.24%3.24 - 4.85%4' 4.86 - 6.47%4' 6.48 - 100% Five Years and Older° 14" Jes ISources: U.S. Census, DVRPC.Limited English Proficiency Population ConcentrationsIndicators of Potential Disadvantage (2010)dDELAWARE VALLEY0 vrpcREGIONALPLANNING COMMISSION,ChesterOr,County BoundaryIndicators ofPotential Disadvantage by Tract (2010)0 (288) "1 or 2 (573) * 3 or 4 (277)* 5 or 6 (235) * 1411 7 (6)*(###) indicated number of census tracts2010 POPULATION GROUPS AND REGIONAL THRESHOLDS:NON-HISPANIC MINORITY (27,23%)CARLESS HOUSEHOLDS (14.42%)HOUSEHOLDS IN POVERTY (11.72%)FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD WITH CHILD (9%)ELDERLY OVER 75 YEARS (6.66%)HISPANIC (7.77%)LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY (3.24%)Montgomery7140MiesSources: U.S. Census. DVRPC.Equalized Tax Valuation per Capita, 2009Figure 9< $65,000$65,001 - $110,000 $110,001 - $175,000 $175,001 - $225,000 $225,001 - $1,595,6690 County Boundary National Highway SystemRouteni Municipality Boundary -i— Rail TransitSoptces. .01/RPC, U.S. Census Bureau0 3MilesSummaryThe region’s ‘affordable housing’ stock, including its affordablerental units, is concentrated primarily in cities, boroughs and oldersuburbs.The region’s most disadvantaged residents are likewiseconcentrated in cities, boroughs, and older suburbs.‘Affordable’ housing in the region’s cities and first suburbs is oftenoccupied by low-income residents paying 35 percent or more oftheir income toward their housing.Cities, boroughs, and older suburbs have lower tax bases percapita, impairing their ability to fund necessary services, includingeducation.RecommendationsContinue to make the provision of affordable, accessible housingin sustainable communities a national and regional priority.Promote a better regional balance between affordable housingopportunities and jobs.Target transportation and infrastructure funding to existingdeveloped areas with access to jobs and services.Preserve the region’s existing affordable housing stock andencourage the production of additional affordable housingopportunities in appropriate locations.Investigate revisions to the current property tax structure and theway services (especially public education) are funded.THANK YOU!Questions? Contact Mary E. Bell, mbell@ ................

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